Where Should You Put All of Your Houseplants??: 14 Easy Plant Styling Rules for Beginners!

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how many of you guys have bought a bunch of plants and then you brought them home and you realize I don't have the right pots I don't have the right space I have an idea of where I'm gonna put them okay I've been there I know you've been there and that's why I'm making this video because I get asked that question a lot how do what do I do with my plants how do I decorate with my plants and I asked myself that to it what am I gonna do with these plants let's talk about that today first I'm gonna say thank you so much for coming back to this channel thanks for subscribing thanks for all your support it means the absolute world to me it does it really does so let's just talk about plants so let's just start with pots as you know there are so many pot choices there are colored ones there's texture to ones there's pattern ones there's plain ones there's I'm not gonna talk about the different materials cuz I'm really just talking about aesthetics today talking about aesthetic choices so I know that I get very attracted to patterns you know this is like an Aztec pattern it's like a tattoo I like this I really like it a lot but when I put a plant like this in it like this enjoy pathos I don't think it looks so good you know why this is why I think again I'm gonna tell you my opinion the way I do things it doesn't necessarily mean that's the that's the way it doesn't mean that at all that's what I'm saying what I'm trying to say is that everybody has different aesthetic choices so just because I am NOT I might not like the way something looks doesn't mean it's right okay just it's just a guideline to maybe help you be a little less unsure about what to do and what to pick and how to pick something so back to the point this pot doesn't work with this very well in my opinion because there's so much variation going on the leaves that I think the leaves should be the star and not the pot the is stealing the show from this planet and it's not fair to the plant because look it's done so much to give me so much variation in length that I'm gonna take it out of this pot I only put it in in here to show you that this is probably a wrong choice but then again you might love it so just take all this with a grain of salt this is just kind of what I do so what I would do I would take a plant that has a deeper green of very level playing field of green and put it in this pot because it just makes more sense it visually not mentally just visually for me so that's one thing with texture and colors too you have to be careful about the color choices of the pots that you pick when you pair it with a plant that has a lot of color or a clashing color clashing might be in right now I don't know but for me I just my brain can't handle it so it has to be like if it's a pink soft pink pot it has to have like almost like a very blue tone on the leaf I don't know but all I'm saying is that there are pots for there are particular pots for particular plants in my mind and the good news is that it's a pretty wide range so white pots in general white pots kind of work it's kind of hard to go wrong with white pods and you might think it's a cop-out you might think I have no imagination I'm afraid of color and you might be right on that fact but for me especially when I'm designing in a room like in my house I don't do any design professionally outside of my house I was a landscape architect but that's a different story so when I'm designing in my house this neutral pot works in almost any setting so I know that if I bring a boatload of plants back home I'm gonna think I need a bunch of white pots or pots that have a good neutral color so green and white they look good together and look there's a bunch of white in this variation on this piss Kia which I never say right we're just the light that makes no look at that look how beautiful that is so this white frosting really works well against this backdrop of white on the pot that's my point my point is that white works and black works I'm going to show you a black pot that's right over here here's a black geometrical pot that is like faceted I'm so sorry about this spathiphyllum with its brown leaves but I just left the leaves turned brown and then I pulled him out because who has time to prune I do I like Prudie so here we go this I had a very hard time with I struggled with what to do with this pot because I felt like it was visually distracting but I noticed that when you put it and I just did this just now actually 10 minutes ago when I put this plant this spathiphyllum that has these elongated leaves a bit of a shine a little bit of a texture it kind of goes with the texture and I'm sorry the phone rang literally in the middle of my sentence but I find that there's a great relationship between this leaf in this pot and I had struggled with this pot in the past I couldn't find the right plan for it but I think I have but black pots look great too because it does not at all compete with the color of the leaf which is a good thing and it blends in especially if you have it in a corner or in a dark table surface and you just really want the plant to be the highlight you should think about using darker colored pots they're great as well so that's a score and then we have the neutral pots we have the terra cotta pots we have concrete pots we have clay pots ceramic I think I said that but again if they are living in a group together and they feel like there's harmony and cohesiveness within that group of pots that can work and almost any plant can probably go in that grouping because the pots are the things that are anchoring that whole assortment that group that arrangement of plants so I love putting plants in groups because I feel like it makes a big impact especially if you have a lot of smaller plants so individual groups plants look really good together but try not grouping them all at group Group group group to have a group and separate it give it space because otherwise your eye has no place to go to it's just looking everywhere it needs to cut a focal point so we need to create focal points for our plants and our plant groups and that brings me to individual larger plants that have architectural importance that have a structure that have something very unique about them and we should highlight those plants we should give those plants their own space their own room to grow their own visual room because why have something so beautiful that is in an area that's being competed with by other plants and listen I'm sure you might think every single plant you have is spectacularly gorgeous on its own and it is and because nature got it right we don't actually need to do too much work to these points because nature did it we're just trying to find the right framework right we've trying to give him the proper frame the most appropriate frame for though for those plans to look their best so when you have a larger plant and you or a plant that is like a floor sized plant or a larger tabletop plant and it has a unique quality let that plant have its moment in the Sun or you know in the limelight not this time unless it's a Sun loving plant because you want those plans to be appreciated they want to be appreciated we want to be appreciated somehow so give the plants a chance to be appreciated let's talk about leaf color the leaf color dictates a lot where the plant goes in my house and because there are so many beautiful colors out there but not all of them work well together and I'll tell you about my biggest problem it's the pink princess philodendron that I absolutely love the medium-sized one I have I cut up the bigger one as you saw and we're propagating it right now but the pink one is pink it's true pink and it looks so beautiful on its own because it also has a sculptural quality when I put it in a group with other plants and you lose the form you just don't see it which is a shame and also the pink doesn't really work with a lot of the other shades of greens and yellows that are found in most of my plants so I pulled it away put it in its own spot and it's doing great and I look at it every day multiple times a day and it has no visual competition so I'm just saying there's certain colors that just clash clashing can be a good thing if that's I don't know if is clashing in right now like maybe I don't know I don't keep up on this tough but for me like I don't want colors that are just fighting against each other and just don't look good so I try to pull the yellows and the chartreuse is and make light greens together so it lights up a corner or I take the Maroons and I mix it in with some lighter greens to kind of have a little bit of a contrast but there you'll find it you'll find your own pallor pallor your own color palette and that's it you will find your own but I'm kind of saying that there there's kind of rules right there's rules so complementary colors work yellow and purple works really nice together so mix it up a little bit have some fun mixing your colors the leaf shape and sizes also dictate for me where the plants go who goes next to each other why are you going next to each other what do you offer each other yes light requirements are the most important thing and I should have said that in the beginning because obviously you can't put a plant that's you know high light in a low light spot but these concepts I'm talking about can go in any light environment it's just really more an aesthetic concept so if you have a leaf that has a little bit of a pubescence on it or you have a leaf that has a pony paul me paul maitla compound or by pinnately compound or just a whole simple you can mix that up and have some fun with it like the monstera behind me like to me I want just to see this I absolutely think most one of my favorite planets in the world because it's variegated and it's growing like crazy but that leaf mixed with a very lanceolate leaf like this it's just contrast think about contrast and think about highlighting the plants good side which is pretty much every side and then in terms of the sizes of the leaf yeah you can have some really tiny little peperomia Pro strata leaves next to some big old up to the folio leaves I mean there's a lot you can do it's a kind of creating miniature pieces of art in a tiny little Museum of plants if you look at it that way so be the curator be your curator and you know appeal to your own taste first if you don't like what I'm saying forget it I'm just trying to give you a different way of looking at plants because I know when you see them in a store you love a particular thing about them but sometimes when you bring them back home that thing gets lost because it's not in the right spot or it's competing and you get the point I'm just trying to give you some ideas I hope certain plants have a mood enough this makes any sense to you but they create a mood and so you might want to match the mood of your plant to a pot like this urn is like of ye old school right of times gone past and this rattlesnake leaf yes seems to work I don't know why sometimes I can't explain it it just works because it looks antiquated it looks vintage Victorian I don't know something with a V but I really can't I can't put another plant in in this pot at this point because it's a perfect match so you're gonna find a perfect match and you're gonna say does it follow your rules I don't really care I'm just doing it anyway and you should you should totally do it and again colour it you know there's pots that have color like this that look beautiful to me on their own but sometimes I have a very hard time finding the right plant to fit in this pot this pot was made by a local Potter she's very talented and I have quite a few of her pieces but I'd like to just consider them sculptures because the ones that are I have color that have color glaze I'm having a difficult time matching the right plant with it and it should probably be just a deep green plant for here but I'm not there yet and then we've got super super simple ways of just laying things like air plants and the light is a little off but just put them in these shallow little bowls and one of them when you remember to water them and you know there's something there's something so beautifully simple about this about just a few sprigs of vegetation coming out a beautiful piece of pottery the other thing you can do is group your plans together like the same plan together to make a giant mass of foliage that looks good from a distance that looks good when you're close up on it it just looks good because you feel like you're in nature nature by nature likes to kind of sprawl out a not like plants naturalize and find their way until they can't grow anymore because the late requirements change right so we can create recreate that in our homes by putting a bunch of the same plants together to make us feel like we are a living outdoors but in a controlled environment and that's what's really important to me is being able to live with plants not get overwhelmed by plants but feel like we're living in harmony because that's what we want we don't want to add stress we want to come home and feel like we can enjoy being with our planets and our plants aren't running our lives that's the most important things so if you make your your toussaint design decisions kind of they work in your favor that's a benefit that's benefits use its benefit to your plants because they're going to be happier that you're taking better care of them anyway so group in your plant is a really great way to kind of get a big big impact like you know bang to your visual impact buck does that make any sense I don't know but yeah that's another great thing you can do especially when you're loving on one type of plant like the zebu blue prepared that I love I love them there's four of them here okay if you're just not digging what I'm saying with my kind of my sense of style that's totally fine but there's a there's another solution if you can't control yourself and you keep coming home with boxes of plants and bags of plants and car loads of plants you might want to think of having just like a designated crazy plant area where you throw your plants in you can have design freedom and no one's judging you because no one they're not allowed to judge you in your crazy plant place right so that's what I use my garage for I've taken it over it's my plan studio because I felt like so many times I was taking over and dominating in my house with my plants and my family is super supportive but I also found it wasn't fair plus it was getting a little out of control and I had a hard time running around taking care of all the plants that were scattered all over the house so I have a concentration of plants and it also allows me to be creative come up with different ideas for displaying plants from making things for taking risks and chances that I might not take in my house where everybody lives and visits so having a designated room doesn't have to be a garage because not everybody has a garage it could be a corner it could be a wall it could be a closet that you have artificial lighting in maybe but the point is it's a place where you can go and easily take care of your plants and just do whatever you want and if nobody likes it they don't have to look at it just have them turn around but having a designated plant area is another way you can just keep adding plants and not worry about it he's trying to find I have run out of pot and I have a lot of pots and I run out of pot or the right pots and I run out of boxes and trays to put plants in and you know it's just it's daunting trying to keep up with your plant addiction so either take it slow and really think about the things you're bringing back home or be prepared to to house your plants and something that looks pretty good to you that's it that's all I have to say today I hope you enjoy your weekend I hope you can get outside and if it's warm where you live enjoy the weather and if it's cold Reliv put a nice sweater on and take a stroll in the crisp air I don't know what I'm saying I'm just saying thank you have a great weekend and I'll see you on Tuesday take care I'm not sure if you guys are still watching the video but I just as I was editing I had a thought I just wanted to say it that a lot of this is experienced and a lot of this is trying and a lot of this is not being afraid to make a mistake and also to be okay if a plant doesn't make it if a plant dies I know a lot of people get very emotionally attached it's alright to their plants and treat them kind of like their kids and they name them I'll tell ya I don't name my plants because guess what they die eventually or they don't and I just feel like it's a plant I have kids I have a kid actually I don't have more than one kid I have dogs I have put unfortunately how to put some dogs down and pets down and that's tragic to me like there's tragedy and then there's plants I love plants don't get me wrong but if one doesn't make it it doesn't make it I'll replace it that's the good thing about plants don't be so afraid of taking a risk with a new plant definitely research it definitely give it everything you can but don't beat yourself up if it doesn't make it that's all I want to say because uh I do I get a motioning tossed like this one behind me that variegated monstera if that thing were to die I'd cry like I totally would cry but I could have replace it so well maybe it's really hard to find I'm gonna go take a cutting from it right now you get my point I just don't want people to start feeling bad about themselves because they weren't successful with the plant I get a lot of messages people very concerned about a plant that was given to them from a family member who has passed on and I try my hardest to give the best advice I can and if I don't know I will try to refer them to somebody else so just don't beat yourself up so badly that's all I'm trying to say just really felt like I needed to say that because plants should really be a good part of your life and a positive part of your life and don't feel that you are so ultimately responsible because sometimes it's just out of your control there's pests it goes through they can get a fungus it could just be a difficult plant to just have you have confidence in what you can do that's all I'm saying okay thanks sorry about that but just felt like I had to say that
Views: 308,105
Rating: 4.9426889 out of 5
Keywords: plants, indoor plants, houseplants, house plants, how to decorate with plants, indoor pots, plant pots, plant styling, indoor plant styling, interior plants, indoor plant for beginners, tropical plants, low light houseplants, how to, how to style with plants, best indoor plants, easy indoor plants, easy houseplants, best houseplants, indoor plants for beginners, must have houseplants, monstera, pothos, philodendron, peace lily
Id: h2NzuLI70Y8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 58sec (1258 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 26 2019
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