Too Many Houseplants: It's Time to Edit!

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[Music] welcome back welcome back everybody my name is Amanda from plant Rina and you might know that this space is my garage I cleared a bunch of stuff out actually cleared everything out I took it over from my family to their dismay and I did stuff to it I put stucco like this feather finish on the walls I started putting wood bases around the concrete base I just started making it into like a clubhouse for me really what it's for is for YouTube videos when I make them it's for IG TVs and it actually turned into like an office space a place where I'd come and I work on the website and I get a lot done and it also helps me to get up from my chair and take care of plants because you can't sit sitting is like the new smoking it's really bad and I can feel it in my rear end it's not good so you got to get up and move around so that's why I'm in this space a lot because I work here but often times it gets inundated with the plants and especially when I'm doing projects they start accumulating and propagations and then all of a sudden I have too many plants and it takes a lot of time to go through all of these plants and then I have the plants inside anyway I just need to occasionally call some out and I'm gonna do some of that today while I walk you guys through I love when you guys join me on these kind of plant care videos because I just feel like maybe you helped me justify doing certain things and I can verbally explain it the other thing I do want to say is I'm not crazy and I get a lot of those in the comments she's crazy I don't think I'm crazy I think I just really love plants and I just talk a lot to you guys and um I don't think that makes me crazy but anyway she wanted to clarify that I'm functional I have a family crazy I just like to have fun that's all so that's that's out in the open as they come and like put me in a in a straitjacket but anyway so let's just start moving around and seeing what's going on I did kind of rearrange this face I try to open it up a little bit and kind of winterize it not winterize it but make it so I could function in here and the plants were getting a little bit more light and that's what I did so let's just let's just get moving let's start looking at some plants we're just gonna start right here because I have this dumb cane it's a dumb cane you see it you've seen it in a bunch of videos but this I'll tell ya this oh hey this is tough for you to see because this guy was kind of small and I got it and then I was not really like loving it because the color for me was clashing with all these other colors I don't know I just wasn't loving it so I put it outside for the summer and I started doing better although there is like a little bit of a this guy's gonna rip that off put that in the compost pile um but I don't have the heart to to get rid of it so but it's one of the first plants I walk up to and I think I need to get rid of plants cuz it's big and it's taking up space and it's not it's not loving it so much so I think I'm gonna keep it oh I have a feeling I'm not gonna get rid of any plants during my plant culling video but I will I will but this one will stay because I just think I need to find a proper pot for it and maybe I'll put it back upstairs but like sitting here the plants like it in here so that's why it's it's gonna be difficult I want to just put this down Oh without breaking my back or a plant there you go so then you know I often talk about this coup Sonya because it has problems and I've been losing more leaves and you know I don't know wants to do with it I'm gonna put it back outside I'm gonna hope it sticks around for the summer because it really wants to be outside but it's having a hard time it's having a hard time so it's kind of on the table the table like of what do I do with you and eventually you know it will go back outside if it makes it if it doesn't make it in the compost pile with all the other non makers so that's that let me bring you look at this thing see this it's like a rolling it's a rolling cart I like this rolling cart and my husband actually got it from a client's house they were gonna throw it out so I said to him like if anybody throws anything out take it to me first cuz I will definitely look at it I don't want you to chuck anything out I want it so um you know I've got I don't know why I have this I had this parlor palm that you know I have a few inside the house and they're really really good for decorating and um my problem right now is I don't have enough pots so I have a lot of plants that are just in nursery pots so I keep them in here because I need more pots so I'm gonna keep this guy and there are a few ones here that I don't know about so that's what I really wanted to ask you guys your opinion um this is a monstera branded teen i'll put it here and it is never done well for me it really hasn't and I just don't I don't know how much more patience I have for this because this doesn't look good to me this looks like you're struggling the leaves are super small the new leaves and I don't know what to do about this yeah you're an a I don't know so this is on the table on the table of maybe you're gonna make it maybe not I don't know and I've tried to propagate it and I don't think it propagates well for me so maybe I'll do it again maybe I'll just cut off at the node stick it in a different container try to make a fuller plant out of this that's what I'll do I will do that absolutely God like what do I have in here oh yeah here's one that I think is gonna go and this is called a philodendron Rio does nothing for me it does this has done nothing for two years zero it's grown a little bit I'm not impressed with is that a brown no it's just the lighting so this starts out a little bit like maroon and then it will eventually get I mean it's beautiful beautiful variation it's just not a good grower so I'm having a very difficult time with it and I'm kind of over it there's an many other philodendron and pothos that do so much better than this for me maybe you have better luck with it but it's going on the get rid of someone's gonna get this I'm just not gonna throw it out I'm going to give it to somebody so don't stress out that I'm like throwing plants out because I don't like them I'm just going to hand them off so that's it I think in the last video I showed you this Pylea pepper Morty's that wasn't really doing well when I had it under the grow light but now since I've moved it it's perked up its perked up I mean this side is kind of bare which is fine but you see there is a lot of new growth and then there's a lot of pups so I'm gonna keep this I want to keep this guy because it's a survivor and I don't really think it's fair to get rid of plants that are trying so you're staying you're staying but okay so so far I've managed to get rid of 0 plants right 0 no that's not true the Rio the Rio is going you're saying this is my big problem this is a big problem someone who like loves to propagate ends up with a bunch of propagated plants and then they start taking over your house so this zigzag cactus I propagated a while ago is that great but it's it's well rooted um and it is growing you see this new growth but I'm think I'm done I think I'm done I have a giant beautiful one upstairs so what do I really need this so you're going to a different home if somebody wants you then they're gonna have to clean you I need a truck to like to to deliver these plants I have a truck this is like the big bummer this is the big bummer is that this beautiful wandering jew i just the whole thing up it's so light dries out it's drying out like crazy I had it hanging up and then I oh my scarf hold on oh so I'm trying to revive it and I think I'm doing an okay job but I have to water it like every three days so I don't know what's going on it's I guess super dry in here now because it's winter and I have that heater I'll show you guys the heater but the heater is cranking I have it off now so it's not so loud in here with the heater on but this why don't you I would really want to save it cuz it's been doing so incredibly well and would be such a shame but I mean what I can do and I probably should do is propagate the heck out of it in case I lose it I don't think I will I think you know because it's not hanging up anymore I have like faster access to watering it because sometimes I don't neglect watering the ones out there cuz that's a pain it's a pain to get the ladder out and you know the older I get I don't want to fall from a ladder I really don't and you guys have been like very sweet and saying you need to be careful you need to hold on you know you need to get a ladder that has a handrail I know what you're saying you're saying I'm too old to be on the ladder again this is funny so when my stepsister came over one day this is a years ago and I was into rollerblading and she said oh wow that's so cute like wait a minute what does that mean okay anyway so I had taken these cuttings from this monstera at a semi yeah I don't know eyes I hate saying Y it's like II I EA o remember o McDonald so this is route whew good those routes this is some healthy roots umm yeah so this guy's doing pretty well I'm gonna leave it in in this vaz because I think it looks kind of pretty but that's my point is you gotta cut your plants to make more plants if you want more plants because I'm just sayin I'm the one thing but yeah these roots are good so I'm gonna let this go and even root out more and maybe just leave it in the boss I haven't decided yet this what is this this is crazy maybe people are right I don't know okay here's another thing I want to clarify is that because this place is a garage I don't really care if it's dirty ish like if there's dirt in the floor because it's the garage so you know some and some stuff I get some comments saying like wow there's spiders in there it's a garage spiders like the garage and spiders eat eat bugs bad bugs some of them do so so I've got a this might even be a silvery an I think I think this is a silvery and skinned abscess and we've got another monster out of Sony I and then you've got I think I don't know that that's a monster edisonian it doesn't have any that no I'm sorry wrong that's a Cebu blue at the premanande so I did another kind of mixture of different types of vines in one pot it's not doing so great so maybe I will just combine all the ones that aren't doing great into one giant pot like okay here we've got like this like this here's more skin to abscess this is this I think this is silver satin and a lot of people have been sending me mess just saying you know I do really well propagating pothos but when it comes to two skinned abscess they have a bit of a problem like they experienced problems and I do too but the things you need to kind of not completely overwater it you want to keep it slightly moist and then your have patience because it takes a while and you if you can see they're just gonna take some time for these roots to grow and establish and once they do establish they'll start pushing out foliage it just takes time especially in a pot this size I mean I have four cuttings in here that's not a lot of cuttings so it's gonna take a little bit of time for this guy to actually fill out that's why I like to start with 20 cuttings in a pot if possible because then it's goes faster and you're less frustrated I'm keeping this because it's doing something I get to spend time with you guys doing this because nobody around here wants to talk about plants with me they've kind of run the other way and I was actually gonna see if somebody wanted to come be in my video but I know in my media family so except my younger sister and she'll be here next week maybe I'll do a video with her she better say yes okay so I stuck these in water same same plant monster at a Sony eye and it's growing roots not every single cutting is growing roots but they will give it to him and guess what I got to change the water cuz I haven't I think since I stuck them in here which is like a month ago don't put that on the table okay I'm gonna show you this hold on and I don't think I've ever showed this to you before because it was on top of the refrigerator the beer fridge as we call it in this house and sometimes they'll leftover fridge and the leftovers never get taken out of the fridge so it becomes like petri dish but anyway so this is a manila and I've had it for a few years at least and I when I first got it it was it was blooming and then it for ride if must have put it in the Sun - mono fried and so anyway I cut it back and I thought that's it it's over right so I cut it back and I stuck it on top of the refrigerator last winter and look what happened it grew and then I put it outside this summer in the West on my west porch and it grew and it still hasn't flowered I don't really care about the flower so much I mean they're really beautiful and it would be wonderful to have flowers but um it's alive and it's looking pretty fresh you know I think it's um I think Matt maybe now it's time to take it out of this plastic pot that it's barely planted in and putting put it in a nice pot and give it the the love and attention it deserves so and I'm not sure what kind of meta Nilla this is but it's pretty it's really pretty so I'm gonna put you on the table know this is a different table this is the up planting table we've got a fill a lot there's a lot to look at oh here's something interesting so this is um this is a clue via right this is Olivia that maybe it's four years old I don't I don't really know how old this is but it bloomed and it was left kind of to do whatever it wanted to and my business partners house sorry Lauren but I grabbed it and I repotted it in fresh soil and I think maybe it'll bloom again one day I don't think this year it blooms like this usually this time of year but this foliage is stunning right so this is going to get potted and put in my house kind of like going to the plant store and saving plants and bringing them in to give them like a brand new life that's maybe what this video is about about you guys ever just okay for those of you guys who actually make youtube videos do you just not know what to do sometimes think like okay I want to make a video but I don't want to say the same thing over and over again I don't want to be boring I don't know what anybody really wants and you don't know what to do so I'm struggling with right now today it's like I want to do something like something fun I want to make something but then I've run out of time so I just feel like maybe this is good I don't know yeah okay so this Alison here I have debated whether or not I want to keep it or not and it was really desiccated about a month ago because I don't forgot why I just I think I forgot to water it a couple times but since then I've been watering it the way you should we just kind of give a good soaking and then let it dry out and then do it again not waiting too long in between when you do what are your plans because I don't think that's ever really clarified when people say let your plants dry out how long does that mean does it mean like a week a month no it doesn't it actually means the minute the minute or the day you realize that your soil is completely dry then you then you water it that's kind of the way you should do it otherwise if you wait too long even plants that are succulents will just completely desiccate and start dropping leaves and it'll be harder and harder for them to recover because sometimes a damage is done and it's too late especially with succulents I know from my landscape world like if an evergreen starts to go you know it's just gonna go because it's too late just too late so don't let it be too late for these guys keep your eyes on these so you keeping it I'm keeping you it likes it in this little area this is a philodendron I think I think it's an atom a super atom I don't really remember anything anymore but it not doing great it does have a lot of new growth on it and I don't know where I picked this up I don't think it was super healthy when I picked it up I think it actually might have been completely overwatered but trying I really answer I brought it to down to this space to be but there's other plants friends and hopefully it'll come back but I don't know so I think this is going on the table so maybe somebody can do a better job than I can with it because it's been a long time and not looking good you gotta know when to say when and I'm learning I'm learning a little bit of plant material on this table that I might get rid of so yeah I have I have this Jade that I've shown you numerous times that is a cutting from the one upstairs so I am very excited to give a lot of these cuttings away to people I know because like I said before it makes me feel really good to give like a piece of my plant life to somebody also I'm very excited about this and it is losing a couple of leaves in the bottom there's a guy there's a funky looking one you can see yeah but it doesn't matter because all this new growth will come out and eventually those the kind of funky leaves will fall often be gone there'll be compost what else do we got okay so here is a is Sansevieria cylindrical and I've cut this up pretty badly for YouTube videos for igt the videos and this looks bad it looks kind of like it was abused it looks like somebody didn't care about it that would be me I care about it I care about all life but sometimes you just got to take one for the team especially if you're trying to make content a lot and look so this is pretty much like rotted out let me put that in the car I have a compost bin that I put all the compost in so although that is rotting out it's developing new growth so I'm gonna give this to some money so I'm gonna come over and be like is that box of plans for me is like yep I hope you like it that that and anything else here anything else that all right this pink princess this pink princess was one of the cuttings I took off of one of the bigger plants that I sent through the green house to be propagated and I kept one or two I have like one two three three I have three so I'm going to give this to somebody and I think um I think I am I think I am because I think it'll do better in someone else's house right it's pretty and the leaves are super cute and small and I don't know something about this I'm gonna keep it just really bananas and I had this string of bananas outside on the porch and I put them in this larger container I think this is this is directly planted into this concrete container and it's doing really well and I'll tell you why it's doing well in here you have to keep light on the top of these types of plants in order for them to not get bald on top and that's really get you water it when it's dry and in this time of year it's really interesting the sandy cos they love cooler temperatures and I'm gonna show you something which I'm kind of embarrassed about but I kept one outside in a planter still alive and I'm gonna show you footage right here because I'm in shock and I'm now thinking it might overwinter that's kind of scary but I'd way that's give it just needs a cooler temperature to chill out and go a little dormant and then all of a sudden it's gonna start flowering in a few months and that flower smells like cinnamon and it smells really good so that I'm pretty excited that it's growing and it's doing it looks like it literally looks like green hair and I love it so that's that put the camera back up so this ficus benjamina here see that that was on the porch too and it is very very close to the heat source in here so I was concerned that it actually might dry out but I do spray it like I actually do use the mister and I kind of missed that this time of year because it just likes it so and I ended up getting rid of another one I had that was just kind of too far gone it was when I had in the dining room it did not like being in the dining room and then it did not really respond well to recovering here so that's a gonner unfortunately got to do it and get to it so I have this macho fern you see that it is it is also by the heat source I'd rent I mean every four or five days I just pour that humidifier water into it and it likes it and it's doing well and then it's getting to you all the windows air it gets a lot of light I mean it's not direct because it's underneath the window but it's getting a lot of diffused light and I shove the inner corner they wanted to make this kind of cool little plant II dense area here and I think I've been successful and thank you for her ever recommended doing this not that not that is producing any pictures but I did move the pitcher plant closer to light and we'll see what happens I don't have any pictures yet I may never have pictures but you know I'm keeping it wet and I put it closer to the light so we'll see but this is definitely not going anywhere I love you I love all my plants but okay give you guys a recommendation so you know how you know how peace lilies are a pain because they need a lot of water I recommend and this is actually something I should have like said a long time ago if you pot it in a larger pot you know I know I recommend never going above like one or two sizes when you're up up potting a pot and you get that and you're going into a larger sized pot you should do it with the peace lilies I would even go bigger I would go like four inches bigger because it helps keep this the soil moist and that's a little trick I just learned with this guy because this was like it's little two-inch plant that I put in a four inch pot I don't have to water it maybe like once every seven or eight nine days I don't know I just water it when it gets droopy like this guy down here like I've resuscitate oh I have to do it again I have resuscitated this so many times and you see what happens the leaves turn yellow and brown when you let it dry out too much but I got to do you again their pain so I don't know if I want to keep this I'm gonna just okay I'm gonna keep it I'm gonna keep it and I'm gonna keep you can you see this okay so this monstera at acai I was in my bathroom it was him what my powder room and it's cold super cold in there this time of year so I and it was totally struggling so I brought it back here and you know it is putting out any growth because it's warmer and it's getting more light and it's happier so I just literally have a hanging ladder in my bathroom on my bathroom wall with no plant on it so because I don't think I don't know it's too cold in there so it just looks like a ladder hanging on the wall okay so what I did here was I took that table out that I made you know the table with like oh I'll put it here I made a white table out of wood and I am going to take that apart and make a rolling smaller table out of that but I moved it over there and I just put this desk this red desk here because I need a place to shoot and I need a place to put my plants and a little bit lower so I can sit there and actually work sometimes so anyway I just have this over here it's just it functions better it's not so bulky so I can walk around and and feel like I have some space to work and that's kind of important for me I ignore the ceiling it's not finished so I have the chain of hearts that this is a propagation and it's kind of growing it's struggling but it's growing and I cut this fishhooks it cut it way back because it was gangly and scrappy looking and it is putting out new growth I think you can see it it will so maybe by the spring I'll get a lot more growth out of it but why they love it up here because there's they have all these grow lights and the chain I heart are the string of pearls look at this can you suck at that I mean that's ridiculous I brought that from in from outside in from the in the fall and it's so little all the little gross it's like adorable and I was like maybe it'll work maybe it won't work but it's working and again because this light is very very close we're close enough and also look this way up compact Cardosa compacta has new growth on it too so that's pretty exciting even this little guy yeah this little guys growing see him it's growing so yeah that's what I said before it needs the light on top if you give it a light on top it's going to do fine and you can um what are it when it's dry when it's dry all right I'm coming down coming down on the board I made with the there is a super of them and theorem over here there's another flowering anthurium there's monstera that's a monster of san Malina and then there is that that fingers anthurium on top i drench this like once a week and I do wish that this monster leaf would flip up it's kind of driving me crazy maybe I'll just pin it back but it's doing really really well um these flowers whatever they're just over but I love this and I have it in here because it's easy to water it and I have the other one with just the anthurium in the bathroom and it looks really spectacular so I'm gonna move this it's uh I just have to remember to do stuff that's the problem so I am I'll show you the video I cut all the its whole aided growth on this exact cactus because it was ugly I didn't like looking at it I was done with it it had all these roots aerial roots and I liked it for a little bit but then it sort of growing into the other plan looking release for ugly so I cut it back to kind of the way it was when I originally got it and it's back up on the windowsill doing what it should be doing grumbling can you see this can you guys see this you see the Burroughs tail you see that I don't want to move it I have it okay I'll move it for you guys I haven't moved it since I put it here so and you know the minute you touch it things fall off I start popping up I'm not touching it I'm gonna show you a close-up of it because it's like so pretty it's so pretty but don't move it once you find the spot for a plant like that just leave it water it in place and just let it be because otherwise you're just gonna have like you know little tiny leaflets everywhere or leaves I guess they're leaves okay so you're doing pretty well basically this top shelf top shelf it's like it's like top shelf plants and I showed you this last time but I'm gonna show to you again so this is the Singhania Malvo of Aragon oh I think and I did cut it back I took some cuttings from here and I stuck them up here but unfortunately they're just green there's this green and there's no variation on the cutting so that's kind of a bummer but like this one I think is that completely green is it yeah there's a little variation on that one so you know don't give up you can't cut like the non variegated leaves off of your barricaded plants to try to encourage more of evaluating growth variegated growth or you can give it more light this is reaching for the grow lights so that's why it's like going towards the camera but I do I do absolutely love this and I'm glad I didn't give up on it cuz it wasn't doing well when I first got it and and it has very interesting beautiful shape so you are definitely a keeper what else do you got here listen I know this is not gonna work I know this is just a leaf of skinned abscess pictus um exotica maybe we're silver satin is anybody know the difference really so I just put it in here it's not gonna root out but it looks really pretty this it's art I do have to water this there's a weed growing in it over there so this was and is the philodendron glory awesome that was planted upside down when I got it and then I discovered that it was so I turned it upside down and replanted it and so now I don't know what happened with that that's kind of a shame but it doesn't matter I'm keeping it so these are the two new leaves that just kind of parted badly and it has another this one's never gonna make it so you just have to come off house one coming through this this leaf matter another one so yeah I have this one and I have the other one so now I have two and we'll see this is definitely gonna go outside some water droplet a little mutation in this summer because they really love the humidity and they love being outside in the heat may grow faster but hey it's not doing bad in the garage here is the philodendron domestic um that I had upstairs that was not doing so well but I brought it down here put it this looks a little pale this doesn't look so good this leaf but um it does have new growth so some you know some plants do better than others and some grow faster than others and if you're not giving them the right conditions they're really not gonna do much this has not grown at all for me maybe about three or four leaves so we'll see but I'm keeping it and I still really like it so this guy this is the root of a wellthen Sansevieria I think it's doing well looks like looks like a mushroom like a dried mushroom doesn't it stem and uh it's uh well maybe it's rooting a little bit it feels like it could be rooting I was gonna let it be I'm gonna let it be because you never know I've had this happen many times where I stuck a root like it's especially a tuberous root and soil and then all of a sudden you get a plant so don't give up especially if it's like a media root like that you do never know what's gonna come out I got it I really just need to stay up on the fern care because once if I miss a watering or two it just gets like they hate me they hate me but doing okay this is doing pretty well this guys doing pretty well um you know and it needs to be watered so I got a lot of work to do you had a lot of work to do guys so this is uh this is that Alocasia ku Priya that I got uh a couple years ago and look at that new leaf on it where's the new leaf can you find the new leaf let me see here it is right there look at that it's a beauty it's a beauty so this guy actually needs to be cleaned like badly needs to clean it so yeah you just just got to know what works for you what alakay see is work for you the Polly's never ever ever survive for me so this guy needs to be clean badly I'm gonna leave it out and what else is in this corner here that never talked about this guy this schefflera but alpine I think this is Alpine Junior but this is big this guy is big and super Hardy like it is completely dry because I let it go dry I'm not I didn't forget I let it I'll let this guy go dry and then I kind of soak it and I put it back and I wait a little bit and it does really really well and it's getting quite tall I have to step back it's getting quite tall it's a really nice anchor piece super solid plant it's easy to maintain if you can look if you see anything on the leaves you wipe it off try to keep the actual leaf surfaces clean good you know then I'll just keep on making energy that's what we want these guys do to make energy I'm a little nervous about this monstera because this has fallen a number of time and you know why I was falling because you see how it's leaning to one side the weight pulled it down and I didn't have in the heavy enough pot so I was just crashed on the floor two or three times so I'm just leaving it up there and letting it be I should shut this off this is a stem just a stem without a leaf when you do prune your plants for him down like if this is the leaf don't print it here print here because it doesn't doesn't make a difference I mean make the difference you might get rid of it there I'm talking about it must be okay it's 42 minutes that's why I am getting tired so I think that's it I'm gonna clean the plants that I pulled aside I'm gonna repot some of the ones that I showed you like the med Anila and the clivia and then the ones that I put on the table let it give away to a person I know who I think will really appreciate them because I'm they like plants and if you love plants you're a friend of mine that's all I say that's really good so thank you guys I hope you have an amazing weekend and just you know if you have any question about if your plant is working for you or not don't stress out about it you know your plants gonna tell you whether or not it's working you'll know by the health and that's really it so don't stress out if it doesn't work as a work I know that you can try really hard and sometimes get a lot of anxiety over a plant not performing well don't do that to yourself it's not really worth it it's just they're supposed to bring us happiness right they're supposed to be like our little plant friends so just make sure you keep that in mind that's it you guys thanks again for subscribing and thanks for watching and I just I couldn't thank you I can't thank you enough have a fantastic rest of the night and weekend bye
Views: 371,338
Rating: 4.9297094 out of 5
Keywords: houseplant tour, indoor plants, house plants, houseplants, monstera, philodendron, parlor palm, string of pearls, houseplant care, indoor plant care, how to care for indoor plants, easy care houseplants, low light houseplants, hard to kill houseplants, plant styling, best houseplants, best indoor plants
Id: Gng4bBwcMPg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 12sec (2352 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 13 2019
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