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so [Music] so so so [Music] [Music] since the brutal murder of dave garrett six months ago carson's hands have exerted every effort to learn who is the head of the protectors tonight at his gospel meeting he has promised to disclose the man's identity and turn him over to the law and thus put an end to an organization that has been terrorizing and murdering our citizens well it's only in the parliament aren't you just asking for trouble somebody must take the bull by the horns well why not let some of the other men do it who for instance sheriff cramer mr bradley of the banker mr mcclure why there's a score of him that could do it your father thought it was his duty to lead the way unfortunately he was killed but what he started has to be completed once we get the ball rolling betty everybody will fall in learning i hope you're right you can count on me person girl is with you too ain't you you bet to the last ditch that's good i'll answer it career office for you person thanks parson hammond speaking you're stirring up too much trouble in knowledge flats parson who is speaking oh the protective association that's right and i'm notifying you to pull your freight i'm staying right here in miller's flats please don't do anything foolish they can't frighten me i'm listening why not peaceable and nobody will lay a finger on you but you get bulky and print that article you've just written you'll go out in a pine box you can't get anywhere trying to bluff me start the press curly come on jerry we got work to do okay [Music] same as usual again nothing right now it's mcclury's office yeah you see this just finished reading it this time the product key with the parson holding the match yeah but the big fellow never let him set it off mike how'd he stop him your guess is as good as mine uh it means another killing maybe you fellas don't seem to realize that folks around here are still riled up over dave garrett being found full of leads they'll settle down as soon as the parsons taught to behave i don't like it getting soft the parts is a friend of mine if he knows as much as he says he does friendship will be the least of your worries [Music] all right though all right later yeah the boy's been meeting up with some opposition what kind of opposition oh quite a few of them kicked over the traces today wouldn't pay so we had to spend a little time with them who are they names are all listed there you'll see them when you check the receipts do you have any particular reasons they all give you the same one the python yeah so friends tonight i am taking the text of my sermon from the last book in the new testament in this book we read of the four horsemen of the apocalypse imaginary men on gigantic mythical horses who rode roughshod over the land spreading war pestilence famine and death out of the pages of the past these four horsemen have descended upon our community in the guise of friends and neighbors but this time they call themselves protectors the leader of these men has professed friendship not only for me but for a lot of you [Music] he [Music] and i feel it my duty to disrobe these men and bring them before the bar of justice [Applause] [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Applause] you're the new person mister why are you expecting one yeah i guess so [Music] what's the matter with him he ain't here no more where'd he go he was dry ghost just like my dad was your dad killed yep why they was fighting the protectors the protectors who are they nobody knows but they sure run things in this town hiya jerry hello where's your dad dave garrett he on the courier it's a newspaper me and my sister right now but we ain't doing so good and your name is jerry garrett yep gosh mister i wish you was the person why because you don't look like you'd be scared of anything well aren't there any other jobs in this town say mister you aren't a blacksmith are you maybe we ain't got one [Music] yes you have the best in the business gosh that's great come on over the shop curly will make you sign and sis will give you a write-up in the paper come on good morning miss garrett i notice you're behind in your payments the association paper isn't making any money i can't pay you mind if i take a look don't you dare touch that money off the association [Music] [Music] so [Music] this [Music] i get up and get out of here some people are just naturally ornery the last snake you hit that fell almost floyd curly did i i'm sorry you did that well i thought i was helping you you're a stranger in town aren't you yes but i am he's the new blacksmith betty he's a hum dinger he'll show the protectors where to get off if they get tough with him you'd better help curly he has a lot of work to do you betcha so long so long old timer [Music] that's the second time i heard that youngster mentioned protectors what does he mean who are you and where do you come from i thought that question wasn't asked around these parts women ask it everywhere well my name is tim hayes i just rode up from the border why don't you ride on well because i'm the sort of bird that's always getting into peculiar situations and once in them i generally stay i don't want any help all i want you to do is to leave miller's flats well i'm sorry ma'am but i feel i'm obliged to stay [Music] all right bart go ahead [Music] [Music] nice looking place you have here yeah i just opened up this morning i know that but have you joined the protective association yet no why well if you want to stay in business you'll have to join it'll cost you 50 a month for what well well let's just call it uh protection i don't need any protection now a lot of people around here sought that but they changed their mind [Music] now don't get me wrong i'm not looking for trouble if you are you came to the right place no you're one of those smart hombres [Music] [Applause] thank huh [Applause] point [Music] [Music] come on get out of here [Music] strangers generally coming into a new town get their welcome back it's a little more than i bargained for yeah well what started it all those fellows are trying to hold me up for protection money yeah well it's time the citizens of this town got together and did something about that well what's holding them well nobody's willing to take the lead but in the past it hasn't proved to be healthy well is there any reason why we can't hold a meeting and talk things over yeah but where would you hold it there's the gospel tent over there we could have a meeting there sunday morning [Music] well will you get some hand bills printed then and have them distributed you bet and i'll scatter them all over the county just a minute hayes the clothes my name is how do you do i notice the protectors are done for you already you know they're a pretty powerful outfit do you think it's wise to stir them up you know the old saying the bigger they are the harder they fall that's the truth too you coming to that meeting yeah sure i'll be there well if the citizens of this town will get together then maybe we can get something done you may be right i hope you are did you recognize any of that outfit well one of them's the one you threw out of the courier office i never saw the rest of them before are you heard much no just skinned up a little bit that's awesome you're lucky tell me where did parson hammond make his headquarters around here about five miles out of town on the miller ring thanks wanna give me a hand here sure [Music] well if the person had anything on the big fellow he kept it someplace beside here [Music] man well if that ain't tim hayes i'm crazy but there he is now let's see what he's after [Music] man [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Applause] me [Music] so foreign so hey what's all the shooting i surprised a couple of fellas trying to ransack the house well let's go get him oh they're more valuable alive what are you doing here well i followed you out from town i have no idea you'd run into trouble i'm glad you did it looks to me like you're going to have to sleep with a wine i'm going to sleep with them both open come on however i found out at the middle ranch the other day that there's some people around otherwise and i just want to say for their benefit if they happen to be in this gathering that although the good book says if a man strikes thee on the thou shall turn the other it doesn't say anything about which if he tries to take another wall up at you i'm a stranger to all of you people i've only been in town a week but that's been time enough for these grafters that call themselves your protectors to catch up with me how do we know you're not one yourself [Music] i might ask you the same question how do i know you're not that's pinning on your right gail yeah i guess i spoke have been terrorized and forced to pay tribute to an organization that claims to be able to put a stop to the losses you've suffered now that's the case they must be the ones responsible therefore it's nothing but a case of blackmail pure and simple the people of this country won't stand for it the day will never come when we have to pay for the privilege of working and earning a livelihood [Music] some of you at times have refused to pay tribute consequently you've seen your buildings burned and your cattle rustled experience has taught you that single-handed you can't fight this organization so the time has come to strike back with the only kind of justice these men understand six-gun justice there's no danger i was saying folks they've already made one slip parson hammond discovered it and it cost him his life the same thing happened to dave garrett both these men were just about to name the leaders of the protective association when they were shot down therefore they must have had conclusive evidence and they found it so can we well how about us joining up with mr hayes and teaching those protectors a lesson you can count on me that's a boy [Music] here comes hand over that bob [Music] association [Music] let's get them across that state line as quick as we can [Music] i'm going to tell you that that cattle you rounded up from market has disappeared into thin air this is the protective association that's right you know nothing like that ever happened so far members oh you're ready to join huh well that's fine our representative will call on you in a day or two goodbye mr brown and thank you thank you [Music] what to do well i'm sorry you can't see your way to cooperate with us i'd like to but i'm afraid well it'd help better if you'd let us use your newspaper to sort of rouse the people up have you found out anything definite no but if i can make them think i have why so much the better is that right did you shoot this man yes in self-defense we only have your word for it i wouldn't try that if i were you and don't forget that i'm still around and backing up haze to the finish that man was trying to shoot him from around the corner of that building well your words good enough for me curly he evidently was trying to settle a little grudge of his own it didn't work and that was his hard luck well i'm glad it was a personal grudge he was trying to settle i'd hate to think he was working for somebody else you're making dangerous talk i'm always ready to back up whatever i say i'll see you later okay good morning mr bradley oh how are you sit down thanks there's something i can do for you yes i'd like a little information what kind of information do you want well your plan is all around this part of the country aren't you anyone deposited anything amount of cash lately well that's a question that i hardly care to answer you see the bank's bound by a code of ethics just as a doctor a lawyer any other professional man record an artist aren't you oh that's just a foolish habit do you mind telling me if you're paying for protection to this association well confidentially same vote as the others he's paying them trump made in cash aren't they that's right well they must keep the money somewhere before i asked the question i did if you could see your way to answer why i'd appreciate it and hopefully not going farther well i'll be frank we have no large accounts the businessmen are being bled to death if this keeps on there's no telling what will happen hello sheriff hello jeff hello bradley hello tim did you find any side of them no i've been riding for days everybody's barking at my heels to do something they seem to think i can round them up alone well from now on you're going to get help we've formed a vigilante committee to lend you a hand i'm not in favor of that you wanted help didn't you yes but not that kind mob rule is never satisfactory it's too good a cover-up for men apparently working for the law to break it mr bradley is pretty busy suppose you might go over the office and see if we can't work out something all right but i still don't like it we'll let you know later what we decide and be sure you do hello sarah hello kelly say i don't know what's the matter with betty after and she doesn't seem to want to talk back she acts well she's all right she's just worried that's all [Music] say who's that fellow standing down there with a mesa oh that's slim doyle i've had my eye on him for some time he's one of the collectors for that protective association slap him right in the hose guy wouldn't do any good he'd be out in 10 minutes on bail you know what now if you could just book him on some serious charge something like uh did he kill somebody i don't know say have you any posters for wanted men over the office sure let's go and look at him what are you driving at you'll see [Music] there's one that'll do take a look at that chart this fella was caught and hung over a year ago then there's no danger of his coming back to bother us us yeah it says so end at about time you came clean with me [Music] well i suppose it is [Music] united states martial that's right that's funny you have the same name the parson had parson was my father your father he wrote me he was expecting trouble that's why i came here too bad you didn't get here in time what do you want me to do with this you better take that and put it with the others and make them in handy come on charlie okay [Music] so you're going under the name of slim doyle now right what are you talking about i've bumped into you two or three times in town and i've wondered why i've seen you before you ain't seen me no word i got you now brad newberry and you're worth five thousand dollars you're talking to the wrong party mister my name is doyle slim doyle not so fast you're brad newberry and you wanted to murder up in the loan vine hey mac come here [Music] what's the matter tell the smart guy who i am will you oh you're slim dora as far as i know he's brad newberry and he's wanted for murder so i'm turning him over to the show i reckon you i'll take care of it maybe you do as you like in your own range buddy but in the mesa you walk like i say and this time it's out now that's the second time you've tried that the next time i'll begin to think you mean it all right get going [Music] what's up victor kittner brad newberry murder brad nowhere what's this all about you know i'm slimmed oil keep your shirt on i want to see if i have anything on anybody by that name [Music] no nothing there that's what i tried to tell this guy don't be in such a hurry i got a whole desk full of them things where do i take a look [Music] huh here's one brad newberry and it looks mighty like you i know 100 fellows look like that yeah but this one says you killed a rancher named riley the night of july 11th three years ago where weren't you then what do i know where was you why i was uh uh he was over the patent office playing poker we had a big game and stayed up all night ain't that right sarah that's right oh what do you got to say for yourself i ain't talking i want a lawyer got any lawyers in this town no we had one but he drunk himself to death i'll have to hold you i hear from the marks with long time i'll send a wire off as soon as one of the boys rides over the railroad sheriff's got my little boarding house here you're gonna like it hold on [Music] well what are you gonna do with it keep a lot of circulation for a while see who worries about him [Music] the whole town's going crazy slims the topic of conversation everywhere unless he talks and talks fast i'm afraid they're going to make an example of it [Music] [Music] i can't do that as long as you're cool enough to take the blame for somebody else [Music] hello we've got your kid brother you've got my brother yeah tell his we're ready to make a deal the kid for doyle that's right i'll call back in 15 minutes for his answer [Music] uh [Music] well as long as you won't talk about that train doyle the protectors don't you understand i think they'll never be on the scene again unless you release doyle yeah if you don't think they mean it just keep me here shut up are you sure they've got your brother yes we haven't a minute to lose they want an answer in 15 minutes tim we can't let anything happen to him you run along back to the office i want to talk to the sheriff and i'll be right over [Applause] [Music] any calls yet hello [Music] you haven't convinced me yet that they have the youngster yeah well suppose i'd like to talk to him all right bringing the kid they're gonna let me talk to him come on son somebody wants to talk to you on telephone [Music] tell him who you are well this is jerry garrett hello there jerry how are you fine i ain't afraid unless and tim don't let her pull anything over on you i know every one of them all right you're satisfied all right it's a deal release doyle yeah well i'm glad to see you showing some sense right [Music] you know we made a mistake by ever letting this kid see us what are we going to do with it put him in the other room if everything goes along according to schedule we're letting go all right boys get everything out of here don't leave nothing to show we've ever been in here [Music] i say we ain't [Music] [Applause] as fast as you can get out of town thanks pal never mind that i can do it for you [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh i can get up now [Music] i really sorry for that one all night i told you you would i sure hope you haven't made any mistakes i don't think i have if things work out the way i figured we'll assume those at the bottom of this whole business [Music] so [Music] huh hey lucky for me you grab that kid yeah yeah tim hayes shot the sheriff to get me out of jail i figured that would stop him it's getting too hot for me around these parts i'm hitting for the border as fast as niggle take me there gail and mccool i want to see you first well okay [Music] you still think you're right tim the whole country is covered there's nothing to worry about [Music] sheriff's office it's brown good what's that slim doyle was met by two other men at rocky point and they're all three headed north wouldn't be better you wait that or tim hayes comes along now you phone everybody in that vicinity and have them on the lookout i'll slip out the back boy and remember you are dead [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so thank you thanks for getting me out of that mess the only reason we did was because we were afraid you'd break and talk talk not me i ain't the talking kind no what about this oh hayes was just trying to put something over on us honest i didn't say anything i ain't lying i didn't talk i tell you i never said a word i die before i'd squeal wait gail don't gail gail [Music] all right mcclure get the kid [Music] get this stuff out of here about get rid of him [Music] so [Music] so [Music] the hideout's two miles back royal and two fellas just checked in didn't see anything of jerry no i didn't get that close come on [Music] here [Music] i jumped through our window but you gotta hurry they're making their escape all right boys wait i'm going with you you're not going with us it's too dangerous you get on one of these horses and get back to town your sister's worried about you now let me have your house isn't that double all right that's the place [Music] well turn out boys and surround the place currently you come with me well i guess that's everything [Music] so [Music] i look planet so [Music] so [Music] [Music] so so [Music] so [Music] [Music] hey sam where are you going you take charge of things i've got to go to town planning on leaving us bradley i'll get your hands in the air and turn around slow [Music] you'll find those saddlebags for the cash right folks clear the room get back to work [Music] when you demand money you think you were one of the protectors the only difference is the town people are now collecting it and spending it properly ladies and gentlemen of miller flat it gives me great pleasure as trader of our organization to give you a report on the monies collected and dispersed what does this purse mean curly well that money is spammed gonna tell them about the two bucks you spent for what you said were refreshments now listen boy refreshments are a necessary evil it's the first time i ever knew evil came in bottles i always thought it was snakes quiet now you keep still i got to practice ladies and gentlemen or never forgive me the greatest
Views: 122,125
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: music, billie eilish, david dobrik, joe rogan, james charles, snl, wwe, lofi, minecraft, shane dawson, fox news, msnbc, t series, songs, jake paul, lazarbeam, eminem, taylor swift, trump, game of thrones, espn, andrew yang, drake, trump media, tik tok, tom mix, tim mccoy, western movies, frontier justice, horse, saddles, law, las vegas, texas, arizona, black jack, nfl, nba, baseball, movies, television, abc, cbs, cnn, nbc, gold mine, bbc, rugby, money, politics, washington dc, gaming, table, TIM MCCOY
Id: IASuXctdaUU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 17sec (3137 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 14 2022
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