TikTok Is The Worst App Follow Me @theoddtiktoksout

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order order order in the court hello everyone and welcome to Judge James this week's episode is about ticks how what do I don't have an intro excuse me does have a call to take ok hello James being a little bit dictionary.com defines a thesis statement as a short statement usually one sentence that summarizes the main point or claim of an essay research paper ect okay the thesis statement of this YouTube video is tick tock is the worst app on this planet and I'm here to prove why well I'm currently in a hotel room in Australia right now with this guy my name is maas from the amahzing and and I love tick-tock and the footage has been flipped upside down for my American audience so very very thoughtful of you mm-hmm I have my ground harness and everything yeah so I get a message one day from the ah-1 Zach uh-huh and he messaged me saying tick tock is the worst thing ever and here's why and he sends me a bunch of videos and he's like mom I want to make a video where you defend tick tock and I attack tick tock and I was like okay context you're a tick tock star I am a geez I have done videos on you're saying it like you're saying like a crime like yes I have in the in the past I have I have taken on the tick tock I have smoked a tick talking before it's actually the the social media in which I'm second most popular on off to YouTube wait so you have more it has more to Instagram than Twitter than like MySpace yes fanfiction.net yes Wow furaffinity yeah I do enjoy tick tock and I definitely love that community it's very nice it feels like vine and I'm here to crap on those I hate what you love Wow tick tock has had a weird lifecycle it started out as musically okay which birthed a lot of excuse my french cringy people then something happened and then people started making fun of those musically kids yeah and then people started making original content they were like vine had just read we passed away and people needed that hole to be filled and so they wet what is wrong first of all the reason takes off chain his name is because firstly another company in China acquired them so it's a Chinese own social media and secondarily didn't want to be called musically because it wasn't just music anymore they wanted to make original content and when they changed the name it actually did it cause a shift for original content mm-hmm the thing that made it super popular was duets the idea oh yes you can combine a video with another video blue tape talk up someone would do something on one side of the screen and then another person would like add to that side of the screen in the duet I saw one with a guy like just throws a pencil like intending for the duet to be original and it's a guy who was like holding his butt because that's hilarious so I would say duets were able your honor he just said that tool area one day I was like you know what instead of watching all these tick-tock compilations why don't I just get my tick-tock straight from the source so I download tick-tock and I haven't really made an account I've just been going on the For You page and there's some garbage content there are some amazing content on tick-tock there's just some bottom-of-the-barrel is this what humanity has come to content dude there is content that like is as original as - you're saying it's like you watch the worst things ever because you love it I will love it so I'm not just talking about the cringy stuff on tick-tock people can make that let me show you what I'm talking about okay as we dive in to the fifty five reasons why tick tock is garbage first piece of evidence is this tick tock by diet cloak spell bay as fast as you can okay and it has an Xbox controller so people will try and spell Bay as fast as they can doing that will make them double tap the screen okay and thus like the tick tock but every single social media has that no winner has that no no Instagram has it this is a little note for all you aspiring I was gonna say aspiring tick-tock is out there okay if you're an aspiring tick-tock er you should just stop don't trick your audience into liking your video sure tricking your audience might make it perform well like algorithm wise but you won't have a true fan base mm-hmm you literally are tricking people into liking or watching your video that's true like even if your honor no the reason I agree with the fact that yeah you should have make bad content dog who's not gonna agree with that James so you should you should take that advice so seeing all this that my tik-tok page I'm like is this what the world's come to every single social media has that I can show you easily there's a few tipped whitter Instagram videos okay so show me a good tick-tock a good tik tok yeah so many all right I've got a few tic TOCs okay I said good tic TOCs well this is one of my favorite tik tok this 2d minuites she's an animator but this one she got some LED lights and then the lights gonna change there's gonna be something that's a good original play that again no I'm gonna show me on my own video so here is a dumb tick-tock that I found on tik tok no way did he really know did all he did was take his big marshmallow hands and lay them on me didn't tell me about this I think I just was going through your account so we were you want to tell me about this tick tock Mars or James the entire punchline was like getting an annoying call nine-one-one what's your emergency that's the punchline it goes that was pretty funny no I want to show you actual good one okay oh this was about my favorite K that's just Chris is another Great Creator I follow him it's just shot out too that is just crashed the crew 4 3 Freddie Chu Freddie over C 1 you're alive I I don't say 1 Freddie you dumb idiot like counting down a tooth Charlie oh my god Freddie's doing crazy so that was good original content yeah where do you find this okay Chuck does e-wrap thing okay you need to make an account so that it can learn what you hate and like what you would like I follow these creators and I get more of them and I get more ironic good content and I see it's now tailored to the point where every single video on my phone pages almost like it makes me a lot of knee slapper yeah okay so here's something that I have found on tick tock you know reaction videos on YouTube that's what we're doing they happen and you just sort of kind of have to accept it right people just they do it and for some reason people watch it and it's like okay fine I'll let you have this reaction channel but now the reactors have migrated over to tick tock there are tick tock reaction channels yeah is this the world we live in show me right now would you mean so they just okay the original ones actually pretty cool yeah the original one is like a fun little dance and then they're just like they're not even adding their own audio to the tick-tock well you can't do that okay that's really cool yeah but look on the duet look okay I think that's really funny the reaction it's just like that's all he's doing he's like that's not funny I'm a Zoomer do you think there's gonna be a tick-tock of this video clip and people are just gonna go I love that I love that so much so what's the point of a duet if you just don't do at it if you have nothing good to say yeah you know I think that's a little lazy but it's not bad it is bad okay well make an account let's see what you do [Music] James I think when you make a tik-tok account and he make this video you're gonna get more okay now I kind of want to make a tick-tock do it do it wait I still have other bad tic TOCs to show you okay I have good tick-tock to show you hold on oh no I actually don't like eggs what do you mean you don't like so here's a counterpoint to everything that you just said so on tick-tock you can like use other people's audio and make your own tic tacs to talks on it right yes so if that video if we like looked it up on tick-tock would we find a bunch of different people just doing the same joke no the main one has three hundred eighty-seven thousand likes second one has a thousand so no people lost people look are people reacting to it though so he's adding to it you're right that's Janet Lee and the thing is look what he's doing is putting this he's drinking that's funny but would you say that it's easier for people to just use other people's jokes I'm ticked okay so just not be creative how I will give a little bit sometimes there is a big culture of stealing on tick-tock but but the culture of stealing is not just tick tock clock every single social media is stealing and we all know about the interim and favor you can read it and they all steal videos so it's not just tick tock it's actually just genuinely every single content I just got a text form of my tick-tock friends thing you're gonna hang out with other tick stalkers give me let me call them speaking of that we're at VidCon Australia which apparently has been inviting these filthy tick stalkers geez an invention and I won't have it America this one's a very sharp one sharp like you want to said what I mean dad what if a monster comes in my room and kills me don't worry son you're more likely to be killed by someone you know you're not son good night dad like succinct and toned down and I love that I like how you were able to tell their emotions just from the very small fish yes it's very minimal and I think I love it brevity is the soul of wit he's the soul of wit Oh Bret that's a phrase I thought you're his name was brevity brevity is the soul of wit I Angus Henderson Oh shout-out to Angus that was awesome okay here's another bad one what's a bad one for you Jane there's this trend on tick tock this guy he makes some tic TOCs that some people might find cringy okay so then people will go make me more famous than this person okay uh-huh and I have a bunch of show me this one make my green Lego Cup more famous than him here's the problem that I have with those people who do that okay one when you say make me more famous than this person you're already making that person famous the only reason I know if this person is because of all the tic TOCs of people making make this person more fame yeah yes number two why do you want to be tick tock famous that's not a goal that you should watch and number three if you don't like this guy's content then actually make better content be the change you you just said why would you want to be famous I like make better condo that one wasn't fun that was a joke okay I've some good examples of like make me more famous especially if it's of like bad people for example this person did like cheat on this person this and this and this make me literally holding a mint chocolate more famous than this okay but but with the other guy it's just he made a cringy tick-tock oh yeah at least this guy is just like making original content yeah and these people are just like oh cruise cringe bro hey I can be not cringe see and it's like it's I hate it I find them reacting like that more cringe yeah then the actual original feel I can make new favorites with the green and call if if this is the bar of the ticket oggi if you think that cringey people can become famous then it's obviously not that hard you know what I mean I don't think I'm making sense okay this can be you like a wholesome one all right we're resolute why just do it man trust me because you thought it was going in a very dark direction and then it just only you thought that J you know B what are you talking not it's like see that's well that's comedy it's averting expectation I thought it was like really nice yeah actually makes me like feel good yeah yeah I have to like make it sad they're gonna ruin my palate okay okay there's another trend that I've seen on tic TOCs this sound on tick-tock of them connecting to a Bluetooth speaker [Music] music and it's like look it up no no but here's look at I thought that one is actually pretty entertaining I like that but just so yeah there's the sound if you spend a couple of minutes looking at this you'll see it's a bunch of people doing the same joke all of them are conveniently using the exact same audio and also I just want to point out whenever people are doing this video none of the other people are reacting right so they're apparently playing the audio in front of this big stadium yeah and then no one is those people are pretending to react curious that there's a bunch of these tic TOCs of people playing the Monsters Inc theme song that one didn't even get time yeah yeah that's really funny so I think if you just plain almost go take it to security well come on yeah exactly so it's like - wait the fake one has more than the real one yeah 2.8 million lights with its big one fake dude even the original I don't believe I don't believe in dog come on yeah do you see how no one's reacting Oh what James the one you download is fake they're all fake none of them are real first of all the conspiracy theory connecting to a like a Bluetooth speaker like that is not as simple as just going in to say actually some some schools some opinions yeah well none of those tick-tocks are real and I keep they keep popping up maybe because I keep downloading downloading that I want I'm just like stop showing me these tick tock they're not real I love it because like he initially did it with a baby Kermit like he was dominating that and yeah here's one this guy did an epic camera trick let me know if you can see how he did it [Music] if you look closely you can see a cut on this side yeah it's pretty bad and it's like what you should have done is you should have just taken the footage yeah like at it made it I made it the frame hold like just yeah paused it there and then I I know exactly what he did is instead he like used a different clip you like the fact that the editing was not up to par is that unlike well it was just a very easy editing thing that you could have fixed I think a lot of people who are not because we're both into editing because we make youtube videos that's true a lot of people who are not into editing it will be like yeah let me show you this one this is all other bros okay okay it's the boys so this is made me question everything I know about tik tiny notes make it ticked up right now that's how you gonna end the video okay follow me on tik tok is be amazing i think the old ones up might be taken you think it might be tape but the thing is you i can easily organize this so that you can take it back I am a tick-tock girl with connections brag about it bro the fake odd ones out has 91 thousand followers I have 90 mm this is fake and it's already leading me almost well what's my fake account doing I miss posting it's got 26 thousand likes oh [Music] hey I searched up the other ones that it's coming up with my video ah why did you make videos about me James an inspiration the other ones out this question my favorite candy bar and I will stick by my answer no matter what you think is Eminem's there's another candy bar thus a candy bar get jelly so James saw your inspiration James saw a video yeah but it was on a pretty bad app though so I mean thank you Wow let's do the odd tic TOCs out are you sure well I don't want to do I feel like the odd ones out way sayin who stole my tick tock name who took James's user what should we post mine okay so show me how to do a tick-tock so this is tick-tock okay you flip the camera here you flip the camera here you may change the speed so that's how people can do the animated like little is nice need you to join the antimatter family what I've noticed on tick-tock is that sometimes people like move like an animation name the like but isn't that fun when there's no background music it seems kind of it is weird especially when you're light just look singing like what we're gonna do is we're gonna be a reaction okay just like know especially [Music] the caption be Baba Tik Tok no don't put words in my mouth be like reaction tik toks are the worst thing on the world okay well now I have a tick tock account so now I have a Twitter Instagram and tick tock I'm gonna have to start plugging my ticket I mean I'm so excited for this new world of content that I will be making on tick-tock let's do a life is fun tick-tock can you do a day a day version post it on my account on your account my account and then I do a version is the life is fun soundtrack or D to you followed your smeissen he made me follow him act like tick stalkers we do know but but I think it'd be funny if I was just like do you like solace solace yeah you're gonna be like okay okay okay how do I do this I'm so nervous there is duet lag though what's the duet lag so do you need to do a little bit earlier than the audio because if there's a little bit of a lag that's gonna be hard yeah it is going to be hard okay this is stupid what's the caption for this this is stupid hashtag hash browns okay I already did that joke on my Instagram sir then I stopped cuz I was worried that the hash brown fandom would get mad at me the what hash brown fandom what do you think that what they're gonna arguing at the tatertot fandom hash brown people will be like I want to look at pictures of hash browns and then they see pictures of flu and posting it wow what a horrible thing to do today so make sure to follow the odd tic TOCs out and be amazing for quality come up with tic TOCs now when people be okay if I tick tock floof yes okay there's a huge pet community well I think we'd like Dominic I wish fluke was here anyway so what we learn and what just happened I've learned that tick tock yes it has some of the flaws that other social media has but there's a lot of good original content on it you just have to find the right ones you know this whole time I've been complaining about the negative side of tick tock and I've been saying be the change that you want to see on tick tock you know what I'm gonna start doing that yeah I'm holding it upside down because we're in Australia so this has been a weird way of announcing that I have a tick tock now that I've converted you oh now that I think about it cuz I'm planning for this video every time I saw a bad tick tock I would press download and I think that just made to go oh let's keep sending him more of this yeah you live and learn I guess I'm a tick tock also if you have the odd ones out tick tock account can I have it back please I'll see you later and stay amahzing thanks for having me in my hotel room oz no problems now get out okay order in the court I have a very special announcement to me so how many hours has it been since I made my last tick-tock but really like like less than 48 yeah at this point yeah so I have a story to tell you what's the site after we recorded we went to VidCon in like an hour later I was showing someone my tick tock and I was like must I already have 30 followers what what is happening because I was expecting the tick tocks to just stay under everyone's radar yep fair enough and not get any traction whatsoever yeah later in the night literally like an hour after that night I checked again and you had somehow jump to mm yeah I was like and I was like you didn't provide anywhere nope no promotion no promote no Twitter no Instagram he'd made it silently made those two tick told me there's a meme that's it uh-huh the funniest part was like the actual life is fun tick tock if you look at the comment everyone's like does not change it wasn't just like hahahaha this is James way into a video then like literally later on that night it was like the very end it was 15,000 followers and I actually had the sinking feeling because he was gonna ask me how many followers my at Maz 125 thousand followers on tick tock for two videos and I spent the whole first half of this video just crapping on it yeah and like tick tock is the worst and how did you find this you wanted a thousand likes and it's also got like what 1.5 million views how did you guys find this I don't my bio is I'm filming right now Gosei and I'm no longer filming but that's not true okay the worst thing is the next day after the tick tock was made I checked in and it had to be in like 18 hours and had already gone 100k and I was like yep that's my life half of the video cramping on tik-tok yeah crapping on me because I like stick talk and then now you're more of a ticked on that I am I hate you bro what's happening this genuinely makes me happy that entire night James would be like yeah mas I'm really sorry about passing on tik-tok he would keep mentioning it I don't think you're not sorry you keep rubbing it in you got to make one watch they talk hey I just wanted to say thank you so much for making me more tick tock famous than my friend mozz it was a very long journey and I'm so happy to finally be a tick tock star buzz do you have anything to say so I think that's gonna do it for this episode of James created a tick tock and made me clinically depressed and not tick don't know follow Moz on tick tock let's get him past 100 K I'm so sorry I'm actually going to hit it today oh okay thanks for watching everyone this whatever this video was I think it was a promotion for tick tock I think that's what it ended yeah that's really funny anyway so be sure to wear your seat belt and stamina everybody [Music]
Channel: TheOdd2sOut
Views: 2,635,919
Rating: 4.9439096 out of 5
Keywords: tik tok, Judge James, reaction
Id: bCLVzEnhccw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 4sec (1564 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 16 2019
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