This Minecraft Three Player Prison is IMPOSSIBLE..

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my friends built me a bed of our prison and challenged me to break out of it but this was the most impossible one they've ever made the prison was called the chess prison on the outside it looked easy to escape but on the inside all the rooms were made of Bedrock making them impossible to break out of am I gonna be good enough to escape I don't know but wait Teddy that's right guys this is a two-player prison because you guys love the two-player prison so we're gonna hey yo what's going on nah did the villagers do this that's right this is the first three-player prison we've ever done our Teddy groxs and myself gonna be good enough to escape let's find out because the Escape starts now right off the bat I noticed Teddy and me were separated by a decent amount of lava even coming down from the ceiling then in the corner I saw this warp fungus but it was just out of my reach eventually after looking around an F5 I found two items a crossbow and an arrow of invisibility by punching just right I was able to knock them out of the item frames into my inventory after that I looked around at F5 a little longer and saw what appeared to be a powdered snow block floating above my head Teddy actually had a much better view from where he was and he told me on top of the powdered snow was an anvil and a bow so if I could break the powdered snow the boat would fall down and I could free myself but I couldn't even see it by crouching so I was stuck meanwhile Grox is on the other side of the room and he could see a zombie villager that was just out of his reach and a home the wall he would need a block to access he started looking around for an item in an F5 he found a water bucket the most broken item you could get in any prison escape but when he tried to use it to free himself the war evaporated instantly that's when we realized this prison wasn't in the Overworld like we thought but it was in the nether the whole time so now with an empty water bucket Crocs was stuck just like me leaving teddy as our last hope Teddy was in the middle of the room between me and Grox and he started looking around and quickly saw this long hallway that if he could Escape his cell he could go explore but for now he was stuck like us he started looking for an item to help him escape and that's when he found this enchanted bow in an item frame by shifting Teddy was able to see the item frame and knock the bow into his inventory now he could take a closer look and he saw it was enchanted with flame but at first this seemed useless this wasn't going to help Teddy Escape but it actually was very important if you shoot a flame Arrow at powdered snow it breaks it instantly so if Teddy could shoot the powdered snow I would be able to access the boat and Escape there's only one problem Teddy doesn't have an arrow but the solution to that is easy I have a crossbow with narrow so I loaded up my crossbow and aimed it at the Block next to Teddy I made sure I wasn't gonna miss and then I shot it the arrow landed close enough to Teddy that he could pick it up and add it to his inventory then Teddy lined up a shot on the powdered snow and fired the flame Arrow destroyed the powdered snow instantly dropping the Anvil on the boat into my reach making it so I could Escape my Bedrock cage the first thing I did was jump at the wall to pick up the arrow invisibility then I collected the boat now I was free to explore my side of the room I was able to access this Anvil that I couldn't before I picked up both these item frames and the warp fungus that I wasn't able to reach but other than that there was nothing else really to do on my side I had nowhere else to explore I started thinking that somehow I probably had to make my way over to Teddy but the Gap was too far for me to jump I needed some kind of blocks I started looking for hidden items in the lava that maybe I wasn't able to access before but I couldn't find anything but that's when I looked at the jump again it might be too far for me to make without blocks but there was a way I could maybe do it so I started channeling my inner dream I pulled out the boat and hyped myself up and then I just went for it I jumped to the last second and placed the boat and got in it before I fell in the lava now I was on Teddy's side I mined the boat and put it a little bit closer to Teddy and he was able to get in and Escape his Bedrock I had successfully freed two of us from the Bedrock cages now we just had to save Grox we started looking though and we quickly realized that grox's gap between Teddy was a lot bigger that means the boat trick was not gonna work this time there was also a Strider that we could maybe use to get across but without a saddle we couldn't even ride him so we would just fall into the lava if we tried we were kind of stuck so we decided to explore the hallway meaning we had to temporarily leave Grox behind nah I know you guys aren't leaving me right now we went to the end of the hallway hoping to find some items that would help us save Grox only to be confronted by a puddle of lava this was pretty strange I tried right clicking to see if there was any hidden items but that didn't work we had no idea what the lava could be hiding because we had no way to move it for that we would need like I don't know a bucket or something yeah we decided we had to go back and get Rock's bucket oh look who's back but we are pretty much in the same situation we still had no idea how we were supposed to get over to Grox I mean that was not a jump we could make so we checked the lava on Teddy's side for some hidden items but again just no luck and we started thinking really it seemed like the Strider was the key but without a saddle we couldn't Ride The Strider right that would just be impossible that's until I realized maybe there was a way but this was going to be really risky I used the warp fungus to lead the Strider to the corner then I placed down my boat making sure the Strider had a tension on the fungus I slowly inched off the edge onto the strider's head right when I landed though The Strider started moving to the side and I thought I was gonna fall I quickly got off the boat and readjusted the Strider underneath to the middle of it for now I was safe then I got back in the boat I started very slowly driving on the strider's head if I made a mistake by even a teeny little bit I would immediately fall into the lava and die but before I even realized it I was already more than halfway across the lava this strategy was working I was careful to keep making Minor Adjustments whenever I saw the Strider move and I just went slow and steady until I made it all the way to the other side by Grox when I hit the wall The Strider started moving again so I got up again and readjusted him back to the middle for now it looked like I was safe I jumped up and now I've realized the problem if I walked away from the ledge The Strider would lose interest in the fungus and start moving potentially dropping the boat and stranding me so for now all I could do was take the bucket from Grox then I just had to turn around and leave if I tried to explore the Strider would drop the boat so I just got right back in and then I carefully used the exact same strategy to go back to Teddy taking it slow and steady but now when I was back at Teddy I realized we were still in the same problem if I walked away the Strider would drop the boat so I just had to throw Teddy the bucket and pull the warp fungus back out to get the strider's attention again for now I was stuck Teddy was gonna have to explore the hallway on his own Teddy went back to the lava with the bucket and used the bucket to pick it up that's when he saw the there was a whole hidden room below the lava with nothing else to do Teddy just went ahead and dropped in he landed in some powdered snow and the first thing he saw was a chest in the wall then he saw a sign behind him that said if you break the chest you'll be trapped the next thing Teddy saw was a dropper in the middle of the room but it was so high up he couldn't access it then he went over and opened the chest and the chest was a splash potion of weakness and emerald and a golden apple the splash potion in the golden apple could be used to cure a zombie villager like the one by Grox finally Teddy picked up the powder snow to see if anything was hidden behind it but there wasn't anything finally Teddy went ahead and collected the sign because you can't waste anything in these prisons that could be important his first idea to activate the dropper was to put all his items in a chest to see if a comparator would activate it but that didn't work so he went ahead and collected all his items again basically at this point Teddy had two problems one he had to figure out how to access the dropper or make it activate and two he had to figure out how to escape the room because actually he had no way to get back out of the room with the items he had so he started thinking and that's when he started thinking about what he even had access to and basically the only thing left was the chest which you might realize looks a little different that's because it currently has its Christmas texture see we filmed this on December 26 and between the 24th and the 26th Minecraft updates the chest to their Christmas texture but that's not all they change they also change trap chest to have the exact same texture as regular chest making this the only three days of the year where you can't tell them apart and that's when we realized the trick Teddy wasn't going to be able to leave that room without me so I had to leave The Strider behind see trap chests get more Redstone power based on how many people are opening them at once so by opening the chest at the same time me and Teddy activated The Dropper having it drop down a pair of leather boots now leather boots might not seem game changing but they are actually massive by using the leather boots with the powdered snow I was able to build myself out of the room then I threw Teddy down the powdered snow and the boots and he started building himself out too once we both had escaped the room we started making our way back down the hallway to go see Grox with our new items now just like I thought the Strider had moved and dropped the boat but that wasn't a problem because I was a god gamer so I took the powdered snow and the leather boots and all the items I needed and started parkouring my way across the wall with the powdered snow I would jump up grab the snow and place it under me before I fell in then I realized I could just make this final jump so it wasn't actually that scary now I was on grox's side but this time I could actually explore the first thing I did was use the weakness potion in the golden apple to cure the zombie villager eventually he turned back into a human and I was able to trade with him he was offering a mending fishing pole for one emerald and I just happened to have one Emerald so it seemed like this is what I was supposed to do I went ahead and traded them now I had a fishing pole now that that was done I started looking around grox's area and that's when I realized with the powdered snow and the leather boots I could actually access the side room so I jumped on up right off the bat I saw a sign that said player one whole it was right in front of a really big drop down to another room then there was a villager with some weird trades for nothing with items that we had then I went to the other side of the room and saw Santa said player two hole with another drop down into another room again there was a weird villager with some weird traits that's when I realized I think the villagers were telling us which items the players needed to have that were gonna drop down on each side so for now I left because I was just alone somehow I needed to get either Grox or Teddy into this room with me but I still didn't have a way to free Grox and Teddy was on the other side and only one of us could cross with the leather boots at once for a while I was really stumped I was supposed to get either one of them free from their situation but eventually I figured out with my items there was a way to do it pause if you want to figure it out on your own I started building up all the way to the top of the room see there was no way I could save Grox but by getting this height I could actually fishing rod Teddy and then all Teddy had to do was run and jump over The Lava and by pulling him at the exact right moment I was able to fling him all the way to my side of the room to safety I had successfully gotten Teddy on the same side as me which means we could now both explore this room if I threw him down the leather boots but it means we sadly had to leave groxs a second time nah you're leaving me again so we went back into the room with the weird villagers but this time I had a second player with me so me and Teddy double checked the trades on the player 2 and Player 1 villagers to make sure we knew exactly what we needed we started passing some items around so we each had what the villagers said we needed and then we went ahead and both dropped down into our rooms I went ahead and dropped down into my room first I could tell from the top that the fall wasn't enough to kill me when I entered the room there was a ton going on to look at first I saw there was a villager in the wall that was willing to sell some of my items for food then I saw there was a composter in the corner and a crafting table on the wall there was some lava blocking my path and also this weird tunnel which looked like it was supposed to be where I placed the warp fungus meanwhile Teddy hit a crazy clutch on his side then he started exploring and found a wooden pickaxe then he got to the end of his room and there was nothing there was just a weird little tunnel that he couldn't crawl through because he didn't have any way to activate crawl but while he was standing there I started to realize that where he was was directly above where I was supposed to put the wart fungus and War fungus can grow through bedrock this gave me an idea if I could grow the tree on top of Teddy's head it would force him into a Crouch allowing him to crawl through the tunnel but to do that I was gonna need bone meal and I didn't have any but I could trade with the Villager to get vegetables to try to fill up the composter the only problem is you'd have to fill it up seven times to get one bone meal and I only had enough stuff to trade for three different pieces of food that wasn't enough but I eventually realized there was something I could do I started trading with the Villager I traded my sign for a piece of wheat and my boots for cocoa beans this gave me enough exp for my mending fishing rod to heal itself which then allowed me to trade that for another piece of wheat maybe you can see where this is going I took all three of the ingredients and crafted cookies this gave me eight cookies and cookies are actually one of the best things you can use in a composter they have the highest odds all eight of them perfectly filled up the composter and gave me the bone meal I needed I walked over to the warp fungus and told Teddy it was time Teddy went ahead and put the powdered snow at his feet so that the block would only spawn in at his head I went ahead and Bone milled the tree putting a block right at Teddy's head forcing him in to crawl he picked up the powdered snow and he now could see the next area we needed to go into and there was a a lot going on but before Teddy dropped into it he went back and picked up the wood because that was definitely going to be needed this room had a lot going on right off the bat Teddy found a sign that said testing chamber it was a room with an evoker and a gray sheep inside then he found an ender chest with a sign that said finish portal to escape when he opened the Ender Chest he got a boat and a blue dye after Teddy left the Ender Chest he saw what the sign was talking about there was a half-finished nether portal at the bottom of a little drop but for now we didn't have what we needed to go down there Teddy started looking around some more and he saw the lava that was connected to my room that's when he had a good idea he went ahead and placed on the boat and told me to try to get into it the range that you can right-click into a boat is actually not that far so at first I didn't think this was gonna work but after spam clicking I eventually just got the right angle and went right into the boat teleporting to Teddy's room we were now back together again I went ahead collected the boat and started thinking we actually knew how to get the blocks to finish the portal but we had no idea how we were supposed to light it that's until I opened the Ender Chest to see what items I had in there I had two red wool and three Crimson planks I was one red wool away from being able to make a bed and if we could get a bed we could light the portal but where was I gonna get the final red wool well that's what this testing chamber is for evokers have a weird feature where if they're standing next to a blue sheep they cast a spell to turn it red and we had some blue dye but before that I went ahead and collected all the stuff we were gonna need to light the portal we needed both sides and then Teddy mined the ender chest with a wooden pickaxe if you didn't know that actually gives you the eight obsidian that was used to craft the Ender Chest all we need now is one more piece of red wool and we would have everything we needed to light the nether portal and Escape I gave Teddy all my items and he gave me the blue dye I had to go in there and dye the sheep and then get the red wool but the problem is the evoker might try to attack and kill me but we had to trick up Our Sleeve we had the invisibility Arrow from the start of the prison when Teddy shoots me with this I'll have one minute of invisibility meaning as long as I don't get right next to the evoker he won't aggrimate but if I get too close he still can even while I'm invisible right off the bat I went to the far corner and I was able to access the Sheep without the evoker getting angry when I did that he cast his spell and turned the blue sheep red this has to be one of the weirdest interactions in all of Minecraft but after that the Sheep hid behind the evoker so I couldn't get to him but then the evoker moved I really quickly jumped the sheep and killed him as fast as I possibly could I grabbed the red wool and ran out of the room accidentally misplacing it but it didn't matter I escaped without the evoker attacking me now we had everything we needed to light the portal some of you might be confused how we're gonna light the portal with a bed but I'll explain it first I use Teddy's wood to make a crafting table then we used the crafting table to make the bed at this point all we had to do was go down there and finish the portal and put some blocks inside of it and blow up the bed by blowing up the blocks inside the portal there's a chance they would leave be on fire there was only one problem with this whole situation whichever one of us is down there to right click the bed to make it explode might die in the process so I did the right thing I went behind Teddy and knocked him down so that I could survive once he was down there Teddy basically had no options left I threw him down all the blocks he was gonna need and I wished him good luck Teddy went ahead and started fixing up the portal with all the obsidian then he went ahead and placed both signs the composter the crafting table and the powdered snow all that was left was for Teddy to activate the bed he went ahead and crouched by The Edge to try to make sure that he could avoid the blast as much as possible but when he did it he died instantly but that didn't matter because now I had an exit and could escape the prison that's right guys siwa is undefeated the chess prison has been beaten as I was escaping though I had this weird feeling that I couldn't shake that I'd forgotten something now I know they're coming back for me [Music]
Channel: SeaWattgaming
Views: 2,841,904
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Seawattgaming, Can you ESCAPE this Minecraft PRISON?, Seawattgaming tiktok, Seawatt minecraft prison, Minecraft Prison, Minecraft's Most Annoying Escape room, Minecraft Escape Room, Escaping Minecraft's Hardest Prison With My Best Friends, Trapped in Minecraft's Hardest Prison With My Best Friends, Minecraft three player prison, Escaping Minecraft's Chest Prison, Escaping Prison with Groxmc
Id: ilksTfRzugQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 38sec (938 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 05 2023
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