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ladies and gentlemen despite me being the world's tiniest aunt i command a great army a great army who i now control 12 soldier ants thanks to a few of my little honeydew upgrades and what i want to do is place a little banner down wait do i really only have like three ants in my army fix that right now fix because it's simple every time i come back i need to wage war these guys are annoying and i do not want them to exist near me you got it team i believe in you we lost a soldier aunt recruit a new one ah bloodbath how i love you we doing good that every one of those perfect i'll leave my banner marker there and we'll come to where the leaves are quick little clean up please my beautiful soldier ants eat them all before they can eat me that's really the important part as long as you eat them we win if they eat me we lose i'm the most important piece of this puzzle however there is only 51 red ants left oh man they should just have nothing but a bunch of level one stupid ants that's fine keep it going just keep killing murder death mayhem you know the rules there's only eight of them left go get them team this is fine oh my gosh look at her health it's literally being erased magic eraser mr clean thank you now that that's done i can kind of go about my day what creature is down here actually hang on is there another one of you little guys here attack get him don't let him get me get him can we kill him the little tiger beetle he's not doing anything he's just standing there whatever will i do i only have nine soldier ants left i sure hope he doesn't take out all nine before that tiny bit of health disappears capture him that's a new creature to help us kill everything and i love it now it looks like if i want to get my queen's chamber up i need to collect a lot of resin and if i want to collect a lot of resin i need to be able to fight a lot of termites or of course doing daily challenges gives me 1500 so what i want to do now is buy my strawberry because i'm lazy mark this as a source for everything as well as scurrying my tiny little ant legs on down to get some seeds oh and i have some more normal quest there's a hundred fungus thank you 30 seeds appreciate it and it takes a thousand fungus to upgrade my storage chamber man it's almost like this game wants to hurt my feelings for now just upgrade my seed storage chamber as well as my nursery in my little honeydew chamber anything else that i can do well the resin chamber actually sure oh i've got three pheromones in that case summon a new creature all right team are we ready it's a praying mantis go get em attack charge you guys got this right i'll just keep hitting recruit you'll keep killing it's really a perfect plan as long as he just doesn't like lunge at me that would be bad and also scary i don't want that one tiny bit and dead yes capture him and look there he is oh i have two of them wait i want to try and fuse these two together i don't have the legs no it all comes down to needing pheromones i should have known dang it let's see i've maxed army i've got six soldiers let's go battle again go my team we can do this where are they at right here perfect summon all my creatures out now just eat them alive he's dead already all right they still have the numerical advantage but we have the word cooler advantage oh and they're just they're all bringing seeds back from their base oh you stupid fools you stupid stupid little fools oh you got a scorpion use my chrysanthemum did that get them maybe i don't know do my attack though yes they're both dead okay just keep it going i guess oh there is three spiders in here though which is a bit rough because then they like to rush at me and try and kill me my screen is covered on scary insects but it looks like the moment i hit attack uh the tarantula just gets erased i want to see the damage that gets done on the queen's health park because this is oh fair uh huh yep nope gotcha well this is a fun new resource gathering way so i think for each battle i do i get three more pheromones which means each 100 battle win means i get a new creature follow me soldiers we've got a spider to come murder he's got him right no don't let him get me don't let him team team break it up they've got this figured out probably pretty easily me i'm just going to purchase some more soldier ants you guys got this can we hurry up and cool i thought he was attacking me what a weird thing that guy just did for what for why you capture him let me also place my banner there and follow me again soldier ants the murder does not stop it's along with resin being a precious resource that i desperately need i also need to kill some of these firings i'm glad we're just aggressive on site it makes everything so much easier get back get back i don't care if the tarantula was added to my army right now because i oh i'm alive i'm alive it's a miracle kill this one kill this last guy and got him aphid farm conquered it's time to go home with fresh honey there he is there he is there he is get him get him get him there's still 10 left oh my gosh am i actually going to be able to get all 10 of them in charge attack charge yes please oh it's happening it's really happening unless this one fire ant manages to pull off the craziest clutch of all time nope that's all 10 in wow man i am good at what i do and this is nice as for each one of these guys that gets smacked in i get some more aphid honeydew oh and i completed one of my dailies how neat now with my extra tarantula i still need 15 legs to fuse things together gosh dang it alright man you know what that means it's fighting time spawn all my little troops just go crazy prepare yourselves this is a massacre are we good we can just go in now guys we don't actually have to hang out here i can chrysanthemum to stun his guys too that really is just the most broken upgrade one person could have the stun lasts for so long oh he's got a level three tarantula in there i'm actually a little worried let's see how good a three star is he's running away he's dead cool glad we talked about that well anyways thanks for my pheromone oh i also have more honeydew here have fun what new creature will i find this time is that another butterfly i don't think the butterflies fight back which then you know makes this extremely easy but i think that's what also makes it extremely fun can i attack hello let me hit my attack button got this is this is the thing we're fighting can we there it is it's no 50 soldier ants fighting at a time but it just will slowly happen whilst i wait for that let's fuse some creatures odds i lose to 75 not likely i trust it i actually got it wow now what happens if i want to defuse oh 35 chance and 30 legs man i really need a bunch of creature parts all this fusing stuff sure does get difficult can you kill this thing already please thank you capture oh what do you know 30 creature parts flying right into my lap also thanks to my nursery upgrades i can actually just breed soldier ants and start saving myself gems i'm a genius no off to go beat up another person this guy has 35 units what is that that a giant venus fly trap how do i even attack this thing just like that okay sure here i'm gonna summon my troops now i think we already know how this one's gonna end up going i also thought of a fun idea where i just wait to use my chrysanthemum until the final chamber and then rush in and hit the attack button oh my gosh no one soldier has me spider saved me he did wow how kind all right let's get out of here this person actually has 60 units though so i think i need to be at least a little careful is what i would say if i just didn't have overwhelming force and now also two butterfly healers he's got a ton of creatures in there chris anthony we got him they're all stunned just don't let me die to things i died to things that's fine keep the attack going even without me please i want a bunch of centipede millipede jerks back down to attacking his creatures please just everyone full on charge i believe in this team there's genuinely so many of you in there if you would just attack without me needing to hit the button everything would be a-okay although i think everything's a-okay now perfect eater alive it's all natural for me now i think maybe what i should do is buy this lavender because at 10 seconds i'm invincible and that sounds nice to me ooh 25 creature parts sounds like i have enough to upgrade my mantis to level two assuming this works and i don't get screwed okay all right how much more do i need for 1500 resin one more battle victory i'll be right back with it now i can also finally use my new tactic 89 units this is gonna be rough one actually charge oh he's got his creatures out here already it's just an all-out brawl up top i'm fine with this i don't actually want to use any of my special little perks yet just because these guys are jumping in and lunging at me one by one like dummies so they just all die extremely quickly making my life easy 73 units left i rush in we got this team yep just keep walking down no i'm getting bit by a soldier ant no i died no it's fine i come right back to life are you ready for the really fun tactic use my lavender so i'm invincible and then i use my little pheromone to stun all the creatures and then i hit attack this is perfect the wipe happens so quick these got a lot of soldier ants in here am i gonna be able to beat all of these guys how many units do i have left oh all my soldier ants are dead i just have creatures now get em i still have three attacking units i've got 48 seconds left is this enough yeah this is enough damage wow i didn't think all my soldier ants are gonna get wiped out like that they really made me work for this last one huh stupid insects on the bright side i have both more creature parts 50 mushrooms and now i just need to go beat up 19 termites i am going to cheat though and just upgrade my resin chamber immediately only because now i can hold six thousand meaning i won't be capped up the tree we go drop the garrison unit there my soldiers go feast thanks to your comments i also now know that the termites never disappear meaning it's just this non-stop forever oh hey and we're done perfect a lot of resources achieved and let's get out of here actually you know what i could do is just keep my garrison unit right here they should just infinitely be farming termite kills now i'm a genius i think and with my 191 honeydew i can add even more soldier ants to my army now and i can give them a 10 resilience increase which got very expensive out of nowhere okay now can i buy anything in here with my 3200 resin yeah i can increase my garrison soldier unit perfect now i want to go ahead and use a little gem shop cheating because i can't summon this guy is only available on the weekends what looks like i won't be doing a little gem shop cheating actually instead though i will be fusing this butterfly tier 2 troops usually better in general i also want to try and fuse a tier 3 tarantula and of course i'm cheating 85 chance please don't fail otherwise this is an expensive mistake oh i am happy and the reason why i wanted that garrison unit up there is because there's quests like this defeat 500 termites 250 resin slowly going up defeat a thousand 350 slowly going up you get how it works all right my 15 soldier ants let's go do a little murdering my team i found the butterfly attack just attack no that is always such a process oh i think it finally just landed there we go that's more like it also see i got invited to the sub decade clan now that's pretty funny hey weird little jumping cricket who i don't think is actually any good whatsoever you down to get murdered today take the lack of response as a yes because if you weren't okay with it you'd think you'd fight back a little better wouldn't you welcome to the team my friend i'm just gonna fuse this guy together so i have a full team of two stars of course it worked professor oak i've fused so many would you get out of here please oh sorry i didn't mean to hurt your feelings he's actually leaving all right see you friend this is actually i'm kind of tearing up this is sad charge fourth my team they only have 65 units and their ranks lower than my rank just doing basic math i think that means we win oh yeah they also have resilience now too i forgot i gave my soldier is that a bombardier beetle what is that oh my gosh that killed so many of my guys wow okay so that thing is extremely good good to know now i'm just extremely sad it's not gonna be another one of those down here right if there is i'm suing charge get in you got this team go oh my gosh just chrysanthemum all those and then lavender myself because i'm afraid it's hard to tell which ones are mine and which ones aren't if you don't look at the red health bar but my tier three tarantula i think is carrying the team right now just ate his tier three praying mantis for a nice little snack we got it keep it going the bombadier beetle might have knocked out half of our troops but that's okay why you ask because we still have heart and there's a lot of creatures in there all right this will be fine we can win this okay one soldier ant decided to jump in and die get him get him my tier three's in there you cannot lose he is a tank i'm being bit by soldier ants i'm alive we're doing it we're actively doing it i don't think they need me to tell them to attack anymore because i think all my soldier ants are dead at this point it's just creature warfare and well i have more stars what's the damage look like on the queen ant from just yep tarantula praying mantis this is such huge chunks oh upgrading creatures is just so so nice all right just one more can't hurt looks like we're fighting another praying mantis too how fun just whenever my soldier ants appear up here can you not kill my workers please see now this this behavior right here that's why we can't have nice things am i gonna have my soldier ants pop up anytime soon by the way is that oh there's all 15 of them a little late guys we lost a lot of workers already but you know what we did gain out of it well we got ourselves another creature imagine if i had an entire creature army full of tier 3s well now wouldn't that be fun sounds like something to work for to me
Channel: ImCade
Views: 571,746
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cade, imcade, iamcade, indie, pc, funny, gameplay, pocket ants termite nest, pocket ants mod apk, pocket ants beehive, pocket ants vinegaroon, pocket ants all creatures, pocket ants crab, pocket ants gameplay, pocket ants, pocket ants game, ant army, mobile games, free games, pocket ants best creatures, pocket ants best defense, pocket ants secret, secret ant, secret creature, I Created The ULTIMATE ANT ARMY, I Created The ULTIMATE CREATURE ARMY, I EVOLVED The ULTIMATE CREATURE
Id: esFUYhfk24U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 22sec (742 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 15 2022
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