Todd White - A Life Worthy of the Gospel

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for me it's so important that you and I would live a life that would be worthy of the gospel I don't know if I'm gonna get through this very well but I just I want to share my heart with you just about what it means to be a Christian for me it's there's no gray area in here it's a hundred percent and or it's not and it's unfortunate that for a lot of people that's not the case I know that when I lived in the world when I was hooked on drugs and when I was doing what I was doing I understand that was blind but I believe that if I ran across the right person I believe my testimony would have been cut short and instead of 22 years of mayhem maybe I'd have been ten and I want us to really grab a hold of what it means to be surrendered of what it means to be wholeheartedly 100 percent plugged in we can't afford to straddle the fence for a moment are you guys with me feels really sober right now good cuz ask the Holy Spirit to be the convict ER because that's what he is he convicts us he's he brings conviction what does it mean to live a life worthy of the gospel what does it mean to live a life that is so blameless I'm not talking perfect cuz we confused this thing we think God's asking us to walk perfect he's not asking us to walk perfect he's asking us to walk surrendered there's a difference between perfection and surrender perfection is something that we try to achieve and always fall short surrender is something that you completely give yourself to and it's all perfection is something that we grow up we have to be perfect we have to do things exactly right and we always are let down because we can never live up to the standard but surrender comes in the form of righteousness and the reality of what he did for you when you see that you completely give yourself 100% and there's nothing to go back to are you guys okay I'm looking around and I see some smiles but I see a lot of people looking at me like is this what kind of church is gonna be it is I promise this hair brings suc such accusation it's astounding to me I'll be on call be in conversations with people and they'll they'll witness to me a bit and I'll start to really go deep on Jesus really go deep in what he means to me and all of a sudden I see the reality of the the judgment in the eyes of the people that I'm talking to you to where they withdraw from me get out of the depth of conversation and focus on the surface of surface of the hair that they can't get through and we can't afford to be a people that look at the outside of the cup and think that it's okay Jesus said clean the inside of the cup it was impossible for a Pharisee to clean the inside of the cup because the intimacy in relationship the birthday of that was Pentecost and it was impossible for anybody to clean the inside of the cup before then but Jesus talked to the Pharisees as neech said you walk around with these phylacteries and these robes and these beautiful the way that you look and you think that that's okay but inside you're full of greed and envy and yuck and everything bad and we can't afford to be born-again Christians and have our insights still screwed up are you with me I love this I love the gospel I'm sitting over there just listening to the lyrics of the songs cuz I'm a lyric guy like all my life I've been a lyric guy because I love to sing I love to I know what I'm singing that's why music can be so dangerous for you because music bypasses your brain and goes straight to your heart so that's why I like when you're listening to like because their songs out there that the rhythm and the beat and everything is so good but then the lyrics they just they're just nasty and so what happens is you start to that starts to go on repeat in your soul and so it's not legalism to tell you to listen to the right music it's relationally wrong to listen to the wrong music about the wrong stuff because what happens is you start to sing that stuff I mean how many of you grew up gosh I grew up singing songs like Judas Priest and Ozzy Osbourne and and Metallica and Megadeth and all that stuff that's how I grew up I grew up singing that stuff so when I got saved I thought it's over for music for me because everything I listened to was demonic but I had no idea was demonic because I didn't see I couldn't see then when I got saved I was like now what I go to church and I I hear like worship songs I'm like okay this is kind of cool but it's not what I listen to like when I first got saved I saw people lipst in their hands and I'm like these people are psycho I did I was like I don't understand that and there are still people that grow up in church to go to go to a certain kind of service have been to certain kind of service have have been through a certain way and then when they come into a worship service where there's electric guitars and and people like jumping around they're like oh my gosh this is crazy I'm not lifting my hands but for me I saw people lifting their hands and I'm like what is wrong with everybody I went up to a worship leader after the service and this is just when I first got saved I said why are people doing this this is like so weird he said when you were a little kid and you fell down and hurt your knee and you saw your dad what did you do I went and he goes that's exactly right it means pick me up dead and then what I'm in that was easy for me that was easy for me but I went to concerts and it was this I don't even know what that man but it was the thing to do I sang in a band before a rowdy and hitting each other and moshing and I'm like yeah but man when I got saved I heard this javi yeah and I was like but I opened this book and I saw all these Psalms in here and I saw make a joyful noise and a dance and I'm like what oh my god I still haven't gotten the dance thing I mean I do but not like like my daughters like come on dad I'm like no but it's different see whole hearted surrender doesn't mean you just come to church hoard it surrender doesn't mean you just wear a Christian t-shirt hoard surrender doesn't mean you just have a Christian bumper sticker by the way it's weird to have a bumper sticker go buy you at 90 and a 55 that says jesus loves you but what does it mean to live worthy man what does it mean see I was talking to this guy the other day I went to we went to get some back in Pennsylvania we lived right above the Maryland border and we had these things called blue crabs I don't know if you guys know what that even means do you know what blue crabs are you're Texan so but blue crabs they smother him with obey and they cook him in a bushel they steam them and they're like the best eaten ever so I was like man and so my wife found a place that just opened up that was gonna sell blue crabs and I'm like watch like it's a miracle we're here we know it's we know we're supposed to be you know I'm just kidding but anyway I was just talking to a guy there and I started to share with him he's you know he was talking about my hair he's man I love your blanking hair and and he wasn't Church and I started to talk to him and and I started to share the gospel with him he goes come on man you you're you're you're messing with me he used a lot of other words and I said no I said I'm really serious he goes come on man for real like you're not gonna go there are you I said were already there so I started to share my heart with him and he's like listen dude I grew up in the Bible Belt I'm like okay like you grew up in the Bible Belt what does that mean that means that religion was forced on you when you were younger and you got really angry because someone tried to make you believe something that they didn't walk out and so they didn't walk it out so you didn't want anything to do with what they believed what they said to believe so you didn't want that so what you've done is you've pushed away a real God because you saw a fake representation so here's my question for you what are you gonna do when you meet Jesus one day are you gonna tell him well you know what they were fake and they forced me and they did this and they did that you have a very short window of opportunity to say yes to a real God and I said and you let a false representation totally steer you away and now you've rebelled against that way and they're religious and they're religious and they're religious so he started talking about weed right away yes I got some Christians that are friends they get upset when I talk to about me smoking weed and look down when I said man why would they get upset about that and he's like all right a Christian that smokes weed a promise and I said you know it's crazy man this is I'm talking to you about this and you can relate to me because I've got dreads a little bit but did I drop with Jesus thing and you're like then we start talking about weed and you're like and he said didn't God make weed I said yeah he did I said did he make poppy seeds we should go do heroin then cuz that'd be cool and he's like what no I mean no that's stupid but but we man makes me feel I said you know what it is I smoked an ounce of weed a week for twenty two years straight burned out every brain so I fried everything I was awakened baked guy I got high every morning I woke up I had bong hits for breakfast I'm not kidding some of you don't when I'm eating don't know what I mean but most of you do I had a little one-hitter most of you know what I'm talking about some of you do most of you wouldn't admit it but I had this little one hitter and that boy I bring it everywhere to work whenever I had a spare moment I was getting high all the time why because I had no peace and I thought that weed gave me peace and so what happened was when I got really stoned it numbed everything and that was my revelation of peace but it lifted and had to get high to maintain that and so I had to keep getting high and keep partying and keep doing this it's called lust man there's no it's like Christmas morning when you're 4 years old and the president's run out I don't care what kid you are you could teach him now be thankful but when present time is it's shred time and you get to the end you're looking for another one and if someone else has one you're upset because they've got one you don't I'm serious and then when it's over it's over it's like man wait till next Christmas it's just like that it's called chasing the buzz man so when I got saved something amazing happen so I'm telling this guy the only reason you've got the only reason you smoked weed is because you have no peace bro I've got peace like right now you don't have peace you're talking to me and you don't have peace you're upset at me talking about Jesus you guys I kind of like you I got a lot of questions I said God's got a lot of answers man here's maybe we could just talk sometime I said we're talking right now and this is just like out by my truck we're just sitting there talking in the parking lot and he's cussing up a storm thinking then he's gonna get me upset by his cuss words but how could I expect him to speak any different when his heart's not right when I got first got saved I was like my whole language changed I didn't read the scripture let no filthy language come out of your mouth it just happened like it was really cool and then I read later in Colossians and I read in Ephesians and I read about the language thing and I'm like that's why but the f-word was every other word in my vocabulary it was constant I like I use the word Jesus Christ all the time but mostly when I was angry isn't it amazing that people use like they say god damned things isn't it amazing that the world doesn't say Buddha damn it why don't they say that because there's no power in it [Applause] now watch the devil has tried to make power in god damn the world when God saved the world so he's twisted it god damn in other words God is damning people God didn't dam anybody but the enemy see when I talk like I see it some people get upset like he said he said God dam in the service let's I don't think that's right but in the context of what I'm sharing it it's not right to say it why cuz God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son that whoever would believe it than him wouldn't perish come on God so loved the world why because he paid a price to save the world when we get saved we're actually supposed to come out and be separate we're actually supposed to be completely separate than the world in other words like when you share your testimony with somebody like this guy that I was shared in the parking lot with they should be freaking out because it has nothing to do with who they're talking with and that was his problem see I said to him I said religion can't do this to you bro religion can't do anything but make you religious and religious hurts people religion crucified Jesus on the tree religion hung Jesus who was innocent on a tree as guilty so that we can remain innocent that's Jesus religion it says in the Bible that pure religion is this cured for orphans and widows and keeping yourself unspotted by the world sometimes we forget that part what is unspotted by the world mean not blemish no spot no wrinkle no blood no stuff no junk no junk does that mean that I'm religious because I say no seems people think this is legalism it's not I love God so if I love God there should be none of that stuff in my life but if I don't love God that stuff's in my life why because if I don't love God I love the world I love the things in the world I love the stuff of the world I love money if I love money I can't love God you can either love God or love Mammon you can't love both you can't money makes an amazing servant but a terrible master money is a terrible master because if money is your master it rules your life but if Jesus is your master money becomes a servant to serve the gospel it's totally different 100% different you guys people we are representatives of the gospel what does it mean to represent Jesus re present Jesus ray what's that mean again what we're going to do we're going to show it what Jesus looks like again what jesus walks like again how Jesus would communicate again how Jesus would heal again people say you're not Jesus no I'm not but I am a Christian and a Christian means a christ-like one a little anointed one with the ability to anoint see there are three things that we're going to go after as a church here I never thought I'd say it I promise I didn't because I didn't come here to do the church I came here to do a school and God said no I want you to do this I'm like Lord I'm not ready he said that's why I put a team around you first thing we're gonna do is we're gonna encounter Jesus together because without the encounter you're done for if you don't have an encounter with Jesus nothing changes if you don't encounter him and encountering with Jesus an encounter with Jesus is a life-changing experience that leads to a lifelong discipleship encountering Jesus isn't just yeah I already did that already pray dad already done that got the t-shirt no you didn't Christianity hasn't been there done that got the t-shirt read the Bible one a year sorry doesn't work bud I don't care how smart you are the Bible new year won't work for you what do you mean that doesn't mean it's wrong that just means if that's the only time you're gonna read it you're done give us this day our once a year bread give us this day every 365 days give us this day give us this day our daily bread daily feeding see your your your body is is is so big but your spirit man can be a giant you can grow that there is no limit to how big your spirit man can grow see your spirit man growing doesn't mean that you have dominance this way your spirit man growing means that you have humility this way and you consider others as greater than yourself and you actually will fight for those that don't deserve it it's completely upside-down the kingdom is an inside-out upside-down world you have to die to live you have to fall to rise you have to give to gain it's totally different than the world in the world you look out for number one but in the kingdom you look out for him and he looks out for you totally different man no you'd understand I gotta I gotta look out for number one I remember with my mom I was trying to tell her how she needed to give up now my mom worked hard to support kids she worked three jobs I mean she busted her tail and she was faithful worked really hard never ever years ago I was talking to my mom about the white-knuckle grip that she had on the wheel holding on for dear life here's my mom [Music] and though the worry because she had to hold it all together the worry and the fear of letting go was so bad that it was hard for me to communicate so God did it for her I remember I was on the phone I was talking to I just did to Sid Roth show and I was talking to her on the phone I was down in Georgia and my mom was going through something at work and it was there were people there were people coming and if I remember correctly there were people coming in to take positions and you had to train people that were gonna work you out of a job it's pretty close to that and and she was having trouble training the person that was going to take her job I get it I didn't decide with mom and didn't side with them I said mom you just need to let go what do you mean let go I remember our phone call I'm like mom God's coming on the phone I said God's coming she goes whoa whoa what's happening I went up here's what it is here's what we need to do as a family encounter Jesus what happened that day my mom encountered Jesus through yelps and screams oh what's going on honey I got to go I love you mom I got to go no no what Hank and I hung up a God went and plastered my mom that was the best day ever I'm not kidding it was life-changing if we don't encounter him we don't have anything you can't just tell people about a Jesus that you think you believe in you can't just tell Jesus you can't tell people about this God that you think exists you need to experience him you need to experience him not just once in a while on a daily basis give us this day our daily bread isn't just read the Bible do devotions shut your Bible walk away and say that was a good read experience Jesus isn't okay I'm gonna read let's see we don't want to reek today mmm let's second Corinthians okay all right Lord be with me amen that's not experience Jesus that's not intimacy that's right experience Jesus is waking up and being conscious being conscious and being aware that he is with you and he'll never leave you fear it's the absence of your encountering Jesus I'm not gonna ask how many people were afraid this week I'm not but what would it be like for you to never be afraid again what would it be like for you to wake up and be like oh my gosh Lord you Whitney I love so much thank you thanks for being with me today God thank you and like you not having to have something bad happen to cry I spend a lot of my life crying why because of thankfulness why am i thankful not just because he gives me stuff that's not good thankfulness is because he'll never leave me he'll never forsake me he'll always be here and he's as close as the mention of his name my Bible in your Bible says draw near to God and He will draw near to you it's in James that's for everyone and kids kids don't get a junior encounter they don't get a baby Holy Spirit that goes that's not God do you understand do you understand what its gonna be like because I dream of this our little kids are gonna have radical encounters with Jesus I want parents to go get their kids out of child care and their kid be plastered on the floor with Jesus having an encounter and you'd be like where's my child come into the room Oh God what's happening right now and parent and child are on the dole on the ground people are like well I don't know if I'm comfortable with that that's okay you need the comforter look what we've done is we've what we've done is we've compartmentalized the Holy Ghost and we've said there that's for the charismatic s' that charismatic aromatic you know but I do like the word so I'll listen to you well you are charismatic well no I'm not yeah you are if someone cuts you off you have a charismatic worship service for the wrong God you are charismatic really I don't like that well then stop doing it are you with me this is not comfortable stuff this is not like wow you're gonna draw lots of people know what I'm gonna do is bring the people that are that are surrendered and that want to surrender I'm going to actually have the people that are hungry and one I maintain hunger because here's here's the great part you can never get enough and so you can be as hungry as you possibly think you can be and all of a sudden like a couple days later you're even hungrier than you were before and then you're a little hungrier and then all of a sudden God shows up big he shows up so big like you pray for somebody didn't even know if it would happen and then they got healed and you're like really are you serious your yield have you ever done that you're prayed for somebody and like you're like hoping it happens and it does does that like does that register as faith in God's book I guess it does cuz it happened but what happens when you pray for somebody and they get miraculously healed and you didn't even really believe they would I know that sounds crazy cuz it sounds the inside biblical we've just done these things called power and loves like we did like a hundred and twenty some of them and I've seen so many people that have never prayed for anybody before in their life ever and they dared to step out on outreach hey listen I'm going to this school and it's teaching me that God wants to heal well I don't believe in that okay well can I pray for you anyway well you could go ahead if you want and they do and they get healed Oh No do you know what that does to your brain this is what I this is hundreds and hundreds of times I've heard people go alright no seriously don't lie to me are you serious it's better no I'm serious it's gone what did you do oh my gosh are you tell me the truth and they're trying to talk him out of what just happened but God's bigger and better than you think he is he's an amazing father and he believes more in His Word than you do I promise that's awesome the other day I was in the gym and I was working out and the guy walked by he had this cane and he can hardly walk and I'm like dude what happened to you and he said years ago he he got really injured and he has all this metal inside and so I'm like all right what do you what do you say we pray and make the metal disappear that freaks the person out because when you logically think about the metal disappearing if it's not in there you're all over hurt again are you with me the metal is there to put stuff back together and if God removes the metal that's in there so he like dared to oblige me he goes hey if you want to pray you can man I mean hey all right put his leg out there so I jumped on his leg no I went down and prayed for his leg we're in the gym people are looking at you funny got the social distancing thing going on lawbreaker but not really see I'm breaking a law of the brain where this is impossible that you can't do this but with my God all things are possible so I prayed for him and he goes well you know it does feel a little better but little better isn't good enough so I said well how about we make the thing more better he's like more better I said yeah like look man I feel I'm very thankful that you prayed enough right now I'm like please let me pray all right so I pray for him again and he goes no I'm being serious like there's something it's really different I'm like that's awesome and sure you would only know I said well do something was hard for you to do I said get up on your toes cuz he's got that drop foot thing going on you can't get up on your toes if you got drop foot I said come on man just try he went oh man I don't want to mess this up I said listen if God is healing you I said you believe in Jesus he goes absolutely I said you go to church he goes yes I do I said you believe it God heals he goes well I've been taught that he used you and I said well let me ask you a question process of elimination did God change just an easy way to break through that been taught that God healed with the disciples but that ended with the disciples my question is did the disciples here when they heal or did God heal through the disciples he said well our God healed through the disciples they couldn't do anything without God I said exactly right I said so is our disciples still around today well not the original I said yeah but did Jesus say go into all the world and make disciples of all nations he said yes I said is the United States still a nation he said yes I said is it possible that there can still be disciples in the United States he said yes I said I am one I said so can we pray again he goes well sure all I'm doing is going through the objections see I worked in sales when I was in the world and I was really good at it but I was a liar a manipulator and a maneuver and I could sell anything to anybody it didn't matter and take your stuff when you didn't see I was a thief but when Jesus paid this price he already paid the price and like I don't have to sell this thing all I have to do is represent this thing he already paid you don't have to buy it it's amazing so what are the features and advantages and benefits of the gospel he forgives all of my sin and heals all of my diseases bless the Lord O my soul bless Lord all that's it went that's within me bless His Holy Name and forget not all of his benefits he forgives all of my and heals all of my there the benefits of the kingdom oh that's awesome what if your life represented those two things right there just those two things would up that right there stuck in you and would never leave you what does that mean righteousness means that God my sins and my lawless deeds this is the Covenant that I will make with them in that day their sins in their lawless deeds I will remember no more that's what God said that's the company we're in that's the covenant that Jesus paid a price for the elementary principles of this gospel or he forgives all of my transgressions he forgives it all repentance from dead works Hebrews six nails down as an elementary principle that we need to all step into are you with me this is awesome righteousness is an elementary principle that all of us need and is very necessary because righteousness cuts off the ability to be guilty ashamed condemned or live and regret and it cancels fear completely that's a benefit of the kingdom that's the most amazing benefit ever how many people deal with stress anxiety fear worry all that stuff they wish they'd never done creeping into their present tense what if that was annihilated and it was no more it would be the gospel that you have received because he paid a price and he paid it you don't have to buy it but you do have to receive it it's by grace through faith that we've received it we have peace with God you can't add to it you can't take away from it but you cannot believe it I'm gonna say that again you have become right with God because of what Jesus did you can't add to it you can't take away from that but you can choose to not believe it it would be very bad to not believe that but to believe that healing is for today and it would be very bad to believe that you're forgiven but not believe that healing is for today it would be very good to believe the whole book instead of tear out pages that you're not comfortable with come on so we want to encounter Jesus that's the first thing then we want to walk in freedom through righteousness because you can't walk in freedom unless righteousness is in your heart you've been made right with God God is for you not against you greater is He that lives in you than he that's in the world if you're right with God you're wrong with the devil but the decimal the devil wants to whisper to you to tell you all the reasons why you're not right he's a liar don't be deceived come on man it's time to step on his neck instead of allowing him in your head this is a big deal what if tomorrow morning you woke up with zero guilt zero condemnation zero regret zero fear zero shame what if you woke up that way it'd be the gospel I promise this is my problem this is how I've woken up for 16 years oh no no I woke up free I wake up in the morning there's nothing about yesterday that come into today why cuz His mercies knew I woke up mercy woke me up today and God gave me one more day to manifest him and not me that's powerful oh you look in the mirror like this for real no guilt no shame no condemnation guilt shame condemnation stop you from witnessing because you're in fear about what they might say but when you're not afraid then it doesn't matter what they say because your testimony is real and nobody can shake that thing that God could say why don't believe it that's all right it happened yeah well I don't believe it man it got so much that I was like man let me show you a picture of all my family he said come on man you real are you messing with me he didn't say messin he said the other word I said I said that'd be weird for me to stand 15 minutes messing with you he's like what are you trying to do I'm trying to tell you the truth bro because you probably freak a lot of Christians out because you're adamant about your thing being right I said but you met one that sold out that's never gonna die one day I'm gonna put off this tent but I'm just gonna go whoa Jesus is gonna be saying well done come on in so how could death cause me to fear if I'm never gonna die if to live is Christ and to die is gain that's what we need we need to realize that to die is gain what we're gonna do is one day lift off into glory Reinhard bunkie said the plane is at its fastest right before it lifts off Reinhardt said he was running his race he passed away great man of God he said the plane is at his fastest right before it takes off I said that's awesome to be forgiven is to be healed that's what Jesus said you know in mark 2 they had this man that was paralyzed Jesus is in the house and they can't get in they can't even get close because it's crowded and packed with people and Jesus is in there he's preaching now Jesus is healing everyone that they bring to him and these guys are bringing their their friend that had palsy that had been completely crippled up they're bringing them to the roof because they're gonna kick the roof in and lower this guy in so they kicked the roof in now when they're kicking the roof in there's debris all that stuff is falling Jesus knows what's happening because it's not like he's like I wonder what they're doing but someone's house is being kicked in and that's not a good thing for your roof to be torn up they lower this guy in on the mat Pharisees are there they're trying to trap Jesus they're trying to trap him now listen for getting out all of his benefits he forgives and he heals when you take communion do you just drink the juice do you just drink the wine why do you eat the bread if it was just about forgiveness then why wouldn't you just drink the juice and get it over with why did Jesus when he said do this in remembrance of me just give them wine he didn't he give them wine and bread why it's the body and the blood if communion gosh this is so big it's such a big thing in the body of Christ the weird thing about healing it's it's so like oh my gosh no it's this and it's not that no then stop taking communion because he said that by his blood that was shed we'd become right with them but by his body that was broken by stripes were healed it's eating and drinking its forgiveness and healing so they lower this guy through the roof they put him down there on the map and they're like they're not thinking forgive him like they couldn't be thinking forgive him it wasn't even on the earth yet Jesus looks at Amigos whoa take heart son your sins are forgiven you they're like the friends are thinking heal them the Pharisees are thinking this is blasphemy who does this man think he is only God can forgive sins huh but to show you that the Son of man has authority which is more important to say pick up your mat and walk or to say your sins are forgiven but to show you that the Son of man has authority to forgive sins pick up your mat and walk and what happened the guy didn't lay there anymore he got up but Jesus was saying healing and forgiveness look James 5:14 says is anybody sick is anybody among you're sick let him call for the elders of the church and the prayer of faith the anointing of oil and the prayer of faith will save the sick he uses the word save in there say they don't need save their sick yes they do because saved is a greek word called sozo and so don't mean saved healed delivered protected made whole kept safe and sound to do well so so is not a formula it's actually the definition of the word saved are you with me so when someone calls upon the name of the Lord they believe in their heart and confess with their mouth they shall be saved healed delivered protected made whole kept safe and sound to do wait that's all about in the bag of chips but what we've done when someone confesses Jesus they're in hell they're healed oh they're delivered all of it becomes available right there what if you knew that and anybody that you came across that said yes to Jesus actually automatically received saving healing delivering are you with me see Todd white doesn't have a healing ministry look when he says go and preach the gospel of the kingdom Matthew 10 tells him go preach the gospel the kingdom heal the sick cleanse the lepers raise the dead cast out Devils freely you've received now freely give he didn't separate it and say you go yellow sick you go cleanse lepers you go out raise the dead he said now all of you have all of this why because it comes in one package so this isn't just a healing ministry this is a Salvation Jesus this is everything and guess what little kids don't get a junior Holy Ghost so the same spirit that raised Jesus from the dead dwells in your kids what if that spirit is cultivated what if their faith is cultivated what if six year olds raise the dead what if they cast out Devils what if you went to a grocery store and a little six year olds like in the name of Jesus come out boom what would you do you better get them filled when they come up that's what I'm saying this is what we want to do and counter Jesus we're gonna walk in freedom because of righteousness because when you're right with God you're free and when you're free you're free so that's my problem freedom I've been free for sixteen years and nobody can bring me into bondage because nobody got me free Jesus got me free I knew him the Sun set by the weather Scripture whom the Sun sets free is free indeed doesn't say whom Tod sets free doesn't say whom been set free or Theo sets free or Chris sets free says whom the Sun sets free is free indeed so my question is if this is available who wants it [Applause] the reason why people party is because they don't know Jesus the reason why people get high is because they have no relationship the reason why people get drunk is cuz they don't have a relationship because the Bible says don't be drunk with wine I remember going to Europe and and preaching in Europe and they're like well this is our culture I said are you guys aware that when Paul said don't be drunk with wine he wrote it over here in your culture but he's not angry anybody he wants us to be completely free he wants us to be burning and on fire with him because when we become inundated with this presence because encountering Jesus means we encounter his presence and his presence far surpasses any high and he porn any drug and the alcohol when you've encountered him in his reality of him there's just no going back buddy you were like Wahb never really felt anything well that's all about to change see cuz God wants us to have him manifest in our lives what if instead of the next time when you go to witness that fear thing coming the buzz the electric the reality of his presence is in you and on you what if when something started to come near you that you knew was wrong that same thing kicked it away from you oh look I'm gonna read one scripture here gosh this is so fun I'm so sorry we're just we just yeah listening to this Hebrews 5 verse 12 it says though it says by this time gosh let me just read this okay hold on in verse 7 it says in the days of Jesus in his flesh he offered up both prayers and supplications with loud crying and tears to the one able to save him from death for he was heard because of his piety or humility although he was a son he learned obedience from the things which he suffered and having been made perfect came to all of those who obey Him a source of eternal salvation being designated by God as a high priest according to the order of Melchizedek concerning him we have much to say it's hard to explain since you've become dull of hearing listen this scripture right here this is so valuable I mean all of it is valuable but it says by this time by there's time it doesn't have the reference to how long it was but it says by this time you ought to be a teacher you ought to be teachers you ought to be able to teach others and it says but you have need for someone to teach you again the elementary principles of the Oracles of God and have come to need milk instead of solid food so he's talking about growing in Christ and he's talking about how you eat so in Peter he says desire the pure milk of the word that you may grow thereby so what we want to do is we want to grow by the word but he's saying that there's a time when you move from milk to meat so for me discipleship is having a church move from milk to meat listen what we want to do is we want to move this isn't a this isn't a length of time process this is an encountering Jesus process see the length of time is is is nothing I when I got saved I got so radically wrecked by Jesus and in love with him that when I came home the first thing I did was get rid of all the porn all the alcohol all the drugs all the stuff that was there because it had nothing to do with me nor me with it it was only a very short period of time but I had come to go after one word and that one word was righteousness because when you go after what it means to be right with God anything that stands in the way must be eliminated I'm going to say it again when you go after what it means to be right with God anything that stands in the way of you being right with God must be elem it it's not something that's an option that it still remains it's something that is a mandate in the heart of a person that's right with God that it gets removed because it stands in the way of you and intimacy I'm gonna say it again I want you to catch this it's called love when I realize how much God loves me and how much he's for me anything that stands in the way of God's love for me must be removed why because that interferes with intimacy and it's not an option there's no plan B and when you step into that when you step into that place where you realize his love for you you can never get enough but in the other place where all the stuff stands in the middle you can never get enough of that either because there's nothing that satisfies there's no way to get as high as you ever want to I tried it you get as high as you can tell you not out when you wake up and do it again and you wake up and do it again but when you realize that it's a dead end it's just this hamster wheel never-ending hamster wheel that you constantly run on and never ever get satisfied when you step into righteousness what happens is the satisfication of your soul hits you and you realize that all that junk is nothing and you push through easy and all it was with some fake prison with vapor walls that you press through and you step into grace and you stand in that place of grace and there is nothing there is nothing that can take the place of God's love for you and it is so powerful isn't it David see buddy he was my intern for a year wild ride when you step into this sin shall no longer have dominion over you it's not an option why would I want to do that when I have this why would I want to step into that when I can have this but this is this is where we want to be him right here and it says this it says you've come to need milk instead of solid food for everyone who partakes only of milk is not accustomed to the word of righteousness it's verse 12 for he is an infant but solid food is for the mature because by practice they have their senses trained to discern between both good and evil because when you step into right standing o sudden all this stuff that used to hold you all those things all those things that used to easily ensnare you they just become unpleasant and they become something that you don't want anymore because now you've stepped into God's love and when you step into his love it's over for the enemy he can no longer have dominion over you because you have a new master and you have a God that loves you so much that nothing can take away from his love nothing there is nothing I mean I'm married and I love my wife but there's nothing that she could say to take away who God is for me there's nothing that a kid could say there's nothing that a boss could say to take away God's love for me because love his love is everything to know the love of God is to be filled with all the fullness of God to know the love of God that's in Christ Jesus is to be filled with all the fullness I'm talking God God that created everything the creator of the universe he holds everything in the palm of his hand and it says the universe is expanding at the speed of light in every direction still today and he holds it all in the palm of his hand it can never escape the palm of his hand and that God wants to fill you with all of his fullness and it's all according to the love of God that's in Christ Jesus and the few J's didn't see that he is good there's no other place to go you will be completely content regardless of your circumstance regardless of what you have regardless of much regardless of little regardless of hungers and fasting in all kinds of trial and all kinds of stuff you will be content because godly contentment surpasses anything and all of a sudden you have peace that the world can never give you you have peace with the Almighty God where's my worship team man if I could get some people up here to lead worship I'm overwhelmed he loves me man this has been something that's been so heavy on my heart because I want people to see just how good god is because man we need witnesses it says pray that the Lord send forth laborers he said send forth that word send forth as Iqbal oh and that word of Allah means to thrust out laborers into the harvest field he's not talking about going to China only he's not talking about just going to Africa he's talking about everywhere you go that you would eggball oh that you would be thrust out not because you're like I'm going because I can't help but to go I can't help but the witness I can't help but to share my faith because God is so good have you tasted and seen that he's good no atheists will rattle you because you know the truth and the truth sets you free no atheist can take that away why because they didn't give it to you no job no employer no no person that no angry no angry debater like how can you debate this like he changed my life we gonna do no he didn't okay do you see my five kids where you might be just saying that well I could be let me tell you some more it just keeps going and going witnessing becomes easy when you encounter Jesus so what we want is we want to encounter him then we want to walk in freedom and righteousness and the third thing we want to do as a church let's live the lifestyle we want to live a lifestyle that's so attractive we want to live a lifestyle that's so oh my gosh I have to have what you have I don't know what it is dude but I want what you have I can't tell you the amount of times that I've had people when I'm on planes or wherever I'm not saying bro man a guy the other day weird up water Parker's with the kids you know and holding my little baby Ashley's 11 months old trying to keep him from going under and the guy comes up to me he goes oh my god you talk white bro I go I am holding my baby he looks mean he goes bro I'm a pastor you understand man pray for me that I'd have the passion that you have passion has a name no listen passion has a name that name is surrender that's all it is it's at this what you're holding on to isn't satisfying and you want real surrender so that you can step into who you're created to be passion has a name it's surrender it's all or none it's gather or scatter it's for or against there is no in between remember this one vision that rocked me that I heard you might have heard it before but it rocked me to the core I heard it when I first got saved said there was this guy who was an adamant atheist he went to bed and he had a dream and in his dream now from this dream he woke up a Christian he woke up a Christian in the dream he had this vision of this huge field and in the field there were thousands and thousands of people he couldn't explain how many people there were and he saw in the middle of this field was a fence that went up the middle of it and he saw on one side the devil doesn't look like a pointy pitchfork and read and ears and well we've made him to be the Bible says he's very attractive he's seductive and he saw a man on one side stirring the people and then he saw another man that looked like the image that Jesus they talk about Jesus with the hair and the robe on the other side and he saw the people with Jesus and all the people with the devil he thought it was the devil now this guy's an atheist so he doesn't believe in either but the picture reminded him of that was Jesus and then all of a sudden he like he knows in his heart that he needs to make a decision silly is freaking out because he is not gonna side with Jesus and he's definitely not gonna side with the devil so this is legit and the guy walks out on this fence it's about this wide he walks out he's just standing there and all the people disappear so here he is in the mullahs fence and nobody's left and he's wondering what happened and all of a sudden the devil comes back into the picture and he says there you are I was looking for you and he said hey I didn't choose him and I definitely didn't choose you the devil said sure you did the fence is mine [Music] that hit me because a lot of people think that they're safe in the middle and I promise you this there is no gray it's either for or against its gather or scatter you might think that being warm as safe but Jesus said I wish that you either hot or cold but because you're lukewarm I will vomit you out of my mouth that is not acceptable and I won't allow that to rest while I'm alive because that's not okay because I want everyone to come to Jesus I want to see the whole world come to the Lord I'm not okay with passive Christianity because passive Christianity sends people to hell it's not okay I'm not telling you you have to pray for a million people but I am telling you that you have to make a decision and you have to choose yes to Jesus or no there is a fine line so my question to you is if you're here and you haven't said affirm yes to Jesus with everything in your heart I would challenge you to examine your heart right now and if you haven't said affirm yes and are fully going after him I would love for you to come up front right now thank you come on don't be afraid if that's you let's forget this thing come on [Music] [Applause] don't play games if this is you I don't care where you're at get up here let's go after God together as a family let's not play games with this if that's you and you know that you need to be here please run up front don't hesitate don't wait let's go after Jesus together [Music] [Applause] [Music] Warriors God's not looking for people that just want to get their feet wet I promise you get your feet wet can't save drowning people you need to jump in be a life preserver I'm sorry to use that example but it's true and I'm telling you that I know where that girl that student is that students with Jesus but there's people in here that don't know God and if you drowned today you ain't going to heaven that's period but I'm telling you that there's a better way and his name is Jesus and if that's you and you need to be up here please please come this isn't a beer thing this is a faith thing let's go after God together because to be saved is to be healed is to be delivered is to be free is there anybody else that would say that they need this [Music] come on guys please don't wait please don't wait [Music] [Applause] [Music] we want to go after him as family and we all need to encounter him you can't live a lifestyle unless you encounter him and you can live and walk in freedom and freedom has a name freedom to righteousness is what jesus paid a price for us to be see you welcome up here have you [Music]
Channel: Todd White
Views: 46,579
Rating: 4.8829269 out of 5
Id: bVaU5wIgfZs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 13sec (3733 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 15 2020
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