Dan Mohler - The Good Fight of Faith

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thanks for being here you guys having fun that have been here all through the day and stuff is this a good time yeah wasn't this time together with Rita and the team good that was this really really that last song building my my life on his love and it's gonna be my foundation what a song Wow well I'm trying to calm down cuz I'm pretty revved up I got a lot of stuff on my heart you said well don't calm down yeah I you don't understand it's like it's like four different things so you really can't go wrong tonight I could probably say a lot and we would be okay you just want to be right and he knows the room so I want you to go to Colossians chapter one isn't that funny that's nothing that was on my heart yeah hey it's good to have things on your heart but it's really good to believe you here in him amen so we've been talking a lot Todd and I are almost on the same page if you hear us talking it was funny to you guys thanks for bearing with me the last two sessions I felt like the first session I really had fun this morning with just I've always been seriously expressions cuz I see you guys and it just felt like some of you were like what but there's a perspective in the gospel that somehow has slipped away from us the intention of God in sending his son isn't talked about a lot and it's not really clear it's usually he forgave my sins so I can go to heaven and that's where we stop it's usually not so heaven can come into me transform my life get me out of the old and put me into the needle and I just have to live by what if it's by faith so your fight your fight in life I know we wrestle not against flesh and blood but powers and principalities and spiritual wickedness in high places I understand that Scripture but that just means there's a contention there there's adversity there's pressure coming on your life but your fight isn't even with the devil it's certainly not with people your fight is the good fight of faith your fight is believing who you are now that he's come and why you are who you are like why he's in you continuing in the call of why he's in you and why he sent his son and never losing sight of the truth of why you're here now that he came and why he lives inside of you that's the fight of faith so adversity we talked about this a lot I'm not gonna camp here long bear with me adversity circumstances trials once you agree have tended to change a lot of us over time and what we're going through seems to have a louder voice than what he has said through his son and all of a sudden our motive is just to get help from God in the moment instead of become more like him in the moment so we bear witness of him in that moment the reason people pray to not go through trials is because they're afraid of fire but when you honor the Lord and not the fire he's the fourth man that always shows up so when you go through the fire you can't even tell the person was in the fire when they go through it by faith come on an Old Covenant Old Testament story should Rekha there's three guys gonna get thrown into a fire they weren't even fazed by the thought they said Oh King what is your fire to us we don't even have a need to answer you in the matter the fire was certain death in the natural they said it ain't the point the fire isn't the point it's who we worship and who we bow to that's the point and we believe we're gonna stand before him some day we ain't bound to you you're not the Lord your image is not the Lord we're not bowing King that's what they were saying he got enraged and turned it up seven times hotter why because when the thing increases that's when we change you get prayed for for cancer it's easy to pray man we gather we oil we get the music's right we pin Jesus come we know the word we got so many scriptures we can pray you go back for your tests and the numbers a little higher that's when you find out what you believe it's Bible sometimes it just gets a little hotter does that change truth does that change your original stand does that change him does that change the finished work does that change the promises so were we gonna are we gonna define God through our lives are we gonna define our lives through him are we finding God as we go or did we already find him through his son or are we rooted and grounded in love or are we still trying to prove love through life come on guys how can you ever live by faith faith working through love and you're still trying to prove love through his life well if God loved me then how come why thought God loved me oh my goodness God do you ever hear people talk like that because of circumstances man where's God's love God's love is on the cross he said I love you die to yourself keep your eyes on me don't miss the point I want you to shine in every moment come hell or high water shine love not your own life unto death don't seek your own and seek ye first the kingdom of God shine that's what he's saying a little nervous I really feel ramped up buddy I don't know what's your good passion doesn't bother you you guys listen to Todd it can't bother you this thing is passionate he gave his life for this thing right but it's not like a heavy oh it's like whoa yeah look them boys them boys weren't phased they've got seven times hotter that didn't mean a thing to them cuz what they believed they believed you know why we pray for no fire cuz we're afraid it'll burn us the goal wasn't praying for no fire the goal is praying to know him more cos knowing him as eternal life and manifesting him in the midst of the fire so that when you come through it there's no smell of smoke but there's an increased revelation of him and passion and yay and what I believe is true in Jesus is that's what affects people I think sometimes we're just praying to get by and get through I'd rather come through shine in them boys weren't even thinking about the fire it what never about the fire when you read the story you know what fascinates me I think about it I've been talking about a little cuz nobody really has an answer for me but when you look in the Bible the Kings decree was so urgent that when they went down to the furnace the guards that took the boys down there what happened to him when they opened the door the fire consumed the Kings own men and I'm going so how'd they get in there the guys that were gonna put them in got fried so how'd Cedric Meshach and Abednego even get in the furnace I think Jesus came and booted them that's what I think I think an angel came and said oh this is gonna be so fun because there wasn't nobody to put him in they got toasted cuz they weren't incoming that they weren't believing they were trying to kill these boys in the fire killed them that's not cool how'd they get in the furnace Jesus I guess he believes he's Lord over the fire it's probably why he didn't put the fire out why would you put the fire out and give the honor to the fire why would you teach us that the fire needs to be honored and put out when his boys just need to be in the middle of it unfazed untouched and unscathed that's greater honored to what they believe it was never about the fire going out is about what you believe see this is why you gotta love not your own life unto death because if you don't understand it you're freaked out by the fire and you're bowing to the image you're created for his image and you're bowing to this image that's perverted that sounds backwards you're made for image and bowing to image to preserve life whoa This Old Testament story they didn't even have the understanding we have they didn't have the blood and they didn't have the cross and they didn't have the baptism of Holy Spirit but they had the integrity of faith and said we know that that thing you built 90 feet tall is not the Lord we are not bowing to it Daniels the same way he could have closed his doors and he could have prayed in a closet the man put himself in the lion's den because he left the block he left the thing open every day and did the same thing he did every day when the decree came out he just opened up and he worshiped God every day they said hey Daniels not honoring your decree King Darius he's violating he's violator Daniel put himself in the lion's den I guess he just wasn't afraid of the Lions he rather worship his God that just astounds me so here we are today fight the good fight why is it a good fight you win I don't know about you but I grew up in York City when you're in the city there's kids everywhere you got kids on every block you got banty roosters you got hot shots you got bullies you got wimps and you're somewhere trying to fit in all that when you're growing up y'all and you get in fights in the city there ain't no way around it even if you're not a fighter you probably end up in one or you just won't fight back and everybody has a big brother whether they have one or not like now I got a big brother but my brother was 14 months older but I could beat him up so I couldn't use my brother but you couldn't be down the park you know and I couldn't say well I'm gonna get my brother and they're like okay so what no you would have to play people you'd be like dude you just don't even mess with man you don't know what you're getting into I'm gonna get my brother you ain't got no brother I got a brother man he's two years old me he will tear you up do you touch me he's on you and you could play him just enough to get away everybody had a big brother but when you did get in a fight though the reason it was a good fight man I remember one day my eye I couldn't even see out of it my lip when I talked I sounded funny cuz it was up over my other lip and it was like hangman what you doing man never like dude what happened to you I said man we were fighting man you got torque tore up dude you should see him man but your eyes messed up and you lived yeah but him both his eyes is messed up he can't even talk and I'm sure a tooth is missing on the left side I rocked his world man what it was a good fight cuz he looked worse than me so I didn't even feel what I looked like cuz I felt like it was a good fighter so I believed I won why is it a good fight cuz when you keep your eyes on him and don't move and don't waver from the faith you win it's amazing and I don't know if we understand the testimony we bring to the hearts of men when we live unmoved unshaken unchanged the beauty of your co-workers realizing after the fact something you pass through and having no idea you even pass through it that shakes people because most people wear their circumstances on their sleeve in their face and most people become a product of what they're going through instead of a product when he went through and they carry what they're going through out here and everybody around you knows you're going through that because it shows in your countenance it shows in your courage mint it shows in your zeal whether it's lacking or whether it's full so people tend to believe people tend to believe that we're Christians for our sake and that we use God as a crutch to get through life people believe that but it's not the truth he lives in us and we're called to shine hearing and we fight the good fight of faith the model says in 1st Peter chapter 1 verse chapter 5 I mean it says 1st Peter chapter 5 it says the devil he's roaming around like a roaring lion he's seeking whom he's seeking whom he may devour he's looking for weakness varner ability he loves complaining complaining is a dead giveaway when you complain you reveal it's all about you and you're not satisfied makes you an easy target Paul said don't you complain like they did in the wilderness you need to learn from this and be unmanaged and not follow their example I write these things she was in a not admonishment it's 1st Corinthians 10 so you don't follow their example don't you complain like they complained in the wilderness and got destroyed by the destroyer devoured by the one who devours complainings the dead giveaway that it's all about you and you're not satisfied the enemy just eats complaining alive he's seeking and he's roaming around like a roaring lion seeking who can devour and then when adversity comes you're praying against it and he keeps coming because the complaining and the motive behind complaining hasn't changed so more adversity comes you get confused and say man I'm prey and why isn't God stopping this and you don't realize you the very runway for it to happen so he ain't letting anything happen your position for it by the what you don't understand or what you haven't changed in your life are you with me come on don't get heavy on that just trying to help I've heard too many Christians complain it's a giveaway we don't totally understand the gospel the Bible says you don't ever complain why because it's never again about you it's always about him you seek you first the so where's complaining in that motive Philippians chapter 2 says do all things without grumbling and complaining how many things all things without grumbling and complaining why so you can shine as a light in the midst of a shine as a innocent harmless innocent person in the midst of a twisted and perverse generation who's living for themselves you've died to yourself they're living for themselves so you're seen as a harmless innocent child in the midst of a twisted generation whom you shining forth as a light or holding forth the word of life by simply not complaining and grumbling some of you say that's supernatural no it's surrender do all things how many without grumbling and complaining so you can be seen Philippians 2 as innocent it's right on the heels of he made him name above every name and that at the mention of his name every knee in every tongue would bow and confess heaven earth under the earth that Jesus is Lord it's just there for you work out your own salvation with fear and trembling for it's God who works in you both to will and do for his good pleasure therefore do all things without grumbling and cleani isn't it amazing he exhausts Jesus to the highest place that can ever be and right on the heels of that he says you therefore and makes us one isn't it amazing he raised us from the dead in Matthew 28 and says I don't believe he said hey guys all authority in heaven and earth been given to me he just comes from the realm of the Dead Holy Ghost goes in and lights the place up there's no thing they can do about it ah he takes Jesus according to the spirit of holiness because his blood was innocent and death had no dominion over him no one took his life he freely gave it he had to be made to be sin to even be able to die because according to the law of righteousness death had no dominion over him he was as if Adam was before the tree in the garden the day you eat the trees the day you surely die Jesus had to get tacked to the tree and be made to be sin so he could die did you ever think how you could beat a man till he can't even be recognized and he's still alive marred more than any of the sons of men it's in your Bible Isaiah 52 when they were done beating Jesus he was in worse condition than any man ever was at the hands of men Bible beat him beyond description and he's quoting scripture coherent John your mother mother your son and you can't tell it's Jesus and the Pharisees are going even now he quotes the scripture when it was all over the guard said surely this was the son of God why he's hanging there and you can't even tell who it is and he can't die why Romans five Adam sinned and death entered the earth and because all man sinned all men die guess who never sinned guess who couldn't die mmm-hmm it was until he was put on the cross on the cross God did not curse his son he didn't curse his son he made his son to be sin and he cursed sin in the flesh so sin shall have no dominion over us for the law of the spirit of life in Christ has made me free from the law of sin and death make your hair stand up if you believe it see the war between God and man is supposed to be over it's not your fight against sin it's the fight of faith believing you're free believe in your clean believing you don't have to be the person you were to lived apart from him believing yesterday has no bearing on today because today today is the day of salvation now is the time it's a new day and all things are new so you got to start where he finished or you'll never run well so looking back is out of bounds that's Lot's wife you're his bride don't look back and get stuck from where you were delivered and where you're heading don't be a pillar of salt frozen between deliverance and destiny look up from whence comes your help and make it to the promised land hmm fight the good fight of faith yeah your fight is believing who you've become now that he came living in righteousness keeping your face unveiled following your convictions never letting it convert into condemnation because you sit on it and violate your conscience and go against the grain of truth no no no no as soon as you see something you go what BAM whoof BAM you run to him you run to him you say man thank you for the truth that's working in me two months ago I had done that and when they even blinked and now I see it's not Who I am in you it's not who you are in me it's not about failing it's about becoming you run to him see I'm not preaching away to sin and get away with it I'm preaching away to be free you run to him you let grace take you to where as possible let's stop weighing ourselves by ourselves and saying we're following him let's make sure we're not tricked into following each other and living as high as each others experience if he said follow me I want to go where he paid for I want to go where grace can take us it's like a Star Trek movie in the spirit going where no man has gone before [Applause] don't you limit yourself in righteousness don't you limit yourself in holiness you can live wholly without trying to be holy trying to be holy is why you won't live holy but when you understand you're right in the sight of God holiness righteousness produces its fruit to holiness remember yesterday everything has children discouragement births things truth births things it doesn't matter whether it's disobedience obedience they both birth things it could be sin leading to death or it could be righteousness leading to obedience but everything has children so every day you wake up every day you wake up better yet every night you go to bed make sure your face is unveiled make sure you never jump in your bed and just make love to your pillow and say oh I'm so glad this day is over Oh God I hardly oh god baby people I don't even want to get up why you don't want a face but what you barely made it through we call it depression I call it wrong perspective you go to bed thankful don't you go to bed and not lift your hands to him once we crawl in bed and not lift your hands him you're in fellowship with him you when driving a car with a friend and not talk to him why do we do it with God all the time we listen to songs that are singing about him and don't even talk to him we were a t-shirt that's proclaiming him in a bumper sticker that bears witness of him and we have a Christian ringtone and screensaver and never even commune with him sometimes drive 50 miles in your car and listen to a song about him the whole time or listen to a sermon being preached about him and never actually talked to him personally that's a problem because you'll never get to know him that way you'll know all about him and then when you know about him will convict your life and then your convictions will turn into slowly condemnation because your way your life based on what you know and it won't look like what you know and you'll condemn yourself so you'll judge yourself by yourself and then you'll hear stuff like this in your head well if I didn't get it by now I'm probably never going to get it well I had every opportunity and here's my life still the same I guess maybe I'm not even saved I guess maybe I'm not sincere maybe I'm just not pure maybe and the whole time you care inside which means you're alive come on I'm talking to people in this room right now you've been through that cycle in this room and your hearts crying out inside that's a sign you're alive inside you're being deceived you cry yourself to sleep that's a good sign in the sense that you're alive inside your hearts not as far away as you think your understandings just faraway you're just an understanding away from transformation because the blood is speaking better things and why you were yet a sinner God sent his son he's not sitting there with his brow raising his head half-turned where sins abounding grace is coming greater why to deliver you and show you who you are time to fight the good fight of faith it's time to go to bed every night and lift your hands when nobody's looking even if you're married slide in a bathroom and do it alone and then go with your spouse and do it together yeah you jump right in the sack man you say hey girl come here yeah she's used to you come here boy wouldn't she be amazed if you say come here girl lift your hands with me I want to worship God [Applause] she say I want to thank God say I want to thank God right now for our lives for the victory through the cross I want to begin to grow in the spirit with you girl I want to begin to love you like he does she be like okay I can't believe I'm gonna be this graphic cuz it's already here and I know I gotta say it so I miss God if I don't but I'm being real per my wife is gonna freak out man don't add oh don't don't oh it's just I hope she never sees this when I got a revelation this when I first got saved we would we would put the kids to bed and run to the living room because we knew he'd be there waiting for us we would run to the living room and run into him I'm not joking and he was there excited because he knew we were coming we would run right into him together as one can we'd be like we're here we know about wives so sensitive she said sometimes I would just have fun I said Lord just but she just be like she was just like I'm not kidding I'm not kidding when I got saved I just walked through the house father I just thank you my life my five-year-old he just go again and I'd just be walking and actually father a thing you know I'm not five years old in the carpet out cold but the third day in he's over at his toy box haria shut up about kasundi arabica turn on Omaha Jordie at Ibaka cinema hockey on Omaha sector five years old my wife and I I can't believe the back of my heart I tried to get out of it I tried to divert to my son we would worship we would pray and God began to show us the things that were available in the spirit God would because we were living outside ourselves we it wasn't about us we weren't Christians for us we learned something we weren't just looking for the blessing we were so blessed to be free from ourselves free from self-consciousness free from all the stuff we hardly ever made it through like life has changed now it's a whole different reason for and God would show us people and faces and things and give us insight we'd make phone calls and intercede and pray night after night after night and and and we would hold each other and pray and the Spirit of God would ravage us and we were we were just new and we were like this is amazing and then and then she would end up on the floor three times maybe she'd be just and and then every once in a while she would say honey I'd say yeah she'd hold up her hands and say carry me upstairs and just left me like he loves me and I would just carob stirs and cry because before I would lust my life and I would act out fantasies with my wife and I could be angry and function with my wife but now it's all changed it was such a holy pure amazing that my wife would open herself up to total loving God and his presence is the Hupa were under it he's just and she would say carry me upstairs and love me and I would be like carry upstairs and I would just layer in that room and worship God and talk to him and look at her eyes and pray over her and talk to God you put such loving me there's no way I could express it as a man would you help us we don't take off the spirit to put on the flesh we put off the flesh to put on the spirit would you help me love this woman like you put it in my heart and we would have supernatural union like it was from the beginning and all the sudden I realized why that arena in our lives is so perverted because you don't counterfeit $1 bills you go after the things that are worth much there in one arena in your in my life that's been more perverted in sexuality there ain't nothing more exploited than sensual sexual stuff why to keep man driven sensually so he can never live by the spirit in the arena that's waiting the Bible says don't let the marriage bed be defiled it doesn't just mean don't bring your neighbor's wife of course it means that but it means don't bring the flesh into it because when do you put off the spirit to live in the flesh when is it all about you we incident watch this one hey honey hey honey kids are in bed early yeah yeah I know it's just been a long day it's been three days girl and she finally gives in and all it is is an obligatory yeah I'll flow with you I wonder if you turn that moment into this and you've received some fulfillment that's way beyond what you ever had together apart from you Oh what am i doing right now [Applause] I'll tell you what's so healthy about what I'm saying because when you look at the direction that used to bind all of us and has still bound some of us and you see it for what it really is you will marvel and wonder why it ever drew your eye and why you ever gave time there when you see it for what it is you let light come on this thing and you let truth be revealed and the luster that was there isn't luster at all and all of a sudden you see things for what it really is and your heart is so shifted and now you grieve where you used to fantasize the last I read my Bible I'm a new creation old things passed oh I bet that's not just the sins I committed that's the way I thought the way I felt the way I was motivated and the way I believed it's all changed my wife looked at me one night in the bed Lane we were just laying we was cuddling in one section we were just cuddling and talking and she said you know what I feel like if something happened to me in like for some reason I could never just never come together with you like a man comes together with a woman you wouldn't even blink you'd be like totally okay and yet I know you so loved me I said honey I wouldn't even blink I love you it was the safest place she's ever been because love usually involves what I can get from you and how you do me right and yeah I remember ministering to prostitute one night and pouring my heart out to her and long story I won't get into it she ended up in my truck because I was trying to find a lady and that would have freaked Christians out right if they just saw that I didn't think about it till the morning in the morning I went that would have been a good one Pastor Dan local pastor it was his truck man a God thought I finally found somebody since the real deal and yet I saw that woman get in his truck on Penn Street and it ain't good and then by morning they already called eight people crying keep it in prayer don't tell anybody I asked her to get in my truck to help me find the lady cuz she said she knew where she was I said well then you got to take me to her I didn't know any other way I was in the passion of love and the moment it was the spirit we set up general rules but love just violates them all when it's sincere love the Bible says yeah but avoid the appearance of evil do you know why you avoid the appearance of evil because if it's only the appearance of evil and it's not evil why do you have to avoid it cuz men think evil God is so humble that he tells us to avoid the appearance of evil so you don't stumble people that aren't walking in truth so watch this love thinks no evil so every time you think evil it's an indictment against yourself that you're not perfected in love so we have to avoid the appearance of evil because people aren't perfected in love and think evil so I can't even just put a girl in my truck to go find another girl and it's a totally laid down surrender thing and it's totally pure she has no power over me there ain't one possibility of anything happening except her getting born again there is he is zero threat to me zero zero yeah did you hear that's raging in me you need to believe something she zero threat to me I feel mad inside and I don't like that let's stop believing that we always got to be this way she is zero threat to me I was so busy loving on her she couldn't handle it she freaked out in my truck why do you care she's in a dark alley she asked me to drop her off in a dark alley so nobody'd see her get on my truck cuz she ratted on the girl and thought she'd gets sold out and it would all come down or it's street stuff so she said take me an alley that's where the guys take her they know lights back there not one bit afraid of the alley and if you think I shouldn't have went back there you ought to talk to Jesus about that because here's the raw truth that girl has never been loved in her life the only reason anyone has ever paid attention to her from the male figure side is because they what they could get from her because of her body parts because of convenience because of a quick easy cuz of a little oral sex thing for 20 bucks if she could stay high and keep on moving that's all she knows she is so hardened and so desensitized and so believed in a lie cuz she's in the thick of it and the only reason a man wants to be with her is because she can satisfy and gratify his temporal desire that's gonna be raging soon anyway how's that for raw she ain't never been loved in her life and I'm loving her with the Spirit of God and she can't even take it she is wigging out in my truck freaking out shaking like okay I grabbed her and I embraced Russ and maybe how to tell you again I know who you are you keep saying you know me I know who you are there's a time to be born and here you sit in my truck it's the author and giver of life your life was seen before it was ever seen you were known before you were ever known blood was shed for you and his name's King Jesus he lives in me and I I said why are you doing this why do you live it I'm trying to support my babies I'm trying to support my babies honey you could work at mall-mart to do that you have an addiction every addictive behavior is attached to a broken esteem and a low identity every addictive behavior people don't see who they are so they live up to the low level in which they value themselves if you can teach people who they are watch this if you can teach people who they are their lives will change [Applause] yeah you guys good I hope so cuz I really feel good right now it would be a shame if at least some of you aren't okay be like what come on this is our calling this is our lives we got to get alone with him or eternal life is knowing him I'm not against praying the prayer I'm not being cynical that's not eternal life eternal life is knowing him watch this first John 4:7 beloved let us love one another why because God is love and everyone who loveth not some everyone who loveth is born of God and why because of the fruit of love because you can't love without knowing him because he's loved and you don't love first he first loved you yay and now that love that you receive becomes the love that you are the goal the gospel isn't being loved by God the goal of the gospel was becoming the love of God it fulfills all the law love one another yeah it doesn't say be loved by one another we're so busy God loves you God loves you and I love you and everybody so needs to believe they're lovable they're yeah good love me who love me yeah love me yeah love me oh you love me oh not me just that's not the goal of your life the goal of your life is to become the love of God and be the body of Christ beloved let us love one another why because God is love in everyone not some everyone who born of God in he who loveth not knoweth not God doesn't say you don't speak at a conference don't say you don't pastor doesn't say you don't go on a mission trip now and then doesn't say you don't give food to the poor it does say if you don't love there's one reason not to if you don't love if you take an account of suffered wrongs if you have issues if you're loaded down with self-centered stuff there's one reason not to one this is Bible not my preaching Bible one reason you don't know him like you could if you don't love you don't know him says if he loved us this way shouldn't we love one another and he goes on and keeps talking and then he says in 17 love is perfected in this that we all have boldness in the Day of Judgment well I don't know when you read scriptures today of darkness and gloom and then are freaking out they're actually crying out for rocks and trees to kill them so they don't have to face the glory of his presence the Bible calls it a day of darkness and gloom oh it's a scary day that's what the Bible says but to those that become loved it says we have boldness in that day why watch watch well cuz I know I'm born again in his spirits in me I get that sounds good cuz he's your seal for that day but where's the boldness come from on that day where you're not freaked out and swallowed up with the uncertainty in the fear you know where there's so much talk about end times you know why in fact in the 90s and the 70s 80s and 90s there were so many conferences on end times people are still out there with our vaults their food their rice they're waiting for the big boom and the whole time if not not careful they're missing everyday purpose missing everyday purpose and not sowing seed they're holding on to seed they have good intention well we just want to have enough for when everybody and they'll come to us and God will use it as a well why don't you just evangelize now why are you waiting to the world's desolate it's desolate now and loss of identity and sins why just walk in love and walk in the light as he's in the light why are you waiting for a big boom while waiting for a nuclear tragedy we've just gotten into this stuff because of fear and uncertainty my Bible teaches that you can have boldness not fear and uncertainty there's there's pre-trib mid-trib post-trib there's camps they fight they hold conferences they come back to the ology do you know I'm telling the truth and it's all about revelations and it I don't ever even preach about revelations I read it I have my own understanding I just don't get caught up in all that thing because here's what I know won't happen on that day he comes all the angels and saints with him and we were all going wherever he's going and people yelling through the clouds I told you that ain't happening so you probably shouldn't get so caught up right now with all that because here's what my Bible says in your Bible you have boldness you have boldness in that day you have boldness in the day of judgment why because as he is the whole chapter he is love he is love he is love he is love doesn't say does love he is love as he is so are the ones that are bold in that day so are we in this world so if love doesn't seek its own no wonder we have to learn to what it means to deny ourself and not be a Christian for our sake but his great name he sent in Ezekiel it's a sad story I used to cry a lot when I'd read it and pray and that intercession would come on me in and repentance and it was a very real season in my life I'd read it and he said you know my people went out from among me and they went into nations all over and everywhere they went they profaned by name what he's saying is they misrepresented who they are and why they're here and why they're my people do you know why the the Israelites were the chosen people the first fruit the holy lump it's because God chose out of people so that the nations of the world would know his great name through them it's a type and shadow of the body of Christ that's coming through the blood by the spirit yeah but no matter what nation they went to he said he said in Ezekiel they profaned my name everywhere they went he said so I'll tell you what I'm gonna do I'm gonna pull them all back together I'm gonna put a new spirit in them I'm gonna take out that old heart of stone I'm gonna put in a heart of flesh and I'm not gonna do it for their sake I'm gonna do it for my great meal you know what I learned from the Lord when you see him for who he really is it automatically brings the best out in you when you're not sure who he is you're not sure you can't even be intimate with him when you don't see him clear you know what that's trouble nothing's reproduced unless to come together if you serve Him from a distance you'll never bear the fruit of who he is you'll never get pregnant you'll never have children in him and I'm not talking flesh that's why the whole push against men's consciences and souls and guilty well I just feel bad well I just feel bad well I just forgot well God while you were yet a sinner sinner son we might making light of sin we're making much of redemption in righteousness we're not making light of sin we're making much of him and how he sees us through the blood right why so you can get the veil off of you in Christ the veils removed why so you can be a bride some of you it would just be who've you to get alone in a bedroom shut the door take communion elements just act it out if you have to for a contact point of faith because that's communion elements and you just just you ladies could do this easy right I would challenge you guys to do this oh man oh and you take the bread you take the cob and you're unveiled and don't ever put it back over you're giving your to hit your his what's the daddy doing wedding day tradition it comes from tradition though the bride is under the covering of daddy she's under daddys Authority now it doesn't work that way today even in the church most of them have already honestly slept together I'm not being mean I'm being real but culture tradition especially Jewish heritage is amazing daddy priest says preacher says who gives this bride in marriage daddy says I do why he's saying she's been under my authority I've been keeping her today I'm giving her to this man she's coming out from under daddy and to are gonna become one at the end of the ceremony after the exchange of vows the pastor the priest says you may now what's he implying you haven't kissed her yet she's been veiled you know what we do mamas do this did he kiss you did you kiss we're singing songs about kissing at sixteen emotionally-driven essentially driven heart-pounding young oh he likes me oh she likes me okay first date first yes I don't know emotions are raging for relationships later and tons of memories you're still going at it looking for the right one not cool but you're not condemned let's just grow up into him in all things let's stop living the same way that's produced no life precepts you may now kiss the bride what's he implying she's been under the covering of daddy since he's not kissed her yet now he can kiss her because they're won and he's given his life to her in faith and vows and promises why kiss before that you might be kissing somebody else's spouse why sleep with them you might be sleeping with somebody else's spouse you're 16 you're not even close to thinking to getting married and you're fondling and spooning and touching and groping why it's somebody else's spouse probably man where am I at right now what do we do you know I'm so confident when I speak because I understand cuz I lived that way and I'm changed and I live with me you don't live you just see me on the weekend or discovering you're like really I live with me and I like it a lot I'm gonna go to bed with me tonight it's gonna be so amazing I'm gonna wake up it's gonna be me I'm gonna look at the mirror guess who I'm gonna see in me I'm gonna look in the mirror one occasion he's gonna be in there gonna I just probably so I promise you 23 years it's like oh man time to get up man you sleep good I don't I don't even know I got I'm sorry I'm not being judgmental foot I don't even want to understand you keep your conscience clear keep your heart in here man even if the devil wakes you up at night you ought to rejoice sit up and dead and smile and freak the devil out and say Lord I so appreciate you waking me up man what an honor that it's 2:30 that you would come in secret at 2:30 and wake me up to pray out your kingdom and the devil's gone no no no and you're like [Music] [Applause] it's the devil's waking you up you do that two or three times he ain't coming in your room you intercede and you feel sleepy taking an extra half hour if you can pray in tongues go for it if you're tired char Ibaka shunned Abba Ellen imma just torture the devil ha ha ha hey devil then he runs back to the devil hisses boss boss I went into the room I did exactly what you said and they worship God you fool you didn't tell him what I said you didn't wake him up like I told you and put those thoughts I told you in their head I just boss I promise I thought you fool there's no way you did that cuz when you do that to Christians they get grayed out depressed and call people for prayer not just Christian I think they're actually a believer but I think I think they're actually a Christian for God [Applause] [Music] come on we can live this way fight the good fight of faith yeah yeah [Applause] you know what's happening right now you know why you guys are freaking out and celebrating let me actually tell you cuz there's so much simplicity in this but so much freedom and you can hear that it's an answer we aren't people loaded down with 25 problems we have one crazy amazing good answer yeah Christ in me so you wake up in the morning and you get a flashback from a year ago ever happened to anybody you're just you're just feeling like you're actually doing good and all of a sudden the thing that defiles your life six months ago you just replay it through your head like a video ever happen to anybody anybody ever just striving to work feeling good about God and all the sudden little thoughts come about unworthy and your life's not really changed and what's it really matter and who really cares if you're saved and stuff like that who's ever had that see the last thing you need when that happens is prayer you need truth because you internalize it and you think it's you but it bothers your heart and that proves it's not you it's a strategy from Hell to get you distracted and make you believe you're something you're not to keep you where you used to be to get you condemned again to get you feeling dirty again to get you to feel like oh man I'm easy I'm loose I slept around I'm used goods are you kidding me you were born again you are not the person you were two years ago watch this watch this if you could go back and change some things would you well then you ain't the person we're even talking about you can never go back and change where you been you can't rewrite one page of your past but who you are can change and when who you are changes God will never see you for where you've been he will see you for who you've become so you ought to call it get and when the memory and when the flashback and when the impression comes you ought to lift your hands high unless you're driving and have faith and you ought to say Lord God I appreciate the change in my life i apprec-- the way you love me I thank you that my life is worth the blood of Jesus and you live in me big time I thank you for the gospel that soar beats a man going through a tough time can you pray with me because when you do that all you're asking to do is feel better instead of believe better and that's why you never feel better and always need prayer that's not what prayers for prayers to believe for lives to change and people to come into the kingdom and authorities and leaders not to change your feelings yeah oh I'm preaching the gospel I hope you're hearing it you get a little memory a little flashback you remember doing what you said you know you'd never do and you start feeling grayed out don't you feel great out you lift your heart and if that things see that things coming to break you but it's running a big risk of making you if you're a believer and that thing that's trying to steal you away can establish you if you hold on to truth and all the sudden a month later you can have a greater revelation to God's love because of the lie oh that memory comes that thing replays like a video and you lift your heart to God while you're driving to work and you say father oh thank you you've changed my life forever I'll thank you God you purify me and you've done a work from the inside out father you've made me brand new and clean and pure you have changed me through and through I'm so honored that you live in me I'm so excited for today that little thing that's flashing back is going wet where'd you get that out of this why because the weapons of your warfare they're not carnal even though you're walking in the human body your weapons aren't carnal they're mighty in God for the breaking down of strongholds everything that rises above the knowledge of God every thought captive you're bringing it into obedience according to Christ it's the truth that makes you free not ministry truth yeah man you know what excites me I can tell my heart you guys are really actually really getting this I can feel you see I can tell you two stories of my own I was never bound to pornography I was never addicted pornography it was just in my life at times it was available at work everyone so I'd stop I'd check it out I'd view it I only ever probably saw to pornography videos in my whole life but I saw him so they got seated into me when I was 11 I was walking down a railroad tracks on the Sunday and the Brickyard was closed and the train yard was shut down but there was a rolled-up magazine on the tracks and I picked it up and there was a lady and a man and it was a graphic porn magazine and I was 11 and I remember just sitting on the dock gun and just reading and oh my goodness have probably sat there for an hour and a half I was just mesmerized and all of a sudden I had a teacher in my life and when I got saved I got saved first thing that came to my mind was my definition of manhood I remember the morning I got saved I cried in my bedroom and said Jesus you couldn't have made me this way it's at the expense of another it cost somebody I said I don't believe it love's not in that I said this out loud don't get offended I said there ain't no way Adam was walking through the garden with an erection and said what am I supposed to do with this and you said I'll take care of it there ain't no way there's a one woman on the earth that has the job description of meeting my desire this thing is perverted and you've got to change me and I fell on my knees and cried and he changed me I shared it with three pastors and they said stop leave me alone I enjoy my sex life I said I ain't talking about your sex life I'm talking about him and they didn't even want to hear the story because their wives were working it to their desire couldn t pastors couldn't even hear the revelation as hey we're cool things are good I was in a service one day there's a school of ministry I'm supposed to teach and train on the gifts especially word of knowledge that was my assignment from the ministry that asked me to teach I said okay I'm I'm in the service I got a mic in my hand the service is amazing the worship gets so ridiculous that we lose all the musicians and you look around and they're all just they're just they're just in positions and you got this one keyboardist it always ends up this way and somehow they're touching these high keys and it sounds like rain and every time it goes ding it goes who do you know it's just god it's crazy and that's what it was like right now I'm standing I'm the speed I'm the teacher I'm like oh this is amazing man I'm gonna just transition in here god this is awesome and I'm ready to transition I'm the speaker I got a mic in my hand it was a handheld I wasn't cool about that but I got over it I don't like handhelds but I remember it was a handheld it still kind of marks me a little all that blood Jesus shed to get me free and you give me a handheld so then I'm preaching like this and the sound and wow this is perfect this is even better I'm standing there and graphic graphic like I watched it yesterday one of the videos from 12 years before right then in the presence of God in the heat of worship see it's on purpose because we say well nothing can come through the presence of God and the devil ain't so this must be in my heart that's what we think this video comes through my head I'm the preacher man I'm supposed to teach in a minute and I got a crazy video that the last thing I want to see is the video it's not it's the last thing on my mind people I've been in fellowship with God man Spirit of God living in me I'm seeing things all the time in my life you think I'm gonna let a video run through my head that violates my heart and sell out and say it's me and need prayer well brother you weren't all the way delivered probably knock round at the person that said it but I am ground at what they said her don't mess with me with that stuff so guess what happened who's the minister who's the preacher who's a pastor raise your hand let me see it snow trapper trick I just went out cuz I'm talking to you right now you ever been in that moment where you have a microphone and you're afraid to talk cuz it's so amazing that you you gotta find the time to talk that it if you would just talk it could be out of order you gotta know when to talk cuz it's it's an atmosphere it's God do you ever been in any of that anybody knows what I'm talking about well I promise you that was this atmosphere and it was holy and amazing and I got this video running through my head from 12 years before so you just don't want to do that to me cuz I'm a believer and I'm kind of surprised that he went that route cuz I'm just surprised but he's driven steel he goes and looks for an opportune time maybe this will catch him off-guard cuz it's a holy moment and he'll think too much and get analytical and get condemned and cry to the altar and repent for something he's not maybe he'll think because he thought it it's him maybe hear the preacher say well if your thoughts were put on the big screen how would well not all your thoughts are coming from your heart some of our recollection some of her demonic some of them are suggestions some of her strategies don't preach that stuff guess would happen the atmosphere is so holy and ridiculous you're afraid to talk and guess what I did father I thank you a little louder than that father I thank you that you've transformed my life that you put the holiness of who you are inside of me the God I'm a changed man and a brand new man and god I love you because I see your first love and I went absolutely ballistic and obliterated the image of that video with the truth of God's Word just ah and the people they love me they respect me they know me and they're going took a while but it was funny what happened I remembered afterward what happened they were like well it scared them it's holy people like the keyboardist and all the sudden father I thank you right yeah and people people started going lord i thank you for your love thank you for your righteousness god I thank you I'm a new creation people starting to shout out and commune with God and the whole atmosphere went boom oh because this sneaky little little slimy fallen thing crept in and tried to take over so guess what happened we were just raging and I looked at a lady about right where you're sitting ma'am the second one in that row right there I said ma'am you have something growing on the side of your ankle on your right side of your ankle it's like a growth assist she goes I said check it because it's not there sir in the middle of your back BAM Wow boom watch I don't even know if that would have happened if it wasn't for the video Bam Bam and you think you have a problem you have sir you have an answer you have an answer yeah oh my goodness I gotta stop I gotta stop sit down and behave sit down and behave [Applause] [Laughter] [Applause] here's what we need to do we'll do this clean and then I'll release you guys to pray for each other I do this all the time I'm gonna let you guys get involved with me okay I'm not calling you all up here but I see where we're at we got to go this way I preach one Redemption all the time it means brought back to original value bought back to original value God wants to bring you through the blood to Adam before the tree that's why Jesus raised from the dead in John 20 and breathed on his disciples because he just went to the Father and put his blood on the mercy seat so now the blood is speaking better things and there's mercy towards man and he just was the Lamb that took a way the sin of the world so when he came into the room that evening he said don't cling to me Mary I didn't ascend yet I have to send to my father he's my father he's your father he's my God he's your God go tell my brother and not my two-faced lowlife traitor go tell my brother and what's he saying I haven't changed my mind about any of those guys I got to go to the Father I'll be back tell him I'm coming what was he doing Hebrews 9 he was going to take his own blood into the mercy seat and be a high priest between God and men so he put his blood on the mercy seat you know he did because Romans 5:1 you have peace with God through the Lord Jesus Christ he came and when he walked in the room there in fear fear the Jews he just walks in the room and says peace to you why his blood speaking now and they have peace with God so he announced it peace to you he showed him his hands he showed him his side and they were glad when they saw it was the Lord the very next thing he said peace to you it's a different peace than the first piece the first piece was the piece I made between you and God you have peace with God through the Lord Jesus Christ the second piece is when they realized it was him what happened in their soul immediately oh my gosh we betrayed him oh my gosh we sinned oh my gosh we didn't stay and oh my gosh we scattered would you agree come on they pull up a net full of fish and Peter falls on his knees and says depart from me I'm a sinful man what do you think happened now that Jesus is standing right in front of them and they all scattered when they realized it was him their souls went oops and Jesus is so amazing he said peace to you as the father sent me he said this to the guys that did do nothing right as the father sent me so I send you Genesis 1:26 let us make man in our and in verse 27 so God made man John chapter 20 as the father sent me sound like image so I send for God so so I said and then he and said receive Holy Spirit why because when Adam sinned that all died Jesus's blood speaking better things Genesis 1 all over again as if sin never and here we are still fighting sin instead of living the good fight of faith here's what I want to tell you and I'm trying to stop us should be done sorry guys am i okay can I do this quick you're good it's your conference man I need thumbs oh no stop no we'll just do this we'll do this here's what I learned in my life I get emails I get testimonies that just make me cry all the time I just got one late spring we did a baptism in a recovery house and the shores and beaches of Florida and the girl came up to me and says if I'm here and you're right you're telling me that God can take aids out of me I said honey he raised Jesus from the dead he briefed into dirt and a man stood up yes he can take aids out of you I said how did you get HIV she said prostitution and drug addiction I said are you a prostitute anymore or you're drug addict you know you born again yeah well then your new creation old things passed away behold all things become new so if you could go back and change your life and rewrite the pages would you yes of course a question hoping to get that answer so I'm not even talking to the girl that you're talking about I'm talking to somebody new so if mercy triumphs over judgment and God won't judge you for where you've been then why is where you been judging you maybe we need to tell it to leave she fell on me and started crying and I rocked her thank you for freedom God I didn't say father I thank you right now fire of God aid you come out father just thank you for your unstoppable love seeing a girl for who she's become and not where she spent where your son has been it's where you find her simple stuff like that guys thank you that was late October I see her in January she comes running to me with papers her last visit cuz she's on the HIV government list quarterly exams shares a paper undetectable [Applause] emails me and March January February March three undetectable three negatives in your wiped off the list yeah so guess what the email said in March completely gone why that's not who she is she's a new creation old things passed away behold all things well brother she made her bed yes consequences you got a no no he made your bed you probably ought to get in it there's nice clean sheets well I don't believe that I understand her sell a lot of unbelief in the body of Christ so I'm not even gonna try to combat that because there's no explanation good enough for unbelief but faith doesn't need one I'd rather live in faith it is miserable and wretched to live in unbelief the Bible calls it evil and wicked well I don't believe that well do you have documentation well I need to see her papers why you'll say how do you know that's her papers an unbelief is never satisfied because it's wretched and enmity to your created value total perversion unbelief total perversion how's that for straight I said that general with a smile so here's what we want to do tonight if you've been somewhere in the past and you made mistakes and it's cost you in your flesh if you got an STD if you've got hepatitis there's no way I could count the testimonies I've received of hepatitis completely gone out of people's bodies and incurable STDs and other STDs we've seen genital warts we've seen herpes we've seen everything disappear from bodies as if they've never sinned why because he's the Lamb of God who taketh away the sin he said in John 12 I didn't come to judge you but I came that you might be safe but you'll have my word that will judge you in that day so why not in this day receive the salvation of the Lord and then live towards his word and in that day have boldness because as he is so are we if you've hurt yourself if you've lost your memory your long-term memory your concentration through a binge I feel like this I feel there's a couple people that can relate to this you went out and you went a little farther than you've ever been you just did a little more than you've ever done and you know that was a marker to where you're not the same it's affected you physically it's affected you mentally tonight God is going to restore that in your life he's gonna clean out blood he's gonna change things if you've been a cutter you make sure you stand up because there's a new skin for you oh I'm not kidding we've seen it he's seen it I've seen it we've seen it I've watched the young girls standard orders and get completely new skin that were so marked they didn't even want to wear short sleeves I've seen at least a half a dozen suicidal attempts scars completely disappear off of people the first time I preached this we were in Worcester and remember the teens started freaking out back there and I said what's going on and they said he would they went to the mental ward to minister to him he got born again the reason he was there he was blind drunk or high and tried to kill himself and they rushed him and saved his life but he was all butchered up he's standing there listening to me preached this first time and a power in love that I preached it he's back in the back and they all started freaking out because they know him there then ministered to him and I stopped and said they ruined my great sermon they just and I said what's going on back there this guy this guy he stood up he's crying while I was talking he said man he's talking to me I don't like these scars I don't wish I could ever cut myself I know I could use it as a testimony but I don't want these scars he looked down they were all gone remember he stood up freaking out they were always all his friends were like [Music] he makes all things new now here's what you need to do you need to be humble and stand to your feet right where you are if you're carrying some mark from yesterday's mistake but it's not who you are and if you could go back and change what you did you would change it but you can't so why don't you live changed and stand up and say this by standing up that is not who I am and who I ever want to be stand to your feet watch this watch this don't anybody think twice about standing because it's nobody's business why you're standing everybody in this room has sinned and fallen short of the glory of God now watch this there's so many of us that should be marked that never got marked there's people that barely did anything and it tried to get them for keeps yeah so it's just not fair and there's no mercy out there but there's mercy in him stand to your feet quick I got about five six more people you need to pop up you're just thinking about others get up that's good good good yeah Wow that's about 12 or 15 that's good Annie job if this thing fits your life stand to your feet when you stand what you're saying is this is not who I am now I need you all that are standing to please look at me in sincerity please look at me I'm gonna ask you one question if you could go back and change some things you've done and change the decisions you've made and the actions you've done now that you know what you know and even as of this night if this is the first night you can be honest and say this if you could go back and rewrite that page would you would you well then guess what something shifting in you and you're not the person that wrote the page you're a brand new person in him are you with me [Applause] so begin to thank him right now that he loves you thank him personally right now you don't have to look at me anymore thank him that he loves you and that he totally forgives you if you're sitting around these people get up grab somebody grab their hand say hey I'm gonna stand with you right now I'm believing for total Redemption grab them hug them tell them you love them take heart if you stood up I'm telling you there's brand-new for you just say be redeemed be completely made whole be completely restored just say simple things like that over them don't look the prophesied don't pray long prayers right now the blood is enough the name of Jesus is plenty just thank God if you're being prayed for for his love and redemption just say be completely whole oh this is good watch this say as if you've never sinned through the blood of Jesus Christ spirit soul and body blameless til he comes that's for sessile audience five pray right now completely ho father I thank you all through this room complete wholeness not one mark not one stain clean sheets for everyone brand new blood brand new skin brand new bodies in the authority of Jesus name behold father I thank you not one STD can remain HIV you are no match for the blood of Jesus Christ hepatitis you will not stay in these people we command you to leave in the authority of Jesus name by the power of his blood and the power of his love his love is greater yayyyy wholeness in Jesus name now thank him that he's doing it and thank him that he loves you yeah yeah oh I got to pray this quick I'm gonna be specific I gotta be specific I'm hearing it everybody that it was a cutter scars you leave every bit of mutilation you leave the bodies man I was in a Mennonite Church and a young boy went through so much hell as a teenager he took a razor blade and mutilated his private area and he's in the service I called him out and spoke over him his wife said he's very young I spoke over him everybody knew him because it was a family Church they knew him from birth who's twenty years old married and they're ballin cuz it's like I knew him they said but God knows him he goes home with his wife he gets in the house I didn't even know him you today I didn't know none of that I just spoke a word over he gets home he gets alone he's changing he has zero mutilation on his body the next day the next day they came to church they're over along the wall they said pastor you got to come they're standing there like this I'm not joking I said what's going on guys they were so freaked out cuz the flesh that he took away was there the stars that he cut we're going huh well I don't believe you dad I'm sorry for you that makes me a liar and a very twisted man every scar you leave from everybody in this room father I thank you for clean arms clean stomachs clean thighs clean legs clean wrists scars you leave in Jesus name if you were a cutter thank God that he loves you thank God that he loves you thank God that he makes things new holy spirit come thank you I'm asking you we're asking you for brand new skin through the blood of Jesus Christ I know we could use it as a testimony but man Lord your goodness leads to repentance and boy would it bless us good to see what we earned be removed by your goodness because we're still running after you we can use it for a testimony but Lord thank you for removing that mark in Jesus name if you want to be bold and you want to be unashamed and you were a cutter why don't you look and inspect your body so why don't you check yourself if there's anybody that was a cutter getting the light gets somewhere if it was obvious just start looking tell me if where there were scars there's no scars let us know scars disappear all the time if you had scars and you don't see them anymore Chekhov tell me if they're going make sure you go like this if your scars disappeared if you're not ashamed if you can if it's in a discreet place don't do that check your bodies right now check your bodies for scarves check your bodies if you can if you can and you don't see scars would go like this I want to know who you I want to see what God is doing here it doesn't mean everybody can check scars are going scars are going look at her bawling just look at her cry oh hi Jesus yeah if you can check check honestly you might need to run to the men's room a ladies room and check because I'm telling you I'm feeling this thing God has given brand-new stuff check arms check legs who can check there's somebody else I'm seeing somebody else check your body if you can check show me if you're healed I need to know who you are go like this I know it's overwhelming I've seen people fall yeah we got you isn't that beautiful yeah I'd cry too girl right here yeah going Hey hey anybody else I'm unlisted anybody make sure I see you you is it going going you checked it's going that's awesome man yeah here's what I need you to do I'm really late [Applause] pair up with one person I'd say somebody you don't really know if your best buddies are on both sides go find somebody you don't know introduce yourself watch ask them how you can pray for them if they're sick if they're hurting if they can't see out of a knife they can hear I've been here don't get intimidated let's just learn to keep believing God here's what I'm convinced we're growing up into him we might not be seeing everything we're declaring but if we say on track we'll keep growing if we stop changing our mind every time we don't see what we're saying we'll get there if we stop changing our mind every time we don't see what we're saying we'll get there here's what else I know the more people we lay hands on the more things we'll see the number one reason Christians don't pray for the sick they're afraid nothing will happen and because they don't pray they already have what they fear get past yourself tonight you're at a power and love conference find somebody you don't know take time introduce yourself ask them how you can believe and pray for them be honest and tell them and then flip it and do it the other way and watch what God does in people would you do that tonight you don't need a speaker to pray for you you honestly don't we're trying to get a million miles away from that I don't even share testimonies and services anymore because of the way people people please don't just drive to my house and call it faith people knock I just had somebody knock on my door at 5:00 in the morning I got people doc on my door at 9:00 in the morning I got people saying I watched you on YouTube and Jesus said if I Drive to your house I'll be healed he didn't say that because I'm not preaching that I'm preaching you being with him and getting to know him some people have freaked my wife out because I'm not even home and they're just driving park and driving Park and driving parking it's not the Lord stop it you say well they throng Jesus that's because he was the only one he's trying to train us up he had 12 and then he put it 70 come on now we got a thousand yeah [Applause] father I thank you for what you do and lift your hands with me please father I thank you for what you're doing in our lives we are wide open and we're saying yes we understand the gospel we are not what we used to be you're what you created us to be and paid for us to be we're gonna learn this thing we're gonna grow in this thing and we're not looking back Holy Spirit I believe you're gonna help us you're gonna inspire us and you're gonna teach us and we are growing up into you in all things to the full measure of the stature of Christ and I thank you for it in Jesus name pair up love each other and let God move love you bye-bye
Channel: Todd White
Views: 94,360
Rating: 4.8931699 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 91min 9sec (5469 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 13 2019
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