Todd White - Hold The Line

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amen thank you thank you thank you thank you [Music] i don't know how he's going to do it but he spoke a scripture to me and i didn't even know where it was right before i came out and he said that's what you're going to speak on so this is probably going to be crazy i just want to let you know um i never want to say what he's not saying i'm learning to yield i've yielded over the years in the best way i knew how but since he like completely scraped the inside of my heart he took away all the things that i thought i knew how all the ways i thought i knew how so now i have a new way and it's completely terrifying i've never been afraid to speak it's the weirdest thing i mean that now i'm petrified i don't want to miss his heart i don't want to miss his heart for us i don't want to miss it he's a good father with the world in the state that it is it's imperative that we don't miss his heart it would be easy to take up the heartbeat of the world right now easy but that's not what god's asked us to do he's asked us to come out and be separate the danger of the christian with compromise in this day and in this age is so horrible because you think you've seen bad stuff happen you've seen nothing yet this isn't doom or gloom it's just the bible i mean we win but it doesn't say that things get brighter people have asked me why i haven't taken a strong stand on elections and political stuff because jesus is never going to lose the throne he's not he's not he's not i believe that there are lots of things that have been done in the wrong way during these elections that are going to come to light and it's not even about it's not even about who's right and who's wrong it's who lied and who didn't satan's the father of lies and if you partner with that you're living under his domain there's really no way out of that you either lie or you tell the truth you either you either live in darkness or you come into the light you're either for him or against him you either gather or you scatter jesus didn't make it complicated we've complicated it and we've allowed other things to infiltrate and to come into our heart that don't belong there just listening to the way that people speak will tell you what's in their heart someone can tell you that they love god all day long that they love the lord with everything in them that i love jesus but out of your mouth comes whether you do or whether you don't i don't know that we put such an urgency on words as the lord does but words to the lord are really important i mean he's called the word you guys okay all right ephesians 4 29 says let no corrupt word proceed from your mouth but that which is used for edification and encouragement that it might provide grace for them that hear you let no corrupt let no twisted perverse corrupt oh gosh if a word comes out of your mouth that wouldn't come out of jesus if a word comes out of your mouth it doesn't that wouldn't that you can't picture coming out of the lord's mouth and it doesn't convict you there's a problem in your heart if a word that comes forth from your heart that god gave you because he gave you a new heart now granted when when we get saved i mean hopefully prayerfully all the cussing and the dirty mouth and all that stuff leaves and i'm not necessarily even talking about that so much right now because when i got saved all the cussing all the swearing all the perverse joking and twisted stuff all that stuff left because god gave me a new heart and there was a trembling inside of me because god puts salvation in you through christ in you the hope of glory he put salvation in us even though salvation is something that we're going to enter into salvation comes in you for the sake and the purpose of cultivating relationship with god and allowing him to judge the thoughts and intents of your heart through his word and what he does is he cuts and sifts and prunes and trims and gets rid of those things that aren't necessary but if you fill your new heart with old stuff if i fill my new heart with cnn if i fill my new heart with all the stuff that's wrong then all of a sudden the fruit of my lips isn't what the lord wants a good tree can't bear bad fruit and a bad tree can't bear good fruit you are a good tree that should be have the inability to bear bad fruit are you with me a little okay the words that you speak even if corrective need to have grace on them so that it can provide grace for those that need it even in words of correction because i correct my kids all the time but if i can't correct them with grace there then i'm correcting them outside of the lord are you with me gosh hebrews 12 talks about the correction and disciplining of the lord he talks about the instruction of the lord it says that an earthly father disciplined us for the time that they were our father because they needed it but then god disciplines us too why because we're his kids it says if you're not disciplined or instructed by the lord you're not even a kid you're illegitimate and you don't belong to him are you with me so this is kind of a word that comes from instruction and discipline but the discipline isn't hard and it's not something that he's trying to browbeat us or smack us with the word he wants to fillet our hearts to cut us deep so that we can actually be free from the way that we used to think so we can think the way that he thinks are you with me all right let me just read oh please jesus help me in proverbs 18 verses 21 20 and 21 it says with the fruit of a man's mouth his stomach will be satisfied he will be satisfied with the product of his lips death and life are in the power of the tongue and those who love it will eat its fruit [Music] there's no way for you to love death you can only love life are you with me it's talking about the fruit of our lips i would like to tell you that when i was over there sitting the lord said that because of the way that people speak the fruit of their lips actually becomes it becomes food to other people that are around you [Music] now watch this if you're speaking outside of truth and outside of him and in a place of hopelessness despair anger bitterness resentment unforgiveness what you're doing what you're doing is you're producing fruit but it's fruit that becomes other people's food and that's actually food sacrificed to idols that's danger man [Music] like in the old testament it talked about food being sacrificed to idols and they had to stay away from it stay away from it don't even do it don't get near it this is like this is something you can't do and they would put food out they'd sacrifice it to a god to a god that wasn't real it was a god without eyes without ears and so what happens is is when you enter into that place you're actually walking out of covering in the lord in the old testament and they'd walk into no covering whatsoever and they'd be uncovered and all of a sudden all things all things would come in the body of christ is in a very dangerous place right now are you guys with me am i am i okay am i on track [Music] because i've never i've never heard this before in my life ever i mean i've heard the words that we speak how their life and death life and death is in the power of the tongue provide grace to those that hear you i know that and i know that god wants that change but if you never spend time in an intimate relationship with the one that created you so that he can re retrain re-teach this [Music] then what happens is the fruit of your lips becomes very dangerous god forbid you're in ministry and the words that you speak are death to those that hear you here here's death to those that hear you you being a pastor you being behind a pulpit you studying a message because you know what people want to hear and you telling them all the things that they want to hear and you making and creating a comfortable church that wants to stay comfortable what you do is you create a church that is called the church of laodicea and the church of laodicea was a comfortable church that had become completely lukewarm they were still a church but it didn't go over well with the lord because when i look at the church of laodicea in revelation 3 it's absolutely terrifying terrifying you've got john the beloved you've got this disciple that has lived his life full on for jesus this disciple who knew that he was the one that jesus loved like he knew it he's john the beloved the one that laid his head on the bosom of jesus at the table he's like totally excited to be next to you close to and to be all about the lord man and you've got this disciple who's gone through pretty hard times you've got disciples this disciple has now banned he's banished to the isle of patmos which is like this island that's set up just for prisoners the worst of the worst and see they wanted to kill john so they tried to kill john so they boiled him in oil but in that oil john lived he didn't die they brought him up out of there and he's not dead so they couldn't kill him which is absolutely terrifying to the enemy so they figure we're going to banish him to an island so that so that nobody will ever have to hear this man that we can't kill preach again but what happens when you put a man on an island with other prisoners that you can't kill so john's on this island and he has this visitation he has this amazing visitation from the lord this is this is what it looked like listen to this this is so beautiful you guys okay okay i feel better now oh god i know it's not about feelings but you have no idea my heart was terrified just a few minutes ago i want to do what pleases the father i want to live my life wholeheartedly as one that pleases him in everything that i say and everything that i do and colossians 3 17 says whatever you do whatever whether in your words or in your deeds do it all is unto the lord what would happen if our government closed down on church and on look we had coveted with shutdown gatherings and it was awful what happens if law comes because one day it will come where are you going to be then then it's absolutely uncomfortable and absolutely necessity that you know the lord we can't afford to play church we can't afford we can't afford to just come for a good message we can't afford we have to fully go after him we can't afford to just to just play man we played for long enough the enemy is playing harder he's toying with the church he's toying with the body of christ the body of christ has been so divided that this election actually showed now there's a lot of twistedness in it all it all come to light anyway but regardless i've talked to many christians that would say well i would vote this way and they'd vote for a murderer what would cause you inside to vote for somebody that wanted to kill babies what kind of heart what has caused your heart to become so numb towards that truth alone if i were to ask you right now if hitler were to be alive and run for office how many of you would vote for him i promise you that not one person alive would vote for hitler not one because the murder of jews and the reality of the catastrophe that this one leader had done is so horrific the gas chambers the pits the shooting of mass graves of jews laying inside their dead babies dead children dead why because he wanted to wipe the jews off the planet just like pharaoh it is the devil it is the devil's handiwork anybody that comes to steal kill and destroy is not godly there's nothing to do with god if i were to tell you to vote for hitler you would say absolutely not why because he's horrible and we know what he has done abortion has murdered way more babies than hitler murdered jews way more way more and we would say well you know what i'm tired of this one i want to vote for this one help me that part has broken my heart in a different way than ever before babies can't speak they don't have a voice but i promise you their blood's crying out right now i'm not faulting anybody that has had one see don't get it wrong no no no everybody has made mistakes everybody this isn't a guilt shame or condemnation i'm not faulting people that have had one it's absolutely not what i'm saying but i'm telling you take a stand rather than have laws in place to make them legal and more legal that a nine-month-old baby getting ready to come out of the womb they'll dismember and take its head off no one wants to hear that we'll cover our ears and we say la la la la la no one wants to hear this i probably will lose people today i don't care if i lose people today [Applause] [Applause] i'm not faulting you if you've had one but how dare you say you're a christian and not have a heart to stop it we have way more christians that are more excited about protecting animals than they are stopping this and it sickens my heart and makes me sick to my stomach i'm not okay and i will not be silent you'll have to kill me but my blood will cry out it won't matter no no god said let there be life and if there's a heartbeat he said god knits children in their mother's womb the mom doesn't and the dad that got him pregnant doesn't either the reason why people are so for abortion is because they're totally against adoption because they don't have it in their heart to take in a child because we're so busy with life and we have our own problems to deal with our problems that we have to deal with are more important than the life of a child what are we thinking oh i'm just getting started buddy i'm so done [Applause] i'm so done our country needs a voice our country needs a voice people like well you don't know the situation i mean they were this and they were that adopt we've adopted two it has been the most joy ever in my life [Music] to bring these two boys if i can do it again we're going to do it again why you're 50 why would you do that because it's life that's why this whole you're too old to be a dad thing my first job is to introduce my babies to god so he could be their dad so regardless regardless regardless yeah but you're going to be you're going to be 70 years old one day and you're going to be trying to play with your kids you're not going to be able to are you kidding me take care of your body so you can really it's so weird gosh this is not where i was planning on going guys people don't like this there are so many people that get agitated with this i could care less about your agitation i i don't care about your agitation i i i god did not give me a platform so i could please people he didn't give me a platform and say todd now i want you to be pleasing to all people no you know what here's the deal if i don't run into devils along the way i'm going the same direction they are and if everybody speaks well of me then jesus says it's woe to me because he said woe to you when everybody speaks well of you they spoke well of jesus and seven days later they hung him on a tree i'm not about pleasing people people like well i don't want to be a member here it's okay go someplace else where you're more comfortable i'm not playing with this man i'm going to raise the standard i'm going to raise the bar so high that normal christianity takes over again that we can actually create a fearless generation that doesn't bow to the gods of baal i'm not playing i'm done this is what love looks like this is what love talks like love takes a stand for truth and speaking truth has to be done in love i love you i correct my kids because i love them i don't correct my kids because i want to be in control i am completely not in control i want god to use me i want him to pour out my guts i want him to pour me out like a drink offering i want to make sure that everybody knows where this ministry stands this ministry stands for truth this ministry this ministry stands for jesus all the things that jesus says there will be no mixture this is not a hybrid this is not an incorporate jesus ministry this is surrender or get away bow or run we're going to love the lord with all of our hearts with all of our souls with all of our minds and we're going to love our neighbor as ourself but we're not going to compromise our life to get our neighbor we're not going to compromise our values the value system of heaven is what speaks me taking my values and numbing them trying to be culturally relevant and sacrificing truth on an altar of being culturally relevant is demonic it's not okay it's not okay another amazing pastor has fallen another one it's not okay it's not acceptable raising the standard to normal purity holiness not legalism love love raising the standard to love without compromise that's normal it's not okay oh my this morning in my prayer closet the lord pushed every button [Music] listen to this this is john this is on the isle of patmos this is john the one that laid his head on his beloved this is john the revelator this is the one that's banished to the island the one that's boiled alive do you imag can you imagine getting your foot in boiling oil and someone saying deny him and then see boiling in oil wasn't a slu wasn't a fast thing no it was a slow dip have you ever burned your finger with flattering oil just had a splatter hit you do you know what that feels like imagine your toes going in to your ankles oh no no no i want you to think with me guys this is no joke toe's going in ankle's going in boiling deny him guys do you know that every time we can't say the name of jesus because we're afraid of people we're doing the same thing and there's no oil sorry i told you i wasn't gonna make you happy today you said i could you know if you said i could or couldn't and still was gonna happen because i because i stand before an audience of one i don't care if there's a million people a hundred thousand or fifty i stand before an audience of one and it does not matter how many people are in front of me i love the lord people want to kill me for this how can you i'm never going to die to live as christ and to die is gain i found something worth dying for i found something that's that's worth dying for because i'm just gonna go be with him do i want it to happen no i have many things to do i need to cause many souls to catch on fire my one heart cry and my one motive is to catch people's souls on fire so a fire can start inside of you see salvation comes in you when you say yes but salvation works itself out through your members through fear and trembling but salvation comes in you you get born again christ is in you he's the hope of glory but then there's the working out of your salvation and it happens through fear and trembling fear and trembling knowing that you come on a situation that you used to be involved with that's not good but there's this trembling inside of you letting you know greater is he that's in you than this thing that you're approaching right now and you are not going to partake in this see all things are permissible but not all things are beneficial and so so many people have pushed that line further and further and further and further and violated their conscience and before you know it they shipwreck their faith yes they have faith to one day go to heaven but they don't have faith to live christ now oh he loves me he does if everybody hated me do you mean people have turned their backs on me over the years then they then they make up lies and say this say todd's a prosperity preacher here's the prosperity message right now i'm preaching it right now why because it will help your soul prosper in such a way it will help your soul prosper in such a way that nothing can shake it that no one can shake your faith that no one can shake you from bending to a lie and if you kneel before god he'll allow you to stand before men you keep your heart postured and kneel before god so that when you stand before men it's not to please them it's to bring the heart message of the gospel the one that jesus was crucified dead and rose for he paid a price for us to carry a fearless message that's full of faith not full of bowing and fear not full of bowing to some god of baal that's not even real what would cause christians to suffer so much for their faith without wavering what would cause them to be sawn into what would cause them to escape the mouths of lions what would cause them to be crucified upside down what would cause these men and women to go after god in such a way that nothing could shake their faith what would cause that it's called first love man it's called first love never letting go of first love going after first love all the days of your life regardless because you don't love the world you love god because you can't love the world and love god you either love one or love the other loving the world can be loving your business loving the world can be loving your career where you can love your career loving the world can be loving stuff stuff will never satisfy you sonship satisfies being a daughter or a son of the god of the most high the one that chose you before creation the one that had you in mind before the earth even existed the one that spoke let there be light and light was the one that formed everything and then on the day that man was made he breathed into dirt and it jumped up a man and god said i am very pleased with this whoa crowning peace awesome yes one made in my image god said babies are made in god's image animals are not oh my help me pull out jesus you have no idea i love him i know that he loves me and he'll never turn away he loves me so much it's absolutely ridiculous i thought about this morning oh my god thank you for loving me anyways and for hours i sat there just cried god i love you so much i just thank you so much i repent again today i just repented of anything that wasn't like you that came out of my mouth that came out of my actions god i don't want to live that way ever i want you to convict me with such severity see god is good he is good he's amazing but he's severe we say well god is good we've lost the severity in our pursuit of goodness we've gone after goodness so much that we forgot how severe he is what do you mean severe well he was severe with jesus no no no he's gonna be severe with you no he's a good god okay he's a good god so severity's not in there wow can you imagine going to court and there's this guy that mass murdered all these people mass murdered hundreds of people and you go there and the judge is there and and you're you're the victim's parents of just one as well as all these other parents that are in the courtroom and that judge you want you you need him to take action like it's the only other thing that i can relate to because it's a judicial system and now you've got this judge that's in there and you've got all these people you've got eyewitnesses of this stuff you've got some that have escaped and have were gonna be murdered but they were rescued and they're there they're eyewitnesses of the torture and the torment that this person had done all of it you've got all these cases of eyewitness after eyewitness after eyewitness after eyewitness and man this guy's going down and the judge looks at him and goes you're free to go all of us would be sick in our stomach and say that's absolutely not possible why because our court system wouldn't rule that way because that's not a good judge at all not a good judge that's a horrible judge can anybody relate with me and somehow in this in this pursuit of god's goodness we've lost the reality of god being a judge too we don't even think like that we're just like don't judge me only god can judge me the world even knows that don't judge me only god can judge me got tattoos and stuff only god can judge me because they've been hurt by people only god can judge me do you understand that all of us will stand before the judgment seat do you know that that's not something anybody likes to talk about no we don't want because we need members [Music] and we need people to tithe and if you start talking about judgment no one tithes and if we lose our times we lose everything because that's our livelihood no your livelihood is jesus what the heck what why would we say that stuff your livelihood is the lord man if i'm up here because of livelihood and i need you to tithe so that i can say i preached a good message i am just like balaam bailiff prophesied for money the king came to him and said i i need you to to curse israel it's in numbers 20 i think crazy so balaam's just profiting he's like i'm going to go and ask the lord so the lord speaks to balaam and he's like hey you can't curse jacob you can't curse this so he says the lord says no i can't curse him so then he ends up going anyway and on his way he's riding a donkey and he's riding this donkey to go so he knew the lord wanted him to bless and not curse something inside of balaam must have shifted because all of a sudden the donkey stopped because there's an angel that the donkey can see and balaam can't see him so the donkey's like whack so balaam hits the donkey the donkey goes another way whack he hits him again another angel another time third time another angel balloon goes whack the donkey turns to balaam goes why are you hitting me [Music] balaam and balaam talks to the donkey this is totally freaky to me dude the donkey spoke to me i'd be like the donkey rebuked him [Music] crazy but balaam ends up going and he ends up blessing blessing blessing three times really angers this but then later on in numbers balaam balaam talks to the king and actually shares with them how the israelites can be defeated just put sexual stuff in front of them this is crazy man just put immorality in front of them it's easy and so this the the story goes that on through their br they're breeding with the israelites are now sleeping with unequally yoked or or not even not even israelites and so this whole thing has ended but lots of people died it was a horrible catastrophe lots of people died one of the israelites thrusts a spear into a man that's with a woman goes through both goes right through her heart pierces him both god was pleased that's the god you serve no one laughs at that no one even because you know what only a couple people would like that why because they're the ones that walk in the fear of the lord the fear of the lord is the beginning of wisdom jesus walked in the sevenfold spirit of god he did but his delight was in the fear of the lord america as well as the world needs not an injection but a complete infusion of the fear of the lord so that people would never ever vote with their brains but they would vote with their hearts there's so many people that don't like this i am so glad that means i'm preaching the right one oh my gosh oh well back to the original john the revelator on the island listen to this revelation of jesus christ revelation 1 which god gave him to show his bond servants the things which must soon take place and he sent and communicated it by his angel to his bond servant john who testified to the word of the lord and the testimony of jesus christ even to all that he saw blessed is he who reads those who who reads and those who hear the words of the prophecy and heed the things which are written in it for the time is near now this john was locked up in this on this island and god visits john on the island jesus and he says this john to the seven churches who are in asia grace to you in peace from him who is and who was and who is to come and from the seven spirits who were before his throne and from jesus christ the faithful witness the firstborn from the dead and the ruler of the kings of the earth to him who loves us and released us from from our sins by his blood he has made us to be a kingdom priests to to his god and father to him be the glory and the dominion forever and ever amen behold he is coming with the clouds and every eye will see him even those who pierced him and all the tribes of the earth will mourn over him so it is to be amen verse 8 i am the alpha and the omega says the lord god who is and was and who is to come the almighty i john your brother and fellow partaker in the tribulation and kingdom and perseverance which are in jesus was on the isle of patmos because of the word of god and the testimony of jesus he is imprisoned he is boiled alive all these disciples if i read the stories of the disciples you you would be sick to your stomach to see in reality of the of the persecution and the filing and the peeling of their skin and the draw and quartering of their arms and their legs that were pulled off by horses in all directions every one of the disciples suppled horrible horrible murdering deaths except for john they tried and he didn't in the book of revelation came through this man had it been through all that oil to the ankles oil to the knees oil to the groin oil to the chest oil to the face still won't die it's amazing i was in the spirit on the lord's day i would like to tell you that every day is the lord's day and i heard behind me a loud voice like a sound of a trumpet saying write in a book what you see and send it to the seven churches to ephesus and to smyrna and to pergamum and to thyatira and to sardis and to philadelphia and to laodicea then i turned to see the voice that was speaking with me and listen to this this is john how much i mean he spent mega time with jesus like if anybody was close it was him and john was laying on his bosom he was at the table at the last supper like gosh this is one that knew jesus and having turned i saw seven golden lampstands and in the middle of the lampstands i saw one like the son of man clothed in a robe reaching to the feet girded across this chest with a golden sash his head and his hair were white like wool like snow and his eyes were like a flame of fire his feet were like burnished bronze when it has been made to glow in a furnace and his voice was the sound of was like the sound of many waters in his right hand he held seven stars and out of his mouth came a sharp two-edged sword and his face was like the sun shining in his strength this is what john saw when he had a face to face encounter with the king of glory this is not jesus when he was here on the earth it says there was nothing comely about him there was nothing attractive to draw anybody to him nothing this is jesus glorified sitting at the right hand of the father when i saw him i fell at his feet like a dead man john lived a pretty amazing life john was fully sold out 100 sold out this guy was sold out he did not deny jesus when john saw him in his fully sold out soul in his fully surrendered life in his 100 obedience giving everything to god the one that was the beloved of jesus the disciple that knew he was the one that jesus loved the one that used to hang with jesus talk to jesus intimacy with jesus sees jesus and look john still has intimacy on the earth he's in a cave like he's probably in a cave he's on the aleppo he still has relationship but when he was brought up when he came up to meet him when he saw him face to face the one whom he had intimacy with he fell as a dead man i want to ask you this if one that had that deep of an intimacy and that much of a relationship with jesus still he was in an active relationship when he stood before him he felt like a dead man what do you think you're gonna do living ungodly standing before him what do you think somebody that has ordered the killing of millions and millions and millions of innocent babies what do you think they're going to do when they stand before him what do you think standing before him being in an active state of immorality on a consistent basis what's going to happen with you if you enter in and stand and you you die and you enter into the place and stand before him with that being your resume what do you think your expectation is going to be when you see him that's not me that's not me twisting things or painting things i'm reading the bible this is the truth see the consistency of john was absolutely ridiculous when you look at these disciples they are sold out man i mean they saw the lord crucified resurrected hung with him so they know yeah he's alive he's alive so completely twisted killing people because of the gospel first christian martyr martyred and and all the clothes were laid at saul's feet as they stoned stephen to death stephen says lord don't hold this against them what do you think happened when saul had an encounter with jesus here his whole life changed everything changed he became sold out and lived everything and 13 of these books that we love to read all the time in this bible are written by that man that sold out and gave his whole life and pledged everything to the lord everything what do you think he said when he met the lord now what we want to do is we want to hear well done and once we get up after we're like a dead man are you guys with me i don't know see see there's the goodness of god he is so good he is so loving we are in a day of mercy like never before but what people are doing is using mercy and liberty as a vice for selfish gain and twistedness and there is hell to pay for that it has to matter awake don't sleep now's not the time to go to sleep now's the time to wake up wake up in christ will give you life now is not the time to grow weary in doing good now's not the time now's not the time be careful gosh for some of you this will be my last message for you because you won't come back [Music] someone else will take you and i'm okay with that i love you so much i'm not trying to build something that revolves around me i'm not trying to build something to where everybody remains comfortable i need you to be uncomfortable i need you to live with conviction so that you don't have to be eternally condemned oh so jesus says don't be afraid i'm the first and the last and the living one and i was dead but behold i am alive forevermore and i have the keys to death and hades therefore write these things that you have seen and the things which are and the things which will take place after these things as for the mystery of the seven stars which you saw on my right hand and the seven golden lampstands the seven stars are angels of the seven churches those seven lampstands are the seven churches revelation two to the angel of the church in ephesus he wrote the one who holds the seven stars in his right hand the one who walks among the seven golden lampstands says this i know your deeds and your toil and your perseverance and that you cannot tolerate evil men and you put to the test those who call themselves apostles and they are not and you found them to be false and you have perseverance and you have endured for my name's sake and you have not grown weary but i have this against you you have left your first love i feel like i've just met first love in my personal life it is so intense and so amazing and so extravagant first love is the only thing that can keep you from all the things that i've been talking about we have to know that he first chose you before you ever messed up you have to know that even in your twistedness god's not repulsed by you he's repulsed by sin but he knows that he sent a rescuer for you salvation isn't a one-time deal it's not i got saved 20 years ago man leave me alone i'm in that's not the christian life salvation continues to work itself out with fear and trembling all the days of your life you have to allow him in so that he can do a great cutting work inside of you and take out all those things that are separating you from him all those decisions that you're making apart from him there are so many christians that live practical atheism on a consistent basis they would say they love god with all their hearts yet when something comes their way they make a decision just the same as their atheist neighbor did apart from them first love keeps you from ever making those decisions because god loves you we can't afford to look like the world we can't afford to smell like the world we can't afford to act like the world we can't afford to talk like the world we can't afford to respond like the world god is asking you to draw a line and come out and be separate he's asking you to actually take a stand for the reality of the gospel of the kingdom not the gospel of get to heaven the gospel of the kingdom is where heaven gets into you through agency of the holy spirit then the holy spirit and the trembling that god places in you because the fear of the lord is the beginning of wisdom it's where we live from and if something starts to violate your conscience the holy spirit starts to tremble you and causes you to back away and you flee from youthful lust [Music] sodom and gomorrah were an example for all of those that desire to live that same life we say well i don't believe that god's a loving god tell that to sodom and gomorrah homosexuality sexual immorality pornography all that stuff what you think satisfies you doesn't satisfy you at all right now me speaking to you god is not judging you for your sin you will be judged we will all stand before the judgment seat of christ and be judged according to the deeds done in the body it's in second corinthians chapter 5 verse 10. we have as our number one ambition living a pleasing life to the lord being pleasing here and being pleasing there because your actions and your life right now lived knowing that your conscience isn't violated and you're living a pleasing life here causes the reality of standing before him even if you fall like a dead man before while you're down there your conscience isn't convicting you of all the sin and twistedness you've just encountered true holiness face to face [Music] that day is going to be a terrifying day and our ambition must be to live a life here that's worthy of the call come out from among them and be separate shine as a light in the midst of a perverse and corrupt generation come out and be separate be separated in your heart so that you can be separated in your mind that you've made the decision the cost is everything this will cost you everything god says when you come to him you count the costs because when you don't count the cost it's like someone desiring to build a house and they don't have what it needs and it's only partially built and people mock and scoff ha he didn't even finish it counting the cost means that you give up everything so that you can inherit more than everything separating yourself and saying i am finished i am done even if none go with me i will go holding the standard in the beacon of light when everybody around you says stone him and the lord slips you out in the midst of them and if he doesn't you look at your aggressors and say forgive them they don't know what they're doing and it marks them like it marks saul and then one day they get to see the same thing just like they saw because saul saw the same thing because as nero stretched his neck out across the block i finished my race he said and there's a crown of righteousness laid up ahead for me that's the lord that's the real lord that's the real gospel and he says well done so so [Music] we've been living for the wrong stuff we've been living for the praise of man we've been living for the wrong stuff we've been living for the petting of people the stroking of people the crowds god help pastors that live for the crowds they're going to face the king one day if we get what we deserve we go to hell god help us help us lord if none go with me i'm gone if everybody walked away i'm still going after this with everything in me more than ever before no one's taken this from me i would like to tell you right now i don't care who you are if you're in a place of immorality talks about the nicolasians in this book and it says that you that you that you haven't listened to the teaching of the nicolas god talks about it a couple times in here and then in second peter he talks about it again and in jude he talks about it again and it was people that perverted these nicolas twisted the gospel enough to incorporate immorality and bring it in and called it normal and if you're a christian and you think that immorality is normal see we think well i'm just against pornography i'm not really doing it with anybody you know jesus said if you're doing that you've already committed it in your heart if you're in that place and you're living that life and you know that you need to be free and you're not living a life that's becoming of the gospel and you know that and conviction has really touched your heart and you want to be free i want you to come up here right now i want you to do it i don't want you to walk i want you to run because i don't want to play with this i want to cut this thing quick i want to get it out and get it done [Applause] come on don't play if that's you run don't wait [Applause] it's not a shame thing it's a conviction thing obey your convictions if you're making decisions in your life based on stuff that's not god and you know it it's time to get clean from that and get free from that if you know that you need to be up here i don't care what it's for right now is the time please come please run don't wait i get the worship team i need help come on guys let's not play with this thing it's not time to wait it's time to run it's not time to wait it's time to run it's not time to sit there and say god knows if you don't know the lord one of the reasons is you don't want to know the lord is because you've seen hypocrisy well i'm telling you make a stand and give yourself to something that's worth dying for make a stand and give yourself fully to something that's worth dying for this isn't legalism i'm talking about i'm talking about a relationship and a first love that can keep you from ever stumbling from ever stumbling from ever stumbling some of you need to make a decision man i still hear it in my heart some of you are teetering on some fence that whole fence will lead you straight to hell man don't play with it don't mess with it [Music] some of you that are watching online a lot of you need to repent for voting you need to repent for voting with your brain instead of your heart you need to ask god for mercy man because voting for the devil is no way to go after this thing i can't believe he said that no anybody anybody that would side with wanting to steal kill and destroy is thinking just like the devil [Music] period some of you that think that abortion is necessary need to repent because there's never a good enough reason never [Music] never [Music] come holy spirit spirit of burning [Music] come set a fire in our soul [Music] come holy spirit we welcome you in the name of jesus set a fire so strongly [Music] in our souls that you would burn up all the trash that have occupied our minds come holy spirit we welcome you in the name of jesus right now
Channel: Todd White
Views: 45,124
Rating: 4.9168172 out of 5
Id: VzC9stIdKl8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 66min 15sec (3975 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 15 2021
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