Hell Town - Full Movie | John Wayne, Marsha Hunt, Johnny Mack Brown, John Patterson, Monte Blue

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] we gonna eat no more we find that cousin e earth over Brokaw wait yeah ever since you got the idea he was a champion poker player Montana well hell I still think I'm pretty good where's this cousin yours at Wyoming what do you pick up on a living that right over yonder behind that hill unless somebody's moved it they take the 4th of July in it don't know [Music] [Applause] comment [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] we gave words let's take the earth [Music] it's like a pipe forget it we might pick up a meal if we pick the winner which size you play beside this woman well come on what are we waiting for [Music] Fred you think Jackson Burton spinner get behind go brought to make one come on boys follow me [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] for you capitalizing for Montana [Music] come on boy [Music] I think we're on the wrong side this is no time to think [Music] [Music] [Applause] when it comes to choosing sides dinky are not so good Vicky was a partner tonight but I said still goes well how did I know there was cattle rustlers they seem like nice friendly boys but just might give us our supper you'd had your supper in jail if I hadn't been there to get you out of that scrape you didn't get me out of nothing we was both running equal anyway I've got us someplace here we are in Wyoming safe and sound and free of the bird put up your hand free it what kind of bird jailbirds keep him up high we argue the first time I thought that voice sounded kind of familiar who sure glad to see you Tom what are you up to can't you keep out of trouble you don't seem very glad to see me I never expected to see one of my kin threw in with a bunch of cattle thief thanks for the vote of confidence well you're all wrong if you're alluding to me we were just coming over the hill and we've heard a lot of shootin well we just happened to choose the wrong side tell them Who I am there well there I go again always forgetting my manners Tom I want you to meet my friend think hooli think this is my cousin Tom Fillmore glad glad to know your cousin town well you ought to be he's a big man around here head of the Cattlemen's Association runs the bank in fact he's half of Wyoming the shining example that my dad always held up to me famous okay your father wrote me you were coming but unexpected me to this way quit kidding tom had never worried you how or where we'd meet well can't you to patch up late for one evening so we can get over to cousin Tom's for a meal I think we'd better get something in town we'll see you tomorrow that is if you'll let us in your bank I'll be glad to see you I got a sneaking hunch that cousin Tom didn't mean that last remark [Music] if that'll teach that fella not to pull any assets out of a sleeve oh why don't you quit playin card you always lose your shirt or get one torn off your back I wept King doesn't die that's what you think the good thing I stepped in when I did or you might have got yourself a black eye yeah I'm to him to think Wyoming isn't such a friendly place let's drop in on that cousin yurt and then ramble on idle now you're talking thank you tell you sure we're not dealing with any ordinary cattle rustlers this is the third time within the month they've given you the slip yes I don't you do something about it I was just pardon me there's two men outside who are they well one of them claims to be a lightning rod salesman and the other one claims to be a relative all right send them in sheriff you better warn all the ranchers to double your night guards you're right time I'll do that right away what have you done now well that's a fair question Tom no date here as a lightning rod salesman he got a down payment on running well you know I'm sort of good at draw poker but we tried to stretch one just a little too far I had the same idea until I was cured they're the only money really worth having is the money you are your father wanted me to make a cattleman of you that is an honest one I'm already a cattleman and what do you believe it or not an honest one the only way I'm going to keep you out of trouble is to put you to work well I tried that once too but I turned out pretty dull you'll work or else well that's just what we aim to do but traveling costs money yes I know you mean you want us to stick around here and sell lightning-rod or play Draw Poker where are you fellas going I don't know there I don't quite understand you why don't you get married and settle down while you're running around like a medic without a brand on I don't like brandy it hurts in the wrong place no I've done my best you know it's pretty tough trying to sell lightening rods around here there you are give that to the cashier under dollars Wyoming's a better place and I thought it was thank you Tom goodbye thanks for me to cousin Tom hello Judy hello Tom like to have you over for supper tonight if you don't work too late that's mighty nice of you now it's certain to be there that will be ready about him that's fine for me try and get it your cattle again we did but they didn't get away with any we've got well I'm sorry this we're supposed to meet there right a relative of mine from Montana why you've had an accident haven't you my fault lady you see I'm a lightning rod salesman and I will show you a customer how hard light and even really hit and as I kind of got in the way of it of course is no beauty spot but it's a darn good argument for buying lightning rod well maybe your folks could use a couple oh thanks we don't need any hadn't you better get that I attended to right away is it getting worse why don't you go over to see dr. dine when we dropped in this place but it seems he's out of town miss Judith what would you suggest a cold conference the colder the better I suppose you have some over at your place it hurts pretty bad yeah perhaps you'd better attend to it goodbye tom see you tonight I've decided to take your good advice Tom and also that job you offered me say maybe you could use a couple of lightning rod the Lightning has already struck so you're gonna marry Tom I never said that you've been thinking about it haven't you not exactly well he's been thinking about it has me maybe a better ask him I'm afraid people around here spend too much time thinking I'm beginning to see why you go around the country getting bright guys you know tom says how to settle down and maybe pick me out a nice girl and get married and since you're not already spoken for I guess I'll just marry him there you turn your present time I think you'll live I'll probably be the worst news he has all day [Music] mighty nice of you to fix me up so pretty Miss Judy much obliged to say I proposed to you a little while ago what do you think about it you've been hurt enough for one day [Music] [Music] dare I want you to do me a favor meaning what hit me in the eye hit me in both eyes [Music] my boys good morning havin fun [Music] so you missed out again well runnin cattle off right Undertown Fillmore's no sounds awful easy in here it don't work that way on the range lost your nerve no my common sense neither we were doing alright the little fellas why do we have to pick on the biggest man in the county because he's got the only fat beef that's ready for the market and I've got it sold for cash get that alright barn it's so far all we've got out-of-town Fillmore's plenty of letting hard ridin I lost a couple of men yesterday you know just shot up a little they won't be no doubt for sometime there's a couple of fellas that wrecked my place this morning I'm going over and throw him out again don't be in a hurry Bart they look like friends of mine they were pretty smart about it too he hadn't hightailed it off to one side and took Fillmore after him but had more trouble than you do where they come from little fella said something about Montana might be a couple of cattle detectives now you're right to this for that let me get your other eye ready here comes that man again [Music] well boys I'm sorry about that little excitement here this morning yes or a week well if I don't know and you took your purchased a series I guess we wouldn't start busting it up no I like fellas with nerve you two seem to have plenty of it strangers around here how'd you guess it you know anything about camel that's our line you want to go to work I can trace you with the right people of course it takes plenty of nerve but the money comes rolling in that sounds interesting you see I told you we all don't look to run before we took that other job well if that job don't pan out well look me up Thanks we well come on Vicky that's what I call a gentleman and a gambler from the old school I guess it's his own business where he gets his cattle I'm not worried about it oh we're sittin top get you jobs over in one day what do you say we celebrate [Music] what are those but they aren't biscuits all eat the chuck wagon so this is the cattle business yeah why don't you quit this fall working come on Idaho with me like we intended no I promised Tom I'd settle down and be a cattleman and if this is his prescription with all they're worried about your career well you'll take that girl away from him that's why he's rubbing it into you making you look like a monkey in front of her lying that trying don't call the boys in and there's no use trying to cover it up because I know where you've been gone nearly every night you've been keeping company with Miss Judy laying that iron like I told you what makes you think that cuz I ain't no cowboy washing is next three times a week less there's a woman at the bottom of it [Music] [Applause] come & get it Oh boss Oh hope you're hungry I've been hungry ever since you started cooking for the dog food this time you're just going to swap with food much I I've done that yesterday too bad boy such good food on your ordinary car hand why this kind of food is fitting for human beings I ain't humor than that ain't fitten sink your teeth into those biscuit boys last time I did two of them stays there [Applause] hello Len howdy tom what have you got there well it looks like an apron from here but somewhere inside that your cousin come on you old Sidewinder don't you know all curse of the month for shedding your skin are you getting on well we'll be ready for the trail a couple of days good what'll they run about 500 a head of fat three-year-old I don't suppose you won anything second grade right hello Miss Judy won't you step down and eat no thanks I had a late breakfast I'm beginning to think you having any confidence in my cooking I think it's safer jesse has faith in you I thought women were always ready to die for a cause that is it cause that they have faith in but not for biscuit [Applause] [Music] [Applause] well I finally found a way to put my arm around you without getting my face left what happened to Tom oh he stopped back there look the country over are you all right dude II never felt better in my life thanks for taking care of it there don't mention it Tom it's quite a relief from cooking I'll go get your horse miss Judith [Applause] when is that bird hit the trail in day after tomorrow I'm still against trying to steal Tom Fillmore's cattle don't think it's so healthy it won't be stealing our friend Lin here's gonna give them to you and what will Fillmore Cowboys be doing taking their orders from me you don't want a better setup than that do you I'm still against it I don't think it's asking too much Tom all I want you to do is to take that silly apron off there why waste a valuable man that way why humiliating he's learning the business from every angle no I know all the stories about death and maybe he was wild but he settled down now I'll give him a chance Tom if I could be sure dare had changed his ways nobody has you seem to know him pretty well on short acquaintance you take a good deal on him don't you you know I think a lot of you too hello Judy Tom did you lock up the ranch for the night and wound up the cat and kick the clock out thought I'd write in and pick up a clean apron we cups have our problems - just like ranch owners you're not cooking anymore you mean I'm fired no promoted I'm putting you in charge of taking the cattle to the railroad selling them and bringing back the money well I guess that's the best news you've had in a long time great you're going along no you're on your own every head of cattle and every dollar you get for him it's up to you good night night well there you are I meant fine of time to think of it I sure was by the way I haven't asked you to marry me since yesterday no saved your life didn't I why I could have stopped that horse anytime I'd wanted to with this little hey morning tom one of the boys said you wanted to see me about that trail herd I'm turning it over to dare you mean you want me to take orders from him that's the size of it but I want you to go along just like one of the boys well you're the boss but I'd say you were crazy if I didn't know better maybe I am plus there's your own kin but you know his reputation yep and you're still gonna turn him loose on the open range with all that beef see their hands enough man and get off to a good start yes sir [Music] mighty fine cattle boss almost as good as we raised in Montana too bad you had to leave there we are in fine shape there to be able to drive them in without losing a pound your having anything to worry about we're not taking them very far how soon you expect to be back five days from now just in time for supper that will be waiting too so long dear good luck thank you bye miss Judith goodbye miss Judith goodbye your cousin town ain't got a thing to worry about [Applause] [Music] yeah hey Jer what do you think all this sirloin and pop grouse is worth the boy Shane ought to bring around $10,000 that's right cash money that's right I guess I would only Foreman when I told cousin Tom he didn't have nothing to worry about maybe you thought you were but you weren't you mean he ain't got doesn't worry about not a thing [Applause] [Music] oh boy good-looking stock I know pheromone them stairs we saw them first I was hoping seen you in town before you got underway but you made yourself sort of scared sorry we missed you Allen is there anything special you wanted oh just to shake hands and wish you luck on your new job I always like to see a young fella get along Thanks there's plenty of opportunities in the cattle business never so much as right now that is if a young fella smart enough to see him look I guess that lets me out I can't see any further than the end of my nose well if you ever decide to take an interest in the money into the cattle business I'm going with a railroad for a couple of days you can get in touch with me that I'm afraid we won't have time to look you up after we deliver these cattle I'm headin straight back you talk like a fellas made up his mind they're not hey mister you could use a couple of lightning rods could you what would I do with a lightning rod might do you a lot of good if lightning should strike you along [Music] how'd you make out some fine-looking herd of cattle bring a lot of money I don't mean that well our young friend won't talk business looks like you'll have to take him over I've got an idea how you can do it well you're planning on bedding down tonight I'm checking that yulian you know this country better than I do well I just thought I'd mention it to you you're running this outfit glad you keep remembering that well those Springs is up ahead good water and grass oh that where they had the big Indian massacre we run out Indian drought here wow that's good hey Jack there's a cowboy up there he's got a new cartridge you can tell which one you're thinking of that's something every gentleman should know [Music] here's another one Lin got him but Carter you have I've always been partial to the ace of clubs I'll take the one-eyed King always trying to make it tough I knew as much about cars as you do I think I'd make my living at it him and I have been arguing that point for a long time the best poker player west of the Mississippi is covering a lot of territory mister yep well we better turn in boys we gotta get started early in the morning I think I'll take a look around to see if the herds not drifting out of here this herding drifted away from grass to water unless somebody pried you my you don't know that [Music] that was you boys been with Tom Fillmore for a long time and there's a little matter I'd like to ask your advice where's the outfit Willow spring it all bet it down just like I promised good well let your jump from now on I'm staying out of this to left the shootings over I expected that you and haven't have a habit of staying out of things until after the shootings over how many night guards is he using only two and they're pretty far out you'll find the rest of them asleep in camp all right mr. LSU out come on boys get your horses we're moving in [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] the best part blankets I ever slept in [Applause] we got better cattle thieves in that Montana hold on open don't start man [Music] [Applause] my denier illusion those cattle last night I started back fast when I heard the shooting this dawn the horse of mine hadn't stepped in a gopher hole I've been back in time to give you fellas a hand but you ought to do your cattle driving in a buggy I sure feel mighty sorry don't let it bother you live [Music] don't --kavitha just as wealth in ours have you Malin do anything trouble is this boy dare turned out to be a lot smarter than we thought biggest town I was ever in don't suppose you can be st. Louie do ya you better take a quick look now because we're gonna deliver these cattle and get out of here didn't he say he was the best poker player west of the Mississippi says he is how long is he gonna stay in town I think you're just about as long as you keep me [Music] there you are sir ten thousand eight hundred and forty dollars Thanks here's your bill of sale people pay a lot of money for the beef steaks nowadays no thermistor now the money's right you made me pay top of the market for that hood just to prove there's no hard feelings I'll show you the town thanks but I've made up my mind that start right back nonsense we don't allow visitors to leave without at least a taste of our hospitality you're right about that mister I'm on your side well just a taste won't take long well let's go wait a minute you're on deposit in the bank just like that how do you expect America Betty in America that give my accumulated interest howdy there the boys want to know about throwing some money I figured it's time back pretty soon I don't see how you're going to get the boys out of town without letting them play a little they've always done that before when I handled it there's not a chance of talking about of that fun they've had a hard ride they've got their wages coming to them and their throats are fourth done you go on ahead and not to go home later I brought them here I guess I'll take you back your boys get caught up on your celebrating as soon as you can pick it up before it gets cold in the morning boss looks like we're stuck here tomorrow what do we do have a meal with our friend and then run up a hotel and get some sleep you don't mean you're celebrating the trail drive by crawling into a bed with sheets and colors and things that's right up there well I'd skin myself in the hey Morgan I'd have to dry before I'd be guilty of such nonsense [Music] your plan with a short deck mister and if you don't mind my saying so this jack goes on that Queen over there the first fell ever try to tell me how to play cards no offense intended anybody can make a mistake when it comes to cards I never make mistakes oh wait a minute it's none of my business but you did make a mistake hello dad going to play some cards no just looking on but I'm glad to hear that I was just gonna warn you that Brady here is the best poker player west of the Mississippi you may be right Hammond but there's a lot of poker players west of the Mississippi are you sure you're the best maybe you'd like to find out no we got no curiosity at all we need to go to the hotel to sleep in so we can throw something I thought so sometime when you caught up on your sleep I'll take you on you better go up there Booker blames Brady's business way back on many an occasion we didn't do it but no with what I got coming to me and setting in here [Music] goodbye Peggy Assurant amid plans for you suppose you and me settlers West to the Mississippi business right now when your house start a drum legged draw I guess we made a couple more fellas and he follows feel like Jonas I'll take a ham we're both from the same town so I guess we'd better stick together deal go ahead you'll be paying for it I'm gonna buy Playboy [Music] a man in town yeah he's been expecting you suggested a he's in there playing poker with dad all the long way around why don't he just take it away from there and get it over with you've tried it a couple of times I should think he's get tired of it besides the whole film around is still in town having says for you and the boys to keep out of sight till they need you it's like you champions are having an off day don't catch up with your pajamas mark how I said give me the luck you can have the experience where are those drinks we re coming right one do you any good mister well I tell the boys are moving on I'll let the boys have their phone Dave said for you boys to have a good time while you can looks like he's gonna be right busy from now [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] I'll open [Music] and raised [Music] I'll play these gonna touch one [Music] [Applause] [Music] I'll just call our Queens Oasis beat four queens in Wyoming [Music] [Music] had an accident no no dude it no what could have had you to it nothing there always was a wild crazy fella he'll never change I knew he wouldn't but you had to find it out for yourself in where everything it cost me you mean it but they are stolen your money that's only what I expected you knew it and yet you're saying the time had to come when we had to find out he means more than anything or anybody on this earth well I guess if you like someone that much why nothing else makes sense I'm sorry it turned out like this bringing back Tom you're smart about these things it's matter than any man I know please tell I understand [Music] he's gone hog-wild there's no use waiting around here any longer someone's going to be sore as it is let's get started back this morning come on Oh well champion will quit if you say so no come on Darren quit what you still got something left No howdy hello John glad to see you here charm I've been worried about that new Foreman of yours what's the matter with him lady's got him in a poker diamond well I'm afraid he's using your money Thanks good morning gentlemen get up let me finish this tom get up all right give me in last man in deals alright gentlemen [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] horses are ready we'd better get out of here we're not getting out of here but around it the boys too late they started for a woman over an hour ago Atlanta Marty where are those drinks we ordered [Music] we have been coal decking him throw him my name is some of that table this game is going the end right where it started pick it up there it's yours I didn't think you have nerve enough to try that on me Brady [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] take it easy tom you're only getting away the money onion that's all you wanted now make a break for your doing I just made up my mind or one thing Tom I'm not the best poker player west of the Mississippi [Applause] [Music] done fighting hey wait a minute I'm running this outfit we're heading home [Music] [Applause] [Music] well I think right this time [Music] I thought dad was coming over to talk with you this morning he's on his way to Montana he's gonna make it my party [Music] you probably take the North Fork out of town [Music] sure our saps for leaving but I suppose humble maker heavy dare you don't know any more about women than you do Pope the long ways to Montana yep entitle and cost money which we ain't got yep and besides I've gotten back into the habit of eating regular good water hit I got better at dinner Heidi render honor yourself pretty bad what do we have around here yeah dangers to you know lightning strikes - like upon the just and the unjust at least that's what the Good Book says so brother you can't afford to be without the protection of lightning rods you're absolutely right now you slipped me ten dollars a downpayment and I'll send you an a number one set of lightning rods but I don't want it you don't want it he why not because I'm the agent for a lightning rod company [Music] Tom still waiting back there to see you Dan you've got a job for you cookin no he wants you first party you hey it looks like you two need a lightning rod [Applause] [Music]
Channel: The Film Detective
Views: 187,301
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 'episodic, Marsha Hunt, Film, John Wayne, TV, Movies, shows', Johnny Mack Brown, Western, Classic TV Show, tv, Charles Barton, Hell Town - Full Movie, Stuart Anthony, Robert Yost, John Patterson, Monte Blue, Syd Saylor, Lucien Littlefield
Id: _kAGE9dQAYc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 28sec (3328 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 09 2018
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