Live from the flea market

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good morning here we are live in Concord this morning we got Locker nuts we got the pirate yeah we got oh come on entry light good catch what's up what's up locker nuts yes I always be like ladies and gentlemen boys and girls are nuts of all ages that's pretty good right love it what's that that's quick look at him thanks you guys for Jeff and overs having a little tech support more baby hey where's the lightning I like aim thankfully Mike's here he showed me what was I was doing home believe it or not there are a thing or two I know occasionally it's all princess on in the house all right I'll come back in just a few all right I gotta go check on Janna whoo all right okay we'll come back and take a look at their booth in just segments how's everyone doing this morning Rebecca Shirley vent Santa Cruz no this is Concord we're in Concord Drive Ins west wind Louise Rob how's it going everyone Christopher thank you for bearing with me while I had to flip over Christopher Hendricks what's up that was nice to get to go have the hey he'd bought a couple stuff from us this morning and flipping it for some quick profit all right Mike help me fix it Jenna hey good morning hey how's it goin how many do we got on storage big girl 72 people good morning people were out at the Mart oh there's a mom sorry all right mom we play this flea market Ripley last night oh look at Mike son Ted wouldn't teen Louise be more baby I have to check them all boxes today yeah we haven't checked it actually it's been going today ya know cuz I was fumbling around the phone it's apparently if I have it just tilted just enough it'll go vertical mode and there's no way to correct it once the life started aren't we about to freeze yes Christopher it's cool ya know what we're busy running around we're keeping see if you see the phone shaking my hands still shaking good morning it's been pretty good so far brought out August a foolish born cribbage board from Wisconsin Oh 40 degrees heat actually that's why not too bad for in Wisconsin huh yeah Mike fixed it I had the rotate probably two things wrong a rotation lock and I think I had it vertical what a mess but uh luckily we can fix it just by really Mike global voodoo what's up Brian oats let's take a look we got over here be Kenan Oh negative one in Scotland is that normal that seems yeah cold for Scotland I know actually this feels like Scotland out here this is what I envisioned Scotland to be like see that all misty and cloudy TJ what's that it once he had our YouTube channel no yes really nice Atwood bull for this oh you bought this Oh Patricia says 3:00 a.m. just finished technarch Palin unboxing oh great we've got a couple more videos coming out - you are the abalone shell how about six bucks we got nice stuff today Oh be more vague I see that the other package will come after Christmas for the girls oh they'll be excited about that we'll try to open down live we'll get them down for that then we'll get them on camera for that footman for-profits you know our super chat thanks so much all right we'll have to check out your channel you got a new channel everyone check out their channel be saying it's totally normal for the Wow it's colder than I thought cold damp and dark England the one time I went to England there was a heat wave and I think it was in June that I went but it was like super warm everyone was so happy because I was not normal southwest Missouri would yo how's it going Mountain Home Arkansas Ricky white 45 degrees in Missouri that's not too bad it's not great but let me show you around what we got here today I'm sure yeah let me hunt on chats here I'm sorry guys whoa I'm waving Betty Webb how's it going Lea Lynch how are you not ready for Christmas just yet I got a shot for this one over here she does all the shopping soon Oh got some moisture I'm beard there I think from by from picking up something wet Denmark Viren Feld Danson how's it goin tina 'the treble aqaq the treble from Florida how's it going Virginia from Ohio it's cold there - yeah I'm mashing storage picker 52 in Ohio hey guys hundred and forty one on will good good morning peeps yeah I know is this red because it's so cold get her to talk I love it careful not too close to customers talk a lot they cuss too much yeah we'll have to we have to warn Harald one room over there I'll just run we'll take the cameras and no customs Shh so we've still bought the bags stuff mostly this is a lot of stuff that come out of the power the ones that you guys have seen a little bit of yeah and we'll see you look more it's such a good stuff so clean we've been selling a lot on but it's all high-end like I sold a little piece just like shows all these little artifacts that are Patricia says stop picking the easy names some of those weren't so easy fetches what the Hudsons good morning no no dog no dog let's not start that this morning Randy would in Nova Scotia Corinna Gonzalez Karina says hi to you pickers warehouse it what's up Justin I'm right in your barrio here's Concorde Concorde this morning Modesto Dena Modesto Rob Betty web but he web says hello mrs. Larkin let's hope you'll be doing Thank You caller the super course Oakland what do you think Oh clam dish if you live in openers Coleman no vintage choice today let me show you guys around let me show you what we got here so Jana here we've got this nicer clothes here we've been saving these clothes a lot of this the pout clothes here this is some saw some of this stuff come out of them then boxing the National and got some concert sweatshirts here those are cool some Hawaiian shirts she's got nice def this girl had nice stuff and is expensive and clean clean clean clean a couple of vices down here made in England it's the good stuff this is some stuff here that actually came out of Jana's I bought my ex-boyfriends locker they sitting on that stuff for a long time finally got it out the little ones 20 and that this one's a little bit larger one was 25 sleeping for profit troublemaking this morning David Wilson what's up yeah don't worry everyone here is signed a model release form I have them all on file on the car just kidding um here's our jewelry station here Virginia miss Jeremy and George they're around aren't they I'm watching their videos aren't they're having more fun we are on their road trip adventure Patricia oh my goodness you guys are gonna be troublemaking we have a dog her name is Bella she's at home let's see what's happening mookie Pookie here's a bunch of stuff - this is pretty much all out of the pellets pellets this is some some palates tip that some stuff like this we got this a while back some of this is just the nicer things that I've been keeping this is a garage sale fine that I picked it up but this just came out of the pallets I'm not sure yeah I think I showed that already if not you'll see it seen some miscellaneous stuff this wood bowls we got the abalone shell I guess the six boats just too much for that three bucks is too much for that huh okay here's those nice bookends you can see them better here than we did got on the other film 20 bucks for this all right here's that sewing box we got out of that gun locker one that's nice I don't think anyone's even asked about that Rob Devine what's it huh I skipped you no problem which one the $25 yeah that's nice one me was how's Mike doing ask him all right how are you doing I missed a super chat apparently whoa 200 in 102 I'm fine it was hard to uh Merry Christmas watch people watch comments in film in a somewhat comprehend so darn uh nevermind yes somebody do we have a new moderators only can you put Mike on timeout snag getting a puppy I need Jana's energy and enthusiasm this morning yeah there's plenty to go around she can give you some Leah need your energy Leah needs your energy and enthusiasm yes Mary Harris on hey Mary hi Brian hi Brian pay attention to his job yeah I'm trying I'm trying I mean Karina Trina's causing trouble in the troublemaker group here's a troublemaker group over here and here's the people are in trouble Leroy Sosa how are you doing good morning good morning oh yeah Justin you should have come out here is it's been decent we got good stuff though so this is like stuff out of the pallets that we got which if you guys have watched the last couple of videos you see it's good quality stuff very clean very high high quality expensive stuff hey Don were in Concord this is a drive-ins hey Michelle ping or actually it used to be a drive-ins know it's still a drive-ins yeah that's right the Oakland ones not anymore yeah Clifton scene is 4 a.m. there and smoky smoky are you in Australia Clifton because I know they're having lots of fires mykes is he doing well good brian says give me a blue wrench I'll do that Brian I can't on the phone I don't know doing here I'll do that when I'm on my laptop then next time Paula might Maya love your channel thank you so much in sign off yeah I've heard some other guys like copy myself and I watch their videos I'm like hmm they do the whole copy the whole team Chris for Hendrix darn onion I need a hot chocolate that's funny because I was going the restroom is the snack bar and I was like oh maybe get a hot chocolate I should do that now I got darn Indian you buy some hot chocolate Thank You L ferret here from Alaska nice our nephew lives up there now he's in the military he's stationed there right now we're gonna see him here I think within the next week for the first time in months Randy would like that turtle that is cool huh anyone go on the Rams first 49ers no but we'll be watching it for sure I sold the 49er jacket this morning whicka Bella back for now yeah love the Pink Floyd album you found yeah we found some good albums lately I had a Pink Floyd sweatshirt over there team Oh miss if I could show you that that's kind of cool Eddie web good morning good morning look at this thing I'd say this is shouldn't even can be out here today but it is pretty well Warren's got a couple of old I don't know like a bleach mark right here that's Pink Floyd that's vintage right there I shouldn't be on here lorem my door good morning Thank You Irene that's okay Jack baby Jesus food what - al exclus Lorraine is from Scotland wow you've got an international life right here well yeah we got Australia I've got Scotland are you serious I feel like we're in Scotland this morning this weather that's what I was saying Tammy it's actually not that bad that it's not that cool that's seen the sewing basket Linda says yeah that's a nice one super cool that's gonna ask 20 bucks the last time yeah I had one person oh you didn't wanted it for fishing stuff I think do whatever you want with it once it's yours Sean's asking how we get on the shoes let me show you we got these all these well actually honestly I put three pairs of sight because there are men's but these are what we put out I'm asking 15 bucks easy maybe the toms are going to be cheaper she understood five bucks on this but like this 15 bucks look at these dirt they're great we haven't sold any yet so maybe that was too much hey Larry Ontario picker how are you know yeah but she sells stuff too cheap so you guys think I saw stuff DG mm-hmm she wants to make it all go away because she don't want it in our garage anymore Oh Lee Royce yep sorry Leroy we've got Spain in the house to you don't forget Leroy's on leave right we always love your comments cuz you're always so so nice always puts us in a good mood we always smiling when we read in your comments Rose Grenon Ireland so cool Wyoming Linda's in Wyoming good morning locker nuts you are bad you're nationwide TJ we're international yo come on Oh Susan Stricker's from Hollister it's in our backyard oh I was in the camera now I'm out thank you whoops okay here we go there we go oh it still looks fun yes I mean it's super totally funky it probably won't burn off today it might it will be cloudy all day yeah and rain tonight supposedly yeah oh Amber's working Oh on Monday that's right there's supposed to be a meet-and-greet or something like that we're here and then breaking news or something breaking news so what's hot we got these cameras no one's even looked at these should I put him up front mm-hmm they're super cool we have old cameras Marian's from Philadelphia good morning yeah yeah she's good on lines mrs. Shaw Shawn Merry Christmas Happy New Year to you too I can't wait for next week I shared your video selfies thank you International hey locker man hi does Jenna sell things on Poshmark no Janet doesn't sell anything online we've tried with Poshmark just a little bit I had a bit not a bad experience but I mean I put like a couple things on one person bought something and then returned it because it's the wrong size and I'm like Jack does all the eBay but I think we need them to Train this is Winnie the Pooh a cookie jar yeah that's what that is yes it's a winning the food cookie jar Mindy merry Christmas to you too Betty Webb hello hello New York oh she's saying hello to other people in New York and Connecticut Linda say it looks foggy yes oh this is a this is a platinum level customers and we have to pay attention to him right now if we did you're it actually actually I don't really charge you for anything I'm like whatever you want Mike you can just have it miss for your house this place has been dead for a while he didn't want to come I'm gonna say just wait yesterday he was a good one who come I'm like hey sorry for the shakiness you'd be good yeah like one my friend Steve my old man Steve I called he he's been buying like all his Christmas gifts out of my storage because he gives everybody like something that he makes them thinking them and he'd be surprised a lot of people do that because we've had horrible flea markets lately the weather and when some of the Dacey's come back I'm like Michaela they're asking when your next video is coming out just kidding I was just asking it yeah comment below yes all Prince's put out some dating videos yeah oh you are yeah thanks um see what you want really take that yes please that money really brought her money's not good here enough to buy a pair of shoes there money's no good here make her spend her money she has this a part of you through like the part of growing up you got to learn responsibility you know yeah we had a nice intro to my video where I was talking about how I rehired her because she was fired recently I was Wilson Way it was okay there wasn't that many people really like that barely any people but they're spending money a projectile dispenser projectile dispensers just thinking how much did I divulge on here at the flea market in my stuff today it was all I'll show you guys but is a because the guy's a diver and he had a metal detector so I don't I think he dug it up or he found it in a lake or something but I think it's a Luger is really I'll send you a picture down like a German ruler I think so but so rusty came to tell it could be when they you know that guy that walks around that does all the military he's like he keep doubt he doesn't get excited about anything it's like oh that's in 1972 and they've issued five hundred thousand of those this thing he actually got excited he's like I wish I had a camera I sent it to my pops and he found a little tiny like it's almost like a button or like a it's like a badge or something but it says SSR yeah he's like off that came off the gun or the holster that's like you got big money and he's getting all excited yeah because then it makes it more special bits because not everybody in the German army had a SS yeah that's rare huh and yeah and it's more certain time frames because the SS was only in a certain period whereas a lot of people think the SS was World War one I don't think that they were World War one yeah and came after and the Hitler air but don't quote me because I'm just stupid pirates good stuff oh that was fun yeah that was fun and that was like I put on the back of the truck and everyone to come over that's like I know you know I'm like oh come you gotta check this out people and then other people see us looking and come back there how much you want for that I go I have suffice what's the best thing you found your palate so far I haven't gone through the last balance I'm gonna see if I can get you to reveal some of them do you learn something I didn't go through any of the new palates I mean either I think ideas that she didn't open up that box of the sewing machine in fact like that's my best item I'm happy but I I've already sold why there's a there's a no $10,000 item in the Box I haven't really disclosed too much what it is but I'm in a great here so I love I love fun a nice day we got 256 people on so that Sunday night you got a really big announcement right Sunday I will be announcing what I sold the art for Ellie this is actually the check right here the I sold the art for a my Papa died in cash to put in the bank here but we did release part one this morning if you guys haven't checked that out and tomorrow night will be the announcement of the art the story the price also we have you're gonna be on the right yeah at some point I'll be there Jack Alex Jebus amber little mama maybe Janna whole squads gonna be on tomorrow night so make sure you tune in for that marry her said hymen filled Mary Harris says hello Michaela I have been doing good and reading the comments here it's hard Tim free stone just seen it thank you Tim I didn't see ya but I saw a pretty awesome thumbnail well you got you actually this man held my art for me I had I said it was in a locked safe it was actually Jack kept my art for me safe so he actually got to see it play if it he could have kept it if he wanted to it scared the heck out of me whatever I'd like a candle burning or anything I'm just like oh my god I was so careful it might burn Vinny Vinny anything catches on fire grab those paintings first like it's worth learning everything in my garage yeah I'm like leave the cat we'll grab the paint friend hey thank you so nervous the paintings ranked above the cat well when I first found him I did kind of tell Jack I thought they were worth like two million I do and I keep bringing them where yeah the best thing is some I think smokey put over some of your trust I trust you guys it's not very many people I trust in the world I would take my most priceless fine and just say hey hold this for me I don't even know if I trust uncle Michael that much the first time I'm bringing over Michael and then I'm like Jack you are a great friend thank scream are you also going to tell you in order that just makes me a monterrey if you just click on their that their comment it'll say oh it will right here okay Brian chatez so I can make give me a wrench for Luna not funny if children 65 people on yeah but we need more likes 84 likes let's get that to 268 likes okay people you heard the man hello Mike Irene says I'm gonna go to the little okay either one suffering the girls might be more comfortable if you use them in we are in California is anything good yeah we gotta let see okay how far do you guys drive for the flea market 15-20 minutes yeah this one this is the closest one for sure how far how long stink you know Mary Harris I can share everyone yes yeah yes my kids funny we have two hundred and seventy three people on wow that's a lot right yeah that's awesome did you take them around the market yes pirates video was awesome here we go hey Macau blessings Jetta hey mrs. not at a Jetta what's up yes Debbie thumbs up everyone I'm 40 miles from the flea market we'll get your car and hop on over let's see you can always get another cat the art where it can't be she's just turned though she is me she just she'll come up and like make a noise you go to pet her and she turned off I lost him shoot oh there we go yes I just did it look at that it's 272 people on yes I read this jacker is the keeper of art - this will be my art hopefully I find someone Thank You Miguel blessings to you - what happens to the storage auction prior Amy and horn oh I like seeing a Mike went to the restroom and Oh what about unicorn I can't I can't respond to that that's not for me to talk no that's up for my horn is Mike's exclusive yeah we don't talk about those things but you have to go straight you have to go straight to this or something that one uh-huh it'll make it I'm too far away okay Joe that's cool don't worry about it I just assume glad you're home we have 279 on now 282 okay what size are the vans everyone wants to know women's 10mins eight and a half okay 10 men's eight and a half yeah um Susan drove to San Ramon last weekend and that's a funny hat well we're in seeing around that it's true 280 on held hello Belgium let's see let's see Oh everyone ready oh by the way I was gonna say that that's what Uncle Mike always says when he goes to the restrooms that's why I say that see Brian said let's go for 300 I made him a moderator I followed your directions and I do nice and look at how fast the lights went up lights with people on right now that's uh hey miss Joanna hi Shirley how's it going well you are so cute she's infamous I've already been fingers I've already been given her set yeah yeah how much you want for the vans Carlton Anderson would like to know we're asking 15 years asking 15 even less she a little high but they're almost noon I told him to ask 10 he didn't listen to me but I think I'm better at pricing than him mostly resellers so far yeah I know playing pirates a gentleman Maureen says what yeah they have tags on stuff I know if you want anything just take it you should me neither me neither hello from Tennessee this is what I say when I go to the restroom yes my girl paid 70 for her vans I know so 15 is really good I know we don't have any shoe size 15 I'm baking Amish sugar cookies oh my gosh I love sugar crystals dude I'm just saying right now I think I'm gonna make some sugar cookies tonight no I feel like I feel like we call gingersnap her gingerbread ah we decorated gingerbread houses last night I should be out of contest with the kids gingerbread gingersnaps yeah I don't have any I got some M&Ms in the car a super chat flipping for profits Merry Christmas jack and Jana so much pirate to happy 2020 thank you let's see Larry what size of the Vans eight say hello to this Ruben ok there I love it we are live with we got storage legends on I love it you're on Jack's live right now okay guys yeah well now we got a live breaking story here live on life I love it 3,000 me and Rob from second sentence love looked it up already why did you guys buy it's like you can FaceTime me any time and I will buy a unit right from where I'm standing it's not even a problem yes that sounds good alright that's so awesome we are yes storage legends is on stopped in the making it appearance we're just we're hobnobbing you know I hate hearing that they're like okay we have 287 1,300 people come on you got some shopping gone here say hi yes the box of F Scott Duncan Mike Meena seshu how did you go over there okay so I think I'm Jack you're gonna take the camera and go over and show you Mike's booth cool that's the legend yes it is wha pose storage legends what you guys through Julie motivation for me to 91 guys to 91 come on 92 can we see both the vans yes hold on let me have Jackie Jackie much on the vans yeah oh yeah we didn't even finish going through all the booth I'll show you more all right here's pulled like three pairs inside because I wanted to keep them they're men's sizes but yeah here's what we got here it's too cheap these ones I think are cool do you think Mike would you wear that they're kind of men's or women's they're the vans now we're gonna sell I made you a that's good and then these are the ramp this stuff I mean some of this pallet stuff some of this stuff I just put aside and yeah so it's all clean too I had two subscribers their day they they quit watching my channel for they said I'm mean to Uncle Michael I don't know how he has managed to make himself look like the sweetest some people complain but I learned it from him somehow I miss all of him riding me like nobody's business but I really i abused the elder oh yeah because when she bought her first one then I was like razzing her on it this better be good or else you're gonna get the blame and people are like you need to go easy on her it's like yeah my video the other day actually been on to him I was like thanking him for how he lowered his stuff but oh my we got 301 301 right now yeah guys I like breaking records so you can please get to 329 for my sake share this like this anything you can 329 Oh Christopher Hendricks 499 super Chan Jack you have too much good stuff don't do the dollar sale no today we're not so this is not like a normal load if you see I don't have the trailer we just have the truck and this is kind of like a whim last night you know Jana wanted to come and I'm like and Mike alright fine we'll just take leave we've been saving this stuff for like a really good flea market the deans of market and then we just said let's just take it all out here and try to make some Christmas money but this stuff is a this is like my cherry pick stuff so we won't be doing dollar sale with this alright we had 300 now it down to 9900 losing people let me show you what else we got clip more clothes we just have a sword this stuff out this is exactly something you would wear three dollars of Juicy Couture 42 degrees in Minnesota that doesn't sound too bad actually for Minnesota I think Minnesota's being colder we had some really nice bags because that was a first video I did on the pallets the first going through he's seen that probably recognize that bag but we had a whole bunch of nice oh yeah I was told this thing I wasn't able to get that out this riding on here used some goof-off didn't come off so I was gonna II Bey that but that's instead just coming out here at 10 bucks these right here this Timbuktu bags right here these are nice I sold we sold those for 5 bucks each and blew them out and sold North Face backpack or someone asked earlier did we sell in north east jacket I think the North Face jacket Jana took so she was actually wearing it this morning let's see Christopher Hendricks knocked on i-90 Anna oh let me ask him Christopher or are we going bowling Lisbeth saying you're going bowling Christopher Hendrix Gianna are you having the boss babes chat tomorrow know our boss babes not until the first Saturday of every month so next month we'll be a storage legends troppo is going to be hosting I believe it's January 4th and I will make sure to get that out when it gets close yeah yeah we'll promote it 300 on I love it I'm a boss babe can I be on there sure boss babe my mom says hit the thumbs up please Oh JD mama Ness is on yeah Yeah right 57 seriously you should oops you should have a live stream all your stuff oh that's a great night flip I'm thinking about trying one of those again - yeah yeah she called dibs on the jacket in which I was happy she never gives anything yeah this morning she did the sweatshirt I'm really happy about that means I don't have to beerus what's your big uh let me show you the rest of the stuff here so this is some stuff we've been put inside here some pallet stuff got some stuffed animals these curlers is from Gianna's locker but these are high good an 8-quart curling here I guess she said these are expensive ones this was she bought lingerie yes that fancier Brandee could tell tell by them weight or is like Beach waiver I don't think this is as good as this one but maybe they kept like the girls kept the best ones maybe we shouldn't show thank you baby that's not what we're thinking is something totally different here's a Victoria Secret perfumes which sleep 30 times been out or you can tell you guys I got to go Uncle Michael he's lost about me despite the fact that he tells everybody he does everything and is the hardest-working man in America we know who that hopefully the true backbone is maybe I'll come see you will show him your booth as long as there's no cussing over there we got Harold next door so you never know I guess a wild card I'm got we got some stuff here see this there's all kind of picked over - we sold a lot of stuff this morning okay okay uh palette stuff here this palette stuff it's oh sorry I guess I'm getting neglecting the chat here I'll do the chat we are at 3:12 or almost hit a record we got a $5 superjet who's that from let's see mister buys a lot Jack how much for the van shipped here to Pennsylvania hey hey pal possible I mean if you wanted to buy all of them okay let's go through Dubai yeah we go okay so well there's seven pair seven pairs so um how much would you be willing to pay for seven pair we have seven super locker nuts fans that are watching what was that Oh Christmas Hendrix 70-inch TV that's awesome that's hilarious Chris thanks so much for that super chat - jeez okay so let's flip it back you showed him the shoes okay so if you want to buy all the shoes and have them shipped to Pennsylvania there's seven pair so tell us what do you want to pay for seven pair how much for the plink Pink Floyd shirt oh the sweatshirt where is it let's show it I want to move it right here thanks Pat happy merry Christmas to you too you had just said Merry Christmas to my family this right here yeah it's got a little bleach mark on the front and it's double XL I don't know maybe we'll just put it aside oh wait here's five dollars eighty five dollars shipped here to Pennsylvania yes for all the shoes will do it well take them off the table right now watch how much is shipping her huh all right she says do it so yeah the Pennsylvania's laws is not to international man that internationals expensive and a pain filling out the forms and stuff uh yeah we'll do that Oh 85 plus shipping yes thank you that's that's I feel better about that if you could do the shipping is this commercial now yes absolutely just a second we'll break for our sponsor that one yeah we can do ten on that one Timbuktu okay there ya have a locker [Laughter] anyone can say it's not stolen a reality TV stars okay oh my goodness okay what just happened here Christopher Hendrix did 99.99 super Jen what Christopher what's is that for the shoes and what's that for no Christopher shoes that's PayPal right I think Chris for this amazing thank you so much appreciate tomorrow we're having to take our daughter out to dinner which she said she want you to come by the way I am Griffin so what I look like when I have to spend with you nighty-night look everyone seeing why I'm saying Wow well thank you so much that's amazing and I have some vm shoelaces we'll throw in there for you too absolutely yeah good morning you think you get 300 331 people watching you right now you want to see something you know we love the flea market lives there so far bless you all right well Christopher kind of like got me spun a little bit I'm like I don't know what to say that's so good generous really um let me show you guys a little bit more what got this I think is interesting I don't know but yeah the YouTube market it would be good to do alive I mean I do a like an auction Mike did that a couple times and I liked I liked watching it but it's just a matter of time right we got so much going on now here's this cool little bill Murr I think that's Bill Murray well Journal but things like that got some brand-new puzzles I thought that I'd go for a Christmas presents but nothing so far sold the ps3 console for 40 bucks I can't believe had sold this little fly right here Oh games blah blah blah decent stuff people have been picking out these little bins here and bring stuff up dollar to you dollar five dollar handfuls of stuff so that's good nothing too interesting here but people like spending a lot of time at this table alright 325 watchin now yeah also our PayPal is oh thanks premiering the PayPal is Locker nuts at same email address that we have in the description well we have a lot of customers always in 332 of 336 I mean 3 326 326 now that's a cookie jar we almost didn't come here today this one over here was I don't know if I want to go yeah I went to the flea market yesterday very much by myself he said the whole trailer it's been I've got a good flea market video the one yesterday because we found that gun in the in some of the stuff that we have it's like old rusty one yes 331 all right that's 329 330 wait does someone want the cookie jar Merry Christmas Christopher Hendrix what are you serious Chris where did you steal someone's credit card Christopher I'm gonna cry that one is $5 yeah Columbia I ain't seriously I'm gonna cry because guess what we're hoping able to go to fondue tomorrow night and you can't I couldn't you just paid for a whole dinner thank you we have five kids and let me tell you it is like the happiest my have to go brag to me no not yet don't leave here I'm excited you go back to my mom take the camera yeah I did call it right it's been a great day I'm gonna cry - I know I'm literally Alex Alex my pal Christopher and you Christopher's like we didn't ever like do a video rich we did it come on PETA do a video a video thank you like a special video so listen this is the funny thing as you know he almost didn't do the flea market today because he's a good target no because you were gonna do a video he's like I have to do a video how much for the pink $2 honey um two dollars for patience a good deal he's a kid okay so listen to this so um because he had to work on the video and you know what I said let's just do alive yeah I didn't have video ready for today enough to let me do the lie which way that was I think we'll do 40 bucks on that it's a what he called black body armor whatever flak jacket or I don't know what's gone the through the poo cookie jar let me see see sorry Pat and Jesse about that already this little guy I don't know you know the problem with these guys is the shipping cuz I got a pack it like crazy and put it in a big box I mean out here I'd say ten bucks but for the the ship it is just such a pain it's that's why I don't you betta type of stuff unless it's a big ticket thanks Carlton the the PayPal address is locker nuts at that's the email address I use for PayPal it's the same email address in the description of the video so but it's Locker nuts at people sorry locker nuts at for Bill Murray oh you guys are killing me people are asking how much for the Bill Murray how much for the Pooh Bear oh good ideas Disney yeah I mean obviously it's Disney character but I guess I said out here we'd probably do 10 bucks on it but this is the best flea market ever I don't know how much for this it just kind of cool huh I'll let Bill Murray all right tell you what I'll just put it aside for now shoot me an email on that but you probably a cheaper on Amazon I mean because the Amazon ships for almost nothing Oh 3:45 what was our number that's awesome thanks you guys all right did I have anything else to show you you know I don't know it's a yes I think so for this old camera how about 10 bucks five bucks I'll do eight all right sorry we got like six customers right now sir I just don't twenty two dollars worth of stuff 3:53 oh my gosh you guys will have a record this is awesome everyone's been so sweet and I like giving you lots of kids I have a huge heart for kids a lot of money because they're just so adorable 3:53 we've got a new record 356 you guys and these super chats are amazing right lady free birds are I enjoy shopping at farmer's markets - yeah Peterborough's you go Jana I love to sell you guys Louise Martin that's why Jack's holding the camera cuz I got a I got a cell yeah she's doing that b-59 happy holiday everyone hit that like button that's right everyone hit that like button Jeremy in Georgia alive right now what donatella they're doing the meat oh they're doing life - hey guys tell them hi if anyone's on their suit no lighters here we have one lighter team is in your people oh thank you oh yeah oh we do have a legend um mr. BIG's mr. Bazo bags a lot sorry mr. Beggs a lot a lot from us and I put them all away we'll ship him out as soon as we get home oh yeah let's get 400 it says that'd be cool we've been on for 49 minutes I still gotta walk you around show you some of those stuff out here now do you eat on it yeah yeah Omo you know the part is for parts ebooks that's good carry betting's you're a $2.00 zebra Chet thank you so much from South Carolina that's awesome all right you guys keep an eye on these customers for me we got a we should have the GoPro I got a 1 I got a Christmas present from Gianna early it's a GoPro but I haven't tried yet but we're gonna do some lines from that it's a fish it ain't going on you'll watch the whole booth the same time if we had that oh now I got 350 see oh now it's 360 the ones at Walmart that's awesome Christy maybe they are really they're all watching this Jarvis how are you doing Owen Wilson from Texas any baseball stuff no that's a good question Jason cuz I have a box with a few baseball cards of comics but I was like in shy bringing out the mic and there we just kind of we didn't want to get overwhelmed today with too much difference - Oh Carlton yeah I'll try to use the flat rate if we can get this the shoes I think but the shoes yeah it's more than a large box there is it Larry Cobra what's up Jack you know what does that say Irene saying about Facebook in my facebook okay what does Irene what I forget go back I mean no I can't go back to this tell me what you want 358 358 come on guys let's go to 400 Oh Johnson just rolled in something light thanks John that's awesome yeah watch their videos let's go get a chance cuz we got some good stuff well they're watching her booth floors you can watch the neighbors with I got it just rolled in okay let's see here we're at 348 Donatella what does it say hello Donatella yes I'm gonna get right soon seriously huh hey bugs I sold the I got some old cameras gonna see the deal for the REI jacket don't get mad don't tell me sometimes this is the same that I'd like to use sometimes if you wait for what you want though aren't those who wait for what they want very often get it and I use that saying when I met Gianna because I waited for her and that's what I got very thankful okay my Chad just popped up Leroy and so I'm missing Leroy's saying your wife's amazing Jackie yeah she is she really is Georgia DeSalvo from New Orleans oh wow that's awesome one of my favorite places been there twice New Orleans I was just telling my girls that when they get old enough on take them there they got to be I think I think they got to be 21 though to get into a bars because I know that's where the really good music is is in the bars and I just got to take him not for the craziness on the whatever that main street is called but we just will go there we go to that was to call Frenchmen Street and listen to the music it's amazing like that that could be the rest of my life just going down there and listen up music it's incredible Irene wants to Bill Murray okay I put it aside I put it in the car it's a reserved it's on hold it's in the back it's in the stockroom you ever get to eat bugs John Wall says that the REI jacket retails for 100 yeah I know I know but they bought three other things at full price so romantic I don't thank you see look at that that's right there Debbie Becnel says you are so romantic what do you say I said something romantic but there's the proof I got us well why'd you screenshot this fern you don't if it's romantic shouldn't I know it isn't that the point of it being romantic yeah Yeah right Yeah right it says can we personally message you guys locker nuts at or you can shoot us a message to our Facebook page thank you do we know who wanted the Winnie the Pooh because I don't want to leave it out you two are super it's just hardship that doing this what see this is everyone is sharing yes please Oh Mohamed how's it going 263 yeah Mohammad we didn't know what to expect today but look around there's not that many here isn't that like that many customers today but the thing is people are spending money because right before Christmas and we brought really really good stuff out like this that our stuff that we've been saving are better stuff like reserves death sooner I blew out a bunch of junk yesterday I had a few things that were kind of cool yeah I know this is one the pieces that I put in the garage it was gonna list it should be $10 right there it's super cool yeah 2007 cool which market are we at Jarvis that we're at a Concord driving can't really see it but there's a big driving screen beyond the clouds right there and they got two screens here and this is a nice hopefully markets not been super good lately though Oh two os's tubas skinny is amazing on Frenchmen Street we have been there in a few years went there like three or four years ago for a work convention back when I had my business and then my dad took me there for the first time during the Super Bowl that was there with the Niners but Jan and I'm in go into those bars and listen to this music and it's like late at night you have a couple drinks in these week she doesn't drink but I had to have like a couple drinks in then the music like just feels like you're like I don't know like in another time in another place it's like it's just an amazing experience you get on yeah we haven't even told our family and friends cuz we cousins did this last minute 368 you guys okay that's a and she wants the Winnie the Pooh okay Pat wants the might for Pat we have to do right well you know what we're gonna put it in the car we're gonna turn the car we'll figure it out we can just uh all right I'll let her go just got you hands I just don't want to break it there we go all right everyone's gonna be happy today right knees can you see looking for Christmas presents amber says never been there but I meant st. Nashville's need as well we want to go to Nashville that she was warm this place is on considered OCD says she got the iPhone 11 yeah we've been loving it really and you know it's amazing like manual our friend manual got one to you and when I see manuals videos compared to other people's videos he's got the eleven it's like the quality on it's pretty spectacular and it's not just that the resolution right it's the colors here you can't tell because it's overcast in gray but the colors on the iPhone 11 just pop it's so good but we haven't had a couple glitches with it and we have lost some video because of it but oh well nothing's perfect come to Indiana I like that there's a lot of places I have not visited and I would love to you Eddie conquest is on I live west of Nashville about 35 minutes away if we want to go visit Nashville yes we do actually we kept of for years thank you so much 373 notes see 370 yeah but show everyone Pat I put this with boxes not Mary st. jude's ahead Jenna okay should I yes very simply take the Hat I'm gonna take the bag off Mary I don't know let me show you them jewelry here again cuz I know you like jewelry let me just scan that Jory again real quick here we got those old camera she pulled out kind of cool this is a jewelry box that came out of the boat Locker been holding that for a while sold a couple watches out of it this morning it's a little coach this one came out just recently and then this is all like caught costume jewelry we intended to bring this to the vintage market because it's all there this came out a couple of the dustier the two like the spider one and then the other one I said this dustiest ever this all came out that's all stuff got some pins some little one rivers you know this and that's there's some beats out I kept those for a little while but uh what is it I don't know either all right so here's some more necklaces beads it's different than display case it's cool it's like I think these are not Jade those are like jadeite or something little fake Jade stuff come more trays of mostly cosmetic here on I see you Larry saying don't come to Canada right now nothing that's there yeah California do fine without answers there's plenty of nuts left over here this is a nut farm here in California in that kind of nuts that are necessarily what kind of brands watches we sold a Seiko look uh let me tell you that he's the number one fan and he was giving you the number one fan Raiders birdhouse that's it he didn't have time to come and give to itself it could be extremely busy do I need to go over there that's for me really yeah oh my goodness even with the plate waves license plate prorated guys how cool is that it's vintage thank you really that's for me do you know that we got two super chats for $99 each one in 20 so Christopher Hendricks yeah super chests $220 because we're taking our daughter out for a birthday tomorrow night and that was really a blessing yes cool nice missing you super jet we mean I was trying to have it everybody in the whole world come see us all at the flea market because I'm pretty sure most of us will be out there selling I can see it being 3:40 you're selling on Monday right well that's like after we're all we have to all have to sell it sound like an all-day thing how because I need time for naps some pointy Jeff how old are you you're like 42 right 22:49 but this morning I have bags in the mines from yesterday look at look at these bags yeah yeah I'm only 40 your youngster oh I'm I think I'm 41 but I forget I was 40 you're high-energy we broke a record see I told you nice yeah 3:54 important see that let's get the 400s d-hop the record let's make it record hard to break again because I yeah thanks again for that yeah so we're on ice to do lives that flea market law special Harold I sell a heck of Harold stuff people just by Harold staying survivor begins those are very nice actually I look those up let me show him to everyone who wants to buy this mark three hundred sixty two thirty eight more people guys could you guys just what's go up a saying I'm having one right now I don't know a conniption if everybody 270 likes if we have everybody hit the share button right now we would break 400 like that I will be amazing to break 400 right now live at this place that would be more people that are shopping at this flea market right now actually we have more people alive right now that are saying yeah don't tell them that baby fox come to o join click on it to read it again come to Nashville guys in May or June we have a blast that summers hot humid you know what we need to go there because everyone in our family wants to check it out that's three dollars yeah I can share Mary said thanks Perry yeah and so mark how much did you want these for I'll let them make an offer their name down here before yeah Chris Cole akan it's a Brooklyn they're heavy too right what do you what do they feel for anybody we disclose their well they're all very because there's just different one so the men what is matter our size I think 16 16 of us love the bookends yeah they're super cool that's five yeah what is your asking price here my asking price here I wasn't really said on to be honest cuz no one will do ten on this perfume yes the Casa - yeah it's a good Christmas gift mm-hmm okay I'm gonna put these here tell me if is it mark right that was interested in these mark if you want these come back to us and tell us okay cuz they're super cool look at that birdhouse found birdhouse I can't help myself everything's a thumbnail to me I'd always do it I got me where I go people like that okay what the heck are you talking about see for me I can fill up with titles but then after I'm done I'm like I forgot to get it done yeah like order a special cheese burger burger like found cheese bears ripe on the pan and storage you okay like could you stop saying that no it's practice yesterday i driving home from the flea market there's a car firing I'm late see market sometimes y'all had a customer minute for us to kind you out fight at flea market I bought an abandoned storage unit start trying to film then they were just then he was just teasing him they shook hands I was like dang it guys that is the business oh my mom loves it mom's like this mystery a Raider fan too yeah she's not interfere I knew there was a reason why I like she roots for the Raiders though what kind of bird would fit in this like hummingbird a pigeon thing gets more holes I could see pigeons like no oh yeah that's a think about it hummingbirds a pretty bird I probably ain't gonna want to be in a Raider Danny Maison I just sold 22 hours a week should we write Jarvis thanks for being on Jessica should we wipe this out and put Las Vegas hey I got something funny tell you said when we did the like live a couple weeks ago and you had all of us on and you had me to do the thumbnail changed Alex's hat from 49ers to a Raider logo I didn't notice that you noticed no I did it I have to go back I usually should have put an arrow like a little arrow I just I didn't wanna be too obvious I want to slip it in it's better than when he wears that Seattle Mariners baseball hat that makes like Al Gore diners the fans and you're wearing a Seattle Seattle you don't wear something says deatils come on guys let's get the 400 I look tired we got out I've never been tired a day of my life the bags it's like costume you know I mean like what are we making a deal on it's like my jacket here you that it's my flea market attire look run these bags right here robbed you this is the storage business and this is to Chile account the graves and be like that's the time that Josh did this and all the wrinkles is you said yeah right here Christmas give anybody a pig with the moustache pig with the moustache it's not funny it's a pig stash right here we're selling it right now it's a Christmas gifts al Abbott IRA I lied as a rabbit just have it with the mustache yeah the girl had a nice taste she had some Ernie they were packing up now I'm trying to make Harold a bundle be on all my stuff well I just like Harold by I believe so I just let him like whatever he wants I give him a high price and then he yeah yeah yeah yeah we got 365 people really yeah I'm Edward Edward do you subscribe to Locker that's on YouTube you need to today yeah sometimes these cells next to us and sometimes you buys from us makes jewelry like jewelry we've got a water bottle watch earlier yeah somewhere yeah but I most of all also like watches better true vintage form about us yeah I have one vintage one yeah the other day las 2 weeks is expensive one yeah forget butter say if you don't want it's fine what's up under Tom H what's up how much for this one Jim the Swisher Jack it's okay put this down cuz it's burning my house yes just make sure no one wants to buy that it's not for sale alright you guys need to jump in the locker with all of us with alright ready Oh 400 we're going for 400 alright guys here's the flea market today yeah that's true all the ladies our female demographic will be will go way up this is cool stuff here's mics oh you think so I just D monetizing once you slow down and the silences then the background kicks in so you got to just keep your yeah but you're going okay go home in a homina homina homina nananananana 376 now it's pretty good a lot of people we figured with you on camera that it would actually go up she wants to come out but I think she hit a little bit more yeah with the physical therapy and that are kneeling like swelled up in like ice or as they did the surgery went great this therapy's hard whether she out running around right away though totally staring and using her walker or nothing no crutches hello do you actually a moment dizzy my mom okay I do hope you're doing well miss yeah yeah thank you oh this is buffering here you're at the flea market this place you're I'm surprised no problem yet no buffering is said that's great yeah ankle hellos guys were 29 people from 400 come on Uncle Michael likes breaking records to share the 400 or never breaks a sweat he ain't broke a sweat in decades I break a sweat folding laundry what we got right here where'd you get this they're from this right here is a story never been bought these are cool yeah metal it says sale yeah or a seal or hails a oh I thought it would be a good one for anybody likes dark beers or something this came from that $300 unit I shouldn't have bought my friend Dan did dump Brian's like anyone buy this and I was like a gambling man cuz the guy passed away huh not a goodbye but 600 yeah if you went like this you could probably get it in the camera better you know like turn the cam this okay yeah okay this way all right absolutely yeah those are really nice thanks Pat I see you share that thank you because she sheds on to you she says hi what else we got what's the best stuff here what is the best up here left right now this rug is nice what is nice these are were nice I sold a good one tonight oh okay that's too late these are cool okay then oh this is cool oh yeah let's go take a look at this but then later on I found the picture of George Foreman look look so I basically have a CoA now let's just jus yeah that's I think the person that's George Foreman and then Joe is a is own Joe hippo was the person Wow I think that's that's cool yep that means they get to see you it I think sir yeah that's cool George Foreman's awesome Oh that's neat tinman still going that's i'm saving that for ebay it's the old controller for a man this is before they added all right oh that's cool didn't want to sell this that's the eBay we got it we got like what do we get 350 FAR's that's cool I do I just got so many whatever you get for see he worked for HBO so they have old Hubble toys are they no Mitch toy the whole train set in here all right this is the exact yes the TV exam that was about oh this right here was nice I'm putting I'm trying to clear off the eBay shelf while also sitting aside stuff he's got the cars and here's somebody some jerk-off tried to get in there today they always want to pull stuff down or your time you think it's e-470 like ya to have a date on here 79 see well I would've been nine that would've been like perfect yeah that was made for me okay I don't buy things only sell things 364 three guys come yes shoot me an email in there it's a locker nuts at and it's in the description stoop maybe I'll not on this video but most of them there you go guys there's a fan I'm his cameraman which is kidding oh yeah he's a he's a fan he watches huh swamp pickers on how oh yeah he's small picker how's it going how much for the robot Oh I'll ask him oh boy here we go this guy cannot talk without the customer here well here some colorful language here maybe soon we'll have to leave how much for the robot mister buys lots asking here you can have this for the low low price a $44.99 yeah all right so if you want if you're interested that um what email you you can email me I'll put you in touch with him well I've got his contact information consoler option pirate Facebook Instagram YouTube tell me a message make a comment we actually had cheeseburger up here in the video and no cussing us that's a amazing he knows when the camera is out he wouldn't work the auction he doesn't know he's on his best behavior he likes the camera I'm trying to get into making YouTube cause he is freaking funny yeah I go and get him on camera do you guys want me to go cheeseburger get some of the neighbors here is there some characters on the ascendant ezel cuz he won't not cuss you don't want to be on camera he does a promise to us he will come here come around come here I want you to say hello to the whole world we're live right now alive we got 360 people hello would you want to tell him your story about how you almost get it he saw our video he's he's the you and one other were the bidders well hey something almost there let me tell you a little story yesterday we're at a union he sees a plastic container with drawers and he sees little envelopes like the coins he doesn't want the unit he tells the guy will give me 20 bucks for that drawer thinking it's coins what was it whose $300 bed but I think paperwork I find the book oh you did okay he ended up with paperwork though because that that that unit stuck on his bring his nightmares now yeah and the $20 I lost and he lost $20 yesterday because he bets me we're in looking at he bets me that it's not a gun case it's right there Thursday rifle cases costume he thinks it's a keyboard case huh I'll bet you 20 bucks he bet me it was I knew it was a gun case he thought it was uh what do you think mistake that's right you have all the time in the world but I'm not yeah I don't think this toilet you're giving me Rainey this guy will be funny on YouTube yes very funny ready for cheese cheese cheeseburger two guys off once you should share show the world about me guys want see the belt buckles is he related to her name no I don't think so huh he's asking if you're related to remains German isn't he yeah no oh it's on me right now it's on me think it is you sign my model release now like you want to say hi just 358 people on OCI oh that's cool so that person was probably into this and there was probably some good stuff in that yeah like I told everybody there was a $3,000 unit I told our new the 10 by 35 cool no one wanted a kind of barter for 5 bucks it looked a little junky but I if I didn't have a bazillion units and just made a butt ton of money I would have probably bought it but I don't need to work that hard right now Leroy is so sustained alright tell me Leroy what shout out to Leroy in Spain he says the city telling you says his love that Leroy yeah difference Pina [Laughter] there people are asking what's in the green - it's empty ok so that's all this - ah look at this Jeff yeah he found these yesterday what five of them he found that one 419 200 250 nice number on your 60 day eBay sales there yeah barber name you know the guy for where's the like button I don't know oh where is it get this to 400 people on your button Oh 350 this for me today Solingen for Jews oh this is nice it's like antler I mean the man stag go I make people I like to make people smile I give deals I'm home yeah honey bucks 20 bucks that's a good deal I've had just this before the meat scissors he said meat scissors know what's going whole tree scissors I think stage name Lorena Bobbitt scissors hey this kid show I was giving a PC 40 hey I gotta get back to packing up yeah 82 minutes that's probably enough probably alright I'll get back to Janna and maybe we'll say a cheeseburger see ya should I go to Harold I don't know do you guys know Harold she would go to visit her people no here let's see if I get demonetized okay though female audience come here help without cussing come in yes Mary says Harold is a wild card and come over here on this side of the camera oh no he's looking at here there you go this is Jack's channel blocker nuts you've got 300 yeah he has 30 like almost 5000 Jack this is Jack hi Jackie knows it maybe you forgot it enjoy now my people know this con man right here yes if you like any more let me know so how's it going with this channel thing it's going alright you see this race this jacket is pretty cool we don't show we don't show so those enormous symbol for you know like dinner that YouTube does it hey does this look right here right here Jack as you saw some let's see oh this is all your military unit Stan there's Harold military unit stuff we still have him hmm you know how much he sold out of the pile I sold for him but then I sold in the whole unit for 2500 after I was done I mean I doubled my money I'm $11,000 money he sold 8500 out of just close Alameda he does Santa Barbara he travels down there a lot for a certain mark on the Wednesday does really well and then also his customers that he has coming here Oakland of all places I sold them all this Christmas stuff today I sell him everything you didn't keep that for your no company i downsized where the boss didn't want searching she did we were starting a thing already said too much that's interesting Stinky's right yeah all right that is an exact replica of Harald wrestling in high school he liked a moment full male-bonding is what he was into I hear he still takes it up on the weekend - yeah all right so should we get this live wrapped up you guys 345 345 looks like we're not hitting 400 - Damien XTO did great you got up to 363 that's outstanding outstanding this rake my jack and eyes record now yeah Leroy says that's a crazy Englishman but he's cool Harold's a nut he is he's very green but he's he's much nicer than I get ice I talk about sometimes but that's how I am I'm a smart out I learned it from this guy right here everything are the best here's what see see you later this is my new grill for everybody wanted me to introduce my new girlfriend oh there's the unicorn first time one first time on camera alright guys see ya maybe maybe I'll just go for the fun we'll see alright that's fun so yeah like I said before coming out to the good route to market is definitely a social hour team it's not all work but it is hard work by Susan Wright we'll head back here in the let Gianna sign off to you cuz she's been Manning it solo here well I'm not playing with the boys there Janan you want to say oh I've been so busy I do sorry all those spirits I've sold about $120 behind oh I didn't sell a ton of clothes all right well I'm gonna go back over there I'll see you later yeah we got some good stuff today if you didn't hear me mention to be earlier we have the stuff that basically that we've been putting aside saving for the better flea markets and right before Christmas we decided to drag it all out try to make some Christmas money O'Daniel 2500 asking Modesto or Stockton this one is actually conquered these are the drive-ins and catfish hunters asking is Jebus there no I don't think Jesus has come to this one but maybe he has I don't come out here all that often but Jebus has been coming to the Stockton flea market you see him out there sometimes Jebus and amber and but they're the I haven't seen them out here before this markets not been like super good it's been a little slow Oh Danny Mason the superjet thanks Danny I've been completely neglecting the the chat here let me scroll way back way back Brenda seminoff thanks thanks for calling now 499 super chat check that robot again dollars I think Mike he think he knows his stuff he's really good at pricing the stuff I don't think he'd let it go for two chief thousand one of the things he put aside his better stash so I think he knows but conditions always an issue to you but it did look like he wound it and it did work but it wasn't like super pop and maybe he's taken that in consideration to you whatever you buy we don't all right Oh super chats oh my goodness for chats yeah mr. Warren but speedy $4.99 there's one right there is absolutely okay let's be the super track for $4.99 I did oh you did okay hey sorry I've been selling him my nails is so cool I just gave him a tour and we met a couple characters over there character says she's burger oh boy was would you even have you love to be I didn't even have to ask him he just didn't I don't know how that guy turns it off his vocabulary is like what he works 2f words in every sentence like just normal conversation so know what time we were at the auctions and he was talking and I had to just turn the camera off because I yes how do you even do that it's almost like an Olympic sport for him it's a it's actually pretty amazing how many cuss words he can get in a normal conversation but um really funny guy I mean really he's he is a character [Music] Eric McCrae been watching us for a long time thank you yeah we've been home for an hour and a half thanks you guys for hanging in there watching I hope it's entertaining this is what we do we we do so I mean some channels you won't see that selling part of the business we do sell and it's not like huge money it's hard to make a few hundred bucks out here but it is part of the business is how we make stuff go can't it's not all good stuff that we sell the private collectors or eBay this is how we sell the majority of our stuff so was our favorite flea market I'll tell you have only been once to sell and it's the Alameda antique vintage market that's over it's in the city of Alameda but it's at a naval base a close knit I don't know if it's completely close but it's an old Naval Base and right next to these big shipping yards it's pretty amazing Alameda is an island in the middle of the bay and it's just an enormous flea market everyone brings their best stuff people come from States out of state in and the it's like amazing stuff like you walk around you just be a knob how much cool stuff there is and the people that come bring their money and yeah he's a pecking it are you serious me I won't pay with PayPal is that mark for the bookends I'm not sure yeah Oh Gregg Zaun hey Greg thank you see you before um Greg I met your friend Matthew the other night very nice guy and and I also I've got those magic cards I finally broke those oh the box open and you'll need to take a look I haven't even really looked at those too closely on camera but I'll need you to look at those have it could you sell it jonell wants the lab it alright we'll put it inside do it send us your stuff send us PayPal we've got to get the shipping on it good mark - how much did he want for that Mary saying he city will pay twenty plus shipping for the bookends yes okay that's fine that's fair yeah it's totally fair shipping spring gonna be expensive though because we're gonna have to wrap it I'd say are gonna go in a large flat I mean a large flat rate I know but it needs to be rapidly don't break yeah we want to make sure they're perfect California McGill oh my go California's awesome wait who's that Daniel it's up in to San Jose market yeah when actually you want to hear something funny yeah go and you were kids we both sold at the San Jose flea market all the time the Berryessa one we've been on for an hour and a half yes I think you've been on for an hour and a half now great we've got some the first pallet auction that we did a month ago we had some really nice dressers and stuff like this is the same quality merchandise that we have out here that gal had nice stuff mostly dressers like IKEA but they're like them practically brand-new but the new one I do have some stuff in it stored in Livermore a unit I just rented in Livermore so maybe you can meet me there and we can go through it and see what you want because there's some decent stuff there's actually a really cool dress percent twenty minutes to 8:00 here in Spain that's awesome I need a snack I'm hungry from all this I'm hungry too Mary's saying the bookends are really nice they are they're one of the pieces that we pulled out an artist and we're like these are just really nice they're heavy that you can just tell certain things you can just tell Claudia right when you pick it tim freestone wishing you all a Merry Christmas got to go thanks Tim continue from work so awesome from Denmark as awesome that is so awesome yeah thanks for being here Fleming's last dynamo eat he says he eat me Annie Leyva from SC sir nice Las Vegas okay cool we we South Carolina is SC Utah oh you asked everyone where they're from no I think they're just talking about it hi Gianna hi because she said nice to see you're on I've been off the camera busy selling no nois Kyle says hi hello hey Kim would Modesto Belgium oh my goodness this is so awesome UK Indiana yeah we're the evening entertainment that's right oh yeah dad this is great I love it you still have a few customers here yeah so you think you were mobbed earlier when I was really soon as you left yeah when I totally mobbed let's see a brick says hi from Pennsylvania hey brick Ireland oh my gosh you two 20 bytes England yeah hello Joseph Ireland is awesome we are super international here today internationally known what's that song it was like Satan saying they have to go okay thanks for being here CD thanks everyone thanks for being at the free market I think we should probably wrap it up honey that's why I came over here okay yes all right Oregon Mitchell gross Joseph from Arizona he loads Daniels asking about a loads I'm hungry the food out here is actually not very good no I brought you snacks any thank you a Gatorade in them dynamo you eat from Cape Terran really oh my gosh this is a made Merry Christmas Brenda Happy New Year South Africa Ohio Austria are you kidding are we like trending here is Austria this is so cool 345 496 minute live we've broken every record today thank you so much record and super chats record in people oh the Mexican corn and record in time they do so that sometimes but I don't see him this time it's not it's light on vendors today oh five bucks yeah brand-new brand-new brand-new alright so we should do our sign-off 340 likes nice more chatters and vendors Larry saying good we're doing a lot doctormick puffin is that what that number was Virginia used to live in Chicago records on hitting that thumbs up I know then 349 thumbs up that is amazing yes Texas is in the house can't wait to see you guys Monday night Danny May that's right a night we're gonna be doing our last ever live for before Christmas so we have some more Christmas cards to open because we got some more in the mail this week so we're super excited to share that with you and all our other finds from this last week which are pretty cool yeah yeah yeah we're at 97 minutes hopefully we'll have some more viewer mail too yes sure that's three dollars yeah it's foggy here yes see you Monday night everyone say bye okay see you yeah Happy Holidays how are you guys let's do our sign-off he's almost a hundred minutes here so the maybes time to wrap it up you too Greg Merry Christmas sorry I didn't get a reach out to you he's on vacation all last week but your celebrity has been super busy that's funny smash that like okay yeah thanks you guys so much for being here with us we had fun yeah we'll see you all Monday night and until then well I'll see something you guys Sunday night on Mike's life so make sure you go on that may be general make it appearance on that team I don't know welcome oh maybe I won't see mine either very Christmas every word all right so until next time yep good luck to you god bless you see you next time here are locking nuts bye everybody you
Channel: Locker Nuts
Views: 14,645
Rating: 4.9496064 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 98min 45sec (5925 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 21 2019
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