Fooling my Friend who Thinks He's on Singleplayer...

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but if anything happens to my Minecraft server everyone blames me oh a creeper blew up must be Donny oh it became night time must be Dolly oh there's a cow must be Donny and this that's why in this video I have to try and mess with my friend Linux but if he ever says my name I've coded it so my PC automatically shuts down and stops by recording how far can I dig things without him saying my name find out now sit back grab yourself some Shrek cake let's do this guys he's finally online the lyrics is on the server finally I've been waiting weeks for this where has this guy been he's been on stupid holiday hasn't he or does he like to see you vacation silly Americans guys I love you America please don't go I love you I lost all my armor where's my armor and even though I had these where'd these come from oh hold on dying we'll put that in there right now I'm gonna put it right there all right the playlist today to do our best the troll lyrics without him saying the word Doddy yo wait what there's more barrels here where's my armor wait do I have my secret chest though no if we get any pointers Donnie in this video count down on my computer that says three seconds and after those three seconds my recording will stop automatically but by itself it will stop bro every single time I'm live these guys watch my live streams and then they just grab all my stuff and dip so if Linux is Dottie even now my whole PC will start shying down I'll have three seconds to save everything so by any point you see a counter on my screen or if I see on my second one in touch I'm screwed I can't believe just don't see it if he says like oh Tony is my friend it still counts all right bro what's going on where's all my stuff so I've got loads and loads of mods on the server right now look there's some crazy ones my ballistics at all that's gonna be a crazy nuke I know it look at this my Armor's gone my food's gone everything so either someone took it or I lost it odds are 50 50 to be honest I've got one that disables all gravity on the server and all the trees will start falling down and I want to do that one but I don't want to make it too obvious wait he has cows we can mention these cows well I just heard them I just heard moo where where are these cows heavy rage took my stuff or fluffed someone took my stuff definitely oh they're here okay oh for this I need to work we need to to steal all the food that he has inside his house where is his food chest he has nothing in his furnace who cooks with wood is he okay no they're playing a game with me they're actually playing a game and it's not gonna be a fun game to play oh okay yo that's my Pooch up now you can't eat that someone took it someone took it and simply enough I'm going to have to take what's rightfully mine okay there's no food under his house wait wait where did he go oh he says if you think about it I technically own the server partially so that means technically I own this this is rage's house does he have anything no I need food man why does rage have nothing anytime he tries to get food we need to destroy the food before he gets there I am going to get more stuff from everybody's houses there's cows here we need to kill all cows this is a block of gold in there oh oh you know what I just realized I'll steal all of his wheat his wheat oh no the Farms I forgot about the forms all of it I love it oh it is fine this is fine now I can use it for my cow Farm that's perfect literally perfect okay wait oh wait okay if he feeds the cows all right here we go here we go then we can use that to get food you just make a bunch of cows kill the ones that are fully grown right now like life that's capitalism for you this time for plan a every time he feeds an animal instead of breeding they're gonna disappear let's see if he says my name hello everybody come here please one two Pokemon here we go please here we go come come come get your food here we go this early in the video this video is getting deleted um have fun everybody be safe have fun what just happened server hello please please don't say Daddy please if I see a three two one counter I'm gonna scream um how was the police that was level one that was only about my level what I did surely he he won't leave now surely so what happened okay there's no counter either that or either he said Donny in this broken or he didn't say Donny at all and either way it will take it I just don't want pieces to shut down please what happened to the dudes it's time for Plan B every time you plots a crop I'm gonna be advantage and grow with bone milk so that every time he places something he automatically grows oh my gosh I'm out of food I could just go steal because fluff had other carrots and stuff I saved the wheat because I don't have weed at all I don't want to plant it okay how else could we troll him please so we just keep the wheat but then we steal the carrots that would be a dub that would so be a dub okay remember it guys if it's a story video over please can't be stupid cars before you just take all the carrots oh my God sorry fluff you're on the server it's mine nice I have an idea okay how about every time you play stuff that we just burned me to like crazy we plant for more food and then good now we get the potatoes yo he's gonna think he's got infinite food Farms oh my God this is gonna take forever now I'm gonna grab the potatoes plant them thank you sir thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you wait tick speed is messed up or what how did that just happen look how good I've never seen someone look at food what the other one's wait what that bone meal finds the infinite food form is it on my boots Frost Walker look okay plotting it place it down again wait this Frost Walker we just find a glitch y guys I just found a glitch oh he thinks he's Bryce Walker 2 literally grows watch why is he Plumping it over you don't need to do this I'm literally insane oh cool I'm gonna make a short on this oh my God my food is getting tired guys I'm literally gonna make a short on this right now I'm gonna record I'm gonna record a short please ready three two one oh no is he looking up he's what Tony if this is you please please don't say Donny please have you ever wanted to grow faster no no no just don't okay I'll stop have you ever wanted to grow carrots faster than normal please it takes super long well I figured out a new glitch in Minecraft to make it grow extremely fast I don't want to lose this recording please I'm sorry all you need is your carrots and you need Frost Walker two golden boots and what you do is you just plant it and stand on it and boom it grows oh my God he's doing it again my finger's so tight because I'm assuming frostwalker there's water and Frost and ice so it grows at extra fast look at this literally just stand on it and it grows incredibly fast look at this wait I could just put up the silver tick speed you guys oh oh there it goes you guys have never seen anything like this make sure you guys like and make sure you guys subscribe rule uh here we go watch wait what why is it not working hello random kick speed a thousand there we go actually ten thousand wait there we go look how fast it go now oh wait did it just grow wait oh oh there we go let's do a hundred thousand it's right as I move dude oh god oh oh that's laggy guys I'm actually a genius oh my goodness how much is lagging okay I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry okay I'll get someone to edit that really quick so that we can upload that because that's crazy stand on it yeah I can walk on all of them they grow okay okay I'll do the old-fashioned way man oh my God yep please grow thank you thank you this one please he thinks he's just right now dude oh my gosh this is I'm this is gonna get like 100 million views I found a glitch in Minecraft oh okay we got away with another one you guys just three in the making you guys I'm in the historian books of Minecraft just didn't see that four letter word please I'm the best there ever was to live everyone in the comment section refer to me as a name but whatever you do don't call me Dottie bro Albert Einstein Robert Oppenheimer Linux it's just like those go hand in hand this is a nice video shmoony or whatever you just call me whatever you want and I'll pretend that that's my name you can call me George you can call me Michael I don't I don't care plan C all nearby trees will now have gravity oh that tree that he's walking past all the leaves have just fallen down oh this one's gonna be obvious they're back okay so it's definitely the server is glitching and they're like invisible probably guys I just clicked on the stream for take that you take that and I need you guys to why is he still feeding animals they still pop away he wasn't trying bro bro he was saying welcome back to my show here's how to farm better he just did a tutorial for people and that's not gonna work one minute I'm like in the history books the next um a magician getting rid of cows what is happening take my week I hope it didn't but right now if okay I still have my potatoes and stuff honestly that's a dub all I care about is my potatoes my carrots because at the end of the day when I upload that short it's gonna get 100 million views and people are gonna be like dude are you guys using the Linux City carrot tactic whatever tree Linux walks past will start to fall down as he walks past it all the leaves on it okay no the Linux City Frost the Linux City Frost Walkers I just get to get close to it when we do it okay here we go that's what you have to say that's what it's called the linuxy frost that's gonna what just happened to the streets whoa whoa look wait what okay please [Music] just having that tree oh this is too much are we sure raged in what is happening what is going on this too far this is too far still whoa it's doing it to me please no he's gonna say Tony the minions over Dude the server is destroyed right now I'm sorry everyone this is too far I'm so sorry what is actually happening it's not these aren't actually here look you can see them glitching because they're not actually there look at the trees they all look upside down look at this one is who picked up this tree same with the cows the cows are like there but they're not bro what you can pick up a tree in Minecraft yeah I did it in the last video oh my gosh yo oh the trees the trees wait how can you even do to these trees please don't don't fall I'm sure he doesn't have more weight it keeps disappearing oh he just has oh he just has a pickaxe yes good who wants an iron pickaxe definitely not rage I'll take it for him for now because he probably doesn't want to stop everyone stop falling bro these trees are so cursed what is this little stub of a tree what is this okay all right it looks like they've stopped it looks like the trees have stopped oh my God thank God look only one standing but this one is it oh do I have to turn it back on please don't make me turn it back on no what is actually happening right now the server is destroyed we just need to reset it man we actually just need to reset it the people who can enjoy the server are gonna think what's going on there's so many things wrong with it other than the next city frostwalkers twos where you can walk on carrots and it grows it really fast if you guys haven't already make sure you guys go use it what's going on this side of the server man so weird people living uh it's the new Innovative way to spawn carrots where does fluff tape spin will you fluff tapes back hot and completely made by Linux if you would like a representation real quick it's simply like this you place it down you step on it oh no guys he's back and it should grow oh no please we need to keep the lie up please there we go sorry sorry sorry sorry that one's grown step on it a little bit that one's grown that one's grown there you go oh my God I'm working for Linux what's going on so even if the Minecraft world is dying and the server is completely destroyed and things are all going wrong Linux City's twos are not gonna go wrong they will always be there to back you oh my gosh these trees man yeah they actually pretty normal kind of relatively no they don't never mind I didn't see the side of it Plan D I've traded out all these chests for fake chess and every time he puts an item in it spins it back out with him oh no he's gonna say my name isn't he okay uh you know fluff these aren't right for yours they're rightfully mine because I place them down I use the Linux save rocker technique to to get them so all right guys for this next troll I've got a big one okay if he says study on this one I'm kind of an idiot oh God I realized that these did it too I'm sorry licks I don't know how these were I don't know how these look okay I'm sorry I'm just gonna take all of these and I will come back later to respawn them but if you get on do not grab them they're mine um I know this is your house okay but I came of the Frog Walker technique so I uh I get them it's mine well okay at this point now I'm gonna swap out every single one of these chests we slash those one here we go here we go all of these carrots are mine I'm gonna have a secret hiding spot and I'm gonna own the current um industry in the server all carrots are mine now that's just replace chest air okay oh God all the items too if you have a carrot it's mine you give it to me or I kill you and then I've added a second one it's called a chess Go free I don't ask me about my name shut up basically that's kind of like the vibe that I think I'm going for I don't think it's that bad I think it's pretty good but look it looks like it just but it's not a chest okay where should I put him I should hide him somewhere I don't really have I don't know I put them down below [Music] oh my God I'm gonna put it down to mods on this level there's too many modes on this never anyway here we go okay oh yeah so dilemma is I can kind of put it in there there I used to have no I didn't have any chest down there that's fine oh my God oh my God oh my God sorry sorry all right look every time you put some item inside this chest why is it like all scuffed what happened here it will spit it back at him did a creeper blow up because I did not break that he thought chest these are mobs okay look look yep what just what what oh he's gonna say put the potatoes away if we get away with this one we just got away murder no there's no way what's wrong with this thing my eye is twitching wait why aren't these double chests the server is so scuffed what is happening there's so many mods on This Server what kind of what what is wrong with the chest what kind of chest is this I know there's trap chests I know that there's normal chests whoa did I just do glitch it did we undo the test so they come back wait did I just dupe glitch so back and then where did my stuff go I need to get rid of some of these wait what what just happened oh he's gonna say doggy he's gonna say dotty because look at the difference guys look at the differences different colors they glitched my items out I have a poisonous potato now what where why do I only have a poisonous potato it just it just glitched wait what yo give me my stuff oh my brain my brain hurts so bad dude I just I don't know what the point is of all of this okay yeah I just looked and there's been absolutely normally the server just scuffs but this is like all-time high stuff he has not said my name once how are we getting away with this this one is ridiculous if someone were on the server it'd be obvious these are genuinely just like like this someone left a gravity mod on or something the other one someone messed with the animal spawns and now they're gone what is happening how do I put my where do my stuff go Clan e yeah we're getting too messy now I'm gonna spawn a random Pikmin every time he hits it in the double this next one where does he walk he walks right here right so we're just gonna get obsidian and then we're gonna make a little boom boom boom boom boom boom boom I don't know how to make another portal there we go is that is that the right size I think so what am I supposed to do about these trees I'm not fixing them maybe carefully well or Cliff Urban someone will fix it then we're gonna get a pigment and we're gonna spawn one of them a zombified piglet there you go look at that and we're just gonna have it walk around on the server because at that point oh there he is look someone will definitely definitely fix it at that point defeat oh wait we need to put another one so you're running away too far what happened to rage's Door by the way so what happens to these piglets on This Server every time you hit them they duplicate okay so the horde will wait I lost all my carrots UV is one of these ones which is Linux guys he's definitely gonna hit at least once I literally only have a poisonous potato there we go since when was there ever a portal here oh wait all these guys are getting through yo wow yes oh snap oh snap oh snap they're mad they're mad they're mad train you guys ever play Call of Duty yeah about a zombie train them come here come here buddy oh snap there's three okay boom yeah they for a lot okay maybe I should hit I don't have armor like that okay let me get a golden apple yeah boy yo what every time he hits it it's another one that goes why there's so many of you guys so stop going through the portal yeah it's like it's like six of them ain't a block off the portal bro no stop following me suck a block off the portal is he still hitting there how does he don't realize they're doubling every time you hit them another one just came to the portal still oh my gosh wait it's on the other side of the portal wait guys I got an idea they just keep spawning here we go they just keep spawning through the portal oh my gosh oh my gosh this game's bugs give me out get me out that's problems that's fluff's problem bro that is fluff's problem it was too I always take stuff too far yo yo yo that's fluff's problem what is that what do you type equals zombified piglet they just keep coming through bro wait It's Gonna Keep duplicating oh my gosh it's lagging it's lagging it's lagging it's lagging what is happening oh no I'm gonna die see we'd go this far every time he holds a totem I'm gonna give him instant damage so they just keep popping and he'll have no idea why I killed all the piglets look how much they drop for me get rid of the store oh my God that was gonna be so bad okay wind the door burned I saw that right remember I'm never doing that again I'm telling you now this server is ruined absolutely ruined I killed all of them and they just doubled in size it was liking the whole circle I just tried throwing an iron door into fire and it didn't work wait it worked but if anything starts for you inventory lyrics okay nice look at his inventory this guy is broke wait a second how did that work how did that work okay I'm only speaking [Music] I'm gonna get rid of these trees though because it's really annoying that they're right there these yo this will be light you know you know you got a double em with bro all right look how nice of a guy am look how many toes he has who just keep popping his I actually hate gold axes I hate gold everything I'm about to just keep pumping these toes he's gonna say dirty but I'm down to do for the culture okay where's the typical all right let's do this now we need to enchant my other stuff it's really annoying instant damage okay for uh uh one second of instant damage ten disappear trees disappear there we go okay but now if we do it it should pop his toe there we ah see what the yo whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa for no reason these don't just get pumped bro the servers actually destroyed and he's got another one in his hand he's stupid oh my yo put in my inventory another one oh he's gonna say Dottie I'm done I don't care anymore bro do I think inside I don't care anymore I've gone insane mode there's literally nothing happening right now there's nothing happening right now oh my gosh oh might as well have two dude what let me see how many years one two three okay we can do it two more times I'm gonna eat it just real quick dude what yo I can just hear it [Music] oh my gosh [Music] okay go get out get out get out it's obviously where I am yeah like chunks glitch or something I only have one left okay okay we'll leave the food I need more food give me that plan A B C D E F G G I'm gonna spawn animals while on top of other animals so they'll start a huge pillar until there's 10 animals on top of each other oh no bro ain't no way I'm pulling don't don't don't don't now it's not time to fall and die bro oh God wait there's some okay I'm good I'm good I'm good no no I'm going deeper there's so many Goods around this area look at these widows what what are you gonna do in Minecraft you're good for nothing ah I'm gonna die in snow Empire I see underground this guy gonna die even without me oh my gosh imagine I died in snow get me out of here bro wait oh my God wait if we should we do the command oh no no I'm gonna die in snow apparently if you do this Minecraft to come on someone and then we change that to Goat okay and then passenger and we give him a goat okay if there's no saving me dude I just get out bro how do I get out of here oh my gosh oh my ACT dude dude dude dude dude get me out of here and then it should oh my God oh my gosh that was the most whoa the TV realizes what is happening on the server someone tell me someone actually tell me what's happening right now what is going on what is that what is that how did this even happen whoa let's go he's not seeing dirty I really have ideas over here I wanted to say my name now you know what no I don't actually I still got the ballistic nuke he was just nuke his entire house plan H I'm gonna give him the darkness effect and I'm also gonna play the sound of the warden he's gonna think the warden's coming I know you guys are probably thinking Tony play the wall a little sad and he knows you that's too obvious guys if we do the play wanted emerge sound look oh my no look it sounds like it's coming up no there's Warden spawning bro I built on top of skull and if we do such a fake to give at a blind away what is it called night night no Darkness I'm actually an idiot dude I shouldn't have done this I shouldn't have done it where is it you have to walk slow right I don't even know how to fight it I have one totem now where is it and then play the play Sada come on I'm gonna sound like it's coming up there we go there's a spawn in my house oh my brain my brain hurts where is it if we just see no way no look no no this is actually a horror movie oh he thinks he's going he thinks there's a water coming how many are spawning he's corrupted no way where is it where is it where is it where is it it's just I'm just gonna see shutting down my PC bro no way oh my God imagine this whole time he's been saying my name and it doesn't work no way oh that would be so bad wait it's gone are they all below my house what is actually going on on the server service ruins might as well throw it away plan I nobody's ever supplied eye every time he uses a pickaxe I'm gonna stop it for one that has one durability it's Pikachu's not gonna keep breaking and it'll have no idea why okay let's go down let's kill him okay let's go down let's kill these guys man get rid of all the sensors get rid of all of them I see going down is he going down to the thing is the skull Place below his house guys this idiot Phil on where did he build look look where he built on who built that house right there and is he insane why is he going down to the place where the water spawns to rest with boots on he's covering his toes the water doesn't want your crusty toes bro the water is gonna clap in wait no no I can't say that he's just gonna slap him in the face I was gonna save me to go shut up oh my gosh there it is okay all right let's get this the normal Pig X has 1561 so if I just do like 1560. View Tori the mix right and then let's just keep stopping his pickaxe out this is correct pickaxe because all the way up there oh that's his inventory okay here we go now edx how we use it it's gonna break watch oh oh my gosh what type of use yeah let's break one what the f what the yo yo good thing we came prepared for a situation just like this hey bro he's making a new one already wait grab the grab that okay here we go uh Linux that's not that's not the pickaxe is supposed to be using once we hear that that means that it's like a cow a cat meowing it's right there here we go and then it's just gonna break again but one time use forget right there right there right there dude right as I move it literally freaks out break it there's three of them here it's good again that's pretty diamonds uh whoa and here's me placing down stuff 50 doing on here why is my pickaxe breaking it's the worst server known to mankind you cheated them in okay break this one he's inventory swap about there we go again dude dude he's thinking these skull balls came breaking my pickaxe what is going on I'm not I can't use all my diamonds I haven't even made I haven't even made armor or anything yet how many times are we gonna have to trade him these pickaxe is he gonna keep using it to make bro it has full durability no it's okay I just made it quick we have to keep doing wait let me grab my my thing wait no it has it has wait what it's on like one durability how how am I crafting one durability who is okay with these why are you here what okay those were the main sensors that you have to get rid of the water was a joke there's not a reward on the sun please probably these ones too I mean there's so many it doesn't count in crotching if you're running sprinting and crouching after okay whatever break it look pop it's gonna hear me I'm gonna trade it out right when he puts it in look I have oh I have an iron pickaxe what am I doing I'm actually an idiot is he gonna eat oh no he's using his iron one he's not smart enough I have a bunch of iron pickaxes so I could just use this I've actually had enough of this guy oh what's wrong with diamond maybe they nerfed it he's not saying my name and you know what if we nuke his house say my name okay I'm ready for this wait till he gets back to the surface and then it's dude type baby land change I've had enough I'm spawning a nuke that's aiming straight for his house he has to say my name now surely this Luke is gonna be beautiful look there's my tiny little house all right so linux's house is directly minus 1700 minus 1500 so we get the missile silo out okay let me just do this put down the missile in and put the missile in the silo which is insane let me just do minus 1700 and then we'll just do 17 and we'll do minus 1500 okay let's go bro oh my gosh I can run around that is slap bang on top of linux's house and for the nuke we're gonna do a full-on nuclear explosion if he doesn't say Donny I'm gonna scream so loud yes no more of that noise then oh it's gonna be good no more stress nine happiness goodness eight all of the above seven bro what's up with the goats why are they all like on top of each other this is so weird six no everybody okay why is everybody snow other people's houses are just separate places so like like obviously you could see uh fluff's house over there next to the weird goats you got rages mine right here three places over there and I think Donny's is over in like the other area all the way over there like no foreign
Channel: Doni Bobes
Views: 992,887
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, mine craft, minecraft youtuber, pg, family friendly, no swearing, no cursing, doni bobes, mcpe, minecraft mods, minecraft funny, minecraft map, parkour, trolling, troll, roleplay, challenge, try not to laugh, doni bobes face reveal, doni bobes face, Fooling my Friend who Thinks He's on Singleplayer...
Id: K_4nsn-8mQ4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 37sec (1657 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 06 2023
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