Mario Maker Part 2 Ft. My Sister

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hello everyone today we're gonna be playing some Mario maker and I have a special guest with me who is it James it's my twin sister you can't see her but this is her voice I don't let my sister play some of the easy levels so press Y to jump or my to run Y to run I'm so sorry right and I'll jump really I'm really good I should probably explain there's a checkpoint up there right here is a spin jump and you can do that too like also whoo and when you're in it is wow you're it looks like are you button matching in Mario we died 10 times to this you want to cool it with a spin jump okay I really like you feel pretty hold on the Run button oh wow jump jump okay you're like jumping and spinning oh look a clown car pulled down the Run button go get this start hold on the Run button come up on you know I'm looking at you it's not oh you're right okay wait wait you don't want to be that close to the edge okay this one I know you can do assess the level and then decide what you're gonna do it's doing it for me do I know you're doing all this what are you talking about you're making it you're doing Wow I suddenly got really good at this game it's watching a very you did it I did it yay this is gonna be really difficult if you if you can't get the running mechanic down asking mom to play do you want to do the normal all right it is not say just to give you a fair warning James a skill at a Mario maker is much better but my last episode I've did this Mario maker video with Adam before and we were using the gamepad we had this old controller let this other pro controller that was bad we're like oh man this is what the pro controllers are like we were like when to go return it at Gamestop and the guy was like you just want a new one and we were like sure whatever the guy came back with this controller and it like just it felt amazing it felt like an actual control and we were like wow this is what the actual controller feels like and then he went oh by the way I love your videos and I was like what I want to get the power oh okay what's it like being the sister of a YouTube how much I like to casually explain later I get this phone call do you want to talk to casually explained and I was like what yes I want to say something about that like whole experience yes fans all the time ask me like hey can you like make this video for my grandma real quick and I'm always like yeah sure and there's been two times where I've like met other youtubers at like a VidCon and I'm like hey my family member really likes your videos do you want to talk to them on the phone and they're always so weird about it they're always like no but like for me I'm just I'm used to it you know I don't think that's like a weird thing to just be like hey talk to this stranger you know maybe they don't like what are you pretty time now maybe you're just an attention hog [Laughter] it's actually not Baby Bowser Bowser jr. saved it saved it nope lost it lost it I've mentioned that I have a twin in videos before and I was doing my book launch like my whole family went to that I was doing this big little show in like a school auditorium and oh and and I also have a little sister she was like directing people she was like standing by the doors like getting people's tickets and checking people's bags and stuff these like two girls asked my little sister they said is James's twin here and then my little sister was like yeah and then they were like oh we did it we could meet James's sister and they like didn't know that they were meeting one right there yeah yeah I was actually at that book launch what is that that girl that kind of looks like a girl James oh wait Bowser knocked it down you know that means like Mario isn't definitely my favorite videogame but as you can see some of these levels just suck so I bet you one of these four doors leads to here I bet you yeah it's the last one Wow oh he's back well he's back to oh because I went through the door are we not beaten a single level oh this is only ten seconds long we can last for 10 seconds and seconds make camp yeah whoa first try or second try to remember which try but that's it that was a Japanese person thanks Japan this jet-set life is gonna kill you bye Anna British did you do do do-do-do but it at it I've tried but it's just so hard you don't just throw things together they have to like work with each other you know there is like a lot of game design when you make a level what's your favorite video game faith I would have said Tetris but I recently starred a valley what is star moon valley star you're a [ __ ] leaves a farm he's like go here whoa did you see that yeah I think we just have one more face off with a hammer bro what do you get to buy with all those coins extra lives see in stardew valley when you get coin okay it's fine it's fine there's a term in like video game lore called cheese doing something that the game developer didn't intend for you to do so remember when we went above the level that was technically cheese because they now that I know I have to keep the mushroom all these hazards seem like I skipped the level while you were not looking these crappy levels do you know anything embarrassing about me the fact that I was a brownie at one point you were what like didn't I tell you this no I did I told you this you laugh at me I remember joking cuz I don't remember like I started watching the show around season two and then I stopped when season 2 ended the second season was coming out yeah and everyone was hyped I don't even remember how it came up but you made me confessors I don't remember we cut that out how do you not remember this I don't know because I remember feeling ashamed about it you didn't make me feel ashamed I already was this show but like I told you and then you laughed at me and I was like yeah that's fair I don't remember okay but then that was that it's our way did you come in here I like so do you remember the website like I Can Has Cheezburger and all that oh yeah there was a long end might not remember but it was yeah and like if you saw the memes now you would like make fun of them yeah you wouldn't think they're funny but back then we were like lol so and then all of a sudden just there's this new page that opened up called my little brownie and I was like what is this people are watching this my little pony show what are you gay and I like clicked it ha and I watched it was like people are watching my little pony what is this then I just saw more and more of the memes I like I like this definitely now I can say that it's cool it might have been no was not after I was when season 2 came out which came out in 2011 so how are ya know is it was embarrassed but did you watch it though like I had a lot of free time this is before I even made comics too you know we didn't have like TVs in our room we didn't even have laptops you would have had to watch in the family computer I know I had an iPod Touch with you to buy okay you saved up for that I remember I was like why would you buy that I remember you like earning money and saving up for that and then you just spent a long time in your room I hate this level okay wait so did you stop after I shamed you yeah do you remember I'm really don't I honestly probably thought you were joking if I like pop merchandise they don't just would've been totally obvious that's true this level there's the ending right this oh they tricked you all right I can I can do this I can beat this France freakin France in French before we make yet is French Cheryl you have a cousin that's an open brownie girls like there's probably some roads we need to get into the right freakin door are you serious it's just see right at the end there's just a door the way to beat it is to get in the door you need ground to stand on and it seems like just this thing doesn't want us to win that's it we found the cheese for fromage I did it boom beat the level your level sucks Jerome look at that I beat it in ten seconds the other levels I'm taking so much time and then I end up skipping them anyway it's somewhere in France Jerome is I'm just like pushing him down the stairs like yeah that's my thing about your level trying to yell clever level three with 74 lives so the whole reason I like stayed as a brownie why I stay the whole reason I stayed honestly was for like the community and like everyone would like share means and so it's just like an extra thing to meme about so take that as you will so this is a speedrun level we only have 40 seconds you die Mario just has a heart attack we're just eating dinner and we were roughhousing and I won I pay James down and as I open my mouth to say something cool did you feel bad Oh No get close to the microphone don't stop it haha people would always ask us like what's it like being a twin yeah and we'd always be like this is fine it's like having a sibling yeah that's your age also they get like really excited when they hear I have a twin and they act like I was keeping it from them wait you have a twin why did you tell me yeah like that time I introduced myself like hi I'm James I have a twin sister we were always friends with each other yeah except for that one time it was like our family we didn't have like Computers Computers we had one computer and so we would have to split up the fine between us and our other siblings yes so we would set a timer on the oven for like 30 minutes and then we'd switch so mom said like okay switch every 10 minutes and normally yeah normally it's it's 30 minutes yeah and well since mom said 10 minutes that one time I set the buzzer for 10 I was like faith the buzzer went off to get off and then you're like no you've said it for 30 and I was like no mom said 10 well you were being a jerk because the timer went off okay yeah but I knew that we usually got 30 minutes yeah and I was like what I want 10 minutes and you get 10 minutes so it's like no should we fight no right right anyways let me to like this really scary fight yeah like we got we would turn into gremlin yeah like we did it was like scratching and hair-pulling yeah you know sibling stuff so there's this other YouTube channel called the game grumps have you heard of them they've played Mario maker before and I used to I used to used to watch them play Mario maker which I'm being very hypocritical right now yeah so I found these Mario maker people that were like actually good at the game like this one guy he did he played these 16 levels with only five lives five lives yeah I know the Mario maker person who was able to beat it in five lives it's called Rey Ryu car Ryu car you do earn lives every time you'd be the level you can you have a chance to earn life that'll hasn't wronged us yet so let's just go in the door Wow I need a key and those are junior probably has the key so we're just gonna stop yeah one more time one more time baby one more time yeah all right why'd you throw that just Aeryn okay nice level bro yeah we did what do you not know what a 1up is so have you played Mario wanna see yet no we're so bad at this we're on stage four with 6000 it's duck eye god that's cool we're playing duck hunt oh yeah I know you guys play stardew valley well I know let me know in a comment was that the lot was that really expert cuz I just needed to kill all the little spy knees oh wait okay yeah I oh this is it then I'm gonna Brad a keys we just need to hunt more ducks so do you not know what [ __ ] is game we shoot ducks yeah yeah so this is these are the Ducks and we yours dog streams I know and look that's the end they don't give us a one up though we're just sad that was a good level I'm gonna see that level I want to give a star who made that one Ness daddy fan thanks daddy fan hey Nick winky face stop chewing M&Ms buy me love you want to get you your you're also apparently not a gamer girl that much is obvious we could also leap of faith leap of faith video comment if you're also not a gamer girl take our chairs making sound just part of the experience no one's watching this forever I have been told like an emails people would be like Oh James I love your videos sometimes I just listen to them and while I go to bed and I don't even watch them and I'm just like I spend a lot of time on those pictures yeah yeah I know I watch their episode about ASMR and this so it's just like this reporter doing research on tomorrow and she goes to this place it's like a real life a smart experience in real life it's called yeah she like goes yes tomorrow sort of like a new thing am I wrong on saying that no I think it's fairly new but there's like real places now so she goes in and there's like real life people getting all up in her ears where do we draw the line between like that and prostitution so you can pay someone yeah so just give you that physical contact no I don't think they touch you but it's they just whisper in your ear and then they like and do they take requests actually you know what they do touch you cuz they could pay for like a little massage thing also in stardew valley you can make friends at the villagers and you can even marry them like real-life people or no whoa whoa yeah my heart just was beatin real quick cuz it's like walking but it's not Wow which door should I go in faith what's the psychology of this person do they think that we're stupid and will like to just amount one by one so then they put the ending 1 or do they think they know that we'll do that and so they make the first one whoa I think this is the right choice probably well okay just cuz I'm curious it seems like all of them aren't immediate death one time I was out this junior high teaching a class I'm not a teacher but I was doing that I said my name is faith I'm from Arizona blah blah blah and I taught a lesson and then I was walking around like helping people out and this one kid is like your brother any figured out just for me saying I'm faith and I'm from Arizona it's weird right it's not I don't say where I'm from I was just like can I go over these guys I can oh that was the end of the level look at this check that out I was like oh I'm just gonna sit here and win and then a lot of youtubers especially gamers will try and like create memes for themselves like back in the day PewDiePie had this thing about barrels so like whenever he'd see a barrel he'd be like a barrel like he's obviously doesn't do that anymore CaptainSparklez has this thing called Jerry the slime so what my thing be I think I kind of like me I kind of like the idea of a swamp in a clown car is like my mortal enemy what like it killed your father and he wants to kill you now maybe what if it just it stole the clown car from me is this level serious I only have ten seconds so basically what's gonna happen as I'm gonna die and what I want to do is what I'm gonna start the level and I'm gonna be holding up so the first thing I do is go in the door that I'm just not going to touch anything four three two one what do I do differently because doing this that's not the right answer for the audience is going wild okay you know what someone else can explain what I could have done differently but I had no idea when you fall if you're holding down jump you fall faster so there is that sort of deal but like there was no falling in that level Wow they're all throwing stuff they're all throwing stuff Oh get me out of there get me out of there get me out of there come on remember your hamster video yeah I would just like the internet to know that those were all my hamsters no I said that I was talking them about a pumpkin seed I was like I actually had a connection I had a deeper connection with this hamster because all the other hamsters were technically my sisters I remember you were trying to make that video and you called me up and you were asking about the hamsters I just thought you just wanted to talk about my hamsters I was very happy this is hard we're gonna get there again and then we're just gonna do leap of faith I have no idea how people play video games by themselves like when they record you know because if I was doing it by myself I'd just be like whoa look out whoa oh hold the phone and like what you're doing ah you go down there do you want to or do you think we should leap of faith OOP I made it see another problem with Mario maker is that the person who created the level has to beat it you know what I mean so it's like they know are all the secrets are they know what's coming up there and they're at an advantage Oh looks like if you get the mushroom at the very ends this is what you do let me get the mushroom and then basically you have to okay have to you have to be able to get all the way over there all the way that's in ten seconds - I might not be able to do this we're gonna run all the way to the end I doubt it's gonna be that easy I don't remember what level I got - with Adam but we didn't make it this is level as easy do like a regular jump set it down push it push it oh oh this is it this is the safe spot right here oh I did it did it nailed it beat it did it good that is gotta wait for the piece which you want Pinterest whoa yeah like I say wall and lmao all the time and tbh uh-huh I even said it when I was teaching one and which is not professional mmm I was like tv8 you guys you serious right now you made me go through all of that and now you just made me find the key are you for really okay cool good level bro when he created it he knew where the key was he knew exactly where to where to hit it what am i what am i doing am i doing here I have to start all over and I don't want to do that little eight with 31 lives for those of you doing math at home we are failing I'm just like the cheerleader here how am i doing not good what I'm losing I'm cheering my heart out Oh your first water level that we got Oh which one should I go in that one sweet nope cuz I don't know cuz the people who make this this level is sadistic look at that guy nope nope nope nope every single choice I've made has been the wrong one [ __ ] life should have known that this wasn't the end of the level because we were in the sub world all right I'm calling it this is gonna be the flagpole oh we go down this will hopefully get information I said oh okay so what z4i I need a key I need to get the other coins you know what I think would make Mario maker better you ever played Mario Cart yeah I have played Mario Cart you know how they're like I'm the DS no it's like on the DS like on the first screen that's where you're racing then on the second screen they have like a map of where everyone is what items do we'll have like where the mystery boxes are I think it Mario maker be better if on like a second screen okay well okay where I saw the other people we were together you know I didn't play these things I saw the other coins where were they I saw them they were in this world where'd the other coins go oh I see them oh are you serious I need that Oh check that out right wait it was door number four I'm so good at psychology I know exactly what the this way I know exactly what this guy's thinking you know okay calling it now it's the flagpole I'm gonna grab me one of these calling it now flagpole yes look at me look at me completing levels moot okay so faith what you like you like Farmville right no it's called stardew valley it's like farmville but actually actually I know what question to ask you faith yeah you like Dungeons and Dragons right I do play didn't your boyfriend died in that game yeah he did he tragically sacrificed himself to save another another member of our party I told he died violently yeah I told my family that it's no different than if a character died like a book James would you ever played Andy I've like wanted to get into it it's actually really fun like I remember I told our dad and he was like oh okay because you know back in his day it was like only the super nerdy people would play it but now it's becoming more mainstream like there's lots of people that play it would you prefer Bowser about it the bow that means really disturbed me on a deal also but I've only seen the ones who fed me those Oh like normal Mario games to set things down you just drop them but in this one to set things down you like hold down the down button it's hard to explain cuz like without pressing anything I kick it there's some really cool Mario maker people who can like balance off of Springs in midair yeah that'd give me something good give me something good looks like I'll just a regular a little Bowser and is this supposed to be the act oh oh checkpoint you serious oh my goodness we're doing the whole level button underwater now I think yeah this is the level but underwater and I'm dead we'll play Super Smash Bros we need to do six more levels with 20 lives so 20 divided by 6 how much is that um no it's a little more Informer we're gonna find the key what is this level called lab it's called lab right so we have to find the key I bet you do you think the keys are here could be a trap could be a trap you can put keys in these just don't so it seemed like we had to find more okay hmm I bet you went to find are we ready for this we're probably gonna need to find a key right oh no no yeah because the person who made this is an idiot I'm sorry you know James there was a time when we were equally good at video games and that was oh my god or Nintendo 64 yeah we played like we played like what was it Super Smash Bros yeah I was always Yoshi mm-hmm I was Kirby we played the new Super Smash Bros ever no oh well I know what I like actually you know what maybe he has the key that's exactly I'm thinking you did not maybe that turtle does see the thing is the thing is is that he could have put the key in a hidden block so that's why I think Mario maker should have a map and should be able to like you should be able to see the hidden blocks if you look at the map yeah you know it's like this this is bullcrap you know it's like it could be anywhere so I just skip it yeah play stupid games when I leave without saying anything stupid games I leave stupidly wait that's not is that friend yeah Oh watch it not be the actual French flag like stupid frames per second okay Oh Susan do you think she go in this pipe yes you can't woo wait that's yeah ha ha ha we I think we can't do this as long as we skip was math obviously you do six more levels with 20 lives so 20 divided by 6 how much is that no it's a little more terrible at math remember that geometry class we're in today yes it was in ninth grade yeah I remember okay there is this one stupid time the teacher was trying to like do this lesson where you're supposed to read all the questions on the turist test first do you remember this oh wait yeah and so I was like you have to read all instructions first and the instructions tell you like the very last step was like don't do any of the above and just like turn it over so yeah so so the teacher direction the teacher was trying to walk the teacher was trying to teach us a lesson about like reading all the instructions right yeah so she gave us this fake test the last instruction was don't do anything just turn it over and draw a picture or whatever and I didn't read that so I was like actually and you know was the the the really dumb part was that all the questions were just made up it's like no normally in math questions the questions have to like work together all the questions have to I remember seeing you doing it another side of the room geez I tried to console I know if I did try it it would have been like this wait 52:14 okay that's hard one time okay sorry our teacher she was cool she would have us like after quizzes she would have like a drawing prompt for us to draw on the back right do you remember that so one time it was like draw a platypus and I drew a platypus crying and it was thinking wait I'm so stuck at this level what do you think is 52 14 so on okay I mean it's not mine one two three four five six seven eight well yes on the back of my quiz I drew a platypus crying I was reading a geometry textbook and I was thinking like geometry so hard and then when she handed that back to me she had like written like don't give up I know you can do it and I was really embarrassed and also I think I failed back another story there was like a substitute teacher where you took a test and then you drew like a smiling cartoon oh okay yeah this was an elementary school it was a spelling test and so I wrote down all the words how I thought you spelled them you and then I drew a little smiley face on it because I was happy I was like that's definitely how you spell things and then I got it back and I had gone like a really bad score and so whoever had graded it it changed my smiley face to a frowny face and I cried and I went up to my teacher like holding back tears this was in like fifth grade expecting like ii wonder if there's a way we can choose this do people really say that yes do you know goodie really oh hi so guys I got it Oh spaghetti by the way is when you're just doing something bad so like if I try to do a jump and then I failed I'd be like I spaghetti that jump I'll be playing someone I'll be like oh cheese amazing like what I did just realize there's a lot of like food based phrases so spaghetti is like it is when you do it no spaghetti is wanted when you do something bad I don't know what it is supposed to be it I think I think I did something to do with like sauce so what's some other gaming lingo that I can use when the next time I'm playing a game when I play guy stardew valley so there's a thing called RNG which stands for it stands for random number generator uh-huh so sometimes in video games things are just random so like Bowser shooting it's fire there's not a pattern to that it's just random the whole time so like you would say oh man that Bowser fires ring good no you say orangey spaghetti my cheese so there's this funny clip of a speedrunner he was like playing a game oh and then he died because of something in the game happened and he goes I died to R&J dude dude dude dude so like that's just his accent okay I tried to Orange a dude that's a gay night I think it's a meme it's called one speedrun all right so we got spaghetti she okay another thing might be pronouncing it wrong but it's called yatta yeah yeah yeah it's it's when you do something it's basically when you clutch something out right at the very end so yatta it's like right right when you beat a level you're like that was really hard and you like dude like you clutch it out right at the very end you go yeah but then I'm like yeah it is that is a Japanese word Oh a Japanese word I have no idea oh I should have put that I'm skipping I don't like speed removals I was not gonna make it call me cat Mario oh but then also on the other side there's a phrase called yatin I which means when you die right at the very end tonight yeah ten nine which means like no I feel like once I left high school I stopped I know like if you think you're gonna die just skip it I could yeah it's like the SAT or the a CT one of those tests for like if you don't know you're supposed to just skip it I have no idea how they should look that up before we tell people to skip questions one of them though it's like a better strategy likes good that's yeah that's yeah that's the end that was the you're dying though I can't find mine okay we have one life per level okay wait didn't we have five before I just need to get okay okay this is what okay okay okay you might think that I don't know what I'm doing but I still lose a life let's count yeah there's no way there's no way I can't if you think a we need to like be able to see the ending like right when we run what I want to save this power there I just killed a Bowser with this then we'll make it okay so that Bowser fire was orangey was a ring I died by ring dude alright stage 4 with 89 live what we're doing we're redoing this watch watch me play this all right you ready oh no this is a music level we can't hear the music [Music] actually yeah this is their joke that's like don't really like Switzerland but the flags a big plus oh this is easy okay okay so this is yep this is twirl and how do I punch people Mario is a pacifist probably oh it's another underwater I swim press B to jump or yeah then jump on jump the button press the jump button come on you press up to go indoors yeah those things since swim through they can yeah I'm surprised this is on the easy level why is everything trying to kill Mario in his world because they work for Bowser oh look at that don't want to accidentally we don't want wall jump okay I can't I can't get a wall jet and just do a normal jump just remember the whole story I told you about how I can't wall job course you push two buttons at the same air it is the seventh Rollie pieces sir I am hmm okay so wise run yeah mm-hmm so far so good you got your point it's called seventh Rollie pieces I'm trolley no it's row like okay you know what troll' is right the bridge Keith you need to get seven coins in each pipe in each door has a coin in it [Music] it's up in the top right get trolled okay and so now you get another checkpoint that's you just always hold down runs just cuz like why would you not hold down run you're walking right now pipes there's pipes why did you go through that you're supposed to go through the pie mostly an accident anyway well that's basically Mario maker what'd you learn what was your favorite part what did I learn yeah I learned that I'm really bad at video games aren't we all no you're actually pretty good nothing what and I learned that some people have too much free time on their hands why'd you look at me when you said that I didn't mean you I meant the people who make these like I'm very impressed but also why well thanks for having me faith or no thanks for coming faith thanks for including me in a video James yeah thanks for listening to me and then thanks for watching me fail at this game that's it so yay thanks for watching remember to always wear your seatbelt
Channel: TheOdd2sOut
Views: 5,598,899
Rating: 4.9524856 out of 5
Keywords: Mario, Mario Maker, Twin, James's Twin, Pissed Gamers, Lets play
Id: qLT8yvyja94
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 51sec (2631 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 16 2018
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