Todd White - Jesus in Us (The Light of the Lord)

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Matthew 6:22 says the eye is the lamp of the body and if your eye is single your whole body's full of light but if the eye that you have is not single great is the darkness the darkness dwells in there and how great is that darkness because we have the capacity to house light we are light in the Lord we are the light of the Lord you are the light of the world a light that lights up your own house a lights up that lights up your own city unless you have a basket on your head and then the light only lights up your feet maybe you are the salt of the world you are a preservative for your neighborhood you're a preservative for your for your family you're a preservative for all those people that don't believe and all those people that don't know God wants us to see what it means to be right with him I can't stress this enough I've I've gone after this in the beginning dan has a message out there called righteousness it was one of the early teachings that he did and this homeopathy doctor that I was telling you about we used to go to his meetings he handed me one of these CDs I listen to it and I'm like oh my gosh this is so far away from like where my brain is like this is not right like how come I can't think like Dan thinks like and there's like a billion scriptures in there I'm like well because I can't memorize you know and so I struggled with I struggled with not in the comparison mode I wasn't comparing although the enemy always wants you to try to compare yourself one to another but you're not yours if you want to compare yourself to anybody compare your life to Jesus don't compare yourself to me don't compare yourself today and don't compare yourself to any other person you be on a comparison with Jesus because that's who were imitating we imitate Christ so that's a big deal because you don't want to get into that thing or else you'll try to always one-up the other person to try to it's just a weird thing and that pride thing comes in the dignity that's not a fruit of the Spirit comes in it's just wrong and so I'm I'm trying to grow in this word called righteousness and I'm like gosh how am I gonna do this so I found in my Bible in Matthew 6 and it says in Matthew 6:33 and because of me growing and learning like I used to call Dan every day during the 5 and a half months of addiction that I was at the end of twenty two years because one I incorporated Jesus in I had hardcore addictions still it wasn't until I stopped incorporating and actually surrendered if I bring Jesus in for what he can do for me I've incorporated him but if I bring him in to surrender my whole life to him then I now have given my life to Jesus and that's the place where I can deny myself pick up my cross and follow him if you seek to save your life you will lose it but if you lose your life for his sake you'll find it you cannot find your life unless you lose it for so many people when we go through life you have to do what you can for you yourself and you you have to look out for number one but in the kingdom it's completely opposite you look to him and he looks out for you but your eyes have to be fixed and focused on the author and finisher of your faith you have to set your mind on things above and that's not I set my mind on heaven where I'm gonna be someday sometimes when you talk about that Scripture people are talking about the sweet ol by-and-by that one day I'm gonna go be with him in glory that's a given but what about now if you set your sights on being with him in glory you will say things like my boss is a jerk my people are mean my family is lost I can't make enough money to pay my bills I don't know what to do to heaven with me and to hell with the world that's not the gospel that's not the gospel it is where we become stewards of the manifold wisdom of God and we get to show the powers and principalities that they really messed up but we can't do that unless we surrender completely to Jesus the only way I believe - absolutely surrender is to see that you're right with God you can't surrender to a God that you're not right with but you can use as gifts to further your ministry and you can use as gifts to impress people and people will get healed because God wants to flow through you to touch others but you have to be a steward of the manifold wisdom of God you have to be a steward of the grace of god that's upon your life and that only comes when you are possessed with the knowledge of him I don't need your clap or your yeah I need you to say aim but amen like so be it meaning so I be it like Jesus wants us to look like him he wants us to be like him he has given us the same spirit the same spirit that raised Jesus Christ from the dead dwells in us if you really were worthless and if you really were a worm and you really were worth nothing why would heaven have paid such a high price to redeem your soul and to redeem you from the pit why would God have his eye on you and God have more thoughts than there are grains of sand like I said grains of sand in the whole world and every grain of sand represents a thought for your welfare one cubic foot of sand has more than 1.6 billion grains in it and every thought represents one of his thoughts for your welfare what if you got possessed by ten of them if you got possessed by ten true thoughts true true understanding of the knowledge of God and the knowledge that he has of you and for you he has not against you he is for you and His goodness leads you to repentance if you have 10 thoughts that represent his goodness that your mind continually goes back to you during work during all day every day all day 10 thoughts 20 thoughts 30 thoughts 40 thoughts 50 thoughts what if there were a hundred thoughts that you knew that God thought about you that possessed your soul your mind will and emotions every day you wouldn't have time to think about the stuff that the enemies bring in it really is where it's at our weapons that we have are not carnal they're not worldly they're not fighting and guns and knives and tanks and and it's not that our weapons that we have are divine they are powerful the weapons that we have it says in 2nd Corinthians 10 verse 4 they are not carnal they're not worldly but they are mighty in God see lots of people are interceding and interceding for areas and this and I'm not against that but there's they're the majority of people that I talk to that I commune with that I that I discuss stuff with well as I travel they do not and will not take thoughts captive and the weapons that we have are powerful in God and they are used as divine weapons that God has given us in his word Holy Spirit breathed that take every thought into captivity that tries to exalt itself up against the knowledge of the Lord there should be way more enjoyment and way more excitement when I tell you about what you've been given because if you see what you've been given and you've been given all things that pertain to life and godliness everything is yours jesus paid a price to come dwell inside of you grace is what brought you there grace is what keeps you there but you cannot keep listen a baby like when you have a baby and that baby is growing and you you give that baby a pacifier that baby is ok and content for a small amount of time there's only there's only a little bit of time that will go by until that baby needs to have milk that pacifier will not do and we can't afford to be pacified thumb-sucking christians any longer you cannot live there you can't live you'll starve and die there you can't feed on CNN and expect your life to be okay you can't feed on a newspaper every day and think that it's going to help you in your life like the world isn't getting brighter it is getting darker but as the world gets darker we are supposed to shine brighter how can you shine brighter if you're thinking like the world thinks at the same time trying to say that you're a Christian and raising your hands for a good worship service you hear a good message and then go to a lunchtime afterwards and you're angry and meaner to your wife and other people at other tables I'm not saying this is you but I'm saying that it happens we can't afford to fill our minds with anything less than the truth that God says like there is no paper that brings good news when I'm on a plane and they come by and they what do you want the Wall Street Journal oh no honey do you want this do you want USA Today no well what okay well I read the Bible it's really good news like it's really good news it's not bad it's good news gospel means good news if you don't believe it's good news you're believing the wrong doc you're believing the wrong doctrine here's good news I'm never gonna die I'm not preaching some I'm going to live in this tent for 10,000 years I don't want this tent for 10,000 years no I am preaching the eternal gospel that says that eternal life is knowing God jesus said this is eternal life that you might know the one in the one and only true God and Jesus Christ whom you have sent that is eternal life eternal life is knowing God and that starts the day that you get born again if you're not born again and you've grown up in church but you haven't made the decision to give God your life so that he can reef are you you're in trouble if you're like wait a minute I'm going to church my whole life Jesus didn't say that going to church your whole life is qualification it's not about your denomination it's about Jesus it's not about Presbyterian Episcopal it's not about Catholic it's not about Methodist it's not about any of that it's about Jesus and it is about you surrendering what doesn't belong to you because jesus paid a price for you to give him your whole life that doesn't belong to you so all you're doing is giving God back something that never belonged to you in the beginning when you were born you were born into sin but everyone must be born again and born again means brand-new father being fathered re fathered which means your earthly father maybe did a good job maybe did a bad job your mother maybe did a good job maybe did a bad job but that job has nothing to do with what Jesus wants to do it's really simple you cannot make it with the DNA of your parents you must have the DNA of your father the divine nature of ABBA you have to like wait a minute hold on I've been growing up I've grown up Lutheran my whole life I've been to church my whole life I get it but that's what Jesus said jesus said you must be born again Nicodemus says way to hold on a second how can a man enter into his mother's womb some churches teach that being born again is a cult if you're gonna say what Jesus preached his cultish that might be an issue that's not gonna go over well when you stand before him and say well I thought it was being a cult no not being born again is being a goat it's not okay you guys okay I can see your faces there's some faces that are out there they're like round like what he's saying I don't care I don't care that you like it it's the truth not everybody likes the truth not everybody wants to hear the truth not everybody wants to hear that there's one way people want options we're so used to having many options assortments and buffets we are so used to microwave and quickly put it in a couple seconds it's heated up it would take me 10 minutes on the stove it takes me 30 seconds in a microwave we are so used to that this is not that this is the gospel it's better than a microwave ever could be listen there is this place where I went when I got saved when I truly surrendered I mean I went to the church I incorporated Jesus in my prayer Lent pretty much like this whatever if he wants my life he can have it that was my prayer in the just of it and that's what I meant I don't know if you're real but if you are you can have it because I don't care anymore I hate my life there's a lot of people that are out there that make money that are wealthy that have good businesses that have amazing families that say that they like their life but deep down inside you're not happy because you cannot have peace without Jesus people like know I'm blind and I have peace no blind people can't have peace when you're blind you can't see what piece even looks like his name is Jesus when I got saved I had no idea what it even meant there was a seed that went inside and it was awesome and I was way more convicted than I ever was before like before it didn't bother me that I was out doing cocaine it didn't bother me that I was out doing drugs I didn't bother me when I met Dan that day that I was suicidal I went back to my house nothing really changed except I had this name Jesus that I didn't know him but I knew that Dan did and I saw the light in his eyes and it was real I didn't know how to get it even though I had it serious um I come home one night my girlfriend had taken my daughter I drove to her stepdads to get a rifle on the way to the gun cabinet I opened a phone book it opens two churches I made a check at one of the 586 churches I drove to this one Church and that man answered the door I said I need to talk to somebody and he said come on in buddy nothing changed still safe that Smile it's real I went upstairs to a sanctuary I didn't know what a sanctuary was I sat there and he and I vented and told him all my stuff and he said and he told me and I said then you're not even listening to me he goes I am but what you're saying isn't helping you and I'm like pearl and he shares the gospel I might come on man really here's why do you think you're here I don't know because you're one of 586 churches that I made a mark at and the phone book that's why and he shares with me and I said whatever he wants my life he can have it okay there I did it pretty much are you happy Dan so graciously amen and I remember it's so good so well and he says here's my number I go I don't need your number he goes oh just keep it I want to help you so I went home called my daughter told her daddy found God she said what's he like I said I don't know but I'm Matt I met a man today that something is totally different about him I've never met anybody like him she goes mommy's never coming home dad I said you got a kick and scream and do whatever you got to do to get mommy to come home and she did and mom came home no Christianity in her background not even thinking nothing about Jesus but I cannot believe now he's going to drop this god thing in my life and the last person that came close to Christian her family was her grandma that died of of lung cancer but right before she died of lung cancer she became a Jehovah Witness and cut off the whole family so that's the grid that my girlfriend has of what God is and so they're not happy with this whole thing and she is totally angry you're sleeping on the couch like I'm telling you everything's gonna change put my daughter to bed everything's gonna change she says daddy she says I'm so glad that you found God I said well this pastor says that his God his God is gonna change my life that won't work when it's somebody else's God changing your life it's not gonna work and that's what happened to me and I'm like God I know that you're real in his eyes but I don't know how to make you real in mine but an hour and a half later I'm out on a cocaine binge first night of conversion first night like how can that happen because this thing is jacked this thing is messed up and there's no mind renewal going on Jesus did not say go into all the world and make confessing Christians it's not in the Bible yes he said that people should confess with their mouth and believe in their heart then they shall be saved but saved a ticket to heaven saved isn't a get out of hell free card there are scriptures and there are sections in the Bible like Hebrews six in different places that are very very shaky for people that have called themselves Christians it is no joke it is real there are scriptures in 2nd Corinthians 5 that are very very very intense right before our behold if anybody being Christ he's a new creation old things have passed away behold all things become new don't just take that scripture out of context make sure you read what's before it because it says if one died then all died then those that live should no longer live for themselves but for the one that gave themself for him we are supposed to surrender our whole life no longer live for ourselves selfishness all that stuff needs to be cut off in the only way it does is by full surrender because without full surrender people get hurt actually people go to hell Jesus says in 2nd Corinthians 5 verse 10 it says this let me just read it this is so intense people like wow so I'll just read it to you so you can see it wow just read the whole thing you ready oh I found John Wesley's commentary that's pretty pretty crazy I don't want to read that you won't like that oh he was a holiness preacher buddy Wesley started the Methodist movement he only was allowed to speak six times in churches and they pretty much threw him out and he had to go out to the fields to preach and when he would preach thousands of people would come here do you know that he confronted people in their sin they would chase him with pitchforks and picks and axes and he would confront them in their sin like it was no joke but people don't like to be confronted in their their lusts they hate it oh this is gonna be a rough day when we stand before Jesus and you were never confronted before you stand there it'd be great to be confronted now said that when you stand before him you were very aware people come to power in love schools and they're like me and this is so exciting we learn how to do this stuff no my job is to make you way more accountable for your life my job is to bring up the accountability level in your life so that you can't say when you stand before him I never heard that before right no I'm going to another conference man there people go from conference to conference to conference do you know that the more you learn the more you're accountable for nd he has given much much is required do you know that that's like amazing do you know that it's good for us to have much required but it's better that we walk it out so that when what much is required we can answer for our life and say Lord I've walked this out to the best of my ability not because I had to but because I got to you guys okay kinda okay yeah all right let's just read it 2nd Corinthians 5 for we know that at this earthly tent which is our house is torn down we have a building from God a house not made with hands eternal in the heavens for indeed in this house we groan longing to be clothed with our dwelling from heaven in as much as we having put it on will not be found naked he know in the garden when Adam and Eve were naked they didn't know they were clothed with God and when they said they knew Oh do you know that righteousness makes you not ashamed again Oh help me get to this Jesus for indeed while we were in this tent we groan being burdened because we do not want to be unclothed but further clothed so that what is mortal might be swallowed up by life now he has prepared us for this very purpose as God who gave us the spirit as a pledge therefore always being of good courage knowing that while we are at home in this body we are absent from the Lord that doesn't mean absent in relationship that means that he is seated in heaven Jesus is seated at the right hand and they are there and even though we set our mind on things above we are on this earthly plane right now and we can represent him here but were absent where our spirit is with our body and when our spirit is with our body it's absent from the Lord even though the Holy Spirit is our hookup and the Holy Spirit in our spirit commune and are hooked up it's not the same as when we lay this tent down and our spirit goes to be with him eternally forever does that make sense ok for we walk by faith when they aren't in that good that it did say for we walk by feelings I mean wouldn't that be something for we walk by feelings and not by faith wow there's a lot of people that switch that one around and if they don't switch around they live that way anyway well I don't feel like God loves me it's the most common it's one of the most common things that I hear from people I don't feel like God loves me an innocent man hung guilty on a tree when you were yet a sinner look if God loved you when you were an enemy when you hated God when you were an enemy in your minds alienated by wicked works and you God and he loved you then when you say yes to him how much more this is awesome if he if he loved you when you hated him what would change when you loved him what if we just don't know what we've been given and we're living by feelings and the enemy's constantly whispering well you know if God loved you then why but what if Devils lies the devil lies jesus said my sheep will hear and obey my voice and the strangers they will not follow we need to know our Shepards voice we need to take every thought captive that tries to lie to us see when you dive into the truth of who God says you are your thoughts become possessed with the truth of who Jesus says you walk when a lie comes it's so exposed by the truth that you have a seal it actually is a sign that says no room at the inn on your forehead because you become fully occupied faith the example is a house with no empty rooms or a town with no empty houses this is amazing God wants us to be fully occupied you know Jesus comes into the temple when he comes there and they're out there and they're there selling things and there's money changers and there's tables with money on them and Jesus comes into the temple and when you get really born again and start to establish your relationship with God the Word of God is alive sharp and active sharper than any two-edged sword able to divide and separate your soul from your spirit the joint from the marrow and it judges the thoughts and intents of your heart and if you let God have His perfect work inside of you what happens is just like Jesus they came into the temple and saw things that didn't belong he will come into your temple and flip your tables and get the things that don't belong out if you just surrender and give it all to Jesus if you just give him your life and don't hold back from him don't say well I've got this I'm not ready to give it back you will be overtaken man hmm we're of good courage I say and prefer rather to be absent from the body and to be home with the Lord therefore we also have as our ambition that word ambition to be fond of to be actuated by love of honor to love from a love of Honor to strive to bring something to pass to be ambitious to strive earnestly to make it our only aim here is our only aim as Christians it's amazing whether at home or absent to be pleasing to the Lord wait a minute Lord wait see there are a lot of Christians that believe that because they got born again that that was it and because they got baptized in the spirit and speaking tongues that that was it that's not it that's essential to unlock your potential but that's not it that's the beginning that is the beginning it's like saying when I get baptized in water I got wet that's not it you died when you got baptized in water you're dead buried with him in Baptism and when you come up you come up in the newness of his resurrection and the newness of his life I got baptized four times so it worked so funny 10 who I got baptized first time I got man you change the filter broke as it is nasty after me bruh and I didn't really have an deep understanding then one time we're in a river and they're baptizing people to church I'm like and I got a new revelation oh my god I'm so clean baptize me again he cuz I'm not baptizing you gotta baptize myself then dude I didn't need to do that I'm not saying that scriptural it's not then I went to the River Jordan and you have to get baptized in the River Jordan okay sorry dad was like with you I'm like I just just falling in love with Jesus baptize me into his love you're crazy that's right people say that's me all the time you're out of your mind now I'm out of yours I'm not out of my mind I'm into his sometimes it's so far beyond what a Christian beliefs because they're not surrendered because they're not fully submitted because they're compromised in their life you've just allowed things to build up and allowed your life to be 50/50 and straddle offense and Satan owns the fence it's not hot it's not hot and cold mixed together which makes warm it's not it's not all God's promises are yes and now it's all God's promises are yes and in him Amen remember Dan said this before if you marry yes and no you get maybe so maybe not they're the wrong kids it's the truth we can't afford to to let our yes be now in our no but yes and no it's either for or against God is very clear lukewarm you're a damage to the world around you it's not okay to be warm it's not okay to say well the Evangelist they preach the gospel no you were supposed to share the love of Jesus with every bit of creation well no you're an evangelist that's what you do know you're a Christian open your mouth and believe some of you don't like me now it's okay the Holy Ghost will pounce on you and tonight when you're sleeping listen to this for we also have as our ambition our number one priority the thing that we strive for the most I know people like why cease from striving I enter into his rest that's okay but you have to strive to enter his rest and then once you enter into his rest you rest in him but Jesus didn't say come to me all of you who are weary and burdened down by life come to me all of you who are working to exhaustion and I will give you rest he didn't stop there no he said and take my yoke upon you and learn from me take my yoke upon because my yoke is easy and my burden is light and learn from me for I am meek and lonely and you will find rest for your souls so people come to Jesus during an altar call and they say yes to Jesus but they never open the Bible and go into the secret place and learn from him so they can maintain soul rest so rest is different than receiving rest when you get saved you receive rest when you can save no more shackles no more chains I am free to run and then you leave Church and you walk out and you go into life and you're not free to run anymore so you want to run back to church for a Sunday service that's not rest that's roller coaster Christianity that's illegal in the kingdom well brother you know I'm on a mountain or I'm in a valley I'm headed from the mountain realm on a mountain I'm headed for the valley that's demonic why would we say that Jesus never said that he didn't say Christian he was a rollercoaster ride put on your seat belt brother it's gonna be a roller coaster ride you're on a mountain but you're headed for a valley what are you saying john the baptist said that every valley be brought up let every mountain be brought low make a straight path for the lord to travel my bible says if there's a mountain we move it it's true don't incorporate everybody stuff in there read the book man Jesus overcame the world he said we're gonna face tribulation he said we're gonna face trials trials come like Shadrach and Meshach and Abednego they faced a trial Old Covenant Old Testament these three boys worked for Nebuchadnezzar one of the most crazy Kings that ever lived Babylon he was like Babylonia mr. Nebuchadnezzar Almighty no he made a golden statue and they were Old Covenant they were not in Jesus they were in God it was different God wasn't a father but he was God and he made a golden statue and he said when the harp and the lyre and the flute and all the instruments play everybody's gonna bow Shadrach Meshach and Abednego said I don't think so and Nebuchadnezzar found out that they didn't bow I could picture him just stand there like this everybody's bound this is so silly or maybe they were like God we worship you either way they were the only three out of all of them that didn't bow did you know there's three boys that you hired those through heat those three boys neither of them bowed none of them what you kidding right bring him before me they bring him before some movies portray that they were worried the Bible doesn't say that the bible didn't said that says that they trusted God so they're brought before Nebuchadnezzar and the golden statue issue is brought up never quino's I'm gonna give you another chance King we're not bowing then I'm gonna turn up the fire well what does your fire does your fire our God God is way more important than your fire whether we live or die will never bow to your statue it was one of the greatest conversions in all of the Old Testament when three boys resolutely held their own and said we will not bow to your statue and they threw him in the fire and the King killed his own men throwing him and turn it up seven times hotter like the first fire wasn't gonna kill him and that's what happens in Christians later pray God please get me out the fire gets hotter come on man what is your fire to us what is your trial to us Trials produce perseverance perseverance character character hope hope doesn't disappoint how many of you would love to be perfect and complete then let patience have it's perfect work but patience doesn't come except through fire it's amazing because you can't smell like smoke when you see him in the fire it might be hot it might hurt but when people see you in that fire they'll come to Jesus because you don't bow when they were in that fire the King saw for there was only three in there first one light looks like an angel or the sunnat' what is go Shadrach Meshach and Abednego come out they come out not even smell like smoke I guarantee you that freaked out everyone what would it be like if you were in a fire like that legitimate fire not a little fire a lot Daniel resolute I will not bow I will not stop worshiping my king Daniel could have shut the windows and hid in a corner oh jesus no one's gonna see me here I just love you gonna love you lord I thank you sir I thank you so much lord I thank you thank you I was like oh God they set him up they set up Daniel but he resolutely held his heart he's not bowing to anything he held his heart to God and and poor king that made the decree that was tricked into making the decree has to honor his decree cuz his stamp is honor he can't go back on his word but he says to Daniel before I've made it God that you serve safe here may the coat that you serve safe you and the king is thinking Oh imagine the guilt and shame and condemnation of a king that sentenced the one that he knew served a living God but he had to they put him in the lion's den and Daniels in the Lions Den it's the only good cat I mean that's big like that Jesus I love it and all of a sudden all of a sudden in the morning says the King stayed up all night worrying worrying well yeah that's what anxiety does worry that's what it does Daniel stayed up all night maybe he slept I don't know maybe he slept on a kitty that would be major comfortable think with me what if there were five lions in there and they're all like big warm and cuddly had to be awesome come on Daniel did your God save you I'm here Oh King and the boys that trick the King they weren't happy they were dinner where is the Christian that so holds their heart in a place of honor for the King that they will not bow to the gods of this world God's little G not big G where is the Christian that will resolutely hold their own in the midst of every circumstance in any circumstance for the honor of the king where is the Christian that would be at work and have all their colleagues making fun of somebody and you're so convicted in your heart that you actually have to step in and say something where's the Christian that is in the airport that is in the line because your plane got delayed with angry people and everybody is frustrated where is the Christian that gets tapped on the shoulder hey man they should get some more people huh man you need to know what grace is bro oh Jesus is amazing let me tell you man where's the Christian that was stand up and preach the gospel when everybody is against you well they're going to kill you you're never gonna die what are they gonna do hit you are you willing to take one for the team our ambition whether at home or absent to be pleasing to him this life is a dressing room for eternity this life that you have right now you are in a preparation place for eternity and how you live your life here it's not by works that you're saved it's by grace that you're saved but you will be judged for your works well I don't believe that we'll read the Bible I'm actually gonna read it to you you ready this is what it says see there there are two different places there's more than that but there are two places specifically where it talks about the white throne judgment the white throne judgment is where every unbeliever is going to face and it is going to be a horrible horrible day the judgment seat of Christ is the judgment seat that every Christian is going to face every Christian so we want to live as our number one ambition to live our life pleasing to the Lord here so that we can be pleasing to the Lord there what you do here determines there cuz when you get there it's over okay for we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ so that each one of us may be recompense for his deeds done in the body according to what he has done whether good or bad Jesus told the Pharisees he told them that rising that those that will rise some will rise in condemnation some will rise to be condemned Jesus told there's so many places in scripture I don't have time to go through it all right now but if you look at the reality of what Jesus said he talks about the dead being judged revelation 6 it's so intense revelation 20 just in the book of Revelation this is John John the Revelator the one that loved Jesus I'm fascinated by this I'm fascinated by but this this John the one that was boiled in oil the one that laid his head on Jesus his bosom the one that was with Jesus at the end when Peter said when Jesus said to Peter he's like you know what you're gonna die and you're gonna be this and he tells Peter all the stuff that's gonna happen to him at the end of the Gospels and then Peter is like oh yes we're gonna happen to me but what's gonna happen to him that's what Peter said he said yeah why okay well what about him if I want him to live forever what's that to you you follow me what does he have to do with you what are you what what are you doing I told you what's gonna happen now John is boiled in oil do you ever you ever burn yourself in oil that's not okay at all imagine your whole body being submerged and you being left for dead but you come out alive that's John that's intense that's so much that's like beyond anything so he is banished to an isle an island with Devils he's banished to an isle of the worst criminals ever at the Isle of Patmos and John is on the island and John is the one that laid his head on the breast of Jesus he is John the beloved I picture him talking like this Jesus I love you so much you're amazing thank you Lord thank you that's John that knows Jesus but the Jesus that he sees when he hears him speak at the Isle of Patmos is totally different this is the glorified Jesus this is the Jesus with white hair and eyes of fire this is the different Jesus with feet as burnished bronze that's still heated from the flame this is like Jesus it says that people in that day will hide it says they will say rocks fall upon us for the day of the wrath of Jesus has come the wrath of the Lamb this isn't a fear tactic it's just the Bible okay there are people that don't believe it's in there it is in there it's really crazy I'm not saying this to scare you I'm saying this because it's real we are closer to Jesus returning than we were when we started the meeting I don't know when it's gonna happen but it is going to happen one day it's going to happen and it's my duty out of love to make you very aware that it's coming I don't know when people say it's 50 years but no one knows Jesus said he didn't even know the father didn't let him know or he would have known but it's coming and I my kids that every day you want to live with the awareness that one day you're gonna stand before God and and you want to hear well done it's not because you have to perform for God it's not about performance it's about surrender therefore knowing the fear of the Lord we persuade men but we are made manifest to God I hope that we're made manifest also to your conscience we're not again commending ourselves to you but are giving you an occasion to be proud of us so that you will have an answer for those who take pride in appearance and not in heart for if we are beside ourselves it's for God but we're of sound mind it's for you for the love of Christ controls us compels us having concluded this that one died for all therefore all died and that day and that he died for all so that those who live much may no longer live for themselves but for him who died and rose again on their behalf therefore from now on we recognize no one according to the flesh in other words I'm not supposed to recognize you for the things that you do that are twisted I am supposed to recognize you for the thing that he did to create in you a clean heart and creating you a new life said that that twisted miss falls away even though we've known Christ according to the flesh now we know him thus way no longer therefore if anyone is in Christ he is a new creation old things have passed away behold all things have become new now all these things are from God who reconciled us to himself through Christ and gave us the Ministry of reconciliation namely that God was in Christ reconciling the world to himself not counting their trespasses against them and he has committed to us the same word of reconciliation therefore we're ambassadors for Christ as though God were making an appeal through us we beg you on behalf of Christ be reconciled to God for he made him who knew no sin to be sin on our behalf so that you and I might become the righteousness of God in Christ that's so powerful so powerful and then when you get in the secretary in 2 Corinthians 4 it says that Satan blinds the eyes of those lest they should see we can't afford to be blinded and have Satan blind us this is truth we are to reconcile the world not imputing the world's trespasses why because we're in a day of mercy we're in a day of grace it's not about judgment for your transgressions it's about you admitting that you have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God and you fully surrendering to God so that Christ can come in you through agency of Holy Spirit that you can learn from God have the weapons that he has given you be mighty in God to pull every stronghold every thought that tries to come back in to take you captive to it but you would take those thoughts captive to the obedience of the mind of Christ that you would live your life full on for Jesus not compromising your life in any area in any way shape or form so that you can live a life pleasing here so that when you stand before God you will be pleasing there so clear so powerful it's so amazing but the way that you see determines the way that you live you have to see clearly you have to see single eye you cannot afford to see two different ways there aren't two Gospels there's only one you have to seek first his kingdom Kingdom is righteousness peace and joy in the Holy Ghost it is not meat not food not stuff not things not houses not cars not boats not nothing the kingdom of God is righteousness peace and joy in the Holy Ghost righteousness means I'm right with God when I'm right with God I have peace with God when I have peace with God I have joy with God because my joy comes from my having peace with God which comes from me being where it right with God and joy comes from my salvation salvation is amazing but it's not just get to heaven being saved does not just get to heaven being saved is to be healed delivered set free made whole be keep safe and sound so Joe is not a program it is a Greek word it's amazing so in my life I came home and I told my girlfriend everything was gonna change but because I incorporated Jesus in and tried to appease my girlfriend and tell her everything was gonna change nothing changed except my words my words changed but my heart didn't now there was a seed in my heart that I didn't like continuing to do the things I was doing dan made me very aware because when I called Dan the next day after I had incorporated Jesus in didn't understand what surrender meant see when you surrender to God and you say that you love God God has magnified his word above his own name God has Psalms 138 verse to you O God have magnified your word the Bible your word above your name so unless you're willing to honor the infallibility or the unfailing ability of God's Word you really don't love God well that book was written by men but all Scripture is god-breathed and is used by God it's used by us it's used by God to reprove for correct to admonish it's for training in righteousness it's second Timothy 3:16 all the Word of God is inspired is breathed by Holy Spirit yes men wrote it but it's confirmed time after time after time after time all the way through scripture and the word is alive don't say that men wrote the word so you're never gonna read the Bible most people say that they know who God is but never read the Bible and that's not okay because you will perish for a lack of knowledge Hosea 4:6 and then Hosea 4 7 says that having received that knowledge they rejected it you can't afford to reject it because that's the only thing that can save your soul so when I came home from this place of of drug addiction and I and that next day after I had incorporated Jesus to my life I called Dan I don't remember this phone call but I said dude you're Jesus don't work and you said and you did you chuckles you said what do you mean I said what do you search not funny but he wasn't he was laughing at the fact that I said Jesus didn't work he wasn't laughing at me and he goes talked he goes what do you mean I said I did it again man he goes well how do you feel I said how do I feel he said praise God I said praise God for what he said man two days ago you wouldn't even know care thank God you care there's a seed grown in your heart oh I don't know you weren't there I was in my house I threw the phone down I said make it grow faster boom I was so angry I just fought with my girlfriend rage and all the same stuff and she's an atheist and her old family isn't my I don't have Christians that are on fire and my family I don't come from that not at all that's perfect so the next day and the next day and the next day two days later I have band practice and my guitar player in my who's my best friend in the world and my guys are coming arrive abandoned three years we've been in this band and we're we're gonna make it and we're actually putting our CDs out there we have all originals and I'm a singer and a a heavy band not about Jesus it's pretty insane actually bad stuff bad that's bad bad bad bad bad bad bad stuff so I'm the singer I'm the front guy and I get I get my life from how people appreciate me on the stage and how they crack each other with boom mosh pits and all that great stuff that's my joy well that right there is gonna end quickly because when the guys come over to my house for band practice I tell guys guess what you're not gonna believe this man I gave my life to Jesus they're like shut up I'm serious bro you have no idea man I met this dude talking about Dan like what you went to church dude shut up man they rolled up a big joint or like here just be quiet all right tell you Church Jesus love you man I did I partied hard you have no idea I had no conviction that getting high was wrong it's actually an epidemic in the church where people are getting high and drinking and getting drunk and saying it's grace it's not grace it's the devil you look at smell just like the world just like the world there's no difference between you why go to bar so I can relate no you go to bars and it's the appearance of evil and you're supposed to avoid it there are people that have weak conscience is that you're gonna drink in front of and you're gonna say it's okay but you're gonna make someone else stumble what are you doing you're not reading your Bible is what you're doing I'm not being mean I'm being real the Bible says don't be drunk with wine you know I go to Europe and I preach and I share my heart over there like this is our culture do you know that Paul wrote that scripture over here yeah but it's our culture well I think it's the culture of the demonic people were like well you need to drink with it you need to drink a glass of wine because it's our culture I said you're asking me to compromise my conscience for the sake of your culture are you kidding I said I'm witnessing to Muslims these Muslims that are in here I'm sharing Jesus with them and you're gonna tell me that I need a drink and get drunk with you guys are you out of your mind dude you should be convicted are you really a leader and they're like will you we don't even know you really well now you do I'm not I'm not here to I will not sit there and play games with this people are going to hell what are we thinking well that's legalism no it's not it's called love if you love me you obey my Commandments if you don't you won't you either love him or you don't if you don't care about his Commandments you don't love God you love yourself I had people I've talked to people I've talked to relatives they're like sleeping with their boyfriend I'm like you know that this is this is not okay don't you try to tell me that God doesn't love me I said could never do he loves you so much the truth is you don't love God you love your flesh you love how you feel you think that sex is God and it's not God at all it's not covenant it's sex it's fornication it's not healthy for you you're hurting people and you're hurting the other one because they don't even believe in Jesus and you're compromising your life calling it love it's not love it's lost and it's it's unfruitful and you're hurting them well I don't even know that you think you are I think I'm a Christian and I'm not gonna compromise my doctrine I'm actually not gonna compromise my life it's I'm not gonna sacrifice truth on some altar of trying to be culturally relevant why would I did that sing your culture is more important than my king and you're wrong my King wants to dominate your culture and he wants to do it through one question that Christian at a time that won't bow to some statue and is not afraid of some fire and isn't afraid of some kitty cats in a in a den yeah but you don't know my people I work with no you don't know Jesus because if you know him you'll know that he suffered for you Jesus who knew no sin became sin Jesus on the tree couldn't even recognize him he was marred beyond any man there was nothing about him that you can recognize yes it's biased stripes are healed but the truth is as Jesus became unrecognizable on the cross because you and I were unrecognizable to the Father so Jesus became sin so we might become sons and daughters of God I lived that life I lived that compromised life I got high with these guys I told him Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus the first night they all left they're like we're out dude except for my one friend my best friend very passive non aggressive great man great father great husband three and a half year old seven year old kid I'm like dude you're gonna stay yeah you don't believe in Jesus I believe in you bro I mean it's about what you can do hey you found your path I got mine we're cool let's smoke another one so we did we got high again and again and again and again and the next practice I didn't show up and then the next practice I punched a hole in my closet door cuz I was raging at my girlfriend upstairs because she always tried to tell me what to do I come downstairs bleeding my hand and come now hey man jesus loves you come on but I just heard you upstairs man what's what are you doing you need help yeah ma'am good man come on let's smoke a joint jesus loves you same sentence no grid for who God really is full of compromise didn't know what it meant to live pleasing here so months went by I got another month another month another month and I am ruining everything remember one time I pulled up to the church dude I'm like probably three months into my new hip hypocritical life compromise life I pull up and I made my girlfriend pull in dance in the middle of preaching he's doing a service like he's in the middle of preaching up at the front I just run right up the aisle hey dude yo bro I need you do you remember [Music] yo dude I need you right now come on my girls outside you got to come talk to her man dance okra hey guys he knows that I don't understand he's in a service all I know is it's me me me me he could have said you know what Todd it's not the time for that maybe some other time this service is way more important than your girlfriend you're in sin you're twisted and we'll talk about it later could have done that but he didn't he said hold on guys I'll be right back is come on buddy let's go he comes out to the guards to tell her man tell her man tower just tower never tell her dude tell her about G tell about my Jesus bro tell her it's so wrong yes thank you see you guys have no idea nobody knows the trouble he saw I would call him every day dude I did it again do it again and again didn't it punch a hole in the wall dude I did this I think I broke my hand on a tree dude I didn't got punched out a window last night did a slamming door and knocked my windshield out do dah do dah do dah do dah do dah do dah do dah do dah do dah do dah do dah do dah I gave him the word dude in his vocabulary ask him it's true dude Kate in his vocabulary coz of me but then but then five and a half months go by and I'm as wacked out and his twisted s can be my best friend I've been trying to tell me about Jesus he's told me several times listen man don't you understand your Jesus thing isn't real it's not working for you you're actually worse than most people that call themselves Christians that I know and I'm like no man I'm telling you man he's real dude I already roll one up let's just get high chill okay I can't man man I'm serious man you gotta come meet this pastor I don't want to meet no pastor he wouldn't be caught dead in a church it's scary I tried telling him and telling him and telling him and telling him and tell him and there was no witness in my life because I was compromising and when you're witnessing as a compromiser there is no witness in your life you're witnessing the spirit of the world you can't love the world and love God too and if you really love the world like God loved the world then you'll give yourself for her you'll lay down your life so five and a half months go by I go out one night man I I ran and my girlfriend and my daughter tried to chase me in town I lost him and went down the streets I picked up some kid I told him I'm a cop I got him in my car told me I had the right to remain silent anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law read him his rights I got the coke in my hand the kid knew I was a cop I knew punching the dashboard get out of the car put your hands on the hood kids from New York City I stopped the car around the corner he gets out of the car soon as I saw his second foot go out of the car I hit the gas he pulls out a 9-millimeter and unloaded at me full mine ten feet away and an audible voice comes into my vehicle and says I took those bullets for you are you ready to live for me yet I don't know what that voice is I have a pretty good idea but when gun blasts are going off ten feet ten feet from you it's a little it's awkward the flashes went through my vehicle and the voice comes at the same time and the bullets that rang were drowned out by the voice and I spun out of town and I'm thinking I'm hit im hit I'm dying I'm going to meet whatever this pastor is God I really thought that I thought I'm going to meet this pastors God I had no relationship with him none and as I'm out of town I realized that I'm not hurting anywhere I better smoke all the cocaine as I stole so I did all the cocaine both I did two eight balls of cocaine quarter ounce of coke I smoked the whole thing in fast as I could in every hit I took it killed my buzz the voice I took those bullets for you are you ready yet I took those bullets for you are you ready to live for me yet all my long Saint boys wouldn't go away I'm tormented I pulled in my driveway I'm so petrified the lights on as usual I know that my girlfriend my daughter on that couch I know that they're waiting for daddy to come home again same thing again I know that I'm gonna be greeted with you're a loser you're a liar I hate you I hate you I'm leaving you I hate you I wish I never met you the only thing that held us together was our daughter she was like glue so I go to the door but right before I'm gonna go to the door I turn around and I shine a flashlight on my on my vehicle and I have no bullets in my car from ten feet I'm losing it now oh my god this is Ken hi this came I took those bullets for you I'm tormented I'm actually he's in me speaking to me he's in me because I said yes to him so his seed is in me I just haven't surrendered to it he's in me I haven't given my all to him like he gave his all for me I went to the door screaming and raging the next morning I contacted Dan I said I need to go away he says okay we had already checked the team challenge I don't know how long before that but I was afraid because they were serious really serious I was like dude aha I don't know what to say I I ain't going there alright man well you know you can do this but you have to submit you have to give up well I got shot at it's time to give up Abed was open so they're gonna take me in three days so I called my friend I called him I said dude I'm going away man I got shot at last night you hit no man but I really like you have no idea I ripped off this dealer he's in my car and loaded a 9-mil are you hit said no but I heard his voice he gets hard he goes what do you mean a voice I said a voice that said I took those bullets for you are you ready to live for me yeah I'm like I'm like did it was God he's Todd listen the guy was a bad shot you're hearing voices I said I'm telling you man the guy was right outside my window and unloaded on me he said well the guy was a bad shot I mean how old was he howdy aim the gun like analytical I said bro I should be dead man I said I gotta go away it was good dude you need help you going to rehab yeah I'm like man but it's a different kind of rehab it's a rehab where you gonna learn about Jesus I guess what do you mean why would you go away to learn about some way that's not real I said that's just it he's real in this pastors life man but he ain't real in mind I need him to be and he saved my life man Todd you're gonna find out that you're going away to learn about someone that's not real I said by the way it's a year program what he freaks out so I'm his only friend and I said man I said when I be back I'll be back though man when I get back him we will write music together bro he was a beautiful musician I mean amazing I said him I said dude will you be here when I get back he goes that's a whole year man I don't have any friends I said I know but I'll be here when I get back man please this man you're my only friend he cuz you know what I don't believe in this Jesus thing and you're gonna go and find out that he's not real but I believe in you and I'm like man thanks bro I'm like hey can we get together hang out no no way to get together in the next day before I'm gonna leave so on the day that I'm leaving I call and leave a message on his phone and tell him how much I love him because I wasn't allowed to write I was allowed to call him no outside contact and I'm going up the Teen Challenge lost my girl lost my daughter I mean I ruined everything I threatened to kill her for seven years if she left me I mean it it you have no idea just then mayhem maybe you do maybe you were in the mayhem so maybe you understand maybe you're still in it and you haven't surrendered and I went to this place called Teen Challenge I left and three days later I get a phone call from Dan and I and I am very afraid because I've submitted I've surrender I used to have dreads before this I shaved my head bald when I went into Teen Challenge cuz I was in rebellion my whole life was a I was just really in rebellion I didn't care I just I was a singer or I went up there I submitted I surrendered I got up every morning early to be with Jesus and didn't know even what that was gonna be but I did it anyway faithfully three days in they call me in the office and I'm talking to Dan and I go I please tell me because I owed so many drug dealers so much money I had so many people money I ripped off everybody all the time and so I'm thinking they came and hurt my daughter hurt my girl and they're bringing me into the office cuz when Maurice the one the one counselor he said Todd you need to sit down talk to your pastor go what's going on he's just just closed the door please man come on dude come on I just surrendered I just submitted I need please tell me just talk to you Pastor Dan says to me who's Todd you promised me you don't leave what do you mean dude what happened is it Jackie what happened is it's not your daughter and it's it's not Jackie he gives it your best friend I said what happened he said they found him on the floor he had a brain aneurysm he's in a coma no he was my only friend he was the only one besides from Dan Jesus Holy Spirit and my daughter everybody else hated me the doctors don't know whether he's going to make it please no I know you really saved me save Bobby help me he doesn't know God he doesn't know you and I sat there and I cried poured my heart out peace hit me for the first time my life I didn't leave team challenge I stayed there and I'm in there for two months and two months later I have I mean the Bible starts to open up to me start it's the first book that I can understand like it's just he cleaned me on the inside he forgave me for all the hypocrisy and the compromise that I lived in the people that are dead because of me and the lives that I hurt because of me he forgave me and he said old things have passed away all things have become new and he really really changed me and three nights in a row I have dreams where I encountered Jesus and a third night he tells me to go home I called Dan 10 months early I said hey man I said I need you to come get me he said Tod is this God I said I met Jesus man he goes I'm on my way he didn't question now Todd you you were supposed to go there for 12 months what are you doing he know why cuz love always hopes the best that's why he came up to get me and I'm sitting out on the porch and I'm so excited I'm crying not sad but the counselors I mean they're really mad they got to get me out cuz a little leaven leavens the whole lump you know and I Mountain and I'm not faulting them because people that leave early don't make it lots of them don't make it like 90% of people that leave team challenge early don't make it 76% of team challenge that stay stay clean for life that's like amazing but I'm leaving early and I quit everything before so it looks like I'm a quitter it looks like I'm doing the same thing never following through but only I know whether this is real and the fruit that's gonna hang on my tree is gonna bear witness of what kind of roots that go so I don't know anything except I'm really free Dan comes it gets me he goes inside I hear people screaming Dan's not one of them he'd even tell me about that conversation till probably a year afterwards but I'd go out to the car with him and he tells me all the reasons why I'm gonna make it I mean that's so crazy so I go back and we stopped at the church and that didn't go over very well not at all that's a totally different story it's the long one take me forever but it's really good and then we went to the house cuz I had to tell my daughter how sorry I was cuz I never I never knew that I was a dad I was a father for seven and a half years but didn't know what the truth about being a father really was I didn't know what it meant to be a father I mean I was dad but I didn't know what it meant to really be a dad and I held my kid for the first time in my life as a father Dan's there and my daughter comes running out holding her I love you honey I love you so much I'm gonna I'm gonna get a job cuz I never got a job never I never held a job I'm gonna support you I'm gonna I love you so much Oh daddy you're home and I have to tell her how I can't live here this is I've ruined mommy's life I didn't know everything that I just didn't know I mean I'm just thankful I have to say I'm sorry I have to make reconciliation I have to say I'm sorry whether they believe it or not I have to because I am time will show that I am and so that day on the porch my girlfriend comes out I tell her how sorry I am and when she comes out she has a smile on her face because Dan had been pouring in so my girl when I was gone and she had surrendered to Jesus when I went away and so I really am thankful my girlfriend and I decided that we were gonna get married and I said to Dan we need to plan this and Dan said you're not planning nothing he said we'll do it on Sunday in between first and second service you know so that's what we did we set it up for the next week but I in my heart knew how filthy my house was I knew all the drugs the paraphernalia the Playboy the hustler books all the junk that was in my house then I couldn't stand the thought of my daughter finding it and it wasn't like I needed to get it out because if I don't get it out then I'm gonna use it I needed to get it out because it made me sick to my stomach so I went in with nobody looking with a trash bag and cleaned my house dan and the girls stayed on the porch I went outside to the backdoor went out the back steps with the trash bag put it in the trash in the trash can out there the metal trash can our burn barrel took a sledgehammer sledge - leaned it lit it sat there and worship Jesus over my past and I mean I'm talking like really worship Jesus no one saw me except my father his eyes were on me if he saw me it was amazing I went the following Sunday wasn't a lot of invitations that went out for that marriage looks like anybody was coming anyway people that did they cussed one of them cussed me out of my weddings like how you don't fool me you're blankety blankety blank blank blankety-blank ended up we got married in between first and second service I sang the song Who am I which whoo I can't sing and I won't make it through it's just awesome the next day I hear in my heart I need to go and see my friend Bobby cause he's still in a coma and I went up to this place called the Brethren home which is like a convalescent home they haven't hooked up the life-support they don't know when he's gonna go he's hooked on life-support when they pulled the plug he's going I don't understand healing on understand anything what I do understand is when I walked into the room and saw him and saw his atheist wife there I told her how sorry I was I took my daughter my little girl my seven half year old kid because she knew him he was like a best friend of the family and when we walked in his skull was cut away his brain was bulging out he's in a coma he had a brain aneurysm and he's dilated list his pupils he's not home and I told his wife how sorry I was she said for what what did you do I said I didn't represent Jesus she goes please don't don't you tell me about Jesus you're gonna talk about Jesus look at my husband you think a God would let this happen she does not and I said he's real I'm sorry she went the corner told me to shut up and held her ears i sat there at the bed for my friend and I held his hand I said bro I said you can hear me he's real man he's real I'm sorry and I started singing I'm sorry that he's covering her ears like this and my daughter's crying and my friend didn't squeeze my hand he didn't blink at me he didn't wink he didn't not as that he didn't nothing and I said man he's real I'm sorry for the way I live bro he's real and I walked out with my daughter we left and the next morning I got a phone call from the wife he died and it marked me when I was in front of Bobby telling him how sorry I was just like Dan when he was at work and God showed him his sin for about 30 seconds condemnation rolled through my soul and I remember pictures of hey man jesus loves you hey man jesus loves you hey jesus loves you punching a hole in the door hey jesus loves you all that stuff falling through and then it left but for a brief moment I was confident I was condemned and I was in condemnation and then it left me Betty called me and said Todd Bobby you were Bobby's only friend will you do his funeral this was the hardest thing I've ever had to do in my whole life ever see we think sometimes that it's just life like Dan said you know I'm I'm a skeptic or I just am analytical it's the fall of man it's twisted and we allow it says that we're supposed to have our flesh crucified but we give room for the flesh so much and what you don't understand that everybody that you walk in front of is eternal they're headed to heaven or headed to hell and you cross their path and you can be the light of the glory of God that opens the eyes and takes the blinders off if you just live your life fully abandoned you only got one shot at this thing called life you are not going to be reincarnated and have a second chance you get born again and that's not a second chance that's a new life but living your life and compromise cents more people to hell than anything else on the planet and I am not mad at you but I am telling you it's time for us to rise up as the body of Christ [Applause] listen there are people that are here that have been hurt by the church I'm really sorry that you got hurt by leaders you got hurt by the church but the truth is is that if someone hurt you it's because they didn't know who they were when they did it and if you got hurt by it it's because you didn't know who you were when it came either way neither of you knew who you were so it's time that you step into knowing who you really are and stop using that stuff as a crutch to remain bound to something that's back there when you can be free today to run the race listen there are people that have lived in compromise that have lived in hypocrisy and this isn't a threat this is real stuff I'm telling you that there's a place where you can be in total freedom Jeremiah you Becca is that you the big blue yeah in a moment we're gonna pray I'm not gonna tell you every head bowed and every eye closed I just don't like that because you end up opening your eyes and raising your heads anyway it's a setup it's weird I mean to me it is like me you just told us to bow our head and close our eyes you make him come forward anyway so why don't you just tell them hey so here's the deal you have an opportunity like I I don't know honestly I feel in my heart that the gospel was really clearly preached all day today like I don't know I mean it's clear clear crystal like so clear like blinders off so clear and I'm I'm asking you I actually am begging you I am imploring you I'm beseeching you like Paul said I really AM to live your life fully fully on fully in fully for Jesus not for yourself if your life is in compromise and you're living your life in hypocrisy I'm asking right now to run forward to the front to surrender your life completely and stop living a selfish life for yourself I'm asking you to run forward and make a decision to run with Jesus and stop living like a hypocrite and stop living for yourself no longer no longer slaves no longer slaves to fear this is not just another ultra call I'm promising you I believe in altar calls dan does to the altar call is not what saves you it's your full surrender and full submission after what you do here it's not just two coming and getting on your knees there's lots of people that come to lots of altar calls I'm asking you to fully surrender I'm asking you to fully give your life to Jesus I'm asking you to stop compromising your life stop living as a hypocrite surrender and submit to what we're teaching we're teaching the Bible one day we will all stand before the judgment seat of Christ every Christian will and all of you that are out there that are non-believers you will stand before the white throne you will stand before that throne and you will not enter into the joy or the eternal life with Jesus you will enter into eternal condemnation I'm not condemning you I'm telling you the truth and don't say that you don't remember because you will remember and don't think that your wife that's the Christian that brought you here is going to be your lawyer when you stand before God you will be judged for your life I'm not being mean I'm being real it's the clear gospel your wife can't save you your kids can't save you your husband can't save you your girlfriend can't save you this is called giving your all to Jesus this is called surrendering your everything we were like what I've done this before no this is different this is different there don't have to be Bobby's in your life you don't have to look into the eyes of your comatose friend and wish you lived your life different you can make a decision right now but right now the decision you make right now has to be followed out with this because this decision right here without the Bible in place and you actually getting on your knees and saying god I don't understand and I need you don't put the Bible on your pedestal and think it's gonna somehow get in here don't even lay it on your chest and think it's gonna get in here you have to put your face inside of here and say God I don't understand and I really really want you to show me who I am in here so here I am Holy Spirit I don't understand when I read but you're the one that gives me understanding it's by faith we understand you don't read the Bible and understand it and then get faith that's not how it works this Bible bypasses your brain and goes straight to your heart so when you read this the Holy Spirit will make this alive there's only real there's only really one way to be free from fear there's only one way to stop being a slave to fear and that is to enter into being a child of God God is your father he's not mad at you this altar call is it because God's mad at you God is not mad at you Satan is really mad because you're up here right now Satan hates the fact that you're up here right now on your knees I didn't tell any of you to get on your knees none of you it's reverence for God it's the reverence for the king God loves you he's not mad at you he has given you his spirit for those of you that haven't been born again now's a great chance is there any of you that are up here that have never been born again before but have grown up in church but are not saved any of you raise your hand any of you if you're grown up in church and you're you haven't ever gotten born again raise your hand if you're out there and you haven't been born again and you you've grown up in church raise your hand okay it's your time right now are you are you with me are you ready we'll go get born again born again means called Spirit comes makes his home inside of you and he changes you from the inside out it's awesome you don't have to be up here in this altar call in order to get born again all you have to do is raise your hand and say that's me I really want to know Jesus if that's you raise your hand again right now people all over the house that's awesome that's so good it's not an embarrassing thing it's a life-changing thing this is exiting religion and entering it's a relationship you don't need religion in your life you need a relationship with the Living God that's able to change you from the inside out so first things first let's pray this Jesus right now I believe that you are my only way to the Father I believe that you that never sinned took upon you my sin on Calvary so that my sin could be wiped out so that I could be forgiven so that I could continually forgive today I say yes to you I say yes to sonship to being your child to you being my father I put my faith in the blood of Jesus that takes away the sins of the world I say yes to you right now Holy Spirit I fully surrender possess this life that doesn't belong to me anymore I belong to Jesus I am the property of Jesus I am the property of the king of glory I am the property of an amazing father that has adopted me and is right now putting the spirit of adoption within me and upon me so that I can cry out father father father Danny gone Abba Father Danny go [Music] put your hand on somebody beside you right now the Bible says that if anybody would ask God for the Holy Spirit he would give you the Holy Spirit so right now I think it's proper the Holy Spirit was just baptized you oh I'm not kidding oh he's coming some of you don't believe get ready oh if you're out there put your head on somebody not just up here just so good I don't even have to tea God just shared that I don't even have to teach how it's all it's happening it's going to happen so I want you to say this Lord God I'm asking you right now for the Holy Spirit I ask you to baptize me and cover me right now in Jesus name now if you have it rising up in your belly and once you just pray right now in the spirit right now just lift up your voice just pray in their spirit right now pray in the spirit right now come Holy Spirit I ask you to touch people baptize them of fresh and anew right now lift up your voice pray in the spirit right now if you have a prayer language just lift it up as you're starting to get a prayer language I want you to raise your hand and shake your hand in the air go up yay if you're getting a prayer language I want you to raise your hand and I want you to shake it in the air come on come Holy Spirit do it right now you need to be clothed with Jesus I promise you sure nobody there baby they gave a chunk about that down come on lift up your voice pray in the spirit right now lift up your voice pray for the person on your left and right right now [Music] come on more more MORE if you're getting a prayer language wave your hands in the air so I can see what's happening if the Holy Spirit is just baptized again you're getting a prayer language wave your hands at me right now come on it's not complicated just let him have you right now [Music] come more holy spirit more more and more more more and more and more come right now baptize your people gone right now more and more and more [Music] come Holy Spirit right now in Jesus name Jesus name [Music] if you're getting a prayer language I want to see your arms in the air so I can see what's happening right now I can hear you praying that I know some of you are just getting it right now if you're getting a prayer language and you haven't had it I want you to wave your hands in the air so I can see come Holy Spirit more MORE [Music] Jesus Jesus Jesus [Music] Jesus okay real quick I want everybody in the room to check your physical body for healing before we even pray physical healing of everything and anything that you had if you're already healed I need you to wait both hands in the air right now if you're already healed wave your hands in the air right now so good that's awesome that's without praying that's pretty amazing I want everybody to put their hand on somebody right now again [Music] just say this in the mighty name of Jesus we command bodies to be healed right now physical healing in Jesus name every cell from the top of our head to the bottom of our feet be healed in Jesus name say this specifically Lyme disease get out now in Jesus name lung disease get out in Jesus name diabetes get out in Jesus name heart disease kidney disease get out in Jesus name cancer leukemia every other disease get out in Jesus name [Music] are you ready yes every disc from the top of your head to your bottom be healed in Jesus name right now nerve issues be healed right now in Jesus name shoulders wrists hips knees ankles head and shoulders knees and toes be healed in Jesus name right now okay wait wait wait if you have a deaf ear put your hand up all right it's gonna be fun you ready come on how many of you believe that Jesus will open deaf ears right now good good because he's gonna use you to do it are you ready I love this this is so amazing he's such a good Jesus he is he really wants to heal he does and he wants to use you to do it because it's Christ in us the hope of glory it's Christ in us that heals it's the Holy Spirit in us that heals through us all he needs is a willing vessel are you ready I want you to put your hand on their ear and on the count of three all of us are you are gonna yell pop at the same time and the ears are gonna open cuz they have to are you ready on the count of three what we gonna yell okay one two three PAH [Laughter] [Music] yes if your ear just open wave your hands at me let me see now wait a minute wait wait wait wait wait hold on everybody if you are the one whose ear just opened I want you to wave both hands over your head [Applause] [Music] [Applause] did yours open yet yes okay how many of you have a blind eye okay let's just you like why would God not touch deny if he touched in here like all right let's fry it right now are you ready but we shouldn't yell pop for this one we should yell open or or see let's just say open okay are you ready on the count of three we're all gonna yell open because the eye needs to open on the count of three one two three obey now wants you to look [Music] if there's any change I need to see what's happening right now [Music] any change if there's any I that opened I'm gonna see your hands in the air if you can see better I want to see your hands in the air wave them so I can see that's not okay I guess we're gonna try the old spit in the eye technique just kidding I'm just kidding kidding your eye open come on one one who else how many do we have sure I just opened can you see better right now huh you can or not you can't if your eye open and you can see better I need to see your hand right now so I know what we're dealing with one who else any else wave your hand so I can see wave them okay okay - who else your eyes better right here three come on let's do this let's go after this again you guys ready come on let's do this listen I love knees and back I love it but deaf ears aren't any different than a bad knee it doesn't take more of God to open an ear than it does or an eye than it does to heal a knee does it take more of God to heal a jammed finger than it does to open a blind eye it does not our brains it takes less of our brain more of Jesus do you understand we can't afford to have this stuff be a stumbling block then when we come up to a while this is a big one no it's not a big one it doesn't take more of God it takes the same God to do all of it are you ready come on in the name of Jesus we command those eyes to open now in Jesus name check them again [Music] more change more change if your eye is changed I need to see your hand right now wave your hand at me from the beginning until now as it's changing right now come on who else from the beginning until now wave your hands at me Jesus come on alright here's what we're gonna do we're gonna pray one more time all of us together and then we're gonna end with a worship song and we're gonna do it again tomorrow are you ready right now once you put your hands on everybody riding you've great somebody beside you just put your hands on them say this in Jesus name we command your body be healed from the top of your head to the bottom of your feet 100% healing for every cell in your body in Jesus name now I need everybody to stand to their feet [Music] real quick I want everybody to check from the top of their head to the bomb their feet for healing in any area that you needed it right now just check move around check your shoulders your back your knees your ankle whatever just check since the time we began to pray for the sick tonight for any part of your body if you're manifesting healing in any part of your body I want you to wave both hands over your head right now [Music] so good guys keep doing it wave your hands look around look around [Music] Jesus are you guys ready for one more worship song listen I want to encourage you tonight as you leave as you go there are people out there I need you to make this night when you go back to wherever you're going outreach time I want you to touch as many people as you can before you go to bed tonight and then when you go to bed tonight I want you to pray this cousin cousin job 33 15 it says in deep sleep when men slumber upon their beds the Lord seals up the instruction from the daytime so I want you when you lay your head down on that pillow I want you to say Holy Spirit you're gonna be up all night I'm asking you to seal this word of righteousness Redemption and the truth about who I really am in my heart tonight as I sleep I give you my night tonight and I'm asking you to teach me and train me as I sleep would you do that amen tomorrow morning will be a completely different amazing day you'll see you're looking tomorrow tomorrow in the mirror tomorrow morning and be like oh my gosh I see you in there serious
Channel: Todd White
Views: 86,340
Rating: 4.8495822 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 106min 49sec (6409 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 06 2019
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