My Biggest Houseplant Propagating Video Ever! | 40+ Plants

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[Music] welcome back you guys my name is amanda from plant arena and today in today's video today's video i'm going to propagate every plant i have in this house ethan turn it down so yeah that's what i'm doing and you know why i'm doing it i don't know why i'm doing it now i'm actually doing it because i had to get rid of some plants because steve couldn't take care of them well i was gone for a while and now that i'm back kind of missing having a gazillion plants around me i mean i still have a lot of plants but i'm gonna propagate more i'm gonna propagate and then in about a month i'll probably plant them and i'll probably give some more away i'm kind of like into that propagating and giving thing so anyway let me just start because i've already filled up some vases with some water i'm probably gonna need a hundred more of these so i'll probably take a lot of breaks making this video finding more propagation buzzes and vessels but they're so pretty too anyway you can put you can use like glasses you can use cups you can use anything like old shampoo containers and stuff like that but i'm going to use some glass because i think i have a lot of it anyway i'm going to go get the first plant i want to propagate because i forgot to bring it in so i'm gonna go get it and i'll be right back okay the first plant the first plant i probably have to go higher in my seat because i'm like a bad camera person a little bit better that's better so the first plant is a marble queen pothos that i'm going to propagate and i've done it many times this one is an extra large one actually we have this on our website plugging unplugging but i did want to tell you that to find out about all the deals we do a lot of free gift with purchases and giveaways and stuff and price reductions we do a lot of that and we mainly do it through the email so if you want to know about that stuff the best way to learn is from the email anyways let me go back to this the marble queen pothos is probably one of the easiest plants to propagate because it already has like aerial roots that are coming out from the nodes so you know what i know it is i know it is these little swollen these little swollen areas that are between the leaves you see that like right there that's a node and you want to cut it at the note i gotta get a t-shirt that says cut below the node so i'm gonna do that i'm gonna just take i'm gonna take one's my first one it's the first one i'm gonna take i wish i had another arm but i'm gonna cut it i got an idea i'm gonna bring the camera closer okay i'm gonna bring the camera closer i need steve zooming is whoa that's a zoom hey don't bark leave those dogs alone so i'm just i'm not gonna take um many many many cuttings because if i'm going to cut every single plant i have in this house i'm going to need the space why am i whispering because this mic i can't control the volume on it so i'm talking like this this is my new voice my new youtube voice so i'm going to cut it like this can you see let me go like that actually because when i put this in whoa i can't get too close because it's a zoom thing i'm going to take this forever please that calms the word like that and then i'm going to cut this bottom leaf off because stop it oh somebody's here okay hold on i think the plumber's here there's the plumber he's still here her refrigerator stopped working and then i started working again anyway you need a refrigerator that works so you can do it in a couple of different ways you can propagate these but what i want to do this time instead of like cutting at each node and sticking them in soil i'm just gonna i'm just gonna take this leaf here i'm gonna take that off did i already do that i don't remember and take this leaf off and i'm going to put it in this vessel like that just in water i might even if i can squeeze another one in here because it looks a little lonely don't you think so it needs a friend so i'll do that i'll take one more and i'll cut it from i'll cut this one that's on the side this little one that's just in the back cut it like that and then i'm going to take this tag end like that oh no no yeah i'm going to cut it right below the node i'm going to cut that river's right underneath me don't don't eat pothos are not pet friendly hi and i'm just gonna take this and i'm gonna put it over here and with this guy because it's just gonna fit if it were too thick it wouldn't fit oh come on focus focus focus here comes steve okay so that is number one number one okay now i actually have a camera person so i'm going to take this off the tripod and hand it to the pro you are becoming a professional okay so now i'm going to clean up these leaves that i put on the floor because i stepped on it that's not good to step on your leaves okay that's number one so let me take my my sturdy pruners here and look around i have this syngonium i think this is like gold illusion that i actually replaced one that steve unfortunately let die and i don't blame him because it wasn't potted well and you had water every 35 seconds so i'm gonna take this i kind of like the way this looks but i know when anyone sits here and the water and the vegetation hits their head they don't like it so i'm going to do that i'm going to take it right here can you come a little bit closer if you don't mind or zoom in that'd be great because i really want to show where it's important oh you're stuck where it's don't get all this garbage on the couch thank you so if you want your plant to look good after you you cut it to propagate it cut it pretty close to the node like right there and then this way it's like you never did it it's like you never cut it right can you tell can you tell steve though it's this this is so this little piece which is good because actually an interesting part is like normally the the youngest leaf doesn't usually make it right i don't know why that what'd you do no i touched the screen and there's something weird about that we're just learning this camera and we're having some technical problems but anyway so the youngest leaf generally doesn't make it it does sometimes sometimes it doesn't this but generally with these very kind of tender plants um i like to cut it off when i'm propagating so there it goes and in this case i'm just i'm gonna leave this big leaf and and cut it like that and i might change my mind like that and then i'm going to put it in another vase i'm going to put it in this one and you might be thinking okay when all these roots grow in here how do i get it out how do i take it out it's easy i'll show you in a different example i think just gently pull it out now that wasn't gently but gently slowly pull it out and put it back in it sounds really bad you know what i'm talking about be gentle with your roots so that's the syngonium i think it's gold illusion or something like that and number two i'm not going to keep counting because i'm going to forget okay so i'm going to hop up here and i have this mikens philodendron that is has it has no leaves here so ah maybe this is a bad one to propagate i'm just going to cut this off what happens if it's growing and and i forget where this was i think this was in my bedroom i don't remember it was kind of in a dark corner on the bottom by the floor and it just stopped producing leaves i'm just going to cut it back i'm not going to propagate this and i'm going to cut it back a little bit more and just let it kind of fill in i have i think i have mikens i have a better one over there i'll propagate so i'm just going to trim this up a little bit because it looks a little sad it's like going to be a really long video don't step on that steve so i'm going to take this brazil because look at this i had cut this at one point in time and from where i cut it new life started we have new growth so i'm just going to do that again and i'm going to remove some of these bottom leaves which is kind of important because they'll rot if they sit in water for too long and i'm going to cut that i should really bring a bucket in here but i'm not prepared and you know what i'm going to do since i don't really want to go dig out any more vases this second i'm going to stick this in here with this pothos because pothos have this magical chemical that helps other plants roots grow faster it's kind of crazy isn't it i'm going to shove it in it's kind of like a little floral arrangement of of vining house plants it's nice to get a message steve who's messaging you okay that looks pretty huh except for that wacky thing but so we've got two plants in one propagation vessel what should i do next uh see this is a propagation here did i do with the brazil i just did that right i just didn't we have a lemon lime pothos that i'm making sure it's a pothos because i get confused sometimes too it's a pothos and i'm gonna cut it this is like look it's out it's at couch level and i don't know if steve likes that you don't really hang out in here anyway it doesn't really matter but okay lemon lime pothos it's the same thing pretty much for the philodendrons that's crazy and the pothos they are propagated the same way in water and they grow really really fast i'm going to remove the bottom leaves because that looks it's like a droopy tree with never state so and i think this is going to get its own propagation is this already the most boring video in the world maybe right no where are you going no i'm good no you're okay you're staying here so oh for to help help him okay okay so this actually is a propagation and i can't really propagate it unless i want to lose this whole entire new growth stem and i don't want to lose it i don't want to lose that so i have another i always have a monster at some place there's a giant monster right over there that i'm going to cut and look down there those are actual cuttings for another monster too many monstera too many can you have too many i don't know okay so here let me get over here so this is a silver this is a this is a pothos pictus and it is really pretty the thing with these plants is that they often have very long intern nodes and this is an internode it is the distance between this node get rid of that and that node and they're generally long here not so much but as they grow they do but i kind of like that look so here we go again just take a cutting how many was that six or five drop the lower relief take the little stem off i call it the tag stem take any of the dog hair and whatever that was did you see that that's disgusting and put it in stick it in here oh wow do you do you really want me to have all these propagations steve no because that means more it means more plants the money tree i've never propagated a money tree i actually don't really know how to do it so do you think i should just try you think i'm gonna it's so pretty though i don't want to cut it well i guess i have to because that's what that's what i said the video is it going to be about i don't want to do it so can you see this bunny tree are you inc are you in close i just ripped a leaf off of it where would you cut i'm not doing it i'm not going to do it because i feel like uh i think it's like it's wrong so i already did a golden pothos i have the mikens up there let's go over there sorry i just can't do the money tree there's probably gonna be a couple plants like that i just can't do so sorry so we've got the mikins this i was gonna cut it anyway because i just felt like there was so much going on here and you didn't get to see this wheel thing that my dad gave me which i love so i'm just gonna take this is like a propagation and like pruning exercise here so i'm going to take can you get a little closer so you see where i'm cutting where i'm cutting this is kind of looping back on itself oh that's just because it's tangled i'm gonna cut it like that does that look better and i'm gonna do that because i don't like the way that looks like that does that look better great you don't care you don't care about propagating propagating is the most fun thing in the world okay it's not but it is pretty darn fun again i'm losing the bottom leaves like that okay this is so redundant but i don't really care because i'm doing it cutting that sticking it in water i'm gonna stick it in this one too you can mix and match like i said so this starting to look kind of pretty except for this one doesn't look that pretty i'm gonna change that later all right so then we did the mikens and i've got this might take like hours this video hours i know i know i feel so bad so you can take these little babies which are kind of like drying up a little bit oopsie i'm just gonna cut right there sorry i'm just like i kind of sweaty i get like nervous when you're filming because i feel like i'm taking up your time this guy i'm just gonna put it in soil but i don't have soil right now so i'm gonna drop this in soil because you can see these little see those little things right there those are roots this is a baby plant this is actually a plant that's ready to grow on its own so i want to get some soil and i'll do that later that's going to go in a little tiny pot of soil and i can actually show you in the garage one that has been growing like that for a while in soil so there's that and then i'm not cutting um this soda rye because i have sad news i was kind of doing some work in here the other day and come here come here please and i broke this new leaf there was like all this extra there's all this more like leaf over here it was longer and i snapped it off but luckily i have this one here so i'm not cutting you today you're not getting cut and then so we have this monster at insomniai that i'm encouraging to grow into the bird cage because i i took the hanging plants off the ceiling because those are the hardest ones to water and i think steve was getting annoyed so i took them down was that a good thing to do yes okay score so let me just figure out where i can cut from here the thing is i put i put all the vines up on the top so i i have another one someplace i'll do it later and then i'm not pruning this um thermatophyllum this salome because what i did wouldn't i do it did i do it in like the winter high car car carson did i remember i cut this way back into nothing and what in like four months yeah you put on the porch and look there's another new leaf steve so you did great so this is not getting propagated and you know why because you can't propagate it you can't propagate it from a cutting it's impossible you can't do it so i'm not going to cut a plant just to cut a plant because that is cruel and i'm not doing it i'm kind of doing that right now but i'm propagating okay so here we have a large monstera deliciosa that um i'm not going to do it why am i making this video no no no no no i did it i did it so i again i'm going to show you where to cut because come closer and i've showed this gazillion times you cut above the node and you just go right there there's this long arial root right there that's going to start growing and then more white roots will come out and then it's going to look like this it's going to look this has been in here for a month a month and i'm not going to take them out because they're a pain to get back in but look see those are extensions roots that are extending from the aerial routes and then there's other ones that are coming out and i think there's even like yeah man look there's some there's some new growth fish in there there could be there could be beta look there's new growth there there's i don't know if that's gonna make it but that's pretty exciting right so sometimes the monsters get just so big you got to cut them you got to cut them back alright so let's move on i want to go to a different space did i hit everything in here oh no i didn't so we have the starfish san severia that uh i'm propagating in the other room so i'll show you that so i'm not gonna because that i like i did that in the last video i separated it and now i have one in water that hopefully will grow roots so let's move on ready before i leave this room i wanted to show you that i started propagating actually i think you knocked this off steve remember this is easy plant and you're really upset this is a zenzi and i put it in water a year ago i don't even know it's been a while it's taken that long to get one tiny root and it was getting like zero sun look how like chlorotic it is it does look like celery don't eat it do not eat it so anyway zzz plants take a long time to propagate but you can totally do it and okay now we can go thanks to the other room okay i can't take it anymore because i can't wait i gotta i gotta keep filming i gotta keep filming i gotta keep filming carson you wanna go outside okay so now i think i think i'm gonna do this i think i'm gonna propagate this it's birkin it's so pretty and i don't really want to cut it and it dries out like crazy i gotta i had to transplant it and it's very leany is leaning forward and the best place to propagate it wow there's some crunchy leaves in here it's at the base so i'm just gonna i'm gonna take a small piece because i'm not that confident in me keeping it alive i'm just gonna go like this i hope i don't i don't know what i'm cutting is that a giant piece i'm cutting i can't tell no this is a smaller piece it's in the back you'll never be able to tell oh that was just a leaf oopsie oh no here we go i just didn't get in deep enough here we go here we go i'm doing it i'm doing it i don't really want to do it but i'm doing it it's stuck here we go this is not the easiest one to cut hard to cut with one hand sorry about all that grossness okay so you are you are outside that's why you're dirty this is going to go right in water i have to vacuum after i do this there's a little bit of a i think that's an aerial root coming out a little bit that's going in water now okay so i have this red emerald philodendron that was outside on the porch for the summer it came back in it fell over a couple of times because it's so i think it's just leaning right now i have oh i have a prop i put like a i put like a terracotta pot in there to prop it up i have to properly repot it but until then i'm gonna propagate it so i've actually already i have a propagation in the garage going so i'm not gonna cut it okay i'll cut it because it looks like a little leggy look at all this crazy crazy aerial root action and i'm going to take it here because you see where i'm cutting it yeah sorry there you go cutting it there because of the shape you know because it's starting it started this was like doing this kind of crazy thing that was probably going to break if it grew and these leaves got bigger this new leaf might make it or it might not so either way i'm going to remove this bottom leaf off like this just remove that that's a leaf this is a the whole thing is a leaf a leaf and a petiole to be exact and remove this portion take that internet off like that and put it in water i'm going to put it in this vase maybe they don't want to all go in i found something very very interesting that the roots even if they're not completely submerged in water are going to grow down till it till they find the water which is really amazing so i bet if i leave it like this i come back in a week those roots just like an animal just go they're attracted towards the water so this is an experiment just like that okay do you understand what i'm saying do you see sure let's go keep cutting and then i have this chef lara here that i have never successfully propagated it and i don't really want to cut this one either do i have one in the garage i don't know but i think i'm gonna i think this is like stressful for me i'm going to just take this one here i'm going to can you can you come a little closer or no it's a little tight i'll just try just try to get in here because you can see there's this one single leaf that's growing here and there is that over again there's a node right there i think i have some i'm gonna i think it's a node i'm gonna just cut right it's not looking good it's okay i'm just gonna cut it and show there's a bit of swollen node here that might produce that might produce some root so i'm thinking that that might that might work we shall see this is an experiment life is an experiment you got to try things out and then i so let's put this in water i don't fall because we don't we need you strong and healthy i'm going to put this in water like that and let's take a cutting from the hoya this is a hoya tri-color and here you see this is all new growth i don't want to cut that because it's all new growth there's little baby leaves it's a little dark in here but these little baby leaves are coming out so i don't really want to cut that i don't want to cut that hoya but i'm going to cut just this section here because that's how much i care about you guys i'm going to show you how to cut see again i'm going to just put the leaves out of the way come back i'm going to cut this little internode section off i'm going to pop this in water again you can soil propagate hoyas and pothos and philodendrons but it's fun to watch the roots grow in water so put this little guy in water it has its very own little vase here see that it's so pretty isn't that very pretty okay wow this could take all night and i already did the chef lair i'm not doing another one i'm definitely not cutting this whale thin sansevieria because this itself was a division from a larger one and i'm not but i'll show you what i did and what's growing inside the garage or it's pretty cool so and then i have some more uh some more snake plants thailanicas and i think what's that the eyes are moving the eyes are moving oh yeah that's creepy i love it so and then i showed you the zensie that was being propagated and then i can take a a portion you know it's really hard sometimes to take a cutting from a plant that's very structural because you can kind of ruin the shape of it but anyway i'm gonna do it i'm gonna just do it there we go that's going in water too and then i already did the lemon lime philodendron it has a that's a pothos and i have a big dressing oh what was that that was my cord there's big dracaena here that i have a dristina oh that's in florida so i guess i i don't want to cut that either should i cut that it's so pretty i'm not cutting it sorry okay i'm going to put this in water and then i'm going to come back so this little corner used to have pothos growing up this bull's head and it looked so good and then it didn't so sorry steve you you tried but it was whatever it wasn't working that's fine i'll do it again one day but for now i put this calathea orbifolia and these thematophyllums here this one also was like a goner and you kind of brought it back it still has like this leaf is listen you're gonna lose leaves no matter what with your plants so oh i just no that's that's not a good i thought i'd cut off a brand new leaf but you cannot again you can't propagate this and the same thing with calatheas you can't propagate them in water you can't propagate them from cuttings but you can divide them when they get bigger but right now i want this to be way bigger before i cut it so that's not on the list in today's video but it's a super pretty plant and it has a brand new leaf look at that beautiful leaf coming up steve it's so pretty and then uh you know listen it gets brown edges that's what clay atheists do and i'm okay with that so let's look at here you don't have to put the camera but i just want to do this oopsie there are not as many plants here that there used to be a lot of plants hey river yeah she takes up the whole couch the entire couch kind of gross peperomia this is so beautiful this shape just i don't know what happened to it it just found itself here in the spot it's not getting a lot of light it's in a terra cotta pot it doesn't get a ton of water right you're not over watering this do you like i don't know i i don't i let it kind of dry out completely well it hasn't been here for that long right we moved plants around a lot or i do at least so anyway i am going to propagate this because what happens over time if you don't cut it back it gets super leggy and it starts like falling over i think i'm screaming can you look at that controls there like the voice control is it like you have no idea what you're looking at no it's okay so i'm going to keep whisper i'm going to keep whispering so i'm going to take this one because it's a lost some leaves along the way you see that and i'm just gonna cut it down right here above this leaf and go snip and then i'm gonna put it in the water and i'm gonna take that leaf off too oopsy i'm going to put this in water and it will root i do want to cut back this this part of the stem so the roots develop from here i'll be right back i'm going to put it in the water so this philodendron 2 i think this is mb that's what they told me it was i don't really know anymore i don't remember i'm not gonna pretend to know everything because i don't but this guy i love the way the form is and the shape it's like a cascade of green water i love it and i don't want to cut it look it's this is what's happening i'll show you so it's kind of grown down like this and it came back up and it's growing like into itself so it's kind of self-supporting which is really interesting so i don't need to have a stake in it at this point in time but for the sake of this video i guess i'll cut it i don't really why am i doing this video where am i going to cut it so i have no place that's not true okay you guys i'm doing this for you there is a little a little node right here and it's just kind of like nestled in this crotch i think this is yeah this is it i'm just gonna pop it like that and look you can't oh and look it's kind of rooted it already rooted you can you tell i cut it that's masterful cutting i'm not you have to kind of be aware of the shape if you want to keep the shape maybe you shouldn't cut it depending on the type of plant it is but this guy is fine it has an aerial root it has a new funky leaf coming out and it's going in water so let's i'll just do a couple here so i've already done well i didn't do a silver satin pothos i haven't cut a silver satin i did the pictus and i did the brazil and i'll cut this in the garage i've already cut all these and i'm not i'm not cutting this giant philodendron sorry because you can't propagate it in water like that so and i already lost a big leaf remember that it was just like dying so we cut it and it's just i think it's beautiful i staked it really tight because i think it has a beautiful shape this is an ugly steak i need to figure out how to make a beautiful steak that kind of complements this plant so anyway we've got hoya hindu rope that doing very very well near the door chubby's like i don't know what you do with your plants keep them out of my food so i'm just going to take one little section here cut it so you can't tell i cut it and i'm going to take some of the bottom leaves off and put them in water i just use my fingers like that i've got the hoya hindu rope and i have this chinese evergreen that quite frankly i don't want to cut it because it will ruin the entire shape so you are not getting propagated you are staying the way you are that's a lot oh i'm the fiddly fig should i do that i keep oh totally have you ever done that before yes all the time so this guy i'll just put this down has been growing profusely uh outside and then you brought it in right this was outside it grew it was like what was it like this this height and then it grew like three or four feet what's happening now is that all this new growth not looking so great steve it's not looking so great so i'm gonna cut it back like this should i do that i mean do you think it's gonna look good if i cut it like that nervous whatever you think i'm going to cut it like this i'm going to leave this big fat leaf there cut it like that it looks a little funky it looks so good it grows quick and i'm going to put oh it's dripping you see it drips like that white sap you guys can see that i'm not sure how bright yeah that's it's a little caustic too so be careful i have hands like leather so it doesn't really matter this is going in water additionally so let's go to the garage and because oh we should do upstairs no no let's just do the garage and call it everything in the house okay come on yes okay but now we are in the garage i had spent some time cleaning it out it stunk like mildew it was gross and now it just was a hot summer anyway so i'm here and i guess i should just start somewhere can't with calatheas so or tananthi's this is an ambergris and i can't propagate it from cutting so you're saved this is actually a cutting that i think oh i forgot what that was i think it was just like a fell off of when i was dividing so we've got the what am i working out i some should but the alocasia i don't know how to do that here so i'm not going to do it because i don't have enough to cut and i think it just needs to be bigger i need to divide it so and i've got this jose bueno jose bueno i think pretty sure it is this philodendron that's getting very long and lenky so it is time so i'm just going to take this right above where the leaf node is here and i'm going to put that in water you see all these aerial roots already was well on its way so that's just going to go in a vase somewhere it's going to go right here and it probably breaks some roots by sticking it in there but it's fine they'll grow back get in like that you don't have to be so careful okay you should be a little more careful than i am that's and it'll probably not going to stay in this one very long uh so again a lot of the philodendron the pothos can be water propagated and then even like the oh i don't want to do it too come here show you the gloriosum can't do it because i don't have anywhere to cut but i could do it with this varicosing i think it's a varicose in melanochrosis i'm pretty sure i could take it but that's a brand new leaf and i will definitely not do that because i will kill that new leaf that is trying to scrape out of that that sheath it was in so but we do have this lemon lime uh pothos here that look at this look at this thing it's getting big it's quite beautiful i'm cutting it like that and just gonna take this entire piece i'm gonna put it in water because this is the only thing i'm doing this whole entire video is cutting and putting things in water and i also think i'd like to propagate and i've done it already i'll show it to you this lemon my lime maranta and then i have a rip salad and i have not propagated a rib salad so i think i'm going to try to do that with with this i'm going to cut this back and see look at this it's got like blue it has roots coming out see that little fine roots and i think my best bet is to just cut it like this i'm going to do it like this boom boom in water treat it like an arrangement slow down slow down i always go faster when i feel like the videos are super long and boring i just try to speed it look how pretty that is though looks like a cypress plume very very pretty look i did put the fiddly fig in water i was not lying when i said i was going to do it so i think we've covered a lot of these plants already inside i'm not cutting this philodendron i could i could propagate it because look there's a node right here and i could whack it back like right over here or even here and this will continue to grow and this will too but i'm not doing it today sorry and then i have you know i could propagate this glaucophylum philodendron this it grew a lot right and when you propagate plants you're kind of like it's like insurance that you'll have it in case your your mother plant decides to die so i'm going to do that i'm going to trim it back a little bit let's say like right there has roots and it's going in a paws it's going in this little pretty vas right there you have to change the water once a week okay you don't have to because i say that all the time and i actually don't do it maybe once every three weeks or once a week if i remember it depends as long as you just keep fresh water in there as often as you can your plant should be okay i have a spider web or something in my eye and let me show you something here um because i didn't cut i didn't cut that different pocket did i have a different bokeh inside i don't remember but i cut one way back in the day this is a tropic mariana i think that has become more green and it's oh look at that that has a mess of roots what is this big what is that thing what is that that's making me want to throw up oh it's like a leaf or something that got in there this is ready absolutely ready to go in soil but i'm not doing it because i like to see how many roots i can get to grow and then i'll put a little plant food in there a little fertilizer liquid fertilizer and i did this is this is the red emerald philodendron i cut i don't remember when i did it look at all that new growth see miracles happen they happen for us all and it's really easy to propagate these plants and then i have when i came back like three weeks ago or four weeks ago and that my poor little syngonium elbow whatever i forgot it was not doing well so i took this piece to save it and it has developed a lot more new roots and i am changing the water on this one because it is one of my favorite plants and it will be again it will live again and so here we have the zylonica snake plants that have been sitting in water a long long time and there's not a ton of root development but i'm just going to keep them in here and at this point in time i actually can put it in soil and i might do that and here's a tradiscantia that they i you know they have such fine beautiful roots when they develop you see them there's like they're like seeing i'm moving it so they can float see how they float they're very fine and tender and so pretty but they actually propagate super super quick remember this these were the monstera that i cut without the node there's still a little bit of node there but i thought like i don't think at all they're going to develop roots want to see something and move that out of the way i want to see something cool roots they both have roots we did lose one we lose one out of the three but look at that you see this is just the leaf it's the stem i mean but there is something smells that's the one smells there's there's rootage there's rootage here there's a lot but it's coming from the swollen part of the stem which is called the node so nodes are super important and let me turn around here so here is the silver satin skin diapsis that has been probably oops propagating for a while even this little guy look at that their root is green isn't that cool there's a lot of green roots a lot of white roots in there but this is just filling up this jar and the more roots you have the definitely the more often you should change the water because it's going to suck up all the oxygen and it's going to start smelling like i think it is now here's the poor lemon lime cutting that i took for the maranta but look this is all gross and nasty but there's so many i'm just going to pull it out so many roots roots for days i think if i put this in soil i can never get this back in now uh oh if i put this in soil it's it's gonna be fine i'm gonna put it there for just for temporarily temporarily and then we have a lorenti snake plant these i think these have been in here for months and just a little tiny bit of roots so that's that and what else do i have here should i do it steve should i do it you know what i'm talking about right should i propagate that yeah i think i should do it you know why okay this was inside the house for a few weeks like a month or so it was on the porch and then this new leaf turned brown and kind of rotted away it happens it could have been maybe it was over watered it wasn't getting enough light there's different factors why that happens this usually has to do with water but i think what i'm going to do right now i'm going to shock myself i'm just going to do it i'm going to cut it what's that i'm not leaving for a couple days it doesn't matter i'm going to put it in water so i'm going to can't cut i'm doing it just one just one i eventually plan on cutting up to like there or down to there but right now i'm just gonna do this because like i want more of these i want people to have more of these so here it goes i'm cutting above this node and below this node can you see what i'm doing actually i would really like to get i want to get that aerial route so i'm going to do this i'm going to cut like a master cutter a master cutter oh i got it i this is very emotional for me since i got this great aerial route i know this thing's going to do really well you know there's still a possibility that see this there's a new leaf coming from where this newest leaf was that's why i cut here when i got rid of that decaying and dying um belief it was unfortunate it was sad but there is hope for a new one to come so this is going to get that special propagating place with all the warmth and all the light everything it needs in order to grow into another plant can you even tell that i cut it nope see you editing is a good thing it's a good thing because only you have to just edit lightly okay so let me put this in water i need to i need like a way better bigger boss or this so cut okay so i did it i'm going to put it in this vase temporarily because i'm totally not prepared i'm just going to kind of gently fold that ariel root inside and let it just sit here for a second like that it's going to fall over but i'll find a more appropriate vaz for that and here's the starfish sansevieria that i kind of transplanted a couple weeks ago or last week and these two fell off so i'm just it's still super early the movements super early to see roots on this and i'm probably gonna have to cut it i'm gonna i'm gonna cut it because i don't think roots are gonna come out of this section here so i'm just gonna do that cut it like that and put them put them back in you can't even see them that's a terrible buzz i know they're hiding they're like they're in slumber mode okay anything else i could cut there's a couple more there's a lot more but i feel like i'm boring you okay so this is a tetra stigma i think this is called i'm probably wrong but it's like looks like a grape ivy but it's not it's really cool it's growing up on the ceiling and i have never propagated it before so i'm going to do it right now so i'm going to just take a little bit like this little little cutting like there and i'm just going to i just i'm going to leave that in there because i have a feeling if i cut it it's going to fall over so i'll put it in this little vasey thing here not going to fit just going to shove it in shove it in like that i'm getting tired of propagating okay since i'm getting tired of propagating i'll just show you a couple of the propagations that i've had going on for a little while now ones that i've kept for instance i have oh i just did this one right i just put that there i've got oh this okay this is the cool thing i wanted to show you so i think over the summer no because i wasn't here early for the summer but like in the winter or spring i took a bunch of leaves and these are a hoya leaves it gets a tri-color these are as a zz plant and this is a peperomia hope and this is a paelia peppermorte's and this is a golden gate peperomia and i had a lot of them here and these actually rooted which is super cool when you're just talking about one leaf so i'm going to just gently pull this out so you can see what i'm talking about a little bit of roots it's hard to see but they're there they're holding onto the soil we got roots there oh this one is well rooted look at that what these oh they're so cute they're really adorable and let's look at their zzz or zizy i think look developed a little node there you see that that's very interesting not focusing oops i just hit that you could click on it if you touch it that might focus i can't tell that was a giant thing okay okay that's fine that is the giant thing that's the node and then we have this peperomia hope which i'm going to gently pull out look at that it's a big clod of roots beautiful so beautiful and i'm going to gently i hope i don't i have a feeling i'm going to just pull pull it right out of the root system whoa this is really really well rooted this pile of peppermorte's look at that and last but not least is our prep romeo what did i call it golden gate gorgeous gorgeous these are going to get cute little pots and they're going to be unput them someplace but i'm going to do that later tonight so we have that and then i have propagated the this pothos pictus it's starting to grow it took a really really long time for it to kind of do anything it's it's starting to grow i could have actually put way more cuttings in there but i didn't and we have uh two really interesting things we have the snake plant the the whalefin snake plant that i dismembered and look there is a perfect little baby coming out of the dirt saying like look there you did it you actually finally did it i didn't do it nature's doing it but like i i guess i was patient i don't know but it's working it's working and this crazy one that i found on the floor about like two years ago i just literally stuck that root in there and this popped out and then this popped out so yay yay snake plants yay whale fins and here's this is the the bonnie spider plant that i showed you inside before this one i think i planted it up a year or so ago i don't remember it's taking a really long time for it to grow because i keep forgetting to water it but all i did was stick it those little roots inside the soil and it becomes a plant so super super easy to do and i think i have there's one more i wanted to show you this is not looking so great i don't i don't know that's this is a cutting too this monstera deliciosa i'm not doing that great that's kind of it i'm done i'm exhausted you must be so tired i'm so sorry but thank you i know listen you don't want to see every single plant being propagated but you get the point some are super easy to propagate some you just can't some you like legit can't propagate you have to divide it or you have to they are or they are tissue culture plants like a lot of the philodendron art that grow upright that aren't vines anyway i can't even speak anymore i'm tired thank you guys so much i'll see you soon have a great weekend have fun propagating there's like can i just show you one thing before i go one thing one thing i know no no quick look at this cool arrangement look there's holly syngonium there's the the fern the asparagus fern there's a big dracina janet craig like this looks so good still and this was outside and i'm so happy to have it inside so anyway that's it there's a cebu blue i kind of want to keep talking about plants but i'm tired so and steve's tired too bye guys thank you take care
Views: 591,696
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Indoor plants, propagation, propagating houseplants, low light plants, air purifying plants, best houseplants, easy care houseplants, plant styling, indoor activities, DIY, do it yourself projects
Id: ZD_OVvUVqms
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 0sec (2940 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 23 2020
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