Todd White - A Call to Holiness (All Hail King Jesus)

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[Music] yeah how you doing [Music] cannot walk anywhere are you guys good okay I mean I'm saying like microphone wise okay well this is my first time like ever got invited to San Diego and then then I'm really I'm really glad to be here they told me it was really hard but it's pretty easy I don't understand hard areas it's just our heart it's really not an area it's our heart that's hard Jesus is the same everywhere the worse it is the brighter we shine the darker it is the brighter we shine unless you have a basket on your head not that kind some of you thought that no it's funny I just do this because it keeps it off my back people are like why do you have dreadlocks I get persecuted for it it's really awesome it's like a fishing lure my dreads are like a fishing lure anybody ever fish I catch Pharisees I love Jesus look I love Jesus so much that that I'm like I'm free from people but being free from people doesn't mean that I have a license to act ungodly living ungodly read Jude it doesn't end well [Music] alright this is gonna be fun see when when we when we look at when we look at books like Jude it's only one page doesn't take you long to read it but did it take you a lifetime to live it and so it's there it's it's part of the Canon on purpose it's really amazing I didn't plan on preaching on Jude I'll just talk about it a little but it says that Sodom and Gomorrah we're an example for all of those that want to live ungodly that's like a pretty amazing wake-up call people are like hey chill out that's legalism no it's love jesus said if you love me you'll be my Commandments if you don't you won't so you choose who you want to obey you can either be a slave to sin or you can be a slave unto righteousness see when we get saved we we were a slave to sin and then when we get saved we sing the song no more shackles no more chains but we live in bondage and it's not okay see God didn't give us a spirit of fear but of love and power and a sound mind it's amazing so fear is bondage its bond it's perfect love casts out all fear but there's no way for you to live in the perfect love of God unless you see that you're loved by the father see there's a difference between you saying that God loves you and you being loved by him active [Music] see my problem is that I have been loved by God since I got saved and I've believed it and no one can take it away you can't reject me because you didn't accept me so if my acceptance comes from God the Father how could you take away what you never gave me that's not a theory that's the truth I have been accepted in the beloved I'm accepted by God he saw all my junk he saw me before I was born he knew what I was going to do but he knew the day that I would turn repentance is an amazing word that some of the church thinks is to be taken out and I that that's gonna be hell when you stand before God all right see repentance is a lifestyle it's it's repentance is the life it's actually a basic principle of Hebrews six that talks about let us not go back to the elementary principles and the first principle is repentance from dead works that doesn't mean don't go back and repent that means live in an active lifestyle of repentance where the blood of Jesus keeps your filter clean to where I live in a place of communion with God the love of the Father the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ and the communion in the Holy Ghost so that I live in communion with him not just for the sake of the gifts the gifts are a byproduct of being a son being a daughter if the spirit of adoption doesn't overtake you the spirit of the world will and you can still move in gifting and the spirit of the world at the same time because the gifting the gifts are not God's stamp of approval on your life look God can speak through a donkey I make security like very very very edgy when I run on the front but I'm never gonna die and you can't kill me because I'm just gonna go be with Jesus see to me to live is Christ and to die is gain I love Jesus with everything that I am I'm gonna put off the tent one day but I'm just gonna go be with him what are you gonna look at you take from me this life doesn't belong to me I gave it to him this whole fear of death thing needs to be crushed see you can't scare a person that knows their destiny and I'm saying my destination at the end of this life when I put off this tent is to go and be with Jesus but my but my mission statement is to destroy Hell everywhere in between there so right now right now and fear is hell The Devil's afraid every day he's petrified could be the last day today could be trumpet time he has notes he has no knowledge of when the last trumpet blow is going to be then there's gonna be a thousand years where he's going to be penned up then he'll be let loose and then he'll be penned up forever this is like a hopeful expectation for people that are born again and spirit-filled and believe god it's not if you don't read your Bible what good would it be for you to have all the tools in the world and prophesied the most amazing prophecies and and heal the sick and watch the blind seed that dead raised the Deaf healed and you not know who you are you're not as good as your last miracle or your last prophecy if you live that way you're living by works and you've just incorporated gifts in but you've entered into a lifestyle of works and you're striving to produce again instead of resting in him he says come to me come to me all of you who are exhausted and it's unfortunate that when I meet Christians most of them are exhausted I'm not being mean if the shoe fits kick it off I'm telling you that they're not supposed to be your shoes you're supposed to have your shoes shod with the gospel of peace helmet of salvation loins girded with a belt of truth a breastplate of righteousness a shield of faith a sword that a lot of people put on a mantle and don't even pick up or they let dust gather on that thing and then read it once in a while or they learn from YouTube videos or a pastor and they expect their pastor to keep them safe but that's not the gospel at all jesus paid a price for you to become the word but you can't become the word that you don't know I'm not being mean I'm being real it's not okay it's an epidemic and it should be in the church we are not supposed to be unwise we're supposed to know the will of the Lord we're not supposed to be unwise of the devil's tactics yet a lot of times the devil touches us and God takes the rabbit ah feels really good because I just love Jesus man I've loved him since the beginning Jesus had three really bad days it's illegal for you to have any a bad moment maybe but quickly you bring that thought captive into the obedience of the mind of Christ the weapons that you have are mighty they defeat the devil every time if you don't know the weapons that you have you have an arsenal it's like a huge thick book its truth and the Spirit of Truth is on the earth and he wants to completely crush every lie from the father of lives that comes your way but if we don't know and understand the Shepherd's voice will think The Strangers is appealing a lot of times people enter into worship at a worship service and it's amazing and just for a moment we worship and we have to play worship in our car we have to occupy and stay busy because we can't be quiet but being quiet is one of the best places that we could because we can contemplate regurgitate and chew the truth of what God says about us and when you look in a mirror with an unveiled face you behold the glory of the Lord we have to you can't afford to look in the mirror not know who you are you should walk up to the mirror and go oh my goodness I see you in there people think it's arrogant but what if it's just God for them God furnance confidence and God fidence are two totally different things being completely filled with the truth of who God says we are listen God has more thoughts for you than there are grains of sand in the whole world they're saying right now that one cubic foot of sand has 1.6 billion grains of sand in it and God has more thoughts than there are grains of sand in the whole world and that's just a foot 1.6 billion thoughts all for your welfare in one foot go to your beach and see how many square feet you could find how many cubic feet the problem is is we fill our minds with the world and God says that you cannot love him I love the world at the same time but we get our stuff from the world and think that we can feed and be okay and it's not okay and we played the harlot and we slept with the world instead of sleeping with God and I'm not saying I'm not saying anything about anybody individually I'm saying there's a lack of love in your life it's because you love the world I just might happen to be in a city that maybe there's a lot of world lovers in the city maybe just say maybe it's a beautiful place the more beautiful the place the more people that love the world it seems I'm not saying you if the shoe fits kick it off I'm just like I don't pull any punches and not just a preach the gospel people are mad you know Jonathan wet you know John Wesley you know he preached 600 sermons only six were allowed to be in the church do you know that like people would like follow him with pitchforks and all kinds of stuff because they hated his message why did they hate it because he confronted sin man I just heard a man named Leonard Ravenhill the other day I've never heard him before in my life I never in my whole life I I heard him just the other day I went oh my gosh I I got on my knees I just started crying say God put this in me he said that this light was a dressing room for eternity oh how awesome is that this is a dressing room for eternity we're supposed to always have eternity in mind every second of every day regardless because one day we're all gonna stand before Jesus if you're not a believer you'll stand before the white throne but second Corinthians five verse 10 is very clear and it says we must all stand before the judgment seat of Christ and be recompense tore repaid for the works done in the body there like now I pass judgment no no no you were in a day of mercy and right now it's time to just to seek God with everything you are it is a dressing room for eternity but you have to be so heavenly minded that your earthly incredible yet be so focused on the truth of who God is he gave you a spirit and his name is holy and it's not okay to profane [Music] he's really lovely if we see this it'll change your everything if you don't like the way you see you've got to change the way you think if you don't like the way you look you have to change the way you think it's not about appearance it's about what's in here what's in here Christ is in you it's the hope of glory it's the mystery revealed the cats out of the bag it's open and exposed and God made it revelant relevant to every Christian out there it's been revealed it's Christ in Oz the hope of glory but wouldn't it be sad if Christ in us wasn't the mission Christ in us is the the anointing in us the anointing it says in first John 2:27 you have the anointing and you need no one to teach you yet we have a need for teachers but you have an inward teacher an inner teacher called the Holy Ghost says don't know what on earth your teacher for you have one teacher the Christ he wants to train and teach you he wants you to be on your knees learning straight from him he wants to feed you with manna every day some of you are angry I don't care I'm not here to please you or make you happy I'm here to preach the gospel I'm here to preach the only gospel I know I've lived for thirteen years and a half now thirteen and a half years with no guilt no shame and no condemnation and I don't do junk to cloud up this I don't I live with a pure heart and clean hands I love Jesus with everything I am everything I live with conviction and Wow BAE my convictions that never ever hits condemnation who say it again if you obey your convictions you'll never enter into condemnation the Holy Spirit is here to convict jesus said when the Holy Spirit comes he's going to convict the world of three things the first thing is sin people say well I got born again I'm not convicted of sin no if you step into something that you shouldn't Hebrews 5 says that we have our senses trained to discern between both good and evil strong meat for the mature who have their senses trained to discern between both good and evil because they've been trained in righteousness when I am trained in righteousness I discern between both good and evil and things that used to be okay sometimes God puts them and prunes them and says they're not okay anymore but if I deliberately go into it again I am living in sin and that stuff will easily ensnare you God says that sin crouches at your door he's a good god see the fear of the Lord is what we need to pursue the fear of the Lord isn't being afraid of God the fear of the Lord is being in reverential awe of a god that's so good that he didn't smoke you some people say that one down must stand before God give him a piece of your mind you're not gonna give him a piece of nothing you'll be on your face for a long time just saying holy in a puddle of mess in love with Jesus I hear people all the time one day when I get there I'm gonna tell God a couple of things I'm asking a couple questions you're gonna know it all what you're gonna do is look at your life and wonder why you didn't do more with the life that he gave you that's what's gonna happen you're gonna see your life and go and you're gonna know that there was so much more that you could have done if we could just get over fear fear doesn't go past we can't get over fear unless the spirit of adoption hits us because God didn't give us a spirit of fear but of love and power where does love come from love comes from the Father who is love perfect love casts out all fear what is that perfect love God so loved the world that he sent his one and only son that whoever would believeth in him believe means to be fully convinced absolutely beyond a shadow of a doubt actually gives the example of a house with no empty rooms that's what it says or a town with no empty houses that's what a church would look like fully possessed by God you guys okay all right just getting started good see I've been with him today I was on a plane today for hours I was up late last night and meeting in Florida and I got on the plane and I'm like crying for hours bawling man people around me thinking what's wrong but it's not what's wrong it's what's been made right say I'm in love I'm not afraid to look like a fool see see when you're in love not just in love with yourself although the Bible says to love yourself you can't love yourself unless you see who God created you to be and you see the price that Jesus paid cuz you first have to love God with all your heart with all your soul with all yours with all your mind I love the New Testament he's strength out of it because you're supposed to love God with all of your weakness because your weakness is a magnet for a strengthened and love your neighbor as yourself how can I love my neighbor if I keep getting hurt by them the only reason you're hurt by him is cuz it's all about you still I'm not being mean you know what people justify in their heart when I say that well you don't know what they did to me there's a keyword there and one day you're gonna stand before God and find out it was all about you me me me me me you're gonna you're not gonna sound like the seagull from Nemo mine you might sound like it here but it'll be clipped and erupted in a heartbeat when you stand before the judgment seat of Christ and realize that it was all about you and selfishness [Music] I'm not being mean I just can't stand lies I can't stay in lies see I believe that what God told me is going to happen tonight is massive freedom that's what I've heard in my heart masks masks assume the Sun sets free is free indeed that's not just a scripture to quote that's one to be lived free free from corruption so when you got saved what did he get safe from she could save from lust she just saved from addiction or is it still in your life God wants us to be really free you can't be free without him and it's not just about praying a prayer one day 20 years ago but you prayed a prayer and you got saved but nothing changed your heart there's I'm not saying there's not a seed because it says that the seeds just it's an imperishable seed I'm not contesting your salvation I'm talking about the reality of what we call saved because the greek word so tough it's not a program listen to me the word sosa saved to be saved healed delivered protected made whole kept safe and sound to do to do well to be kept safe from harm that's what the word saved is so to confess with my mouth and believe in my heart that Jesus is Lord I will be saved healed delivered protected made whole kept safe and sound to do well to be kept safe from harm it's all in the cross it's all in Christ and him crucified that's why Paul one of the most amazing disciples that was the most angry persecutor of Christians they got knocked off his donkey and wrote 13 books most of them were written from prison writing from prison he says rejoice and again I say rejoice it's hard for people to even rejoice in Trials let alone real persecution if we can't function in Christ now what are we gonna do when it really hits the fan what are we gonna do when you have a gun in your face I read your story you guys alright okay everybody okay here's a revival Bible Mario Marilla sent you what an amazing man peace fire do you guys know Mario I love him this story it's called don't come off the ice ready [Music] this comes off of Scripture in second Timothy chapter 2 verse 11 it says this is a faithful saying if we died with him we should also live with him if we endure we should also reign with him if we deny him he will deny us how do you get out of that you don't if we're faithless he remains faithful for he cannot deny himself listen to this it's a true story testimony like testimonies okay well history records the story of 40 soldiers who were a part of the famed twelfth Legion of Rome's Imperial Army let me set the stage for you the church starts you've got you've got Paul who goes to Rome he's chained and he's there with the guard they cannot put guards around him lest they get saved like he's ridiculous like like this is like this astounds me like when I hear stories of these people that have been locked up and have been with Jesus and they're like brother you and all these people that just persecuted for their faith yet they hold on them and you've got Paul who's changed two guards Paul can't shut up and if you love Jesus you wouldn't be able to either sure it's true I'm not just talking about loving Jesus in theory I'm not just talking about loving Jesus during Jeremy Jeremy riddle and Linda Conan I'm not which is amazing worship I'm not just talking about loving Jesus there I'm talking about loving Jesus with your whole heart abandon where you're worshiping God with every part of you jesus said those that worship Me must worship was worship the father in spirit and in truth so we worship Him in spirit but if there's no truth there we're not really worshiping with me I'm gonna say that again we worship the father in spirit and in truth so we can be as spiritual as we want to but if there's no truth there you can't really worship Him it's the combination he actually he says in spirit and truth and then Jesus says when the spirit of truth comes he will guide you into all truth so there is a facet to worship that when you're with God Peter Peter and John had it they were they were locked up do you remember when they were locked up they were jailed they had it they had the facet to worship they're chained there to the wall and they're chained up and they start to worship in spirit and truth so powerful was it that the people around them that weren't even saved their chains fell off too and if you would dare to worship Jesus in spirit and truth people that are around you that are in bondage will be free I promise you it's amazing they're chains they're chains broke off yet none of them left the prison because even though they were in prison they weren't locked up and they considered others as greater than themselves because there was a jailer that was about to kill himself and Paul says hey don't do it man we're still here flats and the jailer is so freaked up because it goes against everything normal that the jailer comes up and says what must I view if he's saved and him and his whole family get born again that is amazing salvation what would it be like for people around you to say what must I do to have what you carry what must I do I'm gonna read an example it's not exactly like that but it's pretty close so this is the twelfth Legion of Rome's Imperial Army the 40 men were Christians so these 40 guys in in this 112th regiment they're all Christians they've all been converted this is the year 320 AD so it's like right after right three centuries impure that says that they took their faith in Christ very seriously I just I think it's the craziest thing when people come up to me and say Todd white you're the real deal I don't understand like there's no other kind of Christian you're either for him or against him you gotta or you scattered what are we thinking what gave you the right to travel as fence that belongs to the devil Jesus says cold or hot he says colds better than warm you know I questioned God about I said I don't understand like cold hot warm he said Todd warm is a damage to the world around them there was an emperor his name was licinia's he made a decree that all soldiers in the Roman army not just this 12 Legion but all soldiers and the whole Roman army had to offer sacrifices to pagan gods the 40 Christian soldiers answered resolutely you may have our armor and even our bodies but our hearts allegiance belongs only to Christ the Lord [Music] listen to this you must worship pagan gods so you have Shadrach Meshach and Abednego like way back before people could be born again and they worshiped God and they love God with everything and you have this man that builds this big statue and is like if you don't bow down and worship this statue you're gonna be thrown into a furnace and and the three boys were there everybody's bowing there like no way you got Daniel who Old Testament is resolute who's worshiping God with everything that he is and they make a decree and they trick the King because the King would have never signed it if he'd had known what they were doing but he signed it because they tried to get Daniel out of the way and they couldn't find anything about him that was bad jumps off' then look at Joseph and they're trying to get Joseph and he gets locked up for something that he never did and he doesn't try to get out look at these men and women of faith man look at them the bees are cloud of witnesses that are staring us down saying would you carry this torch would you be willing to go to the stake would you be willing to sacrifice your life would you be willing to lay it all down yet we hold on for the sake of family or or we go to the bar because we want to reach people we have some drinks and we compromise our Christian life and call and cause it and call it Christianity but really it's not it's just compromise it's sin I don't care what you want to say why don't have a couple beers that you look just like the world you taste like the world you smell like the world you look just like the world there's nothing different about you [Applause] but our hearts allegiance belongs only to Christ the Lord the scene that followed this is real took place in the middle of the winter in 8320 the 40 men were stripped of all their clothing and they marched in on to the nearby frozen lake they knew that they would either die or choose to renounce their faith in Christ throughout that brutally cold night the men huddled together and they sang hymns of faith and among them they created the spirit of truth the sphere truth worship God in spirit and truth they came up with their own hand which they called 40 martyrs for Christ one by one the men drop to the ice through the frigid cold hours they died painful freezing deaths refusing to compromise their faith and at last only one man remains standing alive on the ice he can no longer tolerate the freezing temperatures and he stumbled to the shore there he renounced Christ unknown to him the officer of the guards had been so deeply moved as he watched the display of these soldiers commitment the other 39 men who gave their lives for Jesus Christ that when he saw the last man rank rank he finalized his own decision to trust Jesus Christ so much so that slowly as the other guards looked on the commanding officer removed all of his own clothing piece by piece he walked to the center of the frozen lake and he stood alone and he began to sings hymns of praise to the Living God began to sing the song 40 man forty martyrs because there was only 39 when the Sun came up the next morning there were 40 frozen bodies in the center of that lake 40 men who knew the weight of second Timothy if we died with him we soif we should also live with him many people pray prayers for revival very few people are willing to make the costly decisions that often bring revival Romans 12:1 tells us that we are all to be living sacrifices yeah that's intense it's real stuff there are many there are thousands and thousands of stories just like that now more than that probably more than I don't even know I know one about us a youth pastor in Indonesia that the Muslims raided their their youth camp like they're out in the middle Muslims raided and they took the youth leader and they took him to the center and they taught him to renounce Christ in front of all the other youth and he says I cannot I'm a soldier in the army of the Lord they taught me to stretch out his arm and he did when he did the soldiers chopped it off and as he's bleeding out from his arm the soldier says now renounce Christ he says I cannot and without being told he lifts the other arm in front of all the youth who were being traumatized yet seared in their heart with an ability to be resolute in their faith because their leader is really leading oh this is so huge the soldiers chop off the other arm and as he's bleeding out the soldiers talking renounce Christ and he stands up and they slit him open and his entrails come out and he as he fell down before him all the youth disappeared from the soldiers sight and all of them got away I mean they literally disappeared were hidden from soldiers the soldiers freaked out and couldn't find him what would happen to you if you are one of those youth um I am I am overwhelmed in my heart for God's bride I love miracles I see them every day I do I love the prophetic I get to share the heart of Jesus people every day I love it I love it I love it I love it what I love the most is waking up right with God I wake up right with God every day I go to sleep right with God if I wake up in them all the night I'm right with God I haven't had one day of guilt shame or condemnation for 13 and a half years and I'm not to be the only one and I'm not saying I am the only one but I'm telling you that the whole depression anxiety worry fear is dominant in the body of Christ the visiting stuff that they've already been forgiven of is so dominant in the body of Christ the enemy is having a field day with the church revelation 19:7 says that the bride has made herself ready Jesus is not going to make you ready jesus paid the price to give you everything necessary but it takes full surrender full submission fully giving yourself completely to this gospel and if you would give yourself completely this gospel it says the first you submit to God submission to God means that you submit to what God says not to what the world says that doesn't mean that we disobey everybody that just means that our obedience and allegiance is to the master King Jesus oh I love him so much I love Jesus I love him with everything that I am I've woke up in love with Jesus every day I'm um I'm so excited you understand that in James it says James Forrest says that the Spirit of God lives inside of you and he yearns jealously look it's one thing in Exodus 34 it says that God's name is jealous he's jealous for us he's jealous for us then James says that the Spirit of God isn't just jealous out here he's given you you have been partaking you're partakers you're partakers of the Holy Spirit who dwells inside of you he yearns jealously for you every other lover needs to be gone every other lover that's more important than Jesus needs to be put out that doesn't mean that you leave your wife that doesn't mean that you disconnect from your kids the Bible says and left you unless you hate this is in Luke 12 you you read this stuff it's crazy it's Jesus speaking he says unless you hate your husband your wife your kids your family you cannot be my disciple and we're like oh my gosh that's like strong verbage but what he's saying is unless you love them less and love me more unless you love them less than you love me you can't might be you can't be my disciple he's not saying like you're supposed to love your wife a husband is to love his wife the same as he loves his own body no man ever hated his own body they're one Kuttler their one flesh but if I prioritize my wife above Jesus I'm in trouble my wife has now become my Savior anything that you put into a place that's above your love for Jesus becomes your Savior and if that thing has touched your whole life is out of order God's asking the body of Christ to prioritize man says first love it says that God first loved us before we loved him but when somebody gets born again they taste just a tiny sample of God's love when they come to Jesus and he gives them rest the way that you dive into the first love that God has for you is that you take his yoke upon you for his yoke is easy and his burden is light he says and learn from me Jesus says come to me and I'll give you rest now take my yoke upon you be young to me be young nected next to me my yoke is easy my burden is lights and learn from me and you will find rest for your soul your soul is your mind will and emotion and so many people come to Jesus and they have momentary rest and an altar but we don't we fail to come to him in communion and fellowship and learn from him so we can't find rest for our soul or sometimes we go into the presence of God just to get stuff from him it's professional intimacy professional intimacy is called prostitution it's prostitution your your-your-your in there to get something instead of in there to be with him it's not okay it's called prostituting yourself you playing the harlot to get stuff [Music] earnestly desire the gifts I know it says that but first it says to hunger and thirst for righteousness because what you hunger and thirst for righteousness everything comes man the gifts come there they're part of the total package but we can't seek that more than him intimacy not prostituted intimacy pull them on to something really good Here I am it's the gospel when I go to Jesus in my secret place I'm not saying that I don't want the giftings because I do I I want it but those gift things that you seek after or without repentance the gifts and calling God it's without repentance you don't have to repent to be amazing and miraculous you can cheat on your wife or you can be living in an adulterous affair or you can be swindling all kinds of funds you could be doing all kinds of stuff and still have people getting out of wheelchairs I'm not just regarding the wheelchairs and the people getting out I love it but we have to stop prostituting we have to stop playing the harlot with the world man you can't love God and love the world you can't well yeah but you're talking about two different things you're talking about going in to the secret place and sometimes we're going into that secret place a lot of times people are going in there to get something instead of to know him see there's a difference between you saying that you know God and you knowing that God knows you I lived my life knowing that I'm known by God I'm known by God like he knows me he knows every part of me I mean he knows every part of everybody but not everybody wants to share every part with him he knows about him sweats called surrender he gave us free will it's really up to you to voluntarily receive grace and to humble yourself [Music] since grace comes to the humble God resists the proud says blessed are those that are poor and spinneret what is that blessed are those that aren't spiritually arrogant and think they know it all Oh doing good at 12 minutes it's amazing you have no idea this is miraculous right now if you want to label this message and label it I don't know no I just want to share a couple things with you are you getting anything out of this just see for me when I no matter where I'm at I don't care if it's a home group it doesn't matter when I'm up here I'm being trusted with a pulpit regardless if I'm in a house someone invites me I'm in a house group I'm I'm invited with a pulpit and I am responsible for every year the Bible says that he who has given much much is required that means that when you come to a conference to learn more the person that's preaching actually has a job to make you more accountable than enough time you walked in and then when you stand before God you're way more accountable than you were before my job is to make you very accountable for the life that you say you have [Applause] so that was awesome sorry okay Wow hey let's go to revelation 6 how beautiful is this watch I'm gonna set the stage again for you how many how many people remember John the Gospel of John John turn my talk you with me this is this is John Jesus hey Jesus it's John this is John no you with me followed me here this is John the one disciple John he's known as John the Beloved he's known as John the one that Jesus loves he's the disciple that knows that he's the one that Jesus loved now all of them were loved by Jesus but John knew it Oh what would it be like to be a disciple and not know that you're loved by him don't be crazy so this is that John like he's amazing like John now John the Beloved was boiled alive and he didn't die so have you ever burned your finger have you ever got oil spitting out of the pan maybe eating bacon I ate Kido Kido so bacon is like my favorite so you're like oh you shouldn't eat pork mom came down in the sheet I'm eating it geez this thing Jesus Nick sorry I just came back from Israel I was like no I asked the guy that go do you guys have bacon she goes I went I'm sorry I didn't know I missed it okay let me get here so John how do I get the bacon and boiled in oil that's not good is it now watch you burn your finger in oil it's pretty severe they boiled him alive I don't care who you are I can't imagine burning my whole hand in oil some people have it's accidents have happened I understand John didn't just have his hand he had his whole body submerged they boiled him in oil and tried to kill him and he didn't die so then they put this John on this island that was for demonized criminals hardened criminals fugitive vanished forever they put him on Patmos and this is John John the one that hung with Jesus the one that was like hey Jesus you and me he's there this is John now I want you to picture this because see Jesus when he was on the earth he was silent and he was a merciful lamb and when he was on the earth he was Jesus he was full of mercy grace and truth but this Jesus that John sees in the book of Revelation is completely different Jesus but it's the same Jesus it's the one that a lot of us don't think about but I'm just gonna paint a picture of what John saw because it says that John saw Jesus he didn't see him as a feminine looking Jesus he didn't see him as a brown haired Jesus that had a beard and and put your hand into here he didn't see that Jesus he saw Jesus with eyes of fire with hair as white as wool with feet as burnished bronze with a sword coming out of his mouth with seven stars in his hand this is different Jesus man it's the same one but it's the one that all of us are going to face this is a big deal look there are people that think that they're all that and think that they haven't made finances everything you think that because of your business because of what you have you think that's okay I talked to a young man in the gym today his name was Patrick he's an amazing young man I saw a tattoo on his arm it was the tattoo that that Isis put on houses over there and then they they kicked the Christians out they didn't denounce and then executed anyway he had it on his arm and I knew what it was but I wanted to ask him what it meant to him so I asked him and he told me about the tattoo and then he told me about you know Jesus and he say he's a pretty good guy and he's goods got good morals and I asked him I said man it's awesome that you're that you're a good person I said I'm going to ask you this I said if I had a diamond and I were to give you a jeweler's magnifying glass and I were to have you look at that diamond what would you see when you looked at he said a diamond I said absolutely I said let me ask you this I said if I were to have a jeweler here and they were to look at that diamond would they see things different than you well yeah they would see flaws that you don't see because they're trained to look at diamonds I said and see what you're saying is you're good and you can stand before God and there's no flaws you're wrong I wasn't being mean I was being honest and all of us have our own revelation of what good is and we're good people and we're good morally and and I'm okay and God's good and he'll accept me the way I am no no see people get saved and God does accept you the way you are but any grace that doesn't lead to transformation is demonic in nature grace has to lead to transformation so God will take you as you are but God demands change the gospel demands change but there are still people that say well I'm good enough I mean when I stand before God everything's gonna be okay this is different watch these are people that thought it would be okay I looked and he broke the sixth seal in in verse 12 and there was a great earthquake and the Sun became black as sackcloth made of hair and the whole moon was like blood and the stars of the sky fell to the earth as the fig tree casts its unripe figs when shaken by a great wind the sky was split apart like a scroll and it was rolled up and every mountain in every island were moved out of their places what would it be for a mountain you see them in the ranges here to move out of place what would that be like it would be way more than just an earthquake what would it be like for an island to move out of its place see this isn't a fear thing if your hearts right if your hearts wrong it's a very afraid time so afraid the kings of the earth and the great men and the commanders and the rich and the strong and every slave and free man hid themselves in the caves among the rocks of the mountains and said to the mountains fall on us and hide us from the presence the presence of him who sits on the throne for the wrath from the wrath of the lamb for the great day of the wrath has come and who is able to stand these are people that thought that they were okay but one day every knee will bow you can bow willingly or be forced to bow listen it says that in that day people will seek death and will not be able to find it people will jump off of buildings trying to commit suicide hit the ground and live and still have to face the wrath of the Lamb but says that the dead in the seat we brought up it says the dead everywhere Hitler and everybody that he killed and murdered six million plus Jews is going to answer for their life it's true people are like what's going on the gospel that's what's going on it's the gospel it's the good news it really is good the book of Revelation is still good news it's good news the white throne judgment is for non-believers and when they face the wrath of the Lamb of that throne they'll be cast into eternal separation from God they were separated from God when they're here but they thought they were okay but they will note that they're not okay when they face the land there'll be no question of whether they're not okay or not and you know what the problem that I have is that there are Christians that don't understand who they are that are silent in their faith that have neighbors that are going to hell that are afraid to share their faith and on that day those people I believe at that throne neighbors and people that you knew all of your life are gonna look at you and say why didn't you tell me why didn't you say anything why didn't you walk like Jesus said you could why people like well I don't have a memory of that out I just don't think I don't think that's gonna happen you're deceived you're wrong there was a man named Lazarus and there was a rich man and they both died the man that was begging bread at the table the rich man his name was Lazarus the dog would come and lick his sores and this man died having nothing and he went to Abraham's bosom but the rich man went to a place called Hades it was a place of torment it was a place where there's no quits for your thirst see hell is real and one day you die in your lust one day you'll have lust but you'll have nothing to quench it you'll have nothing to satisfy it it's eternity and there's no way out and the rich man said tell my brothers go and tell them I don't want them to cut me here Jesus said remember see people think well I don't I don't remember you're wrong you're going to remember your memory will never go away your souls forever why don't I remember how and we push it away push it under a rug everything it's not mad at you this is not God's mad at you sermon this is a preaching the gospel the good news this is good news if you're an unbeliever this here is for you you don't have to go through that there's mercy we're in a day of mercy right now this isn't a scare tactic this is reality dude but this is not scared this isn't a scare what he's just trying to scare us she's not a get out of hell free card it's not it stop living in Hell on this earth right now too [Music] so I'm so glad you're playing like music behind this bro the best can I get the whole worship team out here please help me please Jeremy Lindy I'm almost done you okay I'm almost done I gotta I gotta pull out of this place here Oh Gospels so good mm I'm just gonna read cent Corinthians 5 in verse 1 you guys with me just listen for we know if this earthly tent which is our house is torn down we have a building from God a house not made with hands eternal in the heavens for indeed in this house we groan longing to be clothed with our dwelling from heaven and as much as we having put it on will not be found naked for indeed while we're in this tent we groan being burdened because we do not want to be unclothed but to be further clothed so that this what is mortal can be swallowed up by life now he who prepared us for this very purpose is God who gave us the spirit as a pledge therefore being always a good courage are you listening knowing that well while we are at home in this body we are absent from the Lord for we walk by faith and not by sight we're of good courage I say and prefer rather to be absent from the body and to be at home with the Lord therefore we always have always always have we also have this as our ambition ambition means our thing that we press in for check this out this is amazing this is right before your behold if anybody being Christ he's a new creation it's in the same chapter whether at home or absent to be pleasing to him this is amazing listen it says to be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord and we know that Jesus paid a price to give us his presence now so that we can be with him here but and to live is Christ and then we die it's great game because we'll be with him the problem is is that if your life isn't straight here and you're not living in a way that's pleasing here when you stand before a mirror you're not pleasing there the bride has made herself ready this isn't a scare tactic this is just a reality check this is the truth it says we have as our ambition to be pleasing to him here and to be pleasing to him there the way to be pleasing to him there is to treat this life as if it's a dressing room for eternity I promise and this only happens through through real surrender full not part look Jesus didn't pay a price for for part of you he paid a price for all of you sin will cost you more than you wanted to pay and take you way further than you wanted to go but one day you'll stand before him therefore we always have is our ambition whether at home or absent to be pleasing to him for we must all look at this we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ so that each one can be recompense for his deeds in the body according to what he has done whether good or bad therefore knowing the fear of the Lord we persuade men but we are made manifest to God and I hope that were made manifest also to your conferences we are not again commending ourselves to you but are giving you an occasion to be proud of us so that you will have an answer for those who take pride in appearance and not in heart for if we're beside ourselves as for God but we're if sound mind is for you for the love of Christ controls us compels us dominates us having concluded this that one died for all therefore all died and if he died for all those that live should no longer live for themselves but for him who died and rose again on their behalf see the truth is is that your love for Jesus is displayed and the life that you're living now and if your life that you're living now doesn't display your love for Jesus something is wrong with your intimacy your intimacy might just be prostitution it's where you're going there to get something and then instead of going there to know him professional intimacy is prostitution I can't stress this enough it's so important I'm not trying to push you away from the secret place I'm just trying to take out the stumbling blocks that are keeping you from knowing him I'm going to tell you a story and then we're gonna pray see one day when I stand before God and that judgment scene when I stand before Jesus Paul said this my conscience doesn't condemn me of anything of everything I believe in my heart I'm clean here and clean here but God's the judge he knows better than what I know but I want to live a life that to the fullest of the extent of my heart and my mind my soul I want to know that I'm living and walking upright before him all the days of my life and I want to live with that personal conviction and if anything is out of whack I want him to trim that branch because I need to bear fruit because people are watching my life wondering if I'm a real Christian and the life that you're living bears witness of the one that you love you are a witness of God there's a story of a man who had who had a house you hold this wing and he had the man had a house and had ten rooms it's a very wealthy man he had a big house and he lived alone and one night he's at home and all of a sudden he hears this on his door and he goes to the door to answer the door and and he and he peeps through the hole he doesn't recognize who it is but he opens the door just the crack and all of a sudden the devil puts a toe in and it's the enemy and now he knows who it is but he opened the door and all of a sudden the devil gets the toe in a knee in and elbow in and he's wrestling with the man around the house now he didn't know was the devil or he wouldn't have opened the door but he did and now he's in there so the devil was wrestling him around the houses furniture upturned he is pictures are falling off the wall and the man wrestles with the devil all night long the Sun comes up and the devil slips out and leaves the door open the man is beat up on the floor wondering what just happened to him so a man turns his furniture back over and he goes and he shuts the door and goes and sits down he claims himself up wondering what just happened to me and all of a sudden he hears another knock at the door not like the one he heard before he looks out the people and it's not the devil when he opens the door lo and behold it's Jesus he says come on in I've heard about you I heard that you're mighty to save I heard that you bring peace and I need peace last night was awful it was terrible and he invited Jesus in he said you know what I'm gonna do Lord I I want you to stay with me and Jesus said okay and the man said I'm going to give you my master bedroom it's it's amazing it has the best view of the house you view the lake outback it has a huge master bathroom huge master bedroom it's the best room in my house it's all yours Jesus says thank you very much he goes upstairs shuts the door just a little while later it's starting to get dark out all of a sudden the man hears this he knows that not he heard it the night before but Jesus is in the house so he goes and he's a little more bold open the door but when he opens it the devil busts into the house pulls him over smacks him around chairs his furniture up tears the pictures off the wall already had broken glass in the pictures the man gets beat up and he's wounded laying on the floor Suns coming up the devil sneaks out and leaves not sudden Jesus comes down the stairs the man's on the floor he who's did you hear what was happening last night the devil was back and he beat me again and look at my house you're in my house why would you let him do that he said sir I was in the bedroom that you gave me the man says oh you know I get it you know what I'm gonna do Jesus I'm gonna give you all five rooms upstairs all five rooms of yours the whole upstairs is yours just the downstairs is mine the upstairs is better anyway it's all yours Lord and they talked for a little while and Jesus walks up stairs and then there's that terrible knock again didn't sound the same in concrete terrible knock the man knows but Jesus has half the house so the man is way more secure he lets the devil in and the devil beats him again and thrashes him around the house and on something the man the sun's coming up the devil filthy temptations and the twisting of twisted stuff upon him again and he gets out the devil leaves and all of a sudden Jesus comes downstairs again good morning sir good morning you've gotta be kidding me it's bruised and beaten totally messed up Jesus is like okay and the man is freaking out don't you care don't you care look at what happened to me the devil did it again Jesus like sir I've been upstairs the man says to Jesus he goes oh what am I gonna do I got it you know what I'm gonna do I'm gonna give you nine rooms I'm gonna give you I am I'm gonna give you nine rooms cuz there's one room it's dirty and it has some things in it that you wouldn't like him just some it's just some stuff that well anyway I'm gonna take one room I'm just gonna keep one room but you could have the whole house I'm just gonna keep one room okay Jesus says thank you very much he walks back to where he belong where he one of the rooms just gives the things out all of a sudden the man hears the same knock the man knows that it's the devil but he's a little shaky but he feels very confident because Jesus has almost the whole house he opens the door and the devil beats him unmercifully again they wrestle until morning again Jesus comes out of the room and the man is beside himself I cannot believe that you allowed this to happen to me again what do you want from me I gave you nine ribs what do you want what do you want from me she's sister he says you're still the owner of the house he said why don't you give me the keys I can own the house and you can live here the man is so beat up and so hurting that he hands Jesus the Casey because I don't care you can have it thank you very much all of a sudden there's a knock on the door again the man goes to answer the door he strictly he goes to grab the door handle I was suddenly has a tap on his shoulder she says sir this is my house [Music] the man steps back petrified Jesus doesn't peek out the door he doesn't go he opens the door the devil looks at Jesus he looks at the number on the house he looks at Jesus he looks at the number on the house he one more time he backs away he says sir I I must have the wrong house to believe means to be fully convinced and the example that it uses is a house with new empty rooms there's a lot of people here that you're trying to hold on to one room and the devil is hurting you and one day you're gonna stand before the judgment seat of Christ and you're gonna answer for your life and I'm giving you right now the opportunity to repent and if that's you I want you up here right now and I need you to run let's just let's just go on our knees because it's gonna get really crazy love you hmm just wherever you are it's okay thank you for loving Jesus with me thank you for saying I'm not prostituting intimacy anymore I'm gonna give him everything that I am I'm not sorry if you thought this was a harsh word I'm telling you that it's time for the body of Christ to wake up I'm telling you that God is coming back for a spotless product pure and holy we are part of the body of Christ I'm gonna have Jeremy I'm gonna have him sing all hail King Jesus if it's okay just because that's what we're doing right now we're all hailing King Jesus and what's gonna be this with everything we are and I want you to pour your heart out and I want you to support your heart out to God it's this isn't a massive time of where we're shame and guilt and condemnation this is a place of great conviction and great conviction is the foundation for the church because right now we're gonna pray see the Holy Spirit convicts the world of sin of righteousness and of judgment it says they've sinned because they don't believe in me but you do believe in him and right now you're saying I do believe in him with all my heart he said he can fix the world of righteousness because he's going to be with the father right now the massive conviction of right standing with God is going to land on you and the fear of the Lord there's going to be a baptism of the fear of the Lord right now to where God is going to possess you and tremble you and shake you and actually cause you to hate sin he's gonna cost you to hate sin he's going to cause you to despise sin and love God with all your heart there's gonna be deliverance there's gonna be freedom it's just gonna happen why because God loves you and he doesn't want any of us to stand before the judgment seat of Christ and be condemned he wants you to stand before the judgement seat and be okay to look in your father's eyes because guess what right now when the conviction of righteousness comes into your life and the feared Lord touches you you will boldly approach the throne of grace in time of need without fear boldly approach the throne of grace without fear William let me see my iPad one more time I have one more scripture I want to share with you before we sing Holy Spirit have your way holy spirit have your way more lore more holy spirit hop your way this is groaning [Music] this is childbirth we groan within ourselves waiting eagerly come Holy Spirit we welcome you search our mind search our heart God we welcome you we welcome you [Music] more Lord more Lord says the same Holy Spirit that raised Jesus Christ from the dead Romans 8:11 he dwells in you he who raised Christ from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies he will quicken your mortal bodies that's not just for resurrection that's now where the Holy Spirit is going to quicken your mortal body to actually hate the things of the flesh and love the things of the Spirit you did not receive a spirit of slavery headed to fear again God said he didn't give you a spirit of fear but of love and power and a sound mind all who are led by the Spirit of God are sons of God you have not received a spirit of slavery leading again to fear you have received the spirit of adoption as sons by which we cry out Abba Father for the Spirit Himself testifies with our spirit we're children of God and if children then heirs also heirs of God and fellow heirs with Christ if indeed we suffer with him so we will also be glorified with him [Music] here we are Lord come [Music] spirit of God come right now spirit of burning come God let there be a mighty baptism of fire right now come Holy Spirit come more we welcome you welcome the spirit of burning in your life right now just welcome the burning Spirit of God right now I promise you don't need a hand laid on you you need God on you right now just welcome the spirit of burning right now father it's impossible to touch everybody I'm asking you right now then Holy Spirit you would touch people come right now how hungry are you really how hungry are you really how hungry are you really [Applause] Oh [Applause] Oh come on we're gonna burn Africa just clear your not be gone [Applause] come on do it Jesus do it Jesus - letís do it Jesus - Jesus here we are God Holy Spirit touch us Phyllis let's leave here changed let's leave here change door the burning heart of God come the burning heart of God come god I asked you to baptize the hungry right now come Holy Spirit right now he's touching people come Holy Spirit come and touch right now [Music] Jesus Jesus Jesus here we are Lord let it sound fire here we are Lord we are your desire here we are Lord let it stop on fire here we are Lord we are your desire [Music] put your hand on your neighbor a break for it right now Jesus Jesus come right now [Music] come on Holy Spirit chop touching people right now come Jesus Jesus [Music] Jesus more more more down [Music] fast-fill Jesus Ted [Music] Oh [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh oh just you a Jesus [Music] Oh [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Jesus [Music] oh Jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus I want everybody to put their hand on somebody right now right now ridiculously crazy miracles are gonna break out why because we're clean and when you're clean God moves like amazing are you ready I want everybody to say this in the mighty name of Jesus we command every sickness every disease every pain blind eyes deaf ears in Jesus name get out right now be healed [Music] I want everybody out there to check your body right now physically all over the house just share whatever you had a trouble with just check right now you turn the lights up a little so I can see check that goes your shoulder shoot it up it goes your back bend it if it was your knees squat she's checked right now if it's gone way both hands over your head [Music] put your hand on your neighbor are you ready in Jesus name can't be healed that be healed shoulders be heat back healed mortgage be healed hips feet knees throat ankles elbows pet shoulders knees and toes be healed in Jesus name now I want you to check physically all over check everything right now check [Music] check check check check check if it's gone I want you to wait both hands over your head right now [Music] if it's going I want you to wait both hands over your head frantically come on Jesus okay if you have a deaf ear I just want one hand up in the air if you have a deaf here if you can't hear me someone tap you okay now I want you to put your hands on everybody Steph here someone's beside you put your hand on their ear here's what we're gonna do what we're gonna do is on the count of three we're gonna yell pop and deaf peers are gonna open just because they have to that's why okay don't pray until we say pop because it's not your prayer it's faith prayer doesn't heal the sick faith does her faith okay ready so there's nothing in the pop except that year has to pop open are you ready on the count of three we're gonna all yell pop at the same time and deaf ears are gonna open yeah hey it's not allowed to open yet count of three one - three pie okay if your ear just opened I need to see your hands in the air come on one who else boom it listen only only if your ear oh but not one to wait I want you to wave your hand [Applause] listen if your ear open I want you to put one hand in the air just one only if your ear open [Music] eight okay that's ten that's pretty good are you ready we're gonna do it again put your hands on your ears again only if they're deaf ears hearing loss that that counts to you we want to heal on the count of three we're gonna yell pop are you ready one two three pi if in Europe and I want you to wave your hand in the air I want to see what's going on right now [Music] come on Jesus yeah awesome are more okay if your ear open put your hand in the air from the beginning until now oh that's more come on that's good all right now watch I I want you to see what we've seen is when people repent there's stains in people's bodies from yesterday a life that they wish they never lived like hepatitis C STDs cutting scars all kinds of stuff okay so if you had cutting scars on your arm that you put there but you repent it I want you to look down and see if they're gone already how much you look down and see if they're gone see if your scars are gone if your scars are going I want to see your hand in the air so I can see what's happening we're seeing this so many your scars are going back there come on are they gone okay okay okay you just celebrated if you have cutting scars on your arm I want you to put your hand up right now people are like that's shameful no no you're saying that I don't want these anymore okay all right okay okay I want people around them we're just gonna pray for all the scars to disappear why here's the deal if it was before you repented the person that you are you're not who you were there for if sin brought the stain in your body and sins been forgiven the stain must be removed that's pretty gospel you know what it's like to go back to the dot listen I'm going to tell you a testimony real quick as we're praying we had a prostitute 19 years prostitution abortion after abortion after abortion after abortion she ended up getting right with Jesus and she realized that she had given her body that was a temple from God for God away and she wished that she didn't and she got married and when she got married she lost her virginity physically god regrew a hymen we don't even like to talk like that how big is your God we can't afford to have a big devil watch as we're praying for scars if you have a disease or something in your body that's sustained from yesterday a shame that's lingering no matter what it is the category is a life that you live that you're not living anymore and it's a stain that's in your body reminding you of who you were if that's you just put your hand up I want everybody around here to put a hand on somebody come on [Music] see the devil loves to run rampant with guilt shame and condemnation listen a lot of the church teaches that God wants to keep you humble and he keeps that standing your body to remind you of who you were that's alive from help which is more humbling you going back to the doctor and finding out that the stds not there anymore come on that's a good God right there a good God will take it away hepatitis C we take away aids we take away HIV you take away all that stuff because he can that's why because when you come to Christ your blood changes you've got the very DNA the divine nature of ABBA coursing through your veins why wouldn't God hear your blood disease okay so in the name of Jesus we come in every state now I want you to pray with me we command every state from yesterday to get out and Jesus name right now blood be him skin be healed in Jesus take scars be removed track marks disappear then I say to get track marks disappear and she's the snake look let me pray that who here felt heat goes through your body just if you felt heat good for your body wave your hands that's really you go to the doctors you get checked and you tell your doctor about the new physician you tell your doctor about Jesus now I want you to look at scars to see what you got going on right now if scars have disappeared I want you to wave your hand so I can see what's happening we're watching cutting scars disappear by the hundreds if you have cutting scars that are not there anymore I want to see your hand in the air [Music] come on so good so good so good [Applause] so good one more round of all hail King Jesus are you ready listen I want you all to put your hitting on somebody beside you as we sing this we're committing ourselves to Jesus once again we're saying God we're your body and we're imparting healing to everyone around us are you ready [Music] that reports [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] jeez Oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] you [Music] you go [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] you you
Channel: Todd White
Views: 90,535
Rating: 4.8027244 out of 5
Id: V5Z3al7hfUQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 103min 23sec (6203 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 24 2018
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