Todd White - See the Gold not the Dirt

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i need to hear him clearer i said it the other day it doesn't take a genius to find dirt in a mountain it does take a man of god the woman of god to see the gold that's in there god i don't want to be genius i want to be like you that's more than genius i want to be so supernaturally wild that the whole world is freaked out god i want to give the protesters something they can really talk about i really do i don't want everybody to speak well of me done with all that i want you i want you jesus i want to burn for you i want to encounter you in such a way that everyone around me catches on fire i don't want church as normal i don't want church as usual i don't want it i don't want the same thing dr kerry wood came over to me he goes whatever the lord's put on your heart said do it i'm like that's gonna take all night lord but what's it matter if you wake up different monday i want miracles to happen everywhere i go i mean they do but i want more i want amputated legs to grow out i'm really not kidding i want to see blind schools emptied deaf schools emptied [Applause] if you came here for normal this is the wrong place i want a holy spirit filled inspired god inspired on fire burning everywhere i go in love with jesus so massive some people are scared of this i don't really like the tongue thing people are afraid because they can't control it we've grown up in control our whole life we've grown up controlling this controlling that when things get out of control we're we don't know what to do but the holy spirit's like wind that's what jesus said he said the spirit's like wind you don't know where it's coming from or where it's going a lot of times when my family has been in public my wife would tell you i'm like wind oh my gosh what's he doing where is he but there's always a there's always a goal it's always to bring jesus but no matter where we go no matter what we do i don't care what kind of job you have you can manifest jesus on your job if you're a teacher and there's a separation from church and state and they say that you know you can't initiate and talk about jesus it doesn't say you can't put your hand on someone's shoulder and say you're doing a great job and the supernatural power of god flow through you into that kid [Applause] i've got lots of opportunities and it's i think it's amazing but i didn't get there by compromising or watering down the gospel i didn't get there by watering this thing down and making it nice and nice so that everybody can swallow it this is not swallowable for people that are comfortable because you need the comforter in order to have what this is jesus said you're going to be uncomfortable that's why god said you're going to need a comforter we've done most of our christian life in comfortability and we don't like to get uncomfortable but god says you're required to be uncomfortable in all situations and you need the comforter to show up to rescue you or else you're not going to be able to do it there's this thing called risk it's spelled f-i-f-a-i-t-h it's risk you're taking a risk what if god doesn't show up people say what if i pray and it doesn't happen well what if you prayed and it did yeah but what if i open my mouth and god doesn't feel it but what if you did and what if he did and what if he didn't feel it what if you just stumbled through boy it'd be better than than setting your eyes on you the whole time there's this place by being baptized in god baptized in him so much that you don't look like you anymore you don't sound like you anymore you don't act like you anymore you don't fear like you anymore [Music] the fear of god is the beginning of wisdom and that's what we need but i believe the fear of god comes because you realize the goodness of god and you recognize just how good he is because he's so good that i wouldn't want to do that because it separates me from this and all of a sudden the love of god hits me and the perfect love of god casts out all fear all fear is cast out there is something that happens when the holy ghost comes upon you he doesn't just want to live in you at least not just you can pray in tongues jesus didn't tell the disciples when the holy spirit comes upon you you're just going to pray in the spirit i am all for tongues i am i pray them and all the time i remember praying for people in in stores when i was beginning my life in christianity and i just go into the grocery store and pray in tongues the whole time i i i do it all the time still it hasn't stopped it doesn't shut down that's my personal prayer language and it's amazing and i love the intensity of going after god with everything i am but there is supposed to be power that comes upon you when the holy ghost comes upon you that's what jesus said it's scripture it's totally scripture people have been taught their whole life what's not for today well you're wrong that bible's for today the reason why the nation is in such trouble is because we've taken the bible out and we've put we've put everything else in you guys want to have your seat just for a little bit we're going to talk for a little bit then we're going to get this thing on with jesus you guys good with that we need an encounter that moves from visitation to habitation we've been talking about it you know that when you're you know you're a habitation of the lord where everywhere you go you can't think about anything but him in any situation that you're in you can't think about anything but him and what he would do in a situation you don't respond like you anymore you respond like a god man look when you're baptized in god when you're filled with god when you're possessed by god a trial happens you don't manifest you anymore you manifest him i'm telling you the truth i remember i was in a car accident one time and i was i was actually driving in the rain i had to get somewhere and i i didn't bring a rain jacket with me so i was going to stop at dick's just to get a like a light raincoat because it was pouring it was supposed to pour and i had a couple hours to drive and i didn't know how far away in the parking lot i had to park and i had to preach so i was on my way and i was coming i was coming up the exit and i was i was going i don't know probably i wasn't going that fast probably 30. and i i came to a stop and a car hit me so hard behind me hit the truck behind hitting my back of my toyota and and nailed me up off of the thing and i went off the side of the exit ramp and i'm on the side of the road my first response isn't oh my god i can't believe they did that my first response was jesus i hope they're good you can't manifest that you you can't just like conjure that thing up you can't just take your a break and go that's right i'm a christian you need to be so baptized so filled with god that your response is jesus you need more of god i'm telling you that if if trials hit you and you respond carnally you're responding you're you're practicing practical atheism if you respond the same way as a non-believer did there's nothing different between you and them the stress level of the body of christ is illegal the stress level alone the anxiety the fear all that stuff is absence of god are you with me this isn't just for a sunday night service this is for every day of the week this is for getting up in the morning with jesus going to sleep with jesus this is all day every day full-on jesus i said to god today i said god i need more i need more i haven't been persecuted in a couple of days first peter 3 15 says be ready to give an when someone asks you about the hope that's in you has somebody asked you about the hope that you carry lately come on i'm being serious this isn't like this isn't like bad conviction of people and put you into condemnation i'm telling you here's the real test peter says in first peter 3 15 or yeah first peter 3 15 be ready to give an account when somebody asks you about the hope that's in you has somebody asked you about the hope that you're carrying lately if they haven't you need really you need smothered with jesus has somebody said to you man you are carrying such hope can you please tell me about it that's the christian life the christian life second peter 3 12. all of them that desire to live godly will suffer persecution when's the last time you were persecuted are you okay this is the real thing you know when you're persecuted for doing good it's commendable before god peter said it when you're persecuted for doing good it's commendable but when you're persecuted for doing bad that's no good from stealing or lying or cheating or whatever that's not good but when you're persecuted for good that's awesome and it shouldn't make you feel bad it should make you feel good are you we got our feelings our feeling our feeler all messed up come on when somebody says something against i was walking in the store today and i saw some guy in a wheelchair and the enemy the enemy because this guy had a mental illness i could see his head slumped in the chair the enemy was like wow you don't need to pray for him i'm like oh my god i went up and i asked asked the mom can i pray for your son she goes of course i went up to the the guy he looked at me oh my god he convicted me so bad he looked at me he goes i needed this i'm like oh my god i wanted him to get out of that chair and his mind be clear i have to have this i'm not okay this is the face of somebody that's not okay it's not okay i can't stand not seeing the miracle that needs to happen i can't i'm not supposed to i'm not supposed to be okay with it i'm supposed to be like jesus jesus says greater things he says he who believes in me john 14 12 which a lot of the church tries to explain away well that's not really what he meant to comfort their lack of faith make excuses for people why they're not healed it's not okay jesus never made any of these excuses he never said hey you know i'm really sorry i'd like to but just not god's timing he never said you know you get some more faith and come back and then we'll pray because you don't have enough faith he never said you know what it might not be the will of god i don't i don't know just because you pray and it doesn't happen doesn't mean it wasn't god's will no jesus is my motto man everybody he touched was healed why that man right there is one of the most joyful joy-filled men i've ever met he's in a wheelchair he knows it's god's will for him to get up [Applause] he's one of our students he came from my church back in pennsylvania guys this is no this is not okay i don't know if anybody like i believe there's a name if there's a message the name of this message is completely unsettled we've become accustomed to normal and i am not okay with normal just the very fact that i haven't been persecuted in a little bit means that something's wrong people are like well i don't really persecution doesn't feel good no but it is good i don't even know if my protesters are out there tonight are they okay people are like you're so weird no i'm not i want the whole street to be filled with them i want ambulances to pull up here and people get completely healed i want hospice cases to be healed i want make a wish kids to keep coming i have to have this i'm not okay with norm we are supposed to be a supernatural race of people we are supposed to be a royal priesthood a holy generation set apart it's not okay to settle for less than that jesus paid a higher price than just to get us to heaven and i know we know that but he paid a price for heaven to possess me in such a way to where earth begins to look like heaven and i know it's never going to be heaven until the mission statement of a christian isn't to just do good services and have good worship the mission statement of a christian is to destroy the works of the devil first john 3 8 is the mission statement of the christian jesus was made manifest to destroy the works of the devil but that is for every person that would get born again get re-fathered have a brand new dad leave that biological father that gave birth to you enter into the reality of the dna the divine nature of abba when we get saved to where the bloodline that you came from that could have generational curses and everything gets completely washed and cleaned because you've now entered the bloodline of christ and the blood of jesus washes away your sin as far as the east is from the west removes your transgressions as far as the east is from the west never to ever revisit them again god takes your sin and your lawless deeds and remembers them no more that is the beginning we get born again we come into the kingdom then we open the bible and the holy spirit is our teacher and he teaches us and he fathers us and we read scriptures that say these same things that i do he who believes in me is going to do because i'm going to go to be with the father jesus gave these disciples authority they had power and they did it and they didn't know who they were and they were orphans with power and then jesus is crucified resurrected goes to sit at the right hand and the holy spirit is poured out boom jesus said if i don't go he won't come i have to go or he won't come that's what he said they were bummed because he's going to leave no no you don't get it if i don't go he won't come i got to go so he comes why because the presence of jesus walking with them we're about ready to go to israel my wife and i leave tomorrow we're going to israel to do a tour with uh with daniel kolenda and cfan and it's going to be amazing but when i go there i don't go there to walk where jesus walked i go there to walk like jesus said i'm supposed to walk [Applause] i mean i'm not i'm not saying it's a bummer to go there and walk where jesus walked but understand that he paid a price for us to walk in his stead jesus paid a price for us to walk like jesus walked the bible says if anybody says that they abide in him they ought walk just as he walked that's what first john says if anybody would say that they abide in him they ought walk just like jesus walked what does jesus walk like everywhere he goes everyone that everybody that's sick gets healed everywhere he goes devils that are there cry out have you ever had that happen where you walk into a room and a devil cries out because you're there i have i need it more because there's a lot more devils that need crying out do you understand i'm not boasting in me because i don't have like they're not like oh my god todd is here the devil could care less about todd the devil cares about if you know who you are in god the devil doesn't care about me i have no authority over the devil except the name of jesus we need this get on a plane and see devils manifest on planes flight attendants their eyes roll up in their head and they start growling and phone me that's an exciting ride i'm praying for that to happen tomorrow i am it's exciting guys we need this we need this but i'm not i don't i don't want to mess with no devil are you kidding me they fear his name they tremble at the name of jesus what they don't do is they don't tremble when you use jesus when you use jesus's name in vain [Music] the name of jesus used in vain is used without power without authority without realizing what it really means he's the name above all names are you guys okay some of you are not it's okay escape now i want to see everyone healed i want to see every devil exposed what would it be like if you walked into a grocery store and devils manifested what if you're walking listen what if you're walking down the aisle and someone beside you and instead of you going oh my god that was freaky that made me very uncomfortable if what if you looked and you could see because the eye is the lamp of the body you can look in an eye and see a devil and what if you looked in the eye and they went hey look at me no oh it's on no i'm not kidding it's on a devil in a store a devil in a church some of you will have devils leave tonight i'm not kidding somebody like i ain't got no doubt you guys all right this is not the comfortable service i promise see what i want to do is i want to do a fire tunnel tonight if you've never been in one if you've never been in a fire tunnel what happens is people dump gas on you and then they light a match and then after the match lights you you really could care less what people think about you okay for those of you watching online we're really not going to light people on fire with gasoline someone tweeted that todd's gonna light people on fire with gasoline but think about this if someone poured a quart of gasoline on you and let you on fire would you care about what people thought that's what it means to be on fire what does it mean to be on fire oh i just felt that god holy spirit we don't want to do normal anymore i'm so hungry for war you know i got baptized in the holy spirit i had prayed for probably 900 some people didn't see anybody healed and i got baptized in the holy spirit and it was amazing and i saw people healed immediately in the first week i remember just a couple a week after it happened my mom and bob came to my church and you were sitting beside me in church remember i started shaking and then you started checking then bob started shaking you were like what's happening i go i don't know and i had seven days of this surges going through my body it was crazy and then i started to see progression and progression and progression and then about five and a half months in it took me about 45 minutes every day to write down testimonies from every day just the day of work on my job not in ministry i wasn't in ministry i was still my job and then three and a half years now three yeah 2007. someone sent me to the holy land and i was going to go with with um on a tour with benny hinn i wasn't going to be on staff i was just going to go to the holy lands he was giving a tour and someone was supposed to pay for me to go and i was so excited and i they were going to pay for my wife too and there was a guy named john and i said to my wife i said hey i said do you want to go to the holy lands and we couldn't i don't know why why you couldn't go but you said baby yeah baby i love babies i don't know if i'm going to get through this he's on me he loves me because i don't care about what people think i really don't i mean i love you i won't live ever in a place of immorality that's twisted that's demonic but i don't care what you think about jesus because i am here to waste my life on him with everything in me with all the breath that's in my lungs with all the blood that's in my veins with every breath that i take i am i am going to glorify him and i don't care if people like it or they don't like it it doesn't matter to me because one day in eternity you're going to see that one of us was wrong he didn't die just for me to live just the normal life he didn't die for me to go and say that was a great sermon and do nothing with the gospel he didn't do that he died for me to remind the devil every day that he messed up big time he jacked this thing up for eternity he died for me and rose again for me so that i could represent him and bring horrible days for the devil every day of my life everywhere i go paid a price for me to raise my kids in god that they could be possessed by jesus and destroy the devil's works every day paid a price for me to raise my kids in godliness and holiness that they could see their dad love jesus for real and not see their dad a fake at home and a real guy at a pulpit being a price for me to be a full-time christian and a full-time christian destroys the works of the devil for a living a full-time christian is possessed by the word a full-time christian is possessed by worship a full-time christian doesn't spend his time listening to other junk outside of the gospel why because it's meaningless it's fruitless it doesn't bear any eternal fruit it doesn't help people doesn't save people doesn't rescue people this isn't legalism it's called love love looks like something love is wholehearted dedication with every part of you from the top of your head to the bottom of your feet doesn't matter all of you worships jesus every part of you at your job at the grocery store the drugstore no matter where you go you're possessed by him you have to talk to people about jesus you don't get to you you have to the love of christ compels you that if one died then all died that those that live should no longer live for themselves but live for the one who gave himself for them that you've been crucified with christ that you no longer live but the life that you live you live by faith and the one that gave himself for you this isn't just for pastors apostles preachers evangelists teachers it's not it's for every person that would say christ is their lord and savior it's for everyone that would be willing to dive in fully wholeheartedly holding nothing back because jesus didn't hold anything back from you he gave it all he gave it all so someone sent me on the tour my wife was so kind to let me go i was so excited i'm gonna fast the whole time because i'm going there to bring more back than what i went with i remember god telling me you're not going there just to walk where my son walked you're going there to walk as my son says you should walk and i'm going to anoint you with more and i'm like oh god i'm headed there yes and i just want more and it doesn't matter to me no matter what i'm going after this thing with everything so i'm fasting and they pulled me aside a couple days into this tour and they knew that i was fasting and my guy didn't understand and my guide was like todd you listen you are going to have to eat because you can't just be out here and i'm like wait a minute just because you can't fast doesn't mean i can't fast and he said todd you're going to have to go back you're not going to be able to go out with us because we're it's in the heat and i'm out there and i i said to him i said look i said if you see me less responsive if you see me less than everybody else then i will eat but if i'm not please let me honor this fast the lord has told me to go on i need to do this and he's like todd you're you're not making a season he tries to give me this big roast beef sandwich take a bite i go absolutely not dude i don't know about you but i am eating jesus and i need him i don't need roast beef i need jesus man he said todd you're making this impossible i go it is impossible send me home bro cause i'm not eating then my guide the the jewish tour guide her name was nomie she's an amazing woman she's totally rattled by me totally wrecked by me she doesn't even know how to handle me because every jewish friend of hers is getting healed when we're praying she doesn't even know what to do like she doesn't even believe in jesus she's giving us a jesus tour we go to mount carmel she's like todd why don't you share your heart i didn't the holy spirit went whoo and fell on everyone and mount carmel why because that's the place where jesus doesn't get challenged by some prophets that's the place where elijah called down fire that's the place where he said you guys call out to your god and let me know maybe he's sleeping maybe he's on the toilet maybe he's not answering then elijah goes okay my turn he built an altar and he says lord show these people who is god woman god fell every prophet lost their life there so i just shared it like it was and the holy spirit fell on the whole tour that was after the bus where i was sitting with him and he was telling me i need to eat then we went to a place we went to the nativity scene and it's behind palestinian walls and they're like they're like you got to be careful when you go in here you can't look at people you can't hug people you got to be careful todd todd so we pull in and these palestinians get on the bus they come down with their rifles down the middle of the bus and i go hey guys jesus loves you so much and my people are like oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god they shut the door and go off the bus and nomi gets the mic todd listen to me if i lose you in here i will not get you back do not hug people do not look at people in their eyes and i'm thinking that's not going to happen i didn't say it everybody gets off the bus and i'm the last one i get off the bus and there's a guy there with all these trinkets because they're trying and all the people are just pushing past them leave us alone leave us alone no get away leave us alone that's the christian thing that's called fear that's called selfishness that's called fear leave us alone don't talk to us leave us alone they just got death threats in their head but if you die already the death threats don't matter [Applause] and i looked at him and i go hey he goes yes i go give me a hug he goes okay and he didn't hug me back i i hugged him off the bus and my guide was behind me the guy that told me to eat because todd we have to move i go okay i said do you have a problem with your right shoulder he says yes how do you know i said jesus he said he's a muslim i go come on man let me pray for your shoulder okay pray for his shoulder jesus healed him he goes you are blessed man he starts to give me these camels and trinkets and i go no no i'm okay no you must take them you bless me i bless you so he's the guide is like come on we have to go so we're he's hustling me we go and i see another guy sitting on the ground with a short leg like this short polio muslims and and all these palestinian guards walking around and i see this little kid and i hear him speak english i go can you speak english he says yes i said do me a favor can you interpret for me he goes sure like who's that man he says my grandpa i go awesome come on so we went into the pack of muslims and my guide and my people are like gone dude gone none of them will come around me everybody's afraid to die so i said you're gonna interpret for me we're gonna pray for your grandpa's leg and it's gonna grow out he says how is this i said because jesus christ lives inside of me and he's upon me we're going to pray and it's going to happen so that kid goes okay i want to see this i said interpret for me so he's interpreting i said jesus christ and he says jesus christ came and was born right here and i said he went up on a hill called calvary and i talked to them when i shared my testimony with these muslims they're looking at me like i'm crazy i said to prove to you that jesus christ is real and who he says he is i'm going to pray for this man's leg right now and it's going to grow out in front of you all and if it doesn't then i'm lying it's the truth if it doesn't i'm just lying i told him it was and it didn't see we're still afraid of looking like a fool this is different than looking like a fool so he prayed and his leg grew right out he goes they go oh oh and there's people walking around with rifles all right they couldn't even see us i don't even know what was going on except jesus is king and i asked him i said ask them who would like to give their life to jesus and my god goes todd you have to go and they're taking me so we go and and again another person gets healed another person gets touched and another person gets healed now finally one guy is like i've been watching you man i don't know what's going on with you but i want what you have i go awesome why don't you just walk with me no you know why because he can't walk with me unless he has what i have and all i have is him and you can't live this christian life unless you're possessed by god you cannot live this unless you encounter him and if you've encountered him a little you need to encounter more more i need to encounter him more i need more of god i need more of god i need more so that night they were going to the sea of galilee we went and benny was doing a service and and we got there last and i was so upset no i need to be there i need to be up front so we get there and there's 1600 people 1700 people the last bus in gotta be the first bus out we're in the back and i go gosh i want to sit up front and i i really feel like i hear the lord say i have a seat for you in the front so i'm like oh this is amazing so i said to my guide i go hey i just heard that i can sit up front because todd now i'm the problem i'm not kidding i'm going after jesus i'm not rebellious but if i know that jesus heals and i'm gonna walk by somebody and not give them the miracle that he paid the price for i'm in sin i don't know if you heard that or not if i have something that can fix their problem and i'm not willing to give them i'm selfish and i'm in sin you have what the world's looking for because the world's looking for eternity the world's looking for eternal life the world's looking for real joy the world's looking for what you have and what you carry and if you're not caring enough i promise there's more i promise there's more and so he said todd you need to go up front and if you don't have a seat you get right back here because we're the first bus out of here i go yes sir i promise so i went up front i came out of the bathroom this guy comes up to me big guy i said hey man he goes can i help you i'm supposed to sit up front he goes right this way brings me right to the front only a couple rows back in the middle and i'm like oh my gosh i'm not supposed to be here but the lord said because i'm in a section that's roped off for people not my not me and i know it i knew it because i looked around and i saw the people with suits and i'm in shorts and a t-shirt and oh my gosh officials and people that were like high up people but the lord said and he let me sit there so all of a sudden benny comes up and he's ministering and i watch a chair i watch a chair lift off the ground with a person on it and flip the whole way around a whole way upside down and land on four legs i'm out in the crowd going oh my god i want that i don't know what that is but that's what i want people were like well i don't know if i want that i do guys he said he said pastors ministers leaders get up here hurry and by the time i got out of my seat i was in the back again because everybody was in front of me i'm like no jesus i came here for more i am so hungry for more and people are being prayed for and bodies are flying flying people were like well i don't believe it okay i don't have to prove to you yet and he turned and he said bring that man and point it to me and i felt the holy ghost go through my hand down my arm across my face and up my hand and it felt like electricity my whole mouth was numb i couldn't say anything and they came through the crowd and they got me two ushers and they brought me to the front through the people and they got up on stage and i'm standing here and the ushers are holding me and benny's standing here he just looked at me and said jesus like that and a bolt of electricity hit me in the chest and picked me and the two ushers up off the ground three feet in the air here threw me ten feet through the air and both ushers landed on the ground oh this is real and then two more ushers picked me up and i couldn't get up you know on the videos you see pick him up pick him up pick him up there was no pick him up i was in the fetal position in the air they're carrying me and the same thing happened four times with eight ushers all of them were out all of them including me and the fourth time they picked me off the floor on the bricks in front of the stage my guide todd we have to go you have to tell your legs walk i said i'm trying i want it again i have to have more they carried me to the bus carried me to the hotel i was a big guy like 265. took many people to carry me and i sat on my bed and my scared roommate was in there petrified petrified his name was michael armstrong he actually loves jesus he's been serving the lord since but when we first went there he wasn't serving the lord his mama sent him on the trip and he was my roommate i'm not kidding on the bus on the bus from tel aviv he's like check them girls out man i go oh man i said bro can i share my testimony with you he's like sure he goes dang bro dang he was in rebellion he was that night he's in the in the other bed with the sheets over his head i'm not kidding he said hey bro you okay man it looked like you died on that stage man [Applause] you know what i said i did [Applause] all night long i sat there and i heard this boy this this sound it went it was like a two i was like i'd become a tuning fork for the lord that's all i heard all night long wouldn't go away and in the morning i slept about a half an hour i'm wide awake still fasting my guide in the morning you okay todd i am i saw exponential increase in the miraculous in the prophetic in words of knowledge and discernment in casting out of devils i can't even tell you how incredible this is i've had it happen again with reinhardt again with bill johnson again just a couple weeks ago with heidi baker i am so wanting to lay hands on you tonight [Music] so that you can say i went to that encounter service so that tomorrow morning at work you're like what lord you want me to what okay the lord says you need a new eardrum oh you wait and see god is gonna use you exponentially and he is gonna overwhelm you jesus didn't say the disciples then you're going to be baptized in the holy spirit you're just going to pray in tongues he said then you are going to be endued with power he said you are going to be endued with power the baptism of the holy ghost is for the endowment of power you read luke into acts and you'll see the gospel going straight through because it's written by the same one it's amazing luke wrote acts luke wrote luke you look and it goes right in it's the perfect book it just goes right in and you look at acts 1 when jesus says are you gonna or peter says to him are you going to restore the kingdom to israel he says not for you to know the time of the season should go and wait in jerusalem he tells until you receive the promise and then you will be endued with power then you will be my witnesses it's really hard to be a witness if you're not endued with power you will do witnessing no it's time that we become a witness and tonight there's going to be an amazing transference to where you are going to be endued with power if you dare to just come through what we're going to do is we're going to have a tunnel of people lined up and then we're going to lay hands on people and they can come through we're going to pray for every person and we're going to believe jesus for the transference we are going to believe for the impartation of gifts there is the impartation of gifts that are upon a person i have a staff that is full of jesus i have students that are full of jesus i am promising you that you will come through and you will get what you are hungry for and if you're hungry i'm asking you i'm asking you to truly come through with hunger and to believe god because god wants to show you who he really is as a father he wants you to be baptized with the fear of the lord he wants to be baptized with power so that you can go about doing the works with the lord and listening to his voice he wants you to walk in purity and power the fear of the lord the fear of the lord is the beginning of wisdom the gift of righteousness and the abundance of grace will come upon you and that is the reality of you reigning as a king in this life through the free gift of righteousness and the abundance of grace righteousness is a gift jesus paid a price for us to live in it to walk in it i have a revelation of righteousness i don't know if you guys are ready or not but i'm going to give the microphone to somebody that can guide this and then we're going to get this thing on but i want you to do me a favor i want you to come through with expectation i want you to come through expecting because you will get what you're hungry for i promise are you ready all right before we begin worship i'm gonna ask the two front rows to stand up and bill you're gonna take care of the pews these pews are gonna be moved in the two front rows so if you guys could grab your stuff maybe you put it off to the side and the first two rows you guys are gonna start the line over here on the left well over here on your right so you guys pick up your stuff bill you're gonna work on the pews as we start worship just make your way over and then everybody else can get in line behind them we're gonna have two lines if i can have some some students that are males that are want to work out lcu 3 students preferably if you guys could if you're if you want to come and just help us catch just our staff it's going to be laying hands we're gonna have two lines and i'll come down and help facilitate but if you're could you raise your hand if you're willing to help cash you're one of the guys okay if you guys could come and line up right here just right in the front just so i can see you come on guys let's do it quick i want lcu students men that are willing to catch men that are willing to catch you guys are not helping us pray we're just gonna do staff just men yeah just just men hey jason jason can you go down and start forming the catchers okay and the rest of you as you guys wait to get in line can we not spectate can we not do that can we just stand up and begin to magnify jesus can we do that you guys can just enter into worship we're gonna just let god come and mess up the place all right can some of you guys yeah can you guys help me hey catchers lcu student man lcu student men just please come up here jason's gonna line you up all right todd do you want to pray [Music] i want you to do me a favor and make sure that you position your heart this is encounter we don't want to do church as usual as they're getting everything together i want you to position your heart for jesus i just want you to position your heart i want you to position your heart right now god i need you now we already have him and god is inside but we need him on the outside he's in us for our sake but he comes upon us for others [Music] jesus we worship you god we ask you for more we want more we want more we want more we have to have you just so i can share just for a second here in matthew chapter 3 verse 11 john the baptist is being questioned by pharisees and they were like who are you are you elijah no are you one of the prophets no then who are you and why do you baptize he says i baptize you with water but the one coming after me he who sandals i'm not even worthy to carry he will baptize you with the holy ghost and fire he will baptize you with the holy ghost and fire people say but i already got baptized in the holy spirit i want you to understand that these disciples were baptized in the holy spirit and on through the book of acts as you see it they were baptized they were like lord look upon their threats and grant to your servants that with boldness they might speak your name the name of your holy servant jesus christ that you might heal and do signs and wonders these guys were filled already and they were like lord we need more we need more so i want you to position your heart right now for more i need you to position your heart for more [Music] i want you to lift up your voice in the spirit right now [Music] pray in the spirit everyone in this place lift up your voice come on i want you to pray right now lift up your voice [Music] lift up your voice pray in the spirit pray in the spirit right now lift up your voice lift up your voice lift up your voice [Music] [Applause] lift up your voice lift up your voice lift up your voice god we want to encounter you we want you we want to encounter you would you say this with me holy spirit [Music] i need you guys to say this with me holy spirit holy spirit here we are we desire more we want more tonight touch us fill us light us on fire in jesus name
Channel: Todd White
Views: 19,386
Rating: 4.9204421 out of 5
Id: wdvNqtEQWo4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 23sec (3383 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 28 2021
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