Can you Escape the Herobrine Prison??

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a viewer built me a minecraft prison and challenged me to break out of it but this one was insane to start off the outside of the prison looks exactly like herobrine's head and it got the name herobrine's mind which explains why the first room looks like this the outside might look like herobrine but the inside of the prison is made completely of bedrock making it impossible to mine out of that means the only way in or out of the prison is through herobrine's mouth but am i gonna be good enough to escape the prison or am i gonna end up stuck inside herobrine's mind forever i don't know but we're gonna find out because the escape starts now right off the bat i was in this really weird white void dimension and a lot of you might not know what this is but i actually did this is an infinity room you could actually make this in vanilla minecraft all you need is a map that's entirely one color so i started taking it apart piece by piece and as i did this the illusion started to fade away and i could start to see the corners of the room after a while i accidentally opened this there was two signs one said that i did not need any of the maps or item frames and the other one was completely blank but i decided before i drop down this hole to the water i should probably finish exploring this room so i went back to destroying all the maps and item frames and after a while i'd done about half the room and it looked really visually cool it was like i was destroying this hologram but after i got back to work for a little bit longer i found this there was a popped chorus fruit in an item frame there was also a stone pressure plate but i couldn't mine it with hand because it would be destroyed so for now i ignored it and just went back to destroying all the item frames in the room after a decent amount of time i finally finished clearing out the entire room and i could see it for what it really was just a bedrock box the only thing left in the room was the stone pressure plate which like i said i couldn't break because it would just be destroyed and the drop so i decided it was time to drop but before i did it i mined both the signs because you can't let anything go to waste in these prisons after i did that i dropped down to the next area right off the bat i started looking around i looked up to see if there was anything i missed during the fall but there wasn't on the wall was three pieces of wheat so i collected all three other than that the only thing in the room was the cauldron with a little bit of water that i landed on but i didn't want to destroy this because if i did i would lose the water permanently the final thing i could see in this room was a hallway and the hallway was filled with lava so i couldn't go through it but i walked up to it and started right clicking i was trying to see if there was a chest or anything that could hold items hidden in the lava but there was nothing after a while though i had what i thought was a really good idea i tried to take some of the item frames from the very first room and see if i could use those to block off the lava but when i right clicked it didn't work the lava didn't go away but i was close i used the wrong item the signs actually did work i placed on the first one and i didn't really gain any info but when i placed on the second one i could see a room at the other side of the hallway so i just had to wait a little bit for the lava to go away and eventually it did once the lava was gone i was able to walk across the hallway and i now had access into the third room as i walked into the third room there was a few things i noticed right away the first being that there was a cracking table crammed into the wall the second thing i noticed was a slab that led to a higher area but the slab wasn't enough to get me up there i was gonna need at least one other block the final obvious thing in the room was a cow in the corner and in his little room was a chest i opened it and got two sugar cane other than that though i didn't really see much in the room and i didn't know what to do with the cow so i started looking around and after a while i actually found this there was an item frame on this piece of bedrock i hadn't seen before after a bit of struggling i was able to knock out the item and it was an egg now with an egg two sugar cane and three wheat i had a pretty good idea what i needed to make i had to make a cake now you're probably wondering why would i need a cake well i could use it to build on top of this slab to get to the next area the only problem is the recipe for a cake requires three buckets of milk and i don't have any buckets so i had no idea what i was supposed to do i started looking around the room again i broke the chest in the cow's room to see if that would give me anything but i couldn't see anything i also went back on the slab and tried to look in the upper area to see if there was any clues i also looked on the roof to see if i missed anything but there was nothing but after a while i got a good idea i went back to the lava and checked again from this side to see if there was anything hidden in it and now i found a furnace with three buckets obviously this was just what i needed so i ran back to the cow and got three buckets of milk and then i did the most impressive thing you can do in minecraft which was did the cake recipe without having to look it up yeah i know i'm pretty cracked then i took the cake and went to the new area right off the bat i saw there was a llama some glass some redstone and a chest inside the chest was one blaze rod three different types of stone and two blaze powder there was also a hay barrel in the corner and some redstone wiring that led deeper into the wall but i didn't really know what it connected to but after looking around the room a little bit more i saw there was a dropper on the roof so i assumed it was probably that then i turned my attention back to the llama pit there was some glass that i didn't want to break because i didn't really know what it was for yet there was also some redstone but i saw no harm in collecting that because i could always put it back if i had to after i did this i ran to the crafting table because i wanted to test something i was trying to see if i could craft a brewing stand with the rocks in my inventory and i didn't think it was gonna work but to my surprise it did so i crafted the brewing stand then i went to see what redstone things i could craft right now and to my surprise there was nothing i could craft so i started looking at the recipes i could potentially craft and eventually i found the target block i was only one redstone away from being able to make it and i knew where i could get it i ran back and i grabbed the first piece of redstone in the wire then i went back to the crafting table and made myself a target block and then i put the target block on the wall and was convinced i was gonna be able to activate it by doing this yeah this wasn't our brightest moment i don't know why i thought i could activate a target block like this but i swear i had seen it before so now i was a little stuck i had to find a different way to activate the target block and nothing in my inventory was helping me at all that's when i remembered the llama and when i took a step towards him i realized his name was subscribe which makes this a great time to bring up the fact that 90 of you hate me and don't want me to get to a million subscribers so please consider subscribing on a serious note though this llama was about to be our savior see if you punch a llama it'll spit at you and after a few attempts i was able to punch the llama and then dodge the spit at just the right time so that he hit the target block when i did this a stick fell from the ceiling that was enchanted when i looked it had silk touch this was perfect because now i could break the glass without losing it i broke all three pieces of glass and i also saw there was a slime block hidden in the llama's room so i picked that up as well after this i had a pretty good idea what i needed to do i put down the burning stand and used one of the blaze powders to fuel it and i used the other ones to do it craft a lot of you might not know the slime ball the blaze powder actually makes a magma cream see i was pretty sure i had to make a fire resistance potion to swim through this lava because i had everything i needed to do it and i was at a dead end i used the glass we collected before to make the bottles and then i bet a lot of you already forgot but i went back to the very first room where there was actually water the cauldron only had enough for one water bottle but that's fine because i had everything i needed i went back to the brewing stand and i now was able to craft the fire resistant i didn't have netherward i always forget about netherwar so i got back to exploring the prison i broke the chest by the llama area to see if that would do anything and it didn't then i broke the crafting table in the main room and again that was a dead end but i also could now break the cauldron because we had the water out of it we didn't need it anymore and right underneath was the netherwart we were looking for now with the netherwar we really had everything we needed to make the fire resistance potion so i went back and put in the netherwork then the magma cream and boom now there was only one thing left to do we said goodbye to the subscribed llama and we promised to break him out of the prison after we escaped so we went to the lava and drank the potion and started swimming through right off the bat i saw a furnace this was the furnace from before that had the buckets in it i also saw there was a whole main room but i wanted to explore the top of the lava because we only had a limited amount of time where we were fire resistant at the top i couldn't really see much but it looked like the lava was flowing in through a one tall hole that i couldn't fit through i tried to use the bucket to grab the source lava but it was too far away apparently because no matter what angle i went at i couldn't get any lava so i went back to the main area the room was really long and there was a piece of snow in the back that caught my eye i ran over to it to jump on it to see whether it was powdered snow or a real snow block and i could stand on it that meant it was a snow block there was also a really tall room that had an end crystal at the top it was right below some signs that were holding back water meaning if i could blow it up the water would flow down but i had no way to activate it from down here there was also finally another room that had a blaze rod at the start of it there was also a really big hole that if i fell in i would be stuck at the other side of the hole there was a crafting table a stick and a piece of wood now based on those items i started getting a pretty good idea for what i had to do if i could get those items i could make a wooden shovel that i could mine the snow with and then i could use the snow to hit the end crystal the only problem is i had no way to get to the other side of the hole none of the items in my inventory were blocks that i could stand on or at least that's what i thought until i did the smartest thing i realized you can do in any of these prisons i went to the crafting table and hit the thing that let me see everything i could make and to my surprise i could make end rods i did not know that this was a recipe in the game i got exactly four and i started using them to bridge across once i got to the other side i used the stick my enchanted stick and the piece of wood to make a wooden shovel i also collected the crafting table in case i was gonna need that then i ran over to the snow block and used my shovel to mine it this gave me four snowballs i hit the end crystal with my first snowball and the water started flowing down when it got to me i swam up it and got ready to try to beat the next area but to my surprise when i got to the top i could see the ocean i ran through the doorway only to see that i've successfully beaten the herobrine prison
Channel: SeaWattgaming
Views: 870,294
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Seawattgaming, Seawatt, Seawatt gaming, Can you ESCAPE this Minecraft PRISON?, Seawattgaming tiktok, Seawat tiktok, Seawattgaming Minecraft, Can you ESCAPE this Herobrine Prison??
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 43sec (523 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 24 2022
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