Todd White - Miracles Dont Validate Your Life

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[Music] it's not good to praise yourself I know he knows I'm playing with him but I've seen a lot of that and that's a very dangerous dangerous place to be and with the power in love schools you know as he said this is 100 and it's amazing the danger to to the power in love schools and what we do and it's always been a great concern for for Dan and for for myself and and I know for Tom in that a lot of times people will come here tiny heard the testimony like this is not me like this is not normal and it's it's actually should be normal it wasn't normal but it should be and so when this hits your heart and the reality of that God wants to use you see God God spoke through a donkey to a to a to a prophet he's like hey donkey rebukes him it's pretty intense and the Prophet smacks the donkey why'd you hit me like that's not cool right but he but he spoke through a donkey he'll speak through you too not that you're a donkey but it's very important that you understand that God wants to use us but you have to steward your own heart and you have to never let this go to your head because it'll kill you you can build an amazingly big ministry with a very big head and you can gather lots of people and you can be praised for your gift but your gift will make room for you but the gifts and callings of God are without repentance you don't have to live in repentance to walk in major gifting I just figure I'm gonna safeguard a little bit this morning and talk about I'm just gonna talk about Jesus because Jesus he like he was Jesus and he washed feet and he was cool with that and it's real important that we'd not forget that washing feet is a prior because he said justice I you call me Lord he says to the disciples he comes to Peter and he says Peter you know he's gonna wash Peters feet doesn't say anything he just puts the bowl in front of Peter and Peter's like no way like that's like the lowest form because when someone came to a house the servants would wash the feet so it was like it was custom so when Jesus was gonna wash his feet he's like this is the lowest form you're the Lord this will never happen and jesus said if I can't wash your feet you can't be my disciple anymore and Peter's like I really messed up wash everything and he was setting an example for for people that would call themselves Christians that washing feet is priority we can't afford to get haughty and high-minded and think that think that were all that because Jesus is everything it's really really important I I've over the years and over over running with Jesus you know it would be 14 years for me you know this right around very close to now and so 14 years ago I went to Teen Challenge right around right around now and then in in October you know within a within a month and a half or so but in October you know I came out and I was completely completely set free it's amazing and God's growing us up so like I've learned about Jesus but it's a constant learning this morning I wake up again and it's about being with Jesus it's about learning from him and growing up into him and it's it's just so important at this school you're going to see miracles you're going to see salvation it's going to happen but the most dangerous thing is that you believe that now since you saw miracles you're called into ministry if you came here to get a notch on your belt for your ministry you're deceived I'm taking your belt off normal Christianity is submission to God and allowing him to use your life and you to be a conduit for God's glory to flow through that's normal Christianity abnormal is going to church your whole life and never manifesting Jesus but manifesting yourself that's not that's not normal that's abnormal people like why came here man I'm a part of the ministry I'm not against that but if your goal is to be in ministry you're in trouble because if you have to strive to get there you have to scrape to stay there and you'll have to perform in order to be liked in order to be accepted and if you if you have to keep performing to grow your ministry you're deceived you're in big trouble I love starting out sober I just do I I mean this is them this is amazing I remember coming home from Teen Challenge for five and a half months before that I I was I was I was striving to know the truth I saw it and Dan and he was my model but it wasn't because of how Dan preached it was because of how Dan lived my model I saw a life I saw a life abandoned to Jesus I saw somebody that pulled away that spent time on his bed with his Bible opened and waited for God to speak to him and I I was fascinated with that and and and for the first five and a half months before I went away to Teen Challenge for those that they don't know my testimony I was really really gone and then Jesus really found me out there I mean he found me before that but I didn't know and then when my yes met his yes Oh everything changed but it hasn't been about pursuing things it hasn't been about pursuing gifts it hasn't been about going into the secret place to get stuff from him when you go into the secret place Jeff to get stuff from him you're prostituting intimacy right when I'm doing things to get something from somebody in an intimate way it's called prostitution they have a professional name for it all right when professional intimacy is prostitution and so I'm I am NOT I'm God's bride I am NOT I am NOT a concubine I'm not just somebody that's there for a one-night stand or I'm just there to to be there to please him one time there are many people out there that that are going in there for that I go in there to know him and to be like him and a concubine can't be like because they don't have they only have a certain level of intimacy it's only a one-night stand whenever whenever the king wants to and they're just there to be used but a wife is different and so I'm a bride and as a bride I have special rights to the king but when I go in there I don't want to go in there to get things from him I want to go in there so I can be like him see if I'm flesh of his flesh and bone of his bone that's what the Bible says the Bible says that we're flesh of his flesh and bone of his BUN bone it says that we are one spirit with him so I've become one with God so one with God that my spirit and his spirit never separate they're always together I've become bone of his bone and flesh of his flesh so when I dive into that right there and I'm not going in there to get stuff from him but I'm going in there to be like the one that loves me everything changes and as I'm growing in the Lord it is deeper and deeper and deeper and deeper and I've been pressing in to this I mean it this has been the constant when I went away to teen Channel and I got I got shot at I went away Dan was my only model that I knew of that that was in this place there were many other Christians that were there but he was the one that I clung to and he was the one that didn't fault me for the wrong that I was doing but saw and pointed out the best that God had for me and so the priority that I had was I saw what love looked like love keeps no record of wrongs love always hopes the best love is patient and man was he patient with me he knew that I was out there on binges he knew that four or five times a week I'm out there on cocaine binges I would call him I did it again I did it again I did it again I did it again they would say Todd this is what God says about you but because I never dove into the truth of the word I was going on what Dan said instead of what God wanted to say to me we can't afford to be so amazingly spiritually minded that we're no earthly good we can't afford to come out of legalism and the pendulum be over here in legalism and then all of a sudden swing past what real grace is and go into this other place where we can heal the sick and cleanse the lepers and raise the dead and cast out Devils because we believe that that is what Dominion is the kingdom seek first the kingdom and his righteousness we think that kingdom is just about power but the kingdom of God is not meat or drink but it is righteousness peace and joy righteousness is my right standing with God and if I see that I can always come to him not to just get stuff from him but I can come boldly to the throne of grace enrich and receive grace in time of need and I always need Jesus but if I don't see that I'm right with God I will do stuff for him trying to please him and the miraculous will enter into my life as works and I'll need another miracle to stay okay we can't afford to need another miracle to stay okay it's the blood of Jesus it's the righteousness of God enables me to step into peace the kingdom of God is is not meat or drink but it is righteousness peace and joy right standing with God is what Jesus established when I see that the unashamed Ness and the fearless gospel hits my heart in that God is for me and not against me he's greater that lives in me than he that's in the world God is totally for me and he wants what's best for me when I enter into right standing with God I see that God's thoughts are greater than the vast of the sum of every grain of sand in the world and every grain represents a thought from my welfare it's all about you taking and renewing your mind and not being conformed but first you offer your body as a living sacrifice holy and acceptable to God and you offer your mind then as a great tool in knowing who God says you are and your mind becomes renewed don't be conformed but be transformed by the renewing of your mind so that you can approve and disprove what is the will of God and what is not the will of God you all right this is too much you good all right I know I'm not taking you in there I will but I'm but I'm in there and taking you there whether you see it or not your thoughts need to be renewed so that you can set your mind on things above and not beneath so that your mind can be set on God's thoughts and not man's thoughts you can't afford to think like a mere man now that you're born again you have no right to think like a mere man anymore you have no right to respond like a mere man anymore and if you do respond like a mere man the Holy Spirit in you that convicts you of right standing with God will shake your heart and say that was wrong and immediate repentance is necessary repentance isn't just saying you're sorry repentance is changing the way that you think so that you can change thinking like a mere man to thinking like your father things and when you do that day after day moment after moment second after second everything starts to and change and God prunes you and trims you because you're staying in the word and the truth will set you free it'll set you free and then you don't need to read 1,000 books about the Bible that you don't understand you'll come into relationship with the author and finisher of your faith the one that wrote the word and he will transform you because you will know the truth not just know about it but experience the truth every day and the Holy Spirit will correct you from inside he will say that's not okay that's not okay and delayed obedience is disobedience so as soon as he corrects you you immediately obey you repent you start to think the way that God thinks and if your minds not thinking that way then you put the truth inside of you and ask the Holy Spirit for grace to come and transform everything about you so that the world around you doesn't recognize you anymore but when they see you they see Jesus and that changes people around you all right let's go on outreach love you I know him more than I did yesterday and yesterday was amazing I woke up this morning and the Holy Spirit is in my room and he wants me to know him more and I'm fascinated did you guys hear that new song by Hillsong called new wine do you hear it'll change your life it's so good she says in the crushing in the breaking you are making new wine in the soil I now surrender you are making new wine yes Oh yours is the kingdom oh she's like in the wine there's power there's power because of what he wants to do old wineskin new wine doesn't fit we need a new wineskin and when you get born again you have one but when you have relationship with Holy Spirit you are filled with new wine and you can have as much as you want and it's not to get drunk on people I like getting drunk okay well so does the world oh I love it I was an alcoholic for 22 years when you come to an alcoholic that's been set free that's not just clean but free and tell them that they need to get drunk in order to like experience Jesus you might just be deceived stop it brother you ruin in my grid no I might be just touching your flesh and you might not like it really I don't even want to be here leave but I hope Jesus shakes you to the core yeah all right some of you or not get over you you're gonna be okay yeah all right if we read Jude are you still gonna be excited such an intense book have you ever read Jude it's only one page it'll change your life man I'm not gonna read that right now but I just I do personally I read hearts I want to go I want to go where the hard stuff doesn't hear because if it's hard it just means that you haven't conformed to Jesus in that place yeah haven't been transformed by that by that place so the more you dive into that the easier it gets it might taste it might taste bitter when you when you eat it because your life isn't lining up to it but the more you avoid it the less your life starts to get transformed and then you only read the stuff that makes you feel good and the stuff that makes you feel good might not just be the only good stuff that's in here oh my okay let's just read Colossians 3 it's a very happy book it's so amazing are you ready all right me I'm gonna open both of these just cuz there's always good stuff Oh Philippians is really good oh my Wow maybe I shouldn't open both alright let me just talk to you for a second and then and then since they're both open to the same thing we're gonna get there see I learned from Dan that you don't have to really go there for 40 minutes until after there's a lot of stuff to talk about till you get there right yeah I believe not on you still but it's okay that's a good blame right there good blame doesn't those two shouldn't go together but good blameless that those two go together with me there's been there's been some real staples that have been when I say staples I mean like things that are constant just a constant thing the book of the book of Colossians the book of Ephesians the book of Philippians these are constant the Psalms there are constant Romans it's okay Genesis all the way through revelations no but but there's there's just certain things I don't know about you but there's certain things that I feed on on a regular basis I it's just a it's a great place to feed you know when I meet new believers or people that are that have never heard about Jesus before and I talked to them and like Meehan where I've tried to read the Bible like where would you read I want to put them to a place that it's all spiritually discerned to the carnal mind like it doesn't make any sense so once somebody's born again their spirit can connect to God's Spirit actually it says that when you get born again it says that your spirit man and Holy Spirit become hooked up they become together you have in in Corinthians where he's talking about the spirit and and you it just you discern spiritual things your carnal mind is at enmity against God in in Romans it's when I first got in the word I couldn't I couldn't understand what I was reading now I'd never read a book before so for 34 years of my life I couldn't comprehend I couldn't remember I had fried my brain so for me to act really remember what I read was impossible and it frustrated me and I mean I was stoned for 22 years straight and so my brain was like the last thing I wanted to do was read because when I did read within three or four words my brain was often another world I'm riding my bike smoking a joint whatever I was just gone and so when I saw Dan's life and I would see him in the Bible on a constant basis and I would talk to him and he would quote from the word I thought because for me memorization was absolutely it was a no it was a it was a actually I had no brain for it so when you say no brainer I had no brain for memorization cuz I fried it all I mean I really did I smoked an ounce a weed a week for 22 years straight from 12 years old that was my that was my goal you know I I got high during the day I got drunk to bring coming down so I could get to sleep I wake up i bong hit in the morning if you guys don't know what that is it's bad some of you do if I say 4:20 okay so do you guys know what I mean then because 420 is 4 o'clock you get off work 20 after you're getting high that's what 4/20 means April 20th is a national drug holiday for those of you that don't know I saw a video of you the other day buddy you had a 4/20 shirt off yeah you didn't even know what it meant but no seriously Dan that Dan is so innocent like he didn't spend his life getting high he spent his life like not not believing in God or throwing the Bible and saying you never let me do what I want like but seriously he grew up like Church but never applied it never gave himself and then when he did it was over but for me first Corinthians 4:20 is the real 4:20 the kingdom of God is not a matter of talk but of power but 4:20 is a drug holiday so I had a shirt made that says 420 on it and all the people that are higher like dude I love your shirt bro I'm like you don't know what it means oh I do and I turn around and show in the back like what but I spent my whole life getting high and I'm speaking if I were to take if I were to take a show of hands and this is this is not just in this conference it's everywhere in the world if I were to take a show of hands and ask how many people have trouble when it comes to reading the word raise your hands it's you're not it's not because you're bad people it's not because you're dumb but I thought that like I thought my gosh dude I have to be smart no like how many of you have trouble reading the Bible raise your hands again okay now how many of you have trouble just reading a regular book here now watch the Bible is not like a regular book the Bible is alive and the only way that you can really understand it is not through your great book smart memorization skills to study for a test it's not that the Bible reads you the Bible is not meant for your brain it's meant for your heart your heart can take you places that your brain can't squeeze through there's no possible way so I liken it to this I use an example because there's times when a guy a tough guy is watching a movie watching something and all of a sudden they start to cry and then they catch themselves and say what's going on it's stupid and they wipe their eyes because it was dumb that they cried but your heart took you there your brain just caught up and said come back so the Bible is not meant for your brain it's meant for your heart when your heart gets it it renews your brain the word is alive and so it it in Hebrews 4:12 it talks about the word being living and powerful this this school prioritizes the reality of the word your communion with God your relationship with God the miracles become a byproduct of being a son of having the actual spirit of adoption upon your life to where you know that God is your father and whether a miracle happens or not you are still right with God you can't afford to let the miracles especially if you come out of illegals of the camp you come out of or I hate saying camp because God didn't build camps or streams he didn't separate the body of Christ I mean there are streams that God never dug and there are camps that God never built and and I'm not against denominations any of them I'm for Jesus and we need to all come together and stop being dysfunctional but Jesus is the head and we're the body and in this situation two heads are not better than one he's the head were the body the body doesn't tell the head what to do but we are to grow up into him it says that apostles prophets evangelists teachers pastors the fivefold gift is for the equipping of the saints not the equipping of the sinners when you get born again you were a sinner and now you've become a saint in the eyes of the Father Paul mentioned it more than 80 times in the Bible he called people Saints he didn't say to st. Peter and st. Paul and st. Jude and he didn't he didn't say that in st. Bernard he didn't say that he talks about the body of Christ being Saints a lot of people that grow up in the church and have heard you know the other when you read your Bible and it's st. Peter st. Paul all that stuff we think it's blasphemy to actually associate ourselves with people that we have been told are up in heaven but Paul did not say to the Saints who were above Ephesus he said to the Saints who are in Ephesus so what he did was he is trying to show them that their identity has completely changed when you get born again you were over here you were in a place of darkness the Bible doesn't say that you were a little dark the Bible says that you were darkness in Ephesians 5 it says therefore be imitators of God dear children and walk in love even as Christ did but it says that you were darkness and now you are light in the Lord he didn't say you're a little light he said yeah that's our little light of mine just not biblical he said you were darkness now you are light in the Lord it says that you were darkness you were utter darkness you were a complete darkness but if your eye doesn't change if your view doesn't change if your focus doesn't change it's not double minded or two eyes that focus it's two eyes that focus as one singular focus if your eye is single it says the lamp of the body in Matthew 6 22 the lamp of the body is the eye and if your eye is single your whole body is full of light but if the light that is in you is darkness that means double-minded talks about it in James it says that a double minded man will receive nothing he's unstable like the waves of the sea he's blown and tossed by everything and we are not to be blown and tossed by every wind of doctrine and I will tell you that the main doctrine that you need to get a hold of is Matthew 6:33 that says seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and everything will be added to you if I were to take a show of hands of how many people worried this week it's an epidemic yet the Bible says do not worry but it's the number one thing that Christians do they worry they worry they worry they worry they're anxious they're in anxiety and we do not have to be worried errs anxious and anxiety we can be in love we can know the truth but you need to see your identity and it all starts with being right with God if again this this is huge because this is something that I see worldwide not just in America worldwide if I were to take a show of hands in any room in anywhere I go and ask people if their past had a voice yesterday or today in their life it's an epidemic and upwards of 90% of people raised their hand so I don't take the show of hands it's a given I understand when I came into this thing I believed that Jesus took my past and threw it into a sea that he named forgetfulness we have developed lots of different things lots of different programs lots of different ministries try try to help people to go into their past and remove roots and all kinds of different things because we do not have faith in the blood of Jesus and what he's done for us that's not projection that's not being mean it's an epidemic and I don't think God is pleased with us not believing the basic finished work of Jesus [Applause] that's why only a couple people that's why 10% of people clap it's not okay do you do you understand that when you come to Christ Jesus removes your past see when I got saved when I got born again this is what Dan told me he said talk God forgave you and he forgot it he'll never bring it up again I was like amen I'm glad because it's horrible and then but but him saying that to me and me pressing in and finding out why that's two totally different things I can sit here and tell you from a pulpit or at a power and love school and say hey man God forgave your past and you could say Amen but you can still look in the mirror and see yesterday and you can still think that you need to have ministry in order to get free from that and you can still think that you have to go through something every year in order to get free from things that you might have collected along the way what are we doing how can you lead somebody else to freedom if you're still in bondage some of you are not liking what I'm saying right now I see anger on your faces I really I have no no problem having people be angry at me I love Jesus I am NOT gonna halfway sell this gospel I'm not gonna water this thing down I'm not trying to build some kind of ministry where everybody likes me hey listen to me if you don't run into Devils along the way you might be going the same direction he called me a devil if the shoe fits kick it off I'm not calling you a devil but demonic strategy from the enemy is to hit you here because they know they can't do throne Jesus there but they are convinced that they can take Jesus out of the throne of your soul they are convinced that they can knock him out of here so that you will go to church and half believe the gospel just enough to get by and hope that you make it to heaven by the skin on your teeth and I I praise Jesus that you probably don't have skin on your teeth this isn't barely get along this is overcome this is - he who overcomes I will give - he who overcomes Jesus says be of good cheer when you face tribulation I have overcome the world how can you live in the stance of being an overcomer if you listen to the liar that was overcame you can jesus said my sheep will hear and obey my voice and they strangers they will not follow to not follow a voice doesn't mean that you see it it means that you hear it so jesus speaks and he is truth but the devil speaks to and he's a liar so we need to have a firm foundation of righteousness laid in our life not that just that you would come to a conference but that I could provoke you with a godly jealousy that you could actually pursue Jesus as the bridegroom and stop allowing the devil to whisper lies to you and you turn to pay attention to him every time he whispers to you it should provoke you to step into truth and to praise God for who you really are instead of listening to the lie but because we don't know the truth or study the truth to show ourselves approved we listen to what other people say is truth and if they're deceived then everybody that's listened to them is deceived and God doesn't want you to be an echo he wants you to be a voice but he wants you to be a voice of his voice listen I'm not smart enough to remember all this there's no possible way I didn't have I didn't do good in school I was stoned the whole time I didn't care about what any teacher said I would pull my hair down over my face and sleep in class I've put my name on the test and just handed in and they passed me through anyway I didn't study I didn't care none of it I didn't matter and then when Jesus came everything shifted I wanted to work I wanted to get a job I was excited I realized the problem was that I worked for people instead of the man and then when I was working for the man I always wanted to do an amazing job because I'm gonna talk about the man then people look at me and if I'm talking about the man but not doing my job well then I'm not representing the man well everything shifted everything changed everything I didn't need a Christian job I was excited to work in darkness it was exciting to me to work with a bunch of heathen that were barbaric and angry and didn't like Jesus you know if everybody likes you you have to wonder if you're like Jesus or not he said if they hated me they're gonna hate you does everybody love you you want to check and see where your life is it says to all of those that desire to live godly they will suffer persecution when's the last time your puted persecuted that'll tell you where your life is not many wows and haze to that because we're not all persecuted persecuted doesn't mean that you're banging a Bible on people's head persecuted for righteousness means that you believe that you're right with God and you're not going to bow to the gods of this world there is no bails that are worth bowing to now that you've surrendered your life to the king and you live by a different set of rules in a different set of standards not that your rule out rules the world but Jesus washed feet and if I have a horrible boss that hates me and he's angry about Jesus I should wash his feet we doesn't deserve it well if you want what you deserve go to hell it's true that was awesome Jesus I don't it's amazing people are like dude you're like a breath of fresh air that's kind of like it's Jesus he's amazing like he's more than amazing he's he's everything okay let me just read a little God help me you should pray cuz oh my I have a Bible it's the revival Bible has all these different revivalists and oh oh I should read Colossians 1 oh okay therefore see now we got a never mind you knew that didn't you dan knew it started with her therefore he's like what you gonna do because why is it therefore I don't know whatever's before it that's why it's so crazy it's so good there's a lot of their force oh oh my okay I'm still set on Texas time so it's only 9:30 on my watch let me change this quick so I don't mess up big time there is Grace but outreach is important I need you guys to go out there and destroy hell today all right there we go no I'm on the regular time oh my gosh I'm 50 minutes know I'm changing it back hold on so good all right let me just read Colossians 2 this will be fun I mean they're in the same they're only a page apart some of you they're on the same page oh we're in trouble okay for I want you to know how great a struggle I have on your behalf and for those who are in layer 2 see ya man should go to Revelation and read about that for all those who have not personally seen my face that their hearts may be encouraged having been knit together in love and attaining to all the wealth that comes from the full assurance of understanding resulting in a true knowledge of God's mystery that is Christ himself in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge oh my okay we're done know everything everything lies because in in Colossians 1 talks about the mystery and it says the mystery is revealed in other words the cat's out of the bag it's no longer a secret anymore it's it's all out there it was hidden forever and now it's open now it's available everybody not just the preachers it's available for everyone and that mystery is Christ in us the hope of glory so Christ wasn't in us and then he wanted to be in us so God sent his son so that Jesus could do what he did to redeem us from the fall so that we could be completely redeemed purchased not just purchased in that ransom but purchased and brought back to the original place that we had in the garden before we ever ate the tree we're like that sounds good but no no butts all butts and whatevs are Devils when it comes to the gospel be very careful because the devil will love to but you to death but what we ever what if and we allow life's experiences to speak louder than the cross we allow a voice from yesterday to speak louder to us and sometimes we think we need freedom from something that's in here rather than something that's out here trying to get back in if Christ is in you and he is the hope of glory do you know that the Bible says that the Spirit of God in us when you're born again he's in us and he yearns jealously for you not just for you to know that he's there but for you to know who you are so the Spirit of God that dwells in us yearns jealously James 3lu yearns jealously for us to know who our Father is so when we get born again our spirit becomes one spirit with God our spirit Holy Spirit were hooked up and he doesn't separate now the Word of God is alive sharp and active sharper than any two-edged sword it's living and powerful it's able to divide both our soul and spirit so when we get born again we have three parts to us you have three parts to you before you get born again do you know that when you're born you're born with the spirit it's just headed the wrong direction do you understand that because for your spirit to be absent from your body you're dead so weird scientists have actually figured out that when a spirit leaves the body your body is less weight I think it's like 23 grams or something like that it's crazy when the spirit leaves the body your body becomes less weight right away so when you are born again your spirit that was headed the wrong direction gets regenerated but and all of a sudden you're headed the right direction so a baby is born with a spirit without a spirit the baby wouldn't live so they're born with the spirit like my little one we have a little guy we adopted he's almost too he is starting to manifest his true identity and I'm not saying sonship it's not it's not at all little kids you don't have to teach him to sin you don't have to teach a mine let's teach him at all you put my kid that's too much - and another two-year-old in the room and put a truck on the floor they don't go oh Jesus wants you to have it one of the kids is gonna get that truck first and the other kids gonna go mine before mom mine that's before dad mine I wish that Jesus was the first word say Jesus mine when I say Jesus you can say mine that's legal seriously mine and so he's at the place where he's he's like the sweetest thing Gugu all your amazing but man when he wants his way it's over alright look at him and say Azariah [Music] Azariah No Azariah daddy's going to spank you we were like oh my gosh we spent your kids you're supposed to love your kids on purpose I do Todd white beats his children that'll be the next thing be on youtube someone just tweeted it we knew it we knew there was something that hair on those toe shoes he has to beat his kids of course we knew he'd fight something he doesn't have Christ to him the hope of glory he doesn't know what that means I mean I have another one Briley she's seven she does she's growing up into him at three and a half years old my kids in the room screaming and I'm over with mom and in our bedroom and I hear this well run in the room I'm like what's going on Briley I looks Michigan daddy I'm not gonna go to hell I'm like hey man honey daddy I just asked Jesus to take my life I said pray for daddy right now Jesus I pray that you take my daddy's life in Jesus name but there comes a time where you have to make a decision hers was almost 4 that's right he's almost 2 he doesn't he doesn't know that yet so he's like feisty feisty but we're teaching him he when I say bless your dad he goes I best my dad he's theme Jesus name he looks for someone else that he can pray for I teach him Christ in us is the hope of glory that's the mystery been revealed God didn't live in man and he wanted to live in man he sent his son see you have the first Adam Jesus wasn't the second Adam he's the last one so you have the first Adam that sinned God told him not to eat the tree he did the difference between the first Adam and the last Adam as jesus paid a price to come to dwell inside of you adam forfeited relationship in the garden Jesus restored that which was lost but instead of God just telling you don't eat the tree God came to dwell inside of you so that you could live an increased relationship and intimacy so the Holy Spirit inside of you could shake you and convict you of righteousness so that he could train your senses to discern between both good and evil and for those that are trained in righteousness your discernment gets greater and greater and greater in what is good and what is evil and the Holy Spirit will tremble you to stop you from ever wanting to eat the tree again he changes you from inside and the more that my mind starts to be renewed and I start to think like my father the less I even want to think about some tree I'm not supposed to eat why would I want to eat that when I've tasted and seen that he is good Jesus is heavens answer he is heavens answer so everything all treasures all mysteries everything all wisdom all sanctification all redemption everything is in him and so instead of him being out there he came to live in here and the Holy Spirit Christ in us Christ wasn't Jesus's last name wasn't Joseph and Mary Christ had Jesus Christ and we are called Christians anointed ones little anointed ones with the ability to anoint that when you start to when you start there and you start to realize that God really is for you he is not against you he's not mad at you he's excited about you learning about him and he wants to meet you way more than you want to meet him and it's not about feeling him it's about by faith going in there and saying Here I am God it says to study and show yourself approved it doesn't say study to preach yourself approved it says study and your life will show the approval of God upon your life it changes everything I don't by making sense okay o in him are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge so in him here watch this this is so crazy because if in him every bit of wisdom and every bit of treasure and every bit of knowledge is and in him is in you then in you is all wisdom treasure and knowledge but it's not about you in your flesh outside of Jesus it's about you in your heart with him but you can't realize what wisdom and what treasure and what knowledge is and until you dive in to where the word says he divides the soul from the spirit so your soul is your mind in Hebrews 4:12 your mind your will your emotions your thinking your a thought process your Sookie so your mine and your spirit are totally are totally different the Holy Spirit comes to make his home inside of you you become one spirit with him your spirit and God's Spirit are hooked up and when you get in the word what happens is it bypasses your thinking and God starts to fill your heart with the truth of what God says you are and as your heart gets filled what happens is the word of God judges the thoughts and intents of your heart and he starts to change the way that you think your heart gets it your spirit man starts to develop intimacy with Holy Spirit without your brain even realizing it it really it's amazing but if we think that we have to learn the Bible the same way we learn math you're deceived because you will never think that you're learning as much as you truly are and you'll never spend the time in the secret place because when you go there there'll be nothing there and you'll think your brain will say I don't feel anything I don't see anything I don't sense anything obviously I need a book or a youtube video for me to grow and that's not true the best place for a Christian to be is to open the Word of God and tell God that you know nothing and to humble yourself and to get on your knees and to say Lord Jesus I have no idea who you created me to be I have a glimpse and a little tiny just a little tiny picture I've seen other people I've seen how they walk I don't want to be like them I want to be like you I need you to show me who you've created me to be and the Holy Spirit grace meets you right there so I'm in I'm in the I'm in the closet literally I go to my closet so I'm in my closet and I'm open my Bible I used to be like this okay where do you want me to go okay Leviticus no just no but there's been as I grow there are certain places that I just feed on it's a constant like I've probably read I probably read Colossians 3 thousands of times thousands it's read me thousands of times like my first whole life in Christ my first whole year in Christ when I came home from Teen Challenge I it was fascinating because I went to a church where Dan was associate pastor people were allowed to have their cell groups they were allowed to have home groups I put I wanted to put my cell group on the wall but because I went to Teen Challenge for two months and left early they figured they better give it some time to see if I'm really who I say I am and that's okay because my barometer is that the cross my barometer isn't whether people like me okay I can't even I can't even explain to you how important this and I I learned to love when people did did really weren't very nice and that's not just church that was whole family cuz I was the first Christian in my whole family I found out that I have a relative man that was a Christian way back when his name was Oliver Cromwell she know anything about him I wasn't good but he was a Puritan and he wasn't very nice to the Catholic Church he was so not nice that they dug his dead body up years after he died and hung him again that's my uncle says a lot sorry it's true they told me when I go over the England don't mention that don't fit how its hopes doing a conference and there were people from England that large look one of the denomination I was doing their youth group and I told him yes my uncle's from over there so what's your uncle's name Oliver Cromwell they go don't don't mention don't mention that I'm like why he was like zeal for the Lord probably not a good idea either way yeah when I go in into the secret place and I and let's say I have let's say let's say I have language that needs to change or something in my life that really needs help what happens is when I go in there I know that God says that when I seek Him in secret he rewards me in the open so if I'm just going in there for gifts I'm not seeking him gifts are the byproduct of sonship the gifts will come you don't have to just go in there and press in for miracles you need to know who God says you are what good would it be for you to get people out of a wheelchair raised five hundred dead people see a thousand blind eyes open see a hundred deaf ears open see limbs grow out and stand before God in him say I never knew you what good would that be I know it says that the people said didn't we do this didn't we do that but it's not by performance it's not by works it's by grace that were saved my heart cry is to raise up a generation that would seek God's face now his hands not far away from his face so when you seek his face you get both his hand too like it's there but when I seek Him for who he is the miraculous becomes a byproduct of my life it's not something that I wonder if it's there the whole package comes in him but I need to know what grace is when I read this grace meets me there and it actually empowers this truth to happen in my life you won't feel grace a lot of times I mean sometimes but not a lot of times God I just think you're on my prayer life is is not a list to get from God it's a confession of who God's made me to be it's God I thank you that you've made me not an angry man you have made me a man that is full of joy you've not made me a man with harsh words you've made me a man with kind words when harsh words come I call them with kind words god I thank you that you didn't make me a man that calls people because someone was mean to me God you said that blessed are those that are persecuted for righteousness sake thank you Father I'm blessed at just little little tiny examples but my biggest thing when I first got saved going into the prayer room and and making sure Ephesians one was a priority and I lived there for the first whole year of my Christian life I mean I'd have people come over because I couldn't put my home group on the wall at church but I would tell people and certain people would come and I lived in a 1978 trailer and I had like a sewage leak in my basement it smelled like wretched horror when you came down there used to be my party room my band room was on skids with carpet with mold and yuck it was like a dungeon waterlog my my poor wife was embarrassed that people would even come but come on in guys we'd sit on milk crates I'd have the blue light the green light the red light and the yellow light in there people be like they come in I'd be like guys guess what like what like man guess what I read this week I think God wants to give us the spirit of wisdom and revelation and the knowledge of him I'd be like yeah we talked about it last week and the week before that yeah but do you get it well yeah we we get it like no no no no no no we can't fully get it until we got it and so I would just go after it and and I would talk about it week after I was fascinated that God wanted to give me out of all people in the whole world and he wants to give all people in the world the same thing but of all people me who was an addict was drug-addicted who hurt people who people are dead because of my life that God said I want to give you Todd white the spirit of wisdom and revelation and the knowledge of me then I can know the truth oh and the truth can set me free that God wants to give me that so I wrote it out I rewrote it like look guys guess what it's cycled through other people come most of the people that came to my home group that said that they already knew it aren't even serving Jesus anymore and it wasn't because of my home group it's because they rejected the truth Hosea says this it says it says that people reject the truth they reject the truth the truth is Jesus it's the simple truth yeah but it has to be more than that no no I know you say that I'm forgiven but I keep being tormented with the same things again and again and again it's the stranger he's lying to you yeah but the devil keeps saying I know it's the devil that's saying it he's a liar yeah but he keeps saying yeah but he's a liar yeah but why does he say it cuz it's a liar I hear it all the time well you know when I was seven okay are you born again yeah but my dad rejected me okay but is your dad your DNA or is God your DNA do you have the divine nature of album or is your natural father the one that determines your DNA well scientists say that the blood of your father determines your DNA okay but when you get born again you change bloodlines yeah but there's a generational curse and God says that up to the third and fourth generation a generational curse will follow oh kill my grandpa was evil and he was a witch okay are you born again yes what kind of generational curse makes it through the bloodline of Jesus Christ none which is more important the blood of Jesus or the blood of your grandfather what are you thinking why are you dwell in something that is scientific when the gospel is supernatural it's such a lie it's lies from hell well you know brother you say that our past doesn't exist but you know it's a process well does your process start at the finished work or before the finished work because when it's finished it's finished and if it's not finished its to be continued and to be continued isn't in the Bible people like what you're stepping on my ministry then you shouldn't have one if the blood of Jesus violates your ministry then you're in it for the wrong purposes you might just be in ministry to make people codependent upon you instead of Jesus I'm not saying that because I'm mad at ministries I'm not if it's not about the blood of Jesus and the finished work of Christ then what are we really doing I've had people tell me that you you completely come against everything that we believe if I preach the blood of Jesus the finished work and the truth about the simplicity of the gospel that we've complicated and made people to have to jump through hoops in order to get free then Christ died in vain and he didn't die in vain it's all trash it's all lies the blood of Jesus is that the whole Old Testament is about Jesus to come the whole New Testament is about he came the Old Testament is what you had to do in order to be right with God the whole New Testament is about what he did to make you right with God there is nothing that you can do to be more right with God than to believe the simplicity of what Jesus did is enough but it's not enough to just say you believe you have to dive in so that this word becomes your life that you become a living epistle known and read by men that no one can question whether this is true because your life Emme Eights Jesus I'm not upset at anybody I'm passionate about the gospel I am passionate about repentance repentance isn't just I repent when I get saved repentance is a lifetime thing you keep your conscience clean if something's wrong and it violates your conscience you repent you change the way you think repentance isn't just when you get saved grace isn't a license to sin grace isn't grace so that I can sleep with my girlfriend and call it the gospel that's not the gospel well I love her then put a ring on her finger and make a covenant with her that's alive for Mel that you would think you can live that way if you came here seeing my hair thinking that I'm a grace guy I am but God is really really God and Jesus is really really Jesus and God's the one that made marriage a covenant we're like oh I don't like how you say that well you're gonna deal with it because the Holy Spirit's gonna make this real convict you and you will put a ring on her finger or she's gonna get bold enough to say none for you until you commit [Applause] man that's good stuff women do not give yourself to that man unless he says will you marry me anybody can sleep with anybody not everybody will commit for life well man I can't believe I'm in here try to get up and leave now oh no oh no where you're living good trash girls are like you hear him it's one thing to say that it's another thing to move out your room really oh I can't believe we're here yeah it is good I lived in that place for nine years with my girlfriend I told her all the things that a man tells a girl to get what he wants it's so twisted in such a lie oh I don't know why I'm on here but we might stay here while he's messing with me no I'm just preaching the gospel Jesus real oh god I love I love him we need to take the spirit of ugly off the church man compromise your life compromise your life when you're in the world because it's not compromise it's the world but when you come to Jesus he holds a different set of standards he gave you a spirit his name is holy he's not the spirit of the world I could tell you some really really really twisted stuff I was addicted to porn from eight years old you know I know ministries that rescue people out of sex trafficking you know the youngest full-time prostitute that they've rescued just three years old who were like oh that's disgusting well it starts with your Playboy book okay sure I just want to go try with twisted this gospel to fit our needs math we twisted this word to fit what we feel like we've we've studied it to prove that we're right and that God's wrong we read this Bible to try to figure out why we think what we think is right and instead of study in the context and reading why stuff is there for and and reading the word for what it says we make it sound like what we want to sound and we build doctrine scripture over here script over there and we make it say what we think we wanted to say and instead of what God really said and one day you will stand before God and be judged for your life man oh okay help me Jesus oh we better read okay I say this so that no one will delude you or twist you with persuasive well good I'm right on point we'll twist you or delude you or what are this thing down with persuasive arguments for even though I'm absent in body nevertheless I'm with you in spirit rejoicing to see your good discipline and stability of your faith in Christ therefore as you have received Jesus Christ so walk in him having been firmly rooted and now built up in him and established in your faith just as you were instructed and overflowing with gratitude see to it that no one takes you captive through philosophy and empty deceit to the tradition of men man according to the elementary principles of the world rather than according to Christ see that nobody takes you captive through philosophy and empty deceit or new traditions of men according to the elementary principles of the world rather than according to Christ for in him the fullness of deity dwells in bodily form and in him you have been made complete he is the head over all rule and authority and him you were also circumcised with the circumcision not made with hands and the removal of the body to flesh by circumcision of Christ that's circumcision of the heart having been buried with him in Baptism in which you were also raised up with him through faith and the working of God who raised him from the dead when you were dead in your transgressions in the circumcision of your flesh he made you alive together with him having forgiven us of all our transgressions having canceled out their certificate of debt consisting of decrees against us which was hostile to us he nailed it or he took it out of the way and he nailed it to the cross disarmed principalities rulers and authorities making a public spectacle of them having triumphed over them through him oh man for the longest time remember having a meeting with some pastors and well-meaning and I shared my testimony with them and sitting there eating and they wanted to meet me and I started talking to them about my testimony you know at 11:00 my parents got divorced and you know it at eight I was already addicted to pornography I mean I found my uncle's book and something said I said this is bad I can't believe that that's naked women but something inside of me said wait a minute my mom and dad are together obviously this is why I'm alive and that thing swept me and pornography became a motive at eight years old at eleven they got divorced and they put me into a place called the Masonic homes it wasn't because they said let's go put him into a cult it was because I rebelled and I was extremely out there and I fought and screamed my dad left and I lost it and my mom could not handle me so she put me in the best place that she knew unfortunately it was run by the Freemasons and I didn't know anything about that stuff I would go break into their temple and run around their chairs and I didn't know any of that stuff I didn't know anything about it but when I mentioned this to these pastors instead of them saying WOW okay keep going they said oh no oh my gosh hey do you they kind of started praying for me I said what are you guys doing they're like you you don't understand you the Masons are it's demonic it's a call we need to break stuff off you don't know guys you're freaking me out what it why are you doing this they're like cuz you don't understand there's curses and all stop I didn't understand that's gotten that damn years before III didn't understand and he showed me the gospel not just with the book but his life and then he showed me where it was in the book and then when I went to Teen Challenge I would pull away an hour earlier than everybody else I couldn't read I couldn't focus I couldn't remember but I saw in James that if I lack wisdom I'm supposed to ask God and I freaked out because I realized that I was wisdom list you don't understand like every day I would get in and read the Bible I'd read wherever I'd open it I'd none of it wouldn't make sense the guys would hold up cards memorization cards for scripture and then they'd okay who can remember it and I'd be like I can't memorize I don't know how to memorize I never memorized my whole life like I couldn't remember anything and everybody's smarter than me and everybody's quicker than me and I'm like I don't even raise my hand Todd how about you I don't know man all I know is do you don't ever want to do drugs again man I don't ever want to do this no more hole good for you Todd but you need to learn how to memorize and I'm like okay well I'm asking God to help me but I was the only one to get up early no one else was in the prayer room an hour earlier than everybody else and the reason why I went in there is because Dan told me that if I don't seek God when no one's looking this can't be mine and so I would go in there and have no idea I I would I'm faithful faithful but one day I saw in James and the reason why I went into James is because the day before they were talking about James 1 and then we're talking about trials and I hate trials I've been on trial all my life I've been in front of so many judges and so much stuff I hated it I'm like man I need to learn this cuz they told me I need to learn about the things that I can't stand because the things I can't stand are things need to change so I'm like I hate trials man yeah I've been in front of so many judges in so many courtrooms and so many orange jumpsuits and shackles and chains and extradited across America twice and mana on planes would jumpsuit scare people her my life was a trial I hate trials so it's talking about Charles I'm like okay consider joy what joy obviously I need help cuz trials are not joy for me but I didn't know that he wasn't talking about just going to court because my brain was that's all I could think about cuz that's where I came out of I'd spent my life in court I don't know that God said not guilty I didn't know and understand that yet but I'm pressing in because righteousness means not guilty that's what it means it means that God forever says that I'm gonna be right with him and nobody can take me out unless my past still exists and I allow the devil a voice in my and voice in my present and a voice in my future where the devil can bring up all these different things and bring it up against me because when you go back and try to fix one thing you are telling the devil I really don't believe the gospel what else can you find to drag me back think I'm kidding how many of you have ever had a moment of freedom and all of a sudden the devil brings back something that when you were 19 years old that you wish you never did and we bite the bait we go oh my gosh I thought you forgave me he did but the devil doesn't want you to believe that so the devil wants to ruin you with empty philosophy the devil wants to ruin you with all this false trash from yesterday and get you to think that the handwriting of required by handwriting of requirements against me has been wiped out because of the cross and the blood of Jesus see but we water that down and say why no that's what it says but no there's no but there yeah but I need freedom from this and this and this note if you saw the freedom that you really have that doesn't exist but instead of believing the truth we bite the bait that the devil puts out there you know Romans 8 says this very clearly it says that nothing can separate me from receiving the love of God that's in Christ Jesus it's his angels principalities powers life death things present things to come nor any other created thing shall be able to separate me from the love of God that's in Christ Jesus and everybody says amen to that because we should say amen to that but you should also say Amen that there's something that didn't make the list your past is not on that list angels principalities powers life death things present he skips over your past because the blood of Jesus dealt with it but if you don't see that then your past still has a voice in your present and you cannot receive the love of God that's in Christ Jesus his love still comes but you can't receive it because it's coming this way and you're facing this way so I'm trying to tell these pastors whoa my past doesn't exist well that's I mean I told him I said you know that it says that for anybody's in Christ that he's a new creation old things have passed away all things have become new and they said well you know that's what everybody says I said what do you guys pastors I didn't understand I don't have a grid Dan was my pastor like uh and I I I was I was up there meeting with other pastors and and they were like won't you know listen there are hooks and there are things and I'm like what's a hook I didn't honors I have no grab no understanding I'm not like trying to be mean or project or nothing I'm just like what what is that like a hook I like that's fishing stuff and I'm not a Fisher s2m he'll tell you I'm a Fisher men but but I find another friend when it comes to fishing right right dance serious I go in the boat I'm like what do I do that's another whole story anyway but I'm I'm trying to like find out and I didn't have no idea I have no idea I don't know that there's like programs out there to to try to take you back in your past and imagine Jesus coming into the room and I don't understand any of that stuff I don't have no idea I don't even know what exists and like he's like well you know what we want to do is is I'm like stop no no no youyou can't pray for me like that that's wrong that's not believing that it's done but they're like no no no you don't understand listen we've been in this for a long time I'm like well I've been safer for two years I'm so free and they said well you know that's what everybody says I said wait a minute hold on what if I actually believe that and this is what they said Todd not everybody believes that I said isn't that sin I wasn't being mean I I don't know any better wouldn't it be sin for me to not believe that the blood is enough that's not I'm not being I'm most unproductive I'm just I don't know anything else I really really got free like listen that was two years in I'm almost 14 this year I have never since I've been saved since I came from Team Challenge since since I got free I have never had a day of guilt shame or condemnation I'm not just saying that do you understand that that's the gospel the gospel teaches that guilt shame and condemnation is from the devil Moses was given the Ministry of condemnation engraved on stones it was the law but it Purdue and it had glory but it produced condemnation Jesus gave us a different ministry it's in 2nd Corinthians 3 says that we have been given the Ministry of righteousness watch if the Bible says in John and and it says it all over that we're supposed to bear the fruit of righteousness how can you bear fruit of something that you don't understand okay I know you don't need you to clap I need you to believe let me just let me just roll through something when Jesus died on the cross did he pay a price for you to be forgiven okay this is just just easy simple stuff did he pay a price for your sin to be washed away or retained did the blood of Jesus cleansed you of all sin or some sin does that blood of Jesus just do it when you get saved or is it a continual cleansing I'm not being mean I'm not being weird I'm just trying to just share a normal Christian grid or a normal Christian mindset did God forget to cleanse you of some of that sin the blood of Jesus cleansed you of all sin not some sin what happens after you're saved and if you sin again what happens this is what it says it says that if we sin in first John I hope Dan pounds it he's the best at teaching this man I love it so my feet on it man it's the best ever the Bible doesn't say when you sin it says if you sin that doesn't mean that we never miss it that just means that if we do we have an advocate now watch if you miss it what do you do do you wallow in guilt and remember all the time before you got saved or do you confess that you missed it and the blood of Jesus cleanses you from all unrighteousness does that take time or is that right away is his mercy new every day or is it only knew once a month what if we're not waking up with mercy what if we haven't bound mercy and truth around our neck what if righteousness isn't what we've pursued and we've pursued things instead of him what if we haven't pursued the finished work and the totality of it and what it's really done and we've allowed theories to enter in that can't keep us free I'm not being mean I'm being real I don't know he said I missed it he disarmed rulers and authorities he made a public spectacle of them having triumphant of triumphed over them through him through Jesus there's no one there no one is to act as your judge in regard to food or drink let me just let me just touch this real quick because I see people that have tattoos that say only god can judge me you don't want that a lot of times those tattoos come from church hurt because they've been talked to it corrected if you're in sin and you're in twisted 'no sand someone brings it to your attention it's not because they're judging you it's because they probably don't want you to see you burnt for eternity people don't judge me it's not a judgement if you're in sin something's twisted I want to tell you and speak the truth in love so that it doesn't end in your demise okay it says as as your judge in regard to food or drink and respect to a festival or New Moon or sabbath day things which are a mere shadow of what is to come but the substance belongs to christ let no one keep defrauding you of your prized by delighting in self-abasement the worship of angels taking his stand on visions that he has seen inflated without caused by his fleshly mind and not holding fast to the head hmm someone to make a ministry called neck ministries from that right there from whom the entire body being supplied and held together by joints ligaments grows with a growth that's from God for if you have died with Christ to the elementary principles of this word why world why as if you were living in the world do you submit yourself to decrease such as do not handle do not taste you not touch which all refer to things destined to perish with use in accordance with the commandments and teachings of men these are matters which have to be sure the appearance of wisdom and self-made religion and self abasement and severe treatment of the body but of no value against fleshly indulgence therefore okay Howard three you ready therefore if you've been raised up with Christ keep seeking things above where Christ is seated at the right hand of God and set your mind on things above not on things on this earth for you have died and your life is hidden with Christ in God and when Christ who is your real life is revealed you will also be revealed with him in glory consider the members of your earthly body as dead Wow as dead to Emer ality shall we define it we can because I pushed my my concordance and it just downloads at all immorality impurity passion evil desire and greed which amounts to idolatry all of them amount to idolatry look sexual immorality and mounts to idolatry immediately because you consider the one that you're sleeping with Jesus because if you're sleeping with somebody outside of marriage they're an idol in your life and they're more important than Jesus to you period it's really not like hard to figure out if you love Jesus then you obey His commandments Jesus says don't live in sexual immorality so if I don't love Jesus I'm gonna live in sexual immorality and incorporate Jesus in for what I can get from him and say I'm under grace but that's not grace at all that's demonic strategy setup to get you to look like the world okay for it's because of these things that the wrath of God will come upon the sons of disobedience the wrath of God will come upon sexual immorality it will come upon impurity and will come upon passion and evil desire and greed which all amounts to idolatry people are like well God's not mad at me listen again it is because of these things that the wrath of God will come upon the sons of disobedience in him or in them you used to also walk when you were living in them but now you also put them all aside your anger your wrath your malice your slander your abusive speech get it out of your mouth and don't lie to each other for you laid that person aside that old self with its evil practices and you put on the new self who's being renewed and a true knowledge according to the image of the one who created him a renewal and which there is no distinction between Greek or Jew uncircumcised or circumcised barbarian Scythian slave or free member Christ is all and in all so as those who have been chosen by God holy and beloved put on a heart of compassion kindness humility gentleness and patience bearing with one another and forgiving each other whoever has a complaint against you just as the Lord forgave you so also you should do beyond all these things put on love which is the perfect bond of unity and let the Peace of Christ rule in your heart - indeed you were called in one body and be thankful with the word of Christ dwell richly inside of you with all wisdom teaching acknowledging one another in Psalms and hymns and spiritual songs singing with thanksgiving in your hearts and whatever you do whatever whatever not like that whatever you do whether in word or in deed and the words that you speak or the life that you live the job that you have the shopping that you do the restaurant that you eat in the waitress that you radically bless the person that you pray for the girlfriend that you were sleeping with and you're not anymore whatever you do you do it all as unto the Lord and not for people whatever you do wives be subject to your husband's as is fitting to the Lord husbands love your wives and don't be embedded against them children be obedient to your parents and all things for this as well pleasing to the Lord father's don't exasperate your children so they'll lose heart slaves and all things obeyed those who are your masters on earth with not with just external service as those merely pleasing men but with the sincerity of the heart fearing the Lord Oh slaves he's referring to people and I looked at this when I got saved I'm like this is like me working for my boss even though see because slave see I was a slave to sin but now I am a slave unto righteousness I'm ballin chained to righteousness dan did that example one time he gives guys I'm I'm balling chained to righteousness unlike yes I am chained to righteousness I used to be a slave to sin I was let around not by ball and chain but the devil had me and he led me around everywhere and I sinned and had no idea I was blind and then Jesus know my shackles know my chains and he bang he cut that thing and with my ball and chain to righteousness I'm still free to run cuz that thing rolls with me but I am chained and yoked to a king that has given me rest I am yoked to Jesus I have taken his yoke upon me and I learned from him and I maintain rest from my soul I have peace with God because I've been made right with God no one can give me stress because I've been given peace I have been given peace with God I have been justified by faith I have peace with God nobody can take it away from me nobody can reject me because I have been accepted in the beloved and if nobody gave me that but Jesus so if everybody's against me as for me and I overcome those that are against me because of the greater one that dwells in me God said I love you he said I love you way before I said I love you back God so loved the world but he gave his son you know I'm on the plane yeah my much done buzz lightyear says so see what alright my little boy goes up on the plane beside this guy today last night and he's just slamming beers man slamming beers one after another after another after another after another after another as fast as he can get him he's slamming him and I want to talk to him and he knows that I'm a Christian and he sees me read my Bible and he turns towards the window and he's like I'm gonna face the window the whole flight and I'm talking and airline attendants who are coming up the one girl she goes I prayed one day I would see you on my plane and I'm like jesus loves you honey she goes I know my mom she's gonna want to pick can we do a picture psych my mom's gonna cry cuz she loves dan Mohler she does all we listen to is you and Dan's stuff of my mom she loves dan Mohler she told me to tell you hi and I'm like that's awesome because I know what he preaches so really you can love Dan but Dan's all about Jesus he's all about the pure gospel the unadulterated Word of God that sets people free and our job is to hook you up with Christ so that you don't need another video or don't need another sermon you need Jesus but when you go to church because you should be plugged into a local church when you go to church you go there to celebrate who Jesus has created you to be you don't feed on just a Sunday to Sunday service so you'll starve in between you were to feed every day every day so so I went up front and and prayed for attendance and just have fun and the guy behind me sitting behind me and uh my dad accidentally came the seat and there's a lady sitting behind me he's sitting over here and it went in her drink and she goes could you please tell him to move that my dread came over the seat the guy beside me the guy beside her he goes I know that guy he's famous I'm like dude I'm not famous I love Jesus he goes no no no you know what I mean I mean you everybody knows you preach the gospel I said yes I do she goes Wow preach got my dreads were clean by the way did you drink the rest of your drink when my dread went in there anyway so I'm sure it's true it had really happened so I'm sharing my heart and this guy beside he won't look at me or nothing man so I'm like I'm watching I'm looking at the stuff he's listening to he's listening to rat Van Halen and all those bands I grew up on because I'm you know I grew up on that so probably 49 this year yeah I will be that's amazing I'm catching up dude I'll be 14 in a couple months 14 and I said to the guy said dude I said man I said can I share my heart with you a little bit he was sure what's up man he's drunk you know I said some dude like I I shared my testimony man thank you so why do you think it is that only some people have this happen and I looked at it I said you grew up Catholic right he's yeah I said there's nothing in it like as far as what you what you desired because first of all Mary didn't hang on a cross for you Jesus did and you you can't worship Jesus mother without knowing that Jesus is the one that died and resurrected she gave birth it's amazing she was chosen by God to be the mom of Jesus but we don't worship her mom she wasn't without sin bro she wasn't I think what you want but she wasn't nobody was except Jesus he's the only one ever so Jesus died for your sin I said and you've rejected Jesus man here's what do you mean I said so you just told me that why does some people have it Here I am I'm sharing the gospel with you jesus loves you so much man and you're sitting in a chair beside me I love the Lord with all my heart I shared my testimony with you you think it's beautiful and your answer is why does only some people have this do you want to get shot at to have an encounter with Jesus do you want to be 10 feet away from a gun to know that he's real why would we get to Jesus as all we have left to realize he's all we ever needed do you need to be at the bottom on your back looking up wondering why all your stuff is gone why your wife is gone why everything is gone and you've made business Jesus in your life and your business is not Jesus Jesus is Jesus he goes you've really given me a lot to think about I said don't think too long I said I'm not being me and he goes no I hear you I understand so do you understand that I was an alcoholic for 22 years straight bro 22 years do you think that's strong he's drinking yeah it's strong I'm not confronting him being a bad person I'm telling him that this is dominating and controlling your life bro it's hurting you it's hurting you it hurt me hurt my family he's like me and I said you have any kids he cuz nah we weren't able to have it I said you know that you could adopt I shared about our son he goes you know my wife and I are trying to adopt I said I'm not pray for you brother you adopt a kid but Jesus wants to change your life don't wait too long then I said you ever know anybody that that the next day you thought they'd be there and they're not he's like yeah man it's kind of scary I said well it's really not a fear thing but the truth is is you don't know when it's your time bro but I know that one day you're gonna stand over the same God that I'm gonna stand before cuz all that Buddha and Allah and all that ice as a matter of fact why do you think when people swear they don't say Buddha dammit why do you don't why do you why do you not think they say oh Allah they don't say it cuz there's no power in it there's power in the name of Jesus but we've distorted it and twisted it and used it as profanity and he's the one that paid a price for you he was man I really appreciate you saying that today I said I say it every day I said it's nice to meet you he goes man it's really nice to meet you too I said don't think too long bro he's like okay so you have a good day love you all right let me pray for you stand up please
Channel: Todd White
Views: 27,012
Rating: 4.8753247 out of 5
Id: j6cIpI3DOXk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 100min 22sec (6022 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 30 2018
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