Too Many Houseplants to Count Tour!

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[Music] hi guys it's Amanda from fan Tarina I know I always start the videos saying the exact same thing but I don't know what else to say anyway I'm gonna show you around the house I'm gonna show you around the plant studio I haven't done it in a while and I know I didn't really change anything I didn't really like move any plants around I didn't set anything up I actually am using this as an opportunity to see what I need to do but I know I'm getting sick of looking at certain places and even last night I kind of started changing this wall that's in front of me that I'm going to show you I'm so on to actually I'm actually just gonna pick up the camera and walk you around and talk about the things that I've done look at the state of some plants and maybe try to make some decisions on what I should do was that so fungus not very happen because you know it's just like I get overwhelmed sometimes because I do have a lot of plants and I move them around a lot and then I just end up with piles of plants and weird places and that's it I don't like that so anyway let's just go and start this tour because it's Friday and I'm gonna get out of the house let's go okay guys so this is one area that has bothered me a lot I had these trunks that I nailed up on the wall I had some oh yeah I had a ladder that I fitted with grow lights that was dangling down from the ceiling and it really I didn't like the way it looked it just it provided light but it just looked kind of ugly so I decided I was gonna take it down and then I'm gonna move some of these grow lights I'm gonna move them over there so there's more light in that corner and I'm gonna get it three I'm gonna put a tree up someplace I just I want it to look more uniform I still not happy with it I'm contemplating whether or not I should paint the wall light but in general I think it looks better I'm just trying to have like more unity think and I think I also need to kind of have all the plants in one color pot I don't know that's what I'm thinking but I did that I put this chef Larry here which is nice and tall and then I left this box on here because this holds and hides all the electronics in here like the plugs and then and this rhipsalis and I also like the effect of this this philodendron just kind of hanging down like breaking up portions of the wall so that's kind of what I did and I have a bunch of my philodendron down there and I know this looks a little dark I think I need to paint the wall white although I just put more stuff along the back of it it just feels it feels dark so I don't know that's what I did there so let's just continue moving on alright so what I did over here was I had this like propagation station thing I made on this wall and I took it down I was kind of realizing that I don't need to propagate for a while because I have I have too many plants so I just wanted to kind of some simple architecture so I just stuck this ladder here obviously this isn't finished yet and I'll probably have something growing up on it and the other thing that I did was I took my variegated monstera deliciosa off of the stake that I had it on and I staked it onto this ladder because I think it looks better I have a really hard time finding steaks that look good so I tend to make my own or create my own from something that already exists so I just kind of like the simplicity of this wall it just has this this Sun go neum up there if I turn the camera it's gonna fall on me and then I have this lemon-lime philodendron and this chain of hearts that are hanging down it just to me it looks really nice and simple I just I'm starting to feel like it was very cluster phobic in here so I was like I got to get some stuff out and so what I did to was I cleared off some of this shelving and I took out some plants that were just like not necessary because I had like 13 others of them anyway so I cleared it out I tried to make it feel a little bit more peaceful and calming that's kind of where I'm going at this stage and the list less frenetic so I just I put this trunk this was the trunk that was on the wall I just stuck it there for now so in anyway so this really this corner hasn't changed much you know I hang these plants up here when I bring them to the sink to water them and then the water drips down on the concrete floor and then I wipe it up or I'll put a basin underneath it anyway so this table is just like a holding table for plants that I'm shooting for the website for plant arena comm and I just leave them or these are the plants that I use and I'm filming for YouTube like the last video I forgot what oh is about bottom watering so yeah this stuff is still here and it will probably be here until I decided need to move it and here is that pest as Adam philodendron that a bunch of you have been asking about I mentioned it in the philodendron video but I love this guy is absolutely stunning and I still don't know where to put it so really haven't changed much in this corner I'm just I think I added a few more things on to this shelf like this cutting from my monster Oh delicioso that I have upstairs and I watered something up there I forgot to put it back I forgot what it was oh I also had to stake up this Atossa because it was having some issues but anyway it's in the corner it's in the corner so and this is just this area I don't really show you guys much because it's the door it's the garage door look there's a hole yeah Carrie I I put the two together yeah so this area is just more of a holding area in an area where I don't know what I don't know what to call it it's just another area of the garage I another I bought another one I bought another rabbit's foot fern because I'm going to show you my other one it's not looking good and I decided look at that beautiful new growth they really it looks alive to me it looks a lot and I made a mistake of putting my the first one big one that I had I put it in a very very dark area and that was not good these guys want bright bright indirect light not donut but bright indirect light so that's what I'm doing with that guy and that's it really so this is my this is the state of my garage do a little turn little turn for ya oh yeah there's plants it's still alive and it's growing I water like once a week depending on how it's pretty hot sometimes it's actually cold you even hear me where's the mic it's actually I'm wrapped up in wires pretty cold in here because the temperature is finally dropping so this is it this is my garage my garage yep there's the schefflera elegant Aseema that really has some weird stuff on it I got a almost threw it out last night so okay let's go into the house I got to turn the heat back on because it's getting cold in here how am I going to my bedroom oh really I didn't even make the bed and you're on it you and you're on my sheets oh no we just just changed them okay it's a little dark in here but that's just the way it is that's just the way it is yeah this is my dark bedroom and I really have to get in here in whatever but I've just kind of simplified this area ice this Norfolk Island pine loves it I don't know why it loves it so much here it's getting enough interactive light and then I have this kind of wash basin stand that I just literally stuck this Sansevieria and it's levitating and when I water it I put that little plastic watering tray underneath it and I water it so yeah I got to get in here and then Carson wants to come in and then I just actually took away my husband's plants on his side because he was getting annoyed and I kind of just have to add something else I'm not sure what maybe I'll just paint something on that door I don't know what to do and then the his side really just got super sparse oh boy I'm losing some leaves on this Jersey and but I will I'll get to that and he sits got a couple of plants he's got a monster oh he's got a tropics no different back eeeh and then he has a mic ins over there okay that's my closet it's my closet so let's go into the bathroom so I just took a shower so it's kind of it's a little misty but this is it this is my bathroom that's for the lights on and I still have my skin taps this here I love it it looks so beautiful it just looks so pretty dangling there and I put a couple of plants over here - I have a Victoria bird's nest fern and the Tiki dumb cane and I think it's a magenta dress Tina I think it looks great and this guy no these guys are doing well in my bathroom these bird of paradise and the bamboo palm although I have to admit that at night I took a shower last night - I don't know I've been really into taking showers lately more than I should be and I noticed the mealybugs come out at night I like washed the heck out of the one on the left and then I've got over here get in here I'm gonna show you a my my stuff I used to wash myself but these anti-rumor doing really really well I put them under the water warm water not hot water and they're growing so no this board thing seems to be working it seems to be working hello hi hey let's get boo gang I have a really bad hair day today because I took a shower last night and it sold puffs alright now I'm in the kitchen which I promised I wouldn't have any plants in but they they end up in the kitchen somehow but I only have one above the sink which is really dry don't try that that's a silver bay ugly NEMA and yeah okay so over here I have dogs a stretchy dog who and then I have this home elemina Selby and I've got what all this I have this lemon-lime I'm philodendron and then I have I think that is oh who is that berry or is that neon I don't remember this there's so many Singhania I give up you want to come in Carson come on come in F yes the TV's back the TV's back over there but so here's my dark corner where I really like to keep philodendron zand pothos and things that can handle the darker corners of my house as well as this this is a tigress eglee aneema I don't know I was doing some weird time-lapse here and I got these like aquatic plant seeds not doing anything they're not growing I was time elapsing it for like four days and nothing so I give up I give up on the patience for that so here's my corner it just does well it does well these plants that get I guess they get enough light so that was the lesson there and then I've got okay so I have my little Zen zze that I just stuck here and it is still there and it might just be there for a while until a dog knocks it over and then my little group this is it just a little centerpiece a centerpiece is all I need and I have a Holly Sando Neum and this is like a sweet Chico bath of fiim and then a white and theorem and then a strawman Thea sanguine ei there's one missing uh-uh who stole the other one is a plant missing and then it's my corner I don't know if you've noticed but there's a lot less plants in this house than there used to be because I really feel like any of the balance so I'm finding a balance oh this golden pothos is loving it in this corner and it's just in a little tiny I think it's like a five inch pot I probably I'm going to have to up pot it and then I have this another monstera monster Jesus yes that and then another one over here and then you know this needs some work this needs to be rethought out this dining room but so far so good I don't know let's say hi to the red emerald philodendron hold a my hair is in my face hello and in the afternoon the light really starts pouring in I'm doing a time-lapse of this philodendron hi chubby so we'll just let it take its time and let's okay so this this fiddly fig I had in my bedroom I moved out to the entryway here because it does get afternoon afternoon light but I do need to top dress it not sure if you guys can see but inside there's there's a lot of roots and not a lot of soil on the surface so I have to amend the soil quickly but it's doing very well I like the sculpture yes look of it it just has kind of funkiness to it that I really do love here's my office this is what's going on my office I don't know why I brought that in there I need to take it out I thought it would work in here but it's not working in here it's just become kind of like a crazy room and but I do like it I love seeing it from outside when I walk into the house at night and this is actually where I put my makeup on and that's kind of all I do in here that's it that's it but these how about are they the clay 'they are doing pretty well this door man the-- i'm moved in here to shoot a video and I never took it out someone meant someone said to me why do you have that succulent in that dome I don't know I just did it and it looks pretty cool and it's growing I've only watered it once in like four months and my Alocasia a stingray I got rid of the mealy bugs and it has a new leaf look at that has a new leaf be gone the mealy bugs be gone and am i a monster at Estonia is doing really well here it just it just really likes it so yeah these guys I think they have the added benefit of being all together and kind of sharing that moist air and I do leave these lights on these are LED lights they're not grow lights and I leave these on throughout the day and it seems to just help maybe it's psychological but it helps this see blue blue is going nuts I gotta move it you know I don't know I have too many plants I'm realizing as I'm going and doing this tour I have way too many plants they're like hiding look you don't even see them there's a ficus elastica that is hiding alright so that was that I also have I move this also via out here and this string is a string D in Hawaii it likes it he likes it oh alright Carson wanna go upstairs with me let's go upstairs and Oh before we go upstairs I got to show you guys something something I'm working on hold on where's that TV on who what who watches TV so this is my son's room and at the old room if she's not moved upstairs and I want to kind of make this into a oh I just it's to the wall into a plant room so what I'm gonna do is I'm going to consume it so you can't tell but this is facing south and it gets a lot of light so I'm just going to work on it this weekend maybe and I got some wallpaper that's brick so I'm gonna put some there that was just an example and I started doing it there but I started from the wrong side so I messed it up so I might just do it pre-finish over here over the bed anyway so that'll be another video one day you can't go in there oh this is sad let me see something sad have a plant I have one sad silver Bay Chinese evergreen here so I gotta work on this too ok ok River let's go upstairs come on girl lead the way okay now we're going into the unknown territory I haven't been up here in a couple of days and there's a sock oh boy okay well it's not bad it's not bad some toilet paper okay so I don't have the lights on and I've moved a bunch of stuff around and here's my monstera she is doing great she's not putting out and now I'm calling it a she I'm gonna do it I don't care she's not putting out any new growth right now so that's gonna happen pretty soon and then I don't know what happened to those top plants I had up there I gotta find them but I just like having kind of this Pozos philodendron shelfie that type of thing and then we got this big boy but look what's happening like this giant golden pothos you know had a lot of big leaves when I got it and you can tell that a lot of the new growth they're just much smaller leaves and it's starting to take over my house so whatever it just needs more light when the leaves got small it needs more light and it needs to be fertilized and it needs more light so this is it I did move a lot of plants out of here because it was just getting super overwhelming what did I do here okay so you have a fatsia japonica spider web that it's getting some of its variegation back I had it in too dark of an area and this is this where I come and bring plants I bring the plants and I work on them and then I leave a mess like that and then I have to come back and clean it up later this is the bar actually made this bar I made it out of old wood actually leftover wood my business partners house when she built it and so I made this bar and I made that area just made it I made that shelf so let's okay let's just I'm gonna show you this is kind of also sad I was trying to take pictures in here but it didn't work out so okay and I told you a while ago if you have been watching these videos that I was gonna change out these terracotta pots with cover pots because every time I water I have to take the plants down I have to take them out to the sink and then let them drip dry and then put them back and I'm getting tired of it and that's why it looks like this because I give up so now I'm gonna change them out for cover pots and I'm getting them soon maybe by this weekend or Monday or Tuesday and this is gonna be just white pots dangling from the wall so yeah in this ban tell sensation was mixed with the cola KC of the colocasia had some issues so I took it out and now it's kind of doing its thing here I guess and anything else interesting that you need to know about in here not really not really I do love this one particular way uh Karno so compact uh just is nice and full I need to relocate that who's up here oh it's you this is the most boring home tour ever then here's my last little corner and I have a way how to water this this is a camouflaged um cane that I literally jammed into this little pocket because I don't know what to do with that particular plant and then I have more pothos I think this is the gold this is 8th I'm sorry it's a marble Queen mixed with maybe a jade pothos that's my guess and I'm a little flowering lipstick plant and I have the sad variegated one next to it that I'm trying to revive my cigs AG cactus and this chain of hearts that just keeps going and going and going so what I did I did I changed out some of the pause for some like kind of black cover pots and I don't know again I had to rework this area and make it an area you actually can use because now you just look at it so I'm gonna maybe built build a built-in bench that's my goal so let's go back downstairs hope I didn't bore you guys to death that was my tour that was my tour I didn't want to like structure it and make it into a big deal just wanted to show you like what was really going on and kind of what I do throughout the week I move a lot of plants around I shoot plants I take care of plants I bring plants in and out for our business and things are fluctuating a lot of things are dynamic around here so it's never just the way it's is permanently and I also like to design and redesign so that's kind of what I do that's what I do on a weekly basis and my poor family has to deal with it but I think just a side note is that it's never done it's never done and I know I wish I could just be satisfied with what I have done but I'm not so there's always gonna be changes in my house and maybe I sell the house and get a house that has better light one day that's my goal because I have a dark house anyway you guys I appreciate you watching I appreciate you coming along on the tour and I hope you have a fantastic weekend and try not to get overwhelmed with your plants because um it happens sometimes am I saying that I'm overwhelmed maybe but that's why I'm like bringing it down I'm pairing you down a little bit so it's easier for me to live my life see my family see my friends watch a movie and not have to worry about taking care of plants because that should not be what getting plants into your life is about it's about associating with the plants and Grambling you got it have a great weekend I'll see you guys soon take care
Views: 299,758
Rating: 4.9247551 out of 5
Keywords: plant tour, indoor plants, houseplants, house plants, interior plants, foliage plants, plants, plant care, plant styling
Id: 9Ifv2n1iUOc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 28sec (1408 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 14 2020
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