I Evolved The Rarest Fish To Max Level

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today we've got all sorts of new things we could be playing as so naturally we're going to start with the weakest one which hilariously swims backwards so this is going to be a struggle but not as much of a struggle as that thing is having the trick today is we are going to become whatever we eat so if we put something in our mouth we're going to become it probably not a starfish though because that would be stupid so naturally the first thing we want to do is find something to eat that doesn't crawl around on the ground like an idiot so until that happens i'm going to be enjoying starfish and slowly leveling up hitting level two i actually gained quite a bit of size okay this isn't a fish but i could definitely put this in my mouth we're gonna turn into this thing it looks like it's struggling and anyways uh yeah i can do that too but i'd rather just put you in my mouth come here it's trapped all right it's a war of attrition which one of us is gonna die first we are now a underwater woodtick so we don't necessarily even have to eat something we just have to murder that's a big shadow where's the big shark i'm a little nervous about that we're not very quick but we're moving up the food chain i have no idea how i'm going to eat a fish like this i'm also not really sure what these fish problem is but they're definitely struggling today and i'm not sure if it has something to do with the mods or not i'm struggling that fish is struggling everyone's struggling but can we become a fish now i don't want to be this thing anymore nope don't know why we didn't turn into that i think i've got to chew them into meat i think that's the part i'm screwing up and that does really hurt because we could be a fish swimming around freely right now but instead we're crawling along the floor okay i think i figured the trick to making this move you got to get all its legs on the ground so you got to point it downwards it doesn't get a lot of traction when you point it into the sky oh we actually maybe can swim this very slowly i do actually have quite a bit of damage at level 2 7.9 is plenty just need to get my claws on something good news though i found a starfish we're gonna eat that that's not gonna quite get us to level three look at that big fish imagine that me swimming in the water actually able to eat things that's the dream this is probably really stupid but i'm gonna try and go down here because i know the littler fish are usually near the edges of this area this is a weird little bug are these real but at this point i'm willing to fight absolutely anything if i could become a shark that would actually be a big step bite come closer you're almost there oh i think it's on to me but after this starfish we're going to go from 7.9 damage all the way up to 9.4 and we actually gained quite a bit of size again if i move any faster we're gonna have to edit this into slow motion just so people can see what's happening okay i see another fish up here i'm gonna try and uh chew it into meat for some reason these fish never seem to work but we will take that and then we're going to bite this thing i would love to become a swimming fish might be able to attack the shark right here is he close enough oh i can get him okay bite him bite him come on we could do this if he swims away we can't get him oh we're very armored wow uh-oh we're also not very maneuverable we're a shark perfect things are looking up i didn't expect to be a shark so early on plus we got all this to eat now we're level 4 shark we only have 3.7 damage but we can swim finally and that's what matters now the trick again is to not be eaten by anything but i need to either level up or find something bigger to eat and become and i guess that's going to be the trick because to level up i'm going to have to eat something so i'm going to become nothing as i want to level up so i'm going to take a bite out of this because it looks like a similar size i think it's one of those tadpole things just a little version of it wow what a weird fish get in my mouth it's definitely smaller but we're going to get experience i don't know if this is a good idea it doesn't seem to be able to hurt me uh in hindsight well do we want to become something that doesn't bite yeah whatever we're just going to go for this and see what happens we will become it i'm just not sure i want to be it not very strong but neither is a shark like we can't even kill this thing wait there we are we are now i don't know what this is this is the stupidest fish ever but we'll go ahead and eat that stuff and just continue on our little journey we're like a great blue tadpole with sort of googly eyes i don't know what this thing is the shark was probably a better choice but um we're kind of at a lack of choices right now for things to eat i can't really go into the deeper water yet because something will eat me immediately and then we'll have to start over again this fish is also pretty slow though so i'm a little worried about it it's bite is also pretty bad our damage does go up though as we sit still for some reason i don't really know what to make of that maybe it charges up yeah it seems to it maxes out at about 12 uh when we bite something it drops back down again then charges back up very slowly so it hits very hard the first time but then you're definitely not going to do damage for a while plus it is heart-wrenchingly slow i very much regret this fish we're going to find a better one while eating starfish they're the only things i can really use to level up and we did get one level there's a marlin that i don't think we want to bite i think it lists them away from us anyway because they're very fast and i am in fact very slow i'm still only level five oh there's a turtle these are oh these actually might be dangerous i don't know if i'm gonna be able to kill this thing to be honest um yeah i would love to bite that thank you i think it's stuck so i probably just chew on it for a while until it dies i don't think a turtle is a better choice than what i am okay it's much quicker than i am that's also very dangerous oh that looks like a faster fish and it's even a little bit aggressive get in my mouth oh there's no way i'm gonna be able to catch this thing oh actually maybe oh yeah i got it okay cool now we're at a smaller fish but we're still actually quite large because of our level why does everything turn yellow when we sprint well it's not the most intimidating of fish but we can make this work we can cannibalize our own i don't really want to eat it well i do want to eat a turtle but i shouldn't just like real life we'll just give you a nibble just in case maybe we can kill you after all nope i'll eat your starfish then i'm still very scared to wander very far because as soon as i run into something that's meaner it's going to eat us very quickly we're 132 size already but that's not really enough to protect us from the biggest of fish they can devour that hole still there's another level up though so we're 140 with nine damage we have some hammerhead sharks over there but we're definitely not strong enough to take those on yet so i don't think i want to go in that direction in case i grab their attention they'll eat me i'd eat me and i even kinda like me oh i just heard the danger sound i don't know what's looking at me probably that thing okay we're in trouble i'm gonna try and hide under this rock uh i don't know if it's still chasing me but i'm not really going to risk that i don't know how to get rid of things that give you brake line of sight does that work and um go back to eating starfish for the time being until i figure out what's next i do want to bite this thing again because i really think that it's broken i'm not going to become it but i'll take the easy experience i think this strategy is actually gonna work pretty well um because even as i level up uh the next fish if i eat a bigger type of fish i'll be much bigger like a level seven hammerhead would be much bigger than level seven great white would be even bigger again so i just need to actually find like a next step fish to put in my mouth i mean i still would you know eat a turtle but they get away as soon as i go near them oh this one's not actually maybe we'll be a turtle next again i don't know that's a good idea but it's something different i like it when you bite it we turn it into us so it's locked there we're basically pit maneuvering at the death now we're a turtle great so we actually do a lot more damage now so this was a good choice we're probably also pretty armored because again we're a turtle the most majestic of all the sea creatures we're gonna go this way pretty sure the thing is eating a turtle uh i also have a mod where i can do that so when you want to get rid of the fog we can take a look but i'm not going anywhere near all of that shallow water is still gonna be my friend i don't think the big fish will come up here very often and if they do they might get kind of stuck or jammed up which will give me a chance to actually escape though to be fair turtles are uh pretty fast even if their handling does suck immensely there is level eights we're up to 156 eyes with 28 damage but when we want to boost we can get out of trouble should i try and take on the marlin i think if we get into trouble we'll be able to get away uh strange i think the turtle is faster we can kind of turn it with our bite we're both kind of yeah this turtle doesn't handle why are we upside down can you despite the fish please let's pretend it got away for a reason but i mean now that this guard is down is that free meat out there free meat always makes me very nervous because there's usually a big fish nearby that caused me to appear oh that scared me okay we're a marlin now good and we leveled up and we're gonna run away from that so now 164 size with only eight damage so we're not doing a lot of damage but we're getting bigger so the turtle was a better choice than the marlin but we don't know until we try and we just gotta keep working our way up the food chain one idiot at a time i've wandered a very long way if i inhale these yeah i can inhale things without becoming them so that's good to know i can still consume that's a really big fish we're gonna go this way but i can inhale things without becoming them so i can get easy experience that way this might be a really bad idea but i'm gonna go down to the caves so i don't really know why i'm down here i just thought there might be something fun to put in my mouth turns out there wasn't i'm a little tempted to try and take on the dolphin the dolphin whale i don't know what those are i don't have a ton of oh oh i can stab them i didn't know i could do that oh i would have been stabbing things oh no okay we gotta go okay can we give you a poking a stab there we go i'm gonna you and i'm gonna become one of you then i'll assimilate you won't even know i'm not one of you okay i've already spared you how are you still alive uh no one seems to be coming to its aid oh that one might be actually oh oh oh no no no no anyways we'll discontinue on eating things i'm not worried about our death because we're right where we left off and we're gonna need a bunch of these for some easy experience because i clearly need stronger fish i think i'm stabbing a lot of these which is kind of fun but i'll also rather be consuming them what's wrong with these why are you broken wouldn't mind leveling up a little bit more though into this school of fish i think these are the same thing but it's a fresh school so i get tons of experience off these okay now that i've decimated the population of those things let's find something a little bigger to get our mouth on do i want to be one of you i don't know if we want to be one of you oh okay we didn't really have a choice we're now a blue pancake pretty good size very slow not a ton of damage i think a little bit more than the um pokey fish but that's not saying much they make them like this on purpose or do they look like that in real life also i found a shark again i remember this area because this is where i found a shark last time and um the game's graphics are not that's closer than i thought stop anyways uh i couldn't find it in blue i found a pink whatever this is that's close enough we will just continue on our little journey take advantage of wow everyone gets stuck to the wall so we have 15 damage 172 size so we're staying away from the giant tadpole thing for now i think the vowel size is going to be one of the more important things to pay attention to the bigger things i can devour the past i will further level up like if i attack a smaller fish for good experience i will become that fish and that kind of works backwards so we need to devour things well we hit level 11 after decimating them we're now 180 size which is pretty good devour 45 and i quite like this fish because it is quite quick oh hello didn't see you up there oh it's one of these do you think this is better i know these oh i don't know why i couldn't become that i would give it a try given a choice as much as i like this fish those ones might actually be better now this one is pretty quick nah maybe i'll scoop these up for a while what are you worth oh okay now i'm one of these 20 damage 180 size so you do get more damage i do think i'm slower but these are also a fun looking fish and yes i know a lot of these fish do have special powers but i don't know what they all are and i'm too lazy to look it up but i'm not gonna learn each and every individual one along the way i'm just gonna put things in my mouth you don't have a gang oh that's heartbreaking but you just finished talking about how you work and use fish powers yeah well if you wanted logic you wouldn't be watching my videos now would you we can eat the banana lime oh okay so when we devour things sometimes we do become them so we're now whatever this is maybe we'll just go back and forth like this eating these slowly leveling up that way like i'm pretty sure if i put this thing uh in my mouth i'll become one of it we go back and eat the other one come here come here there we are good experience we need one of these maybe we just can't become these and that's why we're allowed to devour them like this without turning into them wow that was a lot of good experience thanks guys yeah well remember your sacrifice forever but i'm leveling up awfully quick up to 200 size with 27 damage and i can't tell if it looks better with the fog on or off you turn it completely off and the framelit doesn't love that very much maybe we'll go with the fog off for a bit so you guys can see okay that's a great white chasing whatever that is so we're gonna leave that well alone it might take level 15 before we're able to take on something bigger then we could go back to where the seals and um other things were because there's some good animals over there so we're going to dive into another school of these idiots because this thing's got a great hoovery mouth we can take in a whole bunch of these and another one of these poor idiots we'll take all of those we can get we just hit level 14 so we're at 209 size 32 damage we'll call it oh i should become one of those again so i can travel the world oh he's harassing that poor fish okay we got a good what was that okay that's a shark we gotta go we're not big enough to take that on are we we're 209 25 damage we almost could i'm not going to risk that right now uh we're going to go over to where the seals and stuff are we're going to be a seal next because i think those are better if not an orca is a good choice they do a lot of damage for their size it's very scary to go anywhere because there's a lot of big fish i know there's something really big below me i just saw its tail so we're just gonna hope that no one's home and keep on cruising along the edge oh what about that big guy i think we could probably do this especially if we get him from behind that's what she said that was easier than i thought what even is this thing we are bigger we have more damage we're probably slower um we're probably not prettier but we're bigger i guess we do have a pretty good movement speed still though the lungfish tend to be the fast ones really tempted to hoover that up 65 i don't think i can and i don't want to bite it because i don't want to become it because i think from all the fish i've played it so far this one is going to be the best it's certainly going to do the most damage definitely getting into the cold water now uh we can actually see a little bit better like that okay we're gonna try one of these lone seals first over the other thing i don't know this is a good idea but we're going to let our thing oh okay that one wants to eat that one for sure so we know which one of those is stronger but we're going to get in there first and kill it come here now that we're one of these let's uh hoover up the meat first we're now doing 83 damage we're actually very similar despite the fact we're an adorable seal oh these have to breathe oxygen i forgot about that part so let's perhaps find something that doesn't need to breathe air because that seems stupid when you live in the water that looks like some kind of uh adorable yeah come here where i don't care what you are i need to be you so i can breathe underwater he looks so happy he makes the annoying sounds we lost a little bit of damage but we could breathe underwater actually this might be one of those that the more you eat the higher your damage goes which is a little bit counterproductive is that a penguin do we want to be a penguin penguin sounds stupid but that's kind of why i want to be one here penguin get in my mouth got him we are now a giant penguin this was not a good choice but we are a penguin so 126 damage okay this was a good choice wow cool we're gonna use this penguin to take over the world i think they breathe eric is there a bird but full disclosure i'm not a scientist more specifically i'm not a penguin scientist oh that's a lot of dangerous looking creatures ramming speed i'm as big as the orca is not quite but that's a pretty big penguin i don't think they get this big in the wild okay we're now in orca i know orcas have a lot of damage also don't touch my meat don't touch my meat this is also an air breathing definitely looks happy um not really sure where to go from here i mean i could probably you but i'm just gonna turn into you and it's a very similar uh whale wait what's that out there no we're good we're just gonna trade back and forth between these for a minute uh it's good experience but i mean we want to be something newer and bigger let's eat the penguin come here get in my mouth hole yeah you've got to go for oxygen because you're stupid got him now we've got to go for oxygen because we're stupid i think i also remember these fish though being very aggressive and potentially very strong yeah they're very aggressive at least that much i know so we're gonna bite that only 65 damage so that's disappointing quite big though 326 size so uh i'm pretty much going to re-rail myself with the first opportunity i get because i need more damage than this look at all these idiots fighting over this piece of meat that's my meat okay there's one of the big big whales over there so we're gonna have to watch out for him because he will devour his hole okay i want to be an orca maybe because that orca is gonna be my best chance of eating a bigger shark everyone's eating everyone great i'm actually a lot bigger than your canal this is great didn't realize i was that size already oh okay we found the big fish the size of that thing gets me every time i didn't think would wander that far into the icebergs okay level 25 orca i'm gonna try and eat other orcas for now because i'll just become another orca but i won't lose anything i will only gain from doing so so if you would like to come over here and just we'll take a little bite out of you we're not allowed to bite you because you're an orca okay i'm gonna find a hammerhead i'm also super paranoid now because every time i see an iceberg i think it's the big whale some left a bunch of meat for me that was very kind to them getting hard to level up uh because we can eat all of this and that's hardly even moving the meter now oh that's a bigger piece of meat get out of the way that's mine though uh maybe we should do a narwhal real quick is this good uh 110 damage random 62 size it's not great so we're going to go ahead and eat both of these if we can yup come here we're going to you know we're going to eat it's like a trap everyone needs everyone i don't even know what i am anymore i am level 29 suddenly though so something there gave us a lot of experience something here is breaking up i think my nose i think i'm constantly attacking and breaking the meat up into smaller and smaller sizes which is actually pretty annoying kind of amusing at the same time anyways since i am uh just about level 30 i think i could probably go fight most of the normal sharks but before i do that i want to be a penguin again because the penguins are quick and deadly 382 damage is absurd though to be fair it is a pretty big penguin like i'm bigger than these whales i found a shark it doesn't seem very big in comparison anymore but i guess that's what happens when you're level 30. right now 398 size 104 damage the penguin actually did a lot more damage but we're definitely a shark and i'm pretty happy i don't need to go to the surface or air anymore okay i found the hammerheads they're much smaller than me now but i'm hoping we'll get more than 104 damage if we kill one which shouldn't be that hard we're actually very big so we actually have a little bit less damage but it's it's comparable enough that i'm not going to complain pretty sure at level 30 we're doing enough damage and i could take on most things is it bad that i'm tempted to eat that little thing i don't remember what they do though i don't think their attack is high enough there is another one of these i am a little curious that might actually be more damaged it's certainly quicker so i can maneuver in another danger faster and so much quicker the hammerhead shark can barely even move i don't know why it's shaped like that that's not very aerodynamic or hydrodynamic pretty sure there's no point in eating that because that's going to turn my damage down there's another like medium-sized shark um don't think i want to eat them though i think this thing still does more damage with more speed we need to go for something big at this point maybe like that alligator thing you come here wait missed him what's our damage now 167 so we need well we're going to commit to this 160 520 what what is this thing 520 damage we should go fight the megalodon or maybe is that what i am it looks kind of the same i don't know they're all biting each other like idiots can i get in on that thanks guys i'll just go ahead and keep becoming you and eating you and then becoming the other one i don't know what's happening here give me all the meat whatever oh there's a megalodon what's my damage only 206 now i don't know what happened i'm also now like stuck in this pool of meat i can't actually move and i think there's a megalodon not far away so i would really like to get out of this please thank you i think i'm actually like meat locked what is happening can i go now i don't want to be here what died there something massive must have died look at all that meat though the bad that i'm tempted to go dive in there before doing that let's go harass the dinosaur thing uh because i think we'll maybe get more damage out of this 224 attack there's also the giant tadpole down below i don't know if i want to be one of those oh looks like he's uh being harassed by this guy so i'll make another chain of harassment here i'm gonna bite you and then we're now this thing 49 damage that was not a good choice okay but we're gonna first of all eat this and then we're gonna harass this guy i think 49 damage is actually still not bad if we can eat him which we will eventually will become him 127 but this thing has a weird attack pattern but we're level 33 so we're 434 size oh it's one of you again can i eat you oh what about the glowy fish with the big teeth this might actually be a really good choice did i become one yep i sure did 300 damage and i get to be this thing which goes invisible uh i'm not the big oh that's a megalodon all right well we still do 350 damage so we should take advantage of that i'm gonna go fight one of the biggest of fish we can find possibly that thing because it does a lot of damage but it's also very maneuverable and we're gonna need maneuverability to be able to fight the megalodon hopefully we do more damage than it yep we definitely do 255 damage i'll take it but i need the speed last i checked yep there it is oh this is a really bad angle to attack it from it's probably gonna kill us oh wait wait wait wait yeah get it from the top okay i can control the camera yep okay can you bite it please yeah there we go bite it bite it don't get bitten don't get bitten okay we took a little bite out of it it took a little bite out of us and that's bad even at level 35 the megalodon's still a problem uh but at this fish level 35 has 508 damage so we'll see if we can top that up just a little more i'm pretty sure the megalodon is the other side of this little bump target acquired i just need to kind of like nonchalantly get up behind it and then i can attack it while it's distracted kind of like this could you please be distracted by something other than me for a second oh i think i almost had it though that was a few good bites it's crazy to think about how big that megalodon really is because like that's a hammerhead below me i'll see if i get close enough to get a visual like it's tiny compared to us very very small i think if i eat some whale sharks for a minute i'm gonna get massive experience i could definitely eat these uh they're not dangerous the problem is i've got to become one then but that's going to level me up basically every time from there i've got to become something else to re-eat a whale shark though and the other big fish is still in the area so that's kind of annoying i might be able to fight that if i'm an orca or something i just ran through a small school of fish and leveled up to 39 so we're definitely 506 size we're very big but we're doing almost no damage because we're a whale shark if i become one of these though 858 damage great target acquired full speed ahead please don't turn around i don't think this thing turns very quickly because it's you know basically a barge is it dead did i kill it i did it i'm one of the big fish now oh look at all this meat i can eat too level 45 we just got so much experience great we are now a um very big fish not the prettiest but he's very big well despite all that we still don't have a ton of damage like we're doing 319 damage uh 578 size and that's a little bit concerning to me um because that's not what what's possibly able to attack me i'm huge oh it's one of those little redfish that always attack everything i was going to fight the megalodon with this fish because it's like a similar class fish it's very very big and very very strong but its damage isn't as high as it is for a seal so i'm gonna be a seal also i can't handle the turning radius of this i'm gonna lose my mind if i have to place this fish for any length of time so please give me that seal get on my mouth okay it's able to avoid me because i'm just too big and that's really not a problem i'm used to okay can you can we eat the seal now can i eat anything please anything i want to be not this thing anymore it's so slow hello i might have actually like glitched the game because i can't i can't do anything i need to be able to eat that seal okay so i guess my massive level combined with uh this fish gives me 1100 attack damage i had to give up on the seal because i don't know what happened i couldn't seem to eat it i think this is the leftover of my body though so we're gonna try and eat that before anything else does oh right okay we're now an orca who was doing 1800 damage which should be enough for our megalodon friend that number is dropping as time goes on though because we're not eating anything but i can't eat anything because we'll change fish if we do really wish i could eat them right now but no such luck there's some luck though there's a bunch of meat just sitting there and there's the megalodon okay which do we go for first we have 1300 damage i should go for the megalodon he's so quick especially compared to me i need to get him like when he's distracted but he always goes straight for me as soon as he sees me oh oh we might have him here come on one more bite did i get him did i get him i don't think we got him however one of these fish 572 size but 2500 damage probably because it's got big teeth i suspect part of the problem is i've basically been beating the megalodon for the past 30 minutes so every time i attack it with a large fish it eats up gets even bigger but i did beat it up pretty bad the last time so this should be it there's just a lot of dead fish and stuff going on over here i'm just going to go straight for the megalodon without any thinking about it i think i could do the damage to take him now he's already beat up bite him bite him oh we're doing yeah well there we go now we're a megalodon only 144 damage we actually did a big drop off on damage but we're gonna level up a lot because there's just a lot of meat hanging out here finally got oh and you forgot about you oh right that was really really dumb but also that uh i think crashed the game because now we can't respawn uh i can force it to respawn like that and we're back to being a megalodon now what level were we i think we're at about 307 which uh makes her a pretty big megalodon so i think i'm king of the ocean right now but we're still gonna get bigger i would show you the side view but it's gonna give everyone a seizure i can't i can't show you the side view well this definitely is the max size i can go for now i could probably break that with mods but i am size 5000 with 82 000 damage but thanks to me being able to remove the fog i can actually kind of move for once and more or less see where i'm going obviously as soon as you touch anything the game freaks out like that but we're obviously a pretty big megalodon who's having a bad day i'll link these mods in the description and there's a lot more to play with so this is gonna get messy fast
Channel: DangerouslyFunny
Views: 1,521,162
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: pMFoaGMfS9k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 26sec (1526 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 23 2021
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