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today we're gonna upgrade a super dinosaur and absolutely nothing is going to stop me as it is we're already destroying those robots plus we already found a new part for his space naturally the first level isn't going to be anything too difficult but when i want to do things a little bit quicker i use a machine gun and then i can also headbutt idiots right in the face there's another upgrade part so hopefully those are gonna start stacking up for us here's a new guy and we just melted them anyway and there really is something just very enjoyable about melting whatever you happen to run into we're just about through this stage so we're gonna head butt two guys at once there's another upgrade part and that's the end of this little stage and there's another upgrade part and another upgrade part i know eventually we will actually need some of these upgrades to get through like i missed time this one and he's gonna do just a little damage there's what appears to be a cannon upgrade that means we're allowed to put our parts together and we did find a lot of them those to go together to give them a better face plate and those go together then these go together to give them an even we've got goggles now got to protect those eyes kids they're very important we put those together to get a better knee pads not sure what he needs those for and a better gun on top of that we can just spend some of our 250 on upgrades so we'll upgrade both of our attacks and then it's right back to work and i really have trouble taking seriously a t-rex with goggles on but we're already fighting a lot stronger idiots but we're already getting a lot more upgrades as well we can't use those until we're done all five stages of stage two luckily for us though we're already shooting blue marshmallow lasers so i feel like that's gonna help us in a big way and we're starting to stack up more of these mushroom guys they definitely a little bit stronger and i don't want to sit against them for too long my knee pads can only do so much i do think it's a little bit funny i was hoping i could head but both of these guys at once but it's funny how the things you want to protect are our knees and eyes nothing else really just those two parts we did lose over half our life there on stage two three this is two four so we might actually end up dying at some point along the way i'm okay with that cause that just means more upgrades for us presumably look at all this can we head but all of these nice that's a new thing probably don't want to touch it because it's covered in spikes okay i'm simply gonna have to use my attacks a little more sparingly i'm gonna have to wait for them to stack up just a little bit so i can hit multiple things at once or at least get through the early part of the stage because i know the end is going to be harder like this part right here this is exactly why i needed this we can tear it through that there's only one of these guys so i'll keep an eye on the health and head about what i need to don't really want to head but this but i think i'm going to have to and then we're just going to use this try and get everything out of our way stage two five is done so now we go back to the crafting menu to put some new things together which means we can make better goggles or we just put a razor blade on our nose because we don't care about our eyes anymore all right then we can upgrade our shin pads to the eye pads that's clearly very important to our protection and survival or we get a better gun though and then we get to upgrade both of these one more time and we're not allowed to go back and redo levels but this is what our dinosaur looks like now and i'm enjoying this a strange amount we're also firing lasers now which seem to melt those guys quicker there's another gun upgrade let's just blast through them we do also have 250 health i believe we had 200 before and i'm pretty sure headbutt does more damage thanks to our nosebleed but i'm not entirely sure i would pay attention to the damage readouts but i've just been lost in the dinosaur's eyes this was a poor time to do this so we're gonna head by you that actually worked very well we're a lot stronger when we headbutt we do 60 i believe so that's almost triple the damage then our laser gun that was a really bad time to use it i was so disappointed by that that i didn't even check the damage read out that's okay our thigh protection will carry us right through it all then there's one more idiot we'll give him a bonk and we're done the enemies are starting uh quickly on this one i'm glad we got an update and a box i haven't got one of those yet okay stage three five is definitely gonna have a few more challenges than the old ones there's three different vines okay we're gonna bonk youtube then we're gonna shoot our way through hopefully whatever's left mission successful let's upgrade well let's see what's in this box level four watch a short ad yeah okay that was full of good stuff very happy i opened the box so we put those together we put those together we put those together we can't actually make anything new but we're that much closer we might get away with some new shin pads though yep we get red thigh enemy protection pretty soon we'll have half the leg protected so we made a new red cannon but then we get to upgrade beyond the red canon even we skipped to level five it's like a monster cabin so we can make a level one attack level okay we go level two on whatever this is and upgrade one of these i like the laser gun so that's upgraded too now we're getting simmer what does this do oh it's like a stabbing chain we get to penetrate things as well i like that word uh so now our attacks are doing uh six damage per hit our headbutts shouldn't have changed those are doing 60 damage or whatever they were but i do like the fact we have an extra attack because the density of enemies is way higher and there's a bumblebee now and the bumblebees seem pretty strong luckily that's the end of this stage my laser gun is definitely the most powerful one so it should be able to defeat most things we're gonna use our stabby thing to kind of clear the way just a little bit i like that one then we're gonna head butt this be right in the goggles i'm the only one who gets to wear armor around here stab stab stab head butt that was unnecessary i just wanted to send a message and i just used a headbutt and i hit absolutely nothing with it can i use those at the same time we can shoot and penetrate and i just realized we're up to 350 health already uh okay sitting against the bee will do me 30 damage so i don't really want to do that for any length of time but i can then we're just going to shoot these guys oh and there's another box excellent we're going to be so strong i feel like we're getting very lucky and i feel like there's so few enemies left i'm just gonna blast right through them while picking up tons of parts this will be the final stage so there should be a little bit of struggle not struggle but more challenge i should say i don't struggle with anything i've got a t-rex wearing armor plus he's also a penetrator penetratis rex stops for no one this should be the final little cluster of idiots we've got 155 health so even if the bee does full damage to us we'll be fine but just to be mean oh i was gonna blast them so what's in the box and we definitely got a lot of good stuff that's two level three goggles so um hopefully eventually there's like an auto way to do this because this is actually confusing my poor little brain oh so we go beyond the red so we got yellow nose then we can combine the yellow noses into well i guess that probably protects the brain and to be fair we're finally protecting something important i assume that means extra head butt damage now can we do anything about our leg protection yes we can we're gonna go from the red legs to yellow legs the cannon may get an upgrade it's a little bit hard to tell where we're at no cannon upgrade yet but with all of our money i think i just want to upgrade our laser thing again and then we can still do one of the other ones let's do our penetrator for evermore penetration we now have 400 health so we're not really going to worry because like we tear through those guys we do 35 damage on our bite now this is where we'll use our penetration though because that destroyed those guys pretty easily we've only lost 70 health so far so we'll just blast through to the end i'm not sure if i love the headbutt anymore i find it really amusing but it doesn't do a ton of damage and i don't know if it's worth upgrading or not it is kind of useful for things like that when you just need to hit a few enemies to soften them up a bit or maybe even push them back a little bit of penetration to finish off the level oh we got a warning i think we got some kind of boss fight because we're at five five now yup it's a boss fight where is he hope he likes penetration we're just gonna hit him with everything you like that and we're gonna give you some of that yeah hit me with the missiles i don't care i'm invincible i've got a face plate on the headbutt does recharge the fastest which is uh fine i guess but i think this still does the most damage but we'll finish it off with some mild penetration got him all right now to see if i can make anything new those go together nope nothing there uh actually nothing there you'd think defeating the boss might help but that's just my opinion we're gonna upgrade our penetrator and then we're on to stage six one the next boss should be at ten five these guys are definitely a lot stronger i'm actually gonna have to fight a little bit to get through them and i did lose over 200 health over half my health there so if we weren't upgraded we absolutely would have died there now a penetrator is going to work really well for these actually just to soften them up before we get there there's another box those are definitely what i need because those are full of parts and i did notice level three knee pads just dropped so we can at least get straight up drops at a higher level so i don't have to combine all the way from the bottom of the barrel didn't mean to use the penetrator but it's never a bad time for it i suppose okay i'm gonna have to stand in the scorpion space for a second don't really want to be here stage 6'5 hopefully we find ourselves some uh nice upgrades or perhaps a chest here wow that guy did a lot of damage a single one of these idiots actually really hurts i need to be careful not to do oh okay this is probably also really not what i want to be doing uh hopefully my things recharge quickly because i might actually die here there's a lot of damage coming my way and we're only halfway through this stage okay we're gonna head butt get them out of the way we're gonna start stabbing we're gonna use everything we can hopefully this blitz our way i died that was the last enemy i'm actually completely okay with that because i get to redo that stage anyway but i get to keep all my upgrade parts so that was full of all sorts of level three and higher stuff now for the ever satisfying combining of things so the reds go together to make a yellow use it there okay so we're uh six five four three two one nothing new there yet but that's okay you can't rush art and i'm just always really excited to see what the next upgrade is like a new canon there we go that's gonna help carry us further and we get a new ability level one two three i'm assuming this is really good so i'm just gonna upgrade it oh did it replace my attack altogether oh interesting i think i like the penetrator better though so i just wasted a lot of upgrades on that yeah the gun's doing 15 damage per shot now so that's probably going to help in a big way and uh i need to remember to keep using my abilities because things here are strong my new attack is blue though so i think it's like electricity so it might actually do more damage to these guys i'm not entirely sure it seems not bad but i still like the penetrator more yep there's a new faceplate so our headbutts do more now we got goggles end and nose snorkel we get a new thigh pad so we're going from the thigh vise to a super knee pad seems to be a matching set our gun i don't think is going to upgrade yet upgrades however we're going to upgrade you then we are going to upgrade the headbutt just a little bit because i do think i need it uh the headbutt's now doing 120 damage so that's actually quite a bit we're going to rely on that often oh and there's a crate that's perfect that's going to be a very high level crate we're going to head by the scorpion don't try this at home kids our health to jump all the way up to 502 which is great because these things do do a lot of damage stage seven three and i predict we're going to start to struggle a little more here but so far so good with my usage of resources we've taken very little damage though things are on recharge but i'm gonna headbutt this guy that's gonna knock him down right away and then these will recharge by the time we're ready for the last flurry of idiots i'm actually gonna wait to use the electric because i don't want to waste my uh laser bolts on these little guys the laser will penetrate through everyone now i can focus like that didn't really make a difference either way oh this is a new guy let's make sure he dies immediately i always assume new guys are gonna be very strong i don't think he hit me because we didn't lose much health there this is stage seven five so it should actually be a little bit challenging uh it might actually be hard for me to clear at this point but we'll find out momentarily okay we timed this poorly so i'm gonna head but both of them there we go we knock him down to half health right away uh because he's hitting really hard i don't want to take too many hits from him in a perfect world there'd just be some quick penetration and then it'd be on my way okay he's going to hit us again but he's dead stage 75 clear and we get to open a level 8 box which is full of surprisingly low-level stuff i'm a little disappointed with that one but even the low-level stuff turns into big stuff eventually we can combine all those into one of those then everything's just gonna sit over there my gun however will get an upgrade it's now a purple gun which oh i see as the upgrade to give me new abilities so we went from the penetrator to the lightning to the this thing i'm gonna upgrade my gun because i've really been liking my gun we're gonna upgrade this a few times so to make sure it's adequate uh but i do also want another upgrade on my gun because it's not going anywhere we don't really match anymore but that's probably not the end of the world that gun is really strong now even our base gun is doing 18 damage per shot i don't think we upgraded our headbutt at all but we can also find out what my oh interesting we bring in a drone to do the fighting for me we're gonna melt you and you i guess i'm disappointed now when i finish a level and don't get any upgrades out of it this drone thing is pretty helpful it does take a second for it to show up though from the time i use it so i need to remember that but we're gonna hit him with some stuff he's already dead perfect then we'll just blast our way through easy peasy killing you gonna bring in the big guns here to help get through both of these guys then it's just more of the little idiots but these guys really aren't a problem right now especially when i can headbutt them or get the carryover damage to him that probably couldn't have been more perfect and we've got 500 health so we're probably not going to die super easily there is a crate which is good even if it's full of low-level stuff that stuff's still gonna stack up hopefully the drone sticks around long enough to good enough for me okay and right as we get to him we're going to give him a headbutt and we're going to hopefully obliterate both of them yep then we'll keep on trucking level 9 box time lots of level 3 and 4 2 level stuff but i'm starting to get so much of this stuff that it is actually starting to add up fairly quickly like for my knee pads i've got a bunch of these now which makes two fives which makes two sixes so we get purple knee pads that match so these are what gives me the armor then so my hp jumped up to 600 and my damage per minute is 550 on my gun currently but i've got so many purple guns it's hard to imagine it's not leveling up somehow and it's not going to level up but we're close we're getting lots of points so let's upgrade our drone because it's pretty helpful uh let's do the headbutt a little bit then i guess the drone again because we don't really have a choice this shouldn't be too bad though our extra damage and health will carry us a long ways we're gonna head but you just get you out of the way quickly so my oh that's new he's got a machine gun my strategy is pretty simple though when i'm on stage like whatever one and two the first two stages i just do whatever i want they're not going to be very challenging look at all of these though my headbutt can get right through them though because they're so clustered up these guys are maybe going to be a bit of a problem yeah they can do a lot of damage to me i actually want to sit against the scorpion that way these guys can't hurt me yet now i can just go right through them somewhat then we're going to bring our helicopter back in he's going to do some damage and these are the last two idiots anyways well we can definitely still do better bring in the drone we're going to headbutt everything blast our way through these then we did that losing not too much health we are getting lots of pickups along the way i didn't realize these guys could shoot me from a ways back so it doesn't matter how close i am to them they're still hurting me and we're taking lots of damage so we might have to have an upgrade round we'll call it so i brought the drone and it may be a bad time because there's not really a ton for him to shoot but we did get a crate of stuff the drone could hit him even just a little that would make me feel better i tried to push him back to head but both of them that didn't work so when headbutts fail just use a machine gun i'm gonna bring the drone in right away because we're losing a lot of health and we're almost at the end of the stage anyway so i'm hoping i can just fire power my way through this come on shoot it shoot it we're dead but that crate we had had lots of five and four level stuff so that's probably gonna lead to some pretty good upgrades eventually five sixes so we can go beyond there so we're going from 40 bike damage oh that's aggressive to 50 by damage the knee pads aren't quite gonna get there but they're close the guns however might uh yes the guns are definitely going to because we're going to go from 550 damage to 730 that's almost a 50 increase plus you get a fire and our dinosaur looks much more aggressive than where we started i'm also gonna upgrade this skill because i assume it's going to be really good because it's the last one we unlocked so we're just going to go all in on that aside from that our extra bite power and gun should uh help carry me through and uh so far this feels a lot better that's doing 140 damage i haven't even tried the fire one yet what do you think it does we'll use it here okay it's literally a flamethrower interesting i don't know if i like that as much i'm sure it does more damage though and we're firing rockets now i don't even care if we lose every round as long as i'm still getting upgrades i'm having fun we're going to incinerate the robots now and then use the machine gun to follow up yeah this is kind of throwing me off but we'll just keep going until we either die or succeed we're going to roast them yeah that flamethrower is not very good but everything else we have is these levels definitely get hard quickly because now i'm fighting one of these guys while this guy's shooting me it's just a bad situation so we're going to turn on the machine gun to dismount that little wave but we're only halfway through this level so that doesn't bode super well for my chances here still there are a lot of scorpions but i think we've got enough health to get through this cluster at least maybe i just need more coffee is that the problem we did get another crate though so if we do die that's certainly not the end of the world okay i'm gonna use the fire power here as soon as you want to activate that feel welcome then we're going to head by everyone hopefully to death and i think we're still dead yeah i need more coffee do you ever have coffee so strong it's basically rocket fuel i literally just got chills and shippers drinking whatever that was but i'm well caffeinated now all right let's upgrade this uh you go there you go there i always get so stressed on this part for some reason okay then we start putting the purple things together those go together color coordination uh was never my thing okay so we're getting extra hp which is gonna be good now we're a matching red set then we combine these guys and we've got another level seven here um i suspect they ripped off the design here okay so for upgrades then we're going to upgrade my headbutt a little bit and then my gun a little bit i just don't want to do the fire anymore so we're not actually that much stronger than we just were we're stronger but it's mostly my abilities which might be enough to make the difference if we kill things a little bit quicker before taking damage plus our extra health that might be enough to carry us through i just realized the dinosaurs probably wouldn't have gone instinct if they were like this penetrative rex is doing much better this time we're on stage nine five already and it hasn't been too much of a struggle yet this stage might be a lot harder but just having all the little upgrades i had made the difference although something there did do a lot of damage i was really hoping that flamethrower would reach them that might have actually just cost me everything i need to use this gun like right now come on oh still didn't make it but we do get a new nose this one looks less aggressive but i'm sure it's better because we're up to bite damage 60. and wouldn't you know what we're going to get a new gun so we're going to go from 730 damage per second to 920 and we definitely get oh an old ability back we get the penetrator back but we also get whatever this one is so we're definitely going to put a few levels into that i don't know what it is but i assume it's going to be good then we're going to upgrade the penetrator because i missed it okay that extra damage per second should make a lot of difference and we're going to celebrate with some penetration oh we also need to see what this does oh interesting i like that but just given the fact we now have multiple abilities there the word is going to go so much further i really like having all these abilities because i feel like i'm just an unstoppable monster at this point because i can pretty much just always be using something against someone to be clearing out this base in front of me i always have an ability ready to go for when i want it like these fine gentlemen normally they would be a pretty big problem to have in my way but i launch a bomb then i headbutt them then i can use my machine gun to melt these guys and i can use some penetration to soften these up before i even get there then these guys i get to use the headbutt again so that's going to knock them back and then my machine gun's almost ready to go again but we're already done this stage anyway and here we are in stage five which is far and away the hardest of all the stages here but i think we're gonna be just fine because i can headbutt these idiots then we're gonna turn on the penetrator to kill everything here and that's even gonna probably go through to this scorpion so we're damaging way ahead of ourselves still taking a lot of damage because enemies here just are dangerous but we're gonna head but you and we're done not by much but we did it so then we're gonna upgrade our machine gun and our headbutt because those two are the usual suspects and we're gonna upgrade our bombs a level 10 box turns into all of this stuff which doesn't yet turn into anything new but it takes a lot of upgrades now to get something higher than level 9. so now we're charging towards an ex-boss who's going to be at 10-5 um we're probably gonna need a few upgrades to defeat him but i've surprised myself before i mean to be fair we did upgrade our machine gun and stuff so that's gonna do a ton of extra damage and even the headbutt is stronger so for the stages leading up to the boss don't really seem to be that bad probably because of all my you know unique attacks and weapons i'm gonna penetrate him a little bit uh we're not gonna waste any skills on him by himself because we can head back this one pretty much dead uh this one we're gonna use the bombs because these guys are tough and dangerous maybe we've got to use these bombs at just a little bit of range which is fine by me because we can have something for every occasion we can use the bombs now then there we go that was maximum effect i also need to remember that for the boss and we can penetrate multiple things just a few little idiots left i'm gonna save the headbutt dangerously for this point and then hopefully you're gonna die before doing too much damage to us and then we're on to stage five so this is just straight up gonna be the boss battle i'm not sure how this is gonna go or what we're gonna fight i'm gonna save that for right about there then we're gonna use this uh we're doing plenty of damage to him so far actually i didn't expect to be able to defeat him right away but we're not there yet maybe my t-rex is gonna look like that one day that would be cool basically just a robot and he's dead okay well we're obviously doing lots of damage which gave us over three thousand dollars so i'm going to spend it on my machine gun then we have penetrators wrecks in the snow and we're killing walruses with uh some kind of gun now that's perfectly fine by me i did however just realize there are cyclops they have one eye protected by a singular goggle i forget how short these early stages are uh these things probably hit very hard but so do i so i'm actually going through these pretty quickly here you guys have some bombs they dropped me a crate then we did some penetration they do hit pretty hard they just don't attack super frequently but these aren't just the basic enemies we're about to start seeing something stronger i think very shortly here you go bombs yeah there we go there's a new robot thing we'll walk up and headbutt the guy with the saw and there you go yeah they're very tough probably going to do a lot of damage in return but nothing's going to stop me i just won't ever stop trying it'd probably be smart for me to start saving up some money too for when i upgrade my gun because i'm going to move away from the penetrator and bombs to something new with electricity the more upgrades i get for them right away the better and i just realized to you i could actually use the headbutt when i want to to knock them back a little bit into the range of the bombs potentially which is a strangely uh complicated strategy for such a simple game but it would work level 12 box full of level 4 cannons and stuff upgrades and stuff are getting very few and far between but we're about to go from a 700 hp to a new knee brace 900 then it's on to stage 12 too not super worried about anything here yet it'll be similar to the last one but as long as i'm not being a complete idiot we'll be fine uh there was three snowmans with blades so that was a little bit intimidating uh luckily they were all dead but if i had a set against them for an extra second i would have been absolutely minced oh this is going to be fun i'm going to bomb all those guys that was probably the highest damage per second i've ever done given that i hit so many of them and i'm kind of back at that point where i'm a little bit ahead of the curve so i'm kind of zoning out as i kill things without any real strategy going on at all and that seems to be working out for me i don't know what that thing is so we're gonna try and eliminate it immediately with some bombs head bottom pushing back there we go i don't know what these things are uh they are pretty tough though so we're gonna go ahead and penetrate through that the penetrator is falling off though it was stronger when you first had it now it's not so good against these guys but i think we're gonna get a new attack pretty soon anyway the problem with these saw guys is if i use my bombs they'll mostly fly over them i could use it now though to hit both of them nothing a little a headbutt won't fix and then a machine gun level 13 box gave me all of this stuff this stuff seems to be about half the level of the box and to be honest all i want are weapons more and more weapons but we're pretty primed now as long as i get a level five that's gonna combine with a six seven eight nine to make a level ten gun then it's just back to work killing whatever i can although there's starting to be a lot of enemies per round this is only stage thirteen like a lot of enemies at times wow they're going to incinerate me and we get a level 14 crate which is full of all the good stuff which means we also get new armor which looks like that and that's going to give us 1100 hp from 900 and the game wanted to hand us a whole bunch of weapons so this should quite easily turn into a new upgrade for us and it sure will so we're going to go from 900 damage per minute to 1050 that's almost a 15 upgrade plus it comes with paper airplanes and as i said i was going to save up for my new upgrade so we've got 23 300 to spend on whatever this is i don't know what it does so we're gonna spend a lot of money on it it's gonna go to level 10 uh we're also going to upgrade the machine gun i don't really want the headbutt any stronger so we're going to upgrade that guy a little bit and maybe just the paper airplane one more time and we're going to see what this all does so we now fire lasers for 35 damage this is actually paper airplanes that's kind of fun i don't know what these guys are either we're just gonna head by you out of the way and then shock everything yeah the laser doesn't really do much i still get better off just relying on my machine gun here and then the paper airplanes perhaps look at all those upgrades though uh even with all these new upgrades i just died on the very first stage very first stage but we do get a new nose piece that's level 10 so our bite damage is 75. okay i've done a little bit of grinding because i had to evolve my strategy because of these guys these guys absolutely destroyed me with their flamethrowers so i need to save up all my strong attacks for when they show up that way i can make them disappear like that because if they hit me i die almost instantly but that completes stage 14 4. so i just missed with my stupid attack so now these guys are just going to incinerate me to death their flame thrower gets to work but after all that grind grinding we get to have a better helmet so we're going to go from bite damage 75 to a purple helmet bite damage 90. and even also a new gun is going to take us some 1050 damage per minute all the way up to 1250 so that's a pretty big increase plus we get our drone back and i did quite like that one plus whatever this is so we're going to make sure to give it an ample few levels so it's going to go to level 9 our drone can also get up there and we'll take the new one so we're obviously going to do a lot more damage just with our regular old laser gun but we're going to find out what this new ability does in a second too because i'm very curious to see okay so it drops a laser down that melts everyone i think i could live with that and it keeps going for quite a while because between that and the drone we could probably melt through things pretty quickly if we want to there's just forever going to be the problem of these guys i need these guys to disappear as soon as possible because look what they do to my health so using this combination of things in the right order i think we can actually make it through i'm going to laser both of these guys because we can machine gun through them too they're a little bit brittle i just can't let them do any damage to me that's the name of the game so as long as i'm saving my machine gun and laser for them uh we seem to be okay otherwise because these guys can hurt me but not that badly so for example we're gonna head by this guy to get him out of the way mostly then we're gonna machine gun big boy then we're just gonna continue on with our laser dinosaur and it's just a good old time stage fourteen five complete we're getting level eights and stuff out of a chest now so that's great plus we get to increase our armor from 1100 hp all the way up to 1300 and that extra hp is gonna make a big difference we just dropped below uh 1100 health now so we're basically where we were full health a minute ago and we're halfway through this stage these levels are definitely getting harder because look at all of these ideas we've gotta go through the extra health is definitely gonna help but i'm still gonna lose so much health just fighting through them uh luckily my attacks are all pretty strong now so they're not too big of a deal to get through as long as i don't have to sit in front of them for too long these guys are maybe gonna hurt a bit but i'm gonna machine gun both of them my machine guns enough to obliterate them this guy's going to be a bit of a problem oh even our headbutt strong enough to really kind of carry through them though which brings us to the next boss i have a feeling we're going to kind of melt the giant monkey kind of like we do with everything else right now because red is doing a lot of damage well not as much as you thought but he doesn't also hurt me that badly either but i feel like he might have a surprise in store for us anyway we're just gonna keep hitting him with all of our abilities the best of our ability and that's fine now well it's nothing groundbreaking so far and my machine gun definitely does the most damage and we can laser him to death he's dead maybe next time we'll struggle through the rest you
Channel: DangerouslyFunny
Views: 1,181,185
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: ZZfP-Vv1DQk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 44sec (1664 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 10 2022
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