Answering Riddles in 7 Seconds with TheAMaazing

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hi guys and hello to you everyone today I'm with who are you hi my name is maas from be amahzing do you all see my watermelon socks hey Mazz I have another surprise for you what's the surprise oh my gosh we're in space why am I in the desert now damn why am I making life hard for the energy speaking of you know green screens fluff is okay you're the Riddler but now it's gonna remove your entire head floating head now what are we doing today Maz we are looking at riddles we're looking at this channel called 7 second riddles trying to figure out these riddles I realized how full everything is I'm wearing my jacket I'm holding a dog all right let's take this off do you know where I could get with a tie yeah you can wear first I was the Riddler and now now you're the island did wait so we can just watch this video muted because there are well yeah that and also just like mr. Smith shop was one of the best ones in the area okay one evening just before closing a masked man ran into the shop with a gun give me all your money he says mr. Smith got scared as you would as you would and gave him away all the money from that's what you're supposed to use that's right what to do when the man left mr. Smith immediately called the police soon they saw three identical houses like they didn't know which has to come but they didn't yeah this is not a seven-second riddle no oh we have to use the picture from the video you want the footprints that are going in I figured it out this whole channel is not a riddle yeah yeah grace decided to commit suicide while she was preparing herself for the gem that's morbid a lot of people gathered around to watch everybody tried to talk her out oh gosh and finally grace changed her mind what was the riddle she found Jesus alright um she was dead as well as a few other people the bridge fell but it could be any answer like a meteor came down and struck them okay you know okay these are all like story driven riddles I want easy ones I just realized I'm wearing a purple tie and purple gloves and I have watermelon socks I'm like I'm aesthetic yeah where can i buy this great merch Maz I don't know John went bowling with his friends okay okay whoa he was found dead in the men's room the police arrived at the scene and an interview John's friends okay Liam I was by the bowling alley the whole time Kyle I went to the bar to buy cocktails for a girl going for the ladies Rhonda I was waiting for my turn may I went to the girls room but I didn't see or hear anything suspicious who killed John okay okay wait Liam was in the bowling alley uh-huh she was waiting for her turn uh-huh he was getting drinks with a girl in the bar and she was in the ladies room but Sophie or hear anything suspicious mm-hmm he was killed in the men's restroom yeah so we can already rule out two suspects as the girls aren't allowed in the male restroom you know what else isn't allowed James murder chased by murderer just going I think I figured out the riddle okay what's the riddle this guy I forgot his name he was buying cocktails for the ladies right but they already have cocktails but that might mean because he bought their cocktails James she was in the bathroom but didn't see I still like my cocktail theory the most the answer it wait what she got blood on her bowling shoes and had to put on her high heels soon as the detective came and interviewed the staff okay maid I was washing the dishes they're all clean cook I was cutting me cutting me wall cutting me yes my blood on his hands I was planting trees garden I feel like we can come up with our own reasoning but we won't know my guess is cook because he or yeah and he's has a he has a weapon I think I made Plouffe the maid could have cleaned it up did anyone say anything that contradicted themselves so okay so I go with cook really at this point like there can be any explanation and we just won't know it so I think at this point we just make a guess and see who was right I think it's the maid I think was flu it was the guy who got murdered was named mr. doodle like what kind of cartoon world cigar nah he's lying about planning okay CDs don't make sense I want to do another riddle I want to have a riddle that goes oh yeah right these are dumb which tire doesn't move when a car turns right the steering wheel all the tires move when the car turns right no at the back to don't but what if it's a four-wheel drive okay yeah do the back to ones yeah just press play which animal jumps higher than a building any animal if you have a toy building or a bird that can fly but that's not jumping that's true or I'm thinking a flea if it was the size of an animal and the answer all animals buildings don't jump that was good living don't even mumble walk in the dead they mutter in grumble like as I'm walking like we stepping on the living people mm-hmm but we don't know what we're walking on I'm saying like plants but people get mad at you when you walk on living plants they only imagine when you wanted dead plant yeah maybe it is plants because when a plant is dead it makes all those loud cracking sounds okay you're on saying yeah plants so let's go is it plants mm-hmm what goes up and never come H balloon oh is it me is it the purple Riddler yeah what's the coolest letter this is a matter of opinion C or F Y is f the coolest because we go Celsius Fahrenheit Kelvin their temperature Oh Kelvin you're right Kelvin I think I think mom's got that one even if the answer isn't that yeah I like that one yeah yeah it's be because it's surrounded by a [Applause] joke dad joke they gave me 25 chances to guess which letter was the coolest I wouldn't have gotten be after I had it with K like KFC oh wait I just realized Kelvin Fahrenheit Celsius KFC uh you bury me when I'm gonna live and dig me up only when I die hamster could you say like a seed yeah do till I'm capital guess I dunno I was just a seed seed yeah you know seed um a plan oh you were I think you would kind of like okay famous chemists was found dead in his office okay there's a murder you guys another one the detective knew that he would kill the night before you know three people there at the same time Sarah the cleaning lady agatha the PhD student and oliver the lab student was the butler recognized lots of gold trophies on the show and then it found out that the campus is holding the only silver trophy something about a werewolf whacked by a werewolf immediately around who killed a science well what a champ I know I know it is drop your wisdom on me please right goal of the trophies are on the shelf he was on holding the only silver trophy yeah silvers element is AG it's Agatha I know what did I get them what a convenient murders yeah all right oh like oh man I should like make is it's so she made it obvious Agatha but like literally that's the worst day can you imagine she got jail what if it was the cleaning lady your name is Agatha silver is AG therefore you gonna go to jail yeah well meanwhile the cleaning lady is really a werewolf and the scientist was trying to defend himself with the only silver trophy nothing even if they're starving natives live in the Arctic will never a Penguin's egg Oh penguins aren't in the Arctic is that are there penguins are in the act talkative yes no no Santa lives in the North Pole and polar bears live with Santa and polar bears and penguins have never met so penguins are in the South Pole Antarctic yes I used Santa Claus to remember where penguins and polar bears live yeah we got it all right these are too easy this one you know what we're judging this channel not based on its best content so we're gonna go that is true we're gonna go to their channel click on the most popular video ok detectives your partner's infidelity what does infidelity mean uh cheating there's two glasses huh it's two glass one's for you ones for your partner no no but that's so boring to have without you you're not there they send a picture I even think she's mutated she's like oh god okay yeah two glasses that's the answer two glasses and this two bowls as well you got it you're a genius that's this total score can you wait another one go on to watch football reflection like rule one on the internet when you're taking a picture make sure there's nothing in the reflection I look so dapper right now I'm a mafioso literally here we go home alright let's solve this crime honey I'll be back I've got a lot of work later yes it's a he's not working he's folding up airplanes yes oh wow well it was a rock it's a bra guys that is a real bra another common mistake you have the loose bra just in the show I hate it when that happens James you got a you know going to bed what is that is that a belt oh that's a person do you see the eye you're exploring an ancient Mayan tomb mm-hmm that was hidden in the jungle for thousands of years thousands of years suddenly the door behind you closes in you are trow know there are three ways ways to exit first is guarded by poisonous plants okay second leads to a very deep hole and third is closed with an ancient iron door which way would you go well wait iron iron is after the Mayans right yes so I would go through the mind or as that's probably the most recent event it's also like well what if the down in the second path was like go to El Dorado literally I was gonna say like if the door doesn't open just come back try the door first yeah why why would you go the other options there's stairs to that door yeah so somebody must have made it yeah yeah okay I think you're right Mayans didn't have stairs all right there we go all right James got it just give it a hard push and a faker okay I would have rusted over so oh wait that wasn't the my answer was that the Mayans didn't have iron did the Mayans have iron you did just say they don't have stairs I don't a foreign tourists came to the police okay so you come to the police wow you're a foreign tourist all right Warren choice came to the police a guy with a long beard and a tattoo this is a racial profile put a gun in my face informed force me to have it's a good put a gun in my face and forced me to hand over my wallet okay tack is one of these quintuplets they've already been arrested you just have to identify him okay details there was something tattoo on his arm and he had a gun no tattoo ended long beard so it's either the last two it's one of the last two well this one why can it be this is a long beard that's a short beak I know this one middle one cuz he has a hook so what about the hope he needs to hold the gun what if he's not ended he has to he has to hold the gun and yet to give him the wallet so he can't have a hook his fish is the right know of your wallet the last one's the right one man how did all these quintuplets end up with the same tattoo can't hold a gun well you might be left-handed short beard okay get rid of that one can't hold it ha left-handed though also they could have been fake what I would do if I was robbing someone shave your beard what yeah shame I mean I would wrap it around be like oh I'm injured ya know the police just just locked up an innocent man who will survive your sister your wife want a wife first off why is my sister that am i right ah would you say first doesn't immediately your dog you know I would try and save both I'm strong enough to save two poops a small dog I can save both I can do it I'd probably do something yeah Oh dogs can swim I probably do someone else's kid would you say first your mother your father 1 million you don't choose the money I was just gonna say choose the money all the time oh why because you can buy another movie again this is just saying who do you like more your mom are you dad I have enough upper-body strength to save both of them you why are you just letting your strength what if the I got my dad to reach out and grab the mirror and then pull him up so I get a million right and my dad yeah I would say and then buy a new mom I think yeah my mom would understand oh well there's not a right answer to this one there is dollars once again I'm the mafioso I only care about the monies of the kidnapper she's standing she's not walking with him he's a kid yeah you're right see well I was out I why is it see it's standing well no but snot is grabbing the boy's hand and be and see the kids hold it what you can how can you tell can tell oh so what is this what is this bad grab me yeah wait and also that doesn't it doesn't mean you're a kidnapper if you're holding your child's arm yeah can you also doesn't like none of these mean you're kidding it's like I'm a kidnapper now no more kidnappers okay as a profile them some more hey because they're standing far away yes but what if he's holding the child and James play it now they're all in an elevator it's see what yes you do grows an old king had no children but had to choose an heir okay he gave a seed to every kingdom in the child that it's a fake seed Charlie would grow the largest plant would earned a throne all the children's plants they looked at it so he gave them all a seed yeah blah blah blah but one child had an empty pot and she was crowned to be the next king yeah I think I agree with you he gave one fake see we gave him all fake seeds there all fake seeds and all those desires yeah yo that's crazy I figured it out why do they call it seven seconds riddles if they're not there gave you like 20 seconds yeah think about it yeah vixie dude Wow I got it and she was the only honest one with the pure heart oh these are the would you rather ones rather would you rather ones you rather never eat pizza or let two puppies die would you rather never eat pizza or kill two puppies yo Judas I would kill to well it's like you got to think about it if you let these two puppies live don't only be alive for another 12 years but that means you won't be able to eat pizza for the rest of your life oh my god okay what about this whoo no okay yeah I never get pizza you never what if it was never eat pizza again or a rat dies yeah I got to get back on diet yeah what if it was like someone's pet rat yeah yeah I know is that yeah that's weird I'm okay with certain animals dying over others so where D is kind of like what vegans are saying anyway in every piece again you can keep your priorities a priority yeah yo guys listen puppies lives of puppies in front of me pizza though you stand your ground whatever it takes whatever it takes listen James you don't have your priorities in check pizza though okay well I don't want to look at any more riddles today so me neither what was your favorite riddle what is the coolest temperature so thanks for joining me today Maz answer riddles be sure to check out Mazdas channel yeah right down here look at it it's so cool and everything thank you for watching I hope you enjoyed this riddle seven-second riddles if you're watching this hit me up I can I can supply with you with you some he actually has yes well actually actually let's end off with an outro question if they've reached out and you they wanted you to make like an odd ones out riddle video would you do it of course I look so dapper James thanks for dressing me up no problem thanks where my marriage yeah all right cool see you in the next video thanks again no prob I and Stan Mazak where your see where you see bell
Channel: TheOdd2sOut
Views: 2,046,769
Rating: 4.9555092 out of 5
Keywords: Riddles, TheaMaazing
Id: LeuczhL6JN4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 9sec (1029 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 15 2019
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