Celebrity Cheat Meal Taste Test

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- What do celebs eats when they cheats? - Let's talk about that. (inspiring music) Good mythical morning. - Today for the first time in history a discussion about celebrity cheaters won't have anything to do with their nannies. Unless they're eating their nannies. - That's right because we're talking about celebrity cheat meals, and for all you young whipper-snappers who don't know what we're talking about, "I could just eat anything I want, "I can't gain a pound, I don't know what's up with that?" Screw you, first of all and second of all a cheat meal is when you say uh-uh to your diet and you enjoy a meal with uh-huh, whatever you want. - Right, celebrities go on some pretty insane diets in order to stay sexy in their Calvins but, their fridge binges can be absolutely bonkers. So today we're gonna see if we can match up the celebrity to their specified cheat meal. It's time for, Ah Cheat Cheat Double Bacon, Ah Cheat Cheat Fried Spam! Okay, we're gonna be presented with a tasty cheat meal and then, we are going to have to associate it with a celebrity and put it in our cups here. The winner, gets their own custom made cheat meal to enjoy afterward-- - So celebrity cheat meal, not because we're celebrities, but it was made by a celebrity named Chase. - And we do have a word bank of celebrities to choose from. Zac Efron, - J.La, - J. Lin, Jeremy Lin, - Gwyn Pa, - Hugh Ja, (laughter) - Von Row, - Tom Bra, - Queen Be, - And The Rock Johnson. (laughter) Alright so here we go, we got our choices let's bring in our first cheat meal. - Round one. - Round one. - Alright, up first, - Woah! What is that? - [Rhett] That is two slices of pizza, - What? - as the bread. That's a pepperoni pizza and chili-mac inside. So we got, looks like beef chili with beans and some, whatever that particular noodle is. - That is a lot, I would estimate that that's 1400 calories. - I'm gonna cheat a lot today Link, I'm gonna cheat a lot. - Cheat a lot, eat a lot. - Good granny! - She is good. - Oh you're just gonna take the one I cut for ya. (laughter) Okay, I do all the work. - Well it's on your side. - This is somebody who is not afraid of their reputation, the fact that they disclosed this to the public at large. - [Link] But I don't think they eat it with people watching, like we're doing. - I would. That, first of all is incredible. - It is really good, yeah. - I feel pretty confident about this being J.La and here's why. It's not like I read a lot about her (laughs), I do. No I don't. - Yes I do. - She's got this like, she let's it all hang out, now she's dating that old director guy and it's a little bit weird, this is sort of a weird year for J.La, obviously that's not gonna last and she'll get back to her normal self. He probably doesn't let her eat this kind of stuff. - I don't think he gets a say. - I don't know, he's a very bossy director I've heard. - He directs. - I read a lot about her. - I'm thinking Tom Brady because whenever I picture his mouth, I picture chili going into it. (laughter) - It's simple. - Round Two. - Round Two. - Let's look at this, whoa (laughs), no. - [Link] Welcome to heaven. - This is dumb. - Who knew that this is what the gates of heaven looked like? - Is that half of an apple pie? - Over, bread? - Sour-dough French toast and apple pie on top of it. - Who is this? - Well lemme get in there and taste it first of all. I gotta make sure, quality control you know. You just put Beyoncé, you just disrespected the queen. - The queen Be. - Don't put her into her own meal. - You think it's Be too? - I don't know man... - My first thought was, this is kind of a Beyoncé thing, cause she is not Beyoncé this. - I just got a really big... (laughter) - It's basically just, I mean it's a lotta bread. Apple pie and French toast is basically just like apple pie with a really thick crust. - Lotsa carbs, this is an athlete, - Very good. - Cause athletes can cycle through this many carbs and this is an athlete who has been hit in the head a lot. (laughter) This is Tom Brady or Ronda Rousey, and I don't think that, Tom Brady he's beyond all this. Tom Brady doesn't even have cheat meals man. This is Ronda Rousey. This is somebody who's been hit a lot. - I don't think... I'm second guessing the queen because I don't feel like this is southern enough. I mean, it could be but, I don't know. It's not doin' it for me but, who did you vote? - Ronda. - Ronda Rousey? - I feel pretty confident about it too. - I'm gonna stick with Beyoncé, with my instincts, and then I know there's a switch round comin' later. - Okay - Round three! - Round three! - Alright, - Wha, okay - [Rhett] Kinda weird. - [Link] French fries, block of cheese-- - And a Martini... (laughter) - I don't like these oily drinks. - So hold on, it's not cheese over the French fries it's just cheese next to the French fries? That's how they like it? - French fries, cheese and Martinis. - Okay, well I'm gonna break off a block. - What does a Martini say about you? - Class. - Classy? - It's my favorite drink. - Which explains why I don't like it. - Dirty Martini with extra olives. - I mean, I love cheese-fries. I love cheese and fries. - Now, this is somebody with class, taste. (coughs) (laughter) - Ew, that's like something you use to remove make-up. - Now, I'm going with the instincts here. A lot of people have said, "You look like Hugh Jackman." I get that a lot, "You should be the next Wolverine." Now, I haven't bulked up yet enough, to be the next Wolverine but, I see the resemblance. So, I like French fries, I like cheese, I like Martinis, I'm gonna go with my instincts, Hugh Ja. - Nothing says classy like, Gwyn Pa in my book. I know that she's into like, - My favorite part. - [Link] She definitely doesn't eat meat. - There's no meat in this. - Is she vegan though? - (laughs) I don't know Link. - Round Four. - Round Four. - Voilà, Tim Tams. (laughter) A whole thing of Tim Tams. - Just Tim Tams? - Tim Tams! - Let's go for it brother, you need coffee with Tim Tams. - Tim Tams are Canadian. - [Rhett] Hold on, be gentle with the Tim Tams man. - Tim Tam don't care, Tim Tam don't complain. You can be rough with a Tim Tam. - Now I think Jen is the one who told us how to do these, the Tim Tam slam. You take a bite out of each corner and then you (slirps) coffee. - Suck the coffee up through it. This is definitely a Canadian. This is an Australian isn't it? - You're right Link, but which Canadian? I think it's Jeremy Lin. - I think Zac Efron is a Canadian. The all-American boy is a Canadian. - I know that Jeremy Lin is a Canadian. He's the only confirmed Canadian in this list for me at least. - Well I know that they were in a movie together. So I do know somethin'. - And The Rock is Canadian. - The Rock ain't, The Rock's not Canadian. Do they have Tim Tams in the down under? - Well, that is true Australia and Canada have a lot of things in common when it comes to snacks. - There's no land overlap though. - Right. - Contrary to popular belief none of Canada and Australia overlaps each other. - There used to be the Canadian-Australian land bridge. (laughter) - If you're saying that this is the only guy that's Canadian-- - It's a long land-bridge, really long. - I have to agree with you on the Tim Tams. - Oh okay, you're takin' my hints now bro. - Round Five. - Round Five. - Moving right along, ew. - What? - I didn't think we were gonna eat anything gross today. - There's been a mistake, in the world of cheat meals. - [Rhett] This is quinoa-- - This is way to green. - [Rhett] Wilted greens, I don't even wanna eat it man. This is not cheating. - This'll make us feel better about all the other stuff we ate. - I don't think that's how it works. - Oh, it's very garlicy. That's too good for ya-- - It's not bad though. - It's like a ginger... - I mean c'mon, this has gotta be Gwyn, Gwyn Pal. I mean, she's the only person pretentious enough to make this choice when asked this question, "My cheat meal is quinoa with wilted greens." I just makes you, doesn't it make you crazy? I'm not gonna say anything like, "I wanna slap her when she says that." I would never say that. (laughter) - Well ya know what, except for that last part, everything you said made sense, except for the fact that, this is Zac Efron. - Oh really? - Cause everything you said also applies to him. - Well Zac Efron, he's got a really, really tight thing going on now because of the Baywatch. And you don't get that tight - Without the quinoa. - Round Six. - Round Six. - Shazam! Well, now we're talkin'! - Oh and look, we just got a McFlurry and what? - A Mountain Dew baby, now we're talkin'. Oh, those animal fries from In-N-Out, fries from McDonalds, chicken burrito from Taco Bell. - Let's not talk about it, let's eat it. - In-N-Out burger, I haven't had one in so long. - Really, what you been doin'? - I've been not cheatin' I've been stayin' true. Now, this right here has got to go. - Let's get a nice bite, just for research purposes. - This right here's one of my favorite things on earth, and I'm talking including people. Animal fries from In-N-Out. - [Rhett] I haven't had a chicken McNugget in a long time. - I've never had it with a chicken nugget in my mouth at the same time. - This is somebody-- - That I love. - This is a large person, I mean, this has gotta be The Rock or Tom Brady, but this feels so Rockish, isn't this so like Rock, to get something from 15 different places. - He doesn't get it personally, I'll tell ya that. - You don't think The Rock is waitin' in the drive through line? At all these places, "Oh, it's you Mr. Rock." - No, not unless like a sponsorship or something. - This has gotta be a man who can get these calories gone very quickly throughout the week because this could kill you if you ate like this all the time. - I think you're right with The Rock. See, you're gettin' in all the rationale early and I just don't wanna agree with you. So I'm gonna go with somebody that is the most lovable person on this thing because this is my most lovable, thing I've ever eaten. So little J. La goes on there, isn't she a lovable person? To know that she eats all this food on her cheat day. - This is the kind of thing that she would do. I'll give ya that. - Okay now we have the switcheroo where we have a chance after we're told how many we have right, to switch as many as we want, so Stevie, let us know where we stand. - [Stevie] Rhett, you have one. - No, all my logic is just completely unfolded. - Haha, yeah it did and it was fun to watch. What's mine? - Link, you have, One correct as well. - Man, it's probably just this one-- - We probably got the Tim Tams right. - The only one we agree on, 'cause I felt sure you were right about The Rock but we're both wrong about everything. - How can we be so wrong? - Unless we're not right about this one? I think you're right about The Rock but I don't know what I'm right about. - I'm gonna go with my instincts and say that Tom Brady has been hit in the head quite a bit and so he does the dumb meal. Beyoncé, I feel like Beyoncé needs a place in my system. - I think this has to be Gwyneth, even though I wanted it to be Zac. And I think this is what you're right about. - You think I'm right about The Rock, now you think I'm right about quinoa. - Nope, changed my mind, I think you're right about that one, so then I would have to put Zac here, that's not right. - Gosh this is so confusing. - I'm gonna take Beyoncé away. I think you're right about The Rock too. (Rhett laughs) - Now you're just all matching. - I'm puttin' Jennifer up there with the fries, cheese and Martini, final answer. - I think this is wrong, I think Beyoncé does the pizza and the chili mac. - Okay - Guys, now you both have zero correct. - We both have zero, okay, so let us have it. - [Stevie] So, the first meal, the pizza and chili mac was Jennifer Lawrence. - Ah, I was right! That was the only one I got right. - Alright, who is this? - I'll put the right one's in as we go. - [Stevie] The eight slices of sour-dough French toast topped with a half of an apple pie is, The Rock. - Oh, The Rock. - That's The Rock. I almost made that switch. - French fries, cheese and a Martini, Gwyneth Paltrow. - I talked so much trash about her. I'm sorry Gwyneth, I don't wanna slap you in the face. We have the same favorite dream. - So we were wrong about Tim Tams, who is that? - [Stevie] Yeah, I don't even think Jeremy Lin is Canadian. - He is Canadian. - [Woman] He was born in Torrance, California. (Rhett laughs) - Man, you convinced me with your lies. - [Stevie] The entire package of Tim Tams is Hugh Jackman. - Oh, see! - [Rhett] Dude, you were so close. - I knew it was in Australia. - [Stevie] The gross quinoa meal is, Tom Brady. - He had a humorous response to somebody. - [Stevie] And finally, all of the amazing fast food, that was Jeremy Lin. - Oh, man we suck at this. - But I love Jeremy Lin. Bring that burger back out. - Except you Efron... - Thank you for liking, commenting and subscribing. - You know what time it is. - I'm Warren - And I'm Nicole. - We're from Vancouver. - And we're currently in the Amalfi Coast. - And it's time to spin the Wheel of Mythicality. - Make your cheat meal biscuits. Ear Biscuits, it's our podcast available wherever podcasts are found. - And click through to Good Mythical More, we're gonna play the celebrity cheater game, while eating our cheat meals that were prepared for us because we both lost equally. - Oh, there they are. - Wow, what is this? - You got a wheat cube and I got a cheese disc. We're gonna have lots of fun. Gifticality, we're donating $1000 to Save the Children to aid in their mission to create a world where every child is able to live a safe, full, beautiful life through global humanitarian work. And they're doing a lot to help with the recovery of Harvey. Join us in giving at savethechildren.net. Thanks for clicking subscribe. - [Link] Click on the left to watch the show after the show Good Mythical More. - [Rhett] Click on the right to watch another episode of Good Mythical Morning. - [Link] Be sure to check out our other channel, This is Mythical by clicking the video on the bottom. - [Rhett] Thanks for being your mythical best.
Channel: Good Mythical Morning
Views: 4,765,617
Rating: 4.90797 out of 5
Keywords: gmm, good mythical morning, gmm will it, good mythical morning will it, Rhett, link, rhett and link, Rhett link, taste test, gmm taste test, mythical morning, mythical, season 12, celebrity cheat meal taste test, celebrity cheat meals, rhett link celebrity cheat meals, gmm celebrity cheat meals, rhett link taste test, jlaw, goop, tom brady, the rock, cheat meal, cheat day, cheat meals, jennifer lawrence, beyonce, bodybuilding, epic cheat meal, epic cheat day, eating challenge
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 17sec (857 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 19 2017
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