Can you escape this Ender Dragon Prison??

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my friends built me another prison and challenged me to break out of it but the problem was this one seemed impossible this prison was inspired by the strongest mob in the game the dragon and got the name dragon's den but breaking out his prison was not going to be easy on the inside all the rooms were layered with bedrock making them impossible to break out of there was only one way in or out of the prison but was i gonna be good enough to find it or was i gonna end up stuck in the prison forever i don't know but we're gonna find out because the escape starts now i started off by looking around the room i was in i was standing on a piece of bedrock floating at the top of a bedrock tower below me was a bunch of snowblocks but if i fell off from this height i would definitely die of fall damage so i continued to look around the tower that's when i found a spy glass in an item frame on the bedrock i was standing on so i picked up the spyglass and the item frame but i didn't really see how they changed the situation i still didn't have a way to get down to the bottom safely i started looking around the room with my spyglass and when i was looking at the snow i noticed something huge take a second and look at the snow carefully and you might notice it too this snow right here is powdered snow powder snow can cancel fall damage so i carefully lined myself up and dropped down into the new area right when i landed though i had a new problem though powdered snow cancels fall damage it also traps you so i had to decide if i wanted to destroy the powdered snow to escape or one of the snow blocks since i only had one powdered snow i decided it would be best if i destroyed one of the snow blocks so that's what i did after i escaped i started looking around the room all i had left in this room was the remaining snow blocks on the ground but there was a hallway that led to another room so i went through it the other room had a crafting table on the floor in the middle but other than that it was just a bedrock box at this point i was surrounded by bedrock and there was nothing i could crap that would help me i knew i either had to break the snow blocks or the crafting table to try to find something new i went with the crafting table since i wouldn't be able to get the snow blocks back when i finished breaking the crafting table i found a chest underneath inside the chest was 14 bamboo and an ender pearl i thought about breaking the chest but i'd have to place it back to get out of the hole anyway so i left it for now i started thinking about what changed now i had 14 baboon and ender pro but i didn't know what i could craft that's until i remembered you could turn bamboo into sticks though once i did this i had seven sticks and an ender pearl and i knew exactly what to do i used my seven sticks to make three ladders see there's a glitch you can do with ladders and an ender pearl that lets you face through bedrock and you only need two to do it once i do the glitch i will not be able to get back to this room so before i left i broke all the snow to make sure nothing was underneath and now i had to make a decision i broke the crafting table and now with my ladder i could either take the chest with me or the ladder the ladder allowed me to mlg and could also do a lot of the things the chest could do but in a previous prison i needed a chest because it was trapped so i decided to break this chest and decide based on that when i saw it was a regular chest i decided to leave it behind and take my ladder so i climbed onto the ladder and performed the glitch with the ender pearl i now entered the most interesting room in the entire prison the first thing i noticed was a bow on the wall in an item frame i collected the bow and the item frame the next thing i looked at was this piece of ice below it i could see a one by one tunnel meaning if i could melt the ice i could swim through it but this is the problem the only other thing in this room was this flowing lava that was too far away to use to melt the ice but i have a question where could something else be hidden in this room now while you're thinking about that i wanted to take a second to talk about the sponsor of this video monster legends monster legends has worked with some amazing youtubers like mr beast and dream and now they're ready to work with the best youtubers see what gaming i would never show you guys something i never played myself so here's the rundown basically you start off by making these farms and hatcheries and this lets you get your first monster then you start feeding him to level him up and this is really important because that's how you get your monsters to go from this weak little monkey to fire kong over here i mean just look at firecon go absolutely destroys this guy in the fight there's a massive adventure mode where you explore a giant map pvping along the way to try to conquer the whole thing with your monsters you see this panda he's your first real fight this guy beat me like five times as you play more you'll get more resources that allow you to get more monsters and there's literally hundreds you can try to collect it's insane eventually you'll have so many monsters that you can start breeding them to create entirely new monsters leading to infinite possibilities if you download before december 8th with the link in my description you'll get 5 000 food 300 000 gold 10 gems and this new monster kaori now back to the prison escape i left you here thinking but you're probably just as confused as i was there's no block underneath the ice meaning if you break it it won't turn into water so you have to find a way to melt it but you have nothing in your inventory that can melt this ice and there's no way to get the lava over here though i started looking for a button in the room but i couldn't see any but that's when i started looking at these stairs i realized that they gave me access to the bottom of the lava which seemed important i tried to see if there was a button down there but to my surprise when i right clicked i opened a chest i have four honeycomb four string and an arrow now i wasn't sure how these items were gonna help me melt the ice but that's because there was a recipe i didn't know about until i went in the crafting table because it was so new with the honeycomb string i could make four candles and that would be enough light to melt the ice the only problem is somehow i had to light the candles and as far as i was concerned i had no way to do that none of the items in my inventory would allow me to light them at least that's what i thought i'd remembered i'd seen a video online of someone lighting a campfire by shooting it with a flaming arrow and i was really surprised because i didn't know that was possible i wasn't sure if this was gonna work but i thought maybe candles would work the same way so i shot it with an arrow and to my surprise it worked so now i just had to wait for the ice to melt it took a while but eventually the ice did melt after that i broke the candles and then got in the water and now i started swimming to investigate the new area i started swimming through some sort of bedrock tunnel i was going really slow to make sure i didn't miss any items or secrets but everything around me was just bedrock eventually it led me to another room right off the bat i noticed this new room had a really big drop off meaning if i went down there i don't know if i'd be able to get back up because i didn't have enough blocks the next thing i noticed was on the roof there was some sort of structure when i looked at it with the spyglass i saw that inside there was a dropper but i couldn't make out anything else the problem was if i went down there i thought i'd be stuck there was an area under me that i couldn't see that could possibly have blocks but other than that i wasn't sure so before i committed to anything i wanted to go back and look at the tunnel one more time and check the room with lava but after checking them both i realized just like i thought there was nothing i could do in either of them neither of them had any blocks for me so i went back to this new room and i dropped down hoping to see blocks below me badly though i was just greeted with more bedrock and now i was a bit nervous because i thought i maybe got myself stuck in this hole i went to the middle of the room to investigate the dropper better and now i could see a target block next to it i only had one way to shoot that target block so i lined up the shot making sure i didn't miss i was expecting this to give me blocks but i was not ready for what it sent me down i was given a creeper egg probably the most random item i could have been given in the game i put it in my inventory so i didn't accidentally miss click and place the creeper and now i got to thinking because i had to figure out how i was gonna get out of this hole i went up to the next room and tried to see if i could get him with the crafting table in the ladder but i was one block too short then i came out with what i thought was a great idea i put a candle on the crafting table and moved the ladder up one hoping that i'd be able to reach it now that was a little bit taller but sadly the half a block i got from the candle was not enough to get on top of the ladder i wouldn't stick to it so i went to destroy the crafting table and try to come up with a new idea but this accidentally revealed to me something amazing when i broke the crafting table i thought the candle would break too but it actually stayed floating there on its own this gave me an idea by putting another candle on the ground i was able to jump from my first candle to the second and then place the crafting table next to me and now i could access the ladder and get into the next room i walked into the next room and started looking around i had a staircase so i could easily get in and out at the far side of the room was a bunch of random items there was a furnace with three sand inside there was also a brewing stand with five magma cream there was a nether wart in an item frame and a water source and an empty cauldron no i took the item frame and the nether one i knew i had to smelt the sand i tried to use the item frames as fuel but it didn't work so what would work i knew i had a bow in my inventory that i could use to smell half the sand but i needed something to smelt the other half but nothing in my inventory would work as fuel but i had more than just what was in my inventory though i went back to the other room and decided to take the ladder which would work to smelt the other half of the fuel i rebuilt the staircase with the rest of my candles and used the crafting table to get to the main room if you're wondering how i knew to use the ladders fuel instead of maybe the crafting table well the reason i knew i needed to use the ladder instead of the crafting table is once i have the glass i need the crafting table to make the glass bottle so the only other thing i could use was the ladder so i went back to the crafting table made my glass bottles and filled them up and started brewing them with the nether wart while i was doing this i looked around the room and noticed something i hadn't seen before on top of this room was another dropper i had no idea how i was supposed to activate this one though because it was all alone while i was thinking about this i used one of the five magma cream to turn my potions into fire resistance because that's what it seemed the room wanted me to do though i started thinking how would i activate that dropper on the ceiling that's when i realized there was something in this room that didn't fit in see there was an empty cauldron but they also gave me a water source if they wanted to they could have just put the water i needed in the cauldron or they could have just not included the cauldron so this gave me an idea i drank one of my three fire resistance potions hoping i wasn't making a big mistake and started filling up the glass bottle and the cauldron one bottle at a time when i did the third bottle i heard a piston noise and when i looked up the dropper had shot something out it gave me one piece of gunpowder and i was pretty sure i knew what to do with it but before i did i wanted to see if i could use the glass bottle to get any other items but no matter what i did no other items came out so i went to the brewing stand i was given this piece of gunpowder in the brewing room so it just made sense to me that i should use it on the potions to make them splash potions i had no idea why i'd want to do this though but i just did it anyway though i now had two fire resistant splash potions and i had nothing else i seemed to be able to get from this room so i went to leave i destroyed my crafting table and picked up all my candles then i went to the other side of the room and started building myself out but this is when we encountered another problem when i got to the top of this and placed the crafting table i realized this side was one block higher than the side we just came from meaning we were one block too short we weren't gonna be able to get back to where we were we needed another block this was my inventory though and i wasn't too sure what i was gonna do that's until i went the crafting table autocraft again and learned that four magma cream can be used to make a magma block no i climb back up my little candle staircase and place the magma block and use that to get back up at this point in the prison it might seem like we have nowhere left to go but now that we had these fire resistance potions i had an idea where we were supposed to go next though i swam back to the main room with the lava in it and used one of the potions i got inside of the lava and swam down towards the chest we opened before i destroyed the chest to see what was underneath it but when it broke i saw there was nothing but bedrock so i went to the only other option i started swimming up the lava when i got to the top i realized that there was opening in the bedrock that led me to a brand new room i started exploring this new room but i was not ready for what i was about to see as i went deeper in i realized that teddy was trapped in this prison with me he said one thing in chat call me on discord so i called them all right ted what's going on why are you in this prison with me i was arrested because i was part of the 92 percent of people who hate you and want you to fail wait teddy that doesn't even make sense you're in half the videos on a serious note as the final challenge of this prison you have to break me out too there's an exit to this prison on the other side of this lava but i need a way to get through it without dying i explored deeper in the room to see if there was anything i could use to help me break teddy out as i went down the hallway i realized though that i was actually at the mouth of the dragon i had done it i had beaten the prison but the problem was i had to go back to try to help teddy and i could only use the items i had in my inventory so i went back in and started thinking how was i supposed to get teddy through the lava obviously i had to get him the fire resistance potion but how was i going to get it that far if i tried it through the splash potion the effect definitely wouldn't hit him also if i tried to throw it normally i was pretty sure i wouldn't be able to reach him either i tested it with an item frame and i didn't even get close though i had to try to think of another way to get the effect to him as it turns out there is a way to get the fire resistance to teddy and it involves a creep right that seemed absolutely useless see in minecraft if creepers have a potion effect on them when they explode they will drop a lingering version of that potion effect on the ground for about five seconds so i put my splash potion next to my creep right because i was gonna have to move fast i spawned the creeper and threw the potion and backed up luckily he didn't explode i started getting away from the creeper hoping to leave his aggro range and then he would go to teddy it took a second but eventually it worked he walked over to teddy teddy let him blow up and drop the potion effect on the ground now teddy could walk into the corner of the bedrock and grab the effect he now had fire resistance and could leave through the back of the prison easily teddy had escaped the dragon's den now all i had to do was turn around and walk out the mouth dragon's den prison has officially been slain thanks again to monster legends for sponsoring this video it allows me to do this for you guys full time so again if you want use the link in my description to download the app and play now
Channel: SeaWattgaming
Views: 4,070,620
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Seawattgaming, Seawatt, Seawatt gaming, Can you ESCAPE this Minecraft PRISON?, Seawattgaming tiktok, Seawat tiktok, Seawattgaming Minecraft
Id: HkqG2kcsMW0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 19sec (739 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 26 2021
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