Proof that I can do Math ft. my friend Pat (Life Noggin)

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hello everyone today I'm with my friend Pat hey Pat hi Pat is part of a educational channel right here on it's called life not called life knock there has never been a math video so they're not really sure what that is it's educational so you're well-rounded in a lot of things think not math though when you approached me you have to do this video I just want to say for everyone watching I told you specifically that I am not good at math and then you responded with yeah that's fine yeah what don't make better looking we're gonna find out yeah actually that's what it really is this whole video is to make you look really good so a lot of you may know that I used to major in math education in college because I wanted to be a math teacher because I'm a math nerd and but something's happened recently I've been doing math problems wrong I was hanging out with some friends what we needed to do 80 divided by 17 and everyone was like James you're the math boy do 80 divided by 17 and I was like and then they were like oh you're not good at math anymore one time I was doing math and I was using my fingers and someone was like you're using your fingers I thought you were a math boy is that bad cuz I do that exclusive okay the teachers always say you don't use a calculator because you won't have a calculator in the real world but you'll always have your fingers I got flushy calculators right here wanted to be a math teacher I grew up became a youtuber instead haven't done math in three years and I've been dropping the ball with math and I want to prove to everyone that I can still do it oh and also Adams here do you really are you serious I have these whiteboards where we can write down the answer and then also these notebooks for us to do like the hard math thank God you not have a dispenser for me oh yeah that too just in case I also bought these I haven't tested to make sure these work so I hope they do you're the scissors are we opening now yeah it's like an unboxing video so this is a calculator just gotta just picked it up yeah can you give a scissors give scissors give a sweet horror with no scissors I got more then we do yeah just a couple of my boys do it man who said math wasn't cool [Music] freaking guy capable man that's not a battery that's a mom how do I get Mario Odyssey on this thing huh like flappy boy okay and the question is what is that myself okay I think I'm ready oh yeah fine okay fine we can't cheat because our phones are being used to record so it's like we can't look up the answers show your answers in three two one dang it oh no that's right cuz the one plus the one is eleven you so who gets a point in that one well hold on hold on please get one point so that gives us two points or I don't know how okay it's gonna be like one plus one haha everybody knows one plus one and then the next one's gonna be like one it's just cute you can tell you haven't done I don't know why they can't even think of a baby banner problem question two that was really question two I'm doing it that's just cheating no oh and I look at your thing back I figured that when I would the abacus really huh I use it Africa huh they are the first word in the dictionary yeah I think that's true I think there's I definitely think there's words before okay well it's like on the first page at least no I don't know maybe so these questions are getting harder and harder I can see that yeah because I actually did struggle a little bit I did a joke of like I just want to double-check but deep down I was like I hope I'm not wrong cuz it's gonna be embarrassing if I was wrong question three that's not a real one check your freaking math privilege James 96 I mean what perfect that's what I got to I just wanted to make sure James you are a godson thank you so much you are wait I don't have my wife are we going for like who gets it faster yes what is this what is this video division is ready No okay go 114 - I just know miss did you put your Twitter handle on this hey gotta get that plug I mean I'm having a great time did you just put your own look at this yeah I don't blame ya smart dude um this one's easy what 6 times 7 42 36 37 to the 8 the 944 142 voice is 42 oh wow I don't know how this is taking you that long this one's like the 1+1 oh wait you just carry the 6 ready yeah 3 2 1 2 2 1 1 1 what is just think me sad and mad that equals smash sad + mad equals I'm gonna have to give the fact that we're even allowed to use a calculator makes no sense that this is not this is not a challenge I did I didn't like the teachers who were like you can't just use a calculator for everything and it's like ok but wouldn't you want me to like get a bucket full of water and wash my clothes that way like I have a washing machine some person worked so hard to make this happen it would be an insult if I was like no ok Pat these have all been super easy I'm getting bored of how easy they are under certain conditions sound travels at approximately 1080 feet per second if James yells down a canyon and hears this echo 1.7 seconds later approximately how deep is the canyon question 1.7 seconds I actually think this might be a trick question because it's a canyon right now that I'm thinking about it 918 feet that's not what I got it all so I drew me pushing you big old nerd ma famille if originally growing a shark but it gave it like two fins that's not what you got though oh that's pretty close right I feel like maybe half a credit at first I thought it was 1836 in one point seven seconds sound can travel 1836 feet because that's how fast it goes but then I thought wait it's a canyon so it goes down then back up so it's only half of the earth want to believe but it's it's the canyon so that the sound has to go down the canyon and back up no one in this room knows if you're correct that's the thing sure let's go with the audience want this have you have you have you sat down and asked yourself do your audience want this do you know the derivative is mom mom I need you know he's right next to me mom I need you to come get me when you're in high school did you ever have a kid who's like when are we gonna need to like learn it is why can't I learn like is that you good things or whatever no no I'm sure I mean I'm sure I actually did that but one of my teachers had a book that had a list of like all different types of math and then it was like here's what you're actually gonna need to use it so anytime anyone ever said they're we're going to use this you just plop the book like look it up so I know you're not gonna write down the answer and it's okay I know this isn't I know this isn't right because I just took the derivative of x cubed like I know the natural log is supposed to do something Adam what's the right answer the answer is 3x [Music] yeah that's not right what did you get that close I think the point of that question was to see if I knew how to take the derivative of the natural log and I didn't so yes I'm a failure yeah okay I feel I was more close but let's pretend that I'm Satan and you're Eve do all this Apple I know how this goes yes they say an apple a day keeps the doctor away so I never talked about medicine before and lightning Oh oh no no what is that that's the right mom you saw we are I know what that is oh you got I know yet you have amnesia you have to use a PEMDAS mm not here there was one wouldn't be three plus two right looks like right D let's break this down you know I'm just gonna go with a guess on this one that's a good guess that's the one you have to think outside of the box more you ever read a math problem and you're just like I'm good wait where'd you write down the answer Oh equals four so R is four oh I know R is 1 if we solve this we find that R equals to 1 I'm good at math again are you acquainted let's do a nice Super Smash Brothers clap holy I'm like you know doing like the victory pose no I knew what it was actually oh you liar oh okay we got a pony over here did you really no I just guessed I feel like I'm back in high school and I have to pay attention if I gave you a million dollars would you do high school again four years of high school yeah are you kidding me no you taught I would totally do high school again for for a million dollars and I mean I I had I didn't have like that Batman of a high school experience but the only thing that I really hated was the fact that I got acne all the time that's just called these ones it right so question worth once you treated for my calculator says that it cannot connect to the internet listen when I agreed to do this video I did not know is gonna be math this is how it's gonna be for the whole thing like do this I appreciate that I installed a virus accidentally on the calculator man I'm sorry I'm sorry it says here there are hot singles in your area does that mean all right well I solved all of them I feel like I'm in the lead I don't know look for you watching at home I don't know if you were keeping score but real quick if you're in school right now middle school high school elementary school whatever you're great and I know it's so tough and this stuff can seem like really overwhelming high school is easy but your math is easy so for number one I got 2.2 4 4 4 repeating ok is that right and also I just so you everyone knows I didn't use a calculator oh my god then I got one don't pick up the phone so what's 2 so I got 2 don't let them in okay the thing is I crossed these X's out and I shouldn't have that was a dumb mistake I got number three is don't be his friend you're right yeah sure yay I got a 4 if if you're under him you ain't getting over him but you know what I'm realizing this is a dual eepa song so what we learn nothing do you think this was entertaining yeah I had a good time at the end of the day you clearly shown that I'm a dunce and you're smart and you know what it takes all kinds to make the world go round yeah people making fun of me for getting math wrong but I just wanted to be like I still have it sometimes this was just an excuse for you to bully me yeah didn't you make a video about about now it's bad well we didn't do any um no we did do a calculus one we don't do any trigonometry I guess for the next one let me let me know in the comments your favorite kind of math we were doing stuff that you were feeling uncomfortable with but then on your channel we're doing things that I'm uncomfortable with it sounded wrong yeah I tried math for the first time since spring for sophomore year of college right and so this is something that I'm uncomfortable with like I don't know a lot it's this is out of my comfort zone okay right and so I found my channel you're doing something that I'm out of your comfort zone which is a photo shoot yes and so James is going for his first photo shoot which I'm taking the photos of something that he's good at that I'm bad at so if you want to see that yo check out the channel in the description here I want to put it up who knows what your shirt about what's my shirt about yeah it says math nerd thanks be in the photo shoot probably not if you wear that to the photo shoot I will burn that shirt okay that's a sweet thanks for coming along pat no problem I had a fun time yeah it was like it seemed like you were out having a fun time oh you're gonna be like seems like you don't know anything I thought you were educational don't you be a little more smart you said it on me one two three where's Lisa - where's I I wish fluke was here
Channel: TheOdd2sOut
Views: 1,931,100
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Math, problem, life noggin, test
Id: h7Xhn3rTf6A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 39sec (879 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 07 2019
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