Game Theory: FNAF, Return To The Pit (3 New FNAF Theories)

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The timing is especially bad because of the “I’m about to end this man’s whole career.” joke.

👍︎︎ 49 👤︎︎ u/TOAG2 📅︎︎ Jun 12 2021 🗫︎ replies

That last one is so dumb that it has to be true

👍︎︎ 22 👤︎︎ u/Doo-wop-a-saurus 📅︎︎ Jun 12 2021 🗫︎ replies

How come every time some FNAF controversy happens there's always that one "bad timing" event

👍︎︎ 21 👤︎︎ u/Gold3N_ObamA_RebirtH 📅︎︎ Jun 12 2021 🗫︎ replies

Man, the last theory has to be one of the weirdest I have heard.

👍︎︎ 10 👤︎︎ u/Tenebrae_Vesper 📅︎︎ Jun 12 2021 🗫︎ replies

Why is everyone saying bad timing?

👍︎︎ 9 👤︎︎ u/boop_po 📅︎︎ Jun 12 2021 🗫︎ replies

not the best timing, matpat (i know its just a coincidence but its still funny)

👍︎︎ 23 👤︎︎ u/SmearReddit 📅︎︎ Jun 12 2021 🗫︎ replies

Theory 1: Basically just recapping Gumdrop Angel's stories and using What We Found to prove Michael Afton is the FNaF 3 Nightguard

Theory 2: Talks about the Epilogue from Gumdrop Angel and that he expects Cassidy/Andrew to have died in the Ball Pit and that's what gives it time travel powers

Theory 3: Larson will go back in time to investigate the murders, but the infection he got from Afton in The Cliffs takes control of him, and he ends up killing the kids and becoming Afton.

👍︎︎ 22 👤︎︎ u/SmearReddit 📅︎︎ Jun 12 2021 🗫︎ replies

Weird timing though, especially an hour after Scott made an announcement. But anyway, I will explain the three theories video after I watched it.

The first theory is probably his best, I liked the idea of Michael being in all games (except UCN sadly :C, HW, AR, and SB) which would fit the quote of "Four games. One story." Not a fan of GoldenDuo, but the evidence is weak since there's a light shine from his right eye and it doesn't from the left, and also it's part of the lighting effect.

The second theory is okay, but it doesn't make sense considering he was murdered in a room along with the four MCI victims, as seen from TSE and even ITP apparently. Idk why would he use Dreamgeist as some evidence to prove ballpits are really relevant to the lore, and while I was expecting him to say the Dreamgeist was related to the BV and FNaF 4, but nope it didn't.

The third theory is just a WTF moment. Maybe he could be possibly right, but it makes no sense, and it's probably almost as bad as MikeEmily.

👍︎︎ 10 👤︎︎ u/GoldenRichard93 📅︎︎ Jun 12 2021 🗫︎ replies

winces the timing could not have been worse.

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/10voltsam 📅︎︎ Jun 12 2021 🗫︎ replies
you stupid ghost thought you could get revenge on me do you know who i am i'm william afton i always come back i am golden barney [Laughter] i'm about to end this man's whole career hello internet welcome to game theory the wet spring lock suit clamping down on your subscription feeds and oh my gosh guys finally after all that waiting after being patient for so long after all the delays it has finally arrived it is here a brand new freddy game just released where we finally get to go up against vani the killer bunny here it is security breach furries rage didn't know it had a subtitle apparently it's about an onslaught of angry furries on the attack oh wait sorry misread that title it's a fury fury's rage very important distinction there well anyway let's fire this puppy up let's see if they're ready for freddy i'm so good looking not quite what i expected on multiple fronts a game-long apology for all the delays with the real security breach they're gonna kill me they're gonna kill me when they find out that i have to delay the game again what am i gonna do you know that scott's feeling a little guilty these days huh also apparently he sleeps in a fairy tale bed learning a lot about you with this one scott anyway just because the official game is still tbd doesn't mean that there's any less to theorize about we've got a new book we've got secret bosses and we've got a lot of pent-up theories behind the floodgates just waiting to pour out so today i'm doing another round up of short fnaf theories some looking back to the past some looking ahead towards the future and some that are so out there that well you're gonna see when we get there so open your minds your hearts and your hollow animatronic chest cavities reserved for the bodies of dead children because i'm shoving theories in everywhere theory number one we definitely play as michael afton in fnaf 3. in the newest fazbear fright book gumdrop angel released at the beginning of may we as always have our three main horror novellas the first is the title feature gumdrop angel a tragic tale about a girl who transforms into a giant gummy bear pinata thing that gets eaten alive by a swarm of saliva-mouthed kids at a freddy's birthday party talk about your hygiene concerns this one became a whole heck of a lot scarier reading it in the aftermath of a global pandemic but as you might imagine not a whole lot of lore to be found in a story about a sentient gummy bear our second story sergio's lucky day is all about balloon boy or should i say lucky boy a doll who's wearing a propeller hat and holding both a balloon and a sign that says i'm a lucky boy in this story our main character sergio finds the doll and ends up buying a lottery ticket because of its advice the next day sergio finds that he won himself six hundred thousand dollars i want a lottery that's great it's a story that's a bit confusing because the doll does seem to offer good advice encouraging sergio to leave a job that he hates leave a girlfriend that he hates upgrade his life in small ways all things that improve sergio's existence but as a result sergio becomes obsessed with adal asking it for advice on everything including how he can look good for his big high school reunion lucky boy suddenly takes the chance to turn evil and tells him to remove his ears scalp himself cut off his eyelids chisel his lips trim his nose and remove and reuse other body parts to become taller as you might imagine sergio makes a big impression at the reunion again not a whole lot to say here since it seems so tangential to the character from the games i'm assuming that this is gonna end up being connected to the upcoming book nine story the puppet carver but uh we're just gonna have to wait and see and just when you thought that this book wasn't gonna deliver on any lore reveals we get to our third story what we found which is quite literally just a retelling of fnaf 3. tell me if this one starts to sound familiar a night security guard working at fazbear frights a horror attraction themed around the murders and disappearances happening at the freddy fazbear pizzeria franchise begins suffering from severe hallucinations the day the crew brings in a spring trap suit found hidden in the walls of a different building hudson our night guard winds up trapped in a pizza oven and gets roasted to death at the end of his shift it is really sad and also a really obvious parallel to the events of fnaf 3 right but here's the thing it also really feels like it's meant to confirm for us that michael afton is who we play as in fnaf 3. if you remember back to a couple years ago i had a theory that mike afton is our player character in pretty much every game in the franchise we see the name mike on fnaf one's paycheck we see the name mike again on the monitor and sister location in fact the player's guide for that game the freddy files practically confirms that part of the theory so that's mike appearing in two games but what about fnaf two and three the name mike doesn't appear anywhere in either of them well in fnaf 1 we know that mike eventually gets fired for tampering with animatronics and his odor something that would happen if you know he was a rotting corpse walking around from restaurant restaurant to free the souls of the dead kids trapped in the suits put there by his father so isn't it a little coincidental that fritz smith our protagonist from fnaf2 gets fired for the exact same reasons tampering with the animatronics and odor it's also why michael would keep getting attacked we know from sister location that he looks just like his dear old daddy and lastly it's why golden freddy says it's me every time he appears it's the brother's soul crying child trapped in the suit recognizing and reaching out to his sibling mike but then what about fnaf 3 when i first presented the theory i uh i thoughtfully omitted snap 3. it made sense to me from a narrative angle but in terms of actual physical evidence there wasn't a whole lot to point to outside of the hallucinations since the phantom animatronic jump scares in fnaf 3 were moments pulled from both snap 1 and 2 it implies that the person seeing them must have been present in both those locations but beyond that yeah bump kiss however what we found may have just given us our missing piece our security guard hudson in the story has a very tragic existence his dad took his own life at an early age and his mother got remarried to an abusive man named lewis and this guy is awful like he is real bad eventually we learned that hudson seems to have burned his house down killing this violent man in the process and then repressing those memories fast forwarding back to the present day as he's tormented by springtrap he hears his dad's voice coming from the suit that along with a former abusive teacher named mr atkin or mr adkin depending on which page you're talking about i'm looking at you proofreaders you got some splaining to do anyway hudson kills his violent father in a fire a father whose voice comes out of springtrap along with another person associated with childhood trauma and with a name suspiciously close to afton the security guard himself then dies in a fire in a tightly contained pizza oven to me it sounds a heck of a lot like the journey of mike who would also be responsible for burning his spring-trapped serial killer father to death at the end of naft 3 before he himself meets a fiery end in fnaf 6 also trapped inside of a small box it's potentially the confirmation that i've been waiting on for years or not who knows speaking of naft3 here's a small observation that didn't fit anywhere but i wanted to call out you know how we're pretty confident that golden freddy was possessed by two spirits crying child and cassidy the vengeful spirit well it seems like scott may have been hinting at that since snap three i couldn't believe it either but take a look here's a photo of the bad ending from that game notice how the mask in the background golden freddy has two lights on in its eyes instead of just one like all the others each light would be representative of a spirit trapped in the suit shout out to game theorist subreddit user the real brawl phi for that one and while we're on the subject to cassidy theory number two cassidy died in the ball pit recently it was confirmed by scott cawthon on reddit that the fazbear frights book series will end at number 11. random number with the 12th mini book full of stories that didn't make the cut acting as a bonus gotta admit it's a bit of a shame because this whole time i was hoping they would get 76 more out of this thing just so we can make a joke along the lines of was that the rite of 87 anyway it means that we're in the end game now specifically with the story of detective larsen and the stitch wraith the overarching narrative that happens in the epilogue of each installment and that's nothing to sneeze at my friends is that idiom acceptable after 2020 anyway it's a big deal since this is the story that's historically had the biggest lore reveals most notably the hints that led us to believe that golden freddy had two souls trapped inside of him instead of just one and with only three epilogues left before the end of the series this story needs to have itself a really big payoff so when we last left our heroes they had just battled a 15-foot trash rabbit called the afton amalgamation by the end larson got infected with the glitch trap virus and jake the remaining spirit inside the stitch wraith realized that he could use his um i don't know his his remnant powers to basically go into people's memories and make the good ones stronger in order to help them quote maybe he could pull a memory out a good one and make it bigger and brighter than the rest if he could he could ease the man's pain it was almost like blowing up a balloon only the balloon was a memory and the air was jake's will it's um it's about on par with the level of insanity you'd expect from fnaf in the year of our lull bit 2021 and well that's certainly an interesting story detail what i instead want to focus on is larson's half of the plot the detective who's been trying to piece together all the mysteries around fazbear entertainment getting infected by the afton virus has had some weird side effects on him specifically it's allowed him to hop between the memories of a bunch of afton's victims quote he was getting glimpses of the past they were memories but not his own these images belonged to others from different places and different times so it feels like this is the literary device that's gonna allow the books to explain the missing children's incident larson is gonna get clues via this memory hopping to either see for himself or get the clues to investigate what happened to susie gabriel fritz jeremy charlie and cassidy but then things start to take an unexpected turn one final quote as his mind swept him from one visit to the past to another he always saw the same thing in between he saw a ball pit oh boy here we go friends get ready shark you bout to be jumped you see despite all the craziness of the fazbear freight story they've all roughly held to the same logic technology infects humans endoskeletons become haunted people can be replicated but there was one that always stood out for those of you who don't remember the title story of the very first book was into the pit the story of a time traveling ball pit that allowed a boy named oswald to go back to the past to visit the year 1985 and see the after effects of the missing children's incident as he does this he's chased down by spring bonnie disguised as his father it was weird because time travel is always weird but you know we didn't think too much of it at the time because it was a one-off story in a collection of random one-off stories but now now my friends we're coming back to it of all the 24 stories that fazbear freights has had this is the one that the big overarching narrative of the series suddenly deems important enough to come back to for some reason the time travel ball pit and that's not our only clue that this thing's important remember security breach furries rage more like matpat's rage at this point because not only does the game include a dabbing chica but it also features a secret boss battle if you complete hard mode a secret boss battle against this a slithering reference to fnaf 4's lore chica without her beak the 6 am alarm clock face the fnaf 4 locked box what appears to be an iv bag in the back there basically in this one sprite we have scott acknowledging that the real final boss of this whole damn series is figuring out what fnaf 4 was trying to tell us it's also him poking fun at the fnaf 4 dream theory considering the thing's name the source code is dream geist but of all the stuff that's hidden inside of that head there's a few random round objects that don't really fit anything from fn f4 are they easter eggs or maybe they're balls from a ball pit considering that balls and ball pits have never once been important to the series and in the level where you fight the dream geist we see screenshots from previous games sister locations blueprints a camera feed from fnaf1 again implying some level of time travel or spanning across time because remember dream theory came out before sister location was released which makes that snap 5 blueprint reference really stand out here now by no means am i saying that there's time travel in the games or anything like that but the sudden re-emergence of the ball pit in fazbear frights opens up a few interesting possibilities one that cassidy died in the pits remember the vengeful spirit has powers that go beyond all the other spirits to the extent that it's able to trap afton in a state between life and death so if anyone or anything is gonna imbue a ball pit with time powers cassidy seems like the one to do it and we know that someone did die in there because both in the pit and the latest epilogue make a point about the pit's sticky balls get your mind out of the gutter there people quote he studied the plastic balls the substance covering the plastic surface looked like blood old old blood and here i thought the worst thing that happened in a ball pit was getting pink eye fire up the golden freddy in the ball pit thumbnail boys two that the series is going to end with larsen and the stitch wraith using the ball pit to save the missing children from afton and release their spirits why would i assume something like this well giving larson memory powers would be enough to tell the kid's story let him see glimpses of their trauma clues that lead him on an investigation the ball pit though becomes necessary if the story plans on him physically interacting with those kids so i wouldn't be surprised if the ending of this entire book series is unwinding the thread that started it all the missing children's incident kids are saved which in the process undoes all of the other horrific stories that spin out from the fazbear pizzerias in the process scott retroactively gives all the sad stories from the fazbear fright series a happy ending and finally number three detective larson becomes afton in what is a self-perpetuating time loop scenario oh sure you all laugh and trust me i think it's dumber than youtuber boxing but hear me out here we have ourselves a character larson infected by as the book puts it afton's darkness we also have ourselves a ball pit that allows him to go back in time for some reason that's going to be important to the narrative so what if larson winds up going back in time to investigate only for the darkness to take over and turn him into william afton setting all the events of the story into motion who knows maybe we truly do exist in the darkest timeline and scott cawthon gave the green light to a story that allows afton to be a creation of his own future self tell you what it would explain how afton was able to create such futuristic advanced robotics when he was literally in the early 80s cause that's something that will never get explained like i said that theory is real dumb but you know it is on the table i wouldn't put it past this series time travel opens up all sorts of dumb decisions and time loops are real hot right now and heck we do see a lot of ball pits in that new trailer one that comes complete with a day night mechanic huh huh will i be right will i be wrong we've got ourselves three more books and an indeterminate wait for security breach to arrive so you can bet the theories are just going to get more and more ridiculous until that day comes so in the meantime remember to actually listen to my dear friends rhett and link's new podcast ronstadt if you like fnaf then chances are you're going to really dig their new project it's a horror sci-fi comedy about a guy who sounds suspiciously like rhett from good mythical mourning he becomes a 9-1-1 call operator who has a sixth sense that allows him to solve supernatural mysteries while also helping people on the other end of the line i'm so scared there's this thing and it's after me kind of like ghostbusters meets doctor who and even for me a picky podcast connoisseur it's really enjoyable so check them out i am super super proud of the work that they're doing on that series i want to give it a little bit more love because it's definitely worth your time it's actually from the same people who make markipliers podcasts which if you haven't listened to those those are also really good so just high quality audio content right into your ear holes across the board anyway i dropped a link for them down in the description below go check it out especially if you're in the mood for something that's still a bit naffy but a little less jump scare intensive and always remember it's all just a theory a game theory thanks for watching
Channel: The Game Theorists
Views: 4,368,338
Rating: 4.957221 out of 5
Keywords: fnaf, five nights at freddy's, fazbear frights, fnaf books, fnaf movie, fnaf theory, five nights at freddy's theory, fnaf security breach, fnaf trailer, new fnaf, security breach, fnaf security breach trailer, purple guy, william afton, scott cawthon, fnaf cassidy, game theory, game theorists, matpat, game theory fnaf, fnaf game theory, matpat fnaf, fnaf vr, fnaf 4
Id: SXIq6yez5hc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 52sec (952 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 12 2021
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