Todd White - Walking Righteously

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I have the best Dad. Awe, he's so in love with me! It's ridiculous! Oh gosh, it's silly. It's all by grace. It's crazy. Do you know that when we come into this thing and we think we have rights, you're in trouble? Because when you think you have rights, you'll say; "Well I deserve this, and I deserve that." "They deserve this and they shouldn't have done that and they deserve it." And I say be careful, because if you get what you deserve, then go to hell. So let's not get that, let’s get what he gave us. Let's just walk in the grace that he has given us. Let's just be free from us already. Wow, I just been worshiping, just trembling, just loving God. He's just amazing and He thinks really highly about us. He's not insecure, and He's really amazing, and he created us not to be insecure either, to be secure in Him. He created us to be just like him. He made us in his image. Oh! I've been a Christian for a very short time. I've been a Christian for six and a half years. I was a drug addict and an atheist my whole life, and I didn't believe in all this stuff. I thought it was more about rules and laws and just being right and being wrong, most of the people that claimed to be right I saw a lot of wrong in them. I didn't want any of that. If people can't see Christ in you, they don't want what you have. You can claim it all day long. You can try to witness to your family all day long because you want them to be saved. But if they can't see you being happy about what you say you believe, they don't want what you have. It's not ok to say, "Jesus loves you, change your ways." Wow, whew. You know it's crazy, because that word that you gave, God told me and spoke to me, in the beginning of my life in Christianity, six and a half years ago, he said, "I'm going to raise you up to kick people out of the boat." Which is cool and it's simple, it's not a hard thing. If it was technical, I couldn't get it, because God blessed me with a big heart and a little brain. So I'm in. Because it's not with your mind that one believes, it's with the heart one believes unto righteousness. It's amazing. You know you said about the blessing, about the store houses, and this and that. It's all in Deuteronomy 28, it's all about the blessings of God coming upon a people. But you couldn't have that blessing unless you obtained righteousness, and Jesus obtained it so that we could step into it. He attained something so that we could step into it freely, and paid for an inheritance, so that I could just step into it and say, "It's all mine" because of what he did. So now I don't have to do anything to attain it,  to receive it, I just have to be and it's already mine. It changes everything. You can't be the head and not the tail unless you understand righteousness and identity, and who he says you really are. Because if I have to work to attain something, I'm adding to it with my flesh what has been freely obtained by grace. But if I step in in grace, then I can understand that I've been empowered. Because the very God of the universe chose,  He could of had anything in the universe, but he chose me. He chose you. Now he set up camp inside of you, to destroy hell around you. Everyday! It's really good. That's a whole lot. We could just go on that one right there. Let's just go on that one. No, I love miracles, I love the prophetic, I love it, it's amazing. It's not just meant to keep inside the church. It's just not. Like, it's not ok to prophesy to each other all day long,  then talk to someone else that doesn't know Jesus, or maybe knows about him, but doesn't really know him. Maybe you could introduce them to a life where they could actually come to know him through you! Where you could be walking somewhere and God would just go "Whoosh" and change their life, and actually stop them from killing themselves. Literally. You know how many people I've talk to... How many of you have seen some of the videos that I've done? Did you see the one in Las Vegas? I was with the, I was with CBM, and we're out doing a video shoot. And we're in front of the Bellagio hotel, Which is like a, water fountains there, I know none of you have seen it. It's has water fountains like they have songs, it’s just amazing. I'm like "Wow, these water fountain." I'm a little kid so I'm fascinated by little stuff. But we, we go up to these kids and they're playing guitar on the street, they're just playing on the guitar on the corner. I walked up and I said, "Hey man!" "Can I sing with you guys?" He goes, "You want to sing?" I said, "But you've got to promise, once I start singing, you can't stop playing." So they're like, "Yeah dude, come on man, you really want to sing?" They said, "Yeah this is great man, it's just me and him, let's just do it!" So I said, "Do you know any Blues?" They're like, "Yeah man, I can play them." " I've got Jesus, and he's on my side!" And I started to let it rip man. And these guys are like... Because I told them that they can't stop once they start. We did it in South Lake, at the... Some guy was playing guitar in the middle of South Lake, just jamming. I was like, "Man can I sing with you?" He's like, "Dude, really?" I said, "Yeah!" I said, "But you have to promise, you can't stop playing once I start." What if we were really free from us? What if we were just free? What if we could just be free, and just everywhere we go? You say, "Well that's just not me." Well it might be who you really. So the guy at South Lake, we're right in the middle, you know where the  Briose, and all that? Robert was with me, it was fun. And the guy was like, "Yeah" and he starts playing. I let it rip man! Errah! People at Brios, were like "Yay!" They were clapping, it's like an outside restraint. The guy looks around, people are like "That was really good!" And the guy was like, "You've got all kinds." And he packs his guitar and he leaves. But it was too late, because the Kingdom invaded the atmosphere. Come on, let's just be free! Yeah! Ready? (Beatboxing) Just going to be free. It's really good. Man! Come on! I was outside the Kingdom, I was like, a drug addict, and I was bold for the wrong God. I destroyed lives my whole life, that's all I did, destroy. Just in a nut shell I was drug addicted, atheist, hated Christians. Man, I'd just as soon pop one in the mouth if they told me that I was going to hell. All my life "You're going to hell, change your ways." My Mom prayed for me, so that I didn't go to hell. She didn't have a revelation of the understanding of, I'm not here just here... It's not just a 'get out of Hell free' card. Jesus is not a "Get out of hell free" card! That's just crazy. Sometimes we, when you hear the word 'Evangelism' you think soul winning. "I'm going out to win souls. I’m going to manipulate people and talk them into praying my prayer." And a lot of time it's evangelism by manipulation and intrusion and we're moving form that, to evangelism through an authentic invitation. Which is amazing, and grace comes on the scene. And people want what you have, and not because you're pointing out their fault and failure. Because it's not about what you can point out in someone’s life, anybody can do that. It takes a man of God to pull the gold out of what the world says is nothing. So what if we would raise up and actually believe that God is for us and not ageist us. And he's for them, they just don't see who they are. But unless you're on the scene to point out who they really are, they might not ever see it! You might be the only Jesus that they ever meet on this earth. That's not blasphemy, you're supposed to walk just like him. If you say that you abide in him, we ought to walk just like him! And if we walk just like him, that means to look like Jesus. Jesus might of had dreads! John the Baptist defiantly did. Come on...locust, camel’s hair, in the desert a long time,  didn't care about a comb. Guaranteed. He looked matted up, and "Err, repent!" I'm in! No, it was weird, years ago, God spoke to me when I first got born again, He said "I want you to grow dreads." Ok, my wife, you know she's like "Woah." Now she's good.  I asked her the other day, "You want me to cut them off?" She goes, "Why?" This is why. God said, "I want you to grow them, because I want you to break the stereotypical mind set off of the bride." That's awesome! Because God looks at the heart. And sometimes we look at a book and judge it by it. Sometimes I come into a church and I'm the speaker. Sometimes. I come in and I sit in the back often, I just worship Jesus, man. I mean I love sitting with pastors, it's awesome. But I love just worshiping Jesus, give him glory. And some people are like, "OH man, that guy, you see that man that just came in, that new guy? He needs Jesus, we'll get him saved today." And then I come up and speak and they're like, "Whoa!" "Come on!" How are you going to be a witness if we look at people wrong? I started to try to get into it in first service, but I couldn’t get there, but I tried to. But it says in 1 Corinthians 5: " For we regard no one according to the flesh." See Jesus, Jesus was given the ministry of reconciliation, not imputting the worlds transgressions against them. See he was given that ministry, and so now the same ministry has been given to us. That's the one we walk in, not imputing the worlds trespasses against them, but reconciling them back to a loving Father. Reconciling them back to a Father that loves them. See I told people in the first service, Jesus didn't come into the world because we're such horrible sinners. See we teach the cross, and that we're just a bucket of sin. And it's true that sin was an issue, but son-ship was the real issue. See, why did Jesus have to be beaten and bruised and broken beyond recognition? Why did he have to be unrecognizable, hanging on a tree. And people say, "Because by his stripes are we healed." And that's partially true, I mean that is true, but there's more truth. Why did he have to become unrecognizable? You know what God said? God said he had to become unrecognizable,  because we as sons have become unrecognizable to what we were created to be. So he became that very thing so that we could become, what he created us to be, and that's a son. It's powerful. So like he was beaten, unrecognized, when he's hanging on a tree. And people say, "Well  you know, he could of called legions of angels." And that's true. But He didn't come to call angels. He came to die! What held him there? Love. Love held him on the tree, he couldn't come down. He came for that reason. Love came into the world so that we could be restored to what we were created to be in the beginning. And through the cross and through what Jesus did, righteousness was restored. So that we don't have to walk the law, and obey it. To be a son! We start out being a son! We start out being a son! Then all of a sudden, "Wait a minute, I don't have to walk all that out?!" No, I get to! I don't have to walk it out in order to be right. I get to because I am right. OH, It changes everything, man. And now I get to walk a certain way because I am in a love relationship with my Dad, who is fascinated by me. He, He's amazed with you. He's intrigued by you, He says you're amazing! And we, "Well no I'm not." Well yeah  you are, He created you in his image. He created you in the image of amazingness. Come on! See, redemption is way more than just being purchased. Redemption means that you have been brought back to the original image that God created you to be in the beginning. Because what the first Adam lost, the second Adam regained, what was lost. He came into the world to restore what was lost. So now we're not looking like we... Because Jesus had to hang that way. He became sin. He who knew no sin, became sin, so that we might become something! And when we enter into that place of being, we walk different. We act different, our life is different! And all of a sudden when this reality hits us and we start to realize who we really are, people are no longer our barometer of a good and bad day. Come on man! Your job should not be whether you have a good day or a bad day. Someone cutting you off shouldn't be a bad day. The measuring stick of the love of God, isn't that everything went well. The measuring sitck of the love of God is that an innocent man hung on a tree. One that knew no sin, became sin. So they you could become the righteousness of God, in Christ Jesus. So that the whole law would be summed up and completely satisfied. The wrath of God, completely satisfied. So that you could enter into a certain place and never look back. Man, I've never had one day of condemnation since I've been born again. I've never been condemned, you can't condemn me! You can't even reject me. How can you reject something that's accepted? How could your rejection stop the acceptance that comes from my father? If I am accepted in the beloved, and I realize that I am, and I'm approaching you to talk to you about Jesus, and you reject what I'm coming to talk to you about, you didn't reject me, because love never fails and I didn't come to you for me. Come on, we have trouble approaching people, because a lot of times we approach somebody and they're like "Err!" And we walk away, "I tried and that didn't work, they were mean to me." You try somebody else, they bark at you a little bit, "No I don't believe that!" And you're like, "Oh my gosh." And then all of a sudden, been there, done that, got the tee-shirt, it's not my gift. Since when is this a thirty day, money back  guarantee, been there, done that, got the t-shirt, kind of gospel? I love you! I do! I don't love you so that you tell me you love me back. See I've learned in the beginning of this thing when I came into the kingdom. I've learned that this thing is not about me telling you I love you, for me to hear you tell me you love me back. Because if I did it for that reason, I only love you for what you can do for me and give to me. Do you think that God said, "I love you, do you love me?"? Do you think that God is insecure when you don't tell him that you love him back? Listen, when God says "I love you" He loved you, before you loved him, he loved you. We know that right? So God doesn't need you to say you love him back for him to feel secure about who He is. And He created you in His image, so that we could know who we are. And you don't need to build your security from someone telling you that they love you back. But you could become secure in the fact that you've just become love, not to receive, but to become. It's really awesome, because you approach somebody, and you're doing it for you. You'll be shut down, you'll be rejected, all day long. And all of a sudden, you'll live, and you'll hear about this spirit of rejection, and you'll say; "That's me, that's mine, I've got that." Does this make sense? Because, somebody we approach somebody and it doesn't work out the way we planned. Do you know when we were out in Las Vegas, and those guys that we started playing guitar with and stuff? And it was awesome, and I said to the guy, I said "Do you have anything going on with you physically that gives you any trouble." And he goes, "Awe man, my thumb." It's his thumb, a little part on his body, but it hurts all the time. A skate boarding thing, he hurt himself. I said, "Man, give me your thumb." Kingdom belongs to such as these. Hey guys... Awe, whew. They don't get a junior Holy Ghost. Help. I just want to go hug them all. Jesus. There's so many of you, I love you! Come on, there's more, Oh my goodness! They're just real. Oh man! I love when you go out to Bethel, and they put you in the prophetic thing, they always have a kid on the team. And they'll prophesy. And the kid will go, "I just see, I see this world and I see a flower above the world.  And I see a drip coming down from the flower and I see it covering the whole earth." I'm like "Ahh!" Because it's coming from a pure heart, it's just amazing. Not that we can't have hearts that are pure, because my heart is pure. We can all be in that place. Wow, ok, focus. Jesus. So I'm out there in Las Vegas and I'm talking to these guys. And I prayed for his thumb, and I said "Check it." And he goes, "Are you kidding me? Are you kidding me?!" He's from, they're from, I think Finland. Both of them, they were form... And we're talking to them, and I started to share,  I see this depression thing on this guy, and I start to share about this suicidal thing on them. And I command this thing to leave and I tell them who they are. And the presence of God just touched them. And they're like "Oh my God, what is this? What is this man?! I said, "It's Jesus man, he loves you. Holy Ghost just went, pounced on you because he loves you." They're like "Oh my God." And I'm sitting there, and I'm talking to the other guy and I said,  "Man, there's an artist inside of you." And he goes, "Yeah." And he's thinking about going into architecture, he's going into that thing. Here's what you guys didn't see, if you watched that video; Both those guys were in Las Vegas, they were there for another 4 days. Both of them, they both had a gun. Both of them broke up with their girlfriends, they were having a last hoorah, before they shot themselves. See you don't know know that, I do, and that's not on the video. I don't know, would of been great. But like what you see is God encountering people. What you don't understand is that everybody you walk by is wondering why they're here. You can be successful in business, you can have this and that, you can have everything, and that means nothing. You've got to know why you're here, you've got to have purpose. You have to understand that God is completely and madly in love with you. And these guys both got like born again, gave their lives to Jesus. The kid talks in the video, he goes, "Man," He's just being real, and he goes, "Man look!" And I go, "Look around you man." And up on the screens, just all kinds's Las Vegas man. He goes, "Man, I thought God would speak to me in Church, not here, not here! This is God!" See my Jesus, my Jesus, that's what he would do. Do you know that, you know, that some people have labeled me "Todd White, street Evangelist." I'm a believer. I don't mind the whole evangelism, I'm a believer. Evangelism as we have known it, and as we have been taught is, going out there, to win souls. And I'm not saying that that's not the reality of it, because it is about winning souls. But you can have a love for souls and not a love for people. And it's not ok. Because it's not about trying to evangelize, to manipulate somebody to pray your prayer and live your way, so you can prove that you're right and they're wrong. Because you can be very wrong about going about being right. And going and talking to Muslims and taking to Buddhist, and taking to Sisks, and talking to New Age people,  You can't go in there and tell them that they're wrong and you're right, or you shut it down. What about allowing Holy Spirit in you and upon you to be a better evangelist then you? So I'm going to share some life stuff, I'm going to share some testimonies. I want to provoke you to a place where you can no longer be passive in any situation. See, because it's not just about like... See the only reason you see the videos on the street is because you can't bring a camera into  Walmart. You have to go through a chain, "We want to bring God into your store and we want to  film it." "Call management, call manager, call the regional, call the..." And they just don't allow it, so the reason you see the videos... And it's not good to bring that camera into a place that it's illegal and film it and say, "Yeah, this is God! Illigaly1" It doesn't go right! So it's not "Todd White, Street Evangelist." It's, "Todd White, 24/7 kingdom lifestyle believer." That believes enough for heaven to get into him and not just enough for him to get into heaven. Because you can believe enough just to get to heaven one day. And then all of a sudden you position yourself in a place of, "Jesus I need you to come back, I need you to get me out of here! The world is getting worse." And then the lens that you look through, Mathew 6;22 says that the eye is the lamp of the body. And the way you see, the way you see becomes the parameters that set everything in place. And the way you see, the lens that you look through, is everything. And if you don't see things through a kingdom perspective, and a righteous perspective and a believer priest hood...  Not just a giveing, but a believer priesthood. That you're royalty, you're a royal priesthood. A holy nation, set apart. Royalty and holiness. That's crazy! Dominion and righteousness. Kingdom and righteousness. Royalty and holiness. Why? Because when I say Kingdom, you think authority. You think authority, Kingdom authority. "Ahh, I've got authority!" But you can walk in authority but not walk in character. And it's not ok to have either or. You can't just not quench the Spirit, and grieve the Spirit. Or not grieve the Spirit, and quench the Spirit, you have to have them both. It's equally important. We can't walk without the power of God, or we quench the Spirit. We can't walk without the character of Christ or we grieve the Spirit. So which is more important, not grieving the Spirit, or not quenching the Spirit? Both are equally important, so we need a balance between the two. I believe that that is what Jesus was talking about when he was talking to the disciples, and he said, "I have many things too share with you, but you couldn't bare up under it now." Why? Because Kingdom and Righteousness weren't available until Jesus ascended and sat at the right hand. See John the baptist was excited because he was like doing this thing, man. People were getting baptized, but when Jesus rolls down to the river, he goes; "There he is!" Jesus is like, "I need you to baptize me." John is like, "Dude.." His whole life was set apart for the very purpose of this, and now this is here. Jesus comes down. John's like, "I need you to baptize me." Jesus couldn't baptize John, because the baptism that Jesus was going, was going to be after Jesus went and sat down at the right hand, Holy Ghost and fire came. That's what John is saying, "I need it, what you got I need." He said, "No, let it be so, for it is necessary to fulfill all righteousness." So the whole law that Jesus came, walked out as a man, did everything as made. He didn't do it as God, he did it as a man in full relationship with God, filled with God. I know you guys are already on page, I don't have to go into that.  Because I know just from being here that that is foundational. But when Jesus went down to that river, the heavens opened when he came back out, and they never closed again. Because Heaven was legally opened, because righteousness had been fulfilled. In Deuteronomy 28,  It talks about, "I will open the heavens and reign." In Deuteronomy 28, it says I will be the head and not the tail. Bless coming in and going out. Deuteronomy 28 was only available if someone attained righteousness, and they had to do it through works. So Jesus attained that. John the Baptist baptized Jesus, he had fulfilled all righteousness, heavens were opened, and God became "Daddy". Instead of Jehovah this and Jehovah that, he became Daddy. "This is my Son in whom I am well pleased." Jesus was told he is a son, he goes out into the wilderness. He's fasting, he's hungry. The devil comes up and says, "I know you're hungry, if you're a son, then do something to prove it." Jesus is like "I don't have to do anything to prove it, God just told me before I came out here that I am a son." It's really that simple, honestly I know you could look back in scripture.  "Man does not live by bread alone but by every word that comes from the mouth of the Father." Well God just said, " You're my son." Jesus just believed it. See, Satan is always trying to get you to question your identity as a son. That's what he's after. He was after Adam, he said to Eve, he said, "If you eat this fruit, you'll be like God. That's the reason he doesn't want you to eat it, because he knows you'll be like him." Well Eve, you're already like him! "But I'm going to eat it, because I really don't know that I am." So now Satan is trying to dangle the same thing in front of you, to try to get you to do something to prove that you're a son instead of just acting in a place of being instead of trying to trying to work things out performance wise, to earn something that's already yours. But if we realize that it's already ours, our identity gets solid in that, all of a sudden our life becomes different. Our walk becomes different, our job become different, our schools become different. Our teachers get rocked because we have the love of God and they don't have a choice. Let me ask you something. I've got lots of relatives and stuff... Man, I destroyed people's lives dude. And when I came into this thing, it totally aggravated and angered people even more. If God says, "Whatever you ask in prayer believing, you'll have it if you don't doubt." Is it God's will that all men be saved and come to the knowledge of Him? Ok, so we have that one working for us. What if I have a relative that is in rebellion, doesn't believe? Is it possible that the reason that they don't believe is because our war isn't against flesh and blood,  but against principalities, powers, spiritual hosts of wickedness in heavenly places. And the reason they don't believe, is because their thought life, their belief system, has been dominated by demonic strong holds. Is it possible that our war really isn't against them? How then, is it possible for someone's freewill that's blinded by principalities, dominated by lies, and listening to the voice of the stranger, how then is their freewill dominant above the freewill of a believer that believes and is co-laboring, co-union, and one with God? Is it possible that maybe we just haven't believed? I believe that it's impossible for any of my relatives to get out of this! See we've been taught freewill, and we have been captivated in freewill teaching,  not realizing that their freewill is blinded by lies. So since when did someone's freewill that's blinded and possessed by lies, dominate a believer who's freewill is posessed by truth? So what if we could look at someone and say "Hey, you're going to be on my team!" I know you already are, but what if we had a relative or someone in our life that was just angry and bitter,and din't believe and we jsut looked at them and say, "You're on my team."? "No I'm not!" "Oh yes you are, because I believe for you." Come on! Don't allow your teaching to excel what the Bible says. That there is a good word. Really is. Because I've watch one by one, my relatives come in. They can't get out of this, for real. My mom that prayed for me to not go to hell, when I came into the kingdom... I'm with this girl for 9 years, I destroyed her life, she's my girlfriends. I have a seven and a half year old daughter, and all she knew her whole life was her dad's a liar. He can't hold a job, he steals from everybody, that's all he knows how to do. So I go and I ask Jesus to posses my life one day, when I was suicidal,  and I went and met somebody who reminded me of who Jesus would of been,  and I didn't even know Jesus was. I was wooed, I was an athiest, I was not searching for God, he was searching for me. God's pursuig me, he's pursuing to all these people that you want to talk into the kingdom. He's pursing them already, you've got that working for you, he wants them all. So I go in there and I pray this prayer, "Jesus come and dominate my life, I give you my life." So I feel good and I have an emotional responce and I never open the word to renew my mind so I can change the way I think. So then all of a sudden, drug addiction got worse. So for five and a half months, drug addiction got more intense,  now I'm doing more drugs then I was before, and I have become the very hippocrite, going to church on Sunday, living like hell all the way through the week. And my girlfirend is very angry and bitter, and "You're a holy rolling hypocrite." So I became that very thing, suddely. It was crazy I didn't even see it coiming. So I go five and a half months later, and I go out in a crack deal one night and I pick up this kid. He's from New York City, picked him up, asked him what kind of drugs, you know what he had. He gives me what he had, I have in my hand a big lump. I said to him "You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in the court of law." I read him his rights, and the kid is like; "I knew you were a cop! I knew it!" And I'm thinking: "Man, I got this guy." Serious! Because he's believing a lie. So I said; " Step out of the car and put your hands on the hood." And when he did, I hit the gas and he unloaded a 9mm at me from 10 feet away. 10 feet. If I shot at you with a 9mm from 10 feet, I gauranttee you I'd hit you. Not one bullet hit my vehicle, not one bullet hit me. And the voice of God spoke to me and said; " I took those bullets for you, are you ready to live for me yet?" See, I was there. See, I should be dead, and I am. See, I tell people the gospel sets you free form you. See, honestly that's the whole purpose of the gospel, it sets you free. It's not, "Deny the devil, pick up your cross and follow him." It's "Deny yourself." See the gospel sets you free form you. If the gospel sets you free from you, you'll be free form others. And if you're free from others, that just means that you will never put an expectation on someone else, that if they don't meet it, they don't meet your criteria.  And you can't love them, because they didn't perform to the level that you agreed to in your mind, for them to be at in order for you to accept them. And we can't love people because the only reason we're really loving them is for us. Look, let me take it a little deeper. Sometimes we have wives that are praying for husbands and hasbands that are praying for wives, so that they get saved, so that the husband we're praying for our wife, so that our wife... And a lot of times I find it's more the wives then the husband. Where the wife is praying for the husband, so that he gets saved so that her life gets better. And it's selfish, cause we're praying for them, for us. Shift your prayer, and pray for them, so that they have relationship, and learn who their Dad is. So that they know who they really are. Ok. That's a good, man, take that one in, honest. Don't pray for your son so that your life gets better. Don't pray for your daughter so that your life gets better. Lift your daughter up before God, so that she knows who she really is. So she understands that she has an amazing Father and it's not you. I mean you can be an amazing father, but God is way more amazing. "Call no one on earth your father, for ye have one Father." Alright, just a little bit of identity stuff, becaue I'm all about that, man, it's awesome. Ok, alright, so the other day, I'm, yeah well I'd better finish that, the testimony real quick. So my girlfiend hates me, I get shot at that night, hree days later I'm at Teen Challenge. My daughter is sad because Dad is leaving.  She's my daughter, she's upset. Dad can't do aything right, but I'm still her dad. She loves me, she's hurt. I have to go to Teen Challenge for a year. I have to go in there agreeing to coming in there for a year. I go in there, tree days later, I can't see my girlfirend. She hates me anyways, I destroyed her life.   I had 30 jobs, I quit or got fired form every one. I mean I stole, that's all I knew how to do, steal, kill, and destroy. See, we were cultivated by the very enemy of God. So a lot of death, loss and destruction is in the way we think, even though we might not see it. It's there.  So we need to have our minds renewed so that we can think like God. Start to re-look at things from heaven's perspective, to see things thorught His eyes. So I go to Teen Challenge, I'm in there for 2 months.  I have a radical encounter with Jesus, 2 months into it, 3 nights in a row. I meet this homeless guy and he prays for me, and disappears. It's nuts. Sid Roth did a re-enactment of the testimony, he did a pretty good job, when he did it. Except when he shot at me, it was 10 feet away, it wasn't further away. Anyway, this guy prays for me, I have these 3 dreams, these 3 nights in a row, where I encounter Jesus. And the 3rd night he tells me to go home. So I'm 2 months into a year program. So He says go home, so I wake up in the morning, I pack my stuff, I'm out, ready to go. I go down starirs, and tell the counselors, "Hey man, I met Jesus lastnight and he told me to go home." They're like "Whah!' Didn't go over well, and in most cases it's not good to leave a program early like that, it better be God. But I've alway learned and understood that the fruit upon your tree will bear witness what kind of tree you are. So Dan came up, my spiritual dad came up and picked me up and brings me home. I come home, come to find out my girlfriend had come to Christ when I was in there. Pretty awesome. And I knew in my heart that I could no longer live there, so we got married 4 days later. See I destroyed her life, and she never read the Bible. Never read the Bible, but she came to Jesus when I was in there. Like I'd wooed her heart and bring her in. So we both knew that I couldn't live there anymore, and my daughter and all, you know the whole 9 yards. So we get married 4 days later. So at my wedding, 4 days later, and this is like path of destruction for 9 years, 22 years of drug addiction. My girlfirend knows in her heart already that I'm a brand new man. So we invited her parents and everybody to come. It's a service to come to. Becaue we didn't plan a wedding and have this big wedding, we did it right in the middle of 2 church services. The first one is letting out, the second one is coming in. Because it's not about your big wedding, it's about a covenant between you and God. Why would you go in debt, about 20 thousand dollars? It's about your covenant. Ok I won't touch that one. If you want a big wedding, that's awesome, but make sure it's about covenant. That's cool.  I'm not saying you shouln't have one, because if you can do it, do it. But her family comes and they're very angry and not wanting to be there. And her mom is in tears, she's just totally upset. "Why, why are you doing this?" "Look what he's done!" My daughters like, "It's my new dad!" That's way more powerful then you know. See my daughter has absolutly no zero memory of drug addiction. And her whole life, God crushed it. Like if you ask her, she'll tell you, "I have no idea what you're talking about." She didn't just block it out, it's actually removed. See I preach righteousness, I preach redemtion, I preach a brand new creation reality. It's where God makes old things pass away, to where litterally all things become new. It's really finished, it's not to be continued, it's really done. And so my daughter has a grasp on righteousness, a grasp on redemtion. See redemtion doesn't mean that I've been purchased, redemtion means that, but it also means that I've been brought back to the orgional value, as if I've never eaten the tree. So when we start to see ourselves like that, we walk different. What if you had no past in your life. What if the voices that you're hearing aren't voices inside that are trying to get out, but voices on the outside that are trying to get back in and claim your identity again? There's a strangers voice and he wants to wisper and get you to bite something. He want's to get you to bite the bait so that you turn and rebuke him and command him to get behind you, but the Bible says he is already behind you, so why would I make him get behind me when he already is? Infact, the highest part of hell is below the lowest part of you. So at my wedding, her mom is there, and I strated to like, just tell her thank you for coming, thankyou so much. She's crying, she goes; "I can't believe this." She's sad. Her step dad is there. I said to him, "Man, Thanks for coming man." He said, "You're a looser and you'll always be one. You don't fool me." That's what he said. You know what I did? I said, "Man, you'll see. I love you." You know what he said, "Get the blank away form me you looser." You know, from the beginning of my life, I never allowed people's sin against me to produce sin in me? I'm really free. This thing never shuts down, it's really like this all the time. I'm on high or on off. I'm sleeping or I'm on high, that's just the way it is. It's really good news. God's really pleased, and I'm just agreeing with him. He's really happy, he's not mad. He really wants us to get it and realize that we don't have to be mad either. Yay! So we start our life together, and I want to share with you how this thing got birthed in my life. Because that is going to bear immediate fruit in your life. I will only share with you that has been accomplished with me. Nothing will I share that hasn't been accomplished with me in action. Because that won't change your life. It will tickle your ears but it won't change your life. And I'm not here to tickle your ears, to give you another good message. I'm here to provoke you with a God like jealousy so that you can no  longer remain the same. To where you have to step out, where sooner or later you have to step out because you can hold it in no longer, because you're going to burst if you do, And "Boom!" and it'll be a mess. So in the beginnning of my life, my girlfiend becomes my wife, and we're starting our new life together. So I go out ther and I start my new job. And like I never held a job before, but now I realize that Collossians 3:17-23, says whatever I do I'm going to do unto the Lord. I'm not going to do it unto man, I'm going to do it unto the Lord. So I'm like all psyched, and so happy and I'm like "Yay, this is awesome!" So I go to my job, I get a pipe laying job. And I go to my wife and I'm like "This is going to be awesome!" She's like, "You are really excited, something is really different about you." I said; "Yeah I'm going to work for Jesus, it's gonna be aweosme!" And it's no so much working for him, it's colaboring with him, because he wants to help me do my job amazing. Because we can be so heavenly minded that we're no earthly good. But God is shifting and changing that so that we can be so heavenly minded, we're earthly amazing. And all of a sudden are like, crazy and they want more people just like you. And they could reproduce you a hundred times over, they would. And if we'd hold fast to the very fact that people's free will is dominatied my principalities,  they can't trump the free-will of a believier's free will that is dominated by truth and posessed by the truth. And sooner or later what's in you and whats on you gets on the people around you, to where your whole work place becomes a Christian atmosphere. "You don't know where I work." I hear that all the time. "You don't know what kind of job I've got." So what? Man, come on! Either God's greater or he's not! Sometimes we get a basket on our head. It's the word of God. It says it, it says you're a city on a hill. No one takes a bushel and puts it on his head, no one hides this thing under a bed. Do you know that when you're possesed by truth, the God of the universe, fills you and posesses you, and it's all through the love of God when you realize when he is for you and he loves you! Your workplace is transformed because you're there! Not because it's dark. People are like, "Man, my job is dark, man, it's just darkness, Jesus, I mean, gosh!" Start to read the Bible through the rapture mindtality, were, "God I need you to get me out of here." and we're praying for Jesus to return. And what we do is we posisiton, and we start to look thought that lense, and we read the Bible through a certian lense.  "Oh my gosh, the signs of the times, look at this,  people are lovers of themselves, lovers of money, not lovers of God. "Oh my gosh it's getting worse, Jesus get me out of here. To heaven with me and to hell with the world." That's not ok! The way that I'm talking to you about is way more fun. Really is. You guys ok? I don't know how much time we have, but I'm ok? Yeah, you guys, hey man, just cut me off. Because I'm just going to go, we're just going to roll with it. Aright? Ok. So I go to my first day on the job, and I go there and they, and I have a hard hat, and they give me my gear, and I'm going to be a pipe layer. I never laid pipe before, but I'm going to do an amazing job because Jesus is going to help me. It's going to be awesome. I'm like, "Yeah!" I'm excited. So I go in there, and I watched this guy go by me, and he's got this hard hat, and he's got all this stuff written on it, and it wasn't so nice stuff. And I've got a magic marker in my hard hat, the lady gives it to me, and I look at this guy and I'm go; "You're allowed to write on your hard hat?" And she goes, "Yeah, just don't swear." I go; "Oh I won't swear!" So I like possess my helmet of salvation. Serious! First day on the job man. Anybody ever laid pipe before? Those guys aren't always on page with Jesus. Construction, you know, it's just a different industry. And so I go on my job, I get there. I go in the job truck my first day, I'm like so excited. I'm like "Man, this is awesome!" It's like 5:30 in the morning. You know? I'm in the truck, I get in there, there's 2 guys beside me, two in the front. And I said; "Hey man, how you guys doing?' They're tired you know, they have coffee to survive. I'm not saying anything about your coffee, bless you,  I just don't drink it. Thank God. So I'm just really excited and I'm like; "Man you guys, I just want to tell you,  you guys are awesome, God loves you so much!" And the one guy in the front, he's like;  "Shut the blank up." Cranks the music way up. And I'm like; "Ok." I'm serious dude, this is how it went, my first day on the job, my first day of work. I'm excited, because I'm going to bring Jesus, I'm going to save the whole work place, it's awesome. But I know I can't do it by the words that I speak. So I go there and I meet my Forman the first day. And I'm excited man, I go; "Man I'm going to do an amazing job!" He goes; "Oh wow, who'd you work for before?" I go; " I didn't work for anybody before, I had 30 jobs, I quit or get fired from everyone." "But I'm not working for you, I'm working for Jesus." He's an atheist.  Serious. He's like; "Shut your blanking pie hole." And he just let me have it, just let me have it. And he said; "Get in the trench, they'll show you what to do." So I'm in the trench. I love my job, I love my peps. I'm like; "You're amazing! You're amazing! You're amazing!" All day long. I told my boss, that I was going to do an amazing job. In 3 months, we're the number 2 pipe crew in the whole company. And the only pipe crew that is ahead of us is a team that has been together for 7 years, everybody the same, doing the same job. Work together like a team, like a unit. And we're right behind them. And 3 months on the job. And now my boss, doesn't want to hear... Every day they taunt me and tease me. We'd be in the job tro, there's porn pictures everywhere, all over the whole thing. You know, I can honestly say my whole life, and I'm not getting graphic. And I'm telling you that in my life, I've never ever, since I've been born again, ever looked lustfully on a women once. Since I've been in the kingdom. Do you know how amazing that is to be free? Oh my gosh, this is amazing! But every day, "Man what's wrong with you, can't you?..." You know the whole joke thing. Man, I would cry. See I, I am so in love with God. And not one time could they point a finger at me about anything. Not one thing, except one thing, "This guy's crazy, and he really believes what he's saying." And one by one, God healed all of them. Whether they wanted it or not. Because I don't need them to be in agreement with me, I'm the believer, they're not. I don't need you to agree with me, for God to heal you, because God loves you. Come on, so like why do I need you to agree with me? "Now I need you to believe, ok, now believe." No, you just stand there, hold still. So let me share something with you like how this thing started out. Because my wife, as amazing as she is... She knew that I was a brand new person. Two weeks into this thing, she told me; "I will never go shopping with you again." "I will never go to a restaurant, I will never go anywhere in public with you again." Because I read in my Bible, see I didn't have a model for this. I didn't have anybody, I went to a healing service,  and I watched Dan, he had a healing service, and I watched people get healed. And I'm like "Oh my gosh." I'm a brand new believe, man. I'm like; "Yay, I'm free from me!" I'm in that, I see in my Bible that if I believe, things are going to happen. So I just dared to believe that they're going to follow me. If I'm a believer they're supposed to happen. So I saw it happening in the healing service, and I said to Dan, I said; "Man, this is got to happen outside, because Jesus isn't any different in here is he?" I didn't have anybody to talk me out of it. I'm like a little kid, I read that thing and I'm like; "Come on!" Ok. I'm going after this thing. So I started to pray, and I prayed for 9  - 12 people every day. Everyday! So my wife, my brand new wife, that knows that I'm a brand new man, and this part she's not ok with. And I come back and find her, say "Honey, what's going on?" "Will you please stop?" "Ok, alright, I'll see you soon enough." Oh! "God thank I thank you..." Nothing. Do you know that I prayed for 9 - 12 people every day. And I prayed for a whole week and didn't see anybody healed. None, not one. I'm going to Walmart and see people, "Woah." Go over there and pray for them, and turn around and my wife is gone. And my wife is freaked out, and she's not seeing any fruit from this thing. All she's seeing is a psyched out husband. But there's not one thing that she can point the finger at my life,  except I believe the Bible. And one thing I never did, was try and talk her into believing my way. I never said; "Listen, you need to see this, because this is real." Never, ever. I would always go back to my room. She would watch like all the reality show stuff, you know? I was hooked on TV before I went to Teen Challenge. Then when I came out I couldn't watch it. Because I tried to watch my favorite show, Mad tv. and I started crying. I'm like; "Oh my gosh, what's wrong with me?!" God spoke to me, he said; "I've given you my heart, you can no longer laugh at people's expense." Oh, it was my life, man! Now I can't watch  stuff. I can watch somethings, I just choose not to put that stuff in, because life is short. I'm here to leave a legacy. I'm here to compel, and to propel you,  to be who God created you to be. And be the best 'you' that he created you to be. I'm here to come up under you, and to provoke you, to show you that, "Wait a minute, this thing is way more simple then what we've created it to be." "Do you mean that I can just walk in a state of being? Be in the mall and people can get touched everywhere I go?" Absolutely. You're the only one who holds God back. See, we teach people that you need to pray for an open heaven. But my Bible says that when Jesus when into the river Jordan,  and came out, the heavens where open. The only closed heaven is between your ears. You don't perish for lack of an open heave. In the world, what you don't know, won't hurt you. But in the kingdom, what you don't know is eating your lunch. And then once you receive it, you can't reject it. You've got to go with it. You have to determine, and purpose in your heart, to never let what people don't see to determine what you do. You lay ahold of something, and your experience might be a fact, you might be going through some stuff. But never let your experience to trump and dominate what God says is true. Because God has magnified his word above his name. Psalms 138:2 says he, "Has magnified his word above his name." So anytime we take a personal experience that didn't line up with the word of God says,  and magnified it above God's word. We're doing the same thing that Satan did before he was kicked out of heaven. Not that you're going to get kicked out of heaven, but you can't take an experience and say; "Well yeah, I know that's what God's word says, but...." All "buts"' that come in that form are devils. Come on! You guys alright? Ok. So I'm going after this thing. No one is getting healed. One week goes by, nobody. And this is like 70 people. And you think; "Man, how'd you do it?" I never allowed my experience to dictate and dominate what God's word says. So two weeks go by, not one person that I saw manifestation. Three weeks, nothing. Four weeks, nothing. Five weeks, nothing. Two weeks into it I lost my wife. She didn't say "I'm leaving you." But she said, "I'll never go in public with you again, ever." On my job I'm praying for people and they think I'm really wacked, because no one is getting healed. Come on, two months into it, not one person. Three months! Nobody. You say, "How'd you do it?" I never allowed my experience to dominate what that word says. You have to purpose this in your heart. To settle this, and don't live by a gifting. Don't live by gifting. Because what will happen, if you roll into a gifting and you've been thought that, You'll pray for people, and if people don't get healed, you'll think "It's not my gift." And you'll sever yourself from being a believer. Because it says "These signs will follow those that believe." ...not those with a special gift and anointing of healing. So three and a half months go by. My wife is freaked out by me, won't go in public with me. Her whole family that was aggressively against it, is now really against it. Big time. Because my wife is talking to her mom. And her mom is like, "How are things?" "Oh he's crazy. He's crazy!" "Well is he stealing?" "No, he's working." "Is he swearing at you, and yelling at you?" "Not once." So, they're "Err, err, err." I'd meet mom, "So you think it's all about Jesus?" I said, "Yes, it is." "All about him, he's amazing, he loves you so..." "Don't you tell me about your Jesus!" Oh, I'm talking aggressive and it was coming from my family, it was coming from my wife. Whe was aggressively, squeezing me, persecution is something that is a table that God prepares for you in the midst of it, it's a place to eat. I will prepare a table for you in the midst of your enemies." To where God says, "The more it comes, the better a pace it is for you to sit down, rest, and eat with the King." And He will be on like a loud speaker to the devil, "He's my son!' This is how this thing has been formed in me. This is how it started. And so, like I'm just praying man. I call Dan every day, "Man" I said, "I prayed for all these people." "You see anything?" "No." "What are you going to do?" "Well the word says if I believe, it's going to happen." So I never entered into that; "Well they need to believe." "Well it's not God's time." "Well God's building character." I never even, that's just crazy. I couldn't see it in the model of Jesus, Jesus never said that stuff, so why would I go down that road? I don't need an excuse of why not. I need to rise up and be a son who God called me to be. Understand who I really am, so the anointing can flow in my life like it flowed in Jesus' life. Because John 14:12 says that if I'm a believer, greater things are going to flow from my life. But you have to purpose in your life to never allow your experience to turn you away. Dead straight focus on this thing. It this making sense? So my guys at my work, and all of a sudden I see this one guy, this one day I get a word of knowledge. Never had a word of Knowledge, I just went after need. Sometimes we're waiting for word of knowledge, and we're not going after what we see. If you see someone that's hurting, that's a great place to start. Just go after it, someone has a crutch, go after it. Someone has a cane, go after it. Someone has a limp, go after it! You're going through Walmart, and a lady is running the counter. And she says, "Oh my back is killing me." "Well I'm just not feeling led." I tell people, "Go to a fishing store, buy a bunch of sinkers that are made of led." "Put it in your pocket, grab ahold of that thing, feel led, and get this thing on with God!" A lot of times we're not feeling led, we're just feeling scared. You don't need a word of knowledge, just love somebody. Just love somebody! Come on. So, three and a half months into this thing, it's like, October, November, December. It's Christmas time. You know, in the midst of all this "Err" I go to my Granma's house for Christmas. I'm excited and all, I'm brand new. My Aunt is there. I said to her, "Holly, hey!" I said, " This is amazing, Jesus this and Jesus that, and Jesus this, it's amazing!" She goes, "Shut your face." "Don't you tell me about Jesus." And she hammered me with the most amazing intellect, it hurt. Because she's my family, she's my people. And it hurt my heart. I fell down on my knees, and I'm crying and I'm just telling her, "I love you." "Don't you tell me you love me Todd, all you've done is..." "...Bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang!" She's hammering me! And she's intellectually smarter than me. Like those people are. But the Bible, it's in me, it's part of my life. It's my life. The Bible is the first book I could read. I had adhd, I had that learning disability my whole life. The Bible is the first book that I can actually read. Isn't that crazy? It's amazing. I can read other books, but the Bible is the first book that opened up to me. Wisdom of God, "Blink" Started to open it up. I told God, "That's it! I don't have any wisdom, I'm wisdomless!" He's like, "Way to start. Way to start, right there, thats good." Bang! And it opened up. Ok, so I'm talking to my aunt, and she's beating me up, man. I'm like, "Man, this hurts! Uh!" My wife, you know, we're only three months into this thing, and she's kind of freaked out by me anyways. I can't really talk to her about my aunt, and it hurt really bad. I just tell her I love her. So I go to my dad's house. And my step-mom is there. This is like only a week later. It's Christmas time at my dad's. I'm like, "Hey!" I'm like. "Man, Jesus..." "Bam!" She hammers me life worse then my aunt did. I mean I got whipped, you know, hurting, you know? But here's what my prayer was. And I'm praying for people all the time. I said, "God, I don't want to encounter them, until you do something, to show them that you're real." "Because I can't do it with my words, they're smarter then me, and they won't listen to me anyways." And I cried, crying you know? And it's amazing, because a couple weeks later, it's three and a half months later, I get that word of knowledge. Now I'm starting to see breakthrough. And I'm coming how and sharing with my wife, "Oh my gosh, you should of seen it on the job!" She goes, "You're going to get fired. You've got to be very careful about what you're doing." Because I'd tell her, you know, I'm getting beat up at work. "You're going to get fired!" "No, I won't get fired, this is amazing! This is God!" "God is doing this stuff!" People on my job are getting healed. My atheist forman, he gets healed, and just having fun. Amazing. I'm doing a great job, they can't point the finger at me because on my job I'm doing it amazingly. Because you can't be praying for people all the time and let your performance slip. You've got to have your performance be above and beyond. Because that's our view. The world gives us a view "They worship God, but they're no good on the job." What if we could be amazing on the job where the only thing that they could point the finger at, is that we're supernaturally crazy. I'm serious. God is taking the spirit of ugly off the bride. She's becoming pretty again. So anyway.... About eight months into our relationship with my wife, I'm in a food store, and my wife decided that I'm going to go to the store, with my husband. But she won't go near me, she goes to the other side of the store. So my daughter and I are at one side, and she's at the other. Now the miracles and stuff are happening in my life,  and she doesn't want to hear the testimonies. I mean I remember the time I came home and shared with my wife. Man, we saw someone's leg grow out 4 inches at Walmart, and my eight and a half daughter was the one who prayed for them. It was awesome, and it was the manager! My wife was like, she was angry because we were gone so long. She was like, "I wouldn't have expected anything else." She was angry. And I went back into the bedroom and I'm like,  "God she won't even, she won't even glorify you!" I didn't say to her, you know, I'm like, "God help!" He said, "Aren't you glad it's becoming normal?" Because what she said, was, "I wouldn't have expected anything else." She didn't say, "Don't you tell me." I didn't hear her, because it was a constant thing. Ok. So anyways, we're in the food store, and me and my daughter, and we're walking down, and we see a lady in a scooter. And we're like "Ah look there's a lady in a scooter, let's go pray." It's like, we're meat, we're going, we're going to pray. If you see need, you go after it. Jesus said in Matthew 10, he said, go and preach the kingdom, heal the sick, raise the dead, cast out devil. And in Luke 10, he said, whatever city you go into, heal the sick and then preach the kingdom. So either way, it's show and tell. You either show it and tell it, or tell it and show it. Either way it's the same thing, demonstration gospel. If you see need, go after it, so we're going after it. So I go up, and "Hey, what's going on, why are you in the?..." "Oh you know I had back surgery." I said, "Can my daughter and I pray for you?" She goes, "I pray." I'm said, "That's awesome." "Well we're members of the body of Christ, can we pray too?" She's like, "Listen, I don't need you to pray for me." You know? And her granddaughter is there, she's about the same, well yeah, about the same age as my daughter. And I looked at the granddaughter and I said,  "Do you want to have your grandmother pray for you again?" It's a cheap shot. I wasn't thinking that way, honest. But you think about it, you know? The granddaughter goes, "Yeah!" Looks to grandma, grandma goes, "Oh no you didn't." That's pretty much the look I got, like, "I can't believe you just did that." I said, "Look, the worst that can happen is nothing." I've learned that from the beginning, because if you tell someone that, it eliminates their expectation. They don't need to expect, you need to. I mean it helps if they do, but if you have to rely on them... We need to learn to rely on us, who we are in him. So we prayed for her and I ask her, I say, "Listen" I said, "I'd love to have you get out of that scooter so we can see what's going on." She goes, "You don't realize the kind of pain I've been in." She goes, "My granddaughter has to drive the scooter out to the car to get me into the store." She goes, "I've had four back surgeries, I've been on chronic pain medicine for the past nine years." "I have to travel down to Baltimore to pay for all this pain medication out of my pocket,  because I don't have insurance." So she takes everything she has, and she spends it on this. So I'm like, "Look, could you please just step out of there, and we'll see where you're at." So she gets out of the car and she can't move. I'm like, "Come on, let's pray again." So we pray again, and all of a sudden, grandma goes like this.... And the granddaughter is like, "Grandma!" And tears are in her eyes, and you know that she hasn't done this. She has been in this position for 29 years. See when I said to the granddaughter, "Would you like to have your grandmother play with you again?" Grandmother has never played with her to begin with. She looks at her Grandma, her grandma's doing this... I said, "What's going on?" She goes, "I don't know, something's moving." And she's doing stuff that I couldn't do. And I'm like, "Get out, that's great! It's awesome!" And I'm in tears you know? My daughter is like, "This is awesome!" And her granddaughter is like, "Grandma, run!" Really! So the grandma goes, "Run? I can hardly walk." She goes, "Come on grandma, run!" So they run down to the end of the isle together. And it's awesome, and it's beautiful! And I'm like, "Oh God, this is God, this is God!" She comes back, and then my wife walk in the isle. And all of a sudden, my tears, dry up. Because my wife is not on page with this, and this is the first time she's coming to public with me. It's about to get messed up! So my wife comes in the isle, and she folds her arms. She shakes her head. This lady walks up, and I said,  "Ma'am, how you doing?" She goes, "This is awesome, I'm healed!" I said, "Can you do me a favor?" "My amazing wife, her name's Jackie, she's coming in the isle." "Can you go tell her what just happened?" And I just backed up. Serious! The reason why I share this is because it's breakthrough. How many of you have relatives that don't believe? We all need this in our lives, really. So my wife comes in, she's just not on page, man. This lady comes over, talks to my wife. My wife burst into tears, burst into tears. Now I'm crying again, harder then I was. My daughter is behind me. I said, "You can come out Des, it's mom, look at her." I mean it was aggressive, she was angry. Because she didn't have a grid for this, and I did. And I determined in my heart, no matter what anybody says, I'm going after this. On my job, it doesn't matter, I'm going after this thing. So I'm going after this. My wife is like, silent. We walk out, we go through the register, I don't talk to the lady at the register,  we're all crying, except for my daughter, she's got this ear to ear smile. Because she's been praying with me all along, she's been doing this, man. She walks in the Kingdom, my 5 year old, Zoey walks in this. She's five! She prays simple stuff, like, "Owey go away, Jesus name." "Better?" "Better?" And it gets better! Yeah, it's better. Kids get under the radar, people don't even see it coming. It just, "Boom" lands on people. So we get back home. I go back in the bedroom,  and just thanking God for the ability to position myself in such a place  to where I never to proclaim what kind of tree I was. See a Cherry tree doesn't stand in the orchard and say, "Cherries!" It just produces cherries, because it's a cherry tree. So what kind of tree are you? What if people would come into your life and say, "They're a tree of righteousness. Because righteousness, bears it's fruit unto holiness. The fruit on a righteous tree is holy fruit. So now my wife is out there in the living room, and I'm crying. I come out and say, "Honey, are you ok?" She said, "Yeah." I said, "What's going on?" She goes, "God spoke to me." I go, "What'd he say?" "Tell me!" She said, "God said that this has always been me." "You're husband is a changed man, he's a brand new man, he's the one who I created him to be. And this is me." She looked at me, she goes, "Who am I to stand in the way of God?" So now my wife is like, on page. It's awesome, right? So that job, I get fired from that job, because of the gospel. A couple months later, after my wife is on page,  I come home and I get fired. Didn't go over well, I got fired from 30 jobs you know. Quit or got fired from them all. She's like, "It's happed again?" I'm said, "Honey, God will open a door." And within a couple of days, I'm at another job,  higher pay. And you know, God just does that. Don't be afraid to show the gospel on your job and bring it. But bring it in love, don't bring it in.... Just be careful, it's all in your approach. Our motivation can't be, "Go out there, win souls." Our motivation has to be the love of God, to where we shine as lights in the world. Do you know that God is the Father of lights, and you are those lights? So I go and I'm doing a conference, we're doing a.... Can I talk about that a little? We're doing a Power and Love, it's October, October 12th - 15th. It's a conference that equips, and what we do, we do outreaches during the whole thing. Where we do teaching, outreach, teaching, outreach, teaching, outreach. And they actually change lives. Just because you're hearing and doing, and it's just awesome. So if you  ever want to be a part, it's Power and We're going to be here in Texas in October, October 12th and 15th.  But we're doing like one of our first one, and it's in Ohio. And I'm going there, and I'm at the conference, and I'm speaking. I'm starting to see God do amazing things. He's starting to lead people by example into encounters. And my cell phone keeps getting this call on it, and it's like constant. I don't know who it is and they're not leaving a message. So then my Mom calls me and is like, "You're Aunt Holly is trying to get ahold of you." "She lives in the town that you're doing the conference in." That's the one that beat me up really bad, that hammered me, that I couldn't talk to her. That I told God, "Don't let me encounter her, until you're going to do something to show her that you're amazingly real." So my Aunt is calling, so I'm like, "Hey!" I'm like, "What's going on?" She goes, "Todd, I hear you're speaking in my hometown." I go, "I didn't know this was you're hometown, Mom just said it was." She goes, "Yeah, I want to come hear you speak." I'm thinking, "Oh gosh..." Serious, it's my family, man, my peps, right? So she said, "Listen" She goes, "When are you speaking next?" And I said, "Well, I'm going to speak in about 45 minutes." She goes, "I am meeting a friend of mine for lunch." She goes, " I can't come today, but I'm going to come today." I'm like, "Ok." She's goes, "Yeah we're meeting at the Tumbleweed restaurant." I looked out my hotel room, and the Tumbleweed is right beside my hotel. I go, "You're going there right now?" She goes, "Yes I am." And God spoke to me, gave me a word of knowledge about her friend. Said she had Scoliosis, one of her legs is way shorter then the other, and she's all messed up in her back. I said, "Your friend has a really messed up back, right?" She goes, "Yeah." I go, "Oh my gosh, I'll be right there." See God is a better convincer then you are. So I go in, we pull into the parking lot,  This is real, is this making any sense? Because I want to provoke you, because this is yours man. It's not just mine. I'm here to come up under you and equip you for the works of the ministry, not just full time. We've not realized that our job is our mission field. That everywhere you go, you are called man. To do this thing, to bring the kingdom. Not just by a gifting, but by a believer priesthood. That the same Holy Spirit, that raised Jesus from the dead, dwells in you. And wants to touch the world, and the same mission. See your mission is not just to go to heaven. Your mission is to destroy hell. Your destination is heaven. But God's first destination is to get heaven into you to reposes that which was lost, so you can destroy hell every day. And first John, 3:8 is your mission. To destroy the works of the devil, everywhere you go. Death, loss, destruction, Nope, "Bang", that's what we do. So my Aunt is over there, I go over to the parking lot, pull in. Dan and I are there, and God says, "That' s the car that her friend is in." So I went over to the car, she didn't get out of her car yet. I go, "Hey!" I said, "Are you meeting Holley here?" She goes, "Yes." She's freaked out. I'm like, "You have a bad back, right?" She goes, "Yeah." I go, "God's going to heal you, I'll be back." And I ran into the restaurant. And Dan is there, he's like.... I go in there, I'm like "Holly, this is awesome, God told me who your friend was when I pulled in the parking lot." She's goes, "What?!" I said, "Come on, this is going to be awesome, come out here, lets go, come on. So she comes out side, she goes, "What are you doing?" I said, "Just sit here." Sat her friend down, her friends leg is like a couple inches short. So we pray, her leg grows out, my Aunt watches it. She's like, freaked out. Her friend is in the chair is like, "What is going on right now?" She has no idea, she's just the collateral, the bomb went off. She's collaterally blast, collateral blessing. So a lady comes up in a wheel chair, she's wheeling up front. She's coming right up the sidewalk. I said, "What's going on with you?" She goes, "I'm paralyzed form the waist down." I said, "What happened?" She goes, "Like 7 years ago, whatever..." I said, "Can we, can my friend and I pray for you?" Now Holley is sitting there, very intellectual, trying to wrap her head around what just happened to her friend's leg. And her back, because her back popped straight. It was just really cool. So that's always cool, right? Scoliosis says "see you later, can't hang out anymore." So I said to her, I said, "We're going to pray for you." And my Aunt is right her, she can't move, it's like where Pastor is, and the lady is right here. And we're praying for her. I said, "Can we pray for you? She goes, "Well if you want to." So we pray and she goes like this, start going like this in the chair. She's not a Christian,  so she doesn't know that that's what we do. You know, she doesn't have any idea,  that's what my point is. And my Aunt Holley,  she goes, "What's going on?" I go, "I don't know." So then all of a sudden her legs start to do this. Her paralyzed legs. And I said to her, I said, "Ma'am, I need you to try to get out of that chair." She lifts herself up, shaking, she's got feeling going into her legs. My Aunt goes, "I've got to go." So she gets up and goes into the restaurant. And I'm going to be late for my meeting. So I just talked to this lady and shared with her about the love of God,  and what God's dong in her leg. And she, she's a Christian now. It was awesome. And her friend was like, "This is God, this is God!" So she goes in, she parks her wheel chair right across the table from my Aunt. So I do the meeting and I get a phone call from my Aunt, She's like, "Todd, I want to come and hear you speak tonight." So she comes and hears me, and she cries the whole time. Just cries the whole time. And she's just totally wrecked. And prayed for her, prayed for her back and her knee, and God healed her. This is the one that beat me up. And God's just loving her. It's awesome. And so she goes back to, She asked me before she goes, she goes, "Todd..." And this was the afternoon that wasn't the night. Yeah because she came in the... no it was. She said, "Can God heal an animal?" I said, "Well, sure!" Does animal matter,  she goes, "Well yeah, my horse tore a muscle in it's hindquarter, and I can't show my horse for 6 months, 5 and a half months until the horse heals." I said, "Ok," So we prayed for her horse. So she goes back, she gives me a call. God healed her horses butt. So she's excited. God healed... God healed her horses butt, to get to my Aunt's heart. That's crazy! It matters to her. Crazy, right? So she comes to the meeting, and she goes back, she gives me a call back. She goes, "Todd" she goes, "I need you to come down here to the horse club." I go, "What's going on?" She goes, " I told everybody here, that if you come down here, everybody will be healed." So my skeptical Aunt takes it back to the horse club. And I come down like, "Oh my gosh, I've got a meeting." She goes, "I'm on my way already to pick you up, so you're not getting out of this." I'm like, "Ok." So I go down there, and I go in, there's a circle of chairs, all these people inside the horse stable, like in the open area. They're all looking at me like this. I come in and my Aunt is like, "Here he is." "Tell  them Todd." She's so happy, it's her new nephew. So God healed everyone. That's awesome! That's great, right? So I go up and I meet with my, meet with my dad, meet with his wife. And I'm talking to her, and she hammers me, I talk to her about Jesus. I said to her, I said, "I need to pray for your back." My dad looks at me like, "Oh man!" "I can't believe you did that." My Aunt goes, "Are we really going to do this again?" I go, "I say we should just pray and see what's really real." "If it's not, noting is going to happen." She goes, "Fine." She's swearing you know, turns around, she goes, "What are you going to do." I said,"I'm just going to pray for you." She turns around, I put my hand on her back, said, "God, show her how real you are, how much you love her." She bent down, and by the time she came up, she's in tears. She turns around, she's angry, she's not a believers. She's crying, she's in tears. She's like, "I'm sorry!" I go, "It's ok. I was never mad at you, I love you." She's a Christian, my Aunt is a Christian. You know my step dad that came to my wedding? That said, "I hate you, you're a looser"? You know, I did a meeting at my home church, just a couple months ago, 2 months ago. He came, he's the first one up, "I need Jesus in my life." Because I walked this thing out. See a couple months ago, he's in the hospital. He's angry, he's bitter. Angry, he has a blood clot in his leg,  so they failed his leg, to get to this blood clot. Well he has one in his heart, right outside his heart. Ready to.... Problem, aneurysm. Right there. Doctors are like, "You know we're going to have to do open heart, get this thing done." I go in the hospital, he can't move. I said, "Dude, you know I've got to pray for you, right?" He said, "Yeah, I figured you'd want to." I said, "Well gosh." So I put my hand on him and prayed. "God thank you that you love him so much, in Jesus name." He went and had a scan done, and God took that thing out. He's angry, and not a believer. It doesn't matter, God loves him profusely. So now he's a Christian. Her mom, she gets baptized, she's a Christian. My Mom is a Christian, my Dad is a Christian. My whole family, there's only a few left, and they're not getting out of this. This is the life that we're called to lead. See, I love to talk about testimony, but I want to make it personal. I want to make it personal in your life. I have thousands of these same kind of things. I want to make it personal, so it reproduces it's self in your life, in your family. In your work place, where everybody is against you. Because all those guys, they were all healed on my job, even the ones that didn't believe and were all angry, they're all Christians. Why? Because we're light. Because darkness isn't the issue. It's never "Who turned up the darkness?" it's, "Who turned down the light?" If you're the only one at work who knows you are a Christian, something is twisted. You can say all you want, you can use your job as an excuse, "Well if I do, then I'll lose my job." Man, there are no excuse. You're not going to stand before God, stand before him, "Well I couldn't share the gospel, because...." It's just not going to go over. That ought to convict our hearts. One day we're going to stand before the King, and he's going to say, "What have you done?" or, "Well done." That's not mean, that's real, that's real! You're not a goat, you're a sheep. See, not everybody applaud's that one. But it's real. We ought to raise our kids, with the very understanding that one day we're going to stand before the King. And he's going to say, "Well done." or "What have you done?" Come on. You don't have to pray for people, you get to. You don't have to like, bring this thing. You don't have to go to the mall... Look, the other day we go to the mall. And just saw a lady with a cane, and I was walking with a buddy, Allen, and Robert my friend. And we're just walking through and see a lady with a cane. I asked her, I said, "What happened?" She needs two new knees, knee replacements. I asked her if I could pray for her. And her daughter sort of walks around the other side, like, crazy guy. Doesn't matter, God loves her to, so I'm going to pray for her mom. So we pray and she tries to walk and she's in pain. So we pray again, "What'd you do?!" "What did you do?" "Just prayed in Jesus name." So she's touched, there's a kid, sitting on the seat, and we've got him boxed in. He's just sitting there like, kind of like praying. Good kid man, can't get away. I said, "You're trapped man." We're praying you know, and she gets healed. She's like, "It's gone, it's really gone." She goes, "Pray for my Mom, she has a problem in her neck." So we prayed for her mom, it's hurting. So we prayed again, hit it again, again... She goes, "It's gone!" "Jesus loves you so much, you're amazing." So we walk away from that one. Just talked to them,  planted seed. You're a seed sower or waterer, you're not the one who brings the increase, so the pressure is off. That's a good word. Some sow, some water, it's God that brings increase. So you're not there to harvest that thing. You're just there to sow. But the word I got, says that when a seed is sown, it grows up. When a seed is sown, it grows up. It's awesome! It's the Kingdom, it's all seed. So we plant, we water, God brings increase. See, a lot of times we don't see the increase, so we don't think anything is working. I've got news for you, Holy Spirit is a better evangelist then you are. We've got to believe he's a big boy. And you don't always have to seal the deal, you're just part of the equation. So when you approach somebody and tell them that, "Look, I just want to tell you that God thinks you're amazing. He loves you so much." And you encourage somebody, and edify somebody. It's just as powerful as saying, "Stand to your feet and walk." Sometimes we think it's less powerful, but it's equally important. It's all seed, you're amazing, and don't, don't discount anything. Because just the fact of edification and encouragement, you're a steward of grace, do you understand that? That the words that you speak, you steward grace. God said, "Let no corrupt word come out of your mouth, But only that which is used for edification and encouragement. It provides grace for another. You have favor with God, you have grace that's on your life, and you have been given the stewardship of the favor, and God will cause increase on the life of the person that you encourage. And allow you to write the check in Jesus name, for encouragement and favor and grace on a person's life. And God knows who to write the check to  by the words you speak. See, words are way more powerful then you think. What hard about telling somebody,  "Hey, I just want to tell you that God loves you and you're amazing."? You are amazing. Amazing. Amazing. I see a leader in you. I see somebody that.... that what I'm saying to you is the real deal man. But God is doing something inside your heart. And there is just an amazing man, and an amazing leader that's inside you. And God is bringing grace upon your life to change the reality. Because there's this black sheep, there's this thing where you're like, " I can't do anything right, I can't do anything right. Everything I try, bang!" "Everything I try to do, bang! Everything I do...." But this is going to be an amazing year of grace upon your life, man. Because been this thing where you, "Just I don't know what direction." "I don't know what to do, I don't know what to do, I don't know what direction."  I see web design, I see computers on your life.  I see just the amazing high tech industry, just this web guru creator.  I see, ahh, oh my gosh. Art, like web design, computer, just the web design, just the computer graphics, animated graphics. To where you're going to have this thing, it's going to come out of computers. This is God, man. I can feel it all over me. I know it is, you're not getting out of it. No one has told me anything about you, they didn't set you up for this, this is God. You've just said, "Where's my nitch, where's my nitch!" And you're like, "Christianity, whatever." This is you man, you're going to bring the kingdom into the computer system. You're going to have a web designing thing, where you're going to design websites, and work on different people's websites. And it's going to get into internationally. And it's not just going to be in American, it's going to be internationally. I see the UK being a big part of what you do. Actually see, China. It's going to be crazy, because you're going to be traveling. You're going to be here, you're going to be based her. But you're going to be traveling, you're going to start to oversee, different companies. But they're all going to all be under a head company that's going to come through you, because there's an entrepreneurial thing that's inside of you. I love you man! Jesus This is more simple then you think. You can do it. All of you can. Everyone, just open your mouth. Step forward, just step out. Step out, dare to step out. Create a place for Holy Spirt to land on. We're so used to being comfortable. We're so used to just staying inside our comfort zone. Holy Spirit is called the Comforter,  because he knew were going to be uncomfortable to step into this thing. All you have to do is allow a place to land on your life. That's it! Just to let him land, and you could speak,  the words that you speak become both spirit and life, because God's on it. And creates life in that very one that had none. And all of a sudden, "What?" "Doesn't matter what people think, God is bigger then all that stuff! Man, I went to a class the other day, I'll share that testimony and we'll pray. There's a school in my area, and they... You guys are awesome. I went to a school the other day, and this school, 4 years ago,  they tried to bring in intelligent design. They tried to bring in this intelligent design, um, to where they can teach evolution. But they tried to bring in Christianity into it. Dover high school, it was on CNN news about 4 years ago. If you remember it, big debate thing, it didn't pass. And so like, that was the last time school was on the news. Well that school happens to be like 7 miles from my house. So a lady from my church, she knows some people that go to that school. And knows a teacher there, who has a religious debate class. It's an elective. They bring in every different religion, you know. Every different one, and then the kids debate with them. So they're like, "Todd would you be willing to come in." And I'm like, "Ok, I'll come in." Because I'm so done with debate. But which doesn't make sense. So the day before I went, they asked me to come on Wednesday, and I said I couldn't, I could come on Thursday, because I was traveling. And so, Thursday comes and I went there, and the day before, there was 2 Mormon elders that went there and got drilled. You know they come in with a suit and tie, all that stuff. And they come in to explain, and they're trained to debate. They're trained to. And so I'm not trained to debate. And like the debate, they're smarter them me, so I just don't go in there. Serious. So I go into the class, Mr Hover is like, "This is Todd White" I come into the class and the kids are like, "What?!" And some of them were thinking, "This is going to be easy." It is! So I go in, and Mr. Hover goes, "This is Todd White, and he speaks on Christianity." "So he's going to be here to debate and talk about Christianity, so I open it up for questions." The kids are like, "whom!" They're going to hammer me for my hair. You know? Whatever! They're just going to bring it, you know? And so the one girl raises her hand and I see her. And I said to her, I said, "Ma'am?" And she starts to speak and I said, "Hold on a second." and I said, "You've got asthma." She goes, "Yeah..." And I said, "Also, you want to be a nurse, you want to be a pediatric nurse." "You're headed to college to be pediatric nurse." " I think that's great, because you've worked with children your whole life." And I said, "It's really amazing, because you have this really compassionate heart. God has given you this thing, and not every body has that same grace on their life. There's a real grace for children, to raise up children." She's like, "Who are you?" I said, "Well my name is Todd White, I'm a Christian." So another kid raises his hand.  I said, "Hey." I said, "Hey you play football." He's like, "Yeah!" I said, "You've got a problem with you're right shoulder." "Yeah!" "Come here." So all the kids, no one is asking questions now. Really. Serious. Kid comes up, I said, "What are you scared of man? This things not going to hurt you." "Come here." I put my hand on his shoulder, "Shoulder be healed, in Jesus's name." I said, "What's going on?" He goes, "It's hot." I said, "Well move it around." "What?" I said, "God loves you so much." And I started to share about who he is, what I saw in his life. Started to prophesy about the reality of what God see's over his life. He's like, "It's what I want to do!" I said, "Isn't that awesome?" He's like, "Yeah!" Another kid, "What about me?" See this changes everything. We need to give the world something that's unexplainable. See, in John 10:25, John 10:37, 38 around in there, says, "If you don't believe me for the words that I say, at least believe for the works that  I do. For it's the Father who dwells in me who does the works." So that’s always made sense to me. Like I can't debate you, and talk you into it enough. At least you have to believe, for it's the Father in me who does the works. So now, God has put me into a position, to where I get to go places, and get to take people into the public arena. Get to take people into the market place or wherever, and demonstrate the Kingdome. And if they don't believe me for what I say, at least believe me for what I do, for it's the Father who dwells in me, who does the works. And we need to be that kind of Christian, that would say, "I'm not going to know the answer to the debate." Because debate doesn't fix anything, debate draws people and draws them away. This is crazy because I'm in this class and praying for these kids. And there’s this teacher, and there's this guy sitting behind, he's just an observer, he's just sitting back there. And he goes to walk out, and I said,  "Sir, before you go to leave, you have this real problem in your back.  "Something is going on." I said to him, "I don't know what it is, is it disks?" He goes, "Yeah, I have bad disks in my back." I said, "Man, can you sit down here." I have a chair in the front now. And I sat him down and his leg just grows out. And the kids are like, "What?!" See I had them all come up and watch. "Did you ever see a short leg?" "What?" I said, "Come here." And they all looked, "Oh yeah man. Yeah, yeah." And "Whosh" his leg comes out. They go, "What?!" And I said to the guy, I said, "Man, I don't know who you are." I said,  "But I know this, you have kidneys that give you trouble, constant." He said, "I get kidney stones, chronic." And the kids are like, "Oh my gosh." None of them new that. He's the vice principal,  of the school, who's a Christian, who wanted to hear my view on Christianity. God spoke to him, and told him to come to the class, to listen to me speak. He doesn't know who I am. And he stands up, and I said, "There's a governmental thing on your life." "You're actually going to speak in the government." I said, "It's something that upon you." And I started to prophesy. And he goes, "Well right now I'm a vice principal and this is where I need to be." And I said, "I understand that, and you are a very good one." And the kids are like, "What is going on, this is crazy!" So now, class is getting over. Had another girl come up, prayed for her, and her scoliosis gets straightened out. She's like, freaked out, crying. In the chair, sitting there, crying, shaking. Because kids were coming up to the chair, and one by one they're getting in the chair. And it wasn't fear. So they're like, some of them are crying, other students are like, "Are you ok?" "Yes." "Why are you crying?" "I don't know." God's hanging out. What if we realized the dominion of God upon our life, and realized that every place that you step foot, in,  God has given to you, because you're an ambassador. So that first class lets out, and they're not wanting to leave. The bell ring and none of them, you know when the bell rings and people are out, they're ready to go. And the bell rings and they're all sitting there. And some of them are standing and walking real slow like,  "Call on me." I'm serious. People want a word. They want to know, they want to know what God thinks! Second class is coming in. There are students that are telling them... I can hear them,  they go, "Oh you guys are in for it man." "What are you talking about?" And they come in and, "What?" Sit down and some of them are sharing with their friends. So their friends are sitting down very curious. Because they're telling them, "Man, this guy tells us everything about us!" "It's crazy man!" "Never been thing like, never seen anything like it. You're in for it." So they're sitting down, sort of like, no pressure. So the second class, same thing. Start to share my testimony, start to pray, start to prophesy over people. And kids are getting healed. It's crazy, the whole session, not one question, not one. Both classes, both debate classes, not one question. Unheard of! The teacher is like, calling on people, "You always have questions." "No I'm good." Do you know that when you walk in this, you're a conviction to the world? You don't have to point out their stuff. Do you know that when the light is in the place, all darkness is made manifest? You don't have to point it out for them to feel like, "Oh man, something is..." Because you're there. But if you don't expose their darkness, if you just bring the love of God, it's the goodness of God that brings people to repentance. It's scriptural. It's his goodness, that eliminates the very fact that their in darkness. See I call Christians a bug light. Because it's bright and beautiful and it's blue, and it lights up the place. And bugs are like, "What is it?" And when they get close enough, "Gzzzzt!" Think with me. What about the presence of God in your life? What about allowing his presence to evangelize the people that around you? What about taking the hand of somebody and just..... Like I was talking a little bit about the New Age people. Just encountering New Age people, that I don't have to like, you don't have to tell them that your way is right and they're way is wrong. They see already. Most of them say that you have a blue glow around you,  that's what I hear. I was doing this session in Hawaii And this New Age guy comes to the church. They don't come to church, but he's there. First night I'm sharing, he's sitting on his chair with his legs folded like crazy yoga. Just crazy. Like, just sitting there. And I'm sharing, and I watched his legs unfold, and I watched him lean on the edge of his seat, for 2 hours, just looked at me. I didn't say anything to him. Second day, comes back. Third day, he's in the thing. And I walked over to him, and I said what God was sharing with me. And I started to share about who he was. He looked at me and he starts going, He starts to shake, tears. I said, "Stand up man." Stand up. I said, "Holy Spirit is coming right now." And he goes, "Ok" Wham! Holy Spirit hit him. And he's like, "Ahhh!" I'm serious, it was crazy. And I hugged him, and held him. Just told him how amazing he was, how awesome God thinks about him. And he gets wrecked. He's a New Age, psychic hypnotist healer. Who's neck has been hurting for 9 years. And it's not anymore. And he got delivered by the love of God. And now he's an on fire Christian, that's going to bring it into an New Age community. I've encountered them. I get on a mountain. I'm at the top of this peak, it's on Hawaii, it's called the Sleeping Giant. Go to the top and I meet the lady,  she's up there, she's with her son. And I looked at her, she's doing all this different stuff. I said to her, I said, "Hey, how are you doing?" She goes, "I'm ok." I said, "You've got something going on right now with your neck." She goes, "Ah, yeah I do." I said, "Can I pray for you?" She goes, "What do we do?" I said, "Just let me see your hands." So I prayed for her, "Jesus name, neck be healed." She goes, "Wow, it's gone!" I said, "God loves you so much," And her son is there.  And I said to him, "Hey!" And he growls at me and walks away, he's like 7. And I said to him, I said, "Man, what's your name?" And he tells me his name. And she says, "That's not his real name, his real name is Kaleb." And I said, "Hey!" I said, "Come here man." He goes, "No, I have 12 deities." And I said, "Awesome." I said, "Can I tell you what the name Kaleb means?" And I told him, and he got closer, and closer and closer,  and he stood in front of me. I said, "Can I pray for you?" He goes, "Ok." "Boom" His name's Kelab. I see him when I go there, and he's like, excited, he's changed. This lady, wants me to do New Age meetings on the north shore. Why? Because Jesus is the real light. Come on, I've encountered these people. What are we doing, encounter them! I prayed for a lady, she's in a pizza shop. It's in Sedona, did you ever hear of Sedona? Great place to hang out. So she's there, and I ask the guy, can I pray for this lady. He's like, "Why?" I go, "Because she's got a problem with her back, and it's really bad." And he asks her, she says, "Yeah." Well she's a Wiccan. So what? God loves her. And I got her hand, I prayed for her, and she, she's got this fear look in her eyes. I said, "What's going on, what do you see?" She tells this guy in another language,  she said, "When he prayed for me, I saw a cross, with a man that had a smile." "Who is this man? And what is this cross?" This is the reality that we live in, this is who we are. This is who we are. Greg we've got to stop, what time is it? It's not good, it's 3 O clock isn't it? It's not good. I want to pray something corporately over everybody. I want to pray, because this thing is impartable,  and I believe it is impartable through the message, honestly. But I want to pray a prayer, and just pray this to be upon your life. And I want to establish a relationship, I've already talked to pastor Steve and his wife. I love you guys and I want to establish relationship, I want to just, whatever I can do to help, to come up under, To help you get you out of the boat. Like you can't preach the whole gospel in one session, I tried this morning and it didn't work. No, but I want to share life experiences, and I want to share with you that this thing is real. Don't allow what other people don't see to influence what you do see. Ok? So let me pray something, just put your hand on your head. Father I thank you in Jesus's name God, for grace on people's live that are here. I thank you Father that this would be their life. God thank you for amazing grace, God, that they would walk in this, that they would flow in this. That you would impart to people here, through the message. God, through the message, that we would determine in our hearts to not allow what people don't see to influence what we do see. That God, you would raise up a generation, that would walk in such an amazing power of God  that flows through the love of God. That it wouldn't matter what people think or what they say. That we would flow in such a way. That we would flow from the love of God towards everyone. God I thank you for that grace upon the lives of people,  That you would bless them That you would increase favor on everyone in here. God I thank you for favor upon business, God, favor upon schools, favor upon just, favor upon people, God. In every position and every walk of life. That God, you would raise them in such a way, too where it would be all kingdom. To where their work places would be invaded by a new breed of Christians. One that is so supernaturally heavenly minded, that they're earthly supernaturally amazing. God, that we would have our head, our mind, set on things above and not on things beneath. That God, we would realize that we are seated with Christ in heavenly places. Father I thank you for grace upon the lives of everyone in here, God. That my life would be imparted through this prayer, upon people. Holy Spirit, have your way, in Jesus' name. Amen.
Channel: Todd White
Views: 59,086
Rating: 4.8750954 out of 5
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Length: 111min 51sec (6711 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 26 2017
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