Unusual and Rare Houseplant Tour

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I have all my dogs here they're all here they are very excited that I'm going to talk about some plants so anyway today I want to talk to you about some rather unusual plants they're not super rare they're not super unusual maybe some are to you but there are so many different types of plants out there and the more you get into collecting plants you're gonna want to get some more rare types of plants I think because that's where the addiction takes you just right out there you don't want more interesting plants but still that said there's so many cool plants that are available at your local shops online anywhere that are still very beautiful and I have my staple the majority of my plants or the more common types of plants because they live in my home anyway I'm gonna show you some I don't know how many like 20 maybe I don't know I didn't count I'm just gonna kind of randomly I'm not randomly doing it I put them on the table so I'm gonna start here and then I'll go inside and show you some more the ones I have in there chubbie you want to help he's no help he doesn't want to help so let's start with there's a little pink princess cutting that I have I have two larger ones I have one that's really pink and then I have another one that is actually brown so try to come home come here about to go outside so pink princess philodendron it's a philodendron her robe essence or a besson's oh no I can't say it I don't I just read the words a lot and see them and write them but I don't say them out loud often so that's why I can't pronounce some words but don't judge me you can fine so yes this is a cutting I put it in some Coco coiour and I think it's rooting I haven't checked it out I had it in water and it wasn't doing so great it was flopping but seems to be good so I'll show you guys the bigger one I have I should back up so you'll see what I'm talking about but the pink is pretty amazing there's a little brown spotting on this pink but hey oh look there's a new leaf coming you see new leaf looks doesn't look that pink I have this anthurium vet Gi Gi and this I ordered remember where I got it from but maybe n SE tropicals i think i think that's where i got it from and it arrived a little a little tattered but it doesn't matter because new leaves are going to come out I have to put some top dressing on here maybe worm castings and that's not a that's just a sheath wait a minute there is a new leaf coming here so that's exciting these leaves get big and they hang down and they have a lot of very interesting texture to the surface of the foliage so this I'm going to I'm going to put it in a place that I can get big and I'm never gonna cut it never say never but I'm never cutting it I didn't know what it was when I saw it but I got it anyway it's an anthurium fingers and it's got very interesting foliage you know I let it dry out a little bit between waterings and I think I let it dry a little too much recently so I just watered it I can't wait to see what this thing does I've never seen a larger version of it but it's cute it's spring leaves are coming out now so that's exciting stuff if you like plants that's exciting this epiphyllum I've had like for quite a long time I had to like do a split so I can get in frame with this I had quite a long time and when I first got it I didn't know what to think about it like it's interesting it has this chubby come here come on come on come on but anyway back to the plants River you always want it you want to see my dog here look river come here River and car car come here come in come here that's where that's Carson and that's River and they're very big back to the plants don't like fight around me go fight work it outside take it to the schoolyard guys so this epiphyllum Guatemala Guatemalans Guatemalans I think you pronounce it is interesting I don't know the common name but it is a succulent and you can let this thing dry out I had this on the porch and it wasn't under the covered part and it got wet and then it dried out I don't think I even watered the whole summer I just let nature do its thing and it grew so I'm gonna do the same thing this year it just we didn't really grow much this winter because it wasn't active it wasn't actively growing but I think it's gonna grow more but yeah it's just very very interesting shape and form so I'm kind of in love with this now because our the easy to Breezy this is a philodendron this dude this is a philodendron don't don't stick them don't stick him yeah probably saying it wrong doesn't bother me so yeah there's a new leaf coming out this has not grown very much at all for me this is also I bought it online and I'm very excited to get it but it's not doing anything but this leaf you see this is quite a beautiful variation I'm hoping to get more of that down the road I just wanted to give because it's tiny I like big plants I like little plants too but I want them to be big think about big plants this miranda is not super rare can't stop looking at it look at that color look at the leaves look at that lime green coloration it's like I want to wear it just want to wear it someplace on my body let me show everybody when I go to this store look at my lime meringue uh I think okay yeah well you bring it every time with you I'm just see it all the time it's fine you're gonna keep seeing it because it's a stunner okay this beast of a plant and it will be even beasts tear down the road but this is a philodendron mb IM ve i can pronounce that and this poor guy I dropped a couple of times because it was pretty top evie and if I don't water it gets very light maybe I should bump it up into a bigger container but this gets giant I've seen some really big ones at a nursery not so far away and I almost bought it and I realize wait a minute first of all it was like five feet high and five feet wide and I just don't have the space for that kind of sized plan and I realized wait this is gonna get that big one day so why do I need to I don't need two of these so that's the MV philodendron and look it does have arrogation you see that really really pretty and I guess as it gets bigger it gets more variegated I love it I love you this is easy plant is a Zinzi and I like it because it has a much more compact form than the regular sameö Colchis dude dude so yeah it's growing it's putting out new vegetation it is compact and it's mine it's pretty there's no really nothing more to say about it oh I can say this it's easy to take care of because all you have to do is water it when it's really dry and you can forget to water this plant for like a month and still it's gonna be like can't kill me you cannot bring me down it's kind of wanky this thing I found it in a nursery and I looked at it a few times and then I went back and bought it because I felt bad for it not because the nursery is a bad nursery it was just it's a little tattered and but it's big and it's gonna look good soon so I figured let me just keep this bring it into my collection and nurse you back to health and let you take over my whole house because you're gonna get them big and this is chubby chubby his my very rare and unique dog and he's a keeper he's not gonna get any bigger and he's pretty easy to maintain and he is a heavy feeder so I'd say it's like at least once a day so if you want to get one of these you have to feed them a lot to keep them healthy don't so I think that's maybe it in here that's unique and a little different that I haven't shown you already unless there's something I'm missing so that's it so let's go into my office and I have a couple of other plants there that are slightly different and interesting it's the interesting plant video for me at least okay look back I am away from the dog madness the dogs finally settled down so I can not have distractions and show you my unusual type plants I don't have a ton of unusual plants but the ones I have I covet I covet so let's start with this one this is a Singhania MIT's a variegated singhania Poteau phylum alba maybe I don't know I don't remember all the names of the plants sorry so this is special because the variegation is kind of more pronounced it's larger sections of white as opposed to some of the other single names that are more like peppered variegation which I love too but these are gorgeous I have a new leaf coming out it seems to be quite white what you like looking at my nose that's no let's not go let's do that so this is quite white the problem though as you'll find when you get into variegated plans its white and brown already that the whiter the leaf the less chlorophyll AHA's obvious is no chlorophyll in it so it has a really hard time making energy so white leaves don't last very long so you really want to keep it in a sunnier spot so all the green parts can make up a little bit for the deficit of energy production in the white areas so keep this in a brighter spot I'm actually gonna move it to a brighter spot because it wasn't in a brighter spot that's why my leaves are brown terrible the terrible plant mom okay so here's yet another one that I failed in the past with I had a small plant that I had purchased online and it didn't make it so a friend sent this to me and I forgot to tell you what it is it's a monster uh um Angelina I think that what it is yes and stands Lea in it yes it has beautiful white markings you see the brown that's the problem that I think is from something else I don't let me think Oh what happened there could have dried out or during transport I think it got a little damaged but it has since shot out a lot more new growth and because of spring is literally now apparently it was yesterday and I forgot this is going to grow I haven't decided if I'm going to cut it back and propagate it but I probably won't maybe I'll try to find another one and kind of double up in here but monstera stand Elina very interesting monstera and maybe one of my all-time favorites I say that about all the plants so here we have a what is this this is the philodendron like a like a phylum like go phylum i think that's how you pronounce it and it really it's hard to tell but you see a little bit there's a silvery blueish color and as the leaves mature they get bigger and they will have more of that silvery blue color so this is a special philodendron very Viney but I'm not gonna cut it back as I enjoy it's a regular shape because I like irregularities and so you're uh you're quite unusual and I quite in love with you and this guy is a monster ax tie constellation and it's a beauty and it has white slightly yellow variegation that's the difference between the one I have upstairs which I'll show you and that has much more pronounced white variation this is a little more yellow but there's white and there's yellow it's a combo see so this came from I don't know where this came from I think I very far away possibly remember um I don't remember a lot as you know so I have to like look at receipts and things like that because it's in how it dislike myself in the nose it's in one ear and out the other ear and that's okay because you just can't remember at all but this is a gorgeous beauty of a plant and will get large it's not naturally variegated this variation came from mutations most of these plants are mutated variation variations of the plant so it's not truly variegated like some of the clay Thea's that's a true natural variation I know it's a little sad because there's only three leaves but this is an allocation of fry deck and it was fuller this summer on the porch but allocations tend to go dormant and I have a lot of questions asked me constantly about what's going on with my holidays you know what's going on so it's probably just going dormant let it do what it needs to do cut it back if you don't like the foliage looking brown and wait till spring so I'm gonna put this out in the porch in the spring and I'm hoping there's a lot of flush new growth coming out of it and I will feed it and I love it and I will talk to it tenderly but hey it's survived that's enough from me with Alocasia you're a gorgeous one and then we have another Alocasia this other allocation that I have is called a coup Priya and I got this from pistols in our Surrey and I think they're Portland or something really cool really cool plans so yeah I'm pretty happy about this this came as a wee little lad two years ago possibly maybe more and since then it's a big lad look it looks like an alien right it looks like a trilobite it just looks super natural and I'm very thankful that it's still with me because a lot of this is trial and error you have to just try it out and move your plants around and figure out where either where they like to be the best and take it from there let me take you upstairs and show you the monstera deliciosa variegata that I'm in love with like I it's there's no turning back and that kind of love and here's my doggy sleeping yes this is my one my pride and joy oh there's a new leaf coming I just notice that it just almost poked me in the eye I am such a plant or I can't even believe how excited I am about this but there is a brand new leaf ah yes what's so nervous about it get so nervous about my plants that I love so much so yeah this is okay just appreciate appreciate Beauty that's incredibly beautiful come up come here come closer take a look look this brand new things whoo I like shaking I'm so nervous I hope you how beautiful you are Oh all right that that is some serious that is some serious excitement can you contain yourself how excited can't you just can't well anyway this is really this is a monumental moment for me because when I first got this monstera I cut all the aerial roots off of it in the bottom because I thought they were ugly and then I kicked myself for doing it but now I'm leaving it alone I you know I'm gonna bring a humidifier up here because you need it sweetheart you need just to get a little moisture on you that's it that is my monstera deliciosa variegata I think it's the elbow variegata I'm gonna double check that but I'm very happy no bugs allowed on this one ever ever so that concludes my unusual I wouldn't say rare but unusual to more exotic house plans that I have currently I want to thank everybody who came over from jenna Marbles and I want to thank Jenna for shouting me out because you really helped my followership and I thank you and I wish there's something I could do for you but you don't need my help but if there's anything I can do just let me know I'll be happy to know wash your plants or I don't know whatever what are them for you but you live in California so that's kind of far just thank you I really appreciate it and thank you for everybody who's subscribed it's not follow it's subscribed who subscribed and continues to comment and just makes this experience so much more fun not that it's not fun but you guys are awesome I just want to say that thank you and I'll see you maybe over the weekend I'm not sure maybe I'll do alive because I'm trying to figure out how to do a question and answer thing without it being weird so anyway thanks have a great weekend and enjoy all your plants rare or comment because I love the common ones just as much as the rare ones alright I'm going cuz I'm rambling goodbye
Views: 284,297
Rating: 4.9272232 out of 5
Keywords: unusual houseplants, rare indoor plants, rare houseplants, houseplants, houseplant care, house plant, indoor plants, easy care houseplants, easy care indoor plants, best houseplants, best house plants, low light plants, interior plants, plant haul, indoor plant haul, plant collection, rare plant collection, plant care, plant care 101
Id: FrK3pdSQQpM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 28sec (1168 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 22 2019
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