Todd White - Twisted Grace Is Created by the Enemy

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I got good news I'm just a normal Christian it's not about me being this some celebrity this is so hard because I love Jesus so much and I just want this thing to be normal I want us to leave by the example of normal I want to raise the standard to normal I I believe that no matter how old you are no matter how young you are if you're breathing you're part of this generation and we all need to walk together and be one voice the younger generation the older generation they're still the same generation we're all together the father's the mothers that the sons the daughters coming together as one but there's this there's this weird thing it that I'm seeing in the world as I travel and it's it's grace but it's twisted and demonic and so like some people that come on I want to hear about this well too bad because because twisted grace is not grace at all it's actually demonic strategy set up to get you to take Jesus's face wipe it in the dirt pick it up and say that's my king twisted grace enables you to think that you can do whatever you want and get away with it and it's okay with God it's okay with it he's not okay with it there's hell to pay for it okay no start off right here's why listen my conscience is clean and my heart is pure my hands are clean and I believe that we as the body of Christ can walk in such a pure way that we can expose the enemy's tactics in every way but you will be persecuted for it because the Bible says that you will be persecuted for righteousness sake and that is commendable before God righteousness is the purity of the gospel it's the most beautiful beautiful thing that's I come out here and I want to share about something else and God shifts my heart and he's like no you have no idea how hard this for me because I want to tell you about all the miracles Wow cuz it's amazing to happen all the time my four year old is praying for people and they're getting healed up for real it's amazing we're walking around the park and because my family is on vacation right now so I came off of vacation to come here just cuz I love what is happening and and I want to see you guys like get through all the muck get through all the twisted stuff just just shed the stuff and let's get rid of the sin and the stuff that's so easily ensnares us and get that stuff out of here cuz we don't need it man listen we don't need it we can be an uncompromising on fire pure and bold generation that walks in signs and wonders that the devil can't touch it he wants us to get some kind of catastrophe he wants us to that the devil wants us to get some kind of mindset that's not biblical and then go off on that tangent and create a doctrine that's demonic that looks just like the devil but proclaims the name of Jesus he wants us to do that he's not threatened by all this just healing the sick he's not threatened by it man you can heal the sick and go to hell you can heal the sick and the sick person can go to hell if they don't know Jesus is and if you heal them but don't walk like Jesus why would they want what you have we've got the opportunity of a lifetime to burn with the flame of heaven a pure and holy flame living stones like the living stone walking around like Andy Mineo says walking around like we're there getting stoned as living stones he's talking about going and you know Andy Mineo is one one six right he's a friend of mine he's a beautiful amazing man loves Jesus did you hear the song wild thing Wow he's in the pasture there he's with his pastor in the bar with the entourage around sin but ain't taken part because they're there but they're not taking part of it they're there to expose it to bring the light in the darkness but if we walk in darkness how can we bring light we can't bring light and the miracles not light if it's not pure listen I can talk for 30 seconds and teach you how to heal the sick but it's easy all you have to do is pray in the name of Jesus why because God will folks he God will flow through us my mics messed up a little bit if someone wants to come up and help my ear sorry it's probably my dreads they get all messy healing the sick is is an easy thing watch okay we'll just demonstrate right now okay if you have any kind of sickness or disease in your body right now raise your hand okay stand up okay everybody that has any kind of sickness pain disease anything at all just stand up we're just going to demonstrate okay so we can get through this all right now all I need to do is put your hand on someone's shoulder beside you I'm not making fun of sickness sickness is a real deal okay I'm just telling you that it's as easy as commanding it to leave and believing that God wants to father I thank you in the name of Jesus right now for every physical body part that needs healing God your grace is amazing and you love us so much and your power is awesome it's a free gift the kingdom of God is not a matter of talk but it is power it's the power of a clean life it's the power of the miraculous god I thank you in Jesus name right now I command every joint to be healed we as the body of Christ say this right now in Jesus name every joint be healed right now neck be healed shoulders be healed back be healed knees be healed ankles be healed in Jesus name wrists be healed in Jesus name carpal tunnel get out in Jesus name right now 100% wholeness every organ be healed right now hearts lungs kidneys livers bowels bladder in the name of Jesus be healed right now now I want you to move your body around wherever you felt pain in any place in your body if you have any kind of breakthrough right now just wave your hands over your head [Applause] one more time put your hand on somebody beside you please in Jesus name we commend all sickness to get out infertility get out in Jesus name every part of the body be healed right now in and throughout this meeting sleeping disorders today begone tonight begone in Jesus name we as the body of Christ commands sickness to get out right now and stay out in Jesus name [Applause] [Music] now I want everybody here to check your body again check all over the place if you have breakthrough in your body physically right now I want you to weigh both hands over your head [Music] [Applause] awesome awesome Jesus I thank you that you'll do more throughout the meeting tonight and this weekend in Jesus name Amen [Music] now when I talk about sickness and I talk about healing and I talk about miracles I'm not discounting them I'm not I earnestly desire their spiritual gifts but I earnestly desire the holy spirit who has all of them the holy spirit has devoted himself to magnifying the name of Jesus for eternity so he his magnifying Jesus in every way and Jesus never tried to sin and get away with it Jesus went about doing good and healing all so he did good and healed all so healing and goodness were both part of his life the Bible says in Matthew 6:33 to seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and everything will be added to you so seeking the kingdom is amazing because the kingdom of God is not meat or drink but it is righteousness peace and joy in the Holy Spirit so when you seek the kingdom you seek Holy Spirit and everything that is in him and he is in you and upon you so what we're gonna do tonight is we're gonna I'm gonna preach my heart out and share some stuff I don't even know what it's gonna happen but but then we're gonna pray and I believe that there'll be an amazing beautiful baptism of purity and fire upon this group of people [Music] listen time time is short we don't have much time we don't have much time listen people talk about evangelism and they say we'll talk like you're an evangelist and I'm not I believe that I believe that we need to stop that I believe we need to stop calling ourselves what we think we are listen we have boiled down evangelism to the one that is the Evangelist is the one that talked to people about Jesus and we've neglected the fact of using our mouth which is supposed to be hooked to our heart which is supposed to be and throne with Holy Spirit that wants to talk about Jesus all the day so no matter where I go I get to talk about Jesus it doesn't matter where I am from on a plane to talk about Jesus people don't want to hear it but it doesn't matter what they want to hear I want to talk about it but that's not just for me that's for everybody if you're happy and you know it use your mouth listen sometimes will out life and we love situations we allow things that we're going through to stop us from being able to share sometimes we're going through a sickness we're going through something like our back hurts so we don't pray for anybody for healing because we think if God didn't touch us then why would he touch them you'd be really surprised the very place that the devil's trying to touch you at go after it go after it make him wish that he never did [Applause] let me tell you a story I was starting with my four-year-old so we're in we're down in we're in Orlando we're just taking a little family vacation we're doing a couple of the parts so my little daughter Briley my four-year-old and my other daughter Zoey my nine-year-old can't help themselves but to run after people in the park so that running after people in wheelchairs they're running after people with crutches if they see an immobilizer they just stand there and wait for the person and they're there on it they're on it they're growing in character at 4 and 9 and the miraculous is happening through their life as a little kid so if God would heal through a little kid why wouldn't he heal through you easy but sometimes we turn our affections so much towards wanting breakthrough in the miraculous that we turn it away like let's say we go to church all of our life and we're taught that miracles aren't for today and then all of a sudden you find out they are so you're like man my been deceived my whole life right how many people have ever felt that way okay how many people have ever tried to like I want to unlearn all these things that I've what I got to unlearn all this stuff okay well I've got news for you you can cuz your brain can't unlearn it needs to be renewed you can't unlearn it because you'll spend all this time trying to dig out that stuff instead of just having this relationship with Holy Spirit in the quiet time when it's just you and him and you're in the words and you're reading it and you're remembering what you've been taught the Holy Spirit that wasn't you at all God I'm asking you to help me become this word man makes me Crocs I did it for like five hours today ah it's my favorite place to be Oh ed 3 hours of sleep last night man and I'm on the plane and I'm doing my dreads I am and I got my Bible open and I'm like and he's teaching me I'm like oh my god oh I push the rewind just the button on the iPads it's easier than flipping pages sometimes I'm back there and I'm looking at first Peter and second Peter all day all day all day and I'm like oh this is so good god help me become this word father I thank you this is what I do I read the word and God it says be holy that's your holy God you said be not do you didn't say do only you said be holy God there is a place of being holy father I thank you so much that you've created me in your image God and you understand that my heart cries to be like Jesus and Holy Spirit you with me on the plane it doesn't matter who's around if people ask you what's wrong tell them it's not what's wrong it's what's been made right but it's relationship it's not just reading your Bible like a book my heart cry is that we would get in this Bible and we would read it and let the Bible read us it's so powerful the word is transforming people sometimes we go to church and we grow up in the church and we and we learn all this stuff and we're like man I learn the wrong way I'm just gonna go after the spirit for a while and we neglect the truth of the word and then all of a sudden you don't know the truth concerning the doctrine you just are so spiritually minded that you're no earthly good anymore and we have to be so heavenly minded that we're earthly amazing but but heavenly minded is being sound in the doctrine being in purity in truth in in holiness and we need relationship man I mean we desire miraculous over relationship and that sin and we can't afford to desire something over relationship because relationship with Jesus is everything and we can't afford to be a body of Christ that proclaims to have a relationship but doesn't we can't try to get people saved to something that we don't even know what we got all you got to do is open the book and say God Here I am help me and you open the word and you open you with a scalpel and the word is sharp alive and active he'll divide and separate your soul from your spirit because your souls messed up your soul your mind you will your emotions it needs fixed you need to be renewed in the spirit of your mind the miraculous will follow this man there's no way to get out of it God wants to heal through you he wants to prophesy through you he wants that words of knowledge through you he wants to use you we are a tool we are an instrument it says to let people see your good work so they can glorify your father in heaven not you when I take a stage it's not about Todd white being glorified all I am is normal but I'm a man that's on my knees I'm a man that's in my prayer closet I'm a man that has a relationship with God I'm in love with God I don't live by my last prophetic word I gave I live by my love for the father my father's love for me and nobody can take that away from me nobody can reject what I've got because nobody else gave it to me my father gave it to me so how could you take away what you never gave me you can't I've been accepted in the beloved you've been accepted in the beloved why would we compromise this thing what would we think that we can go ahead and we can perform a miracle and sleep with our girlfriend and think that it's okay you're sure we'll find you out it's not okay I'm not a legalist Jesus wasn't a legalist he was in love with the father that's why he didn't send we were the joy set before him he pursued the cross it didn't pursue him people like that your legalist this is not legalism it's love why would I want to do that when it violates this why would I want to step into this when it violates this this is everything but when this isn't there this happens and then when this happens a little bit and then you can still heal somebody still prophesy over somebody still get a clearer word from the Lord for somebody man wouldn't that be dangerous I don't teach against the miraculous I live in them I walk in them lots of people get healed every day of my life why because there's people everywhere and God lives in me and he wants out but he doesn't want me to walk without a pure heart without a clean conscience your conscience needs to be cleaned the blood of Jesus cleanses our conscience from dead works in order to serve God and we can't afford to sear our conscience even a little bit especially in the day and the hour that we're in right now we can't afford to and you will be persecuted by thinking that you can live this way people will say things like oh you think you're holier than now so you know I'm just in love with God and I'm not gonna compromise that for anybody because you know what you can't even die what is to live is Christ and to die is gain what does that really mean guys to live is Christ and to die is gain to die is I exit this tent and go straight to be with my father but guaranteed my life is gonna leave a legacy for people to follow we are here to make a mark so that we can change people's future you are here as an example to live as an example you are to live as an example for the sake of God's elect and that's everybody that you see because they're chosen by God they might not ever come to know that they are everybody it's God's will that all that none perish and all be saved all be saved God's will is all be save everybody nobody's counted out and if you'd walk as an example of purity you might get persecuted for it man but so what so what what are you gonna do you can't kill me cuz I'm never gonna die I think we've compromised our life and we've lured this thing down to make people feel good and it's not okay and I will never ever quiet this down I was shouted from the rooftops I will preach the reality of the glory of my father the goodness of God he met people are like they sent me messages you know you should be I used to watch you when you were when you were praying for people but I don't watch you anymore because you're getting all legalistic you know why cuz they cuz they can't stand the fact that they're in sin and they want to live there no way dude it's coming now cuz cuz people are going to hell don't you hear don't you care the people who know you know what people don't want Jesus because Christians are hypocrites you think I'm kidding I hated you guys 22 years as an atheist I hated Christians you were all about yourself all about your church all about your stuff all about yourself no one talked to me about Jesus for 34 years nobody nobody nobody shared the gospel with me nobody I'm not mad at the body of Christ I just won't be a compromising Christian I'll die before I compromise this gospel my heart is burning right now because God wants to give us something he wants to purify his bride there are people in this room that came here just to listen he came to the right meeting I love you who God loves you so much and I want to say I'm sorry for what you've seen in the church but Jesus didn't walk that way Jesus walked pure and holy and he died on a cross to save your life it's awesome um overwhelmed He loves us so much he loves us He loves us He loves us Jesus loves us He loves us loves he hung on a tree hung on a tree for me he hung on a tree seeing how it's Wednesday again I was even though I hated God even though I hate it here Christianity he's still hung and dies me even though I hate even though I burn with hate Rehan people would love me even though I hated even though I hate Christianity Jesus our mawla tree and he thought of me he said you're the joy before me I would gladly lay my life down gladly lay my life down for that one in my sand and in my twisted life Jesus became the sacrifice he came and he died for me and he rose from the grave [Music] here arose from the grass he came and he died for me rain of love hell no one that name is that he would lay his life down for his friend that makes me a friend of Jesus that makes me a friend of Jesus Jesus would you lay your life down would you lay your life down home for the King of glory would you lay it out yourself would you lay you down on your condemnation would you lay it all down for him would you surrender your life for him would you surrender would you say yes God yes God would you say yes god yes god yes would you lay it all down for the person in front of you would you lay it all down would you lay it all down for that person in front of you for the family member that doesn't care would you lay your life down they're supposed to be your friend would you lay it down would you lay your life down for the person in front of you no matter what they've done to you would you lay it down are you in it for you or for him are you in it for you or for him there's no miracles in this place there's just surrender surrender surrender all God's asking you for something you were never created to be because you were never created for you you were created for the King of glory [Music] holy wants from you it's everything that you are they live down at the feet of Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus all he's asking for is what he gave you back see the truth is is our life doesn't belong to us guys it's really not much to give up I mean what are you gonna do trade your life for his kind of trade is that who makes that on that deal God's looking for surrender he's not looking for compromise he's looking for surrender you know when I was in the world I saw all the hypocrisy I saw the people that talked about God but had no walk had a lot of this no walk I'm gonna read a section of Scripture it just came in to me sorry it's like a roller coaster for me too it's a good roller coaster I've been on some bad ones I don't I don't like them much anymore my head just keeps spinning alright ready chapter 4 first Timothy what a beautiful chapter are you ready alright now the spirit expressly says that in latter times some will depart from the faith giving heed to deceiving spirits and doctrines of demons speaking lies in hypocrisy hypocrisy and having their own conscious conscience seared with a hot iron now it gives some examples like forbidding to marry commanding to abstain from foods which God created to be received with Thanksgiving by those who believe and know the truth for every creature of God is good and nothing is to be refused if it's received with Thanksgiving for it is sanctified by the Word of God in prayer I'm just gonna read on real quick and I'm going to come back to here okay just bear with me I'm not a guy that reads one scripture and takes it and just rides on one yeah it's not a good thing to take one scripture with the out of context you want to read the whole thing before and after to find out where you're at where it falls okay really good it's really good because if you go through the Bible you can make the Bible sound like whatever you want to make it sound like you have to be very careful when it comes to the word listen there's a big part of the church that thinks that the miraculous is from the devil now listen if I'm praying for somebody in the name of Jesus and God's healing and God's healing them if I'm praying for somebody in Jesus name and they get healed and the devil did it were in trouble that makes sense doesn't right but there is a there's a big part of the church that doesn't believe in the miraculous it's called cessationism they believe that the miracles stop when the disciples with the disciples so right now the miraculous is demonic activity so we have to be very careful on how we walk here's why if I don't walk out the truth of the doctrine with miracles included but my life is out of whack and outside of the context of the word we'll never be able to reach the church that doesn't believe in them are you with me we can't afford to walk in the miraculous but not be sound in truth we have to have the word we have to be sound in the word so if you came out of a church that didn't believe in the miraculous but now you've seen it and know it is don't throw the baby out with the bathwater make sure that you get in the word and allow the Holy Spirit to saturate your soul with the truth of what God says on your knees before God and he will change the way you think because when you repent you repent means to change the way you think we have to see things from God's perspective but when we start seeing the miraculous we can't go after the things of the Spirit so much that we neglected the truth of the word or you will get sidetracked and you'll get into these weird doctrines and you don't want to go there are you with me it's very very important I've I've had amazing breakthrough with reaching different listen you want to hear something really cool the Baptist denomination in New Zealand just printed me in their magazine it was really awesome [Applause] it is awesome and I'm not saying anything against any denominations because I love them all but it's but it's not normal sometimes for certain denominations and not just that one but other ones to even be okay with the miraculous but we can't afford to walk without the truth of the doctrine in the miraculous because if you do that they'll think you're out of whack and you're you're like a firecracker okay are you with me if you instruct the Brethren in these things you will be a good minister of Jesus Christ nourished in the words of faith and of the good doctrine which who have carefully followed but reject profane and old wives fables and exercise yourself towards godliness for bodily exercise profits a little but godliness is profitable for all things having promise of the life that now is and that which is to come this is a bait saying and is worthy for all acceptance for to this end we labor and suffer reproach because we trust in the Living God who is the savior of all men especially of those who believe these things command and teach let no one despise your youth check this out this is so powerful listen to this listen to listen to why how we not let people despise the our youth be an example to the believers in the word be an example to the book to two believers this is to the church so you want to be example to other believers other people in the church in the word in your conduct and your love in the spirit and your faith and in your purity that's like solid as a rock so you want to be an example in the word so you have to know the truth concerning the doctrine you have to get into the Bible listen there's a place where where people open this book and they have no idea what it says so they don't want to do it so we go and buy a book so we can understand the Bible that's not how it's supposed to go but I'm not against books because there are amazing books out there but if I neglect this book and go for these books I will only ride on everybody else's revelation and you're not meant to be an echo you're meant to be a voice listen when I when I first started to read the Bible I came out of I came out of not being able to read for 34 years so I couldn't concentrate because I couldn't comprehend anything so when I read I would like to forget everything so I read that's how my life was like I would read a whole chapter get to the end don't even understand how I cruise through eight pages and didn't understand anything I'm serious how many other people have ever had that happen it's a dilemma yeah okay so the Holy Spirit is the one that captures the soul he captures this the Word of God is alive sharp and active it divides and separates your soul from your spirit so it separates your spirit man gets the word your soul is lagging behind but your soul needs to be filled with truth because we're supposed to be renewed in the spirit of our mind don't be conformed to the world but be transformed by the renewing of our mind but the Holy Spirit renewing of the mind happens like this I I put the word in I have no idea when I'm reading like with me this is this is a lot of times it'll happen I'll have to listen to one chapter or and read one chapter like 50 times I'm not kidding like like it sounds funny but I was in first Peter and second Peter today for five hours straight but but I'm just I read one chapter and I'm like okay and I'm like oh my god that's so amazing Jesus please help me you've got to help me I can't explain it except it's so deep and penetrating in this way and I can't afford to and a lot of times like if my brain is going like adrift and I'm reading a couple are you okay I'm in teach mode real quick you good just hang with me all right because the spirits like wind you never know where he's gonna go but I'm in there and I'm reading a scripture in one scripture will make sense to me but the next three don't okay and I'll be like oh my god I need to become this word please help me Lord God I need this with God people's eternity depends upon me walking up this word and right there relationship happens Holy Spirit cuz because it's it's the truth I'm not trying to I don't study this thing to preach a sermon to you I don't study this to say okay I'm gonna I'm gonna preach this and this and these scriptures gonna go together because if I tried that it wouldn't it would fall apart I wouldn't be able to do it right but I get up here and I opened my mouth and I pour out what he's been sharing with me in the secret place but if there is no secret place I have to pour out of me and learn right before I speak and study something right before I speak but it's better the other way because what happens is when I'm reading and this stuff is going in me all of a sudden I start to walk this out in my life and then I preach out of my life lived and that changes other people's lives but my heart cry is God I need to become this father because people's eternity depends upon my life that walks before them it sounds like pressure it's not really pressure I mean you only have this side of eternity to do it think about it sorry you're gonna have at most 110 years maybe 110 years in this world to walk before people maybe not 110 maybe 85 90 95 Reinhardt 75 and he's still pumping man he still he's so going after this thing but you have that much time in the scope of eternity to make a difference in other people's lives and we get to everywhere we go all right okay let no one despise your youth be an example to believers inward conduct love spirit faith and purity until i come give attention to reading to exhortation to doctrine don't neglect the gift that is in you which was given to you by prophecy with the laying on of hands at the eldership meditate on these things and give yourself entirely to them that you that your progress may be evident to all take heed to yourself and to the doctrine continuing them for in doing this you will save both yourself and those that hear you that is amazing because when when I got when I got saved my relatives weren't like totally on page like at all and my at all and my heart cry was to make sure that my relatives all go to heaven with me cuz I don't want any of those anybody to go to hell right so check this out I'm gonna read one more chapter and then we're gonna go to somewhere first Peter 1 are you ready okay I didn't hear any pages - everybody has I phones god forbid that you come to services and don't ever have a Bible we haven't we should have an altar call for people that don't have their Bibles I'm just kidding no but you should have one says Peter an apostle of Jesus Christ to the pilgrims and dispersion in Pontus Galatia Cappadocia Asia and Bithynia elect according to the foreknowledge of God the Father and sanctification of the Spirit for obedience in the sprinkling of the blood of Jesus Christ grace to you and peace be multiplied blessed be the father of our Lord Jesus Christ who according to his abundant mercy has begotten us according to again to a Living Hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead to an inheritance incorruptible and undefiled that does not fade away reserved in heaven for you who are kept by the power of God through faith for salvation ready to review to be revealed in the last time and this you greatly rejoice although now for a little while if need be you have been grieved by various trials that the genuineness of your faith being more precious than gold and perishes though it's tested by fire may be found to praise honor and glory at the revelation of Jesus Christ whom having not seen you love so now you do not see him yet believing you rejoice with joy inexpressible and full of glory receiving the end of your faith salvation of your souls of this salvation the prophets have inquired and searched carefully who prophesied of the grace that would come to you searching what or what manner of time the Spirit of Christ who is in them was indicating when he testified beforehand the sufferings of Christ and the glories that would follow to them it was revealed and not to themselves but to us they were ministering the things which have not been reported to you through those who have preached the gospel to you by the Holy Spirit sent from heaven things which angels desire look into therefore gird up the loins of your mind be sober rest your hope fully upon the grace that is to be brought to you at the revelation of Jesus Christ as obedient children not conforming yourselves to former lusts as you did in your ignorance but as he who called you is holy you also be holy in all your conduct because it is written be holy for I am holy for if you call on the father without partiality who without partiality judges according to each one's work conduct yourselves throughout the time of your stay here in fear knowing that you were not redeemed with corruptible things like silver or gold from your aimless conduct received from the tradition of your father's but with the blood precious blood of Christ as a lamb without blemish and without spot he indeed was foreordained before the foundation of the world that was manifest in these last times for you who threw him believe in God who raised him from the dead and gave him glory so your faith and hope are in God since you have purified your souls in obeying the truth through the spirit in sincere love of the Brethren love one another fervently with a pure heart having been born again not a profitable seed but incorruptible for the word of God which lives and abides forever for it is written all flesh is grass and the glory of a man as the flower of the grass the grass withers the flower falls away but the word of the Lord endures forever now this is the word which by the gospel was preached to you then it says therefore lay aside all malice deceit hypocrisy envy and all evil speaking as newborn babes desire the pure milk of the word it's just amazing it just goes on and on and this dude this is the guy that got it really wrong this is Peter like this amazes me because I man my life I've got it really really wrong and Peter like he's the dude to deny Jesus like and hung with Jesus and then denied him that's like crazy right this is Peter like who two men say that I am well some say this and some say that yeah but who do you say I'm Peters like you're the Christ whoa awesome Peter way to get it right uh-huh you didn't come up with that one yourself my father told you that one that's what he said flesh and blood didn't come up with this you didn't come up with that one yourself but my father did hmm and your Peter and upon this rock the rock the revelation of Christ I'm gonna build my church and the gates of Hell will not prevail against it right and Peter's like walking around like this cool guy cuz he just got it really right and then a couple of scriptures later he's like by the way I'm gonna die what'd you say Jesus like by the way I'm gonna be killed and given up what you didn't just say that you know Peter because Jesus is the best thing that ever happened to him right this is Peter this guy wrote be holy this guy said lay aside all malice deceit hypocrisy envy evil speaking all that stuff be holy as I as he is holy like this is Peter something happened something really really what Peter to change him to make him a different man something really happened and we need a good Wacken I mean uh a light one electrocution I am so serious man the church the church as a whole needs a Holy Spirit defibrillator I'm so serious she needs food shocker do it again boom cuz we need to wake up man we can't afford to sleep right now right now is wake up time right now is wake up time right now it is so when I first came out when I first got saved right my all my relatives are dude serious attitude anger frustration mad hateful like I would say man guys you've got to hear the good news Jesus rare and they would just hammer me man I remember like when I came home like a fresh out I just got saved I'm like youth right let no one despise your youth so I'm growing in the Lord I'm a couple weeks old and I'm really excited that I'm coming up on eleven years so I'm like eleven year old right now and I'm really really excited people told me that it would wear off by ten years they were wrong I'm serious people told me they said dude you cannot run like you're running because you're gonna burn out let's see where you are in ten years Here I am nobody is gonna take this away from me c-note why you know why cuz I don't just run on miracles I don't just run on my last word that I got for somebody you you won't make it that way I promise you'll burn out you'll have to perform to be anybody when I take this stage it's not about a performance it's about God's heart for you it's about preaching the truth it's about me spending time in the secret place so that when I'm in the open he can reward me but it's never about performance it's never about how many people did you heal today how many people did you prophesy over how many words of knowledge did you get how many times did you pray today I pray all day I'm in communion all day all day long it never ends it's all the time all that all the time all the time it's amazing I'm sitting on the plane I'm in communion I'm talking to somebody beside me and God's talking to me about them I'm in communion it's like amazing I don't even know how he does it but he does it and it's pretty awesome cuz God wants to reveal his manifold wisdom by the church that would be us to the powers and principalities he wants us as the body of Christ to represent the head here the head is he wants us to represent him and he wants us to have communion all day long every day so I'm like so excited I'm like like telling all my relatives and you know for those of you don't know my testimony I've shared it a million times it's somewhere out there on YouTube somewhere but like my wife and I got married after tragedy we got married four days after I got out a team challenge it was like amazing beautiful but not everybody came to our wedding they were pretty upset not hardly anybody came because they were mad because I had stolen from everybody and ruined everybody's life but Jesus had redeemed me and I can't expect them to believe what I believe I have to walk out what I know I have to walk like Jesus so they can see my walk and not just hear my talk I can't just be a talker and not a walker that's what it seemed I despised hypocrites I saw the church I was like you guys are a bunch of hypocrites all you do is like talk about then you don't have anything come on you guys like you go to church on Sunday and you cuss out your wife in the restaurant you fight with her about this and you fight with your kids about this you're no different than anybody else and I'm not being mean I'm just being real that's what I saw I didn't want that stuff I didn't I didn't want anything to do with that I can fight with people without just claiming the name of God and I thought if I'm going to hell you guys are all saying that I'm going to hell for my life man where do you think you're going that's what I thought and I would tell a Christian you guys men like didn't dare say me you know Jesus loves you there's straighten your act up you're going to hell like what Bob because I was an angry fella I was people would tell me I'd go to help nobody prophesied if nobody shared truth with me not like never no way so I'm now I'm freshly born again freshly saved like totally excited like yay and my family is not okay with it I told my aunt I remember telling my aunt I'm Christmas it was like two months after I get saved we get married till my aunt yeah and then Jesus shut up like no you shut your mouth I can't because Jesus lives in me and he's shut up right she just like not hit me but she hammered me and let me have it dude everybody let me have my uncle's my aunt's all of them they let me have it they did just okay this will wear off it's just something that you found okay it's enough so so years go by and I get to see one relative seen my mother my wife's mom she just she hated me because I destroyed her daughter's life and then three years after I get saved she calls the house one day and I answered the phone she she hates me she can't stand me she's like you threw your life away he's a liar now he's gonna bring this god thing into this she calls on the phone because she has to get surgery the next day and she's calling to talk to her daughter I answered the phone hey mom please don't call me Mom okay and you got to get surgery tomorrow morning yes I need to talk to I need to talk to Jackie so Kay I'm gonna pray for you before I give her the phone father I thank you in the name of Jesus for a brand new neck now watch God healed her mom and she never had to get that surgery on the phone but she hated me to my face for three and a half years to my face so when I say what are you gonna do you're gonna lay your life down for your relative that hates you the one that doesn't understand you or you just out here to preach to make yourself look good in front of other people and then you can't witness to your family because you can't stand how they make you feel what if it's not about your feelings and it's about his love for them what if we been living by feelings instead of walking by faith I'm not saying it's easy but it's the truth you know I did a service so it was it was a couple months after that and her mom she came to Jesus it was awesome she came to my service that I preached that and she came up for her I baptized her I held her under till the bubble stop just kidding I'm just kidding but I did baptize her it was beautiful man beautiful my wife was a bake mass it was awesome but some relatives don't just they don't just like take three years they take longer like her stepped out when he came to my wedding he he said listen he goes you're a loser and a liar I hate you and you don't make you don't you don't fool me and he cussed me out at church the day of our wedding five and a half years later we're at a dinner a Thanksgiving dinner and he said listen I I made a big mistake when I when I said those things about Todd and I just want to say that he's a good man and what he's walking in is real at dinner everybody's like pass the potatoes very uncomfortable time I said dude you didn't have to say you're sorry cuz yes I did you alright man I love you he goes I know that's why I said that why because your love for me isn't contingent upon my love for you cuz real love doesn't need to be loved back [Applause] but you listen if your life is just on the miraculous and performance you won't make it you won't make it I've had people get healed and cussed me out even after I've had people cussed me out when I asked them to pray they walk away and get healed walking down the street I told you not to pray for me I'm not kidding like this is like pretty intense it is but you better be sound in doctrine you better have a real relationship with God cuz he wants us to have an intense love relationship with him and he doesn't want us to have our faith get moved by anybody's on faith he doesn't want our belief to be wrecked by somebody's unbelief he wants us to be bold the unashamed nosov the gospel comes because I've been me right with God I'm not ashamed of this gospel because I've been made right with God for it is the power of God unto salvation for them that believe first for the Jew and then for the Greek for in it the righteousness of God is revealed from faith to faith for it is written the just shall live by faith Romans 1:16 1:17 righteousness produces the unashamed news of the gospel if you realize that you've been made right with God and God is for you you won't care who's against you and you won't tell them I don't care if you're a good to be good for me that's not what I'm talking about I'm talking about God being for you and you know it in your heart your heart of hearts and you don't want them to go to hell so no matter what they do to you spit on you punch you kick you stab you you still are gonna take one for the team because you valued their soul being in heaven and you want to see heaven populated in hell empty [Applause] we can raise the standard to normal guys there's nothing that anybody can take away from this message except the truth its truth God God wants everybody to become the message he doesn't want us to just preach it he wants us to be coming because He loves us so much love so much so I want to share a couple of other testimonies about family members they haven't gone so easy I'm gonna share my aunt remember the one that I told you cussed me out and and freaked out on me well it was two years later and we were doing a conference and it was in Ohio just gonna tell you this testimony one more testimony and we're gonna pray and then God's gonna go I really really really love you really dear I'd lay my life down for any of you because I'm never gonna die so what am I really laying down I'm not I'm so serious man wait till that Holy Ghost reborn movie comes out late oh you got to see it yeah I was so undone I got so rekt that's right so we went to this we're over there in in Ohio and it was like my first conference that I was speaking at right and I wasn't supposed to speak I was just going outreach that was it to take people on outreach but they asked me to speak but I got I got a couple of these phone calls on my phone and I'm like what who is calling me and my mom calls me and she goes that's your aunt I go no why cuz it's the one that that really hammered me I mean like hammered me you have no idea she's really smart and I'm not as smart as she is not as smart as a lot of people are but I love Jesus and she's like and my mom says you have to call her she wants to come and see you I go why would she come and see me in Ohio cuz you're in her hometown I'm like oh my gosh no no no and I'm thinking to myself oh my gosh okay alright I called her back hey Holly Todd you're in my hometown I my mom said I am yeah I'm not kidding like this was a very hard time right now because like I hadn't seen her for two years like cuz she hadn't she hasn't come to a family event this is my first time in two years she's like I'm gonna come and see you I go why do you want to heckle me you choose no my nephew's in town and I want to hear him speak I'm like okay when's your session I don't know I really didn't know yet they were just telling me that I was gonna she goes but I'm going to meet my friend for lunch and I'm like okay and I said where are you meeting her and she said it's at the Texas tumbleweed I looked out the window and it's right beside my hotel and I thought why don't I just come and meet you there she goes well I'm headed there right now and she said I'm bringing my friend with me and God spoke to me and told me that her back she had scoliosis in her back and she had one of her legs that was shorter than the other cuz her hips were twisted out now go does your friend have scoliosis she goes how did you know I'll be right there so I hung up the phone and I and I I went and and Dan if any guys though dan Mohler we we were traveling together at that time and so we we drove over to the restaurant when we pulled in God showed me the car that her friend was in when we pulled into the parking lot it was so cool so I ran up to the window I said hey she goes what I said are you here to see Holly she was yeah I'll go no way I see you got scoliosis she goes yeah who are you I go up and right back I ran inside I got my aunt and by the time she came outside she's sitting on the bench out front of this this restaurant and I said I said do uh I said Holly I said hey your friend has scoliosis and she goes yeah how did he know I don't know how this is crazy he's a little weird so they're sitting here Holly's sitting here she's sitting there and I'm standing here and Dan standing here and I said all right I said I believe your hips are really at your scoliosis at the bottom she said yeah I said let me see your legs so we held him out and they were like way short big time it was like a two and a half inch three inch almost like really like contorted I said I'm gonna pray for you and God's gonna heal your back she goes what why are we doing this like Holly I don't know I don't believe in any of this her leg came out I prayed in Jesus name her back her back popped straight right in front of my in my aunt's out there what's going on right now I'll go I'll go Jesus it's what I've been trying to tell you about Jesus it's amazing but all the while even though this is going on I am reading the word and I am being saturated with the truth of who God's called me to be because I have to have this thing renewed I can't afford to live on just that I have to live on this I have to live on God's love for me because it never fails his love never fails it never ends it never it never ever ever runs dry it's always there okay so I'm I'm sitting there and we pray for this girl and then a lady in a wheelchair is coming and Dan and I are blocking the path she can't get by so Holly Holly goes we better get in there I said hold on a second I said ma'am I said what's going on with you and she said that she had a virus like eight years ago and she's paralyzed from the from there all her legs all the way down from here I go can we pray for you she goes why I said just because we want to pray for you in Holly goes do you know her I said no and it was like a setup you know so we start praying for and all of a sudden this lady in a wheelchairs legs start going like this right there my aunt goes why I'm crying dude because this is ridiculous this lady's paralyzed and her legs are freaking out and I'm like what's going on she goes I don't know and she doesn't know to do that she hasn't been taught that she's supposed to move around she's just going like this in the chair and her legs are going like this on the can you feel your feet something's happening on my feet I'm like check out a run she could and the lady behind her is crying because this is her friend she's pushing her my aunt goes we got to go so they ran in the restaurant so I'm talking to this lady and she's like she's like this is amazing I move my legs and I'm like listen I believe Dan goes Todd look we're we're gonna be late we got to go you're supposed to speak I'm like my first session and I'm late for it that's not good I'm like okay well listen that's my aunt in there she can tell you more so we just talked to her she started to get feeling going up her legs so he went in that lady went and sat right down beside my aunt at the table right next to him my aunt had to deal with that the whole time the lady didn't say anything to her but the lady was a Christian but she didn't believe in healing or anything like that but that changes the belief system of an unbelieving believer do you get it so my aunt she she like calls me because I'm gonna speak in another session she calls me she goes I'm I'm coming to get you right now I'm like yeah but I'm gonna speak at I'm gonna speak at this session she goes no no I told everybody at the horse Club that if you come down God will heal everybody of everything they have my aunt I'm like okay I'm like put my sessions in 45 minutes I'll have you back on time let's go I'm in the parking lot so I come downstairs my aunt's in the car she goes this is gonna be awesome I'm thinking oh my gosh so we get down to the horse Club where she heard horse that were they have horses and it's a big huge barn and there's a circle of chairs like this in a circle she goes she comes in she goes here's my nephew she sits down she goes do your stuff I'm serious and God touched every one of those people inside of that horse which is awesome and my aunt came to the night service she brought somebody that had lupus that was crippled up with lupus that person got healed my aunt surrendered he gave her life to Jesus it was really awesome and that week she thought that Christmas she gave me a Christian book and she said I love you now where we have relationship but it was really us and God he'll oh I forgot to say it gosh my aunt told me asked me if God would touch her horse if God would heal her horse because her her horse tore a muscle is hindquarters so God healed my aunt's horses but to get to my answers are my aunt's harp that's crazy as also I know it's silly but it did happen really did okay now okay now in my family I've had encounter after encounter after encounter because I don't run from family reunions I go there and I talk about Jesus I don't run from Christmases I don't dread Christmas and a family that doesn't believe I don't have anything else to talk about except Jesus that it's not Xmas it's Christmas Christ miss I go into stores and it's Christ miss happy merry Christ miss Xmas what does X mean well we're not allowed to say I am Jesus loves you [Music] come on what are you doing I didn't go to Macy's and do this on their escalator okay some don't know what I mean my daughter does my 18 year old okay so check this out another testimony I want to share and then we're gonna fray all right I believe that God is gonna give us major breakthrough in purity I believe that God's gonna give us major breakthrough in the cleansing of our conscience from dead works to serve God I believe that many people that came here that aren't saved are gonna give their life to Jesus tonight because why would you not want this and I believe that your relatives your family members are going to get radically wrecked for Jesus okay so one of my relatives one of my relatives my uncle he he was just a really really angry angry angry angry angry guy just angry about everything and a couple of years ago my grandma passed away and they live right beside her and they were kind of caretakers for her for a little while before she passed away and he was really really angry about a lot of things but he's especially hating the name of Jesus when I would talk about it because every time Christmas come around I mean he's the one to say oh we're gonna pray uh you know and just kind of like just hammering me for stuff and I didn't respond back and yell at him I Jesus was a sheep that led to the slaughter that was silent so it's not about us rebelling against somebody that's persecuting you being persecuted for righteousness sake is commendable for suffering for doing good is commendable before the Father but we don't have to like lash out against people we can actually God can hold his own he's pretty secure oh you got me so so I met my my daughter's birthday party at my house it's it's December its December 23rd and my daughter my daughter's birthday party is happening at my house I keep getting these phone calls on my answering machine I'm not leaving a message and I'm like what is going on you know it's like eleven o'clock at night and all of a sudden I they leave a message and it's my uncle and my uncle had had been clean for a long time and he started drinking again after my grandma passed away bear with me I only have a couple minutes I want you to stay with me on this because this is very powerful to show you the strength of love so my uncle leaves a message and he goes he goes I'm done with this Jesus and he's cussing and swearing he goes I'm on my way to your house to put a bullet in your head once and for all I'm finished with this now my uncle's a marksman he's like he's not in his right mind he's like out there he's drunk he's angry he's wanting to kill me for real a little bit legit he's told me he's been angry at me for years this is 8 and a half years of the gospel in my life and he is one that I haven't even been able to get to I will bend over backwards to help him to love him to do whatever I can for him and I don't need him to thank me back in order to do stuff for him God loves him so much and I need to demonstrate the reality of the love of Jesus for people to people but he's one that didn't want anything to do with it I would talk about Jesus he would hammer me cussed me out whatever so he leaves this message I'm on my way and then the next message he leaves on my phone it's an extended message because he leaves the phone off the hook and he's screaming at my aunt Tom telling her that he's on my way to my house I'm out of here he didn't call me back I'm out of here he's screaming and so I'm like let my wife I'm like what do you want me to do she goes what you're not gonna what are you gonna do I'm like we need to do something and so I'm like cuz he's on his way I know that one day I'm gonna lose my life for the gospel because I already lost my life the day that I gave my life to Jesus but I know that one day I'm gonna put this tent off for the gospel and it's not a big deal to me I mean I just didn't want it to happen in my house with my kids there with my family member does that make sense and I know that this is extreme because he's thinking extreme he's drunk he's out of his mind he's not in his right mind he's thinking like a man that's drinking and partied up and he's losing it I was that way I thought that way I was destructive I was suicidal I was all that I was extremely jealous I would have killed somebody if they were with my girlfriend and I called him together I would have done it but now I'm in my right mind because Jesus is my right mind the righteousness of God is in my mind so I think different but he's not thinking that way and I can't afford to his sin against me produced sin within me so now he's like he's leaving him I'm on my way he hangs a phone up right I'm like oh dude so my wife is like we need to call the police why call the police officer and I'm like I need like somebody to come over here just in case like something happens it's like we're on our way so they come to my house so I asked the guy when he comes to my house I go first of all I want to ask you this are you a Christian or not the cop he goes yes why I said because I need to talk to you about some Christian stuff and if you weren't I'd need to talk to you anyway but this will make more sense if you believe so I shared my testimony with a cop he's like wow I've never heard anything like that in my life I said but Jesus lives in me and now I travel and I preach the gospel now the man on the other end of his phone is not one that likes what I preach so his persecution isn't against me my war is not against flesh and blood it's against principalities he is messed up with principalities and powers that are twisting the way that he's thinking he's thinking demonically do you understand he goes yes I do and I let him listen the message because what are you gonna do I said I don't know what to do and so we decided that they were gonna go and put him in a and arrest him that night - just to get him in his right mind so the buzz would wear off so they went to his house and they went and arrested him they put him in jail and then the cop told me you know that's okay we'll just get him off that you know we'll get him out and you don't have to press charges on him and all this and I'm like thank you so much man I really appreciate it we hugged a police officer it's also the hug cops I do it all time first I go I don't have anything on me you're not the devil you have nothing to worry about me huh don't go like this go like this [Applause] so so a month and a half later I get this subpoena in the mail and I'm like okay it says that the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania is now pressing charges on my uncle though it doesn't matter whether I want to or not they're pressing charges and I have to show up at the preliminary hearing to take it to the trial and I'm thinking what like first of all the date it's not gonna work so I have to reschedule the date because I'm over in Australia it's not gonna work so I go and reschedule the date well that date comes and I go there and my uncle's there he won't even look at me he's not allowed to because they have a PFA and all that stuff on him so I'm like okay so the lawyer comes out and he should or the cop comes out and he goes do you realize what we're doing today I go yeah dude you dropping the charges are you kidding me it's the same cop was in my driveway I said you're Christian he goes yeah but this is out of my hands I said whoa man whoa hold on this is my uncle man I thought you were a Christian I am but the Commonwealth you are but what does that mean what's out of my hands right now and like no I'm not gonna testify against my uncle man we need to drop the charges he's like no you need to like follow through with this or they're gonna put you in contempt of court I said well then that's what they're gonna do cause I'm not pressing charges on my uncle I'm like man you told me this wouldn't happen he's yeah I know but it's out of my hands and he was really like bummed out like then then the district attorney's assistant comes out she's like not a Christian at all she goes she's telling him what we're doing he goes yeah but he's not listening oh well let me tell you and you will listen like oh well let me tell you and you've got to listen to this so I shared my testimony she goes wow she was I'm surprised you're not in jail oh I was in jail but I'm free and now I'm out of out of prison but I'm actually way more free than that and I've talked about you I don't believe in any of that stuff well he believes in you why don't you believe in him so I'm trying to share the gospel with this District Attorney's assistant and she doesn't want to hear it so she's like listen shut up listen to me you have to press charges or the Commonwealth is pressing charges all you have to do is testify so we can get the charges brought on testifying she's like she's like well then we're gonna put you in contempt of court and you're gonna go to jail and with a record like that you're gonna spend time in jail so be it people in prison are gonna get saved I'm not being mean I'm just that's my uncle man he made a mistake he deserves mercy and so the the guys like are the ladies like well listen she goes we have to go in there so they're just so his attorney comes out and he's like we want to plea we want a plea bargain she goes I'm not dropping any of this did you hear the phone messages that are on there cuz they took my phone you know so they recorded everything and wrote everything down did you read this look at what he said cuz it was pretty explicit parental advisory stuff so he's like she's like well we want to drop the charges we want to make this because they wanted to hit him with felonies this any other thing we're gonna drop it to a misdemeanor it would just be harassment and if he keeps his nose clean for 90 days it'll be wiped completely off his record I said I'll do that I said and and she goes no way he's going down for this that's what she said I said you need to know what mercy is ma'am so she's like you think so I deal with predators and she's got that attitude with predators and all the stuff that she sees all the time because they see the horrible stuff I'm like I was horrible but Jesus cleaned me well I don't believe in him well he believes in you and he lives in me and he's trying to talk to you through me right now so she's like she's like I'm not okay with this and I'm not okay and the attorney the district attorney would never go for this well that district attorney that is her boss is the one that put me in prison a long time ago so I said I bet that there's some mercy in his heart she goes I'm not even gonna try this and that his attorney goes well let me call him so she gives okay she gets here she calls him and her he calls her and he calls the guy and he's like hey listen yeah it's an uncle and a nephew and the nephew preaches Jesus and the uncle doesn't like it so it's more a religious dispute and he was you know he was drunk and the nephews it forgives him you forget of course I forgive him man I'm not mad at him so the district attorney on the other line goes okay that's a fight that's fine give the phone to the DEA assistant she goes what you're gonna there's no speech involved because she can't say anything cuz that's her boss so he says go ahead so we go into the courtroom right we go there the judges like to my uncle why did you say this and this and this and this and this well I was drunk and my no I don't want to hear that you were drunk do you realize what you said here and how many years of prison you're facing right now why would you talk to him that way my uncle looked at me see eight and a half years of sowing seeds and pouring into him and him being unresponsive and mean and angry and bitter and mad you have no idea the seeds that are going into people's hearts when you don't compromise your life and bow to unbelief but you stand your ground in belief not preaching at people but coming up under people like Philippians 2 says considering others is greater than yourself not needing a reputation but came to his own he didn't need a reputation he humbled himself became a bond servant Jesus Philippines to let this mind be in you it's very powerful stuff my uncle looks at me and he goes I did my nephew's a good man he preaches the gospel of Jesus Christ and he's a good man and I'm really sorry for what I've done and I hope my nephew one day will forgive me I'm crying in the courtroom I'm a cover man I never held anything against you man I love you you know that man because I know you're doing the judges like whoa settle down what do you have to say to me I'll go sir I'm glad you asked me [Applause] and I preached the gospel to the courtroom to the attorney to the judge to my aqua to the cop the cop just sat there like this because he's never seen anything like this in his life see what you don't understand is that when you're bold in situations and you don't fear death not boding arrogance but bold and righteousness vote in Philippians 2 letting Christ mind the mind of Christ being you you mark people's lives you plant seeds that are so deep that the devil can't remove them and you changed people's lives around you when you witness Christ at your school you give teachers the reality of what it looks like for a student to be bold for Jesus when you witness Christ in your high school and a gang member sees you and they've been bold for the devil for a long time all of a sudden they realize that they can be bold for a king and what greater love had anybody than this then someone would lay their life down for their friend gang members lay their life down for their brothers all the time all the time dying for nothing and we can die for something and we're supposed to be surrendered and have already died to something and when you live this life would you walk this out you mark people and that cop sitting there like this not even knowing not even knowing what to say cuz he really doesn't have to say he has to be there has to listen to what's going on here solicit me say to the judge I say mercy for my uncle sir because if we get what we deserve we go to hell if you get what you deserve you'll go to hell without Jesus sir it's the truth he saved my life I've been in many courtrooms before then the courtrooms that I've been in I've been the one that been accused I've been accused because I did stupid stuff and now today I'm sitting here and I'm almost like a lawyer almost because the Advocate lives within me he's defined my reality and now my reality is defining this situation I'm in love with Jesus I say mercy for my uncle sir mercy because God loves him and mercy triumphs over judgment [Applause] he looks at me looks at mom when he goes granted that District Attorney's assistant won't even look at me she was so mad but those seeds are inside one day she's gonna come to Jesus because she's not getting out of this thing just like every relative that I have isn't getting out of this thing nobody's gonna get out of this thing I'm gonna walk this gospel out in purity and power and Mark agenor a ssin everywhere I walk I'm gonna mark your generation and Jesus is gonna rock people's hearts with the seeds that up and scattering because everywhere we go some so some water God brings the increase dare to be a sower dare to be a water dare to walk without compromise dirt a bird with glory of Jesus 90 days later my uncle came to a birthday party he was there and he pulled in I haven't seen him because they had a PFA that let 90 days he couldn't see me he had to keep his nose clean and all that he came up to me he goes hey I said hey man I said I haven't seen you in a long time any guys I just want to say you didn't have to do that man of course not I didn't get to I didn't have to I wanted to he's a yeah I know because I just want to tell you that I love you and thank you now he's a believer that praise [Music] [Applause] so my question is this if you're in here and you don't have a relationship with Jesus you do not have one I need you down here right now now if you don't have a relationship with Jesus please come down here right now please don't hesitate you're upstairs wherever you are come down come on [Applause] Oh commitment Khmer [Applause] Jesus [Applause] Jesus is gonna wreck your family matter we'll get your family Jesus just hang out I need everybody that does not have a relationship with Jesus down here right now come on come on come on hurry hurry hurry come down from upstairs if you're up there get down here come on [Applause] everybody that doesn't have a relationship I need you down here right now listen you might be confessing that you have one but you don't have one I need you down here come on you kidding don't compromise your life [Applause] come on let's do this let's get this thing on with Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus come on come on [Applause] it's time to surrender all to the king all to the king all to the king oh oh it's a little worship team becquer come on bring them up here let's do it everybody that does not have a relationship with Jesus right now it's go time I need you down here right now come on I know there's more I need you down here please don't play with this is silly to hold on to your life after this would be silly come on time is short man woody got to lose the only thing you got to lose there's a life that you really don't want anyway Jesus we got to do this before we pray for the next thing I need two people down here [Music] there are people here that are still there mad at God they're angry at God they got mad because people walked in Parker see get over yourself just come down come on don't who cares about a lot of stuff let's do it don't be mad at God he's not your enemy the devil is stop letting somebody else's unfaith and hypocrisy label your faith come on you change everybody's life around you Jesus Jesus Jesus where's Brian Barcelona come on up here buddy Jesus just hang out with me ah God loves you got so much so proud of you hey your champion you hear me your champion man love you promise hey you know what Jesus does he takes everything that you wish you never did Hey look at me anyways it promise man dude I was a drug addict for 22 years back I've been extradited across to America twice kicked out the Marine Corps in and out of prison my whole life people are dead because of me and Jesus said that's what he's gonna do right now I promise okay all of y'all he's gonna clean you room clean press sweet Oh who's my peeps that are up here raise your hands all a guy all the people that are up here for this call right now [Applause] hooter believes that your high schools can be changed who there believes that your families can get rocked with the gospel yep are you ready we're gonna pray look this is so good see Jesus didn't just pay a price to get you to heaven he paid a price to get heaven into you so what's gonna happen now as Heaven's gonna get into you Holy Spirit Wow he's gonna hang out in you God's gonna forgive you of all of your sin and all the stuff that you wish you've never done I promise man the devil is gonna try to make me think that it's not real but the blood of Jesus is way more real than anything the devil can do I promise now what we're gonna do what we're gonna pray after this is that the Bible opens up to you and that you would plug in somewhere where somebody could help you feed because the most important thing that you have to do is that you have to get plugged in somewhere some church somewhere don't allow getting upset with the church to affect you plugging into a church you have to plug in somewhere to be a part of a body of Christ to where people can nurture you strengthen you and help you grow okay all right I'm serious and then we're gonna dunk all of you outside in the pool I don't think they can do that they do it on Sundays they do [Music] so will you do it on Sunday will somebody do it on Sunday here you can do it tonight seriously he said yes listen if I explain baptism to you how many of you would get baptized tonight all right it's on we're gonna do a baptism service tonight right outside okay yay all right listen it does not matter if you clothes get wet cuz mind gonna get wet because I'm gonna be dunking you and Henry you're gonna get in with me we're gonna have people in there with me Brian you're getting in oh yeah man he's in he's in is that okay where's Marcel is that okay all right okay I had to make sure the wife is good she's amazing she's pregnant so okay so here's what we're gonna do we're gonna we're gonna pray this and I'm explaining baptism all right and then we're gonna go do this you guys good with that can we get acoustic cuz you guys come out with acoustic and play out there while we baptize come on man I'm just drafting everybody in on this bathroom okay so watch this call is for this and this is really important right now you're saying to Jesus I surrender all you're saying I am willing to give everything that I've always been about to have you are you willing come on man ah I'm glad you didn't hit me harder cuz that would have really broke my fist he's a big guy so you're saying I surrender all I'm giving up everything Jesus everything to follow you right now everything is for you are you willing to do that if somebody talked you into coming up front here do not stay up for this altar call because this is a full surrender we don't need any more compromised Christians do you understand no more compromise dude this thing is on because God will baptize you it well happiness are you ready hands up I surrender I want everybody to say this with me Lord Jesus I believe that you died on the cross for my sin to be wiped away the cross is the revelation of my value you valued me so much that you came and you died for me well I was yet a sinner Christ died for me it says in the Bible that your blood Lord Jesus takes away my sin washes away my sin that everything that I wish I'd never done gets wiped out right now because of Calvary what can wash away my sin what can make me whole again whoa precious is the flow that makes me white as snow no the foul I know nothing but the blood of Jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] say this with me today I am a child of God in Jesus name and everybody said amen [Applause] I want everybody to put their hands on their heart right now holy spirit just let me pray over you just hold your hands on your heart she presses saturate everyone the whole way through right now Jesus I thank you Father for a baptism of purity should take the spirit of ugly off the church God as you purify the bride Jesus purify the bride purify the bride just keep your hands on your heart every eye closed holy spirit holy spirit Oh God let your presents touch everyone in here [Music] thank you for your fire Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus which you put your hand on somebody next to you on your shoulder [Music] fire of God Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus touch your people God touch your people Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus father I thank you in the name of Jesus God for everybody here God that everybody would encounter you Jesus [Music] if you have a prayer language lifted up come Holy Spirit such people go touch people baptize people go Jesus more come come jump Jesus come right now Holy Spirit touch your people touch your people baptize your people God Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus decided to follow Jesus to follow Jesus no turning [Music] one more time just the voices loud as you can [Applause] [Music] [Applause] one more time louder oh let it be Jesus [Applause] I have decided to follow Jesus no turning back no turning back yeah [Applause] [Music] [Applause] do you know that if you were in North Korea right now and that you were to follow Jesus and you were to decide to follow Jesus and you were to get baptized publicly they'd execute you on the spot when you're back when you get baptized and in countries where persecution happens they kill you that can kill you right away but back in the days when the disciples got baptized when they got baptized they were pledging their allegiance to a master to to to a leader that's Jesus so they're saying I am going down into this water and I am giving my whole life I am pledging my whole life to you it talks about it in Romans 6 it talks about being buried with him in baptism talks about it in in Peter where it talks about baptism being just like the flood where it it crushed all dissipation and all sin when in the days of Noah when the whole earth was baptized and it says that right now there's an anti-type called baptism it's not the removal of filth from the flesh but it's the answer of a clean conscience to the father so right now when we get baptized okay when you get baptized what you're doing is you're going down into that water and it's you're being crucified with Christ so when I say we hold you down to the bubble stop I'm just kidding but literally literally what you're doing is you're going down and you're submerging yourself the whole way down baptizing the name of the Father the Son and the Holy Ghost and you come back up a brand new creation a brand-new creation okay so it's a really beautiful thing we're gonna do this baptism I'm gonna have Brian come up and he's gonna explain some instructions because we can't get the church wet okay because we have to honor the church we can't come back in here and soft the church up so we're gonna need to go out and not come back in with our with our wetness does that make sense all right but I can promise you real transformation all right it's gonna be beautiful and if you want to hang around and sing we have decided to follow Jesus until we're done that would be really awesome but it's like if you're gonna be baptized I'm just I get a great joy this is amazing because everywhere in the book of Acts where people gave their selves to Jesus every time they got baptized even the eunuch where it doesn't even say they explained the Ethiopian eunuch was traveling and Philip went up to the to the side of the carrier and we're like he explained Isaiah to him and he saw water and without even talking about baptism which means Philip did talk about it but he saw water used to stop me from being baptized like there's water like he knew it right then he gave his life to Jesus it's like I need to be baptized I need to get dumped so that's what we're gonna do right now it's a pledge of your whole life to God being buried with him in Baptism coming up in the likeness of his resurrection even so we walk in the new life of Christ okay hey guys thanks for watching the video we came up with a website it's called lifestyle Christianity we have our newsletter that's gonna go out you can sign up for our email list we'll also have testimonies on their event schedule all that stuff it'll be amazing we want to empower a generation to walk Christianity as a lifestyle so we can all walk with the power of God constant basis it's gonna be awesome so come on bless she thanks for watching
Channel: Todd White
Views: 126,037
Rating: 4.8854122 out of 5
Id: j7MzWV25O0c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 102min 57sec (6177 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 21 2016
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