TWO-FISTED LAW - Tim McCoy, John Wayne - Free Western Movie [English]

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[Music] la [Applause] [Music] ch [Applause] sure is a good one you're putting over this time boss ain't it y sure is I've wanted that barx ranch for a long time as soon as a sheriff serves the papers mine hello Sheriff hey you get your dirty feet off my desk you fell don't work here well I'm all set to take possession of Clark's Ranch and I want you to go out and serve the papers well you know I think this is a kind of a dirty trick throwing that boy off that ranch he was born on lived on all his life you know there ain't nothing in the law that compels you to take it from him you could give him a little more time if you wanted to papers of papers and I got what I need right here well I don't like to be a party to this say are you the sheriff or ain't you if you are come [Applause] on well Tim's inside a packing getting ready to go I bet it breaks his heart lose this rat to that crook Russell no wonder after being raised on it having his dad leave it to him wonder where he got that idea to go hunting silver and I wouldn't mind if he'd take me along with him me too a great boss Square hey it's the lucky thing you cowes showed up here I might have left the ranch without even paying you off oh we don't want to take any money to him you all might need it we'd only lose it playing cards or something anyway we're plenty square with you now boss now go on take it everybody else was paid off 4 days ago no reason why you fellas should be left holding the bag you Fells have stuck to me through thick and thin a lot of things you've done that I well I couldn't pay you for with money but here go on take this money before I knock you down the creek go on well what are you aiming to do now boss I thought we talked that over last night yes we did but we're not convinced yet we think you ought to take that job with Owen I think Owen didn't know up when he took you fellas on and furthermore after running my own outfit I don't know that I want to work for anybody else especially I've made some effort to get this Ranch back John that fell of Russell I'd like to ring his neck yes but just remember Russell was acting within his legal rights legal be hanged he promised to renew that note of yours and then wouldn't that may be legal but all I can wish for Russell is a rough horse a cactus saddle and a long journey if you all want know about truth about it half of Eagle Pi feel the same way now what else you want us to do well I don't know if there is anything else you can do for me I'd like to leave my trunk in your care though and while I'm finishing packing up I you boys wouldn't mind go down and saddle up my horse and bring him up here you know that horse and that palamina cold are the only bits of livestock I've got left out of this outfit now sure we'll do that to [Applause] him wao good good morning Betty good morning Tim he Betty I'm awfully glad your father decided to give Ary and Duke a job that'll help out some I wish you'd come with them well I can hardly do that I'm afraid you know well when dad left me this Ranch he thought I was going to make a success of running it up to now I haven't been anything but a failure it certainly wouldn't be right if I didn't make some attempt to get it back again I know exactly how how you feel but somehow I can hardly believe that you're leaving and that Russell is getting the barx oh I suppose I might have been able to hold it Russell had only kept his word but well there's no sense talking about that now you know Russell holds a morage on our place too I wonder if well I wouldn't wonder if I were [Applause] you your dad's always able to take care of his obligations but I do hope you won't have to borrow anymore that's where I made my big mistake you know oh hello thanks say boss it's not too late if you all change your mind I'm telling you you're not going to find any silver in that Toro range old Prospectors gave that up years ago it's been gone over with a fine comb boss well I'm going to try my luck at it anyway well if you're set you're set nothing more we can do about it it no I'm all set except for just one thing I happen to think about up in that country where I'm going there'll be no place to take an orphan like this say Betty that's a mighty fine Colt I think you make quite a horse I'd like leave him with you oh you know I'd be glad to have him I love horses as much as you do Tim and I'll break him and train to do everything you'd want a good cow pony to do will you Betty of course I'll tie him up and we'll take him with us sure hook him on you know Betty I'll be I'll be coming back here one of these days when I do I wonder if there's a well I wonder if there'd be a chance to to well to get my horse back why of course dtim thanks buddy well so long so long and good luck Cowboy get [Applause] up well boss I reckoned it's time we were drifting so long so long boss I hope you get round shouldered carrying silver boss so long and boys take care of her you bet yes sir adios adios [Applause] I'm Plum sorry to have to do a thing like this to you Tim well it's no fault of yours it's just the way the cards fell however I I am a little surprised to see you out here today Sheriff Russell you didn't think you're going to have any trouble getting me off this place did you well I didn't know Clark especially after all the talk that's been going around Eagle Pass talk that's been going around Eagle Pass what do you mean what you said about me in town yesterday well don't seem to remember what was it you said I was money man well aren't you that's my business yes you seem to have made quite a business out of it you also said it was a bad day for Eagle Pass when I settled in town yes I still think so well I don't think I'll be bothered by your talk much longer Mr Clark this is my place now is there anything keeping you here here aren't you just a little previous you know this won't be your place until 12:00 noon today let's see he's right Russell got 12 minutes to go to noon now before I go uh are there any more of my statements you'd like to discuss with me yes you said I was a cow Thief well aren't you hold on here I ain't going to have no no shooting Ruckers as a matter of fact I didn't say you were a cow Thief Russell I merely said that it was kind of funny that I'd lost so much stock lately and I suppose the people just used their normal intelligence and arrived at a logical conclusion I'm kind of sorry now that I didn't think of it myself Sheriff put this man off my property are you good given me orders well for 2 cents I'd knocked that face of yours right out from under your hat you oh sh don't getting any trouble on my account I'll pull out I don't care whether you do or not i' done my duty hiting out here with this m coyote but I don't have to stay now Russell I'm leaving now but one of these days I'm coming back don't think for a minute that you're going to get away with a barx as easily as you imagin take my advice and stay away Clark H old boy you're the only thing I've got left out of that outfit now someday we've got to come back [Music] so this one came back too Ry yes ma'am but it just don't seem like Tim now if you all had let me get in touch with the postal authorities it's no use Sor he's just disappeared that's all boss getting that girl's Ranch will be like taking candy from a baby they almost too easy now that our all Man's dead of course there's always a chance of Clark even though he has been gone 2 years not Clark what do you think I put Tyler on Clark's Trail for huh Clark will never be back you really cleared the way for yourself Chief and that's not the half of it I'm going out right now to call on the future M Russell well then I'll be best man this is on the level here's to the Future M Russell [Applause] good afternoon Betty Miss Owen to you Mr Russell didn't I see you in town today you did but I stepped into the post office when I saw you coming my way oh look here buddy Miss Owen you've got me all wrong it would be pretty hard to get you any other way I admire your spirit you put up a mighty good fight to pay back your father's debts but it's a losing battle now I think uh well we could arrange an extension on the loan I gave your father on this Ranch and yes where's the catch why should it be any catch because it isn't like you to offer well maybe I've changed a coyote never changes his bark you wrong me Betty I want to help you I'll be a rich man man someday and uh well uh why shouldn't you help me spend my money are you suggesting that I marry you exactly I knew there was a catch someplace well you'd better be getting away from here there's nothing more to say you refuse me your money isn't everything you'll be thinking it is when I take this Ranch away from you that that's 3 days away oh come on Betty don't be foolish the matter is settled won't do you any good waiting for Tim Clark to come back why did you say that well everybody knows you're waiting for him you're always talking about him yes I am and why not he'll never be back he's probably dead by now what what do you know about him well I mean he won't last long living the life that he is he's an outlaw robbing banks pulling up trains why you little wild C just a minute Russell take your hand away from that gun so the prospector came back huh just loaded with wealth now you pick up your hat and clear out while you're able save that advice for yourself Clark I'll make you wish you never came back if it's the last thing I ever do get going [Applause] Tim I don't think he'd come back but if he should you better take my [Applause] gun Arie joke G boss it ain't so bad as long as you know you got the fell what shot you what did he shoot you for did you know who he was oh no hey just a minute one at a time yes just before he died he told me his name it was jigs Tyler jigs Tyler yes do you know him a mean fell used to work for Russell used to work for Russell yeah but never mind him boss tell us about yourself yeah sure did you uh find any silver oh no I I didn't find any silver well what happened how now no more question tonight boys come on out with you oh well now after man needs sleep after all it's just a little flesh wound I've got luckily but you wanted to be up tomorrow didn't you yes I will be then good night good night I've got a surprise for you you have you remember that coat you left with me yes well there he is well that can't be that cold yes it is and I named him pal come on I want to show him to you well he's turned out to be quite a horse hasn't he he certainly has if you whistle he'll come to you he will yes what a trainer you are what a horse I had to train back up pal [Applause] go on out with him and make friends he'll follow you all around I'd like to do that well you are a horse aren't you huh where you going now make friends with me with you come on suppose you and I go for a walk would you follow me around come on come on come on but who taught you to nip like that huh man think you almost meant it well he's perfect make him kneel Tim oh will he kneel oh yes down down down way down step on you well here I am a beggar on Horseback by the way I've got to go into town today may I ride him in oh you don't have to go today hope I'll be back I know but yes but you need that money don't you $10,000 by day after tomorrow or I lose this Ranch you won't lose it pal and I'll see to that hello [Music] fellas [Applause] where's Tim he isn't here now but he'll be back draw your own conclusions Sheriff I will and without any help from you what's the matter what's happened Betty the Express office was robbed last night and a man murdered well why should you want to see Tim well I want to talk to him about it oh this is ridiculous Tim doesn't know anything about the robbery I don't think he did but uh bendix's here my Deputy says he seen three strangers ride into town last night just before the crime and Z yokam here Russell's Foreman says he seen them too well what's that got to do with Tim well uh zinc says he could recognize one of them he'll have his chance all right here comes Tim I'll tell her that Bendix what hello Sher glad to see you again well why the a reception I'd like to ask you a few questions boy well fire away we know you was in town last night oh yes I was what for why I went to send a message to a friend of mine you'll have to do better than that now you shut your trap Russell who'd you send it to and why well I I'd rather not save now answer my question boy because this is serious I'm sorry sheriff but there's nothing more I can say just at this time well if you won't answer my questions why can't you Tim you don't know no I don't know what this is all about well I'll tell you you're accused of a robbery of the Express office and a murder and who accuses me of it I am on just what do you base the accusation say listen does this man look to you like one of the three strangers that you said you seen well uh it was kind of dark I wouldn't want to say for sure well I'm sure he's a man all right I'd swear to it now wait a minute everybody there was one shot fired from the watchman's gun maybe Clark can explain how he got wounded I'll expl just a minute Russell it might interest you to know that I was shot by jigs Tyler I don't even know the name you're a liar he used to work for you oh this a waste of time Sheriff he's just trying to avoid the issue I'm afraid I'll have to hold you Tim until you clear yourself no you won't Now put on I mean it all of you I'm going out of here and no one's going to stop [Applause] me now boy you're on the wrong track you'll be sorry for this Sheriff I'm sorry already but I've got important business elsewhere [Applause] [Applause] you know Betty there ain't nothing I ever hated to do worse in my life and have to serve that paper on you that's all right Cher it isn't your fault boy I can't believe Tim would leave me in the lurch like this come on Sheriff let's get this business over with somebody's coming say he's sure riding whoever he is it's Tim Tim Sheriff I demand the sale of this Ranch immediately there won't be any foreclosure today here's the $10,000 Sheriff that will satisfy the notes this man holds now you count that money and then get off this property say Tim I reckon you didn't arrive a minute too soon I always try to time My Pony Express so that I arrive on schedule $10,000 huh that's just the amount that was stolen from the Express office what are you driving at there ain't no proof that that money come from the Express office and until there is Betty don't owe you a scent maybe you're ready to talk now Tim HH well that depends on what you want to know where'd you get that money well I I'm afraid I'm not ready to explain that just yet of course he ain't ready cuz he's a lion thie side went now Yokum one of these days I'm going to think you're serious when you start claw for that gun of yours Sheriff it's your duty to arrest this man and you know it I'm afraid I got to do it to now sh if I can explain everything later but I've got to get to gold City it's most important can't you see it's just a trick I demand that you put him under arrest I promise you I'll be back here in 3 days I'll give you my word on it well your word's always good with me son if Russell insists put Tim under arrest you Betty I've got to get and I'll put the bridal bit up as security for Tim's Bond good we see judge Gilmore and get his release at once That's mighty fine of you Betty you stay here boys and I'll be right back come on Che come on Tim [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] Weck all go on inside with you Sheriff to see that everything's all right now I can handle this without you Russell and it'll be legal all right why don't you let him come along we can take up that Tyler matter at the same time Tyler matter what do you mean you'll find out at the trial what trial yours Russell and it's coming off Mighty soon come on y' [Applause] come come on [Applause] Tim bring me a b Jak all right Mr Russell no you getting shaky boss just cuz you lost the Bridle bit oh it ain't the bridal bit it's clar jigs Tyler I was wondering about that Z you've got the fastest draw of anybody around you I got a job for you I'm listening Chief I want you to put Tim Clark out of the way that ain't so easy I'm not sure I could you'll do as I say you're in this just as deep as I am meaning what Tyler knew what we were all doing you want me to play along come clean about this Tyler business I put Tyler on Clark's Trail in case he discovered silver you'd get it without letting me in now I'm good enough to do your dirty work huh I handle my own deals and my own ways well handle this one then calm down take it easy wait until you hear what I have to say well there's one thing sure you won't get Clark's silver he didn't find none no where do you think he got the money to pay me for the orange girl's Ranch what from the Express office robbery shut up I told Tyler not to throw down on Clark unless he was sure Clark had discovered Sila well well the fact that Tyler was killed proves if Clark's prospecting wasn't a failure maybe but you don't know that for sure if I did go for clock I might risk my neck for nothing silver mine or no silver mine you've got to do it to save your own Nick you mean Tyler might have confessed all our jobs certainly you heard what Clark said about putting me on trial didn't you he knows something and now he's going to Gold City to find out more I was wondering why he was so anxious to make that trip his brother he used to work with us L was there so that's it huh figures he can get more evidence against us from the brother I tell you Zin we're up against it suppose I do this thing what protection do I get well I got plenty of money in case it ever comes up to trial I'll stand behind you I was sure you'd stick with me I got to protect you to protect myself then let's see I could start an argument and then draw in self-defense good idea Clark must never get to gold City he won't even make a good start Chief good good luck boy I'll be waiting for you [Applause] here well let settled now you can go as you please Tim yeah thanks to Betty but if you got time I'd appreciate you coming over to the Express office with me maybe you might pick up a clue that I have overlooked well if you think I could be of any help to you while I will you come along Betty no I'm going back to the ranch I'll see you later goodbye [Applause] goodbye bye adios well pick up any clues reckon the ain't none to be picked up oh well maybe Tim and me can find something that is if you're sure that he ain't one of them three strangers that you said you seen [Applause] well I ain't sure cuz I didn't get a real good look at them fellas you don't mean to say that I'm under suspicion well I reckon everybody's under suspicion we get this thing cleaned up all right now all you've got to do is prove that I had something to do with the robbery yeah that's all come on in [Applause] P hello green howy Sheriff I brought Tim along I thought maybe he might help us good I just been trying to straighten this up here inside the money there's some papers missing nothing important but I just wanted to find out where I stand I say this safe wasn't blown no no the bandits drill through the combination didn't you say something about an explosion oh I was just referring to the gunshot that killed the Watchman that's where they found his body uh you were the first discovered this weren't you yes several other people heard the shot but they thought it was drunken Cowboys celebrating and you say that when you came down here that morning this front door was unlocked yes that was the first thing I noticed you know you can almost imagine that whoever came to that door was known to the Watchman he probably went over there to unlock the door for a friend of his and got shot for his trouble that's right the other two must have got busy and Rob to save just what makes you think there were three of them well well I figured them three strangers I seen in town probably done it's funny that in a town this size you're the only man that saw any three strangers well am I to blame if I'm the only one observing in the town your powers of observation are most extraordinary Bendix well that's myor and and you're stuck with it well the detectives at work finding any clues arm uh just what condition did you find things in when you arrived here that morning well as I said the first thing I noticed the door was unlocked then I found the Watchman on the floor and saw that he was done for so I went over to the safe and found all the papers scattered about and the money gone then I sent one of the boys after the sheriff I was away but uh my Deputy Bendix here come right over I got here a little later that's right and uh did you find anything notice any bits of evidence or anything that might give us information that might help us any well uh no I started into to try and straighten up these things and I've been at it ever since well what do you make up why uh nothing y by the way Yokum where were you at the time of the robbery well my bunk at the barx can you prove that Russell will back me huh I wouldn't take Russell's word under oath are you hinting that I had anything to do with this I'm not hinting anything there are certain few individuals in this town that I'm a little curious about I wonder if they could prove a proper Alibi for the time of the robbery now just a moment Yokum there's no cause for you defending yourself yet well don't be accusing me you're liable to get something you ain't expected I'll accuse you if I find any evidence that points in your direction oh uh you seem to have overlooked this when you were cleaning up oh yeah that's just a blank glitterhead I'll throw it in the scrap basket not as blank as you imagine just take a look at the other side of it well it looks like Brown ink uh I haven't got any brown ink here that's not brown ink that's blood yes what are those peculiar marks those marks you see uh are this hey what's the idea oh as I was saying the marks that you see on there are the impression of a boot heel shot with with a metal heal plate put that over carefully sh Jam this is the first real clue that we picked up by the way have you metal heel plates on your boots Yokum wait Sheriff we'll get [Applause] him hey boy come on [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] are you hurt Tim no I'm not hurt but I think yok was pretty hard hit cheral I wish you just take a look at those boot heels he's the man all right what does this mean plenty Russell I thought you told me that Yokum was on your Ranch the night of the robbery well he was up until 10:00 I went to bed then that's pretty fast thinking Russell that alibi clears you of what being implicated in the Express office robbery well you don't mean to say that Yokum was mixed up in that we happen to have evidence right here to prove that he was sure if I demand that you hold Clark for attempted murder attempted murder nonsense clear case of self-defense and I'm glad Tim didn't miss you won't need me for a witness certainly not this case is finished now if I want to be on my way to Gold city is right away run along son and thank you for helping me Sheriff I insist that you hold him you insist I'll be back here in 3 days and when I get back I'll have a little insisting to do regarding you Clark you're mighty lucky to get out of this like this out drawing the second fastest gun man around here who's the fastest either me or you someday we'll find out and nothing will give me greater pleasure Mr Bad jum dies so sudden he might have made a confession and told who his Pals were yeah Russ was sure put out to learn that he had a banded on his payroll much of a surprise to him as it was to everyone else here he comes now hello Mr Russell hello Jake I want to see you Bendix all right Russell what's the matter Russell uh that crew of mine left me flat what's the idea turned yellow ever since Clark shot yokam they lost their neres I tell you we've got to do something to stop Clark you seem Mighty confident wrestle maybe Clark's got something to say about that himself he won't be in a position to say anything when the time comes what do you mean dead men can't talk that's right they can't but who's going to do it you me why you crazy I tell you we've got to do something to stop Clark he knows too much you don't know anything about me no he will if I uh why I don't mean you if I get in a tight spot yes why you dirty double crossing take it easy take it easy I won't go that far if you work with me but we reached a point where we've got to stand together what do you mean cl's already started investigating things he'll pick up your Trail all right all right what's your plan Clark is due back in town today the minute he shows up I want you to put him under arrest what for for the murder of Inc Yokum why that was a fair fight Yokum got better than an even break that doesn't make any difference you've got put him under arrest but I can't do it without the sheriff's orders you feel that it is your duty to put Clark under arrest for the murder of Yokum now don't you yeah but what's the use the sheriff will turn him loose I want you to put Clark under arrest and Order him to hand over his gun suppos he refuses he won't he'll do anything he thinks the sheriff ought it now get this clear the instant he reaches for his gun to give it to you I got the idea resist an arrest exactly and I'll swear that I saw him pull on you forcing you to shoot him in self-defense that's a mighty fine plan Russell but where do you come in right behind you in case your bluff doesn't work I'll say I thought he was pulling on me and just another one of my mistakes see here comes clar now hello sh Dam come on come on in right with you oh sh I hope you weren't worried about my coming back were you no I weren't worried so much about that son but I have been worried a lot about how you've been producing all this good money out of thin air you mean out of two years of back breaking work oh then you found silver no I found gold gold where where'd you find it you remember those old diggings up on meino Creek sure well I've always had a hunch that they were never half worked you know if the gravel up at the head of that Creek is just full of nuggets is or was was and still is when the news of this strike gets out you're going to see one of the biggest gold rushes that's ever taken place around this part of the country oh now that explains why you couldn't answer my question of course I was afraid that someone would hear about the discovery before I had a chance to register my claim is that why you went to Gold city H the registry office oh I see you know there's one thing more I'd like to know where did you go that day we chased you I certainly covered a lot of territory that day you know I rode all the way to meino I wanted to convert some nuggets that I had into cash so that Betty could take care of those notes that Russell was holding oh that explain CH everything well what are you planning now Tim well I've been working all this time with just one idea in mind that's the barx now I want to try and find Russell and see if I can't buy it back again good idea and I'm going to be right on my way now I wish you luck Boy Thanks Sher so long so long see you later here he comes now I've been a looking for you Clark well here I am I'm putting you under arrest under arrest what's the charge the killing a zinc y well I thought that was all cleared up you're mistaken it was mighty queer that Sheriff Malcolm never said anything to me about that you can talk that over with him inside I got my orders who are they from the sheriff or Russell don't talk like that Clark you come un Peaceable now you're making a down fool play Bendix the sheriff isn't going to stand for a thing like that for a minute if you're set on arresting me why I'm not going to resist you're mighty sensible clock hand over your gun oh I'm to hand over my gun am I all right get a doctor somebody quick all right Sheriff too late for a doctor well there goes the barx listen sh want to confess Russell I in this with Y you mean the robbery of the Express office yes trick stole your cattle put the other business and the rank is yours Tim I always knew it was rightfully done for why Tim what are you worried about well there's something been bothering me what's that sign there what I always thought that you like the name of bridle beard oh I do but uh has it ever occurred to you that there are two ways of spelling Bridal [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: CowboyTV
Views: 3,754
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: western movies, western, full length western movies, western movies youtube, western movies online, tim mccoy, tim mccoy westerns, two fisted law, two fisted law john wayne, two fisted law western, two-fisted law, two fisted law 1932, john wayne, john wayne western, john wayne western movies, john wayne young, two-fisted, western movies full length, western movies full length free, classic western movies, western series, western movie, westerns, free classic western movies
Id: yAP89Q3wUkI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 53sec (3413 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 23 2024
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