Way Too Many Upgrades In This Free Game

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i've realized there's probably a lot easier way to do this that will also potentially break the game this strategy was born out of necessity since i lost my save file but it's gonna go quicker today so to start obviously we have a very basic dinosaur with very basic abilities it can headbutt things it can shoot things it's pretty effective for this early on however if i leave this beautiful dinosaur to his own devices he quickly finds himself in trouble from the mushroom robots who are pretty much gonna defeat him instantly then he dies but we still get experience and parts for doing that and if i leave an auto clicker right here he's just gonna go right back into battle repeatedly so i'm just gonna leave him to do his thing for a few minutes and see what kind of parts and experience we save up then we're gonna boost ourselves way ahead tear through everything until we hit another point where we need a little pause so after sacrificing my dinosaur many times we're up to 1445 nuts and bolts and we've definitely collected a few parts so let's go ahead and collect some of these and upgrade them way beyond where he's supposed to be upgraded right now well we can get him at least to a level four nose and that's nice and sharp as far as his knee pads go let's see how high we're gonna get these we might even get those a level beyond there's level four so level four knee pads on the very first level this is obviously going to be the fun one he needs better weapons so also a level 4 cannon on his back plus all of the upgrades here so i'm going to upgrade my gun more than anything the headbutt isn't as strong and then we just set him loose in the world again at least for now i'm not actually gonna help him i'm pretty much gonna make this game play itself for now but i feel like with his new upgrades and everything he's gonna go a lot further uh because his weapon upgraded like four levels by itself it's just blowing up the orbs in one little shot there might be better drops later on near the boss level so i might push ahead to there and do our cycle there because he'll get better drops along the way for now it's pretty uh evident he can kill all these things so i'm gonna help him get along here just so we don't have to sit and wait forever to make this happen i think using a strategy we can take upgrades entirely too far today get out of the way stupid i'm in a hurry we're on the stage 2-5 now when we're already fighting the cactuses those are going to slow us down in a big way so that's good do i want to push a little further before we do our cycle i'm also noticing that some of the drops are level 2 now like those knee pads so that's gonna get us upgrades just that much quicker especially if we can stack up like 20 of them we made it to stage four one i think this is where we're going to repeat our cycle now provided we actually die here which we definitely might because we're onto the wasps and those i think can do a lot of damage yeah so it looks like if i'm not using my abilities we can't even get through stage four one so that's perfect i'll get to about here get a few drops maybe make it to stage four two but then i'll certainly die get some experience repeat do you think my dinosaur ever gets tired of being sacrificed that's sort of a true question it doesn't matter what does matter is we opened a level 4 box full of all those goodies plus we're going to need to be checking in here more often because we've got a lot of things we should be upgrading but i feel like this is going to put us a little bit over the top power wise because we're gonna go from a level four to a level six helmet the knee pads aren't quite full and that's a good problem to have so those also jumped up to level six and i assume my gun is going to do the same yep one level six gun coming up and we have the zapper now uh on top of that we have four thousand to spend so we're gonna upgrade our machine gun in a big way or headbutt a little bit then we'll upgrade the zapper a little bit because we got money to spend and this is only on level four so the difference now is we're shooting laser balls that are pretty much destroying things before we get there if we use that we're going to destroy everything so we're just going to walk on through a few levels till we get better upgrades again even on just his natural gun he's uh for the most part taking care of everything just fine the bees are going to be a little bit stronger still but i've got tons of health to take through this if i could just maintain this level of overpower through the entire thing that would be great and i almost forgot that i had a zapper this entire time too i need to be using that more because i feel like it's gonna do good against enemies that are this week even my head but at this point is uh strong enough to destroy multiple things yeah i realize i should just push right through five five through the boss that way we'll start getting better drops and seeing different enemies again too it's all about those drops and if i can be getting level fours instead of level ones will upgrade just that much quicker plus i need to electrocute something new here's a good test of where we're at it's a boss fight i have a feeling we're gonna do okay in this one because i feel like our upgrades are a little bit ahead of where they're supposed to be we're gonna get my head back we're gonna give him a shot he's already down to half health i was hoping he'd be dead already but i think we're gonna survive this one we're gonna be okay so we hit him with another machine gun and he's dead we did take off 200 of our health so we need to be further ahead for the next boss before starting in these levels i'm gonna put together whatever parts i can just so they're not getting in the way my inventory will fill up and that will block better stuff from happening in fact i'm straight up gonna throw away level one parts at this point because i feel like they're just not gonna have any use anymore now we're fighting slightly stronger enemies so they should be able to kill us before too long and that's exactly what we want we're just gonna grind here for a little while okay i think my little dinosaur is due for an upgrade mostly because i'm still getting lots of level one and two parts i want to get a little bit further to where we're getting better parts plus we're not making it far enough into the levels to really get a lot of parts though we did get enough for a new snout knee pads however are not our friend today was really hoping for a new gun too and we'll actually get one but just barely six thousand parts to spend which is a little bit but not a ton i'm going to give myself a little bit of that but mostly machine gun then a little bit of headbutt then let's see if we can make it maybe a few levels in here we'll even help him out with a little bit of machine gun action this feels a little bit better especially when i'm using my abilities like we haven't even taken any damage yet and i haven't even been using my little hovercraft yet either but every one of these upgrades seems to make a pretty big difference stage six four we had another scorpion this really isn't gonna be too much of a struggle i'm gonna try and get to like eight or nine then we'll hopefully start getting drops that aren't level twos so at least we're using abilities we're still able to destroy pretty much everything in front of us without too much issue including the scorpions i did kind of forget about these weirdos though they definitely can't hurt me but that's kind of a good thing because these will definitely stop our progress when we go back on autopilot and we are starting to get as high as level four drops on the ground so that's gonna make a big difference on eight three things are getting a little bit harder but still not bad as long as we're using our abilities we can still walk through most of everything including goggles here with a well-timed headbutt this could be a little bit of a challenge with two of these guys hitting me i need my little drone to come out and help me like right now because they do a lot of damage speaking of armor i am going to upgrade my knee pads just a little i guess i might as well do everything else too i don't think it's going to be able to carry me any further but it's just gonna clear up some inventory room so we're up to a level eight face already and we'll see how far the gun goes by itself i still don't think he would make it by himself mostly because of these guys we've got to be a few levels ahead with our weapons to be able to auto pilot through this especially because the enemies are actually getting uh pretty piled up and strong at this point and we have the flamethrower bots uh if those get their flame doors on us we die very quickly which is good and bad but i think after looking at this this is exactly where we're just gonna go on autopilot because there's lots of things to kill but it won't kill us instantly we'll get some drops before uh dying like there's a level five drop so if we get a few of those those are going to add up super quick so time for dinosaur sacrifice it's definitely been a few sacrifices so let's clean out our inventory though we're not getting as much as we thought on this little short level we are getting pretty high level drops at least though and it's definitely better to have fewer high level drops and a bunch of low level ones because it takes a billion to add up to one of these anyway but we get a level 8 armor nose so our knees are protected and we also get a red cannon on our back which gives us firepower plus 16 000 for upgrades we'll just get a few of these because they're not that special i want that level 10 we'll get a few headbutts and i don't know we'll just put the rest into fire for now then i think i want to push you to level 10 where we're gonna get slightly better drops again although to start suddenly we're getting lots of drops and i'm not sure if that's because we upgraded our gear or if that's just purely luck but suddenly every enemy is dropping us something even though these guys are still pretty strong despite all of our upgrades but they're not strong enough this dinosaur is out for revenge he's tired of dying again and again at least for the next three and a half minutes then he's going back to being a sacrifice this part could be particularly hard if i didn't have that kind of firepower this is stage nine five so it should be the hardest of all of the nine stages but i still don't think they're going to be able to stand up to me because their upgrades are a little bit ahead though apart like this if they all hit me actually it could be pretty bad so we're gonna get the flamethrower going then we're gonna headbutt them all most of them then we're gonna machine gun the rest of these and before grinding away we're going to upgrade what we can to clear up a little bit of room and give him a bit of a fighting chance we get a better face and they're getting pretty sick of putting low level parts together i would so much rather just have fewer high level parts all right back to the sacrifice he'll be able to make a little bit of progress due to his upgrades but the point is that he can't make it all the way by himself he just needs to get a few uh upgrade parts before dying then repeat and now that i'm sitting here watching and not trying we're not finding any upgrade parts whereas last time as soon as i started actively paying attention he was dropping parts everywhere watching him go along he actually made it to 10-3 all by himself they grow up so fast i accidentally held my dinosaur a little ways along and got to the boss i didn't mean to make it this far but then i was curious to see if my dinosaur could just 1v1 the boss without any abilities and it looks like he can't the boss does 100 damage per attack we got under about half health though but i think that means it's time for some upgrades yes we have good timing there because we are quickly running out of room and look at all the level fours we have to smash together and then also level fives there's just something very satisfying about putting them all together and cleaning it up i would love if they would actually lead to some upgrades though that's kind of why i'm here well we do get better knee pads now so he's going to be better at doing stuff on his knees uh we don't yet get a better gun and i'm very disappointed with that but we very satisfyingly have one of every level so if we get one more gun we get an upgrade aside from that i do have 18 000 to spend on upgrades so we're gonna upgrade our gun a little more that's gonna do stupid amounts of damage and then uh i guess we're just gonna do the flamethrower for now and then i don't know these ones so no he'll be able to make it just a little further all by himself anyways and that enemy just dropped a gun and that's really all i was looking for there because we only needed one gun of any kind to get me a level up so we can go like that like that and then we get the new gun which is going to help us get a little bit further and it also comes with the bomb ability so we should be able to tear right through the boss especially now and we have our penetrator back and that's really all i'm here for but on a more serious note i think we've got the upgrades we need now to pretty much dismantle this entire line above things especially when we can use bombs yeah i don't think anything's really even gonna be able to hurt us right now so i'm pretty much just gonna annihilate my way through to the boss we'll take care of him and then we're gonna grind up in the new area to get even better parts again oh look at this cluster of enemies normally that would be really strong but we just made them evaporate now for the real test of strength we need to fight the boss uh compared to last time we got him down to half health before uh running out of life we've already gone down to half health and we've only started to penetrate him so we're definitely strong enough to defeat the boss and we're only gonna get stronger from here so now we're fighting penguins and things that are gonna be stronger but we're gonna grind stage eleven one basically because these will kill us eventually but we'll kill enough of them to get lots of good parts along the way some grinding later time for upgrades though the drops don't feel quite as generous as they were last time and with nothing to show for our grinding we'll just get back to grinding but i'll maybe jump ahead to uh this level i suspect the drops will be just a little bit better and i need to actually kill some stuff just to you know release some stress or whatever i don't know i just want to kill things plus when we actually use our abilities we just tear through everything but i'm starting to suspect that i get better drops from stronger enemies like these are just basic penguins with goggles on the stronger guys should in theory give me better drops have some bombs yeah these are the guys i was looking for the guys that really hurt with their saws and he did no doubt give me an item drop so my theory may be correct we are still taking a fair bit of damage from the saw guys uh still not enough to get us anywhere near dead but we need to get even further ahead i don't want to lose any health as i go and i'm going to adjust my brilliant strategy starting now because i think of these boxes a lot you can only hold one at a time so as soon as i see one getting picked up i'm going to open it and keep grinding so all ready to start stage 12 one we're running into a saw guy right away so that's hopefully gonna lead to better drops for me but it's basically up to our dinosaur friend to take it from here and there's my first crate so this is probably gonna work out pretty well and because it's level 12 it gave me all of this stuff nothing is particularly high level but that's going to add up quickly if i can get one of those every run or two we're going to get a lot of parts okay my crate theory isn't working super well because we're not finding any we saved up another 12 000 parts no crate but we are getting a decent amount of parts but i feel like we need to bump a few levels ahead to get better parts but we do get a level 10 nose who knew all these low level parts would add up eventually and look how expensive my upgrades are getting already eight thousand dollars for a machine gun i'll take it this is going to be next so let's push ahead a few levels to hopefully find some better drops and also we need to test our newly powered machine gun there's a crate already so that figures but the machine gun seems wildly overpowered and i'm all about it it definitely makes a world of difference just using some of these abilities these two idiots are the final of the wave and they're about to melt look at this cluster of enemies ah the machine gun left one alive we need a better machine gun this is also a really annoying cluster let's hope the bombs yeah can mostly take care of them and the headbutt will finish them off oh and i forget about these guys already oh that was a really bad bomb but we'll go ahead and penetrate our way out of this so this is the fifth part of uh stage 12 and so far not a challenge even when things are hitting me i'm still just fine and this is gonna sound stupid but i just realized the level of the box corresponds to the level i'm on that's why we're getting some level six parts now okay time to see if we can fit something into an upgrade we're getting lots of high level parts now so we should be getting close i didn't realize we collected this many parts already this is fun okay we get better knee pads so we have better armor and for guns i suspect we may get an upgrade okay we definitely get an upgrade because here's one already uh and we're not that far away from another one actually which means it's a perfect time to grind again for a little bit because we can get even stronger than our laser balls this little box has lots of good pieces which means we get new face masks new knee pads but most importantly new gun and we have a ton of points to spend we're going to put a few into these abilities because they're kind of relevant for now but then i also want a ridiculously powerful machine gun we are now a purple dinosaur well we're a purple dinosaur so far so we need to see how far all of these abilities can carry us i'm hoping we just kind of melt through everything for a little bit and then we get to a new area for even better grinding i am so far getting tons of high level drops so i'm pretty happy about that and our damage seems to be pretty good to the point where we're very easily able to walk through a lot of these enemies in particular this version of the machine gun melts everything in its path and it would be really great if this could give me some well level 8 items are actually really good i was hoping for level 10s but i'm an optimist all right let's get this boss out of the way kill him and then we're going to move on to stronger idiots for stronger parts the machine gun already took off a quarter of his health then we're going to hit him with the laser and the drone thing he's pretty strong we'll get stronger okay we've taken off half his health he's only taken off 100 of mine basically 10 so far so i think we're more than strong enough to defeat him but i want to be so far ahead things evaporate and he's dead moving on and that gave me just enough parts to be able to upgrade my nose so now we're a very spiky nose this is the kind of world i want to create and we're now fighting some kind of bugs they're not super strong compared to my machine gun but they're dropping level 8 parts so we're going to be able to grind up some good stuff super quick and a level 10 item just dropped so i get like six of those there's another one wow those are dropping quick we're gonna get super overpowered uh there's also a thing that this is basically a cannon on legs and i really approve that but i also need to kill it so i'm finding lots of level tens level nines level eight so the gear from here is going to upgrade itself super fast and look what the chest gave us look at all those level tens and nines this is from like a single level this is bananas there's level 10's going together there's level 11's going together so there's another new nose and it's been one level that was less spiky that does better bite damage up to 120 and we're also gonna get new shin pads now we have spiky thighs which means our health is 1500 probably gonna manage to get uh at least one new weapon out of this deal because look at all these parts so we're going from 1250 damage up to 1450 and we're back to fire skills and one more level and we're gonna upgrade that gun again so i'm not necessarily gonna bother to evolve the fire skills that much i want to see what the bomb does a little bit but i also want another machine gun upgrade so machine gun is meltier than ever before i kind of want to see what this does oh it just drops a big bomb on everything that's kind of fun the flamethrower has never really been my friend and it's not gonna start being my friend now so let's see if we can drop a bomb on these guys well that is 150 damage that's definitely not too bad at all we could upgrade that to get a mega bomb but we're about to move past the bombs anyway there's also a parrot with legs holding a gun he evaporated pretty quickly though so they might not have a lot of health it's also pretty possible that we're just doing a lot of damage let's drop a bomb on them this time well yeah they're pretty tough i guess a machine gun is just tougher i have a feeling that this one yep is gonna have a lot of good stuff i mean look at how many level 10 uh thigh plates we have i don't know what to call these i'm gonna call them pie plates uh so now we're up to 1800 defense and our damage is going to go from 1450 all the way up to 1680 that's a considerable jump and we're back to the penetrator well we're mostly going to upgrade that a whole bunch so that's going to be level 10 now that's going to be level 9. and i think this is a good spot to just grind we're getting so many high level items that before you know what we're going to have level a billion everything's just got another crate full of level 11 to 9. so that obviously means we can go to level 14 in the face we have ears now and we get a better gun so we're going from 1680 all the way up to 2100 that's a huge jump the skills aren't really that fun but we're gonna upgrade them just a little and then we're gonna grind some more another high level crate full of level 11 which is crazy that even after all that we still can't quite get an upgrade there but we can get better leg armor so we're up to 2100 hp but i think i want to make it to the next level i think i'll get slightly better drops and i want way better drops because we're still not doing enough damage somehow even though we can go like this and make everything disappear and it's definitely good that i do have all this health because enemies here still do do a lot of damage i mean i think i lost about a third of it there which is you know something but as long as i have my machine gun we'll be okay after completing that level we have a level 19 crate which has lots of level 11's and i think that probably means we get an even better weapon now so we're going from 2100 damage per minute to 2320 and we're back to the purple things i don't love the purple things we're going to give them level 10 only for now another creative goodies means that i get level 15. look at that headpiece that also puts me up to 160 bite damage i can't remember where we're at before but it wasn't that much uh same with our leg guards we're going from 2100 hp all the way up to 2400 we're gonna be pretty much invincible gun is still gonna be a minute but i've got time uh so it turns out at this point it made my dinosaur so strong he's kind of actually doing this by himself he's on stage 19 3 and i haven't used any skills so that means we're just about there we get our first level 16 item and that's a very spiky face again plus level 16 armor that's going to take us an extra 300 hp up to 2700 but obviously most important is our weapon and we definitely get a new upgrade there so we're gonna go from 2320 up to 2700 that is a dinosaur plus i have about 70 000 to spend on upgrades so let's make sure our big bomb is somewhere nice but i also want to get this upgraded when i started this little idea i had no idea was going to take this many hours to do this but uh so far it's looking pretty good we're at melting people with our machine gun our big bomb probably does tons of damage yup i think that said 450 so i think we'll probably be able to ride this right on through to the boss he'd probably almost do it himself at this point even with the pink tanks and i just picked up another weapon crate on 194. yeah i'm pretty satisfied with where a dinosaur is at right now he just feels ridiculously strong like even taking all the damage i am i'm being very lazy i've still got 1800 health left and we're destroying everything in our path so what is a level 20 crate having it level 12 items that's stupid all right so let's send away on to the final boss and see what kind of challenge he poses for us so i suspect probably not much of one at this point this warning is actually for the boss that i'm coming i feel like he's not going to stand much of a chance so he's a giant loading octopus we'll take some of that have some flamethrower we'll also drop a bomb on you then when we get close again we're going to headbutt you uh so far i've lost 200 health he's lost a third of his so i think we're in good shape for me it's really just all about my machine gun that i can always take off probably a fifth of his health at a time i missed with the headbutt but that's not gonna matter i'm actually really disappointed with this as many hours as i put into this today we're killing him way slower than i wanted to be can i get level 100 gear now oh a new dinosaur there's extra stages there's more to go and i'm very excited about that we'll figure that out next time [Music] you
Channel: DangerouslyFunny
Views: 655,176
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: nRyiDqDC3eI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 58sec (1258 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 16 2022
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