Todd White - Can I Pray for the Sick When I Need Healing ( INTERVIEW )

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I've been in so many situations where I've had stuff that I've been dealing with, and I'll tell you a simple one. I tore my knee one time, and I'm like Man, I don't like this. You know, I'm a guy that's praying for the sick all the time. You know all the time. It's never stopped. It's always been non-stop. It's always happening. So I'm praying for people. I tear my knee and I end up going to a doctor. My doctor is Jewish. He's a Jewish doctor. So I go in there and I tell him Jesus is gonna heal me man, and he said, "Listen I'm Jewish, and I don't believe like you believe, but you can see right here" (they did the MRI-) "there's a tear right here and you need to understand that we have to operate on this, because your knee's not going back to normal." I said, "Man. I'm telling you. Jesus is gonna heal me." He goes, "All right," he goes, "You're very zealous for what you believe in." He goes, "That's great." So we prayed and prayed and prayed and prayed and prayed and nothing. I didn't get to see it healed, and it was a bummer, and so surgery was scheduled for three weeks later. I had Dan pray for me, all that stuff. So I called Dan one morning and I'm a little overwhelmed because I told this Jewish guy this Jewish doctor, God's son, one of his sons. He doesn't know it, right? In the Messiah in Christ, I said, "Man God's gonna heal my knee." So I'm like, man, God it would be great for him to see that you heal my knee. You know, and I'm thinking, heal me because of him, you know for his sake, not because of me. God would heal you whether anybody found out or not, because he's just good like that. So I'm there, I called Dan on the phone. I said, "Man, my knee is not healed." I said, "Man, I just want to kneel down. I just want to worship God, man." You know? And I prayed for a bunch of knees in the midst of this thing, and like people's knees are getting healed, you know, and I'm not really frustrated with it not happening for me except the fact of this Jewish guy. So God says to me, or I kneel on the floor and I'm like I just want to kneel down. I'm trying to squeeze my knee and I hear this voice, this still small voice. "Just go ahead," and I kneel, and bend the whole way and my knee was completely healed. It was ridiculous, man. So amazing, and I've received it straight from my Father. So now I have to go to the doctor, and I have to tell that Jewish doctor. And I'm so excited, so I go to the waiting room, you know, and I'm waiting in the doctor's office, just waiting to go in there, because I'm on--you know, this is a workman's comp related injury, you know. So I have to go and I have to get him to sign off on this thing. So I go in his office. I say, "Guess what man?" He goes, "What?" He goes "Why, what's going on?" And I started jumping around. I squatted way down on the ground, held my squat, stood up, jumped off the ground. He was checking it, moving my knee all sideways, trying to see you know, what ever. He goes, "Todd." He goes, "You know," he goes, "I appreciate the fact that you think that Jesus healed you." He goes, "But honestly, this is workman's comp. So I'll tell you what we'll do. He said, "If you can pay $1100 for an MRI, then I will go ahead and do another MRI, because workman's comp isn't gonna pay for it," he goes, and that's the only way that I can release you." And I'm thinking, I don't have $1,100. What am I gonna do? I go and leave the doctor's office kind of like, what do I do? God speaks to me in the car and says, "He's my son. I want you to go through the surgery." Why would I go through the surgery? I don't want to have someone cut me open. I go through surgery? This is ridiculous. Like I don't want to do this thing. And I'm sitting there, and I'm like, I'm thinking in my heart, God you healed me. Why would I go through surgery? So I'm thinking, Is this the devil? Then I hear God say, "He's my son, but he doesn't know it. Have you laid down your life?" I'm thinking, the devil wouldn't say that to me. So I went through surgery. I go through, full expectation. Amazing, go through surgery. I come out, out of anesthesia. I'm coming to, it's amazing, I'm all groggy. I'm out of it. I'm like, I had this nurse, the people are trying to help me. I get a word of knowledge for the nurse that's there, about migraine headaches. I said, "Do you have a migraine headache right now?" I'm totally out of it, but I can remember this clear as day. She goes "Yes, I do. Why?" I said, "Can I have your hand please?" She goes, "Oh, are are you okay?" I said, "Yes, I am." I grabbed her hand. I said, "Migraine headache, you go away in Jesus name," coming out of this anesthetic. It's amazing man. She goes, "Oh, you're delirious." I said, "Is your headache gone?" She said, "Yes it is." I'm like, that's myJesus. You know, and then I pass back out again. I came to, and she ended up coming back and telling me what happened. It's awesome. So I waited. I had to wait a whole week and a half in order for my next visit, and my knee really hurt, like he cut me open and did the arthroscopic surgery. So I go in for my next visit, and I said to the doc--I'm so like excited man, this is God's son. This is why I did it. So he's like, he goes, "Well," he goes. "Here's some pictures. We went in. We scraped your knee cap. We did this. We did that." I said whoa, and he goes, "You know," he goes, "It's gonna heal up just fine. I have to set you up on physical therapy, And you're gonna have to go through that for a little while before we can release you back to full duty. All right. I'll see you in two weeks." Gives me the papers and walks out the door, doesn't say anything, and I'm thinking, you've got to be kidding me. Now I've got to go to physical therapy too. God what's going on? Nothing. Didn't say a word. So I went to physical therapy, after. It was actually a week later, and I went to physical therapy really light stuff, and I am praying for people in the physical therapy office, and people with neck problems and back problems and rehabilitated shoulders, God is touching them and they can't wait to get me out of physical therapy, because I'm there and everybody's hurting in the whole place and they're rehabbing my knee, you know, but it was so weird, because I was healed. I know I was right, but that's not the issue. The issue is that all these people need healing too, and God loves them and they don't know him, and my PT, my physical therapist they don't know. He doesn't know God, and then the other one, she doesn't--the therapist assistant, she doesn't know God. And every time I talk about Jesus, they're so weird about me. But I can't let that determine whether I'm gonna talk about him, so I don't have anything else to talk about, and I've got to be in there for 45 minutes three times a week, so I get to bring the gospel. So I used my time at home with my rehab for the first couple weeks before I went back to work on light duty to seek and to search out Jesus and the reality of who he says I am, and then when I went to physical therapy all kinds of people get healed, all kinds of stuff. So I go through all my rehab, get through everything, I get the last visit with my doctor and I said, "Man, will you do me a favor? I said, "Look, I understand malpractice and all that stuff, and I'm not after that man. But I know what I heard in my heart, and God told me that you were his son and did I lay down my life? Have I laid down my life? And I know where I'm at. And I know what I've given myself to. I want to know this: when you showed me the picture, there was no tear. When you showed me the picture there was no tear, like it was. When you went in there. what did you see, and when you went in there, what happened to your heart? He goes, "Let's just say, that I've had a big change of heart. I just want to thank you." And I was like... He hugged me and I walked out of that room, and I was so thankful. But in the process of my knee, I saw 36 knees get healed while I was going through that stuff. And that's just one situation of stuff that I've been through. Someone else needing prayer for healing isn't determined by whether you've gotten healed yet. We press in. This is not a formula. It's a fight of faith. So Father I thank you that you'd give people great courage God, that you'd give people great great awareness of who they are in you, that God their identity would be solid God, that we would be help in time of need, that we would be hope in every situation. Father I thank you that you would empower people to be free from being in bondage because they're going through something. God the devil lies and says "Why would God heal somebody else if he didn't heal you?" or "If God never healed this person, why would He heal you?" It's all lies from hell. Jesus paid a price for us to be forgiven and for us to be healed. We drink the juice. We eat the bread. Jesus paid a price for us to be forgiven and live unto righteousness. It says,"Having believed unto righteousness - by His stripes we are healed." Father, never let this be a stumbling block for the body of Christ. I thank you for people that are dealing with issues right now, that they would be healed in Jesus name.
Channel: Todd White
Views: 161,069
Rating: 4.8931623 out of 5
Id: iOfrmNzQCUg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 45sec (525 seconds)
Published: Thu May 31 2018
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