Playing The Dark Crystal Video Game

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OOP and we are live maybe give it a second to see I hope that this is live because I've I pushed the button I don't know if you guys can hear floof she is here up I see some highs I see some hellos hello everyone happy Saturday glad to see the chat is working out well it's still showing okay cool hey flu come here look at it look at her everyone everyone's saying hi they're saying hello that's good oh I hate from noon hello everyone how many people are here how many people are here you guys whoops right now it says 1200 people are here that's good wait okay gotcha she's good so hello everyone welcome to the live stream can you guys hear flu can you guys see your flu let me know if you can hear flu so today we're gonna be playing The Dark Crystal video game but I'm gonna let people we're gonna give a get a couple of seconds for people to come on in people does you know see the live stream I just noticed that like the the comments are like still showing the spam comments so you know whoops I don't know why they're like they're like trying to hide a bunch of emojis but you know floof is so cute can I be odd twos out that doesn't make any sense it's on a real questions so before we play we will give it like ten minutes for people to stop by maybe should I tweet this out okay what am i doing um that's uh if I go on here how's everyone Saturday by the way I put on that oh there's my phone huh I go to share and then I go to copy link then I go to then I click on the new tweet button and I go look at this live streaming , let's raid him make sure everything's spelled right you're bad at spelling cool cool cool cool paste this guy live streaming let's raid him let's read him wall this is so that's it little behind the scenes little tweet action that's it's just reflected and you saw that okay end up tweet huh sweetie just tweeted that cool notice me James senpai hello James James can you please dab so uh I was thinking to warm up while we're waiting for people to enter this livestream I just realized it's still it's like there's a lot of people just spamming emojis and for some reason some of our being held for review and others aren't I was thinking what if we like just just like drew Skeksis oh yeah so hello everyone welcome to the live stream if you're just joining us ooh eleven thousand people are watching now that's fun so does this work so if I like you guys here floof by the way is that no that's right why when I press exit like doesn't switch you know what let's just let's just jump into it so like you know up that's not good and let's change it to that so what does the Skeksis look like yeah okay so like let me move the keyboard you gotta be very particular oh did I just change oh I just changed something I mean to do that uh go to this yeah okay I think I pressed something on the OBS it like moves right huh huh we're getting somewhere hope that doesn't like mess anything up again so mmhmm mm-hmm and then like it's because like and then it's like what does a sexy Street look like and there's always like a bunch of like gross looking hairs that's a weird-looking be so like and then hey floof here let me get flu you see the ball flew here she just like wants to play fetch in this room and it's like you can't really it's kind of hard to play fetch and probably should have gotten like a floof cam again you know [Music] so hello everyone who's just joining us today we're playing the Dark Crystal video game and then sometimes they have oh I keep I keep what do I keep pressing on OBS that changes this so like I'm switching between the scenes and I like ice not touching OBS what's happening okay and there's always like this thing do you guys hear flu do you guys hear her is that too loud there's a Skeksis and sometimes sketch ECU's like oh they got like all like birds you know this one has like a short mouth I wonder what a Skeksis would look like as like a pigeon you know maybe there's like so we're just drawing Skeksis to warm up for people you know to join the live stream just quick little just quickly there's a fun little Skeksis what if okay try and guess what I'm drawing you guys here flu do you guys hear that [Music] you know there's Mike spots there that's not a Skeksis that's an angry bird which is what a Skeksis is sweet okay so that is yes you're that so let me tell you something that happened just now there's last Nintendo Direct okay now so there was this Nintendo Direct where I was like who like I wonder if they're gonna say anything about his Dark Crystal video game because they were talking about the Dark Crystal video game they were like releasing it on the switch I was like oh I can't wait to hear more about you know this Dark Crystal view again and then into the next Nintendo Direct there was no new announcements about the Dark Crystal so I was like hmm so then I did some research I was like when today what are they gonna release this Dark Crystal video game when is it gonna be announced has it been announced yet and all it says all it only says it's going to come out in 2019 that's really all it says is this is gonna is go and come out isn't gonna write flu so but what I did do is I googled Dark Crystal video game and I found something you good and now I don't I don't I love not not like one of those other streamers that you know does stuff do their dogs okay so if you got she'll like she'll slow just chill anyway so I googled Dark Crystal videogames and if this works I found this Dark Crystal video game the computer game a graphic adventure computer game based on Jim Henson's fantasy film the game was that came out in 1983 it was a computer game a kind of a point-and-click computer game here's a picture of the gameplay it apparently won some awards apparently was a very good computer interactive game for the time we go is it this one there's some of the screenshots from the computer game and I was like ooh this is interesting this is fun so I tried to I try to find like how to play this computer game from 1983 and I stumbled upon this which is on the Dark Crystal website itself it is a fan not a fan it's just an official recreation of the computer game so we'll we won't get cool art like this but we will get pretty hopefully an accurate whatever this is whoa so without further ado let's just jump into it and I'm gonna put on these headphones right here and then I think there's music there it is now the Dark Crystal does have like official hair kinda like turn it down when I turn it down on for you yeah now the Dark Crystal does have like official music it's goes like ba ba ba ba ba hey foo for the squeaky it's like it's really annoying right right guys they ought to what if tongues had mouths at the end of them and had tongues that had more oh it's going I'm sorry there's just a lot of people saying I love flute hopefully the audio is good it'll be it's not too loud can you guys hear flu you guys like you guys hear that can you guys hear that you guys hear flu is troubiing loud the second I can kill flu if you want if she's being loud that is that good flu was a joke don't don't ban me she's still alive so uh no she is too quiet oh you need to turn flip up you guys can't hear flu so this is a video game that came out in 1983 and back then the only gameplay was that you would press look around or whatever so this is a simple text adventure so let's just jump into it and when the actual Dark Crystal switch game comes out I will be playing I will be live-streaming that as well isn't that in that nice hey poof so since this is also a computer text game hopefully there will be some interaction like it'll give us a choice and I'll be like hey guys what should we do and then people can say what to do so a simple text adventure type start with chat let's just you start let's just click on this oh okay it worked alright let's see can I there we go that's that's like really and so close so close what if I like move it there we go okay uh do I miss I think I missed some stuff I I think I missed some of the of the earlier dialogue hold on here we go hey blue hey blue do you wanna play this game with us oh maybe after we complete this we'll try speedrunning it but let's just jump into it let's just stop beating around the bush and let's just get into it okay we're in we have the text now I'm gonna try and get foof one last time all right giving her maybe they're like these are the squeaky toys that I gave her and like she always loves these like little squeaky tennis balls now she's looking at me like oh it's like I don't know why I gave it to her like before I started streaming she doesn't she knows that if I pick her up she'll stop all right all right so let's just okay okay now all right now we're playing the game Jen is in a beautiful mountain valley the Mystics have a special name for it the valley of the stones I'm also I don't know if this game is canon so we'll we'll see a mystic approaches Jen Oh just so you guys know Dark Crystal age of resistance is out on Netflix which is why we're playing this game because you know it's a little like it's there's gonna be a lot of Dark Crystal related stuff in the coming months is what I'm trying to say okay the valley of the stones a mystic approaches Jen says pursue wisest of our race is dying he has sent for you come quickly then the mystic walks away hey poof what do you do look or follow what should we do look or follow I feel like that's just just for the time being or just look right cuz what's it gonna do what's gonna say it's gonna be like Jenna's surrounded by a vast mountains called the valley of stones this has been home to Jen since he was born Jen's parents died when he was born and the Mystics have been raising him ever since back or follow I mean I'm so glad we looked bright cool follow you know it's given you the illusion of choice Jen isn't a large candle lit cavern guru Rises wisest of the Mystics lies here dying pursue sighs and says at the time of the last conjunction or coming together of our worlds three suns the evil Skeksis gain control of the great crystal and rule that rules our destiny I want to see something I want to try something not that I want to see if look this is this is the original screenshot right here and this is what we're looking at Wow oh that how'd that get there whoo-hoo free wants the other balls but Kofi already have a ball we probably should like you know put her and put her somewhere she's not distracted also why she's eyeing her sighs world's three suns the crystal cracked and darkened uh-huh something I've noticed about this soundtrack is that it ends abruptly anyway until a piece that broke off the okay the crystal cracked and darkened and dark it will remain until a piece that broke off the crystal shard is restored there is a prophecy that the shard can only be replaced by gelfling hand and only at the time of the next great conjunction if this prophecy is not fulfilled the Skeksis will grow even more powerful and their reign will last forever Jen to you has fallen the task of healing the crystal and it has time for your quest to begin for the just a lot of words in this one for very soon the three suns will once again be joined in the great conjunction you must find a Gura Keeper of Secrets and watcher of the heavens she may have the shard you seek gelfling I leave you this final puzzle what do the son what do the son brothers quarrel about that wasn't in the movie what do the son brothers quarrel about so on draw which is the dark still planet there are three sons three sons three of them so what do the son brothers quarrel about okay maybe there's more find the answer find the answer this mystery and present it to Agora Agora only then can you gain entrance to her observatory and now gelfling our roads must curve apart our roads must curve apart we may meet in another life but not again this one see that the soundtrack just ended abruptly with these words with these words her suit dies and his lifeless body vanishes from the sleep frame from the sleep frame like the exits the frame exit frame left so what did the three sons quarrel about don't know what that is what do you want to do look or leave okay well last time we looked it was just like you're in a place all right now you want to go do that other thing so normally I would be like okay guys what should we do but I think I think look is just gonna be nothing and tremors one type and leave okay so right okay it's following the movie it's following the the movie Jen falls headfirst down with sleeps steep slope Jen is traversing a wilderness of tangled vines chattering blossoms and weary creatures okay what would you like to do look rest or walk here we go the final four the first fork in this adventure it's more of a no it's a fork because it goes into three things so this one should we look rest or walk leave your what we should do in the comment box down below I could set up a poll but I don't want to and just basically whatever I see more of I will do more of I see some looks re kid you're actually disabled rest walk I see some rests walks looks you know what I'm gonna want to close my eyes I'm just gonna pick a random one ready and and I'm opening them because I need to know where I'm clicking and oh I see I saw rest so we're resting you know what we're tired let's do this let's just rest in in this cave okay oh oh a Garthim warrior the Skeksis jumps out from behind the tree line and grabs you dang it guys we shouldn't have rested it brings you back to the Skeksis castle and you watch as the great conjunctions passes overhead the world now bathes in darkness under the rule the Skeksis you lose okay so resting was a bad option guys oh I made good I made that I need to make it go Oh Pookie chill out all right whoever suggested rests is banned that was is that it that was it he's just like nope should have done that not to go follow now I have to go more pressing key yep how much okay leave okay so should we look or walk I mean last time I feel like looking like if I do look it'll just be like it's in the wilderness and vines remember we just talked about this and so now walk or rest okay well we know rest is the bad thing to do so let's keep on walking is it just me or does this choose-your-own-adventure thing kind of seem like it's just going in a very direct line like there's it's just giving you the illusion of choice is that just me let me make sure floof is more in frame oh oh we have to like okay Jen isn't an eerie swampland vines have come down from the trees and warp themselves around Jen the vines will not let go of him what does Jen do yell or struggle what do we want to do we want to yell or struggle I'm seeing some highs I really should figure out the chat because it's still showing like the bad comments so whoops I try I tried getting like some how does how do real streamers get the chat to do to work I see some yells I actually let a lot of yells so you know what let's just yell I'm trying to think of what was in the original movie hello nobody is around to hear his cry for help Oh No that him okay well should we yell again let's just struggle right floof as the vines tighten a hand appears in front of him Jen finds himself returning the gaze of a single eyeball thrust up among the tendrils by a withered hand what does Jen do talker struggle well we all know know how well struggle well we struggled the first time it worked here let's well while while you guys are deciding if we should talk or struggle I want to go here is there a screenshot I feel like this is I feel like this is a spoiler right now look this is the original so if we were actually playing this game in 1983 this is what we'd be looking at right blue Icee talks I see talks struggle meow meow which is another word for talk in cat language so let's talk it creature responds but Jen cannot understand the dialect cool okay well let's struggle so we struggled twice it looks like the creature reveals themselves and comes out from behind a bush Agora says gelfling you know the answer to riddle huh you know answer to Britt okay okay this I think is gonna be like the first challenge we have to like actually come up with the writ so are they gonna say this Jen okay the riddle was what do the three sons core one of the three brother sons quarrel about I don't that's not a riddle look what did the three sons quote something maybe like who gets to be shine the brightest so we should say yes no someone said no someone said struggle let's keep struggling yeah cool that makes no sense okay you know what does generally because if we say yes you know what yeah yes we know these we know the end agora asks what do son brothers quarrel over tell me answer then gelfling agora snaps impatiently to which gen responds wait the son brothers quarrel about moon daughters wait I thought we had to actually think of the answer to the riddle what what I thought we had her like actually like it would be like type the answer to the riddle below and then we would you know have to actually like use her brain very good crack girls agura she orders the vines to like go up Jen the son brothers quarrel about moon daughters does that make sense to anyone right floof is that make sense to anyone whatever before Jen can even catch his breath agura goes north to our observatory Jen sensing that something important is out to happen follows close behind whoa look at Agora look at her jen is in the observatory of agora watcher of the heavens and Keeper of Secrets secrets is it a guru or Agra agura follow the grater sons to the home of I'd like I've seen the age of resistance and I feel like it's Agora no no I read there's that soundtrack stop it okay Agora turns to genin says what you want what watch our patents Agora turns this very important Gandalf like person what you want I wanted I should probably what does gen do look or ask well well I have a feeling look is just gonna be like you're in an observatory so do you want to ask anything yeah let's just let's ask Jen ask Segura about the crystal shard agora crackles that all why not say so she sets a blue shard on the table this is the shard that belongs to the crystal the only a gelfling can restore the shard to the crystal and restore balance now if we remember in the TV show at the TV show if you remember in the movie that's not how it happened at all Agora was like I have this box of crystal shards and I don't know which one is the right one and Jen's like and then Jen's like I know which one is the right one so I can't rather like look yeah he doesn't he doesn't even play his flute at the shard he just the girls like oh you want the shard be careful young gelfling the Skeksis are terrible creatures and will do everything they can to stop you from restoring the crystal your journey continues young one depart from here and return order to these lands talk or leave wait no that's not how it happened in the movie either the Garthim attacks a giris house and jen has to like escape out a window that's not what people are spamming emojis and they should be blocked but they're not you seriously did the video dude what is that noise in the back bro that's floof can you guys hear her is that too loud for you I'm hearing I'm seeing talks that's just yeah talk reminds you that the crystal must be fixed before the conjunction just leave okay we're just gonna peacefully leave okay so so far in this version of the story Jen just goes like his dad tells him get the shard he gets entangled by some vines he struggles really hard and then he's then he goes to agura and then goes I need the shard she goes here you go you know now he's walking outward okay we haven't even met the Skeksis yet we haven't even seen that you know okay Jen finds himself mirrored up to his knees in an eerie bog what does Jen do well guys what should we do what should we do it's between walk and nothing else should we walk you guys struggle hmm this is a tough choice let's just lets the block I think that's the I think it's a good choice oh look at that singing singing to his waist Jen has become hopelessly and snart in a boggy section of a great swamp with each passing moment he slips further into the Great Swamp when he sees someone moving behind a bush what does Jen do struggler show you guys I think I think it's time to put through this struggle I should have wait for you guys to vote but I just want to actually kind of weird making great time in this game just so you know like we're already at the part where we meet Kira and how many time how long have we been playing so we're struggling what No Jen begins to seek faster becomes stuck with only his head above the muck the great conjunction passes over the world now baits and darkness under the world taxis guys I don't think struggling was the right thing okay okay okay okay okay we're listening oh ma I got it I got a I got to ask something I got it where's my pain where did it go there is so choose your own adventures need to make sure I'm like OBS is still going like choose your own adventures right you start out like this is the start right I normally you know they'll be like different paths like you can choose different things but there might be like a main path that you follow like maybe this first choice ultimately doesn't matter and then but then I'd be like up to a certain point it's got to start branching off and to hold different timelines and like then maybe even like what if the timelines connect you know like and then this goes off in its own direction that's why I feel like a choose your own adventure should be this one kind of seems like uh you have two different options but then they lead in the same spot and then choose an option and then it's immediately death so then now you have to be forced to choose this option I don't know I I shouldn't be too harsh on a game that came out more than 25 or 35 years ago it's just I guess it's kind of sad that all these all these people this is what their games were back in the day we're going we're going back to this we're going back we just got a speed run everything and then we leave then we walk then this is where struggle struggle does Jen answer what happens if we say no and then it was asked and then leave walk and then okay should we struggle or should we [ __ ] let's shout let's shout for help Jen cries help the girl grabs a Long Branch and helps Jen out of the bog the girl smiles and says I am Kira and this is fizzgig I thought I was the only living gelfling but then I guess you must have thought the same thing Jen and Kira have entered a great forest they are on the the bank of a wide river which flows south Jen tells Kira about his quest to heal the great crystal what does Jen do talk or walk okay I've discovered a pattern when I was just speedrunning this just now I think I discovered a pattern and if this might this might be cheating but I kind of noticed that the second option is always the right option that anytime there's the first option the first option either like just brings you back to where you need to go or it seems like the second option when I was like typing and audre everything I noticed that it was always the second option that I had to do to get to advance to the next point so did that did I just ruin the game did I just figure it out look at that I walked here brings you to our village Jen and Kira follow the riverbank and arrive at the paddling's village for Kiros raids to their surprise the village has been torn to pieces and all the pod Ling's are gone uh-oh where did they do Tocker look I'm gonna look the ovens out is better than you Hey that one's out is terrible at Tetris he's he's stupid see Lal James is a child yeah people are just saying hi James yeah someone said and struggle so instead eat do you think that would do anything I can't do that and we can't eat right now struggle you might get in trouble if you struggle at this moment it seems like we can do whatever we want kiss I didn't this is bad idea to do that right now okay what do they do tacker look I'm just gonna say look cuz I feel like it's always the second option and if my game theory is true I just want to keep doing the second option to see if that really is the case we're literally the second option is always the right way to go the two frankly look around and discover tracks left behind behind the Garthim warriors of the Skeksis Kira decides to accompany Jen to the Skeksis castle that's not how it happened they're like you're skipping parts in movies what do they do do they follow dude what should i do what should I follow let's do follow I think that's a good one okay the journey of the Skeksis Castle is long Kira summons lanced riders long leg beasts that will help them across the Great Desert to the Skeksis Castle what does Jen do ask for jump what do you mean jump what are we jumping I want to I want to see okay look at maybe wait look at this so in this screenshot like the Garthim attack look at this see there's a hole like the Garthim do attack a gross place so I don't know how accurate this recreation is I got to try and get my hands on the original version and look at that look this this is the screenshot that we are currently on right now I think let's do jump someone said I subscribed High Noon okay let's jump gennaker climb out of the backs of the land Striders and head towards the Great Desert as they travel the heat droves more oppressive by the minute okay this is new this isn't what it was like in the movie they don't have to worry about the temperature I'm spoiling the game for me this game it's setup won awards okay what did they do rest or ride I'm gonna ride I'm looking at good comments guys are just saying hi and stuff let's ride brighter day they continue to ride through the great desert looking across the dry crack landscape Jenna and Keira can make out the outline of the decayed Castle ooh where do they go bridge or tunnel so in the movie in the movie that went to the bridge and in the Garthim attacked them then they fell down and win the tunnel now if if my game theory is correct if they do the tunnel it's okay look at that kieran Jen get off the land Stratus and find a drainpipe that is large enough for them to fit they end up in an underground labyrinth Jen cure and fizzgig are in a sewer system strange sounds are coming from a passageway ahead of them do they talk or walk I'm gonna say walk because it's the second option and we're doing that for the whole playthrough oh oh this is the first Skeksis we're seeing and also look at Jen look at that whoa does he have a mustache certainly looks like it what am I looking at right now let's see if the original screenshot was any better it's hard to say what was supposed to be the original screenshot oh there's an 8-bit version if he's all the screenshots ooh there's a PC a v8 version also look at this there was like a there was a point where you could like actually go into the paddling village it wasn't you just head back I stopped being so negative I just needed to start enjoying this game this Wow okay this this was the original screenshot the chamber then suddenly rushes in from the dark reaches of the sewers and grabs cure and fizzgig as he runs off with them he touches an unseen lever okay that's not what that's not what this is oh wait yeah it is he touches an unseen lever but like in this face you can actually tell its Jen and this I don't know this face just kind of seems a little weird don't don't you think what does Jen do hey you should follow you guys is there like did the original one have like what she do this one option okay like okay huge boulders fall blocking the way Jen Curie came in as Jen regains consciousness he hears strange sounds that are coming from the top of the stairway bum bum bum what does Jen do look at that you guys we got a big fork in the road I wonder what we should do let's run Jen gets up and runs towards the stairs trying to find Kira he reached the top of the narrow stairway strange noises and torchlight are coming from the corridor ahead of him what does Jen do now seems like a good time to take a nap part of me wants to know what will happen if I rest right now but I know it'll be you failed whoops right can you imagine if like in the climax of the story the protagonist goes wait guys I'm tired that's what like that's going on I like I feel like a game theory says rest game theory says rest you know wouldn't that be a big twist if right now the correct answer was to rest you know you know let's do it I'm I'm betting all my gambling chips no I it's gonna say you failed I'm gonna press ENTER it's gonna go game over and then we're have to get to the top yep there we go Jen Jen like Keira gets kidnapped Jen's like we need to save her after this nap and then a patrolling Skeksis surprise Jen he is caught and brought to a great chamber the great conjunction passes overhead the world now bathes in darkness under the rule of sexes game over Mallory do you lose okay you know the soundtrack like still is going and he doesn't reset alright let's just speed run this to the top or speed on this to where we were so like notice how like it's always the last option am I going queasy like I figured it out struggle wait what happens to be right okay let's just figure out what happens if Jen says no to the riddle oh okay so it's not always the second option whoa agoura commands the vines to never let go Jen is trapped in the great conjunction passes overhead okay so you know what I'm wrong it's not always the second option I'm just okay I just thought that you know it it's usually the second option but I guess not always it's like taking a multiple-choice test and then all the answers Rd did I spell struggle wrong yes we do know the answer to the riddle even though I the player did not know ask leave its walk shout I think it's walk again look follow just for the sake of this playthrough No never rest apparently like rest is just going to kick let's do bridge let's go on the bridge is in the movie they did go on the bridge and then the Garthim killed the lanced riders and then they jump down to the tunnel Kira says to Jen the entrance is guarded by garthen we should try and find another way hmmm what other way is there okay there's a tunnel look at that and then we have to follow and then we have to run now we are getting sleepy but now it's not a good time so let's let's just keep on walking we were running they were walking off look at the Skeksis oh it's like honestly he's like little pixel art of the Skeksis isn't that cute Jen can see the Skeksis gathered around the great crystal the great couldn't jump which could be the great conjunction is beginning here is begin being held by the Skeksis where which where's Kira there's the crystal I pointed at the screen you can't see it there's the crystal I don't see scag the Skeksis that's this one's Chamberlain or that one's Chamberlain and that one's just he's just there it was like okay okay what does Jen do alright guys what should Jen do should he jump all right wait things to do he should eat can I do underscores no I cannot I can't do that right now can't eat about people still say coldly people say that oh he should fly that's a good one no he's a boy who can't fly maybe he should I don't think I should do that maybe he should bounce bounce can't do that right now hmm hmm this is a tough one I saw poop nope you know what I think is a good time this is a good time to rest I don't understand okay heel jumping jacks you should do jumping jack you can't do jumping jacks right now okay what if he jumps hmm no no what if he jump there oh you did it we got it oh I switch to the next one whoops I didn't mean to keep doing that you should stop all right okay Jen lands on top of the Dark Crystal but the impact has caused him to drop the shard which now lies perverse prescient presses preciously precariously I'm bad at reading everyone but now lies precariously on the brink of the shaft beneath the crystal Jen looks up through an open portal in the ceiling the three suns are touching I want to look at the I want to look at the screenshots look at look at this there's like a hole there's a part where like he goes into the shaft then oh that's where we were just now those are the crispness of the Skeksis from the original game and then there he is jumping you jumps oh look at that and like I just they're like in the same pose of like you know so that's that's a fun little like you know well Easter Egg the attention to detail there Jen looks up through the open portal in the ceiling the three sons are touching down on top this one visit three sons were touching dot and this one does the three sons are touching dot quickly cure picks up the crystal shard she's about to throw it up to Jen but the ritual master Dron are drawn dagger in hand warrant sir give me the shard gelfling and you go in peace otherwise no choice but to kill you I don't think that happened in the movie I don't think he said that mine she was more of yourself ah but you know boilers what does Jen do save Kira yes or no oh this is actually a tough one this is um was I saying cuz in the in the movie the actual Canon he doesn't save her he stays on the crystal and she throws it back to him and he's able to save the world I feel like I something deep inside me wants to say no not because it's the second option but it's like we can't save her because we're on the crystal right now so I see some nose dab what does he do yeah he stabs I don't know what you're saying you guys this was made in 1983 if they don't know what a DAB is yet okay yeah we're I'm gonna say no don't save Kiera Jen's sits on top of the crystal Kiera has thrown the shard up to him he holds it in his hands the edges of the three suns are overlapping what does Jen do I don't know we're running out of time you guys kill oh here we go we did it as the three suns become one a flood of blinding light washes over him jen plunges the shard deep into the wound of the crystal Jenna's healed the wound in the crystal and has restored it to its original brilliance he is now on the floor okay he is now on the floor of the crystal chamber which is bathed in radiant light the Garthim are cracking and falling apart the filthy walls of the castle are crumbling revealing its original christine purity and beauty the evil reign of the Skeksis is over however Kiera who was stabbed at the moment of the great conjunction lies in Jen's arms the gelfling sobs uncontrollably as he cradles her lifeless body what does Jen do what should he do I don't know what he should do because she's dead and I feel like kissing her it would be a little weird at that point do you think I should kiss her this is you guys are real mature it doesn't make any sense doesn't make any sense whoops can't do that right now slap nope okay you know what I don't know if this is entertaining so we're just we're just finishing it up oh look at them Jen kisses Kira wait that's not how it happened in the movie I just realized that's not how it happened Jen kisses Kira she opens her eyes and the life that the sexy stood from her before Jen had healed the crystal is rekindled wait so a way to do that and the life that the Skeksis took from her before Jen they don't explain okay finally the two gelfling x' and all the creatures can live peacefully together in a world in a world to which harmony after a thousand years of darkness has been her story thank you for playing the Dark Crystal you one type start or tap to begin I keep pressing tab and we're back we beat it everyone you know okay first impressions of the game it feels like I don't know I feel like maybe I I don't know what other text-based adventures were like in the 80s but I feel like one again what I said about different paths and I get that it all kind of has to come to one climax you know you can't make all these different paths but I just I feel like this one really had like one path one storyline that it wanted you to follow and like none of our none of our choices made any sense also we won hooray Wow and that in that something okay let's speed on this there's more leave we walk we struggle and then struggle yes we do know the answer it's the one time that what do you want that's not what happened that's not how the movie happened and then walk shout let's walk look um ride tunnel he's like a typing game run walk I remember he runs and he walks he gets tired and he jumps and then nobody's not safe Kira and he'll the crystal and then kiss and we did it time what was that let's admit great what's your favorite movie as a good question I don't know well okay honestly I thought I hadn't played this before I did look at the screenshots you know maybe that would have but like just hear it look at that like there's a whole scene like the Skeksis eating jen is standing in the doorway of the dining room seated along seated at a long table near a curtain covered wall are several Skeksis unaware of Jen's presence there was that there's a you know the Garthim attacking that was an in this were just the then going through the swamp so it's like the the 1983 version it seemed like it had more I mean I get I guess this is you know this is a recreation we invite you to play our recreation of the computer game hmm I don't know hmm and we can I wanna I'm gonna stop the music all right and then here was the Wikipedia article so I want to see in 1983 in a way it's better than the movie stating the Dark Crystal is a thin story that failed to serve the movie movie well is completed wait what is comparatively talking thin story that failed to serve the movie well is comparatively top-drawer material in the game and calling the graphics delightful the game would go to receive a yeah a certificate of merit in the category of 1984 best computer adventure at the fifth annual acute so is it the it was it won best computer adventure huh we've come a long way haven't we it's crazy crazy to think but so weird to me is that like movies from the 80s they were there you could tell that they're older but they were still like there they were still like some pretty well shot stuff there's like nice angles and cinematography and some like edits and a little like oh there's some there's some movies from the 80s that have aged very well and then seeing what video games were like at the time it's like this is the peak of graphics right here this is what this was that was something what video games came out in 1983 video games that came I have capslock turned out out in 1983 okay so yeah like Mario Bros dragon's lair so yeah like 1983 that's what video games were and we've come a long way so we also got the original manual right here so you know there's that introduction I am agura keeper of the crystal shards watcher of the universe teller of a prophecy only you to fill and fulfill you will with luck courage skill and logic you are entering the world of the Dark Crystal when you begin our high-res adventure game you will become gen hero of the Dark Crystal do they ever say brah because the world that they live in is called throught and they never mentioned it in the movie so I'm one oh look at that picture right dis ctrl-f work no or my type in Gen yeah okay so yeah control weighted highlighted the word the type didn't Gen yeah there is the gen Kiera apparently there's a gen written right there and that's weird okay so maybe the maybe the control app doesn't work hmm okay so that was the recreation of the 1983 computer adventure game the Dark Crystal you know mmm I can't really you know judge it because I didn't play the original I played a recreation with better graphics cool genic here with the shard so the whole point of this video oh there's Chamberlain I guess who does this does this manual give us some more like insight into the world and well that was fun the whole point of this was to let you guys know that you should watch the Dark Crystal Age of resistance right now on Netflix calm I recommend you watch it I want them to make more and yeah that's sort of I feel like I'm gonna be wrapping this up didn't know how long this is gonna be didn't know if it was gonna be entertaining but I did it so happy Saturday everyone thank you all for watching and and joining me on this adventure of the Dark Crystal so be sure to wear your seatbelt and hit that like button and watch Dark Crystal Age resistance and also wear your seat belt I need to stop the street okay everyone Wow
Channel: TheOdd2sOut
Views: 2,921,639
Rating: 4.9337292 out of 5
Id: WnG78CN0cG8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 27sec (3387 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 07 2019
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