Todd White - A Call To Arms

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I'm overwhelmed everywhere I go. I get to watch people wake up. Now I've got the privelage of ministering with amazing men and women of God. It's a privelage and I am so honored that you would let me come to speak. But I'm more honored to be in my secret place before an audience of one. I live before God every day. I live and I have my being in Him, and I have a relationship with my Father that's outstanding. He's my daddy. He loves me. I am possessed by the fact of His love. I am consumed by the truth of what God says about me. I've read my bible and when I open it and I just say yes. I don't just read this thing to try to memorize a bunch of scripture to try to put it here. I've, I've been in, since the beginning, I, I am nine years old in Christ. I didn't go to school. I didn't have the privelage of being able to go to bible college and.... This is an awesome opportunity that you guys are creating all around the world. It's fascinating, and the pastor that was the head pastor of my church that I.... When I first got born again, he graduated from here. His name was Jack Castron. He was a graduate from Rhema, and that man impacted my life, and he was a man of the Word. He was, profuse. And I remember coming out of this addiction of 22 years, and atheism and anger and bitterness and hatred and I remember going to these classes on Saturday morning. They were called transformation class. And it was Romans 12:2. Romans 12:2, Romans 12:2, Romans 12:2 every week, same thing. Every week. When we didn't go, it was Romans 12:2. "What are we doing this week?" Roman's 12:2. Don't be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. But it wasn't the memorization of scripture that renews the mind it's the Holy Spirit wrapping Himself about, around the Word of God, making it the truth that you live and you move and you have your being from. And what God says about me I believe. What the devil says about me doesn't matter because I'm so consumed with the reality of what God says that when the enemy whispers he's exposed to the truth of what God says. The reality of what heaven says about me is so important. And sometimes I talk to people and they're like, "Well I know that's what God says 'but.'" There is no "buts" there is no "what ifs". Listen, I don't want to hear anymore excuses man. I'm done with that, time is short. You are here to leave a legacy of what a man or woman that was possessed by Jesus could do. We're men here. The spiritual head, the leader. The one that's supposed to lead. And we don't just lead by the words that we speak. We lead by the life that we live because of the word that we believe that's inside of us that's compelling us by love to walk out. You know, you're looking at a guy that was a drug addict and an atheist my whole life. And I could care less. I hated Christians man. I didn't have anybody in my life that was Christian. I didn't have people in my life that poured into me. I was out of control. I was consumed. I was wacked. I was hooked on pornography. I was hooked on all of it. And it wasn't because I, I, it.... The Bible doesn't say, "Study the word to talk yourself approved." The Bible doesn't say, "Study the word to conffess yourself approved." It doesn't say that. It says, "Study the word to show...." So it's the demonstration of my life that reveals what I really believe. I spent my life in here. My life is in the Word. I, I'm consumed with the truth that's in my book. I've read the Bible. I remember the first book, the first the first year that I got saved, the first year that I got free. See, the Bible set me free from me. The Gospel set you free from you so that you can be free from others. Because if you're free from you.... The Bible doesn't say, "Deny the devil, pick up your cross and follow him," guys. See the devil's finished, he's done, hes... he's finished. It says, "deny yourself, pick up your cross and follow Me." That's what the word of God says. So "self" is the issue, that thing needs crushed man. So I came, I came out of 22 years of.... I just want to share my testimony real quick with you guys, so you know where I'm coming from. So nobody says, so nobody has any excuses. Because what we do and then what we do as we speak and as conference speakers and what we do is we bring other people to more of an accountibility than they were before. I've traveled the world and people come to conferences and they're like, "man I want to hear Todd White, I want to come." But what they don't understand is what they're saying is, "I want to know more about God." But it says, "To he who's given much, much is expected, much is required." So as we grow in God, much is expected, much is required. And outside of relationship that requirement will kill you, but relationship with God enables you to stand up to whatever truth calls you to. There is no way out of this. It's so stone clad, sealed tight, amazing. It is by grace that we're saved, but it is my relationship with God that keeps me free. Listen, it says, "No temptation has seized you, but that which is common to people." Do you believe that you can live in a place where you are so consumed by the love of God that everything that calls your name outside of Him calling your name is cut off? You know, self control is being so focused on his voice that every other voice loses its voice. But it's not because of my brute strength and my flesh. No, no, no. See people pray, "Well my spirit is willing and my flesh is weak." I am so done with the reality of thinking how weak our flesh is above the strength of God's spirit that's in me. I'm not preaching some weird thing. I'm telling you this man; that our spirit is willing and our flesh is weak. You know, Jesus spoke that to the disciples before they were born again. Do you know, people tell me all the time, "Well Todd, you know, I can relate to Peter." Well, which one? I'm not being mean, and I'm being, I'm being really, really, real. We give an excuse to our flesh. We say, "Well you know brother that's how I was brought up, that's how I was raised, that's how...." That's why the Bible says, don't be conformed to how you were brought up, but be transformed by the renewing of this. Why? So that I can confess the truth? No, so I can prove the will of God; "this is" and "this isn't". I can approve that word. Prove the will of God. So don't be conformed to the world, but be transformed by the renewing of the mind. My mind so that I can approve what is and what is not God's will. If I don't see the reality of what God's called me to then I will live bondaged and I will live bound to who I was instead of stepping into who He says I am. I'm a son in every.... I love the miraculous. I love miracles, I love them. But that is a by-product of sonship. The reality of this thing is that I'm a son of my Father and He loves me. Jesus paid a price for me to become a son. The Bible says that as a man thinketh in his heart, so is he. Do you know that when I came to the King, He gave me a new heart? He didn't just say, "Invite me into his... into my heart." He didn't just say, "I want you to just invite me into your heart." He didn't say that. He said, "I want you to give me your life, so that you can have mine." "You give Me your life, and I'll give you mine." It's extravagent, it's amazing, it's so... good. And when I'm consumed with the fact of the abundant life that Jesus paid a price to give me. The abundance, the violently excessive life. That word abundance is violent excessive, violently excessive. It's crazy. All over the Bible it tells me about this abundant life. It talks to, it, it talks me in, in Romans 5. It says that death reigned through one, and I'm supposed to reign differently, through Him. Jesus wasn't the second Adam, He was the last one. There won't be another one. And it says I'm supposed to reign in this life as a king. Through the abundance, the abundance, the violently excessive amount of grace. But it's only through the free gift of righteousness that He paid a price for me to be. See, if the Bible says that Jesus who knew no sin, He who knew no sin became sin, so that I might become something. If I've become something, I better realize what I've become or else I'll enter into a place of doing outside of being, and I will burn out. And I will do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do and I'll never, be, be, be, be, be, be, be. That's one thing that Jack always said, Pastor Jack. He said, "You be to do, you don't do to be." And none of this stuff made sense to me. Holy Spirit made it real. I would go to bed at night and say, "My God, I don't understand, but I want to." And you know, I found in my Bible in Job 33:15 the Holy Ghost is up all night long. In deep sleep, when I slumber on my bed He seals up the instruction of the day. So when I go to bed at night, "Holy Spirit, I didn't get it, but you'll be up all night to help me." It's true. So let me share my testimony a bit, and I want to share what God's put on my heart, because I'll tell you what. I've lived 9 years in Christ. I'm 9 years old. I'm just a baby Christian. I've got spiritual huggies on, but I'm in love with Jesus and I'm free. And that's not just a confession of faith. That is the truth of my life lived. It isn't confession of faith, but it's backed up by my walk. It's not just me telling you that. Listen, when I came out of teen challenge, I was free. Free, free, free, free, free, free. I lived a lifetime of bondage to pornography, of bondage to drug addiction. Listen, when I was 11 years old my mom and dad, they split up. I didn't have Christianity in my life. I had... life in my life, and it was bad. And my mom and dad, they split up. And they put me in a place called the masonic home's, which is sponsored by masons. I didn't understand all that stuff. All I know is that my mom couldn't handle me so she put me into a place and I went in there. And drug addiction was full on at 12 years old, full on, full on. So I had to do something to make me feel better about me. So I was in there for five-and-a-half years man, twisted, wacked, just in trouble. No Christianity, none of that stuff. I didn't have anybody speaking that into my life, none of that stuff. I get out of there and I come home and, and, and I'm trying to do stuff with my life, man. And my mom is re-married. She's married to my step dad. My step dad says to me, "You can never be a real man, because real men are marines." I said, "I'll show you." So I joined the marines. Looking for a few good men, I went in there. I went to boot camp. And man I was mouthing off the whole time. When you go to boot camp... anybody marines? Anybody have marine corps background? They don't do well with the mouth thing in boot camp. And I told them what I thought, and they showed me what they thought. So for 13 weeks, they broke me. 72lb's later, and 13 weeks; machine. Nobody could touch me man. I was the king of the quarter deck, which is the place they PT you till you die. I was an hour-and-fourty-six minutes straight man, "Yes Sir!" I graduated boot camp and they, my mom comes down there with my step dad. So proud of me, tears streaming down her face. "You're changed, you're changed." "Yes ma'am. Yes ma'am. No sir." Everything. Changed. I go home, couple weeks. I go back to base. I go out, find out that they're partying machines in the marines. Drinkers and partiers. I'm out there having fun, man. I start to just get high, party again. All of the sudden my life is right where it was. Brain-washing isn't the way to go. Blood-washing is the only way, but I didn't understand any of that. So I came home, illegally. I went AWOL, or unauthorized absence. I come home. My mom's like, "Why are you home?" "Well, I got leave." I lied. I couldn't handle it, I just got bent. Went home and I stole a bunch of money in a drug deal, and I ran out to Colorado. Got a job as as ski bum, as a fugitive, man. Twisted, wacked. I get arrested. They shackle me up. They extradite me across America, in an orange jumpsuit. Shackles and chains, man. Put me in the brigg. I get out of the brigg after a while. I want to get out, they won't let me get out. So I went anyway, again. I ran across America again. They arrest me. They extradite me back again. Then they give me a big chicken dinner or BCD; a Bad Conduct Discharge. I get out, and I'm twisted, I'm wacked. I go out there and the only Job I can get is a sales job, because I'm a con-artist, man. I'm a manipulator, a maneuverer. And all I can do is, I can maipulate anybody to get my way. I was as selfish as selfish could be. And it would be a very, very sad fact if we would be in the kingdom and we would be selfish still. That's why the Bible says, "Deny your... pick up your cross and follow Me." Righteousness is the opposite of selfishness. Complete opposite. See, when I'm right with God and I see the reality of who God says I am all of the sudden my life enters into this place and righteousness keeps me. It says to seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and then everything will be added to you. He doesn't say "Seek things", He says seek Him. So as I seek Him, and as I spend time with Him as I see Him, I become like Him. And as I think in my heart, so I am. This is tottally amazing It's beautiful. If God can touch me, He can touch anybody. Anybody. So I'm as messed up as can be. I'm with this girl I meet on a blind date. We end up moving into together. I schmooze her. She thinks I'm some amazing guy. Boy I was a great con-artist, man. We're living together a year-and-a-half in. We have a daughter and all of the sudden, I'm looking at this baby. I'm, I'm not a believe. I have no idea about any Christianity, nothing. And I realized as I look at my daughter, that I am a failure. I am done. I cannot do this. So I had to take more drugs in order to make me feel better up here because I couldn't cope with life. The reality of life was apon me. I now was supposed to step up to the plate. People tell me, "You know when you have, when I had my kids, everything changed!" Well, that's not how it was with me, man. When I had my daughter eveything got worse. So I had to realize that I couldn't be a dad. I was messed up. So about a year in, my girlfriend's like, "I am leaving you. I hate you. I am done with you." She's an atheist too. No Christianity at all in her family. She told me, "I'm leaving." Now I'm on medication. I'm depressed. I'm angry. I'm bitter. And I tell her, "If you leave me I'll kill you, and I'll kill whoever you're with. I'll make you watch when I do it, and then I'll kill myself." And that's the way I thought I had it planned out. That was the reality. That's the truth of who I thought I was. So my daughter went through seven-and-a--half years of that right there, and my girlfriend went through 9 years of that right there. And 9 years into our life, man, I'm out one night on a crack binge, hooked on coke. Messed up as can be. I come home and she's gone. And I'm like, "That's it, I'm done." And I went over to her step-dad's house because he had a lot of rifles, man. I wasn't allowed to have one because I'm a fugitive. You know, I'm a felon, I have all kinds of.... Man, I have felony, felony, felony, misdemeanor, felony, felony, felony, bad conduct discharge, kicked out of the marine corps. I have the whole list, man. All that stuff. I'm not allowed to have a gun. I have something more powerful. I have the sword of the Lord. But my life is messed up as messed up can be. I am hooked on pornography. I am an addict. I am addicted to everything. But the reality of this is, is we were all created in God's image, and we're meant to be addicted to Jesus. So addicted, so consumed by Him. It's weird because the more you know the Lord the more you have to know the Lord. And the more you know Him the more you realize that you don't know Him. It's crazy, it's this amazing thing. And I have this Godly contentment which is great gain, but I have this satisfaction thing that's not. But my satisfaction is in the Love of God. It's consumed with the Love of God and great, great is that, but there's more. There's more. So I'm as messed up as messed up as can be. Twisted, wacked. I go to the gun cabinet, and on the way to the gun cabinet I pass by a phone book. I flip it open. I was going to write a letter, suicide letter. Open this phone book. It opens to churches. There's 586 in my home town. That's a lot of churches. I made a check at this church. I have no clue. I go to this church and this man comes to the door. He's the associate pastor of, of, Jack, Pastor Jack. His name's Dan Mohler. He comes to the door. He says, "Hey buddy, how're you doing?" I go, "Not too well, man." I was angry because he was happy. I was mad because he was happy. But he had this joy that wasn't real to my standard of real. See I had smiles, but they weren't real. And I went upstairs with him, and I shared my heart. And I said, "Man, why are you so happy man? What's wrong with you?" He said, "It's Jesus." I said, "Man, I didn't come here to hear about Jesus." He said, "Why did you come?" I said, "Because I wanted to talk to somebody man, because I just went to a gun cabinet, I was going to blow my brains out, man. Listen to my stuff!" He said, "I'm listening to you, but what you're telling me isn't helping you." He said, "Let me tell you about 'Him'." I'm like, "Fine." So he talks to me, and he shares the Gospel with me. First time I ever heard it. I was scary, people didn't want to be around me. People were afraid of me. There are people like me every day, like that, everywhere we go; looking for hope. And we're supposed to be ambassadors of hope. And he shares the truth of who I am. I'm like, "Man, whatever dude. You don't understand what I've done." And he said, "I get it. You don't understand what 'He' did." And he shares with me. And he goes, "You need to..." He didn't say, "You need to invite Jesus into your heart." I'm glad he didn't say that. He said, "You need to give God your life." and I said, "Fine." I did, with attitude, because I didn't want this thing anymore. Gone man. So I said... he said, "look." He shared the Gospel with me. I said, "fine" and I said "great." Said, "God, here's my life. I don't want it anymore. If you're real, show me you're real and I'll live for you." So I went home. My girlfriend was at her mom's house. My daughter wrote a letter, I knew where they were. I went back to the house. I didn't want to kill myself anymore. It's crazy, there was a seed in me, man. It was crazy. So I called my girlfriend. She didn't answer, my daughter did. She goes, "Daddy, mommy doesn't want to come over." I said, "You need to tell mommy that daddy found God." My daughter said to me on the phone, "What's He like dad?" I said, "I don't know, but I saw somebody that does." Let me ask you something guys. 1 Peter 3:15 says that when people come to you and they ask you about this hope that's in you be ready to give an account, be ready to tell them. Everywhere I go, everywhere I travel people say, "Dude, what's wrong with you? What happened to you?" That's their way of saying, "What's the hope that's in you?" "What's wrong with you man?" I'm posessed. I am. I'm consumed with the Love of God. I'm consumed with it. He set me free from me, and because I'm free from me, I'm free from you. Listen, I'm so serious. I'm free from people. I won't just tell people what they want to hear. I won't just make you feel good. I'm not here to make you feel good. I'm here to cut you deep in your heart so that you can live different. Not that I know everything, I don't, but I know Him and He knows everything. There's a place that we can live from to where that stuff that used to call your name doesn't call your name anymore. There's a mystery that they talked about that was to be revealed, and it has been revealed. And the prophets prophesied about it, and said, "There's going to be a day that's going to be amazing. We can see it, we can't have it, but my goodness, we're happy that we can see it." And we're standing in what they wished they had, and I don't think we realize what we really have. The prophets said there's going to be a day when righteousness apart from the law was going to be imputed, was going to be given to them. Abraham talks about it in Romans, Romans 4, that righteouseness apart from the law.... It was accounted, it was accredited because he believed God. And it says that we're living in that thing, and it says that wasn't just written for Abraham's sake. It was written for our sake. You can pursue a lot of things. Man, listen. It says, "Blessed are those that are persecuted for righteousness sake." Right standing with God is everything. If we don't see our right standing with God, you will try to buffet the flesh, beat the flesh. And you will live and you will say, "Even though I don't want to, I do the things I dont want, and even though I I will to do these, I don't do them. Oh my gosh, it's sin in me." And you will look at that scripture, that scripture that he quoted this morning, that we talked about this morning. And you will be bound to that thing, and you will use it as a scape goat to remain bound to something that Jesus paid a price for us to be free from it. It says reckon yourself dead to it. Dead to that and alive to this. It says don't be a slave to sin any longer. I am now chained, ball and chained to righteousness. I am chained to righteousness and it's the best thing ever. I preach this and I share this and I share my heart on this thing. And people are like, "Woah, you better be careful man! Don't you say that you're perfect." But my Bible says be perfect. Are you trying to say you're perfect? And we look at perfection the way that you're perfect, you're doing everything exactly right. No, I'm in relationship with Him. I'm in love with Him. I have this internal gardner in my life that prunes and clips and He clips the branches that don't bear fruit anymore. He clips the things that got to go, and I obey. It's the loving relationship that I have with my Father. That I'm so in love with Him, that anything that competes for that right there, has to be finished. I'm a simple guy with simple truth. So my girlfriend comes home. She says, "Now you're going to be some holy rolling hypocrite. Great. I hate you." And I said, "I, I get it, but you'll see." That first night I'm out on a binge. First night, told my daughter, I put her to bed I said, "Honey, I, Daddy's changed." "Oh daddy, I'm so glad." First night I come home at 4:30 in the morning. Girlfriend's at the door, "I hate you. I hate you." My daughter's on the couch, "You promised daddy." I said, "I know hunny, I don't what's wrong." So for five-and-a-half months this thing rolls like that, and I am lost, man. I am bound. Five-and-a-half months in, I go, and I'm out on a binge, man. I go to the payphone at the store to call my dealer. I turn around and there's my girlfriend and my daughter in the car behind mine. I said, "Man. Uh." My daughter's like, "Daddy, you promised! You promised daddy!" Crying. Girlfriend, "I hate you." Rage, anger, all of that. I said, "I know." I got in the car, they said, "You're coming home, we're following you." I said, "Alright, alright, alright, daddy's OK, daddy's OK." Vrooooom. Lost them. I go down and in the center city of my town I pick up a dealer. I don't know him. He's from New York City. He's not some, he's a kid. Probably 15, 16 years old. Pick him up, got him in my car. I said, "Man, what do you got on you?" He hands me this lump of drugs. I said, "Alright, get, no, no, no. I need everything you got." He said, "You got the money man?" I said, "I got it man, I got it. I got everything, have it in my hand." I said, "You have the right to remain silent, anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law." This guy, "I knew you were a cop! I knew it!" He's hitting the door. I said, "Shut your mouth, be quiet. Listen to me son." I pulled around the corner. Told the kid, "I need you to get out of the car right now, put your hands on the hood." He opens the door. He crossed the threshold of the door. I hit the gas. He pulls out a 9mm and unloads it at me from ten feet away. Bang, bang, bang. And a voice, a voice filled my vehicle. The voice said, "I took those bullets for you, are you ready yet? Are you ready to live for Me yet?" I'm going crazy man. Those gun blasts, the sound sin my ears, I'm pulling down the back street trying to get out of town. The sound won't go away, the bullets, but the sound that's inside now is crushing the sound that was outside. "I took those bullets for you, are you ready yet?" The Love of God, the Mercy of God was whispering my name.. I go out and I smoke a quarter ounce of crack cocaine that night, trying to make that voice go away. And the more I smoked, the louder it got. And I got done, everything. Went to the house, girlfriend was up, lights were on. I looked around my vehicle, took a flashlight, looked around. Not one bullet hole in my truck, my jeep. And I'm lost, man. At the door, "I hate you." "Daddy!" And I left, I called Dan. Some people at my church helped me get into a program called teen challenge. I entered into this thing, had no clue, couldn't read. I'd never read before. I had a reading disorder, I couldn't read. So I go into this program, not being able to read. And I'm up in this thing, and it's school all day long, you know. And at night I had these tormenting dreams, man. Tormenting as tormenting could be. My nights were occupied with the enemy, constant. And I'm there for two months and I had an encounter with a homeless guy one day. Out in front of teen challenge. Two months in. I tell this guy, I said, "Man, Jesus loves you!" He pulls his shopping cart off the path, comes over to me and he goes, "I know how much He loves me, but do you know how much He loves you?" A homeless guy. And I said, "Well, tell me." This homeless guy preached the Gospel, but he preached about righteousness. And I was rocked by what he was saying. I said, "Man, why are you out here?" I mean this guy, listen. He had baseball cap, swim goggles on his head, army fatigues on, sneakers, pushing a shopping cart down the street of Harrisburg; front street. I said, "Why are you out here?" He said, "20 years ago, the Lord told me to pick up my cross and follow Him, and I've been pushing this shopping cart across America going from mission to mission telling anybody who will listen about my Lord, my King." I looked in his shopping cart and it's full of Bibles. He said, "I'm going to pray for you, and this thing's leaving you." I said, "Alright." He didn't even know where I was from. He didn't even know what I was doing. I didn't tell him, he knew. He looked at me and he knew. It's crazy. It says the eye is the lamp of the body, and if your eye is single your whole body would be full of light. There's something here, that is the product of what's in here. So I didn't feel anything. He prayed for me. I went to bed that night and I had this dream; That I was in a valley and I heard a voice say, "Do not fear. I will never leave you nor forsake you." I woke up in the morning first thing. I always woke up an hour before. Now I never read before, so I had a learning disorder. I never read a book before, ever in my life. The Bible's the first book that I can understand. And the first actual book I read happened to be a book by your pop; "The Blood Covenant". Just a little pamphlet. I read that thing, about the animals that were cut that walked before, in between the blood sacrifice. I was so rocked. The first book, ever, outside the Bible. And I had three dreams where I encountered Jesus. Now I'm ten months early in a year program. I came home because Jesus told me to. Ten months early. That doesn't look good on your resume. I quit everything in my life. Jesus set me free. I woke up in the morning after my third dream completely free, free, like free. The test of being free was going downstairs and having them scream and rage at me and me not being hurt. Listen, I've been a Christian for 9 years, and I've never been hurt or offended by anybody. And people say, "Don't talk like that because you will be." That's fear. I've lived for 9 years with no condemnation. I've lived free of guilt, shame, and condemnation for 9 years. People say, "Well, that's just not real." Well that's fear too. So I came home and Dan brought me to my house. And I need to say I'm sorry to my, to my daughter, because of the mess that I created in their life. So seven-and-a-half years man, of my life, I ruined her life. My last stages of drug addiction, and I go to my house. Now listen, something happened to me in teen challenge, and this is what I want to talk about tonight. Because you know we, we've talked about all of the scriptures that enable you to be able to walk out character and, not all of them but a lot. Today I was like.... It's powerful. But outside of relationship you'll apply them as formula, and formula doesn't fix you; relationship with Jesus fixes you. It's being consumed with the Love of God. All scripture outside of intimacy will be applied as formula, but scripture in intimacy.... The Word of God is alive. It's sharp and active. It's sharper than any two-edged sword. It's able to divide and separate your soul from your spirit. So the first thing that scripture does is it separates your mind will and emotions from your spirit man. Pastor Jack taught me that. So scripture separates this thing from this thing. And the Holy Spirit communicates with my spirit, and all of the sudden my mind gets renewed because the Word starts to bubble up. Starts to renew this. Which teaches my lips what to say, my feet how to walk, my mouth how to talk, my hands how to.... So I'm, I'm going to my house. I have to say I'm sorry to my daughter, and my conscience for the first time is clean. See, my whole life I've lived with a conscience that was dirty and polluted and messed up and I had no idea it was. See, everybody has a conscience, and everyboy's conscience is, it's, it's, it's what's inside of man that's left over after the fall of man that still brings honor to God. So there's people that are the heathen of heathens but they, their conscience won't allow them to slaughter people because it won't allow them to go that far. But when we come to Christ the blood of Jesus is supposed to cleanse us internally cleanse our conscience from dead works in order to serve God. And the cleansing of my conscience, the maintenence of a conscience is what enables us to be free. But outside of relationship you will try to stop this and stop this and stop this and you will try to be so strong, and your strength doesn't stop this. His strength does. So it's, it's, it's my weakness that draws His strength. My weakness is a magnet for the strength of God. It's a magnet. So my whole life I've been a mess. I have no idea of any of this stuff, none of it. But I've encountered Him, and He does, and He understands. And I get home and my girlfriend is in the house, and my daugher comes running across the porch. BOOM, she grabs ahold of me and I said, "I'm so sorry hunny, for all the stuff that I've done." She says, "Daddy, for what?" I said, "For all the times that I, that momma kept you up, for all the times I was out on addiction and all this stuff." "Daddy, stop. What are you talking about?" "See, hunny listen to me right now. Daddy is sorry for the life that I've lived in front of you." "Daddy, what does that matter you're home now." See, kids are so forgiving they're resilient. Something was different, and I'm trying to talk to her to tell her how sorry I am. She looks at me with a blank stare. My girlfriend comes out of the house. There's some things that I need to take care of and I'm very aware of it. My conscience is clean and I'm, my spirit man is trembling inside of me, not because I'm afraid of what's she's about to say, but I have my house full of stuff; pornography, paraphernalia, the whole nine yards that I have to get out of the house. I'm consumed with this thing. God is consuming me inside. See, it says flee from it. We were talking about it, flee youthful lust. There's things right.... Job 31:1, "I made a covenant with my eyes, to not look lustfully at a woman." That thing got engraved on my heart when I was in teen challenge in such a way that.... I'm in the van, we're going down, and there's a jogger. It's amazing He used that, actually He used that analogy today. There's a jogger and all of the guys in the van are like, "Check her out man!" And there's something inside of me that wept. I mean I'm at the end of my two months. I'm only two months old in Jesus. I'm a baby, baby, baby, even more of a baby than I am today. And this thing hit my heart and I said, "I don't want this." Grace in me, in there. And I looked and I saw the woman that was jogging with her arms raised high with tears streaming down her face. Boy, that'll ruin a lustfull thought in a second. And that's the vision that God gave me of her and I went, "Oh my gosh. What was that?" And I couldn't get it out of my head; This lady jogging, I saw tears streaming down her face with her arms raised. So I'm, I'm home, my girlfriend comes up and I said, "I am so sorry, for what I've done." She looks at me she goes, "I know you are. When you were gone I gave my life to Jesus." And I'm like, here's the response, because as I looked at her, and the first thing I say is, "I cannot live here." I'm not about to pollute what God has cleaned. My conscience was clean. I looked at her and I could not live here. She looks at me and she goes, "I know you can't, we need to be married." She looks at me and she goes, "Will you marry me?" I said, I looked at Dan and I said, "We need to plan this man." He goes, "Absolutely not, stop it." I said, "No no no, I said we need...." He goes, "Stop." He goes, "Do you love her?" I said, "Well yes sir, with all my heart." He goes, "I know you do." He goes, "And I've been talking to her, and I know that she loves you." I said, "We need to plan...." He said, "no no no, we will marry you between first and second service on Sunday." For real. My daughter goes.... I said to my girlfriend, I said, "hun," I said, "Listen." I didn't embrace her and make out with her and bring that whole thing. My conscience was clean. I can't, I can't pollute it again. It's my love relationship with God, and He's my King. He loves me. Guys, I'm telling you that this thing is available. All of those scriptures, none of them, none of them will help you outside of relationship because it's your intimacy and your love of God that consumes you that enables all that stuff to be true. So I said to my girlfriend, I said, "I need to get in the house. I need you to do me a favor, I need you to go watch Destiny, ok?" She goes, "Ok" She goes, "What are you going to do?" I said, "I have a lot of things to get rid of right now." And I was so... the thing is still in me man. I'm nine years old. I've never polluted my conscience for 9 years. I've never done anything to violate this. People say well you just got a gift. No no no, I get it, but it's the gift of righteousness and it's the abundance of grace that God's poured out on me to enable me to walk out whatever Truth calls me to. But it's by grace, grace it says now that I've been now that I have grace, should I sin? Certainly not, that's twisted. Reckon yourself dead to sin. Grace isn't a license to just sin and get away with it. Man, grace is the reality that I can walk like Jesus. Why would I want to get away with that now that I've got this? I'm free from sin. Free from it. I was a slave to it, and now I'm free from it. There is nothing in life that calls my name louder than the King of Glory. He's called me and I've answered the call. And He fills me with His fullness and He loves me. He's consumed with me. He's got a picture of me in his wallet. "Gabriel, have you seen Todd today?" "Uhh, yes Lord, you've showed him to me three times." "Well look again, because he's my son and he loves Me." I'm talking about relationship. I'm talking about the reality of who God's called us to be. He's called us to be sons. He's told us to pursue something. He's told us to pursue righteousness and holiness. And He says without this thing, nobody will know the Lord. It says to seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness. The right standing I have with God. The kingdom, the kingdom's not meat or drink, but it is righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost. So Romans 14:!7 is very clear, the kingdom of God is in the Holy Spirit. Jesus preached the kingdom. You know it's amazing, Jesus preached the kingdom a hundred more times than He preached being born again. But being born again is essential to unlock your potential because when I'm born again I have a brand new Dad. He's the best Dad ever. No matter what I went through my whole life. No matter what my parents did. No matter, I wasn't raised in a Christian home. I wasn't raised like that, but when I got born again, the born again me needs to re-fathered. So when I got re-fathered, God became my dad. My DNA changed, literally. Became the divine nature of Abba. Really, because without the Holy Spirit that's just a book but with the Holy Spirit, it's alive. So I went in my house, I pack up all my junk, all my trash, all my stuff, all my paraphernalia all my pornography, all of it, all of it. I packed it into a black trashbag, full. All that stuff. I went out back, I took it out to my burn barrel. See there was this thing inside of me that was trembling and I needed to get it away to stop the trembling. So I took it out back and I took a sledge hammer and smashed that thing... And it was joy, and I took gasoline and, and I took a trail because I didn't want to throw the match. Ever throw a match into a barrel of gasoline? It's not good. I did, I lit that thing and I worshipped Jesus as it burned. But the reality of the Gospel is this; that God said that He cleaned my conscience from dead works in order to serve God. So in my relationship with God, that's how it began. So this is beginning of my life and I went to the, to the Romans 12:2 class on transformation and I went to that every Saturday every Saturday, every Saturday, every Saturday. But the reality of this thing is I never read before. So the Bible's the first book that I can understand. So when I read the Word, I asked God to help me become it. And what He did, was He kept me in Ephesians 1 for a year. And I listened and I read and I read and I read it and I read it. And I would have, umm, Pastor Jack let me have a bible study at my house. I'm brand new. I'm just, I'm brand new, and I'm like, "Can I, I want to have one these cell groups?" and I'd have a cell group, but I'd have people come to my house sitting in my basement. And I lived in a, we, my, my.... You know, we got married next Sunday, sorry, and we did, we tied the knot. And then we moved in and we didn't have a honey moon. Every day is one. Every day. I've been married to her, last week will have been 9 years. 9 years, and I have 3 girls. The oldest one is 17. You know why she looked at me with a blank stare that day? When she said to me, "Daddy, what are you talking about?" God supernaturally erased her memory. She doesn't remember any of it. I, I'm, I mean it's not a theory. She doesn't remember to this day. She doesn't remember one "I hate you" one "your dad's a loser". She doesn't remember one job loss, and I had 30 jobs, in her lifetime, 7 1/2 years. Quit or got fired from every one. She doesn't remember any of them. And we say, "Well you know, it's just, you know it's just blocked out." No, no, no. The Word of God says that righteousness erases what you were so that you can become what God says you are. The reality of my right stnading with God says that all things have passed away all things have become new. So I'm a brand new person, one that has never existed before. I'm a brand new one. And now I am in love with God, I represent Him. My kids see a Godly father. They see one that worships Jesus at home and at the pulpit. My wife see's a Godly husband. One that worships God up here, but when I'm at home I worship God there. She doesn't see a change from me here to there. She doesn't see a difference. There's no change. And with God there's no turning or shifting of shadows. And with us there ought not be either. We ought not give strength to the weakness of flesh. We ought to give strength to the strength of God's spirit because it's not by might, not by power, but by My spirit says the Lord. So the realiy of righteouseness puts me into right standing with God. I, I saw this and I'm so in love with Jesus that anything that violates that the Holy Spirit cuts that thing off man. Are you guys getting anything out of this at all? I, I promise transformation. Sorry, am I too long, are we ok? You guys ok? Man, I just woke up man, so I'm, I'm.... I just got back from South Africa, I've been on a trip and I went to sleep tonight, I went to sleep. I passed out, I was in prayer this afternoon, praying. And I'm like.... And Pastor Bob calls me at 7 o'clock and says, "Todd." I'm transparent as they come man, I am. And I said, he goes, I said, "What time is it man?" My room is dark. I passed out, praying, it's the best. It's not good when you're supposed to be in a meeting though. I said, "What time is it?" He goes, "It's 7, are you sleeping?" I went, "Oh God. Mercy, I'll be there in a minute." I was praying because I went back to my hotel this afternoon and I'm, I'm listening to what Pastor shared today. And, and, and I'm overhwlmed because I realized that all those scriptures are true. Everything, everything, it's everything, everything. There's a place for that to become who we are. Jesus was the Word made flesh, and God wants our flesh to become the very word we say we know. We're to be a living epistle known and read by all men. God doesn't want us to just learn the Word; He wants us to become the Word. Grace is at hand to help us become that very Word, and everywhere I travel I get to see people get free. I get to watch hearts burn, and bang, they just become it. The Holy Ghost defibrillator just comes and "PHOOM!" It thumps the heart. And people go, "I've been a Christian for 30 years man. Why didn't I see this?" Well, now you do, run! People used to tell me, "Todd you know, I've been a Christian my whole life. You're lucky this is how you came in. I got a lot to unlearn." Well your brain's got a lot to un-learn man. No, no, no, no, no. Your brain cannot be unlearned, it is to be renewed. Your mind is not meant to be re-learned. God gave you a mind to learn the spirit of God. Doesn't matter how long you've been in the church. I don't care if you've been in the church 50 years, the Holy Spirit will breathe upon that and make it life. But outside of relationship you will memorize, memorize, memorize, memorize and beat yourself up and wonder why you can't walk out what truth calls you to. But in relationship God immediately, and it's intimacy. It's when I enter into the secret place and when I spend time with Jesus, when I'm by myself. This morning I woke up at 4am. I went to bed at 12:30 or 1 o'clock. I woke up at 4 o'clock in the morning. Jesus woke me up this morning. I get my guitar. I'm like, "It's 4am, I'm going to wake people up." This ain't good. I went down to the desk. I said, "Can I have a meeting room? I need to have a meeting." I did. "Sure sir. Right over here." Alright, awesome. I went in there, I worshipped Jesus with my whole heart man and I cryed for hours because it's in that place, it's in that place. See, when I seek Him in the secret place he rewards me in the open. When I seek Him, not for His stuff. I don't, I've never sought God for His stuff. I've sought Him so that I can know Him. Really, I've never sought God so I can do miracles, promise. Miraculous is the by-product of being a son. I've sought God to know Him. God, I need to know you. I went into the secret place and I said, "God I need to know you, I need to you know you, my God I need to know you!" I cry, I'm on airplanes, "Oh my God I need to know you!" People think I'm wacked. I am! I've preached, people are like, "Man, he's out of his mind." No, I'm not out of my mind, I'm out of yours! I have my mind set on things above and not beneath. I set my mind on things that He speaks about me. I, I set my mind on things above. God gave me His thoughts and His thoughts are higher than my thoughts. In the old testament it says His thoughts are higher than my thoughts and His ways higher than my ways, but in the New Testament it says that we have been given the mind of Christ. So I need to, I need to, I, I need to take my habits and I need to make Him be my habit. He needs to be my habit. My relationship with God needs to be my habit, because as I focus and I see the reality of sonship all of the sudden the things that used to compete for me the things that used to compete for my attention. Listen, I have lived for 9 years as a Christian. 9 years! 9 years! And I didn't try to change a habit, I just made Him the focus of my attention. I've seen Him. That Job 31:1 scripture, I was just talking to Pastor about it today. That thing has hit my heart from the beginning and in 9 years I've never looked lustfully at a woman one time. People say, "Well, that's not possible." No, no, no. Just becase you think that you, because of what you've experienced. That you would allow the Word of God to be brought here and you take your experience and magnify it above that. That's not what the Word says. God has magnified His word above His name. So anytime we take anything in life and magnify it above the reality of what Truth calls us to we're actually bringing an idol before the Lord. God says that I can be free from it and I am free. And now I have three daughters; 17, 7, and 2. God gave me three princesses, and I'm teaching them the reality of purity because of relationship with God. my kids, we pray at night. My little ones, "Holy Ghost, angels of God, warrior angels guard and protect our hearts, our minds, our ears, and our eyes and help us to understand how wide and how high, and how deep, and how strong the Love of God in Christ Jesus is, and I get Him. And give us the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of you God. And Holy Ghost, cover us and fill us, and touch the world around us. Give us eyes to see and ears to hear what the spirit of the Lord is saying. And watch over mommy, sissy baby, daddy, puppy, all our friends and relatives. Keep them happy and strong and cover us with the love of Jesus. Peace in this house, in Jesus name. You can be free, not in a process. In an intense suddenly, in a moment. The Holy Spirit touched me, and His finger has been there since the beginning. Can I tell you a testimony? I'm sorry I've kept you for a while already. We're going to pray and Jesus is going to touch people. You know in Luke 7 there's, in Luke 7 a lady that comes in. She busts into the door. She come, Jesus is at Simon the Pharisee's house. He's eating. This woman busts in, comes and breaks this alabaster jar with her hair, she wipes the feet of Jesus. Pharisee's said, "If this man, if He knew what kind of woman this is." "If He were a prophet, if He really were who He said He is. He would never allow it, because she's a sinner." Jesus is like, "Simon, I have something to ask you." "Teacher, say it." And He says, "Suppose you had a master, that had two people that owed a debt. One owed 500 and one 50, and the master knew that neither could repay. And he freely forgave their debt. Which one would be loved more?" And he said, "Well, I suppose the one whom he forgave more." And He said, "You've chosen well." He said, "and this woman, who is a sinner" And Jesus uses this analogy of 50 and 500. And since the beggining of my life People have said, "Todd, you know what? The reason why you love much, is because of how much you forgive, how much you've been forgiven." And that's twisted. It's twisted scripture, here's why. See, the Bible says that all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. The Bible says that in the old covenant the only way for me to be right with God is I would have to obey 613 laws, and 10 commandments. And I would have to keep them 100% of the time and miss none, because if I've missed one then I've missed them all. James 2:10 says that if I transgress one, I've transgressed every one. Meaning if I've missed one, I've missed them all. So I've missed them all, I've missed them all. So if I'm really twisted and really wacked and a drug addict and I've ripped off everybody, and you told one lie, we are equally as twisted. The problem is that our thoughts aren't like God's thoughts. So we think, well you're more twisted than I was. So the danger of that thing is that you can say and look at my life and see how much I've been forgiven and say, "Wow man, the reason why you love much is because of how much you've been forgiven." But that gives you a right to not love because you haven't been forgiven much. That's twisted. People have told me, "Welll Todd, you know the reason why you love much is..." No, no, no. I've been forgiven. The problem isn't, the problem isn't that I was a worse sinner than you. The problem is not realizing how much you've been forgiven, because all have sinned and all have fallen short of the glory of God. So whether you were the worst, or just a little. See, you need forgiveness for your.... You have forgiveness for your biggest sin, but you need forgiveness for your smallest sin. All of us have been equally forgiven. But because of the reality of what we.... We compare ourselves one to another and say, "you were worse than me, and then you, you got touched by Jesus, and that's why you love." But it gives us permission to not love, which is wacked. All of us have been equally forgiven if we see what we've been forgiven of. If we see that God has cleansed us from all unrighteousness, all of it. When my conscience gets clean, I won't want to violate my conscience ever again. I will live my life on fire burning with the glory of God, and the goodness of God. And I will live, I will come out from among people in the midst of a perverse and corrupt generation. I will shine this light. Not because I have to, but because I get to. I will lead by example and I will walk and I will live, and I will be blameless. And I will live a life that's worthy of the callling. You've been called by God. God has called us all to this same thing; to walk like Jesus. Ephesians 5, we talked about it earlier. It's to be an imitator of God, Therefore be an imitator of God. You were darkness, but now you're light. You were darkness, but now you are light. I was darkness, I was twisted, but God transcended me out of darkness and He put me into the kingdom of the Son, of His love and He put me into the light of the Gospel. The Bible says you are the light of the world. That's powerful. It means everywhere I go, no matter how dark it is, I'm light. When I get there, it becomes light because I show up. That's not arrogance, that's confidence in who God has called me to be. If I go to a place and there's a bunch of witches there, I show up, and it doesn't matter that they're there. Heaven comes because I'm there. I'm not looking to see which one I'm going to pray for. I'm just going to bring it. I promise, I am in love with Jesus but my confidence comes from the reality of righteousness because the righteous are bold as a lion. The wicked flee when no one pursues them. If I don't see my right standing with God I cannot have proper fellowship with you. But if I walk in the light as He is in the light I can have, I can have fellowship with you. If I'm in the light, I can celebrate with you, I can be transparent. I can love you, and I won't have anything hidden. I don't have any junk in my closet to hide from you. I can live and I can have fellowship with you. But because we try to protect ourself and self preservation. And this and that "Well I got issues, and praise God, bless God brother." We walk around and we curse our wife and we can't have fellowship with one another. But Jesus paid a price for us to be free from that thing. It's still my relationship, my love of God, that He won't allow those things that used to come out of here to come out of here, because this has changed. Because Jesus said it's out of the heart the mouth speaks. So if my heart's changed, my mouth will be different. The things that come out of here will be different. And if something comes out of here that shouldn't I immediately bring myself into a place where I see His face. I don't beg God to forgive me. I thank Him that that's not who He created me to be. So I want to tell you about a plane ride that I had. I want to tell you what this looks like. Are you guys getting anything out of this? Man I, I, I, I, I'm, I'm not even looking for your hand clap. I'm just making sure, because I'm looking out there and people are looking at me like.... So I'm riding to Africa, to South Africa, I just went there. And I get to Johannesburg and I had a plane ride layover. Plane ride long. I get there and I'm waiting for my plane, to get on my plane and it's delayed 45 minutes. So now it's like 3 hours and 45 minutes and I'm looking and there's no reason for the plane to be delayed. And the things out there. And I didn't ask, "Hey what's going on?" It just is, so I'm standing in line waiting. So I get on the plane and I'm sitting there. I sit down, and this, this guy comes on the plane and he goes, he goes, "He's supposed to sit by me." You know, and he goes, "Umm, I don't want to sit by him." That's ok, he didn't offend me. You can't hurt me, I love you. I'm so serious. So he goes, "I'm going to sit over here." So he sits down, and everybody getting on the plane, when they come on the plane they're counting exchanges. It's so weird, they're like, "Oh hey, how are you doing? How are you doing?" Everybody's walking by, everybody knows him, I don't. He's sitting behind me now. So I looked at him, I said, "Dude, everybody knows you, I should too. Who are you?" He said, "Well I'm just a business man. I mean I do a lot of things, I help people and..." I said, "Wow that's awesome." He goes, "Who are you?" I said, "I'm from America, I love people for a living." And he's, "Oh, very well, very well, that's good, that's good, that's good." He goes, "But what kind of work do you do?" I said, "Well, I, I preach theh Gospel man. I watch people get set free everywhere I go." "Oh this is good, this is good, well I'm a Hindu." I said, "Great, I'm a Christian. Nice to meet you." So he looks at me and he goes, he goes, "So, so what brings you here?" I said, "I'm going to preach the Gospel and I'm going to watch a country, I'm going to watch people get free every day." And I started to share the Truth with him And I looked at him and I go, "Hey, you have a heart condition." He looks at me and he goes, "No, no, no, I'm ok." And he looks around kind of paranoid that I even said that. And I, I didn't say, "HEY YOU HAVE A HEART CONDITION!" He looks at me and he goes, "I, I, I, I'm ok, but thank you very much for caring about that. So uhh..." And he's trying to make small talk, but I don't have small talk. I have the Gospel. And I'm not trying to be mean. I just don't have any time for that. I won't, I, it doesn't matter who he is. I was just reading it today. It's in Proverbs 23, it says that when you step before kings have a knife to your throat lest you partake in that stuff. and when I lived my life because of the reality of the right standing that I have with my King, nothing else matters but what the King says. And He loves that, man. But I will not water this thing down and make it easy. I'm going to preach the truth that sets people free. I, I, it doesn't matter who you are. I don't care, it doesn't matter. I love you, Jesus is Lord, He loves you. I was possessed by that thing. I don't have a fear of man. I have a fear of God. I am in love with God. We want to be like Jesus. And we look at Jesus He was annointed the 7 fold spirit of God. Isaiah 11:2, we look at it... He was this, this, this, this... but His number one delight was in the fear of the Lord. And I believe that the fear of the Lord is going to come again to the church. And the reality of that thing is going to hit us in such a way, to where all the sudden we tremble when stuff that is wicked comes our way because the Holy Spirit says it. He says this, He says we're supposed to reign as a king in this life, through the abundance of grace, the free gift of righteouseness. And He talks about this thing. He talks about, by this time you ought to be a teacher. In Hebrews, by this time you ought to be a teacher, but you need somembody to take you back to the very first principles, and oracles of God, and you need milk instead of solid food. It says because solid food is for the mature. And mature doesn't mean that you've been in church for 50 years. He talks about maturity, and He brings the equality with being skilled in the word of righteousness. and He says that when I'm skilled in the word of righteousness, my senses get trained to discern between both good and evil. Now all of the sudden, you see. Adam and Eve were in the garden and God said, "Do not eat the tree because the day you do you'll surely die!" And they had relationship with God. And they walked with God. But Jesus restored that which was lost. So what He did was He paid a price for us to... See, what redemption means really, is that God brought me back to the original place that He that He put me to be in the beginning. So God re-created me. So God gave me a brand new spirit. I'm a brand new man, a new man, a new creation. And I'm in the garden as if I never ate the tree. Redemption means that I've never eaten the tree, I've never missed it. When I look in the mirror, I see a man that never missed it. I see a man that God loves. I look in there and I see who He created me to be. I don't see my thou... my faults, my failures, my regret. Regret produces death, but Godly sorrow leadeth unto repentance. And when I look in the mirror, I see, with an unveiled face beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord. And I'm being transformed into the original image that God created me to be in the beginning. And it's as if I never ate the tree. And I see myself that way. You say, "Well, you know, that's, I know, you could make it..." No, no, no, that's the truth of what God says you are. And if I see that thing, when I look in the mirror with an unveiled face no veil, old testament, Moses. Given the ministry of condemnation, which had glory. And we can't afford to enjoy the glory of condemnation more than the much more glory of righteousness that God has given us. I've spent my life in the Word. I spent my life in the Bible. It's in me. It's possessed me. I live and I move and I have my being from the foundation of my right standing with God. Moses would put a veil on his face. It wasn't just to stop the glory from shining, it was to stop them from seeing it fading away. So the veil's been removed. It's unveiled, it's an unveiled face because the Lord is the spirit. Where the spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty. And we all, with unveiled face, beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord. When I look in the mirror I see Christ staring back at me. When you look in the mirror what do you see? Do you see the things that you wish you never did or do you see the fact that you real, really are living in this world as if you never did? The blood of Jesus cleanses us so that we can serve the living God. So I'm living in that place and I'm, I'm loving God. And now I'm sitting beside a man of great reputation. So I start sharing my testamony. He goes, "This is wonderful, this is amazing, this is, this is great." I said, "Man, it's greater than great." And I start sharing with the attendant And I share something that's going on with him And Jesus like, reveals a word of knowledge And this guy is like, "Wow, this is amazing." And we go to get off the plane and he goes, "I need to have your contact information." I said, "Ok." And I said, he goes to me, he goes, "I have a heart problem." I go, "I know." I said, "C'mon man, I'm going to pray for you." "Ok, ok, ok." He's looking around. "Jesus, thank you Father. Brand new heart. In Jesus name." Now it's time to move, we get off the plane. And makes the guy at the end of the, end of the thing carry my bag. He goes, "Get his bag right now." I said, "No I'm ok." He goes, "Stop, let him get your bag," I went, "Yes sir." We get down to the baggage claim, we go there, and it, and his driver's there. And I said, "Hey man, how are you doing?" God reveals to me that this man wanted to play rugby as a professional but he got his knee taken out in a rugby game. So he blames God for the fact that his knee got taken out. He's a Christian, but he's mad at God. I said to him, I said, "Man," I said, "You wanted to play rugby right? And someone took you out from the side and knocked your knee sideways, took it out, and you think it's God that did it to you. It took your career from you. God doesn't come to steal, kill and destroy my friend. Jesus came to give you life." And this man looks at me And he goes, "How can you know these things?" And I said, "Because God lives in me man, and He loves you." He goes, "This is great." He's the Hindu. He goes, "That's true!" I pray for his driver. We go to leave, and pastor picks me up. I said, "Pastor, you know this man?" And the pastor knows who this man is. He goes, "Hey, how are you doing?" He goes, "I, I, I, I am, I am amazed by this man." I said, "Man, I'm telling you man, listen. It's Jesus that lives in me. Look in my eyes, what do you see?" "I, I, I can't look in your eyes." I said, "I get it." The eye is the lamp of the body, and if you're eye is single your whole body is full of light. So we leave. He texts me. He says, "I want you to pray for my son." He suffers from depression and anger and bitterness and all this stuff. I go, "Awesome." So he goes, "I'm going to meet you at a restaurant. Tell me when you have time." So I scheduled a time to meet. We went to this very, very, very, very ritzy restaurant. A restaurant that I normally wouldn't be in. And when I walk in, I don't look like a person thaht would be in that restaurant. So I walk in, and I sit down. This man's not here. So there's waitresses that are there. So I'm blessing them and talking to them and telling them about my Jesus, because that's all I got. Because Jesus is a machine, and He lives in me and He's always on. He comes in. I said, "Hey man, how are you?" He goes, "Good." I gave him a hug and, we sat down and he goes, "Oh, it's too loud out here. My son won't be able to deal with this." He goes, "Can we go inside?" I said, "You, whatever you want man, let's go and do it." So we walk inside, we sit down. And he looks beside me and he goes, "Oh, we need to move again." I said, "Why?" He goes, "Because this is the journalists, they write bad things about me." Here the pastor told me who this man was. He's a multi-billionaire, in the country that I was in. A man of great wealth, of great money. A Hindu man that is trying to get all the religions together to get along. Well he's in front of the wrong man. And I won't water this thing down for the sake of who he is. Because who he is, is going to kill him. It's very important. This is all I, all, everything. I will not water this Gospel this water down because the man has great wealth. I'm not looking for anything that he has. I don't have anything, but yet I have everything. He has everything, but yet he has nothing. I'm serious man. And we as men, and we as leaders, have to be very careful that we don't water this thing down because we have a draw from the world to gain anything. We have to be in love with Jesus and we have to be satisfyed. We have to be content, because Godly contentment brings great gain. We can't afford to have this and want that, or you will water this thing down. And you will mold, and you will look like the world instead of being transformed by the renewing of this so that you don't get conformed to this. You have to be very careful because when we don't have finances the tendency is to be around to look good in font of people that do, so maybe, they'll bless us. And that's twisted too. We don't need anything in our lives that will take us out, man. None of it. So we, we go to move and he goes, "Oh, hi, how are you doing?" And then the journaist goes, "Oh, hey I didn't see you there!" But he did. He's, "How are you doing?" He goes, "Let's go, let's go...." so we walk, and I get a word about the journalist and I said, "Hold on man." I said, "Sir." I said, "You have two herniated disks and sciatic nerve damage down your right leg, yes?" "Uh... yes, yes I do." and this man goes, "Do you really?" The Hindu man. This billionaire. He goes, "You do!" He just stands there, because he knows what's going to happen next. and I saidi to him, I said, "Man, this is going on right now." I said, "Look, I'm going to pray for you, and Jesus is going to heal you man. Right now." "Okay...." and this man is standing there like this. So I prayed for him and God wipes this thing out, completely. He stands up, he bends over, he goes, "It's gone." The other man goes, "It is, isn't it!" Woah, this is amazing. This is amazing. The man goes, "It really is gone." He's, "Oh, this is wonderful." And the man and the journalist embrace. They weren't in relationship. They're banging heads. He does, he writes bad things about this man now they're like, "How're you doing?" So we turn, and as we walk away there's a lady behind us at the table that has a neck brace on. She's crying. She's behind listening to what's going on, and the man looks at the lady and he goes, "Are you ok?" The guy that's with me, the, the, business man he goes, "Are you ok?" she goes, "No I'm not." he goes, "My friend from America will help you right now." This is exactly how it happened. I looked at her and I said, "Honey, what's going on?" She goes, "I have a disease called dystonia." And she said, "It's kil, it's killing me." She said, "I can hardly feel my fingers anymore." And she can't raise her arms "And I came to this city so I can get medicine because no doctors can help me." I said, "Jesus will take your case." And I bent down, I knelt over and I looked at her, and I said, "Honey, my God will heal you right now." And the guy behind me goes, "He will." So I prayed for her, and in a matter of about 3 minutes her body's completely free of every bit of this sickness, completely! And she's a Christian. She loves God. see, Jesus has the total package, man He enables me to do this stuff, but my focus isn't in doing this stuff My focus is relationship with Him. My intimacy with God... See, when this thing is profuse, I don't have to do anything in order to look good. I am good because Jesus is good. He has created me in His image, and He washes my brain and He teaches me who I really am. And the reality of the Gospel of the Kingdom is active in my conscience, so that this thing stays unviolated, stays free. See, the mature are skilled in the word of righteousness. My right standing with God is my priority and nothing can compete with that. No matter what it is. Whether it's wealth, fame, pornography, drugs. Nothing can compete with the truth of who God says I am, and I've lived in this place for 9 years man. And it's getting clearer every day. And the more I travel, the more people I get to see be free. Just bang, boom! It's like they wake up and it's, it, they're in this life that they never realized they were in. And they wake up in the morning and it's a brand new day, and it's tottally clearer they've ever seen before. I promise freedom that tomorrow morning when you wake up it will be as if you've never existed. I've watched the Holy Spirit do it man. I've watched Him do it, when you wake up in the morning and people are like, "What's wrong with you?" "I don't know." It's Him, to where your intimacy strengthens and the realiy of who God's called you to be, strengthens. So we walk, we walk over after this lady gets healed. She's a Christian, she loves Jesus, she's free. Walk to this table and this man goes, "This is wonderful." I said, "Yes sir." We walk to the table, a man walks by. He's a waiter, he's walking by like this. I said, "Man, what happened?" He goes, "I tore my ACL, but I have to work because I can't take time off." I said, "My Jesus will heal you." And this man goes, "He will." So I prayed for him and God gives him a brand new knee right there. and other waitresses, I prayed for 3 or 4 of them that day. It was awesome, but his son comes in. This billionaires son comes to the table and he goes, "Hello." And I said, "How are you doing man?" He goes, "I'm ok." He sits down, he was real cautious. I looked at the man. I said to him, I said, "Sir, I told you I'd pray for your son." I said, "But I will not pray for him unless I can share my Gospel with him." He looks at me, he goes, "I just want my son better." I said, "Listen man, I'm going to share the truth about who Jesus is with your boy." See, his boy's not a Hindu, his boy is an atheist. I looked at him, I said, "Man I promise freedom, but I'm going to share the reality of what will bring to make you free." So I share the Gosepl with this boy. He looks at me. I said, 'Look man, you're lost, and my King has found you." And I said to him, I said, "You need my king. He's the only one that will help you." And this other man, he's looking around the retaurant, wondering who's looking at him. But God's eyes were on his son and the boy gives his life to Jesus. Gets radically touched by my king. Gets born again right there, brand new life. His eyes clear, clean, clear depression, anxiety, all that stuff. he looks at me and I said, "Man." I said, "Are you ready?" I said, "My Jesus is going to come and make His home in you, and the Holy Spirit's going to clean house man." "Ok." Freedom, right there, dad's watching. Dad looks at me and he goes, "This is wonderful, this is wonderful, this is wonderful." I said to him, "It's more than wonderful, it's amazing. It's who God created your son to be." He looks at me and he goes, "You know I, I, I never...." He's trying to make small talk, but he's choked up with words. He goes, "I, I, I, I have, I've never said this in front of my son." I said, "Well, now's a good time to say it because he's brand new." He look at him and he goes, "I've never said this, but at 50 years old something happened and, and I had, I've lost my joy." I looked at the man and I said, "Sir, can I explain to you why your joy left." I said, "Because your joy came from the kingdom that you've created that looks like you." I said, "You're a self made man, and all good gifts come from the father of lights." I was very strong. I said, "Man, you've built all these things, and all the wealth, and all this stuff and you've done all these different things." I said, "You've explained to me all these different things that you've done and you build houses and, and done this." I said, "And Jesus said, 'Apart from me you can bear no fruit.' So all the things you've done, even though it's helping people, it will have no eternal value." I said to him, "The things that you've done, what you've done you've done to look good in front of people. And it's with the wrong heart, man." And I said, "All this business, and all the money and all of the wealth and all of the stuff that you have none of it can bring you joy, man. My Jesus can bring you peace. The reality of who God is. You've seen His miracles, you've seen what He's done, and that's great, but you need to see the realiy of who He created you to be." He looks at me and he says, "Ok." I said, "Listen man, I'm not say... it's not ok. You told me on the plane that you're trying to make, you told me that your passport is stamped because you do good deeds. If that's your way to heaven, that's wrong." And I had to unravel his life man, and preach the strong truth that doesn't make anybody feel good. And I said to Him, "And none of those things are your passport to heaven. There's only one name under heaven that men can be saved, and it's the name of Jesus. None of those things can buy your way in buddy. None, there's only one name." He looks at me and he goes, "I, I, I realize this." I said, "You son is free, and I want you to be free too!" He looks at me and he goes, "Ah... Ok." I said, "You say 'ok' but I, it's not ok to get all the religions together." I said, "Listen to me sir." I said, "One day we are going to stand before Jesus and you're trying to get the muslim religion together, the hindu religion together, the sikh's together the, the, all these different religions, you're trying to get them together and so that we can all be getting along." I said, "What good is that when you stand before God and you realize that there's only one name, and His name is Jesus, and nobody goes in, but the reality of people that worship Jesus." He goes, "That wouldn't be good." I said, "No it's not." I said, "So it's not ok to believe what you believe." And I said, "You need my Jesus." He goes, "I want your Jesus." And he got born again, right there in the restaurant. And God's spirit went "whooom... boom!" I said, "How are you doing?" He goes, "That feels really great." I said, "I want you to be very, very careful." I said, "It's very important that you don't water down the name of Jesus for the, at the cost of trying to please people any longer." And he says, "Oh no, this is amazing." I said, "I need to put you in touch with some people that are going to pour into you and fellowship with you. To bring you into relationship." He said, "Oh, that's good." So the next day he came to church, Sunday morning, and we didn't sit him in the front. We sat him in the midst of the crowd because I didn't want to bring him to the front and have everybody, "Ooooohhh." Be very careful about where you're seating people, it's biblical. So he texts me after the service and he says, "Todd, I need you to do me a favor." He said, "I need you to come to my house. I need you to tell my family about this." So he comes and he sends a Rolls-Royce to pick me up. And I'm like, "Are you kidding me!?" I video taped it. I do. I'm sitting in the back of this car and the driver's in the front. I get in the back of the car, I get in, I go, "Man." I go, "How're you doing?" I'm filming. He goes, "I'm good." I said, "Hey buddy." I said, "You used to play soccer didn't you?" He goes, "Yeah." I said, "You hurt your left ankle, right?" "Ah, yeah." I said, "Oo, hey man, I worship the King. I noticed this car is called ghost." "Yeah, it's the Rolls-Royce ghost." I said, "I worship God, and I got the Holy Ghost. And He's talking to me about you right now." I said, "Jesus is King. I'm going to pray for man, and God's going to heal you." He goes. "This is crazy, how can you know these things?" "I, because my Jesus lives in me man." And I shared the Gospel with this man. So we get there, he's completely healed. He's radically like, wrecked, because of my good God that lives in me. We get there, and I, he brings me into the house and, and he's there and his wife is there and she's a very strong Hindu lady very raised in it, understands all the stuff. Understands way more than I do, about all that. I don't study other religions. I, I don't want to. I want to know Jesus. See, when people are trained to spot counterfeit dollars they don't study the counterfeit, they study the real. So when I study the real, I know what the counterfeit is, because I study the real. So I've learned to know my King, and learned to know my God so that I know Him so that anything that comes as contrary is fake. So I'm sitting there and I'm sharing, and this lady just... she lets me have it man. She's, "Listen, my kids can worship whoever they want." They have a little 5 years old and a 3 year old. "They can worship whoever they want. They can worship Jesus if they want, they can worship allah if they want, the can worship Mary if they want, they can worship this if they want, they can worship that...." And I'm sitting there and I'm pouring out my heart, sharing my testimony with here. And I said, "Man." I said, "It's not ok to raise your kids and allow them to worship a dog." I said, "It's not ok to raise your kids and have them worship a cow." "It's not ok to raise your kids and have them worship this and worship that. There's only one God." "I know, but there's many paths." I said, "No, no, no, wait a second." There's a way that seems right to man and in the bible it talks about that and it says the end of destruction there's only one way. Jesus is the Way, the Truth and the Life. It doesn't say, "Nobody comes to heaven except by Him." It says that, "Nobody comes to the Father except by Him." Jesus is the gate. There is no way to heaven, but Jesus made a way for us to know our father here. So I'm sharing this with her, and she's just, "Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no." And then she looks at me and she says, "Todd there, something happened to me when I was younger and it keeps resurfering, resurfacing." She goes, "And, and it's, it's just, ah..." And I said, "Ma'am, none of this stuf will grab you." I said, "My Jesus has to come into your life. Change you forever." She looks at me, and she starts to cry. And then I shared the Gospel and the Holy Spirit came. And I said, "Hunny, you need my Jesus." She said, "Ok." Two hours of sharing the truth in the midst of the billionaire's home, and the family gets saved. It was radical, amazing, awesome goodness. And in the midst of that, this man hands me a package, and it's an envelope. And he says, "Here, I've wanted to bless you." Puts it in my thing, and I go back to my house, that I'm staying at after all this. And I open it up, and it's a large sum of money, and I just worshipped Jesus. I said, "Jesus, I thank you so much. You're awesome God. I thank you." And I told the people that I'm staying at that are just going to plug in, this guy's going to plug in his son, he's going plug in his wife. I said, "Listen, listen, I'm going to write you a letter..." And I said, "...and I'm going to put it, and you're going to put it in there, and I want you to deliver this back to the man." See because here's the deal guys. We're going to be in front of great men. We're going to be in front of very wealthy people, we're going to be in front of all kinds of people, and we can't afford to take payment. It's one thing to sew into a ministry. It's another to pay somebody off. And my heart was so, my conscience wasn't settled. It's so not right. So that money's going back to this man. They're going to deliver it, because he thinks that I took it, but I didn't. I left it there. And when he goes, and he's going to sew into this man. He's going to give him back this money with the letter that I'm writing that the Holy Ghost is going, is orchestrating the reality of this thing. He's going to deliver it back to the man and he's going to be so overwhelmed by the fact, because people do different things to get different things from people. But this Gospel is payment in full. So that thing's going back to this man. He's going to get tottally overwhelmed, because that's never happened. Because people are so hungry for money, and we can't afford to be men that are so hungry for money at the cost of Truth that sets people free. Jesus want's to do amazing stuff through us, but He wants us to see who He's created us to be. He wants us to live in this freedom, and not allow money coming in to... Man, people get thrown off course. Here's what happens: people get thrown off course because of women, men, because of women, and because of money. It says that the love of money is the root of all evil. The "love" of it. Money's not the root of it, but the love of it is. It says you can't serve both God and mammon. You can't. Either you will love one and hate the other, or hate one and love the other. Reguardless, you cannot afford to. You have to be very careful to not allow the delicacies of this world to be who we are, but to allow Jesus to be our delicacy. Are you ok? I'm going to worship Jesus. I would like, is the worship team still here, or did they leave? It is almost morning time again. That's good enough. Guys, we can be free. We can be free. I said a whole lot of stuff man, and I've talked for hours. Sorry. It's an eternal Gospel man. You know, I feel like, you know when I'm at a place I got one shot man. One shot, to preach everything I ever knew. No, but I want to leave... Listen, I came to this conference, it's an honor to be here. To be able to speak into men's lives. I was totally blown away at the fact that you would even allow me to come. And I, I, I love you guys. I'm not a Rhema graduate, but I am a, a man that's in love with Jesus. And it's an honor to be able to pouor my heart out, and iron sharpens iron, and I just wanted to bring the reality of who God's created us to be into the midst of this. Because everything that we talked about today, the workshops, all that stuff. None of it works outside of intimacy. None of it works outside of relationship. Otherwise it's just applied, it's theory. It's all true, but none of it works except for the relationship with Jesus. The initimate time. The secret place. The reality of who God's created me to be, where I can meet with Him, and I can become one with Him. So everybody, everything's competing for intimacy; time, business, ministry, all of that stuff. You have to be very careful to not be caught up with all that stuff and lose your relationship with God. Because what good is it if I come here and share with you, but I have no relationship with Jesus. I'll be building, I will labor in vain. Let's just say that. Because the Lord builds the house, and I, I cant preach the truth but outsdie of the reality of my relationship with God the truth won't keep me free. I can quote as many scripture as I want, but the reality of this thing is my love relationship with God. And me being in love with God, enables me to not be sucked up into the world's vortex, man. And my schedule is intense. It's, whoom whoom whoom whoom whoom. Constant. I go home, I'm home for two days. I enjoy my kids, I enjoy my wife, and then it's on again, bang. It's a machine, it's constant, man. And without the reality of relationship that thing will crush you. And all of the sudden you're burnt out, and burnt out is illegal in the Kingdom. And I believe we can raise up a breed of Christian that doesn't burn out. I believe we can raise up a breed of Christian that doesn't compromise. I believe that we can raise up a breed of Christian that Jesus went about doing good and healing all. He went about doing good, and healed all. I believe we can raise up the reality of who God's created us to be; to be a people that are not sucked into the world. That we don't have to have another fallen minister. We don't have to have another move of God that's, that's sucked up and thrown away. Because they're looking to find fault. They're trying to find fault. They're trying to find something wrong, and Jesus is beautiful. And He's created us in His image, and if we see who we're created to be we'll live in this place of relationship, of intimacy, of this awesome place where I see Him. And as I see Him I become like Him. So when this thing comes that used to whisper my name it has no access to my soul, because this thing is possessed by truth. It says, "The weapons of my warefare, but are mighty for pulling down strongholds, taking every thought captive." The simplicity of the Gospel is the truth of God getting here so that when satan whispers, it's so exposed by the truth that it has no access to my soul. It's relationship, it's intimacy, it's the strength of God to where the stronghold of God gets set up here. Jesus uses the example and He says you know what, when a strong man guards a house, unless a stronger one comes in... So Jesus is stronger. And He comes in, and He, and He takes the weapon. He takes this strong thing that's been trying to, to stop Him, and he rips that thing out and He sets up camp. And all of the sudden we've got a "no-vacancy" sign on our forehead. Because truth has possessed us. You are looking at a guy that's 9 years old in Jesus, man. I've run with the Gospel. I've burned like fire. Nobody is going to water this thing down. Nobody is going to take it out. I am not some specially gifted young man. I am a son, and I know who my Father is, and it's everyone's privelage to have the same thing that I have. Because Jesus says in Romans 8:11 that the same Holy Spirit that raised, that raised Him from the dead dwells in me. The same one. It's not by strength, it's not by might, not by power, but by the Spirit of God. So the truth of this is that everybody has the same exact thing that I have. Nobody's outside. My question is; are you willing to submit to the reality of the Spirit of God? Are you willing to lay down everything so that you can have intimacy, so that you can have relationship with the King? Because mighty men, mighty men, men of God. We can't afford to have anything that would compete for the reality of intimacy between you and the Father. Nothing. My life is the outward display of the reality of my relationship with God. I am in love with God and everywhere I go, that love's apparent. I'm not boasting in anything except in God's ability to keep me. But I am consumed with God's ability to keep me more than I am in satan's ability to deceive me. I am consumed, listen, I can tell you that you won't read about me in the paper. "Oh, be careful!" Stop it, that's fear. I'm in love with God. People told me in the beginning, "Oh you're brand new. I can see, you're on fire." That's demonic strategy. "Well, you're new. How old are you in God?" "Well I've been a Christian for 30 years, you'll see." And my question is still the same; "What are you talking about? Did Jesus change?" I remember going to a hospital, I'm a year old in God and I watched a person get up off their death bed. I'm a year old. And the nurse is out there, she's the head nurse. She comes to me and she goes, "Oh." She goes, "How long have you been a Christian?" I said, "Hunny, I, I got born again a year ago." And I started to share my testimony. She goes, "Woah, slow down son." I said, "Wait a second, what do you mean 'slow down?'" She goes, "Well listen, this is a marathon not a sprint." And that sounds great but it's not in your bible. It's neither a sprint nor a marathon. It's a race. She goes, "You need to slow down...." Listen, we, I get it. People say it's a marathon not a sprint, because we want people to finish well. But it's the grace and mercy of God that helps us to run hard and to finish well. It's my love relationship and intimacy. So instead of pointing out the fact of someone's run, put them and walk out the reality of your intimate relationship with God that enables Him to keep you, and tell them about their relationship with Jesus. I travel the whole world man, and I talk to people that are graduates from Bible colleges. I talk to people that are in college, and I talk to people all the time. And I ask them, "What's your personal life with Jesus like?" And they say, "Well, you know, I, you know...." No, no, no, I don't know. Talk to me. I'm not kidding man. I, I, all the time. Pastors, been pastors for 30 years. I'm not pointing a finger at anybody. I'm telling you that this is common. "What's your intimacy like?" "Well you know, I'm busy." Stop. Now we're in trouble. Because if you're too busy with relationship for Jesus, you're in trouble. Because this isn't about your super amazing gifted-ness. Gifts are given, fruit is grown. The gifts and calling of God are without repentance. It's not about your gifting. It's about your relationship. It's about your intimacy with the King. It's about the love relationship you have with God. Because you can walk in gifting, man. Man, I've met great men and women of God that are healing evangelists, that, that this and that and the other thing. And then when I talk to them behind the closed doors they're different people. And I'm not pointing the finger at anybody. I travel the world, I, I meet lots of people, and I'm not finding fault with people. I'm telling you that there ought to be something different about us, above that we can do the miracles. People bring me into their church, they're like, "Teach us how to do the stuff." And I don't even talk about the stuff. I talk about who they are. Because if I can teach you who you are, it's just the by-product of your life that will happen. I've talked a long time, I'm sorry man. I just love you. No, I get it. I always have two or three, "DO IT!" They're like, "It's two hours man!" Guys, we can do this. I remember when God told me, He said, "Todd, you can have as much of me as you want." I went, "I want it all." He said, "Alright, I'm available." You know, I've never sought God for stuff, I've only sought Him so I can know Him. I've never prayed for stuff, I've only, I've sought Him to know Him. I go into my closet and I say, "God, I want to know you. Father, I just need to know you. God I'm asking you to show me who you are God so I can see who I was created to be because you created me in your image God in your likeness you created me." You know the first whole year of my Bible study people would come to my house. I didn't have nothing else to talk about but Ephesians 1. They'd say, "What are we going to talk about this week?" "Well, you know what I found guys? God wants to give to me the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him." "Well no, we talked about that..." "I know, but, but man let's talk about it again." And I'd cycle through people after people after people after people that comes and they'd come and say, "Well, you know what he's going to talk about." And you know when i read Ephesians 1, it never gets old. The Bible never gets old. Please don't think that you know it. Please don't read the Word and think that you know it, because you don't. Please don't read the Bible and say, "Well, you know I, I already know that." Stop. When you get there you're unteachable, you're done. I kneel before my King and I say, "Father, I thank you so much that today is a new day." See, mercy won't be up today. Mercy. People say, "Todd, you know this will cost you." The only thing it will cost you is all God saying is, "I want you to give up something you were never created to be. I didn't create you for you, I created you for me. So I'm asking you to give up what you were never created to be, so you can finally become who I say you are." God didn't create you for you. He created you for Him. He didn't create you for you. You know mercy woke you up today, and God gave you one more day so you could manifest Him and not you. Grace woke you up this morning. Mercy said, "Good morning Todd. Here's another day for you to manifest me." It's not, "John the baptist said that 'I must decrease and He must increase.'" It's not that. John the baptist said that because he, I and the law must decrease and Jesus and grace and truth must increase. It's not that, it's not that I must decrease so that He must increase. It's, "I must die, so that I can live." He who seeks to save his life will lose it, but he who loses his life for my sake will find it. It's not about decreasing, it's about Jesus, who's this life. I want yours. God, show me who I am, and I will run with you. I will run with you and I won't grow weary. God, you're amazing. You're awesome. You're all poowerful. You're mighty. Your Word is everything to me. Your word is a lamp unto my feet. God, when I look into it, I'm looking into your very face. In the beggining was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the word was God. Every time I look into the Word I'm looking into the face of God. And nobody can look in God's face and live. And when I look into there with the intimacy of the Holy Ghost, when I look in there and I ask Him to make it real He breathes on me. And then I become a brand new man. Every day. Every day, and every situation is given to me so that I can glorify Him. And every place I go, no matter how dark it is when I step in, it becomes light because He lives in me. If I go into a dark area, and it's reall dark, I don't look and say, "Oh my gosh, it's so dark here!" It doesn't matter how dark it is. I don't go into an area and say, "I need to pull down strongholds." No, strongholds are here, they're pulled down. The strength of truth is here. So when I come in I live, and I have dominion. I'm not just popping off, I live this way. I go into a gym to work out, I have dominion. Why? Because I have come and Jesus lives in me. I went to gym, to the gym today to try to work out for a little bit, and touch people and watch Jesus go... shake people. Why? Because He can. I went to grab a bite to eat today at Chipotle, and He shook the restaurant. Why? Because He lives in me. But my life is a by-product of intimacy with God. I am in relationship with my King. Jesus is Lord. Nothing can separate us from this but us. We can have as much of God as we want. But you can't afford to be in the way of relationship with the King. Well go worship Jesus, and as you sense the spirit of God trembling your heart, just like these men, I want you to come and kneel but let's worship Jesus for a few minutes because God's going to touch people man. I promise you freedom. Tomorrow morning when you wake up, you will see things differently. I'm not just popping off man. I promise you. I've watched Jesus rock people and shake them to the core. I've watched this thing every day of my life in Christianity. On planes, in elevators, in hospitals, in dentists offices, in churches, in malls, in stores, it doesn't matter. He is Lord. He lives in me and He wants to possess people with this thing. Hey guys, thanks for watching the video. We came up with a website. It's called "Lifestyle Christianity." We have our newsletter that's going to go out. You can sign up for our e-mail list. We'll also have testimonies on there, event's schedule, all that stuff. It will be amazing. We want to empower a generation to walk Christianity as a lifestyle. So we can all walk with the power of God on a constant basis. It's going to be awesome, so come on over. Bless you, thanks for watching.
Channel: Todd White
Views: 54,234
Rating: 4.86166 out of 5
Id: wrQjko6Ea4o
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Length: 111min 20sec (6680 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 12 2015
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