I Evolved A Fish That Literally Eats Everything

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what do you think would happen if we took the most harmless looking of all the fish and turned it into some giant monster that was actually terrifying that's what i'm going to try to do today and that's going to be incredibly hard considering this is as intimidating as this fish actually gets our goals are nice and easy though i eat 20 of whatever those are and lay eight eggs those are no doubt the suggested goals though i have goals of my own i want to be able to eat every fish ever as the most useless fish ever and to start it looks like i'm going to be competing with a bunch of my idiot friends because they all want to eat the same things i do so that's going to get really frustrating really quickly but i've got too much time on my hands so we're going to make this work one way or another there's one whole experience by the 20. maybe i can get lots of my friends eaten if i go over here i could probably avoid the other fish but they're going to struggle to do so because they're stupid all right starting to get the hang of this i'm at 15 to 20 and i'm pretty sure i'm going to be a big fish by the time i'm done or maybe a bigger fish it's going to be a while before we're at the size that i'm looking for never mind i just ate the 20th thing and i'm not a big fish yet i suppose that means i'm gonna need more experience uh because i'm about halfway to leveling up so it's gonna be a lot more crap to put in my mouth and i could go out there and try and find some better food but i think i'd get eaten pretty quickly plus i'm not even sure if there is actually any better food for me out there so i'm gonna sit here and pray on these idiots for a minute just because it's a safer option for now there we go i hit level two now i'm a slightly bigger fish so i can eat slightly bigger things so i'm going to enjoy a few of these for now just because they're easy to eat but then i'm also not really sure what i want to eat next i don't even know if these fish can attack these things i might need to get big enough to just kind of swallow them whole oh that's not a good sound we're going to go away so my damage is 0.7 not very good my developer size is 10 though so i should be able to eat very small fish if i find them but for now i'm maybe gonna finish the quest in hand about laying some eggs eight of them to go i could go try and get some of that vicious food if any of those pieces of meat happen to go the right way i might go for it but usually this is how i get into trouble yeah i don't think i'm gonna involve myself in that i've come too far to lose it almost to level three now it's been a slow process but i'm almost ready for the egg laying as well so hopefully that's gonna be a little bit of excitement and we should probably stay away from that fish because he seems to be eating my friends i don't care about my friends but i don't want to be eaten okay i've done the egg thing at least so uh we're gonna get away from that and lay an egg two eggs three eggs four eggs five eggs six seven eight eggs laid there you go big guy you can eat those all you want and he's actually eating them but that's okay because i survived now to make myself even bigger okay there's level three i can now devour eleven my damage didn't change but i am very slightly bigger so using his newfound size and confidence let's go find bigger food to eat basically we're looking for a very tiny fish somewhere out here while trying to avoid basically every other fish in existence right now because i'm still a very small myself i'm definitely having trouble uh finding anything smaller than me but that's not gonna stop me from looking there's one of the baby size fish can i eat you i don't think i can eat that one that might be one of my own species whatever the case i can't enjoy that one yet there's a big fight oh oh i got the meat i don't know if i can eat it but i touched it that leveled me up though actually so i'm slightly bigger now i can devour 12. and i found some piranhas that might work out all for the best because this fish could only devour things it couldn't really bite anything bigger than it this fish however can so i need to defend four of my eggs and eat ten of whatever those things are but we do have fight again yeah i'm pretty sure we could work with this so until we hit level three i think we're going to be mostly eating these little guys and that's okay because it's going pretty quick right now okay that was pretty quick we're now at this size fish we do 1.3 damage at 37 size and we do look halfway intimidating but we do also halfway look like a clown i was hoping to be able to defend my eggs before getting too far away uh but i can't seem to find any fish of my kind anyway so maybe i'll just go start on my little rampage of eating everything in the ocean starting with this mystery meat oh i know these fish these guys are very not dangerous these are the ones i was playing as last time so we're going to go ahead and try and get a hold of one uh this fish does know a very uh efficient bite but we'll get it eventually there we go think i just about got it i'm gonna feast on these for a while because i know how weak they are so i'm not feeling particularly overpowered at this point yet either because i've been chewing on this thing for like 10 minutes i think it's dead but i don't think it's edible yet there it is there's a full six experience oh these are the ones i'm supposed to be eating anyway see i'm accidentally doing it right i know it's a slow process but we'll get it over it together if you guys could just like form a line for me that would save me a lot of time they gave me so much food too these are great they're basically just made out of food and i think i ate one of their babies because as i was eating the meat one of the little ones swam too close and i'm pretty sure i just hoovered it up anyways i'm also level five now so my damage is now 1.5 so that means it's probably gonna be like one less bite to eat this thing only five more to go and i'm pretty sure that's going to be the entire species extinct uh apparently that thing wants to eat me so we're going to do our best to avoid that why can't i sprint well that was pretty annoying i just exited that little uh canal right into the mouth of a big fish so now we get to start again oh good the piranhas came back they absolutely come out of nowhere and just destroy you i didn't even see them until i was dead i have at least made it back to the part where we're doing the egg thing i don't know what it means by defending the eggs but i'm certainly going to try my best i thought i might be able to lay some raw eggs under this rock it doesn't look like i can but i did find some fish to eat so we'll count this as a victory i'm trying very hard not to move out in the open right now because i am all the way up to level six now um and would really be ashamed to be eaten right now especially because i think i'm ready to lay eggs provided i find the actual spot to do so and i don't really want to go too far into the open because those piranhas will appear out of nowhere and kill me instantly uh even now i'm in kind of a bad spot so we're gonna move but i'm back to spawn camping these guys again these are always a friend of mine so we might as well kill the ten of these we need okay it might still just be a timer thing for the eggs because as i'm sitting here chewing on these idiots the egg timer is slowly going up think i might have actually killed every last one of them over here so i'm gonna have to go back to the other scary spot to get the rest of them and even then i have to leave this way because otherwise being guarded by that fish that kills me in one hit and those are piranhas the word is gonna go straight this way pretty nervous about doing this that was actually really stupid of me but i think that terrifying fish is gone he was kind of camping his entrance and i don't see him so we're gonna go back in i think we might have actually wiped out the entire species of what i need to eat and that's pretty annoying because i don't know what to do about that now there's usually some under this rock and down in this little area but now there's zero wait there's one of the missing fish he's just getting eaten by another can i have this one i don't think the big fish can eat me or will uh come on we can do this i'm not getting the okay i'm getting the dangerous okay we're gonna go because we just bit the big fish but that's okay that shows those little fish will respawn i only need to eat two more of them are you dead what killed you this is a jackpot how big this thing is i don't know what killed it and that makes me nervous but they didn't finish it off so i'm gonna go ahead and eat the carcass okay yes we let some eggs go now we need to defend them apparently so i guess i'll just float around here for a while okay he's a friend we don't need to worry about him are they hatching i'm sitting here yeah there we go and we're done so all we gotta do is eat two more of them and i have i think eight idiots following me around but that's okay because they'll be a great decoy actually if they grow up they can get pretty strong to help me we'll be like our own part of piranhas heard of piranhas you know what i mean mine oh i'm bigger than him i could have eaten that i mostly want to find the fish i'm supposed to eat though because i really want to get my quest properly done and i'm not really sure my eight children went uh but i'm sure they're doing just fine i can see pieces of meat floating out there but i'm so nervous to go that far into the open should i go for these i got a little bit of time i can go for these give me all the good stuff this would make me so big that nothing oh that's a big fish stay away from that one okay he ate the meat not me guess i'm very simply gonna have to find a new spot okay what's attacking me is it him okay something's biting me back no i think it was just this fish which we can probably eat at this point uh yeah then we'll go and find the fish i'm supposed to be eating ow stop okay i see what's happening now we gotta get away stop stop i'm bigger biter than you i think i'm a bigger yeah yeah yeah we get the whole team of us we lost one of the kids but that's okay sacrifices must be made in war and just generally whenever oh is this one biting me you're not even the same fish you're an imposter get over here now what's attacking me okay these tend to have a herd mentality okay we're just gonna get away from there for a second there's just a little too much chaos for a moment i need to understand what's biting me before going any further plus we're down to five children three children wow they're dropping fast i think it's probably still the best job i've ever done as a parent so that's pretty good here's what appears to be another freebie but here's one of the fish i'm supposed to be eating so let's eat two of these before doing anything else can i just devour these i can okay that's easier there we go mission complete while we're at i'm gonna eat you and we've now two-starred the river map but i'm not done yet we're gonna make this guy bigger i also just realized how low my health is so i need to be very careful i don't get bitten by the wrong things but with the devourer size of 33 i should be able to eat a lot of decent-sized fish without too much effort that's a fish we're definitely wanting to avoid what is that look how big it is that would devour me still so we're gonna hide from that for a little while and we're in trouble again yep this is yep that's all it takes one quick second and it's all over and we're a decent sized fish but we can do this as the pike now which is the most uh predator type fish we can start as so this thing's going to get bigger and more dangerous quicker oh okay and i got one shot to buy something really big this game is really frustrating back to adult level five once my hunger meter goes down that brings me all the way to level six because my hunger meter was full and i found one of the fish i'm supposed to be eating so things are looking up but they always are until i'm suddenly ambushed by something that annihilates me but we got this one consumed for 18 experience and lots of hunger so we've already determined that i can take on these as long as i'm careful about it they don't seem to be that strong oh that one just stole well we'll let them get away with that we'll get them in a sack and i leveled up so there's level seven and all i gotta do is eat one more of these can i eat the piranhas yet i'd really like to get my revenge on them but all things in time will get this annoying fish and then be on our way to bigger better things all right that quest is done we've almost leveled up so i'm gonna see if there's one more of those delicious fish hanging around somewhere oh do we just need a pr we are eating the piranhas now excellent now i'm feeling a little more confident about our odds we can still be one-shotted by some things but we can one-shot things like piranhas so we're in less danger than we usually are our sizes 85 our damage is 4.7 i hate that sound because i'm never sure if it's what i'm attacking or if it's something about to surprise me but there's another level up we're in level 9 now we're comfortably into level 9 so we're even bigger now and our damage is up to 5.5 i believe it was just 4.5 so every level that was making us lots more damage i still need to raise three babies but i'm too busy putting things in my mouth for that at the moment hey we found a bunch of these little guys again oh this is going to be a great reading friends i can just hoover these all up i basically don't have to move to get all these this is gonna be great uh except for i'm not going to share this is my food stash there's only one spawn camper on this map and it's me but since we did level up again our damage jumped all the way up to 6.5 with a 99 size developer size 37 it's also getting a little bit hard to keep fish to size fed because obviously they need to eat a lot so i need to be constantly eating things it's a little unnerving with how kind of empty the uh water is right now i'm just not really sure if there's something just really big out here eating everything but i'm gonna go ahead and take a bite out of this guy because i'm feeling way too confident this is actually really big fish oh please don't turn and bite me i think he's dead pretty sure we can just finish him off that usually means it's a big fish if he gives me one of those 8.9 damage 42 devour size and it makes that very aggressive sound when i start uh swimming around now because i'm that big i'm going to go for this fish and because we're quite a bit stronger than we were for the last fish yeah there we go another level up level 13. uh and some of this is probably going to be lost a little scavengers but i'll eat them as they come starting to be a pretty big fish overall 10.4 damage 120 size 45 devour size which might be big enough for this uh little guy well they at least feel like a little guy when we started this would have been a very big scary fish now we can just devour him not entirely sure about this one so i'm just going to go ahead and put it in my mouth anyway when in doubt put it in your mouth it looks like a pretty intimidating fish but it's already dead i think because our damage is so high we can mostly get away with that and i just can't help but make poor decisions so let's just keep the good times rolling all right that wonderful leveled us up we look free food so we're at 14 damage at 135 size can't devour things like that yet but might be able to soon i hope so because we're getting really big we're actually bigger than those are now and i still need to raise some little ones oh no we're gonna go over the waterfall no i need that give me the food but as we landed we did level up again are you dead no he was just playing dead oh that was one of me actually i could have used that for eggs okay he bit my face but we're also doing the egg thing so i'm not really sure how this is it's kind of a prank mantis vibe i think we're okay though they might try and eat me after we're done but i'm much bigger than it is so okay can you stop with the same species you idiot we're having babies together don't eat me no he's gonna eat this fish this is mine go away we devour that we can devour that and this one probably too then all right we're level 16. so now all i've got to do is be sure to survive long enough to actually lay my eggs and then raise the young somewhere but i think that's going to be fairly easy because i'm pretty big and intimidating not a lot of fish want to come near this this one in front of me gets it because i can just devour it whole not sure about these guys yep i sure can oh like a feeding frenzy can i have some of your can i have a bite can i just put all of you in my mouth come here oh here's a little cluster of delicious looking fish and because they're kind of cornered i can mostly just sit in here and devour and they're all gonna get eaten this fish is getting pretty big i can hardly even fit in here now i'm gonna get stuck that's the fish we're to avoid for now i think that's the big fish in this world and he's the one that ate me before but we're going to avoid him because i think he can still eat me or at least it's going to be close and i need to legs before i do anything really really stupid but if i stick to these little side channels i'll be doing just fine because there's lots of food in here not a lot of danger i am also ready to lay eggs i just don't know if this is a good spot for it i guess we could try it really don't know if this is a good idea but there we go spitting out a bunch of eggs so i'm going to sit right here and guard them so they're going to sit there i'm going to need to feed myself so maybe made myself a little bit too big to do this but there's lots of little food for them around i think i just heard something really big but i can't see anything so that's kind of unnerving can you guys get out now i've got five eggs i need three of them to grow okay they're about ready to pop so they're going to come up and we're going to try and feed them whatever i can i'm going to tell them to follow me as we make our way slowly around giving them lots of stuff to eat good idiots i'm also going to need to feed myself a little bit too so this will be perfect over here because i can eat some of these but also chew a bunch of them into uh stuff for the babies they're gonna grow really quick up that kind of stuff apparently i have six of them are you guys are you guys eatable i think the babies can eat them too if i chomp them into meat uh for now i'm just gonna stick around spawn camping for sure though though i didn't i need to eat two okay can someone eat that then i gotta go find food for me come on idiots let's go take a risk hopefully it won't be long before i find something to put in my mouth because i really need to eat something my babies are probably gonna die because uh we might have to journey a long ways that thing is too big for me but that's also why there's no other fish around because he ate them all okay perfect i need one of these come here get on my mouth got him that wasn't a lot of food but it's gonna take a lot of food and we're down to one baby so everything got eaten because my fish was too hungry and we had to go feed him instead of the children i don't even know where the one remaining baby is is this him are you my child yeah you look like one of my children well we'll raise one child hurry up you're gonna be and i couldn't devour that but that's fine we can just raise one baby at a time we can even share some of the food with it provided i'm in a good food area which i think this is so we're gonna eat some of him up i'm gonna eat the most of this and he's gonna eat a little bit of it oh no oh he almost got eaten there they took a bite out of him stay away from my baby wow there's free food everywhere why would you go for the one protected by me go nemo go okay seriously there's tons of food please eat up and grow up i'm so sick of raising children already look at all the meat though how is he not growing up oh he did grow up we do have a an army now he's still not going to be very big but if i sit here and chomp and all the things spawning he might actually get pretty big pretty quick oh i can't actually control him anymore though i think he's his own free fish so that's fine next time i think i'm gonna legs under this rock because then i can just chew all these things into food and my babies can have a feeding frenzy and that may or may not work out because the tricky part now is that i'm gonna need food for this idiot too and he goes to hunger very quickly because he's massive well here's our chance to uh get more eggs on the go which is gonna be important then i'm gonna eat all of these idiots i still can't devour these uh salmon looking things and that's okay because i can at least chew them to death and they seem to be a very good source of food because they're pretty big themselves okay there's another big fish i think i'm gonna try and take this one down right now not entirely sure why i'm gonna do this but i'm gonna go for it he's eating my friends that won't do it all all right big boy you're going down i think i can probably do this since i got him on this angle because i think he's gonna have trouble turning to do anything about it in fact he seems like he's just gonna go along with this wow look at how many pieces that turned into my children would love this speaking of children they're almost ready to go but uh by the time they hatch i think the other fish are gonna come and eat in this no no no no get away from my food get away you're all turned into food all right well we're gonna lay some eggs right here maybe and uh we're just gonna see what happens and the hunger meter just ticked again so i'm level 19 but now i'm halfway hungry again and i don't really know where my eggs are i thought i let them go here but i don't actually know where they went so i guess they'll hatch and either find their way to me or they won't and i'm gonna sit here and eat these because these are pretty well the best source of food i can find right now oh they were here they're just hard to see all right time for a feeding frenzy guys eat up i don't care what kind of fish it is you guys just put it in your mouth yeah this should work out well because oh no i'm getting lost in the current oh no oh no i'm too far down don't eat my babies i need to raise those well they're more interested in the meat because it means a bigger prize anyway but i'm gonna make sure they have lots to eat regardless and we can afford to lose one or two babies anyway that's not a big deal yay two of the babies are done one more grows up and we're good to go come on guys eat up before you get in by something else and i get annoyed like they're surrounded by food and they're just kind of like looking at it guys eat this there's only so much i can do for you there we go all of them are now adults so the river map is complete with three stars plus i just hit level 20 and i've got like food stuck in my face but we're now 170 size and 26.4 damage and we can devour sizes up to 64 which is at least that big probably not this big but it's probably not far off and we just hit level one because our hunger meter ticked again oh i thought he was dead already not that it matters anyway i know it's one of my species but it's going to die nothing personal i just need to put you in my mouth well it definitely feels good being the king of this water again okay we're going down the waterfall one more time and i know somewhere down here is where the big big fish is the big big fish that isn't me that is i'm going to zoom out a little bit so i can hopefully get some better peripherals and we should know it when we see it because it'll be an absolute monstrosity of a creature and it's usually a good sign that it's around when there's not a lot of other fish around because i think it just goes around eating everything really quickly and efficiently i don't know where it is it should be right here somewhere that's a good sound there it is oh look at this size himself he's still much bigger than me but that's not going to stop me from being stupid oh swim bite him bite him bite him uh oh he also didn't really seem that interested in me maybe i'm just too big for him to maybe i'm not much of a i don't know i'm just gonna sit here and bite him he's running from me okay we're gonna let the stamina build up and chomp oh he's tail whipping me i get it he's like stunning me and that puts me off him but that's not enough because i'm gonna sit here and chew through him and he's dead now i just gotta chew them into pieces might be getting a bit of a texture bug with the water there but you know what that's okay if i'm not breaking something i'm not trying hard enough and there we go he splits into five of these pieces and that definitely leveled me up yo there's so much food i can't keep up no i don't want to share it no no no that's my big chunk no one else is touching that for sure i'm a little annoyed that the fish are still so much bigger than me though how do we fix that there definitely is lots of food around here right now at least so we do have the ability to level up at least a little bit i'm almost done with 25 suddenly there's level 25 and we got a feeding frenzy because the giant fish exploded into like a million pieces of meat that everyone in the water wants i'm just not really sure if it's worth my time to eat all this little stuff or not devour size is 79 though so i should be able to devour most of anything quickly and there's level 26 because i just keep eating up a storm so my damage is now 105 my size is 222 and my hunger gauge just ticked so there's even more experience and i'm running into a typical big fish problem again where i'm starving because i need to constantly eat even though i just ate literally everything like in the entire river i'm already starving again so you really gotta be an opportunist and eat anything you can while going with the current because i'm too slow to maneuver very much and we're already back at the waterfall that was quick but i'm very close to starving and i'm moving very slow at least i feel very slow oh we got another one of these that's perfect uh size-wise we're a lot closer than we were the last time so this is actually going to be a a better fight for me i think oh look at that hunger meter though we got to eat him quick come on chew me into bits uh he's not a very tough fight anymore okay eat eat yeah there we go level up that was like an instant level up and i guess a big chunk of food i can like let sit there forever because i think i'm the only thing big enough to really eat that and i'm gonna eat that so these fish used to be intimidating because they were bigger than me but look at the size difference now i'm like a hundred times bigger than that thing and level 28 so we're now 242 size with 72 damage and a massive 90 devour size which is even these guys which are just about the other biggest fish in here and ate a bunch of piranhas my hunger meter ticked so i'm level 29 but i'm also halfway to starving oh look who's back again oh he wants a head-to-head this time i like the way he thinks yeah we can do this uh we're pretty close to the same size now he might still be a hair bigger but it's hard to tell yeah he definitely looks girthier at least i'm surprised he responded that quick but i'm glad he did oh wait wait what wha oh okay i guess i'll just jump down the river and away from all my food but there was two of them and it's going to be hard to find my way back there you are you big stupid come here get in my mouth i didn't realize there could be so many of these i thought it was one at a time but i'm not going to complain because that's just more food for me that i really need it's kind of to put into perspective when we don't have any other fish to compare it to but i'm very large there goes my hunger meter ticking again so we're still 33 but we lost half of our hunger there pretty sure i've not yet eaten an eel since i've been on this map and i'm stuck for free all right eat the eel 58 experience if you haven't put an eel in your mouth before you haven't lived life yet i think i've officially become the big fish in this water because the other big thing isn't spawning in you know you're a very big fish when you can barely fit to these side canals also don't do this because there's not a lot of food in here and you move very slowly through it all hopefully i don't get plugged in this hole i fit but not by very much okay i found idiot stick again uh he didn't even want to attack me there he just happened to swim into my face but this is gonna be a quicker fight than ever and i'm not sure why he's so far down the river okay after all of that we're all the way up to level 37 which is insane because we're absolutely massive at this point like this is a regular sized version of my fish and he looks like a minnow beside me we just leveled up again so are we bigger than him yet oh we're definitely bigger than him now cool can't devour him yet because we probably need a devourer size of 250 or something but we can kill them in almost no time at all oh and here comes the second one to apparently yeah eat my food that i work so hard for yeah don't worry about it oh they're like spawning in real time or something this is very strange because i kill one another one swoops in from somewhere right there but i'm level 40 and i've definitely never been level 40. and then the hunger meter is going to tick down so we're level 42. and uh does any more those guys want to come out the three in a row was really nice oh look at that it did give me no that was my shadow never mind i'm just stupid so our size is 392 our uh damage is 300 our devourer size is 147 so we almost might get big enough to devour this idiot with a little luck we'll live oh yeah you see him spawning right as i kill him interesting get away from my food i'm just kidding you are my food there's so many chunks of food floating around that like i don't even know which ones to focus on okay we found him again he spawned downriver this time a little bit but we can do a nice little size comparison again we don't get the danger noise on the narrow anymore we can't devour him yet but we can kill him in three whole bites so here's the deal i think i took a wrong turn because i have no idea where this is i'm about to starve to death but my size is 445 my damage is 440. i have as much damage as i do size developer size is getting pretty big but i think i'm gonna starve to death before i continue this any further i really wanted to devour the big fish but that's okay uh because we're about to starve anyway but i had fun okay actually i made out of the crack still just about to die and another big fish later and we're at level 50. so if you've ever wondered what level 50 fish looks like compared to the big fish on the map something like that as you can see i'm uh oh let's get the angle right a little bit bigger and we're at the point where one bite uh kills it and another two bites to chew it up and then another one spawns in that's perfect all right you no no no no no no we're not done with you yet one thousand we one shot at the boss and to be honest i did think it was just a regular fish because it's so small oh look i'm spawning in rapid fire now but they look so small in comparison that i thought it was just a regular fish now look at the size difference now we're level 56 we're like five times the size of it now all right 800 damage we can't hoover it yet but we've got to be getting close okay 58 we're level 64. devour size is 235 look how much bigger we are than that thing now there used to be the colossal fish on the map we just hoovered it up okay we'll wait for the next one i'll show you we're now level 65 which means we're 638 with the devourer size of 240. okay there he is and we just ubered him up the biggest fish on the map by far and we can just suck him up like that we're now 66 400 damage all right well that's a regular large sized fish beside me so i think it's safe to say our work here is probably done but this has me excited we can do better next time
Channel: DangerouslyFunny
Views: 4,582,549
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: DTvprCYuHAc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 46sec (1546 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 09 2021
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