ESCAPING my Viewers Minecraft PRISON..

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one of my viewers built me a minecraft prison and challenged me to break out of it but the problem was this one seemed impossible the prison was built on a mushroom island and it was designed to look like a giant mushroom so that's why it got the name giant mushroom from the outside the prison might look easy to break out of but on the inside all the rooms are layered with bedrock making them impossible to escape there's only one way in or out of the prison but am i going to be good enough to find it or am i going to end up stuck in the prison forever i don't know but we're about to find out because the escape starts now right off the bat i realized i was stuck in a bedrock box and couldn't really get out so i started looking around to see if there was anything in the room that could help me when i was shifting around i barely was able to make out the edge of an item frame above me i punched it and got an ender pearl and i picked up the item frame now even though i could use the ender pearl to escape i started looking around an f5 to make sure there wasn't a different way so i didn't waste the ender pearl but after looking around for a little bit i couldn't find anything so i used the ender pearl and escaped the box i started looking around the first room to make sure i didn't miss anything and i'm glad i did because i found this iron nugget sitting in an item frame above the ender pearl other than that though i didn't really see anything else in the first room so i started heading into the second room in the second room i quickly noticed another item frame above me on the wall inside it was another iron nugget so i picked up the iron nugget and the item frame after that i realized there was a chest below me that had six crying obsidian and 12 glowstone dust i collected it all then i broke the chest to see if i could take it with me but the problem was the hull was two blocks deep so after i broke it i had to use the chest again to get out so for now it was stuck there the next thing i noticed was a sign on the wall but this is a good chance for me to mention the only rule i was given i couldn't break any blocks made out of those stones or any signs so i left it on the wall the sign said i like glowy purple things below me next to the sign i also saw a doorway that looked like it led to the next room and a hole in the roof but i couldn't tell where the hole went the sign made me think to put a crying obsidian below it but based on the items we had i had a different idea i looked around the room a little longer and i found a stone staircase that gave me access to a crafting table behind it i was pretty sure i knew what i needed to craft i turned all my glowstone dust into glowstone then crafted something most to have probably never made before a respawn anchor i placed that underneath the sign thinking that's what i was supposed to do but the problem was to actually make it glow i needed more glowstone and i wasn't sure where to find it i started looking for anything i missed i used f5 to look into the next room but all i saw was a bowl on the wall i went back to the first room but i didn't find anything in there either so now there was only one thing left i could think to do i went and broke the crafting table behind the stone staircase i was hoping maybe this would activate something to give me glowstone but when i broke it it revealed the barrel behind it i opened the barrel and found four glowstone dust inside which was all i needed i crafted the glowstone dust into a glowstone block and then placed it inside the respawn anchor when i did this i heard a piston and the crafting table dropped down in front of me i didn't have anything i needed to craft but i used the crafting table for something else it let me build myself into the next room i started looking around the next room and i saw a sign on the wall as well as an item frame with a bowl inside i was pretty sure i didn't need anything else from the room behind me so i went ahead and dropped down i picked up the bowl in the item frame as well as the item frame i went up to the sign it said white blocks like string there was a piece of dye right in front of the crafting table as well as a redstone ore on the roof of the tunnel i looked around the room and realized there was droppers on the roof i was a little upset because if i had realized it before i dropped down i probably could have reached this one i started looking around the room for what else there was i went to see if i could see anything maybe in the doorway to the next room and that's when i realized there was a floating piece of string in front of the doorway so i picked it up i needed some way to get over this half slab since i wasn't allowed to break stone i went ahead and did what the sign said i put the string on the diorite but when i looked around nothing had happened none of the droppers dropped anything so i thought maybe i had to activate it by throwing something on top of it i tried to use my item frames to trigger it but that didn't work so there was only one other thing i could think to do i punched the string and broke it and when this happened it activated some redstone and two of the droppers dropped an item i got a brown mushroom from one and a red mushroom from the other but these weren't really gonna help me get over the half slab of stone so i had to keep looking around the room after a while i decided to break the redstone ore because i couldn't think of anything else to do when i did this the third dropper activated but this time it gave me an even weirder item i was given a flower i wasn't sure how any of these were gonna help me get over the stone i tried to break the crafting table to see if that would drop me something but it didn't at this point the only items it looked like i was gonna get were the four i had in my inventory i was really stuck i actually started to think i might have missed something and lost the run but that's when i realized there was one thing we could craft a suspicious stew a suspicious dude was crafted the same way as a mushroom soup but you add a flower to it and based on the flower you add you get a different potion effect and it just so happens the flower we had would give us jump boost so i went ahead and crafted the suspicious stew level one jump boost is just enough to make a 1.5 high jump which is exactly the jump we had to make to get over the slab so we ate the stew and went for it we started looking into the next room i couldn't really see much i looked on the roof and saw that there was a dropper with a button next to it other than that we had no idea what else was in there but we couldn't go back because we wouldn't be able to make the jump again so we went into the room right off the bat we found a chest inside the chest was a bow a nether wart and an arrow we went deeper into the room and we found a brewing stand with four magma cream and a glass bottle there was also another iron nugget in an item frame after i picked them both up i started looking around this room i saw the exit to the next room but it was too tall without a block i also saw that there was a chest in the corner of the room if i could get on top of the slab i could reach it but i needed a block to do that too so i decided there wasn't much i could do in this room so i went back to the room with the dropper the problem was that even in the room with the dropper if i was gonna reach and press the button i was gonna need blocks for that too at least that's what i thought at first until i looked at my inventory better see that button was a wooden button meaning that i could actually press it with the arrow in my inventory shooting a wooden button with an arrow actually activates it so i lined up the shot and made sure i didn't miss and hit the button when i did this a rabbit's foot fell out of the dropper and at first i wasn't too excited but then i realized it would fix all my problems in the other room i could just make a jump boost potion that's until i realized i was still missing one final component i didn't have any blaze powder to make the potion with so it looked like i still needed a block i went back to the other room and broke the chest which was the only other thing in the room but that did nothing so i had to take another look at my inventory and it turned out i had a block i could use the four magma cream to make one magma block and that was the only thing i could think to do so i did it i put the block somewhere where i could access the next room and the stone slab i went to the stone slab first and opened the chest i got a blaze powder and another flower the chest was one block out of my reach so you might think i can't take it with me but there's actually a trick in minecraft where if you hold spacebar even if a block is one out of your reach you will start mining it it just takes a lot longer but after a while i was able to break the chest and collect it now there was only one thing i had to do before i could go to the next room now that i had the blaze powder i had everything i needed to make a potion and i was pretty sure i was supposed to so i used the blaze powder and the bottle and put in the nether wart now all i had to do was add the rabbit's foot and i would have a jump boost potion i took the jump boost potion with me and finally went into the next room i looked inside and could see a crafting table and i also had a chest in my inventory that means i could drop down because if i needed to i could build myself back up the first thing i noticed was the stone wall and i couldn't break it due to the rules there was also a furnace tucked away with three raw iron inside the only other thing in the room was the crafting table so i broke it to make sure nothing was hidden underneath there wasn't anything though so i picked up the crafting table and tried to use the crafting table in the chest to get a better look at the stone wall i realized two of the pieces of wall were staircases that i could see through i could see the next room and i could also see a cauldron right in front of one of the staircase holes so this gave me an idea i started focusing my attention on the furnace i knew i had to smelt the three raw iron and luckily the only things i had in my inventory that could smelt it was the bow in the chest so i didn't have to think about it very hard though i could have used the bowl as fuel too the bowl is not very good fuel and i would have had to smelt the bow and the chest still anyway and i would have been in the same situation just without the bowl once the iron was done i took the iron and made myself a bucket then with the bucket i got on the crafting table and looked at the cauldron again i used the bucket to empty the cauldron and when i did piston doors opened and moved the stone out of my way but now i had a new problem since i smelted the chest i didn't have enough blocks to build my way into the room this means i'm gonna have to drink my jump boost potion to get in the room meaning this is a one-way trip once i drink this potion there's no going back because i won't be able to make the jump again i turned around because i really wanted to bring my crafting table with me but it just wasn't possible i went into the room and put the lava in the cauldron this made the door behind me shut but the door in front of me opened i now had access to the next room so i dropped down after i dropped down i saw an amethyst crystal in one corner and a chest with a really broken pickaxe in the other i took the pickaxe and the chest and then i broke the crystal you might be wondering why i did this so soon well there's three cubbies in this room i can go to and even the shortest one requires me to have two blocks even with the jump boost in the chest i couldn't get into this cubby but by breaking the crystal i can now craft an amethyst block now by building a staircase with the chest and the amethyst block i was able to gain access to the first cubby inside the cubby was a chest and when i opened it there was a bunch of raw iron a bunch of bone meal a piece of sand and a crafting table i left the cubby and picked up the chest i used to get inside of it now with all the blocks i just got i went to the second toss cubby and built my way up when i got to the top there was another chest this one had four bone meal and a brown mushroom i also saw an item frame sticking out when i dropped in i saw it had another iron nugget inside of it i collected the iron nugget and the item frame now i was only two blocks away from being able to escape this room and going to the next one i opened the crafting table and saw i had exactly what i needed to make two blocks for starters i could make a bone block with the bone meal a lot of you probably knew that one but some of you might not have thought to do this you can make a raw iron block with the raw iron that got added in the most recent update so i used the bone block and the raw iron block and jumped up and made my way into the next room right off the bat in the next room i saw a red mushroom in the corner i also saw a brewing stand three melons and a crafting table i was gonna have to build my way out of this room too so i dropped down and collected the mushroom then i went and looked at the brewing stand inside was ten nether wart after that i broke the crafting table that uses the first piece of my staircase i placed on the crafting table now i understood the problem i was going to need two more blocks to get out of this room while i was looking at my inventory though i realized i already had one of the blocks i needed to get out of the room i used nine of my netherwart to make a netherwork block now that i had this block i was only one block away from escaping the room so i turned my attention to the melons but after i broke the first melon i found another iron nugget in an item frame behind it i broke the remaining two melons and now i actually had everything i needed to escape the room i actually found this out a while ago myself and was really surprised but if you have nine melons you can make a melon block so with the netherwork block and the melon block i had everything i needed to complete my staircase and escape this room i went into the hallway and turned around and when i did i found another iron nugget in an item frame i looked back to see if there was anything i needed to take with me but it looked like it was impossible to take anything out of this room so i turned and went down the hallway to see what was next for me when i got to the end of the hallway i was surprised to find just a pool of lava i used my bucket to see if there was a way i could sneak by it but i couldn't it was thick lava more than one block deep i went back to look at the other room to see if i missed anything that would have let me make a fire resistance potion because it had a brewing stand and i also had nether work but i was missing glass bottles and a magma cream and blaze powder so that wasn't it i was really confused but then i realized the answer of how to get through the lava came from something we already did in this prison a suspicious stew like i said before based on the flower you get a different effect and it just so happens this time we have an allium flower in our inventory so we're gonna get fire resistance it's only gonna last a few seconds though so hopefully it's enough to get through the lava i craft the suspicious stew and then i eat it and jump into the lava i quickly realized that there's some signs right below me that i'm gonna fall through so luckily we aren't going to burn to death we finally entered the next room right off the bat there was a brewing stand with three glass bottles there was also a crafting table and some signs the sign read high siwa as keenan and i of yours should have found all seven nuggets gathered around unfortunately though i only had six nuggets in my inventory hopefully that's not gonna be a problem there was also a chest that was filled to the brim with a bunch of other iron nuggets so at this point i started to think how was i gonna get off this platform i picked up all the iron nuggets and started looking over the edge to see what else was in this room below me i couldn't see anything other than a massive drop that i definitely wouldn't survive while looking around the room though i actually found the seventh missing nugget so luckily it doesn't look like we're gonna get stuck here once i had that nugget i actually knew exactly what to do too i took all my nuggets and turned them into seven ingots with seven ingots i could craft myself a cauldron and this is really important because with the cauldron i can take the three glass bottles out of the brewing stand and use it to fill it up once the cauldron was filled up all the way i could actually use my bucket to get a bucket of water now all i had to do was place the water on the side of the wall and let it go to the bottom while that was going i picked up the crafting table in the chest in case i needed them in the next room i jumped down and got ready to do another room only to see i'd beaten the prison the mushroom prison has officially been defeated also if you like this video please subscribe we're almost at 10 who don't hate
Channel: SeaWattgaming
Views: 2,762,187
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Seawattgaming, Seawatt, Seawatt gaming, Can you ESCAPE this Minecraft PRISON?, Seawattgaming tiktok, Seawat tiktok, Seawattgaming Minecraft
Id: 61iqK2IQ4Ts
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 28sec (748 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 13 2021
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