What Is Truth? | Sadie Robertson Huff at 2021 LO Sister Conference

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so we've been talking about a lot of lies and we've been talking about truth and it got me thinking about this story uh that christian has very willingly allowed me to share but i say very he allowed me to share it so he's a great husband my husband y'all is amazing he is so sweet he is so kind he is a man of god but we all have our things right and we all have our moments so i'm going to share with y'all a moment we had that was pretty funny it was our first argument and it was a big one i'm not gonna lie so we have been dating for about six months now and everything you know at that point it's going good it's all lovey-dovey we're just like enjoying each other it's been fun and so one night about six months into this we're sitting at dinner on a date and he was telling me that one of his best friends just got a girlfriend and that she's amazing and she's awesome i go oh my gosh i can't wait to meet her i'm gonna go follow her on instagram and to this day actually side note they are married now and some of our best friends so it's just fun to reminisce on this day so go to follow her on instagram and somehow instead of being on her like main feed i was on her tagged photos and i clicked on the last picture that i saw of her and it was her and this girl then i realized i'm on this other girl's like pictures not her pictures because it's her tad pictures if that makes sense and i'm scrolling and all of a sudden this girl i don't know at this party i don't know about has my boyfriend's arm around her and i'm like hold up so i'm just at dinner and i'm looking at my phone and he's looking at me follow his new friend's girlfriend i go who's this and i'm like and where was this you know because we were long distance and you know this is kind of insecurity of mine but i always wanted to know what he was doing what you doing where are you you know and i didn't know about this whatever this was a week ago and so i'm like who is this and his first response he said i told her not to post that hold up that just got a whole lot worse like it was one thing that you were there it's another thing i don't know her but you told her not to post as if everything would have been okay if i didn't know about it okay no i'm like what what so i was not happy to say the least i was really not happy so we go home it's very awkward i'm not i'm not happy about it you know whatever then i'm like i don't even know if i can trust you i don't even know if this is a good relationship but i mean it was dramatic okay then you know i said like a month or so went by and i still would bring it up and i'd be like why did you tell her not to post it because if it really wasn't a big deal like you said it wasn't even a big deal we were just going it was her going away party she's just a friend okay i get that but if that's true why would you tell her not to post it right don't i mean y'all would be investigating too huh it's like that part doesn't make sense well then of course the bible says love keep no record of wrong so i was like gotta let it go so i was like well if i love you and i'm gonna choose to trust you i'm not gonna bring it up anymore i'm done with this okay so we closed this subject i don't know why he said that whatever we're moving on now at this point that was in january now we're in september okay we're already engaged at this point two months away from being married i'm not thinking about the time that christian you know was at that thing and this his arm was around this girl whatever that's in the past and i wake up from a nap and the christian is sitting there and he is shaking like literally shaking like hey he's like i have to tell you something i lied to you and i was like what like i had no idea what he was about to say he looked so scared he's like i lied to you and i'm like we are two months away from getting married i have no idea what this is about to be thinking this is gonna be so bad he goes i didn't actually tell her not to post it and i was like what he was like okay the girl in the picture a long time ago i didn't actually tell her not to post it i was like then why in the world did you say that he's like well because it really wasn't a big deal and it really was going away party and we've been friends for so long and i just showed up with my friends and she was taking pictures of everyone and she posted and to be honest i just didn't think she'd ever post it and she did and it was really awkward in that moment and instead for some reason i just said i told her not to post it because i thought it would be better if i wish she didn't do that because i see this is awkward this is a bad moment but then i realized i made it a lot worse and i was like well yeah so it really wasn't a big deal and the whole thing was literally created because of this little lie that he was scared to go back and just in that moment say actually that wasn't true like that was a lie and i think that that happens a lot it's like all of a sudden we're so confused and we don't even know why we're confused we're like wait what just happened when we circle it way back it's from this initial little lie isn't it and sometimes you know the thing is is it is hard to tell the truth right like we all get in those moments we've been in those moments where the truth is hard to say and the truth is hard to say because the truth is awkward sometimes because the truth is uncomfortable because sometimes the truth is even offensive right but i think we all know like at a micro level that to tell the truth is loving right like we all know that and you might be like well i don't know sometimes it's kind of harsh we all know it like for real if somebody says girl you got food in your teeth you're like okay that's kind of awkward i feel a little embarrassed but thank you like that is loving like on a on a more real sister note if somebody's like hey girl like you might need to like wax or shave or bleach because your mustache is showing like that's really awkward okay that's hard to say that's embarrassment but you're like thank you you're my girl because i know only someone that loves me would tell me that right we know that the truth is really loving but sometimes it's hard to say but as i was thinking about this i realized something that's actually not really the problem in our generation i don't think we really have that big of a problem telling the truth and we might in some ways there might be moments like that with christian like like christianity where it's like oh it's kind of awkward it's kind of hard to tell the truth but i don't think that's really our problem i think the hardest thing for our generation is actually knowing what truth is because everyone has their own truth right your truth is different than my truth and my truth can be different than your truth and i'm not offended by your truth because it doesn't have to be my truth and it really is leading us down a really bad path i want to read y'all what urban dictionary which urban dictionary is pretty hilarious sometimes it's basically a dictionary that anybody can go write the definition and the most popular one gets to the top and that's deemed the definition so this is what urban dictionary says about my truth this is a definition a non-negotiable personal opinion this is a convenient phrase for avoiding arguments because people can contradict your opinion but they can't contradict your truth this phrase is often used when seeking to justify a controversial personal stance or action because you're not allowed to argue with someone's truth and that's a scary way to live when we are so entitled to our opinion that we change it to our truth so that no one can tell me that it's wrong and it's actually very confusing whenever we don't have a standard for truth because if nothing is true then now we're like well what even is love and what even is confidence and what it even is freedom because it can all be relative and it can all change and it doesn't even matter whatever it is because if i believe it then it's just true and it's really really really weird actually because you could tell someone hey girl you have food in your teeth and they could say no i don't that is not my truth that is actually not food that is a speck and then you're like okay but you still got food in your teeth you know like you know what i'm saying like you can argue that proverbs 12 5 says this the fool is right in his own eye but a wise man listens to advice and i don't want us to be a generation of fools thinking that we're right all the time thinking that we can just do whatever we want whenever we want just because we want to do it even when it's not even best for our life or best for our world and then we complain about where we're at and then we're so confused and it's all because we really just aren't willing to confront ourself with the truth i want to read you a moment in the bible whenever the truth was kind of all up in the air and everything was confusing so jesus at this point had been arrested they had already gotten him he's arrested and basically what was happening and i didn't even know really the background of this as much as i do now but the jewish people were fed up with jesus they're like you are not our king you're saying you're the king of the jews but you're not our king because our king wouldn't look like you he wouldn't be you know from bethlehem he wouldn't have been a carpenter's son he would be doing way more things and we'd be taking over and so you are not our king stop saying that you are a king stop turning tables over in the temple stop you know making people feel feel weird all the time whenever you go places like you're not our king and so they wanted to get rid of him but in jewish culture they couldn't kill him like they wanted him to be dead so they thought if they went and told the roman government pilate that this guy is trying to be king that they might think he's trying to pose a threat to their empire and so they will kill him because in the roman culture they could crucify so they're like we can't do what we really want to do with this man so let's just flip it and turn it into a little lie and make them think he's so terrible and he's so horrible when he's coming after them that they'll kill him and so this is how we get to where we're at pilate is now asking jesus you know what's going on why are you here because he wasn't really supposed to handle a jewish situation and here he is as a roman handling a jewish situation so pilate entered into his headquarters again this is john 18 verse 33 we're going to read through 40. so pilate entered his headquarters again and called jesus and said to him are you the king of the jews jesus answered do you say this of your own accord or do the others say this about me pilate answered am i a jew your own nation and chief priests have delivered you over to me what have you done jesus said my kingdom is not of this world if my kingdom were of this world my servants would have been fighting that i might not be delivered to the by the jews but my kingdom is not from the world then pilate said so are you a king he's trying to figure out like okay so what's going on here why are you here so are you a king and jesus said you say that i'm a king for this purpose i was born and for this purpose i've come into the world to bear witness to the truth everyone who is of the truth listens to me and pilate said what is truth you know what pilate said that he said what is truth right now because they're all saying you're a criminal they're all saying you're this evil doer they're all saying that you're absolutely crazy saying you're the son of god and you're sitting here and you really don't seem like much of a threat you're saying that your kingdom's not of this world and you're saying that you know you're a witness to the truth and all these different things but what is true because you'll have two different opinions here you have two different things that you're coming at it with and then pilate went away he went outside to the jews and told him i find no guilt in him so pilate at this point kind of established his truth he's like i actually don't think that you're guilty like i don't think you pose any problem here i don't think you're a threat i don't i don't know if he really believed him you know if he's the son of god but he was like you definitely don't need to be crucified but in verse 39 you have a custom that i should release one man over to you at passover so do you want me to release you the king of the jews and i love how he says it he's like so this is obvious right we're going to release the king of the jews because who cares he's not really posing any threat in fact he's actually healing people he's actually making the blind see he's actually making the lame walk he's actually turning lives around so why don't you just want this guy to come out i mean wouldn't that be the obvious decision here but no he stayed all said not this man but barabbas and barabbas was a robber i mean is that not crazy like when you read this this is absolutely crazy and that's what your feelings do sometimes it's like i would actually rather not have the thing that makes me uncomfortable i would rather have the thing that's the worst thing for my life you know i would rather have barabbas out on the streets than jesus i don't want him and as we know the story goes jesus was crucified which means pilate changed his truth to what the majority said truth was and i think that that's really happening in our day if everyone says it's true it's got to be true oh i saw it on tick tock it's definitely true for real for real like that person is my teacher you know oh i saw it on instagram it's definitely true twitter oh that's my whole source oh the news i just swipe left headline that's just what i take is my truth and whatever the majority says is true without even looking into it without even thinking is this actually logical without even thinking does this actually benefit my life we just take it as our truth and it impacts our lives in bigger ways than you think when we choose something in a moment because it feels better even though we know it's bad for us in the long run and you can look at that story and you say why in the world would they choose barabbas why would they choose something so bad for them why would they choose a man who actually is dangerous to be on the streets and have jesus come back to them well we do it all the time with our decisions we keep drinking and getting drunk even though we know we make terrible decisions when we do and we know it's bad for us in the long run why do we keep looking at pornography even though we know this is so bad for us we shouldn't be doing this but in a moment it feels so good right and then you get stuck why do we keep gossiping even though we know it's going to tear someone down but we want to feel relevant in the moment right we choose things that are more you know comfortable in a moment than doing something that's best for us in the long run and it's funny because we don't do it sometimes in the obvious thing it's like if you fall and you trip and you get a big gash and you're like what are you gonna do you're gonna like put alcohol on it you're gonna have surgery you could do whatever you need to do even though it hurts even though it sings even though it's painful you'd rather endure the seeing of a moment than a lifetime of infection right but we don't do that in our spiritual life and we should we really really should i was thinking that we might want to have a little english lesson on the difference between objective and subjective truth maybe we need that so let's just give an analogy let's say there's a girl here at the conference and her name is olivia and she represents objective truth if your name is olivia i actually know olivia here so what's up you're in my analogy your objective truth if your name is shelley you are at the conference and you represent subjective truth in this story so olivia says to shelly girl it was like 120 degrees at that outdoor market earlier and then shelley says really i actually felt like it was more like 80. and everybody knows shelly's crazy but you know that's what she felt like well they said well we know we're not both right so let's look it up let's see what it really was so they pull up the weather app and sure enough at four o'clock it was actually 91 degrees at the outdoor market so olivia says oh that's funny it felt like 100 degrees but it's just 91 degrees and shelley goes no it felt like 80. it was 80. unwilling to change what it felt like to what it actually was and that's okay to do about the weather that's just kind of silly but when it comes to sin that's a real problem because what olivia would do is she would say man this feels so right i would really want to do this right now but when i read the word of god i know this is not what god has for my life so instead of doing what i feel like doing i will lay that aside i will repent of that i will turn from that and i will choose to get on the path god has for my life shelley says nope it feels right it is right i'm the youth i live my truth let's go jesus loves me let's do it and it's like no just because it feels good doesn't mean it is good just because it feels right doesn't mean it is right and so it's very dangerous when we have this phrase in our generation like my truth because then once it feels good once it looks good then it's like it is good this is my truth and i'm doing it and no one can tell me not to that's scary when we start letting our feelings determine our truth it is very scary and we make irrational decisions paul says in ephesians 6 by the way if you haven't read ephesians 6 in a while go read it it's so good he says in verse 13 therefore take up the whole armor of god that you may be able to withstand the evil day and having done all that you can do to stand firm stand there for having fastened on the belt of truth he says if you want to be able to stand in the day of evil you want to be able to stand firm and you got to have on the belt of truth let me tell you something truth is not comfortable my daughter honey james huff is the cutest thing in the world bias but i believe it my truth nobody can argue it um but no she's amazing she looks just like her daddy but i gotta say she's already kind of acting like her mama alright this girl is an extrovert she is a mover she is definitely gonna be a hand talker like me i mean she already got that hand bumping she is always wanting to talk she's always wanting to move she's always wanting to shake so you can imagine honey huff hates the car seat hates it i mean when i put her in the car seat he's like the most dramatic thing it's like wow do not put me in here she hates it because it's uncomfortable to get in that car seat but you know what i don't do as her mom i don't say oh you are so uncomfortable and i mean man if they really knew your personality when they made the car seat they would not even make you get in it if they knew your preferences you didn't you wouldn't even have to sit in it it's really unfair that you're tied up in that car seat so you know i'm gonna let you do honey i'm gonna let you sit in my lap when we drive because that would be so fun for you and then you can talk to me the whole time i drive and you can even play with the steering wheel won't that be cute no i do not do that even though i know that would be fun for her and that she might like that you know why because it's dangerous so i put her in the car seat even though she's crying even though she's uncomfortable and i strap her here and i shop her there and i pull as tight as i can now put the seat belt over all the other belts to make sure that she is totally safe even though it's uncomfortable because it's saving her life you know what also i don't say i don't say you know what when they made the car seat that was in a different time i mean the cars were totally different back then i mean the cars were totally different the car seats were totally different i mean shoot the babies were even different weren't they i mean they don't understand this time no you know why because the effects of a car crash are still the same just like the word of god i don't say oh it was just back in the day they don't understand this time they don't understand our generation they can't relate to me no you know why because the effects of sin are still the same it still leads to death proverbs says there is a way that seems right to a man that leads to death it might seem right that doesn't mean it is right you know what christian told me the other day he said you know what i do at the gym he said i wear a belt around my waist i said do you that's interesting because i'm talking about belts right now and he said yeah wear a belt you know i roll a belt because when i wear a belt it actually helps me to not get hurt when i carry heavy weight you know what else it does when i wear a belt it gives me the ability to carry more weight you know why we need the belt of truth in our life more than ever because we cannot stand firm against the lies of the enemy right now unless we have a belt of truth because it's heavy you get on that news app you get on instagram you get on any you turn on your phone the weight of the world is heavy anxiety is on new levels jenny talked about this depression is heavy some of you girls the things you shared wanting to know if my life has meaning that is heavy and if your standard of truth is your feelings it will lie to you all day long and you will fall on your face but if you stand up with the belt of truth and say you know what i thank god that i have a god who rescues and who saves and who delivers and who is the god of peace and he is the god of refuge and strength you're gonna be able to stand firm if you're gonna carry the weight of the world you gotta stand on the truth of god a few weeks ago we were in disney world and i haven't been on a roller coaster in a while y'all and i was kind of nervous and i love roller coasters but you know it's just kind of nerve-racking and i get on the roller coaster and you know what i did i put on that belt i made sure it was on i didn't just put it i put it on then i made another girl come and check and make sure it was on i want to make sure i had that belt on because i knew i was about to go for a wild ride i was about to go like this i was about to go like that and i would go all around you know what's amazing when i had the belt fastened and secure even though i did all of this and loop-de-loop knew i stayed in the same place i remade remained the same i remained still your emotions in life it will take you up and down all around left and but if you want to be able to stand firm and remain still in the presence of god talks about in psalms 46 that even when the mountains crumble into the heart of the sea even when the oceans were on foam even when the nations are crumbling and the kingdoms are an uproar to be still and know that he is god you wonder how you're going to be able to be still when all that's happening you got to remain in the word fasten with your belt across you no matter how uncomfortable no matter how awkward it gets listen that roller coaster belt it's nasty y'all but i'm putting that thing on because i don't want to die you know i don't want to be led to death i want to be led to life you know what the lie is that your truth will tell you the lie that your truth will tell you is that your truth holds the same power as the truth and that is a lie it mimics itself like the truth because it'll make you feel a little bit high and make you feel a little bit free but it's not freedom it doesn't have the same power as the truth whenever i was getting ready for this message i googled because i just forgot where jesus said you will know the truth and the truth will set you free and it was in the bible it didn't know where so i was googling you know the verse to see where it's from and the first thing that popped up on google was where does the quote the truth will set you free come from so i knew it was in the bible people were just wondering like where does it come from in general because that's a good quote and it was just so crazy because when you click on it there was all of these places in history that people said the truth will set you free and they did have jesus in there they said you know jesus said the truth will set you free he was one of the many that said this quote right and some of them were from 1800s and some of them were early 1900s and all this stuff but you know what it's crazy about that is that all the other people that quoted that that's actually not true not all truth sets you free the truth sets you free your truth doesn't set you free the truth that came 2000 years ago and died on a cross and actually can carry the weight of your sin sets you free jesus said i'm going to read it john 8. it's amazing this is what he says he says truly truly i say to you everyone who practices sin is a slave to sin the slave does not remain in the house the son remains in the house so if the son sets you free you are free indeed so he already said you're gonna slay but i'm gonna back up a little further because i want you to hear this this is when before that he says this if you abide in my word you are truly my disciple and you will know the truth and the truth will set you free jesus said the truth will set you free but how did he say that's going to happen if you abide in my word you see we have to have a standard for truth and you might say well say this is kind of an unfair conversation because isn't that just your truth that the bible is real well it's not even my truth jesus literally claims to be the truth he says i am the way i am the truth i am the life no one gets to the father except through me so what jesus is saying here is yes if you're in sin if you're on these things you are in bondage even though it feels like freedom it's not but if i set you free then you're truly free if i set you free you have to know what that really means because whenever i go on the cross and die i'm actually coming back three days later like i have the power over sin and that i actually have the power to give you freedom so if that truth sets you free then you are free indeed not every truth will set you free but when i was thinking about that and i saw that online i started thinking about how so many times we do that with other things about the bible we take a quote from it or something like the truth will set you free and the world just takes it completely out of context and we try to be those great biblical principles but we try to put us in the place of god don't we it's like i want to be my own truth i want to be my own definition of love because i think it's nicer i want to be my own definition of kindness because i think it's kinder i want to be my own definition of power my own source of peace and my own source of happiness and i want to be my own source of joy because i know how to get joy more than god does knows that for my life and i know how to truly do all these things more than god does for my life and so we try to take on all these big words and big things that only god can truly be and we try to be them for ourselves but the problem is whenever sin comes you can't bear the weight of it so whenever your love actually fails you then you feel like you don't have love you're unloved so whenever your truth actually doesn't set you free you feel confused so whenever you know your confidence isn't sustaining you feel insecure because you're putting all this weight on yourself that isn't yours to bear but god's truth god's definition of love god's definition of mercy his kindness his goodness his joy his peace is absolutely sustainable because that is the essence where it all comes from so when we abide in him we can bear the weight that comes on our shoulders we never have to feel unloved you never have to go a day without having peace you never have to go a day without having joy why because he's the same yesterday today and forever i saw this girl on instagram recently and she's one of my favorite influencers just strictly because she wears cute clothes and has a cute family and i like to follow her then we all have those people you know you know you have them i know you do you're being quiet but i know and i like to follow this girl she she's just a cute little family and she goes on her story the other day and it just kind of gripped me because she was talking about one of my favorite things wonder woman and she was like y'all i saw the wonder woman movie the other day and it was so good and i'm like yes girl even though she can't hear me i'm responding it was so good and she's like yeah and it was just so empowering i just thought how great it is that us as women have this movie and i was like yes it's so true this is a great movie for us as women to have it's very empowering she said i just felt like what most little boys probably felt like whenever they watched superman growing up and i was like oh that's true yeah everything at this point was going good and then she said and then i thought to myself maybe that's why i don't relate to god because he's a man and because all the people in the bible that people look up to are men and so then that got me thinking and then i saw somewhere that there was this heavenly mother and so i've been praying to heavenly mother and it has just been so empowering for me and so i've been teaching my daughters about it and we've just been loving praying to heavenly mother together and it's just so great i was like wait what and so i just kept scrolling this is a very long story and then people start asking questions about this heavenly mother and so she goes um somebody says oh this is so awesome i'm so glad you told us about this she's like great yeah and then somebody goes hey this is so great i love this but where did you find this in scripture and she said um well i actually haven't found it in scripture yet but if you guys find it then let me know i was like okay and let me tell you something before google i might give her that i'd be like okay this is a big book we have a heavenly father there's probably a heavenly mother maybe somewhere in there but you could ask someone who's read it or you could read the whole thing but we have google like you can actually google is there a scripture is there a place in the bible that talks about heavenly mother and very quickly find out if there is or if there's not if the bible talks about that now i'm not saying that's a horrible idea i'm just saying that's not in the bible and i'm also just saying that i don't need something else other than god to feel more empowered i don't need anything other than god to feel a connection to god because even though god is father god knit me together in my mother's womb and god created my mother and me so he understands me right the other thing i thought was crazy about this is that her whole idea of this was that she needed to feel empowered so she was praying to a heavenly mother i just want to encourage y'all the power of prayer is the fact that there actually is a heavenly father who responds like that's what makes it powerful is that it's true it wouldn't be powerful if it was just made up but it's powerful because there is a book that has stood the test of time and the truth is the truth and he is the truth plus we've seen him respond that there is a god in heaven who claims to be our father who responds to his children that's powerful the other thing is i don't need to feel empowered when i pray to god i need god's power in my life like i don't need him to empower me because even in my greatest empowerment i can't do the things i need his power for i can't stop the hurricane that's coming in my empowerment i can't go get everyone from afghanistan and my empowerment i can't stop the coronavirus and my empowerment but the power of my god can so when i pray to god [Applause] it's not for me to feel empowered it's for his power to come alive in me the other thing is this got me thinking is there a heavenly mother let me see you know i mean i'll read i haven't i haven't looked this up so are you laughing at me hey you got it you got to fact check things right so i looked i did not see anything in the bible about a heavenly mother but i did find this the queen of heaven i thought it was pretty um interesting just with this whole conversation anyways there's a time in jeremiah 44 and basically everything's going crazy city of judah jerusalem everyone is going crazy and god basically comes to them and says just so you know the reason why all this is happening clearly i'm paraphrasing is because you'll stop praying to me you started praying to all these other gods all these other idols and that's why you're in the pickle that you're in and this is the response that these people have to god when he tells them that we will do everything we have vowed to make offerings to the queen of heaven and pour out drink offerings to her as we did both we and our fathers our kings and our officials again don't you see the majority rules thing here no we all did it like it was our kings and it was our fathers it was the princess and we all did it we were all praying to the queen of heaven and when we were praying to the queen of heaven for then it says we had plenty of food and prospered and saw no disaster but since we left off making offerings to the queen of heaven and pouring out drink afterwards we've lacked everything and been consumed by famine and sword and they're so confused it was like everything was going actually great god we were praying to the queen of heaven but all of a sudden it's not going good anymore and listen to what one commentator said he said with a clear mind even the slightest understanding of spiritual things this analysis was crazy things were going great when we reject and disobey god until the judgment that god promised came see sin is often good until the wages of sin are paid death see it's all fun against oh it was all it was all going great when we were doing all that then something happened it was all going great when we were all just manifesting things and it was so fun we were saying this is gonna happen it's gonna happen it's gonna happen until it didn't happen because we can't make things happen it's all going great whenever we were listening to this person doing what the celebrities were doing until the promises actually failed us because their promises aren't yes and amen it was all going great it was all so fun it felt so freeing except for it doesn't work it's not god you know it's crazy like if we all tonight if we were like how about everyone just eat as many donuts as you possibly can we would have fun like it would be a blast but guess what we would feel terrible tomorrow and you know what no one would say if we could just get back to the time we were all eating the donuts run it back get more donuts because when we were eating the donuts it was so fun it was so freeing so let's eat more no we would say that felt terrible today that was a horrible decision we shouldn't have done that we're in this place because we ate all those donuts and in the donut analogy you're like duh but in life you're like yes do it again let's go back out and party let's go back to the internet let's go back to the horrible relationship because for a moment it felt good it was fun for just a time it was very freeing until the wages of sin are paid don't go back don't go back it's empty empty promises false truth false freedom false joy why would you take barabbas when you could take jesus why would you choose that to lie but it's so hard to pick out a lie when it's mixed into truth that's why that girl thought that chick-fil-a has holy chickens born against chickens what that's crazy even her friend was like that is a lie why but you know why she thought that because it sounded true because nate was pretty convincing because chick-fil-a is a christian company so why wouldn't they have born-again chickens all of you are getting baptized every chicken get in the water just have a water hose like no that's a lie but sometimes it's hard to see a lie when it's mixed in with the truth you know what the enemy does these days he gives you two truths and a lie daily he says oh you overslept today you're not really where you want to be in your life you're worthless man all of a sudden i'm worthless i am worthless i'm definitely worthless because i overslept and i can't get my life together i'm not even where i want to be in life so that makes total sense and i'm absolutely worthless how we do that it's like that's not true i'm not worthless if i read the word of god i have so much purpose for my life but man that was really convincing because you got me with two truths i'm gonna be very real with y'all because i see this happening too much to not say it we love our best friend she's awesome i love my best friend she's so beautiful wait am i attracted to my best friend well there was that one time whenever i thought that so that must mean that i'm this and then wait oh wow yeah that that must totally mean that now that you got me with those two things that are true and it seems like this must be true i'm just going to follow this new truth because this is my new truth and now why am i so confused because it sounded true at the beginning but there was a little lion there that took a turn and when we do that and when we don't allow the spirit to convict us and to stop us in the moment to have discernment to hear the voice of the enemy rather than the voice of god we start to change our whole identity all of a sudden we are our anxiety we are our depression we are our sexuality we are our addictions we are all of these things and we don't know how we got here or why we got here but if you go all the way back there was a little lie planet that you took on as your truth but if instead you would hear that and you would read the word you say i am not my sexuality i am actually not my anxiety i am not that is not my identity i am a daughter of a good father who created me who has healed me who has redeemed me who has washed me clean by the blood of sin you would know that is absolutely a lie but you gotta buckle that belt around your waist to be able to discern in these days because the world will tempt you and it will trick you and it will lie to you and you will believe it if you are not on guard you cannot look at something our generation looks at social media somewhat of like seven hours a day some people say you can't look at that all day and not start to believe the things you see you can't look at something all day and feed feed your mind that all day and not be changed by it so if you're going to look at something all day you better get some truth in there because you can take a whole different turn you know what's crazy about the whole jesus and barabbas thing well a lot of things a lot of things are crazy about that but one thing is that barabbas was not only charged of theft he wasn't just a murderer he was actually charged with three things in the bible and i thought this was fascinating he was charged of murder he was charged of robbery and he was charged as being a rebel you know what that sounds like murder robbery rebel kill steal and destroy and you know what the bible says about the thief that the thief comes to kill to steal and to destroy and on that day as a crowd all ganged together they said we would rather have barabbas we would rather have someone who kills someone who steals and someone who destroys instead of the truth himself because we would rather not have someone running these streets who make us feel uncomfortable we'd rather have something that feels fine for a minute but in the long run is doing a lot more damage girls there is a truth and there is a lie you have to understand that there is a savior who is the truth and there is a devil who is a liar and they are both available they are both going to be speaking the question is who are you listening to listen to what jesus says in john 8 about the thief this is john 8 verse 43. jesus says why do you not understand what i say is it is it because you cannot bear to hear my word this is exactly what we're talking about he's like why can't you not understand what i'm saying it's because you can't bear it it's because you can't handle what i'm trying to say here he says you are of your father the devil and your will is to do the father's desires he was a murderer from the beginning and does not stand in the truth because there is no truth in him when he lies he speaks out of his own character for he is a liar and he is the father of lies jesus right there says it can you not hear me because you're unwilling to hear the words that i'm saying to you can you not hear me because you're scared of the conviction you're gonna feel can you not hear me because it might change the lifestyle that you're currently living can you not hear me because it's going to make you uncomfortable for a second can you not hear me because it's going to cause you to have to pick up your cross you're listening to the devil you're listening to a guy whose character is to lie and because you're doing that you're making irrational decisions and believing irrational lies that are so foreign to who i created you to be you're choosing barabbas because the crowd is too choose jesus so tonight i want us to think about that for a second i want everyone to close your eyes and bow your head and go into a moment with the lord and i want you to truly ask yourself who would i rather live with who would i rather live with jesus or barabbas who am i currently living with jesus or barabbas i want you to ask yourself why is it because the crowd is doing it is it because that's what's trendy is it because that's what's cool right now or is it because i believed a lie a long time ago and i didn't even actually realize that i was living with brabhas until right now in this very moment i want to just give you a second to think through that think about where you're at right now do i feel like i have truth living in me or do i feel like a thief has come and it has killed and has still just destroyed my life now i want to tell you something powerful if you're sitting here right now and you're saying man i'm living with barabbas i've chosen what the crowd has chosen i have chosen what the enemy spoke over me i am living a lie i believe my life is meaningless i believe my life has no purpose i have identified with my sexuality i have identified as my addiction i have identified with the things that the enemy has spoken over me and convinced me to do i live in a sinful life but today i want to choose jesus you can in this moment you get to choose jesus because your life is not over because your life does have meaning because there's a reason that you're in west monroe louisiana sitting here tonight opening the word of god with me listening to the words and there's a reason there's conviction in your heart because the holy spirit is moving there's a reason why when we were worshiping something in you starts to come alive and even though you're trying to shun it it just wants to overflow out of you that's the truth inside of you [Music] you know jesus says i'm the way the truth and life i quoted that earlier he said no one gets to the father except through me why do we need to get to the father because the father is love because the father is our peace he is our sustainer he is our god he is our eternal hope and so i don't know where you're planning on going in your life but i want to get to the father i want to get to heaven i want to get to eternal hope i don't want to live in this earth that's just like destruction i don't want to go to hell forever i want to go to heaven i want to be with the father with love and guess what it's as simple as just believing it and professing it and claiming it that god jesus i need you i've tried to be my own god but i've realized i cannot be i've tried to sustain the weight of the world but i've realized it is crushing me but today jesus i need you [Music] and i want you to make that decision so we're going to pray right now and then i'm going to ask you [Music] a question if you want to get baptized tonight and the reason why is because that's how you become new that's how you publicly profess your face when you faith when you go down it's like burying the old self just as jesus was crucified on the cross and he beared the weight of our sin you are also right now crucifying your sins with jesus to the cross you will go down one person but you will come out of that grave you will come out of that water a new person following not your way not your truth not your life because that's leading you to who knows where following the way the truth the life jesus christ so i want to pray and i want you to truly have a moment in your heart where you make this decision that's going to be a life-changing decision i no longer choose barabbas i choose jesus [Music] i no longer choose to believe the lies i choose to step into the truth even though it might be uncomfortable to confront and confess my sin even though it might be uncomfortable to go back home and have to you know make new decisions i choose it today because i know it's best for my forever god i thank you so much that you are moving in this place that you are speaking to people that you your holy spirit is making hearts come to life god i thank you god that people are going to make a decision today and to say i will no longer listen to the voice of the enemy i will believe the words that you have i will not only believe them but i will read them and i will guard myself to them i will fasten them around my waist so that i can stand firm in this day of evil so that when you know people pass through the night sky and cities look dark they will be lit up because of the light of you inside of me today i change my ways today i can confess my sin i repent god and i turn to you i want to follow the way your way i want to follow your truth and i want to live in your life [Music] if that's you today i just asked that under your breath you would just say jesus i need you that you would just say right now jesus i choose you i can't be my own god [Music] and i'm so thankful that you are my father [Music] so this baptism tank might be intimidating but let me tell you this is the best place to be it's a place of freedom i got baptized when i was 17 years old it's the second time i got baptized actually and i just felt god just moving in my heart it was that same conference i told you all about that i've responded to my heart and i went forward and i got on my knees and then i got baptized and i've never looked back and i have been a new person ever since ever since that day i have come alive in the spirit and i want that for you today i just want to let you know if you are going to make the decision we have every single thing you need so if you're like i want to do that i don't want to get wet we have clothes for you we have a sports bra for you we have undergarments we have everything we have t-shirt we have shores and the water's warm and guess what a walk with christ isn't even that comfortable but we're gonna make it comfortable as you get baptized and so if you want to respond in that way today and i know this is bull but i just ask you to stand up come on come on that's awesome that's awesome let's go it's so good [Music] i know god's still moving this is amazing you hear this sound this is your sisters and your family rejoicing i can promise you it is not near the sound that's going on in heaven right now so what we're going to do is april is right here everyone that's going to get baptized can exit your row and come down here and you're going to go upstairs and change and this is about to be happened [Music]
Channel: Sadie Robertson
Views: 419,886
Rating: 4.9063482 out of 5
Id: _G8CfPu2Hl4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 37sec (2977 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 02 2021
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