WE'RE IN THE PROFIT! One haul worth $1,000 from the locker bought at the abandoned storage auction.

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oh i hope this is an expensive one i do i do see that right there that looks like a jewelry box right there see that look at this super nintendo pokemon that's great i like to get one box to bring me back all my money this could be it you hear that do you hear that there's some good value here she's got all arranged real nice let's take a tour through the crafting previously on locker nuts tempted by online photos of a juicy comic book locker i headed out of town hoping to scoop it up but the unit looked different than it did in the photos apparently it had been tampered with at some point before the auction so i took a pass but bought one of the other units instead for 475 dollars the jewelry box made me do it but it didn't hold anything too impressive i found a couple of exciting items like some lululemon and a donut maker how awesome is that but the most promising finds so far have been the crafting items and there are a lot of them our story continues as we reach the back of the locker and find the remaining treasures this locker is holding for us see more crafting stuff in here there's some more one-touch stuff medicines maybe there's something different here's little charms more crafting stuff huh yeah crafting books [Applause] there's no little crafting bag right here so i'll put that aside we'll go through it more carefully okay sewing and embellishment made easy what is this oh it is a sewing machine but it does something else too embroidery and sewing machine huh brother sc350 oh i hope this is an expensive one i do i do okay all right all right this could be a good little sale right here since covet hit people been buying sewing machines this could be decent [Music] another big suitcase but it's all this foil that's been chewed up i think this means it was candy and mice or rats got in here the inside of the suitcase looks pretty decent the outside is kind of funky though so that's going to go to the dump that's gross it's gonna go a lot faster if there's empty stuff back here oh and i've seen oh i've seen some different stuff there's a table right there so the backs are looking a little bit more bare that was all boxes but that's all right let me get through this together we can do it all right what do we got in here glass etching paint kit all cnc storymaker all right on the moon goat what are these for curling your hair or something hmm that's nice backgammon sit right there let's see broken frames here we got a little waterfall motorized you think about what do you think about them apples made in china okay we got here a lot of drugs in here so much prescription there's another ellie looks gel that one actually is clean so put those aside sick tiles or no stick tiles stick tiles this stuff actually looks a little better it's not saying much it is a little better some decent scissors oh look at that huh oh phone call okay guys check this out i'm getting pretty deep in here the bad news is that i haven't found that qriket machine um still could be in here right it still could be in here but i have a feeling maybe not but look at this is kind of interesting see that right there that looks like a jewelry box right there see that that looks like a jewelry box it does it looks like it could be so this kind of the tables and stuff are gonna be easy to load it won't take me very long so this is gonna start moving a lot faster but um that looks kind of promising oh yeah i almost got distracted all right i guess i did get distracted i was on this right here and i got a phone call and yeah that's kind of cool little leather leather purse nice um oh yeah and then look at this this is where we were got that rock right there that geode is broken it's too bad look at this super nintendo pokemon that's great and star wars episode one racer that's not bad either hmm that's a little better than flea market stuff so that makes me happy oh hey i've got a few more in here too look at that oh south park top gear overdrive and all-star baseball 2000 those are vintage games vintage video games you know we love that a little battery backup okay okay it's a nice little bag actually it's cool um that is cool it's a amethyst i think that's amethyst you know what i'm gonna put that in here actually that's really cool it's made into a candlestick this one's dirty in here um but this is kind of neat too right here look at this some skateboard wheels okay penny penny board penny wheels this one's a little rougher but i don't know there might be some value on those i'm not sure definitely gonna put them aside permanent markers there oh and more crafting stuff great good good good ah what's this oh that's bright for a little flashlight that's a bright one all right next box next box and i'll tell you what i got a call from jana and i've got to pick the kids up from school she's busy so i am going to have to put the uh put this in a little bit faster gear and start moving quicker because i'm going to run out of time i'm still hour away from home and i want to go to the dump on the way home to get rid of the junky junk so i'm gonna have to move a little bit quicker let me get the video rolling um and fast forward here and i'll just kind of burn through and i'll stop and talk about anything that's a little more special [Music] marbles that's good so foreign next box you can find too much in that last one just a little bit of i found a knife a couple little things but nothing too too amazing this looks like a brand new velvet quilt set king size that's i'll decent it right in that suitcase right there okay get some clothes just a pantyhose okay some garland christmas cake pops baking pan that's funny okay this stuff this is more of a fancy paper yep that's what that is more fancy papers here corrupting oh boy this whole box might be crafting actually okay a little picky neck basket what is this this is for like a game boy that's cool little turtle robot turtle just little kid stuff okay oh wait this one had the jewelry box oh this one had joined my hair okay little fabric thingy that's good so that the market oh it's really light that was something better cold compress those are good to have a bunch of little parts and stuff okay what's in here a little bit of makeup for the market this little mickey mouse watch that's cool solar lights draperies hmm headphones couple headphones oh this looks a little better right here all right guys this might be getting a little bit better oh this might be it this might be it i like to get one box to bring me back all my money this could be it oh this is getting way better oh yes okay these are gonna roll out there's a bunch of marbles okay that's good angel dish and this look at that can you see in there it's all marbles guys that's a one big marble collection that's really good we have marble collectors that show up at our auctions so we try to bring them tomorrow oh you hear that do you hear that do you hear that we're just gonna peek i don't really like what i see okay let's make some room i'll tell you if i didn't already have like three bottles of this i'd keep that because it comes in handy finding furniture that's a usb c to usb converter that's good um these are foster grants right here that's decent okay what are these nothing i don't think okay little seashell eddie bauer coin purse empty pocket monster game okay sealed packs a little charm a few little earrings all right nothing too crazy there's a jewelry box i'll go to the flea market housekeeping illustrated book okay all right what do we have here nothing i mean nothing the box is cool though box is actually really cool it's like brass and these are good right here more geodes a couple more come on just want to find something really good oh okay another chance what is that i think that's mark 925 right there right there that's mark 925 that could be something cool that stones hmm i don't think that's a big piece of turquoise it feels plasticky but if it is turquoise that's that'll be something okay at least we've got some a couple little things in here hmm okay come on this could be the one dang empty sterling silver whatever it was originally one more chance oh man this you know the sterling silver it's not gold still but come on where are those guys at okay one more jewelry box come on jewelry box okay there's nothing it's nothing they're cool but they're not precious or anything chico's [Applause] [Music] nope bummer damn oh there's some change though we got some money that'll cheer me up come on that's good look at all those quarters that always cheers me up all right well whatever oh man this one's light right here a big old light box fake plants stuff in here is getting lighter and that's not good auto emergency tools that's got a nice little compressor right there bring that to the flea market i thought this looking cleaner the deeper we got but pull it out here don't look so clean anymore don't fabric bathrooms okay tails are good this still hit the market yeah we got some sweatshirts and stuff in here that sells these do so yeah the spider totally made the creeps right here in my business all right got this other big one out this one looks to be in probably the best condition yet and it's a samsonite that is good this should bring us ten bucks at the flea market i'd say maybe eight eight at the lowest once again i'm not seeing really anything too interesting in here these have been not been real high end these are not leather here boots now typically i like make you know a lot more thorough you know be a lot more thorough going through make sure there's no like little bag of jewelry in there or something but i gotta go pick my kids up and i won't be late it makes me nervous to be this far out and be responsible for that so right now doing them first pass sorting and maybe i'll take a closer look at it when when i get to the flea market and straight up garbage right there why the heck would you keep that in there just throw it away don't put it in the locker come on you guys come on i feel like i should be making a video series aimed towards people who store their stuff do's and don'ts there's some more marbles in there there's some really other funky stuff in here though you don't have to take that with me and get those marbles out because maybe they're older maybe they're nicer maybe they're sellable this is a nice little bag let's bring that to the market okay guys this is the last box if you see in here we've got two tvs got some glass got some chairs a little cart the carts always sell at the market they'll be easy eight to ten bucks uh this is my last box here iphone box empty okay got these things these little wall hangers i never cared much for those brand new stockings okay umbrella that's actually good for right about now rain is coming the rain is coming and the rest of this i tell you looks well these actually might be leather nah i don't think they are fake leather i think man-made material yep i was right okay the rest of it looks to be closed just closed so boom that's it now i gotta get to packing all right yes all right that was uh i don't know a couple hours going through that i know i'm slow filming slows me down too but um yeah i'm not finding anything in there nothing worthy so we did find a little jewelry in here okay i put a little bit in here and we left all that jewelry in there it's not that good though i saw like two silver pieces i'll go through it a little bit more carefully if there's anything great i will update you at the end of this video don't hold your breath all right but stay to the end anyways you know um the crafting stuff i don't i don't think we have a cricket maybe that other machine that i found a really heavy one maybe that is a like knock off cricket and maybe that'll work for what my daughter wants but uh all the other cricket pieces that's got to be worth some money this stuff's not cheap and just all the crafting stuff in general i probably found two full you know three totes well maybe one toes full of just paper like scrapbook paper but the other two probably more expensive more interesting stuff so we can make some lots for our live auctions out of that for sure and i do have some stuff i'm taking home take a closer look at and i do have some stuff i'm selling at the market so anywho i think that's gonna do it oh i see one thing here one thing down here i got some pretty nice bolt cutters power pivot huh hk porter i don't know what's that harbor freight or something um that's not bad that's 10 bucks all right there's another 10 bucks come out all right we got all the stuff home and this is pretty much the crafting stuff maybe a little bit more i gotta bring in but two bags and three bins looking at it right now in here that's a fair amount of crafting stuff um there's some purses on top right here but mostly all crafting stuff let's get this out of the bags and boxes we'll put on the tables and see what we got all right guys you saw the bins now janna went through it all she was actually pretty impressed with the quality of the stuff here she said some of these items like some of the paper packs have 40 price tags on them so there's some good value here she's got it all arranged real nice let's take a tour through the crafting all right this might remind you a little bit of our auction previews if you're a channel member you've watched our auction preview videos that we put up this is exactly how i do it so here's um i mean i'll just take it slowly through i don't even know what some of this stuff is so hopefully you crafters will recognize uh what we've got in front of you i mean obviously there's big stacks of stuff here so there's a there's a tremendous amount back here i think these are some books crafting or you know books there's some embossing pens or whatever here's some uh tattered lace is what it says tattered lace dies got quite a few of those at least a dozen of those it looks like there's some other lay stuff down here this is all in like a binder too you see this this is like pages of it too we'll probably sell a binder like that all one lot in our auction and by the way guys if you're interested in this stuff that's where you can purchase it from us is in the auctions all right we'll do it in our live auctions check out all this um it's nice paper specialty paper i don't know what those are those are some sort of awards or something the stuff up here is uh like die cut you see this you punch them out punch out all the shapes i guess that's for uh scrapbooks or something all right looks like that one's been punched out a little bit that one um this one more punch outs little punch out things punch out things die cut shapes uh these are cool here this is like kind of reminds me of wallpaper because it's like it's you see it's embossed it's got the texture you know the raised areas on it all these paper scrapbooking paper really nice stuff yeah i think this is some money right here i think this is stuff is kind of expensive gianna said this is like a gold mine for a crafter she told me to be thankful she's not into crafting because she'd be she'd be keeping this stuff now look at this cardstock very nice oh yeah all these are paper books um this is good we have to figure out how to get these uh lotted up into concise lots you know it's got to make sense for us in shipping otherwise you can do large lots shipping additional that's cool but uh i don't know i think that there might be a thousand dollars worth of ship uh crafting stuff here a thousand dollars i don't know that might be a little bit high but it's hard to say this stuff is expensive look at all this gold like metallic papers cardstock papers um this couture stuff right here might be kind of expensive it's a little couture box uh these two these toto or to do and the freedom to do everything these little kits there's a lot of those there's a ton of them they're a little what are the templates for die cutting glitter prints 4x6 look at all this stuff guys all right i know some of you crafters have got to be drooling over this these uh back here these packs right here oh jeez look at all this paper look at all that and then the packs right here janice said these had the price tags on 40 bucks each of those packs of paper and look at we've got like tons more probably equivalent to at least three more packs we got three of those and then probably two or three more packs that are out of the bags there crazy crazy crazy crazy all this little stuff stickers embossing essentials this is punch board this one is punch boards okay all right here's the thing for a qriket right here never did find the cricket never did find the cricket but we did find the accessories i told camille she could come through here and uh just look around see what she wanted to keep for when we do find the cricket stuff here's the qriket and things here she's going to really want one after she sees all this stuff we've got look at this butterfly medley oh these are stamps is that what they are or embossing things i don't know there's all i know there's tons of them and these are not cheap i only looked up a few things and what i saw just kind of blew my mind whiskers all right here's another fiskars i know what that is for it's like a scissors cutting the cutter there's a little cutting board right here uh with this we saw there this for punching out the letters and then gianna put a bunch of miscellaneous stuff in these craft bags the craft bags are nice they have the tags on them still everything original merry i don't know everything merry originals two bags matching she filled them up with a bunch of crafting supplies this is martha stewart thing right here look at all this stuff [Applause] there's a tremendous amount of stuff we'll probably auction these bags off as one whole bag and just say shipping additional or both bags together i don't know but if you guys are interested in this stuff again you're gonna check out our live auctions mondays at 5 pm pacific we'll likely be doing some pop-up auctions as we get into the holiday season so make sure you check out our channel subscribe hit the alerts so you'll notify you'll be notified when we put something new up over here is a couple more items from last week's auction will be mailed and then a whole bunch of cards we've got all set up and ready to go jana's starting to do the records this could be in our next auction a little preview there and uh here's that other machine which i think is kind of like a cricket it's a cut emboss cutting boss craft well all right all right guys that's going to do it for this adventure all right i've already bought another one we'll go on another adventure soon enough soon enough this is a three-parter i hope you guys enjoyed it i'll tell you i do spend a lot of time in editing the snip out all those little dead spots so that uh you know all the like putting stuff back in the box or back in the bag or moving this and sorting like i do cut it out try to keep that action as fast as possible i hope it makes it for an enjoyable experience so you guys can just see you know really the best stuff and uh this one it had it had some good stuff in it for sure had some good stuff but it wasn't like a great great locker was it it was just it was all right you know the crafting stuff really is our saving grace like i said i think there's well over a thousand dollars in stuff there but of course i'm talking about retail not necessarily talking about recent resale right retail versus resale very different we'll have to see i might be grossly underestimating the retail value so maybe we'll get a little more on resale there's a lot of stuff there and as you saw the prices i was flashing up which i didn't even know when i was filming it you know those little seven dollar packages and fifteen dollar packages twenty dollar packages they're gonna add up they're gonna add up to quite a bit so um the crafting stuff thankfully we have that but we found some geos we found some marbles found some video games we found we found some jewelry but nothing precious i i pulled out a couple pieces that were marked 925 but they stuck to the magnets so they were not they were not real um but there was some still some decent decent jewelry that will either make it on our trays or in a jewelry bag in our upcoming auction the cheaper junkier stuff we just gonna put it the flea market in bulk uh we won't bother auctioning that stuff we really do save the best for our auctions all right so anyways again i hope you enjoyed it i'm so glad i didn't buy the comic book locker it's interesting because i talked to a couple other people who are familiar with that area and know of that facility and say they've heard bad stuff about that too and that they weren't surprised to see what looked like some monkey business now i'm not saying the facility did it but i'm saying it doesn't look so hot for those guys those guys are watching and you did something shame on you really shame on you shame on you shame on you it's not right it's not right okay and it's not fair to us because we go there and obviously people are willing to pay a fair price for those lockers you shouldn't tamper with it i mean come on you guys come on come on right all right so hey before i go enough lecturing right before i go i wanted to give a quick shout out to courtney whitlow you see that right there courtney whitlow is a bonafide nuts member and we so appreciate her and want to say thank you so much for signing up for the membership if you guys want to know what that means what it means to be a locker nuts channel member uh hit the join button below it'll tell you everything you need to know it's basically a way to support the channel beyond thumbs up subscribing sharing you can go a little bit further if you'd like to but also being a member means that you get to bid in our live auctions man i hope i don't sound too much like a commercial promoting and bumping these live auctions but we really really do enjoy them and if you've never been check it out mondays at 5 p.m pacific as well as um very often we do a pop-up auction and we're gonna be stepping those up as we go into the holiday season because we know a lot of people are looking for gifts and such so again thank you courtney for being bona fide nuts we so appreciate you we've got another video coming out soon guys soon and this one's exciting because i finally got a different vehicle for this business and it's it's big it's big i'm gonna show you in the next video so make sure you watch it but until then good luck to you god bless you we'll see you next time here on locking nuts thank you for jack chestnut big day i actually woke up at 4 this morning and couldn't go back to sleep because i'm just a little bit nervous it's a big investment for so i don't take it lightly but i am excited i'm excited about the car because it's a really nice car and uh our van is not really a car it's a van
Channel: Locker Nuts
Views: 28,678
Rating: 4.9499702 out of 5
Keywords: storage auction, Abandoned storage, storage, storage locker, storage auction finds, storage auctions, storage auction locker, abandoned storage locker, found in storage locker, found in storage unit, time capsule, deceased owner, dead owner, ephemera, #extremeunboxing, old trunks, storagetreasures.com, found money, found cash, locked trunks, mystery, adventure, asmr, how to make money, big profit, gold, silver, jewelry, theft, fraud, broken in, break in
Id: 50w2JU8Rkno
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 15sec (2115 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 20 2020
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