16 Houseplants That Make Perfect Gifts!

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[Music] welcome back I totally appreciate you coming back I'm sorry I missed last Friday but I'm here today like it or not anyway today we're gonna talk about gifts plant gifts gifts as plants like trying to find the best plants to give to somebody because you're really not sure if they're a plant person or not that makes me want to say something some people are and sometimes you'll have a friend that's a plant person so you're pretty secure in giving them slightly more difficult plants but most of us want to give plants to people that don't have that plant experience we want to introduce them to house plants indoor plants just to introduce them to the love of having plants around them so let's not be too hard on them in the beginning let's try to give them plants that they will have success with and that's like the whole idea of this video is to choose plants that you can give to somebody that will live for a long time I'm gonna say something to that you might want to give somebody a plant that you think could be a little more difficult and it just looks beautiful and that's okay too because you know what they might have that indoor plant for a long time a lot longer than cut flowers so it's not a terrible idea but if you want to keep them in the game like in that plant game give them something that's gonna last so I'm gonna talk about I'm not sure how many different types of plants but there's quite a few that a great starter plants for people that make great gifts especially for people that you want to keep around in your life that are not gonna get disappointed like you don't want to give him a symbol plant like fern that you know after a month or two is gonna end up looking like that unfortunately I was gone for a while and somebody forgot to water this maidenhair fern and that's why it's not a great gift because you have to really be on your plant game to take care of ferns so I'm so sorry maybe there's hope I don't know I'm not giving up let's just start with I don't know I have so many plants around me that are good gift so I'm just gonna pick one let's talk about Dracena really talk about Dracena a lot but I'd like just to show you guys how amazing they are and how structural they are and how they're really a perfect plant for a beginner person a beginner person a beginner plant person because you don't really need to do too much to it this is I think this is a moon light I'm pretty sure it's in moonlight and a jersey in the moonlight and I love the way this looks and if I were to get this as a gift I'll be pretty excited about it and I do like to gift these plants because you know they don't need a ton of attention they do like a little bit more bright light but they can miss a watering or two and they're gonna be fine so what was all the only thing I was gonna say about this is that sometimes they are sensitive to water with high salts but if you stand back enough you're not gonna see it you're not gonna see the browning tips this doesn't really have any browning tips because I have well water but in general it's pretty adaptable to most people's homes so the Dracena I think I have another one oh yeah I'm just gonna talk about dressing a family so I've got this guy and then I've got this is a Dracaena marginata Kiwi it's a Kiwi and I have a larger one I have one here behind me this is like a tree form and they come and call it a cane and then if I don't oh please don't drop these don't fall and then this is a it's called tips Dracena tips and there are about three tips in this particular one and listen if you miss a watering this is what's gonna happen a few of the bottom leaves will fall out but it doesn't matter because it's usually pushing out growth from the top these are really gorgeous plants I mean listen if you want to make a statement if you want to walk in to a holiday party and just have everybody look at your present that you're giving you probably want to give this one I think because the colors are pretty spectacular can you see the colors really really gorgeous Maroons chartreuse greens yellows and but they all really work together so it's a saying that Dracena czar really good durable plants too as a gift and this is kind of a substantial gift I do want to say and I'm gonna do like a shameless plug here we do have most of these plans on our web site planter Unicom so if you are looking to send somebody something you might want to check out our website but anyway done with a shameless plug I'm not gonna say it again oh yeah I have others behind me I've got this is a Christina magenta and this is so sweet they look like little trees they look like little trees so and they're really great anchoring plants and they're just sculptural and they're vertical and they're why they just are really spectacular plants so something to consider if you want to give somebody a plant that you don't really trust to take care of plants that well listen people have to learn we learned we took our time we made a lot of mistakes so don't beat up your friend or your family when they call you three months later and say their plant died it's not a symbol of your relationship so just give them another one or tell them to start over I think I don't remember this might be a mask host I think because it has this very light outer kind of ribbing on their leaves here so this is just another version of what I've been showing me for the juiciness there's other types if you're seeing this too but you get the idea these guys are really really good and all you do is pop it in a container put a ribbon on it this is cute this is really really cute these are the Pylea pepper moieties that you know everybody was going crazy for a couple years ago and couldn't find them and they spend a ton of money to get one this size I did it I got one this size and I killed it but it is called a friendship plant right it's a Chinese money plant also friendship friendship plant because they grow little offshoots that you can give to your friends and family so that's what's great about this plant and listen it is not like the easiest plant to take care of in the beginning all you have to remember to do is not water it too much like when you have a plant that's in this small of a container it's a 2-incher you want to water it more often and they do need quite a bit of indirect sunlight but it's a very adorable plant you know you've seen them before it used to be like the you know corn plant it's so not anymore because the nursery started figuring out wait a minute I can grow a lot of these and make a lot of money so that's what they were doing anyway so they're available and well everywhere and they're really really adorable gifts especially this size too when you start or when you give somebody a plant this size for a gift it means like you're really really not having to commit too much to plant and if for some reason it doesn't survive they don't feel so bad right it just kind of disappears and you kind of don't notice it but anyway you do have an opportunity to grow a big beautiful plant from a plant this size so if someone's experimenting with indoor plants this might be a great gift because it'll allow them the opportunity to watch something grow and to nurture it so that's pretty exciting giving the gift of responsibility and tenderness is a really nice gift I think that's why I like to give everybody I see a plant actually my in-laws are here and they're leaving pretty soon and I'm trying to give them a plant but they're not taking when they have too many they're like no more plants I manned up we can't take any more plants I'm gonna put one in our car hey Mego there she goes again okay so that's those are the Pylea pepper moieties and let's talk about Lucas isn't bright in front of my face we're gonna talk about oh yeah I'm serious about Hoyas are great easy care plans for gifts because you don't have to do anything you give them a lot of indirect sunlight you water them when they're kind of bone-dry depending on the variety I know like beep this is a this is I can never ever remember Australis this is a baby Australis it needs a little bit more water than say the hindu rope the jolla hindu rope somebody asked me to mention more common names I'm trying but I just kind of up my I'm all over the place so the Hoya Hindu rope the Hoya Cardosa compacta is a beautiful plant to give to somebody I know whenever anybody walks into my house like what is that they go to my variegated one and they go to this one and they're just like amazed because it looks like living rope it does and they do get mealybugs this one still has some mealy bugs in it nothing you can do about that you can just clean it and keep cleaning it so that so I have another Hoya so I have this one over here literally my workout that it so yeah this is a tricolour Hoya and I think we still have these on sale on planner inna calm I have to look but super gorgeous amazing variation just these white edges and some of the foliage just comes out pure white like that it doesn't last that long I mean the white leaves don't last that long but the plant does so if you want to give if you want to give somebody a very spectacular lush plant that you know is gonna last for quite a long time try the Hoyas the hoi's are actually one of the better hanging plants to give as a gift there's another one I'll talk about in a minute but in general this is pretty amazing I mean I I kind of have a lot of them and I continue to bring more in this is one of the easier wants to take care of and the Australis and the public hallux I have to just put things on the floor oh by the way my plan studio is a disaster I was away for a little while I came back some of the plants didn't survive there's like leaves all over the floor I I think the day after Thanksgiving instead of being in a in a coma of food I'm gonna clean I'm gonna get up and clean and maybe decorate and just have some fun some holiday fun all right so let's talk about talking about this let's talk about the Chinese evergreens the aglio Nima's and this is sparkling sera and this I mean come on who doesn't respond to pink I mean I'm not a giant color person but when I do see some pink and some foliage I go a little nuts I go a little crazy kind of want it and the good news is that this plant is a great gift because this doesn't matter how many times I leave and come back if my family forgets to water this it doesn't matter it kind of looks the same every time I come back even if it's bone-dry it just maybe droops a little bit so that's why it's just such a spectacular gift plan it is so this is what I say - I tell you this is sparkling Sarah and then I did I bring any others around I'm gonna show you some here there's some other really beautiful ones that are like silver Bay I don't I know it's a common plant I know people are kind of thinking oh I see that everywhere but I love them I love the silver color I'm a silver queen doesn't make any sense but I like silver and that works it works and it goes in most people's homes it's like a soft beautiful green a big swash of silver in the center so that's pretty nice so anybody the ad liam is the chinese evergreens a really good gift plants can also look pretty spectacular because they're you can get some big ones you can get some small ones like this that are super cute and people are like wow thanks for the plant I love it kind of that's the reaction you want you don't want this reaction like oh thank you what am I supposed to do with this the answer is it's easy just water it when it's dry put it in indirect bright light like tell them those two things you can walk away thinking like you just you're like the best plant coach ever like people are gonna look up to you Wow you taught me about plants and then like hey Lia did you kind of did alright so then next one let's let's talk about something I talked about a lot I should have started with this hmm excuse me because hold on something's in there and I can't get it out Sansevieria I talk about it often but this is a cylindrical hold on water please having a coughing fit I say goodbye are you yeah of water so like I was saying before I had a coughing fit the Sansevieria are pretty much like um in the top two of gift plants and you can't go wrong the only way you can go wrong with them or your receiver your gift receiver is to overwater them and put them in super low light and water them too much because then they rot but they put them near a window if they water them when they're really dry it's kind of a no-brainer gift make the birds nests really really cute um I have to admit that I overwater the bird's nest because I get lazy sometimes and I don't want to stick my finger in there because I feel like it's hard to get in there but it's not it's just because I'm on like plant 250 by the time I get to this but they can handle a lot of dryness and they're really cute they're even cuter when you look at them from the top it's like a top down plant so yeah they're cute I have another ones in place I think but you get the drift they're so incredibly giftable because you can feel confident they're not gonna mess them up any time soon it might be a year and taking at that phone call my smoothie plant finally died I'm like well I'll tell you trying to kill it because not it's not easy to kill that plant where's my water you know I did make the mistake once of giving my father a beautiful allocation answer because I was in love with those plants and I had to and I gave one to my father and they gave one to my mother-in-law thank you so much I appreciate it thank you and it was so beautiful they were so beautiful for a while and then month after month the leaves were falling off and then that was it so I stopped really giving Ella cases I even stopped collecting alle cases except for I have two that are still living and that's it because so many of them don't live for me and other people just stay away from them I've learned so that's definitely not a gift plant and like I said before the beginning ferns are not great gift plants unless you know the person really knows how to take care of plants otherwise you're just setting them up for failure and that what bad friends do so don't be a bad friend give them plants that will live I mean you can be a bad friend just don't advise it what's next so let's talk about one of my new favorite plans and I will probably keep talking about the hemella munis lb and just all I want to say I don't say anything I want you to look at it look at it stare at it be mesmerized by it it's hypnotic it's one of those hypnotic plants that I wish I would have known about or seen earlier in my life but it's my new gift plant for people so guess what guys wait for your mailman because something's coming your way I'm just saying I don't care if you want it or not you're getting it did you never notice that they're like once you get into plants everybody around you gets a plant just because you feel like they have to have it like this is actually the best gift I feel like it's the best gift that's just my thoughts so the Hamal amoenus lb is beautiful pretty low-maintenance I keep it by a east-facing window and I water it when it's dry and as you're discovering about me I forget to water so that I forget I just don't I can't get around to all the plants all time so the plants that I have are actually pretty pretty drought tolerant in general so unless the you know except the ferns that died while I was gone so yeah this lb is a good one you're gonna love that or someone's gonna love that I'm looking at a lot of plants here okay ponytail palm I love the ponytail palm I really do and you know here's the thing about them they're very durable they have a big base that stores a lot of water so it just tells you not to water it too much but you do have to water it because if you don't you'll see the leaves will start falling off and it becomes a sad looking plant and also keep your eyes on it for little mealybugs because I'm telling you once they get in there they're really hard to get out I had to lose three of them this this past summer and this is my remaining one but I love them they're great gifts they just don't like again I like the tree thing I like the tree theme I'm from like the landscape world so anything that looks like a miniature tree it's cool to me I really like it ponytail palms are great and also I will even go as far to say parlor palms parlor palms are a pretty cool looking they fill up a lot of volume so if you know someone just maybe moved into a house or an apartment and they're decorating these are really kind of decorator staples they can tolerate lower light they do need to be watered more than most of the plants that I'm talking about today so if you don't you'll see them starting to like curl in and just be like help and you'll know that so put this on the lower end of the gift plant suggestions but it's a good one if you know someone was like paying attention right they're kind of a little more planet D than you might think parlor palms are pretty good so let's talk about us I'm just moving like outward let's talk about chef leras and you might think well yeah I don't know this is an awfully large one so I just want to tell you that I don't water this that much I let it get extremely extremely dry I mean it's dry right now and I keep it under a grow light because I'm kind of running out of good natural light but if you know somebody has big windows and and has access to kind of indirect bright light the chef's lawyers are really really good this is big this might be a this might be a big gesture of love if you send somebody this one but they're smaller ones there's like the mini are Bakula's and then there's um there's another one I forgot that I love I'll just put it here so I can't remember it I don't know how you guys remember all the plants this is your younger and your brain isn't as fried as mine so wonder I can even speak um so let's talk about I'm reaching here I'm reaching okay oh I didn't show you this little ploy yeah this little Hoya exotica so cute controversial controversial plan I know because I put on stories I asked you guys about these Hikari eyes I said do you think we should put them on the website I think like 65% of you said yes and the rest said no and the reason being is that for the sixty five percenters you say that it's like a gimmick it's a hoax why should I buy a plant that won't live you know I understand what you're saying I understand you're saying but the problem is a lot of people are selling them just just the leaf and no stem no petiole and that's an issue because that leaf is not gonna last very long but if you buy one that actually has roots you see like this is rooted it's dry its rooted and it has a little bit of a petiole it's gonna live a lot longer the biggest mistake people make with it is watering the heck out of it you don't want to do that let it get dry put it in a sunny spot probably gonna last a long time it actually can grow if it has enough of a stem if it doesn't it's probably not gonna grow but still it's a cute little present I'm sorry I know that these things don't last that long for most people but I keep buying them because I think they just look really cute and it's gonna last a lot longer then love rose or then a tulip or whatever which I love flowers I mean believe me I was a gardener I love flowers but indoors like a green I like it all kinds of green so that's what I'm gonna I'm gonna say it's a go I'm gonna put these on the website because and people want them it's like if you said no I hate it I hate it I'll say ok you probably won't do it but this is gonna go I would be so happy if my boyfriend wait I'm married I mean my husband gave me this just like man I love you that's really cute I would I would say that but when he used to bring me flowers I was like oh great can you put them in a vase for me because I don't feel like doing it he's like what's wrong with you you don't like flowers Mike I don't know I mean I like plants I like plants so I get no more flowers anymore occasionally someone will bring me flowers and they just then they look around they go oh sorry so sorry about that ok another one this might be a long video I really didn't expect it to be this long but it's getting there hold on guys do a little shifting peperomia obtuse folia seriously yeah I'm serious this is a monster and I don't do anything with it you guys think I'm like the laziest plant person I probably am to a certain extent I definitely choose plants that kind of they're they're independent but if you want to give up this is quite a large one and I'm sure you probably are not gonna send somebody this but you might show up to someone's house with this and then you're like you know what I think I love you because it's one of the best plants easiest plants to take care of it does need indirect sunlight definitely not direct sunlight but they thrive in indirect sunlight and they don't need a lot of water those are the two criteria for giving the best plant gift plant plant gift so this yeah there's all different types of peperomia there's like the golden gate do I have one oh yeah it's not looking so good it's not looking so good should I show you all right I want to show you hold on actually I don't think this is golda gate I think this is a very gotta it doesn't look so bad it just has one kind of bad leaf on it and it's kind of in a darker spot but the fabrication is really beautiful so and then also the cluesive Foley is any kind of peperomia that has a waxy or thick leaf is a great gift because it's a succulent and especally that's cool that's not gonna get all crazy looking and extended and start looking like not so good unless you like that look that's okay I like it sometimes I don't really like it a lot so we've got now which I love this is a good gift plant and I'm going to show you just different types of pothos because they're not all pothos there's the silver this is the silver step I need a room I need to make I'm feeling claustrophobic now on the plants are swallowing swallowing me and this is a silver satin pothos which is a skin daxus pictus and this I'm pretty sure is silver satin and then there's it's also so close to the exotica I can't tell the difference I really can't maybe somebody can write it in the comments and give examples because I was looking at all my pothos or skinned abscess last night trying to like figure out what is what and I'll tell you the difference if there is what I do with that hold on it's right in front of my face so this I believe is a silvery and because the silvery ends tend to work yeah tend to get leaves can you see that that become much more silver like almost solid silver leaves like that and it looks it just has not it has a more irregular variation than the silver satin for the exotica which i think is the same plant somebody please correct me somebody cried to me but I'm just trying to figure it out so yeah these guys look like oh here's a here's a long one here's a long one and this might be silvery in okay I'm going to show you why I think it is see that silver do you see that silver ridiculously amazing so great gift plant because if someone you consider elegant and lovely this is probably a really good plan for them can you hear me I don't know I felt like all the plants are blocking the microphone so rearranging I'm sorry I was trying to get all setups it was easy and I think I did it okay job so that is that and then oh and I wanted to also show you the difference between that one and the stand like they're just regular pictus okay I'm back and this is the I think it's just called silver silver pothos it's a stent it says pictus skin baptist pictus and it has it has smaller variations smaller dots smaller speckles on the leaves and the leaves are smaller in comparison to the silver satin or the exotica so that's the difference between these two but they're both really good plants to give to somebody because they look so beautiful and they don't like cool temperatures so anything under 55 is not good so give them to people who keep their houses nice and toasty warm and have indirect light low like medium they don't like a lot of light they'll burn out so just lower light not a lot of water because they def make your scope with too much water they don't like the water a lot of water they like to dry out all these plants like to dry out that's why the good gifts and I have here's one that really likes to dry out it is sago palms they're really kind of structural they're really quite beautiful this one's kind of small the one the bigger one I had I don't have it anymore I want to talk about it but I don't have any more this one I got actually brought back from the greenhouse and it was just a little like bulb and then it grew so it was very exciting to watch the process of something grow and that's again why I'm doing this video because I think people appreciate that they want to know that they can make something into something a little bit better by giving it attention and care and and just you know just it makes them feel good it makes me feel good so that's why plant gifts are good I think it gives you hope right we want hope in life and we hope we can do a good job and we try our hardest and that's all we can do so sago palms are really really good yes gifts I've got so many plants here I did not expect this so holiday time right it's holiday time and people who buy poinsettias and they buy em at the phylum peaceful ease which are great they're all great but there's something about the flowering and theorem that I just look I look at it like it's a holiday plant and it's a good holiday plant because these things just keep going they can dry out they'll flower regularly if you put them in pretty bright indirect light and you feed them you fertilize them but they're a great gift plant because I even when they're not flowering they're very spectacular I just love them and their leaves get nice and big over time they just and they're substantial they look like a plant and I know with poinsettia is that they have to go into a dormancy period so they're really not a plant that's gonna last all year long and but peace lilies well it's just to me peace lilies have a little competition with these flowering in theory and in my head they do so the end so there's white and there's red and there's pink and there's purple and so you've got quite a few choices to choose from it's so cute I mean okay it's not cute it's gorgeous it's gorgeous there's cute and there's beautiful what else do we have here so I'm getting down to the bottom of my list and you know maybe this is the last one I have to look around no I have another one after this but Zizi plants you probably know this by now if you've seen any of my videos this is probably one of the easiest plants to take care of so it it's a really good gift for somebody it's in a great gift category because they kind of are interesting looking you know I think the your your person who's gonna receive this might have to have a little bit more of an open mind to find the beauty and this but really really beautiful and it's got these stubby basis of their stems and it's a very glossy beautiful leaves and it looks like a ladder climbing up to the skies I don't know I can go on and on about it but the best thing I can say are the most important thing I can say is that they water it like once every six weeks depends on how much light you're getting and how hot it is in your space but you don't need to worry about this guy as long as the soil drains it's gonna be okay Zizi plants this is a Zenzi zzs NZ go back over here I had to put all you guys back after this that's why we're not gonna happen and I think this is the last one I believe that monstera deliciosa are good gift plants especially when you take cuttings or you get a smaller plant and you give it to somebody but you have to warn them that they're gonna get big they're gonna get big and they're gonna take up a bunch of space so if you have a friend who has a giant room or a giant house or just space that they want to fill with greenery give him a monster or deliciosa because they like to dry out between one means they don't really demand a lot of attention they can handle a lot of different types of light so it's a really good starter plant for people it's a really nice gift and I feel like people will just be pretty happy you thought about them that way it's really kind of it I'm looking at I wish I had my glasses on I'm always staring at my plants when I talk to you guys like I'd ever really sit and talk to my plants in general so yeah these are all pretty pretty good gifts to think about I think you know there are a lot of choices but you don't want to disappoint the person you're giving the plan to and you don't want to overwhelm them by giving them like 10 different types of plants with all different types of requirements so just this is a good group to choose from so if you're walking I walk into your friend's house for a dinner party and you show up with this you don't want them to be afraid you can say hey there's two things you need to know let it dry out and give it in direct sunlight it's kind of kind of a no-brainer with these guys so anyway that's it hope you guys enjoy your week I I don't know what I'm doing over Thanksgiving oh yeah we're cooked well I'm not cooking but my husband's cooking my mom's coming over we're having some friends come over so I'm pretty excited about that you gonna actually take a day just to just be with my family and do some fun stuff with my son I don't know I hope you guys enjoy if you're celebrating Thanksgiving and really just take some time for yourself too it's really important you time is important so that's it bye guys I really appreciate you watching and you know I really do that's what I'm thankful for most mostly over anything else that I'm you guys have been so supportive well there's my family and then there's you it's true I love you guys do can I just love everybody can't we just just love everything whatever I'm gonna stop bye guys take care you
Views: 308,409
Rating: 4.9394174 out of 5
Keywords: houseplants, indoor plants, gift plants, indoor plant gift ideas, best indoor plant gifts, easy care houseplants, low light houseplants, low maintenance houseplants, best plants, great gifts, low maintenance indoor plants, indoor plants hard to kill, good indoor plants, plant styling, best houseplants for gifts, how to choose a houseplant
Id: 2LbxH9YegKw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 33sec (2133 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 26 2019
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