Fun things you can do on a Ti-84 Graphing Calculator (ft. Floof)

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what's up this is your boy Godwin's out back again with another crazy video and I brought a special guest with me if you behave and do your math homework I can give you this dog tree it will be here for a remainder of this video probably should have started out a better intro hello everyone welcome to a video where I show you some fun things that you can do on a ti-84 graphing calculator I hope you guys still have these ones because this is gonna be a useless video if you're not using these calculators okay now some of you might be saying James what if I'm rich and I have this calculator if you have one of these calculators that's all fancy and has a backlight then this video is not for you because I don't know how to work this one my mission is to make sure no one is bored in math class because when you're playing on your phone the teachers like hey you get off your phone you're supposed to be paying attention but then what if you're if you're playing on a calculator the teacher is like I'll look at this kid who's learning things this is gonna be quite a different video than I normally post but I've had people tell me James you could post a video of you watching paint dry and I'd still watch it so you better watch this one now these fun things are about to show you you don't need to plug the calculator into a computer you can plug a calculator into a computer and download all these fun games like Mario and Tetris but who has time for that I certainly don't I have I'm busy doing math homework and the crown's tomorrow so you think I'm gonna plug in my calculator and and download stuff now I'm not a nerd so let's just jump right into this tutorial we all know the classic trick of writing eighty thousand and eighty five haha it spells boobs but on a ti-84 graphing calculator if you notice how the entire alphabet is in green along the whole thing what that means is if you press this green alpha button now the graphing calculator is looking at just the green letters and you see the cursor has an A in it that means the alpha button was pushed so if we press this button now it has an A and if we now we have to press the button again so the health of thing is there now it does be something you can do is if you press second alpha now the a lock is activated and so now you can write really any word that you want poop oh and this right here is a space bar and you know clearing makes the whole line disappear and then you just press alpha again to get rid of it and now we're good in the neighborhood now I'm gonna show you this button called program what this means is that you can write programs in a calculator that's right you got C++ Linux Python and a ti-84 graphing calculator don't be intimidated by it I don't know how to program and I was able to figure this out just by messing with things right here we got programs we have execute edit and new and we're gonna scroll over to new and press enter now it's gonna ask you for the name and if you see here the a is what's the word it's flashing the ACE flashing that means the letters are activated so now we can type in we're gonna call it ball so that's the name of the program or in press enter now if you see here this is basically what the programmers called the source code it was a very good movie featuring Ryan Reynolds that was very unique the ending was a bit but you know what are you gonna do this is the problem with source code was that this guy can relive the last eight minutes of his life and he has to figure out who bombed this train and then when he figures it out you know the villain wins the villains like yeah i bombed the Train what are you gonna do about it it just goes back eight minutes and stops in so that was source code it's gonna be a really simple program that we're gonna be making so don't worry your little heads off so here we are in the source code of the program it's a blank right now when you press program you get a list of all these things if then else fortnight just don't touch anything except for display then press ENTER and you're gonna do the exact same thing for this thing that we're going to be making you need a lot of displays I'm just gonna say that right now and if you see how there's numbers along each of the little things so there's a three next to display if you just press three it opens up display so if you can get a good rhythm to it enter program go to the right three hello as you can see I am a programming master we're just going to need a lot of these I did something wrong tonight okay so if you mess up you can press clear to delete the whole line or you can like scroll over press Delete and then it deletes it yeah isn't that right flu so after you get a ton of displays now what you want to do is you want to press alpha and then hit the plus button which is this quotation mark because if you want display something you have to put what you want to display in quotes so what we're gonna do is press alpha and then Plus which adds these quotation marks then up so now we got to add quotation marks to all these displays there's just there's just going to be a lot of displays so you know what this means is whatever we type here the program will display so we're going to press 0 then we're going to scroll down we're going to press alpha 0 which is the spacebar and then hit another 0 that's like one space afterwards then we're gonna put two more spaces at another 0 then we're going to add 3 spaces and put it 0 you can use the 0 from the previous line as a guide to know where to put the zero so you just want to always be putting a 0 1 ahead of the other hey Luke what you what you do in there anyway you want to keep adding zeros you want to keep going one by one until you hit underneath this quotation work so basically from here to there that's a whole line on the graphing calculator now we have to get hey Luke now you basically are heading back the ball is going home I hope this is a no TuneIn taunted will no longer be joining us all right into the void so let's just review everything that we've done we have the 0 basically moving across the screen it's displaying it's displaying its moving its movements moving then it bounces back and then right before it goes back to the display what you're gonna do is press program move over to execute and then ball so what the program is going to do is it's going to display all those zeros and then when it reaches the bottom it's going to execute itself that doesn't sound right so now when you're done with that what you want to do is you want to press 2nd and then quit so now we're back on the screen we can do math again and no one knows but if you press program if you made a mistake in the program what you can do is you can scroll over to edit and now we're back in the source code if you press a second alpha now we can basically scroll a lot faster to get to the bottom and oops we made a mistake there let's change that to to a zero so then we're going to do with one of the press program we want to go to execute program ball enter and look at that Wow that was what our hard work went of went to and then when it reaches the bottom it restarts itself basically making this an endless loop so if you're quick enough you could probably write this program in like five minutes you can do it to your friend's calculator when they're afk the funny thing about this is that pressing quit doesn't stop pressing enter nothing makes it stop the only way you can get it to stop is if you press the on button when it's like what what's going on and then quit and then there's like an error message so this program never stops so we just wrote a program you guys isn't that cool we didn't have to plug it in and download someone else's program no we made this on our own we and look at that look at that Wow fun way to mess with your friends and to make the teacher think that you're learning when you're well I guess you are learning like coding you're doing that in a sense so here's another fun thing that I like to do this is a program that lets you get any song on your graphing calculator but we have to write the program so it takes it's a little time-consuming so we're going to create a new song this song that I want to get a my graphing calculator is Kesha's Tik Tok by Ke$ha [Music] once you have the lyrics for the Tik Tok song what we're going to do in the program is the run of the bet go back and press display remember that was the one thing that I knew how to do make a quotation mark then we're gonna actually write out the song lyrics now we've come to the second lesson which is if we look here this takes up the whole line and if we kept writing on this this program and if we try to execute this program it will put in these dots because it can't fit on the whole line in the start of the quotation mark - right under the quotation mark that is a line in the graphing calculator so once you go past that line the words won't show up so what we're going to do is press Enter basically making a new line going to display and continuing the song lyrics from there [Music] so we've written the first line of Kesha's tick-tock now we can keep writing the song but if you remember the ball program it just keeps on going forever and ever and doesn't stop so what we're gonna do is gonna make a new line press program then we're gonna go all the way to the bottom and hit pause this will put a pause in the program it'll stop itself and won't go until you press Enter so now I just do this display and then quotation marks and that basically makes an empty line so it separates the two from each other Wolfe you'll see now we can start writing the next line let's pretend that I made a spelling mistake and I forgot the a in grab I can't just go in and then change this to an A and then to a B because then I have to rewrite the whole line what you can do to remedy this is you press second insert now with this little blinking thing means things are going to get inserted and then you press alpha because we need to make sure we're only typing in letters and then you press a that didn't work it's it's you know close enough your program now we can execute the tick-tock program and if you listen to it the door I'm gonna hit this city let me brush my teeth with a bottle of Jack and that's all I wrote so that's how you get any song that you want on your graphing calculator is you type it out yourself and I used to do this in school and I would sing them in my head so those are all the programs that I know how to make that use the display and pause function and literally nothing else but some of you might know the ti-84 graphing calculator is advertised as able to graph things if you press the y equals button you're given all these lines that say y equals this y plus seven if you press y equals 40 you get a cool graph like that that's fun okay but here are some other things that you can do with this function so first what you want to do is press second format and then you want to turn the axes off because the axes they get in the way and we just want to clear them out second thing you want to do is you want to go to window and set X minimum to zero and 94 set the Y minimum to 0 and 62 the reason that we're doing that is because there are 94 pixels going this way on the calculator and 62 pixels going this way on the calculator so if we look at the graph the x and y coordinates are perfectly just whole numbers if we had it set to 61 then the coordinates are all messy and getting the way and it's annoying so what you want to do is you just want to set it to 62 that way you just have whole numbers and it's a nice thing now we have this blank screen that a cursor can move around but what do you do with it James well I'm glad you asked we already pressed this program button which was a lot of fun but if you look above it in the blue letters it says draw I like to draw I do that sometimes so if we press 2nd draw we're given all these different options but the one thing that you want to care about is the pen which is at the bottom press ENTER and now now guess what children if you press ENTER and now you move the cursor around your you're drawn you're drawn pixel art it's like a it's like an etch-a-sketch and you press Enter to stop drawing press ENTER to start drawing and you can just go and go and you can make pixel art with this if you want if you so choose that's the pen tool you can turn it on you can turn it off not a lot else that you can do on a ti-84 graphing calculator one thing that I've noticed is that if you want to use some of these other tools like the text the circle or the line tool or some reason if you're on the 1+1 screen and then you go to second draw and then then you go to text for some reason it opens it up here which then it doesn't work it's like what so what you have to do is you have to press 2nd pen open up this window then second and now you can press text and now if you press the alpha button see there's that there's that cursor that's showing that we're in alpha is you can start writing poop and now it'll write poop when you type this out you might be thinking okay that's really cool and all but how do i erase it well children there's not an eraser button but I have found a way to erase things so with the text tool activated and you writing poop and stuff put space bars everywhere and that is the only way I figured out how to erase things on this graphing calculator and if you ever want to like clear everything you go to the y equals button you just graph a line basically so graph something at one if you clear that and then you go back to the graph it's all clear that's how you can make pixel art on your ti-84 graphing calculator [Music] something that I'd like to do to mess with my friends I would use the pen tool to create this fake sort of answer so it looks like it's the 1+1 screen when really this is this is the graph I basically pick super pixel recreated one plus one equals three so I would show this to my friends to mess with that might be like yo what is this what's going on what why is my calculator not working and they would mmm and then they would start moving this around and be like what the why is the graphing screen and so I would like pulled my teacher with it that's a thing that you can do to mess with people if we ever messed up drawing anything you can press second draw and go down to text and then use this spacebar to erase things so you know I accidentally put a six here uh-oh that's demonic I can use the spacebar to clear it out that's really the only way I've figured out how to erase things though I'm always seeing these posts going around of people posting pixel art on a graphing calculator and being like oh it took me 16 hours to figure out how to code this this this line and everyone's always like oh wow you must be super smart and it's like no they just use the pen tool sorry to ruin the illusion everyone so those are some of the fun things that you can do on a graphing calculator if you're going to school and you have to get a calculator don't worry because the calculators can supply hours of entertainment if there's any teachers watching I'm sorry for making your life more difficult and if there's any programming teachers watching you're welcome for inspiring the next generation of programmers I hope you use your powers for good you know make pixel art maybe don't do this during math class okay promise thank you all for watching this video please pay attention to your math teachers I feel like I got a you know I got to make math teachers jobs a little easier and I feel like this video just made it a whole heck of a lot worse that's gonna do it for fun things you can do on a ti-84 graphing calculator featuring flute and I'll see you in the next video wear your seat belt
Channel: TheOdd2sOut
Views: 4,050,594
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Floof, Graphing Calculator, ti-84, tips and tricks
Id: ZvPb9plO6dY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 44sec (944 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 28 2019
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