Floof Takes an IQ test

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as some of you may know I recently got a dog and named her flute and now we're gonna I how we're gonna test her intelligence this is gonna be the main star of the video her name is flu clove you excited to be in a video millions of people are watching actually I shouldn't say millions because that's pretentious who's my little hammerhead shark I think she's tired but we're gonna put her in a YouTube video the other day floof ate an entire thing of chapstick and that got me wondering how intelligent is this little land shark of mine hmm so today we're gonna be analyzing floof intellectual questions we're gonna be looking at our IQ I don't think she likes this outfit you're free floof we're gonna give my dog an IQ quiz and if he doesn't do well that we're not posting this video let's see if she knows her name we need a test if she just is knowing her name or knowing the tone of voice that I speak in so if we go hmm she's thinking about it but now if I go Floop Floop I would appreciate if you came next to me all right well okay so the first task is to put a blanket over your dog's head and however long they can figure out how to get out of it that's how many points they get all right foof I'll see you on the other side she's trying she gave up okay to be fair the test did say to just put it over her head and so I think she's trying to get out but you know it's difficult so let's do this test right okay let's just do it over your head all right blue chill out get down get down huh yeah I think I think she got a perfect score on this test okay so what is that three points two points let's say two and a half points okay so what we have to do is we have to get a treat then we have to put it under three cups and then we have to make her leave the room and then we wait and then when she comes back we have to see which cup she goes to and she goes to the right one then it means that she can remember things so I don't have three similar cups but I have these bowls I'm putting it from the right Bowl you were you weren't looking you weren't looking you were just look at my hands right okay so so now we wait now for those of you just joining us remember the tree is in the left bull Shh shoot my my hands probably smell like treats now it's been 30 seconds ready or not here I come oh how did you get out of the costume roof where's the treat where's it proof where's the treat this one this one or this one whoa come on you're doing you're doing a bad job which one is it under Proofpoint clothes you're what if we try it a different treat okay so that test I'm not counting because I didn't use flu favorite treats so I'm gonna do the same test again and this time put the treats under you know so Luke doesn't know which one is which okay so remember I put the Treat in the middle cup all right one pair of pants later come on you gotta go to the tree proof you got a fluke come on this isn't looking good for flu test three involves like moving furniture around and I have yet to do that in this house I don't have furniture tasks for underneath a piece of furniture low enough to the ground that only your dog's paw will fit place a treat within the paws reach this task will test your dog's reasoning and problem-solving skills so I'm gonna be putting floof street right in here OOP I put it in there well she sees it she's just do it she did it good with she did it with her mouth so what is that is that three points three points if it takes them under a minute to reach the treat using only their paw if they try to fit their head into space first food was able to reach it with their face paws reach and face reach different can you tell me the treat bag please you know what we should do this test again here can you hold this we're gonna put the treat right yeah I don't have any more food right look look okay look you see it uh-oh it went it went under the couch do you not have object permanence down you see the tree uh-huh I just put the treat I just put the tofu I put it under there so I don't have it anymore oh okay well if you used her mouth again I don't think I'd feel comfortable giving her three points some ages to here are two points what do you think Mads cheating at a time when you don't normally take your dog for a walk pick up their leash while they're watching this tasks test your dog's ability to retain associations now here's the thing I already know the answer to this because every time I take the leash out floof is like she's in my room she's not my room just gonna put the leash right here three points if they immediately get the hint and become excited two points if you need to walk to the door okay well now I feel bad now I feel like I should take her on a walk and if I'd like to put this right here yeah see she she knows so I think that's an easy three points right the final test is to see if Lou can get out of her prison which I have created all right blue three points to flow hey Luce see this treat think I'm gonna eat it over there okay well this is good oh she used her paw she used her paw like and test chew I think what you're gonna do there's a treat good thing I've um exploded like that like that one over there so the reason that we got 7up sprite and Sierra Mist is because I think they're all the same soda this is between 7up sprite or Sierra Mist hey any good the Sierra Mist well okay I want to taste all three of them I don't think that was right I don't think it was sprite because I feel like sprite is smoother [Music] they tasted different that one might be sprite promises I don't know what 7up tastes like you know I'm gonna go with sarah miss sprite and I'm holding a can of 7up right now dang it okay what was the second one mmm so I just mixed up Sierra Mist and 7up okay so 7up was the worst one okay let's recap first task we put a blanket over her head she knocked it out of the park second task was the three Bowl roulette task four when we put the stuff underneath the furniture but when we put it in there she used her paw so I we have observed that floof can use her pot to grab things so I think we should give her an even three for that one task five woods the leash boom once again knocks it out of the park that's ten points then this this task of her getting out of the soda cans thing we gave her a perfect three on that one too so really she only just failed the three bowl rule at one okay so this is the final quiz I have given flu this very easy problem MC squared equals is it a B C D or E okay floof which one is it which one is the answer flu come on come on which one which one's the answer flu which one's the answer she's not doing it okay come on E oh she pointed to eat look at that she's one smart cookie Einstein didn't even know the answer to this one so in conclusion [Music] not only is floof the best-looking dog on the planet but also the smartest dog on the planet you know floof i'm so blessed to have you in my life I don't know where I would be without you be sure to leave a comment about how smart you think floof is and every comment that this video gets I will pet flu one time so mmm thank you for watching this episode of are you smarter than Fluke and as always wear your seatbelt [Music]
Channel: TheOdd2sOut
Views: 5,724,113
Rating: 4.9647999 out of 5
Id: t2lv73WADWw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 29sec (629 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 10 2020
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