✝️ Baptism in the Holy Spirit Dan Mohler

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talk about the baptism of Holy Spirit a minute okay let me see you raised their hands quick I'll walk my so I can see you but just be honest don't don't raise your hand if it doesn't fit but how many in this room you'd say you you've heard controversial teaching on the baptismal spirit you yourself have maybe struggled in some what about it because of different things you've heard the way things have been taught and presented you've heard some things that yes you heard some things no and you've just been kinda in limbo but it would be helpful and you would love to hear the faults on the baptismal Holy Spirit let me see your hands wow that is an incredible amount of people no wonder I heard that in the hallway huh there was some folks in the up in the room and Tom said we're gonna come over we're gonna lay hands on people the Holy Spirit I felt like I needed to just come down has a man go do it guys that's awesome and William he's been walking me around and just pure so good man and I said listen I can make it down there you go get in on that it will bless Marcus he said okay he would have got it on that but uh I was just in Mississippi and there was four ladies that came from a Baptist Church and I'm not saying that to mark a Baptist denomination they're actually a very live moving forward awesome Baptist Church but they had mixed understanding on the baptism Holy Spirit and they came up at the end of service in a little circle and asked about that so we did a little thing and talked and shared and they cried and said that is so crystal clear oh my goodness I said in that awesome so faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word you guys like when a receive Holy Spirit or like yeah and he just came it was just fun he'll just come look he's excited to come so it's just good all right you guys ready okay in John chapter 4 you can scroll there quick I'm going to move I'm going to I'm going to save some time but at the same time I want you to see some things verse 10 he's talking to the woman of Samaria uh it's on it's this all happened on the day Jesus was tired I just love him Jesus was tired on this day he stayed by the well he was weary from the journey this is just funny but he gets talking to this lady she's perplexed he's a Jew she's a Samaritan verse 10 Jesus said if you knew the gift of God and who it is who says to you give me a drink you would have asked him so ask and it shall be didn't matter that she was a Samaritan you would have asked him and he would have given you living water she goes on and talks about this sory you don't even have the Wells deep here and then the drawl dadada right he says whoever verse 13 drinks this water the well water it's gonna thirst again he's talking about natural thirst but he's talking about spiritual fulfillment in this in this next part but whoever drinks the water that I shall give him will never thirst again do you sell scripture in his scripture it is to teach that Jesus is your identity that he's your fullness he's your security he's the one that makes you complete look when you're thirsty in your soul when you're thirsty in your spirit it's because you're not settled not satisfied not convinced and not fulfilled but to know the love of Christ Ephesians 3 which passes knowledge is to be filled with all the fullness of God so you study the word fullness out and here's what it means to know the love of Christ is to be filled with all the fullness of God the word fullness means a house with no empty rooms it means a town with no empty houses it means a ship so full of cargo there's no space to put another box that can be your life through understanding who you are in him or you're never driven by a vacuum and emptiness you never have to feed anything because you're already filled whoever whoever that means everybody's invited to take a drink whoever drinks of the that I will give him shall never thirst again watch this but the water that I shall give him will become in him boom a fountain of water springing up into everlasting life what's he talking about talk about getting born again getting your spirit recreated he's talking about you receiving the life of Christ on the inside as a seal for that day of redemption you become a week and not a tear you become a keeper fish not a throw back yeah you just go straight in the live well baby it's just awesome you know you get measured and you're measured up and they keep you you know so look at John seven real quick and then I'm going to just touch a couple things I want to run through this in a simple Bible teaching that's going to answer questions it's going to release faith and then we're going to ask Holy Spirit to come fair enough okay uh look at verse 37 of John 7 on the last day that great day of the feast Jesus stood and cried out man must have been important if he made a scene like that just to say I see this stuff I go wow like everybody's just like everybody here just hanging out in the feast you're doing or whatever and all of a sudden in the middle or somewhere Jesus would just stand up and start crying out anyone who believes in me Isis Chrissie cried out guys and everybody's like right whatever he was saying must be really important to Jesus right he says if anyone thirsts let him come to me and drink now watch kinda sounds like John for right he who believes in me as the scripture has said out that's important he who believes in me who do men say that I am well who do you say that I saw a testimony when I was saved for a few years of a minister who prayed for this witch lady caught up witchcraft that she got delivered and all her little disciples got delivered in the meeting and and and she said I cannot defeat your Jesus so I will bow to him and watch I was watching it I was weeping it was so powerful and the Lord spoke to me and said what about your Jesus there's a whole lot of Jesus's out there Holy Spirit said what about your Jesus not to condemn me to make me hungry and keep me searching rolled off my couch on the floor and cried and sought him and he ministered to me and it was awesome yeah because I realized that for this lady to come boldly into the meeting all dressed and garbed out she realized everybody's afraid of her they're freaked out they're distracted why worships going on there looking wondering what she's doing and I realized that she had been messing up Christians for a long time and she had built a confidence and an arrogance because she didn't bump into a Jesus that was greater than what she was until that day she ran into that fella and she said I can't defeat your Jesus so I'll bow to him you know he who believes in me as the scriptures has said not circumstances not common knowledge not other men's opinions scriptures Jesus out of his heart will flow rivers of living water kinda sounds like John for drink of me never thirst again but if you believe in me as the scripture say out of your heart flows does that sound different than a fountain springing up into everlasting life two different experiences fountain springing up into everlasting life born-again experience believe in as the scriptures say filled and fueled by a spirit to be a witness and out of your belly power love conference how do you know that's true Dan just read the next line but this he spoke concerning the spirit who those believing in him would receive for the Holy Spirit was not yet given because he was not yet glorified oh he says in Romans 8 he predestined you who he predestined he called who he called he justified who he justified he glorified so about you not in the hearty arrogant way by filling you with the same spirit that raised him from the dead yeah oh my goodness okay so in John 20 we preached it yesterday he breathed on the disciples and said receive the Holy Spirit do you think they received Holy Spirit if he said that what they received they got born again I explained it yesterday as blood speaking better things his Bloods on the mercy seat that was the born-again experience the Redeemer Jesus brought man back to day one as God breathed into Adam that breath was lost through sin Jesus restored that breath through his cross and resurrection and Jesus himself was the second breath of God back into man last Adam right and all the sudden man becomes a living being because until that day he was just a form and a shadow of what he was created to be and he was actually dead spiritually and all of a sudden he became a living soul why because that's how God made man that's where Jesus restored man back to the breath of God and in that breath is all that God is you guys get that receive Holy Spirit so what happened they got born again life came back inside of them but it's amazing because in the end of chapter of Luke if you look at the last chapter of Luke let's just look here out I can read it for you quick thank you Lord okay he says he says in verse 48 and you of Luke 24 and you are witnesses of these things he's just talking to him about why he came there's so much here I have to be careful I'll just preach like wow this is so much here but I'm trying to talk to the Holy Spirit because I am so tempted to read 46 but I'm going to read 48 and you are witnesses of these things behold I send the promise of my father upon you but tarry in the city of Jerusalem in your until your endued with power on hi you guys with me so in John 20 he breathed on them and said receive Holy Spirit in Luke 24 he said hey guys hang out read Jerusalem and tarry there so your endued with power let's go to Acts chapter one real quick verse four and being assembled together he commanded them not to depart from Jerusalem this is just another account a fuller account of when he was with them after the resurrection you guys with me and being assembled together with them he commanded them not to depart from Jerusalem but to wait for the promise of the Father is that what we just read in Luke 24 so it's right there Luke has this revelation this is awesome which he said you have heard from me for John truly baptized with water but you shall be baptized with the Holy Spirit not many days from now wait a minute Jesus you already breathed on us and said receive Holy Spirit and now you're telling me to hang out way cuz Holy Spirit's coming you already said he came no he did he said receive Holy Spirit a recreated spirit they were reborn from above reef are they were back in the family they were light not dark now there's something different coming you better hang around because God has something else coming he's the person of Holy Spirit you're going to be immersed in him you're gonna be dipped into him and you're going to become one with him and he's going to empower you and you're going to be my witness and if you believe is the Scriptures are saying out of your heart or belly some translations say will flow rivers of living water this he spoke of the spirit okay now watch this watch this acts two we know he came right fire on their heads right there--all praying in tongues people thinking they're drunk you guys know the story right okay so I'm not even going to camp there anymore because we know he came right go to acts 8 with me just do a little stroll through the Bible and just show you some cool things okay verse 14 of Acts 8 who's ever heard people say will you get the Holy Spirit when you're born again who's ever heard people say that who's her preacher say that well they're true in the sense of a recreated spirit receive Holy Spirit boom that's what you get when you're born again but what about Terry in the city and not many days from now Holy Spirit is going to come upon you you'll be endued with power and watch this Luke 11:13 if you being of evil nature know how to good give good gifts to your children how much more will the Father give the Holy Spirit to them who why do you ask if he's automatic oh I'm going to nail this down so good come on see if we just speak so quick but if you believe in me as the so you see well you get the Holy Spirit when you're born again anyway wait a minute but what about what scriptures say why would you ask God for Holy Spirit if he already came and already comes Acts 8 verse 14 now when the apostles were at Jerusalem and heard that Samaria had received the Word of God remember Philip went there remember there was great things that happened in signs wonders and all the sudden Samaria believed and the whole city got born again you guys aware of that okay so now watch so who knows Peter and John are leaders in the church who knows their apostles right they got word that Samaria had received the Word of God whoo-hoo now watch and when they had come down prayed for them that they might receive Holy Spirit for as of yet he had fallen upon none of them they had only not meaning less significant it means just just only got partial of what God wants to give it doesn't mean it's less important they had only been baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus what's that mean they had only been baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus they got water baptized but Holy Spirit hadn't come upon any of them yet it must be so important to receive Holy Spirit that Peter and John if you look at the geography walked approximately 35 to 50 miles or rode a donkey or something to get to Samaria that's a journey they didn't jump in a car and go 65 they said some areas received the Word of God they didn't say ah well that cutoff nation a buncha you know bunch of dogs some areas received the Word of God have they received Holy Spirit not that we can tell us of yet I mean what we got to go John we got Peter I'm with you let's go 35 to 50 miles they took off to lay hands on him cuz as of yet he had come upon or if he's automatic with your salvation experience why is this here yeah when 4:17 they laid hands on them they received the Holy Spirit now here's where people look and when Simon saw that through the laying on of hands the Apostles hands Holy Spirit was given he offered the money and you guys know that story it doesn't say how he knew he came but he saw something the only manifestation that's really mentioned in the Bible is other tongues and then people get real tongue II with their teaching and other people get real freaked out how do I know it's God how do I know devil and it's all about tongues instead of all about receiving him there's so many people that have hesitated to be prayed for the bap Holy Spirit because they're unsure about the whole other tongues and things here's the deal how much more the father will give the Holy Spirit to them that so if you ask is he coming hey there's people that say well if you didn't pray in tongues you receive I want spirit listen I believe we can all pray in tongues I believe that grace is in the person Holy Spirit I believe he wants us all to I believe tonight if you've never prayed in tongues every single spirit you come up here he's coming and you could pray in tongues I believe there's liberté we're going to have that freedom in that fund but if somebody doesn't pray in other tongues is it scriptural to say you didn't receive the Holy Spirit so how do you receive him the same way you live your life by faith we always make it a manifestation we think you have to shake and cry so there's countless people out there living condemned in their mind because they think they're not fit they're not worthy they're not clean and they've been prayed for and they didn't pray in tongues so they feel like Holy Spirit doesn't want to live in them and it's wrong teaching because look what it produces not life and life more abundantly my pastor's wife was baptized in the Holy Spirit at a meeting and then she went three months never prayed in tongues because she had some wrong teaching about tongues and she was in a Pentecostal charismatic type service that was really wild one night and she saw people saying just pray yabba-dabba-doo backwards real fast and and she got weirded out and said oh my so she left the meeting and said you know what I don't receive that but I receive you and I believe you're in me and I believe you're empowered me to shine and be a witness and I believe you're going to help me and speak truth to me and reveal Christ to me and glorify Him through me I believe you're my helper so for three months she talked to him and communed with him and woke up and had fellowship with the person of Holy Spirit never prayed in tongues she got a phone call from her husband out of town he was distraught and crying she's never seen him cry he's not that kind of man he was overwhelmed he broke and cried on the phone her heart as a wife broke for him she had to hang up he had to hang up abruptly she hung up and imagine how you are emotionally then that's your hubby you're young oh my husband he's crying you can't communicate she's pacing the floor she doesn't know what to do she kneels at the couch and hushed shut up about her son d'Italia ba ba ba ba cousin's body oh he was there in that language was there the whole time her soul was but when she got in that place and wasn't thinking about and didn't know what to do and get overwhelmed who went to cry and pray with all her heart and had no words guess what happened it's just beautiful to me so watch this watch this that's acts 8 acts 10 you guys want to go there real quick we're just scrolling through I'm almost done I'm actually almost done this is awesome that's hard to believe yeah who said amen I just realized somebody said Amen with a foreign okay my brother I am diamond unbelief right now Here I am a preacher manifesting unbelief in the people oh my goodness I can't believe you're finished verse 44 of Acts 10 it's still yet to be seen that I'm finished whoa see Peter was still speaking while Peter was still speaking he's still speaking I mean the guy spoke with a lot of words in acts too man he went on and on and on good results though while Peter was still speaking you encouraged me Peter I'm really messing up and who knows he's a Canary's as household who knows corneas is considered a Gentile who knows that he's not considered yeah you guys get it you know the story the vision came to Peter vision came to Cornelius with actually tanios had a visitation and Peter ends up a Canary's his house because of all that who orchestrated that the Lord while Peter was still speaking to the people of canoers his household look what happened the Holy Spirit fell upon all those who heard the word and those who were of the circumcision who believed were astonished as many as came with Peter because the gift of the gift the gift of the Holy Spirit had been poured out on the Gentiles also for they heard them speak with tongues magnify God and Peter answered watch what he was thinking right away man these guys got to be born-again holy spirits just come on I'm he's empowered him the same thing that happened to us in Acts two just happened to them whoa Gentiles Wow so Peter says can anyone forbid them water that these should not be baptized to have received the Holy Spirit just as we have and he commended them all to be baptized in the name of the Lord and they asked him to stay a few days so what happened holy spirit came baptized him empowered him to be a witness Peter recognized it and said hey I ain't fighting over this God's prepared my heart that he wanted to save the Gentiles and corneas household man we're going to baptize them in water as a sign of transformation these guys are born again in that awesome so in Samaria they got saved and got baptized but Holy Spirit came upon none of them yet in acts 10 Peter speaking Holy Spirit comes but there's a scripture that says how much more will the Father give Holy Spirit to them that ask right oh I want let me do this real real real quick maybe I can do this now okay a last-place one going one more place okay acts 90 this is really good this go nail it down okay and then we're just going to ask him to come and you know he wants to don't ya you know why he wants to because He loves us he wants to empower us he he wants to live in us this is what the gospel taught me I was in my bedroom and I realized so you can't share this stuff when you're young in the Lord sometimes you think people gonna look at your cockeyed and call you a heretic but I realized I was a house fit for a king my whole life and never knew it I was predestined for destiny like he paid a high price to obtain me and I'm in my room thinking about this and Holy Spirit said Jesus didn't die on the cross to expose your sin he died on the cross to remove your sin and expose your value to him no preacher in my life ever told me that everybody always told me he died because I'm a sinner where he had to die cuz I sinned but do you think he died because I'm a sinner no he died because I was a lost son I have a destiny it's all about purpose and future and legacy who pays a high price for nothing and he shed the blood of his son to obtain me and he believes the price is well worth the purchase possession he doesn't want to live with a house made with hands when Todd said I heard Dan years ago say you know God could live anywhere what I say is he could live in a castle in the sky he could sit it right in the sky because he's God he could do it the most massive mansion castle you've ever seen your life and the north south and east and west could see it all at the same time if he wanted to right and you could get up out of your house with your kids and they could be going to school looking at that thing you see that's where God lives well but he doesn't want to do that he wants to live in you so that people look at you and go whoa yeah he paid a pretty serious price to move inside of you if I'm reading my Bible right sin evicted him from his home and he paid a price and dealt with the problem and moved back in and made all things new tore out the whole inside of that thing and put all new inside yeah okay acts 19 you already it happened while Paulus was a Corinth and Paul having passed through the upper Regents came to Ephesus and finding some disciples how do you know there were disciples if you read the story you'll realize it was their dress code their attire whatever they were wearing revealed to Paul they were followers of something okay so he believed they were following and he believed they were Christians now this is fascinating to me coming to Ephesus and finding some disciples he said to them is so random it like seems like what he didn't like say hey guys where you're heading hey guys how you doing hey God hey guys there's a meeting over I'm going to be mean oh you guys want look what he said did you receive the Holy Spirit when you believed well Paul I wish you'd get a revelation you get the Holy Spirit when you get born again hello Paul needs some understanding he probably needs to study the word that he wrote huh come on man pause pause most important thought when he saw disciples was to make sure they've been empowered and endued to be a witness and he's like hey he realizes they're believers and he says hey have you received Holy Spirit since you believe guys if he's automatic why's Paul asking the question it's the word to cool or what like I just it freaks me out that we fight over doctrine in the word I'm thinking we just don't read our Bibles from a pure heart we read our Bibles to prove and disprove so we think we see what we see if you read your Bible to know him period guess what will happen if you read your Bible to disprove something or to hold on to something you're trying to prove guess what you'll think you see whatever you need to you can read your Bible to get out of a relationship you can read your Bible to get out of a marriage and you're sure you're finding Scripture I'm just saying did you receive the Holy Spirit when you believed so guess what they said we have not so much as heard whether there is the Holy Spirit and he said to them into what then were you baptized what were you immersed into what have you become one with what what are you guys following what are you baptized into so they said into John's baptism because oh my goodness this is awesome okay listen John indeed baptized with the baptism of repentance prepare the way for the one to come okay guys literally this is we saying guys he already came his name's Jesus like come on there where were you guys at he just crucify race with in Jerusalem yeah saying that people should believe on Him who would come after him that is on Jesus Christ when he explained out and said that guess what they did they heard this they were baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus that's water baptism you agreed watch this and when Paul had laid hands on them a Holy Spirit came upon him then they spoke with tongues and prophesied now the men were about 12 and all there's three examples one two three there's there several examples of holy spirit I don't want to misquote it somebody say you got the number wrong people watch that stuff it's amazing if you'd listen for God instead of listen to correcting critique you really would get some revelation did I say that tongue is there any way to get that off the no okay so then I guess I meant it okay listen please please we've saw several incidences that I read where hands were laid on to receive the Holy Spirit and in acts 2 in acts 10 he just came so does hands have to be laid on you to receive Holy Spirit can he just come I know people that I worked with that were taught their whole life he's not for today other tongues of the devil but my life broke him down and one man came crying and said I've been a Christian for 25 years I've lived around you being a Christian at work just at work for the last year and I feel like I'm not even saved I feel like I have just religion and I don't even know God you walk with Him it's what he said and I said well hey man listen and I began to share because before that he was the mature Christian because he saved all those years and I'm just the baby Christian I'm over zealous I don't know what I'm talking about I'll calm down life will catch up I guess he was wrong I'm more freaked out now than I was then like I'm 21 years into this thing and I know I'm getting worse I'm not making an excuse for it I'm getting worse why because I know him a little more now than I did then and it's good tidings of great joy and I'll never let life speak louder than truth truth makes me free so if you ever see me again I'll be like this irregardless I'll be like this or a little worse why because I might know him a little bit more have I always been like this yeah you've known me for what eight ten years yeah I got people at home that know me for the whole 21 you know what I'm known for at home consistency and what you see is what you get Dan's always going to have his heart in the Lord people see me as a man of God why that's what I've lived for 21 years and it marks hearts and then it gives you a voice and people respect that because you're not preaching at him Jesus didn't preach at us he lived a life gobbling come with a sermon he came with a sermon in the flesh he didn't come and preach it to you he sent his son to live it before you there's not one thing Jesus is asking of us that he didn't model walk out and fulfill the word became flesh and dwelt among us he didn't just preach to you to love your enemies he showed you what that looks like he didn't just tell you to be merciful he showed you what it looks like are you with me so would you say that holy spirit is a separate experience from a born-again experience would you receive just through the couple examples I gave you that there's an experience called the baptism of the Holy Spirit you'll be baptized not many days from now when the Holy Spirit you'll be empowered to be a witness would you agree so as other tongues mentioned there at a couple places isn't it part of the experience absolutely is other tongues awesome I think it is Corinthians 14 says if I if I pray in the in another tongue my spirit prayeth and he who prays in another tongue edifies himself and speaks mysteries to God I don't know but some about that sounds really cool watch if I pray in a tongue another tongue my who does the praying I do the praying he doesn't take your mouth and go yeah yeah yeah if I pray he gives you the utterance you pray no I could pray in tongues sheikha da da da ba Kazan da da da da da ba Baba Sunday what'd you just say Dan I'm just as demonstrating you that the Holy Spirit's I mean I can pray in tongues and I edify myself and speak mysteries to God I'm not interrupting a service it doesn't need interpretated I'm not putting on a level of prophecy I'm just doing that when I'm driving in my truck Holy Spirit I appreciate you Lord Jesus I love you thank you God now keep your eyes open when you're driving thank you God I just worship you and appreciate you you're amazing to me shada boca Sundiata Leia Shonda bah-bah-bah bahah Shirley anima saw their son anima share Jesus you're the Holy One and all of a sudden you just go on for an hour like that and you're where you're going and you think you just started and you're there and you're like whoa I'm serious just could you imagine just waking up in your bedroom in the morning Lord Jesus I worship you you're the lover of my soul you're the one that makes me strong you're the one that made me oh Amanda Soriano Manasa daya see Dionne they are you are mighty God and all the sudden you're going in the bathroom and you're very aware you're born again and you're like not thinking well another day at the grindstone man I hope Billy ain't acting like a jerk god I wish you'd knock him off his high horse and bless me for once we do it all right can you can you turn on that piano again for me guys is that okay or is that not possible is it awesome thank you I saw a hand go up in the glare you guys are walking in the glory man you ought to see what it looks like around you all of you turn your eyes to him right now turn your heart to him please just start to thank God from your heart very home because we're laughing we're having fun it's not irreverent God just doesn't want anybody pressured tonight so we just laugh our way through some real serious things sometimes but I'm telling you thank God for the gospel right now would you begin to thank him in a very personal way that he died for you don't don't lose right now it's not selfish do you got to receive the gospel for you to become the best you're called to be don't say thank you gave the gospel for us he died for us days get personal you gave your life for me and you want your life inside of me this whole week and I've been hearing this message I've been hearing truth I've been getting to go love on people and begin to to grow and exercise a life in the spirit and father I want everything that you have for me I won't ever think there is I appreciate you I appreciate your love and I believe Holy Spirit wants to come upon me and empower me come on you talk to him like that right now if you're already filled with the Holy Spirit you already pray in tongues you've already been aware of the baptismal spirit in your life you can still talk like Adam thank him I do it often if you've never been baptized in the Holy Spirit you've never prayed in tongues you've never been baptized in the Holy Spirit either or you feel like well I prayed in I baptized in Holy Spirit I believe it I've just never prayed in tongues or you've never received the baptism only Spirit II you've never had anyone lay hands on you or you've never asked for the baptism of spirit please get up front here and pile up here real quick please Holy Spirit we welcome you we welcome you Tom this is awesome it's a lot of folks now come on up just lift your hands to him lift your heart stem you've never received the baptism Holy Spirit come on up here don't be afraid be excited some of you might even just feel the love of God and feel like crying it's okay but just come to him right now come on pile in here all of you whoa no wonder he spoke to me coming down the stairs he's going to do you with power to be a witness guys he loves you he wants you come on pal in here I need you to get in as close as you can come other girl lifestyle Christianity people staff I want you to come around the back and just begin to believe with me we're going to pray for these people Holy Spirit will do it I just want you to just make contact just cover the crowd right now yeah look to him get your eyes off your neighbor right now this is you and Holy Spirit this is you and the Father remember Luke 11:13 how much more will the Father give Holy Spirit to who to them that ask is that why you ran up here let's look to him right now say Holy Spirit I want you to come upon me to empower me to baptize me in who you are in power my life and make me look like Jesus make me look like the father make me look like love now let's ask the Father say Holy Father I'm asking you to baptize me and empower me and make me a witness through the person of Holy Spirit Holy Spirit I welcome you I'm just gonna pray over your Holy Spirit I ask you to come right now that's right come Holy Spirit fill these people baptize them right now thank you shake Karabakh our Sundiata Baca fill them right now Holy Spirit come thank you thank you just thank him right now for coming just receive him right now just believe he's come right now if you have that language just begin to pray it out aggressive and loud and let that roll over on everybody else go ahead pray out loud come on that's good Fred al-shabaab Ibaka Sundiata Thalia shot Ibaka it'll be your own language that's awesome come on yeah Holy Spirit come lifestyle Christianity just start touching some folks let's just believe God right now that everybody gets filled and immersed and flooded with Holy Spirit Holy Spirit thank you more Lord more Lord more Lord if you haven't prayed in tongues believe he's here thank him that he's in you believe he's on you and then ask him to open up your tongue just ask him to give you utterance it's not wrong ask him to give you utterance as soon as you hear those words don't question them don't let doubt just talk them out pram and watch it grow like a river come on shed of Ibaka sandhya Eliasson Ibaka saw ya go holy spirit come that's right wladim Philip hahaha yeah yeah that's good keep praying man that's good pray now Jetta Bacchus on D Italia shun da bah bah bah casa it's good man pray it out turn around walk around just start touching some folks and thank enemies coming praying the spirit come on we receive you Holy Spirit and power us thank you you guys in your chairs if you're not already standing stand up we're going to ask the fire of God to empower us and to burn in our hearts and amarka say man father come and baptize us in the Holy Spirit and fire fire of God come in this house and mark our hearts forever burning us tonight where there's no going back no looking back no more fear of man no more yesterday's hesitation fire of God come in this house and burn us for your glory yes God fire of God thank you burn our scouts for your glory come on guys thank him for his fire thank him that he's mark in your heart forever no compromise no second-guessing no more looking back man I keep hearing that no more looking back burn us holy and pure and righteous God yeah ah fire of God come in this house thank you fire of heaven calm Thank You Marcus burning us holy spirit we welcome you Holy Spirit we welcome you the people that are up front here that came for the baptismal a spirit say this out of your heart whispered out loud holy spirit I welcome you I believe you're in me I know you're with me you'll never leave me I'm never alone you're with me you're in me and you'll flow through me I'm gonna see clearer than ever before because of you you're going to take everything to another level in my life in fact Holy Spirit I'm marking this night as a night of increase and change I'm gonna see in scripture what I've never seen before and I know in my heart my life is gonna look more and more like Jesus Thank You Holy Spirit I welcome you amen hey man come on talk to him everyday talk to Holy Spirit everyday commune with him ask him for wisdom read your Bible and ask questions commune with him if you didn't pray in tongues up here don't you believe a lie go to your home go to your bedroom go to your car thank him is in you thanking that languages there and you begin to talk in this in the English singing English thank God and you believe for him to give you that utterance you pray that out I've had people come to orders like this they go to bed at night there they're focusing on other tongues so their minds a little caught up in there like man huh they'll go to sleep and God hasn't in that place of just you know to me rest I've had this so many testimonies like this they wake up in the night and the words are just flooding their heart and they display their bed shaking crying praying other tongues for like an hour yeah when you go to bed tonight if you didn't pray in tongues you believe you received when you ask and you thank him for that language I heard a bunch of you praying in tongues I was fun and I asked to just go around touch I heard a bunch of you but don't you believe a lie and don't believe somebody says well you didn't pray in tongues man you didn't get nothing how much more the Father give the Holy Souls an amazing thing man you can focused on something here and it hinders something here don't believe that you live by faith you commune with him you receive him you go to bed at night I'm telling you I'm believing this actually I never said this in a service I'm believing he's going to disrupt some sleep tonight I am I was I'm believing it but it's not going to make you tired in the morning believe me I got saved on a Sunday night I woke up Monday morning crying and praying in tongues and had no clue what was going on but I knew it was him and look at that it's still on me after all these years come on let's give him a shout yeah yeah do you okay guys this is our last night but life goes on in him so it's lifestyle right but I want to do one more thing and I want you guys to help me because this whole week of training equipment you're so ready if you've even been prayed for every session and you're still not seeing total changing
Channel: DAN MOHLER - Non Official Channel
Views: 193,254
Rating: 4.818903 out of 5
Keywords: Dan, Dan Mohler, Jesus, Holy Spirit, Religion, Christianity, Batism, Baptism in the Holy Spirit
Id: GszUXzta5M0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 47sec (2927 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 13 2016
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