Why Selective Breeding Doesn't Work

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today we're going to evolve something absolutely perfect and it all starts with this single egg one common idiot duck one common common common and now this duck is going to do what ducks do and wander around aimlessly but it already spat out another egg and there's also a big hole can i put the duck in the hole i like where this is going now we have some ducks to try and breed so we'll figure it out eventually uh we're gonna get a common egg and we're probably gonna put another duck into another hole but it seems there must always be a duck this is duck number three but we did get a rare mutation for the wing so i need to remember that of all the ducks here this is the one to put into the hole i'm sorry but if you don't know something rare or interesting on you you're going in the murder hole but it seems this egg was a combination of the rare wing duck and the regular duck that we hold but now we get to hatch something rare so that's gonna be interesting it's a regular dock hopefully this one does a little better we have a rare hump we have a camel duck so that one has a a hump and a rare wing whoa whoa whoa regular joe get in the hole uh this one has the rare wings again but that's nothing new but this one was a combination i think of the other ones never mind it's just got those regular rare wings all right we're just gonna keep opening eggs until we get something new there is a new one look at this duck rare everything i don't know if it's better to have more or less ducks but i'm going to get rid of a few of the more boring ones and keep some of the more interesting ones to me this game is really all just about putting ducks in holes i don't care about the rest i'm kind of thinking we can like selectively breed things though so as long as we keep getting rid of the rare boring ducks and keeping the ones at the rare parts they'll keep combining into better and better things so we're already getting lots that have rare across the board but i know we can do better than rare speaking of boring ducks get in the hole and get in the hole uh am i supposed to do something with this oh it didn't really bother me that it was there what is this oh we got an accursed egg what does a cursed egg do oh we have a cursed mutation well i figured we'd end up with a duck like that eventually i didn't think we'd do it so soon though so we're going to go ahead and open this one and we're going to get nothing new but on this egg we did get our first epic mutation so it's wing looks kind of like a hoof and we did also get a new tail mutation so ducts like this one that just laid the egg need to go because they don't really have anything good to work with this one has an interesting wing and a tail but its head is normal weighing three proper mutations at best and i think now these should all be breeding with each other so we're gonna start to get some pretty weird things hopefully okay here's what i'm gonna do you uh you and you get in the murder hole now there's only very interesting ducks left at least until we hatch these so there's a new mutation we have black wings but you see now as we selectively breed these things we should only get interesting results as long as we build that one into the drink you don't have a tail and that earned us a new tail mutation it basically doesn't have any feathers so he gets to stick around and there's another new mutation a new head so we're gonna keep going with this and hopefully find some epic or better i want legendary stuff that one has a top hat now we're getting the interesting results what's this one gonna be oh you're boring get in the murder hole there is also this particular one he doesn't have a good tail i finally touched that button that said upgrade egg rarity so now we get the hatching epic so that's gonna have at least one epic feature and that's a spiky helmet so i should probably be touching more things this is just common so it's gonna go to rare i'm not sure if that was a waste but we did get a new head so for this egg we're gonna upgrade the rarity and that's going to give us this guy with epic wings he's got wings so big they cover his body but i'm also starting to lose track of uh what ones are good or not we're just going to keep upgrading rarity because apparently i can then we're going to get lots of oh a legendary mutation he's got metal wings that seems counterintuitive but that's kind of his problem okay another egg another new rare mutation a metal head and i just realized now uh as you like tap on the egg it tells you what combination of ducks made this so it's between those two that you saw we're gonna upgrade to epic and then hopefully find more legendary upgrades yeah we got a legendary uh tail so now we just need the two legendaries uh to do their thing and then we're gonna get hopefully super legendary that's a common name can i just throw the egg straight into the garbage is that mean so if we don't want to use the murder hole directly we can do things like this and select the ducks that don't have particularly interesting stuff anymore and sacrifice some this way i kind of like the metal head he gets to stay but not for very long all right we're going to sacrifice those ones and that's going to happen then hopefully they get us something new i think we get another cursed egg so we get another cursed creature and that's going to look like that great that's probably really just a result of all the inbreeding a rare egg there's a new rare mutation without eyes actually that had a lot of weird things going on this one was a combination of the legendary wing because it's got that metal wing on its side we're only going to get a rare out of it though but we did get a legendary wing and an epic tail and there's a duck with a beard and we did get a duck with a beard so we're looking for something here we need to try and selectively braid it i think it's part of quack beard we got the beard i don't know what when your tail needs but there's a lot to try and find okay these are all the rares we can find these are the epics these are the legendaries uh exotic is beyond legendary and cursed is pretty much the inbred so we're gonna go ahead and hatch oh we could upgrade from an epic to a legendary this is the first legendary egg we've hatched and that's going to give us a duck with a hat there's nothing particularly exciting here but we did get blue tipped wings and we're starting to get a duck that looks like a robot and that's probably actually something okay i see the egg sitting in this upper nest is already a legendary so we're gonna skip it until that's done then we're gonna upgrade to hopefully exotic well we're really making progress very quickly suddenly what's an exotic one look like it's red it looks like a clown with metal wings and like a taped up tail that's horrifying i currently have 18 of my 25 spaces filled uh which is more than i want i would kind of like to have like you know selectively better ones we're gonna open another rare okay we open an epic egg but happen to get a spiky headed duck with epic wings and a rare rear end i kind of want to turn this entire place into just legendary eggs though or exotic even better if we can there's a new uh like mask wearing duck that's all fun so all i'm gonna do right now is enjoy my new legendary wings didn't see that coming and then we're gonna open everything we can until we have 25 idiots which gives us the maximum amount of ducks which means we can start getting rid of things that are just rare if they don't have say legendary or better they're going to go away now i'm actually probably going to leave the cut off at epic if they have epic or better they can stay if they don't have any of that they're gonna go away now but i'm okay with this because it's probably gonna give us yep another inbred can't upgrade these any further so that also came with a rare mutation but it's cursed as well so we have three cursed uh wonders of nature and their eggs should hopefully mostly turn into epics are better now and then we're just slowly gonna raid better and better ducks that one literally has legs and hooves he's not gonna have a very pleasant life but it's probably also not gonna be a very uh fast life here's a legendary that we're gonna turn into exotic again my horrible plan is actually working so far very slowly there is a spider duck spider duck was abducted by aliens now i just hatched like a regular egg i think it was uncommon rare and we got the exotic head so that's fun there's probably supposed to be more of a strategy to this but i'm not really one for good strategy i just click on things until other things happen like that that's a beautiful duck it's got like stocky antenna eyes uh bangs teeth and a place to plug it in this one comes with a helmet so that's kind of fun and they make different sounds when you pick them up and move them around they all have their individual individual sounds okay i found another legendary egg so that's very important because we can upgrade that to exotic then we're going to get something new and very rare there's two exotics on this duck he's a construction worker with uh balls and this is duck 51 we can turn this epic into a legendary and then we're gonna get another exotic mutation so i think we can have a fully exotic duck now can summon bees at will but doesn't feel like it okay so even if we open say a common egg right now if you look at the combination of the ducks ducks that made this there's definitely some legendary parts involved so i think that means some of their parts are going to be legendary just by default nope they can actually downgrade themselves outstanding but i'm also making my life's mission to make the worst duck imaginable so epic or worse now is getting thrown in the hole and that actually only eliminated six ducks but look at some of these so far there's obviously lots of legendary there's a few rare but some of them are getting pretty close like one of them has two exotics two of them have two exotics so it's only a matter of time before those turn into three exotics and then we'll have the ultimate creature all through selective inbreeding is that a thing i guess it is now there's a new head it's a cracked egg this egg was between two chickens both of which have like sockets for wings so i'm kind of curious to see what happens to this one's wings it's going to be epic and it's got a new mutation in epic i wonder that's what happens you put the same two parts together they turn into a new better version so i just put a really fun idea together in my head so here's what we're gonna do we're gonna get rid of pretty much anything that doesn't have exotic legendary is fun but exotic is better but i'm also gonna keep the cursed uh i'm not sure if they actually do anything but uh we're gonna sacrifice a lot of important ducks but basically no everything left has exotic parts on it uh except the cursed ones but that should hopefully make a lot of exotic eggs on the ground and then also whatever this is with an exotic rear end so that's cursed rare and exotic and looks like this strategy might be working out because there's already an exotic egg on the ground and i'm pretty sure we're not able to upgrade this because this is in fact the best tier of egg exotic exotic rare but they still managed to give us common eggs so maybe this wasn't a great idea we just sacrificed a lot of ducks for nothing repetitive inbreeding is hard rare egg with nothing going on that's kind of a cool looking duck it's kind of a cool looking duck to throw into the murder hole i think we've got like two-thirds of a night duck or something that actually seems kind of like a set so i might hold on to that one for now there's another duck number 67 with two exotic pieces so we're getting close to the perfect exotic duck this one's like a hammerhead shark or something uh it's also not exotic it's not a doctor is hiding from the irs i did just hatch what might actually be the first full legendary duck we've found i think my strategy for hatching only uh the highest tier ducks doesn't really work that great because this is just a common egg it's a disaster with duck but it's still only got a rare tail and since we're up to 21 again i think i've got an idea we're gonna get rid of some of the cursed ones uh i don't really know how rare they are but we're gonna leave the ducks that only have two exotic spots or better actually i'm just gonna leave any duck with exotic parts because i feel like those parts are all gonna mix and match and i think only one exotic tail duck and the duck gods are pretty happy about that because i have a drooling three-headed duck i don't want to keep this one i'm not sure if these are of any use at all there's an exotic tail though and the duck is kind of upside down um can those even breed with anything i don't think they can we did make like a robot wizard duck though so that's fun and a banded duck can't think of what that one's good for and we summon the idiot back into existence so that's kind of annoying i can't tell if it's rewarding me or punishing me for murdering ducks this one doesn't really have anything interesting going on and those are like rocket wings and we still have a long ways to go to find all the parts for these look how many exotic bodies there are okay i think we're overdue for another purge we're definitely getting almost all of them now still do have exotic parts okay this one does confirm that the cursed duck can mate with things because this is the curved stock mixed with the hard hat dock which then turns into this guy with legendary wings and a rare mutation of no eyes a black head and a blue beak okay then the other uh cursed duck also just did the thing so let's find out what this is trying to give us oh it's giving us like a cursed mutation by itself they kind of do their own chain of things i think the ducks i'm mostly gonna be after are the horrors like i know we've already got the mouthpiece for deep lurk i might have thrown it in the murder hole but we've seen the mouth so we just need to why do we have duplicates do you see this no that one the other one has better wings you get to die but i'm also kind of overwhelmed with idiots right now like i'm hatching whatever i can but i don't know which ones i really want to keep right now which ones i want to throw in the murder hole which ones i want to you know cause ones like this seem cool and they might be close to something they have an exotic part but are they really gonna lead to anything like this is a combination of two basically the same thing two spider-faced ducks so even with an epic egg that's gonna give us well definitely a new face okay so let's do another purge if they don't have two exotic parts or better they're going there's uh no debating that anymore that might not have been the best idea in the world but at least everything left has lots of uh lots of exotic parts on it okay can we get your thing now this hatched monstrosity is kind of like a flower with broken wings it's beautiful and this one stems from having two clown-based ducks we're gonna upgrade that all the way to legendary so hopefully we get something neat exotic wings so my strategy now is to hatch the duck we take a look that's actually a horse and i like that so much it's gonna stay but aside from that we're gonna hatch the eggs we're gonna see what they look like if they don't have two exotic pieces like this duck we're gonna throw them in the hole for example this duck is going in the hole and we've annoyed the duck gods yet again so we're gonna murder this it's gonna give us an egg we're probably also gonna throw this in the hole unless it's something absolutely amazing uh sorry giraffe duck you're just not meant to be we managed to get a doctor-headed duck so things are progressing pretty nicely and saying that we're going to drop dr duck down the hole but we're really getting very few ducks without exotic upgrades i still haven't gotten one that's all exotic yet any minute now we're gonna get there we literally just threw you in a hole why is dr duck back maybe it's a sign that i need to throw them in the hole again okay this one came from the horse-headed duck so i can't wait to see what kind of result we get it's got a hook for a head it's not a horse it's a hook and this one had me so excited i thought for sure that was going to be exotic exotic exotic this one's probably the closest we've gotten so far duck 111 exotic exotic legendary so i've cleansed out some of those we're gonna laugh about the uh we'll get a duck again for a second and then we're gonna open an egg okay this one's going to be an exotic egg so this could be the first triple exotic nope but we got a new body it's i don't know an ice cube so close again we're getting so many double exotics now even when we're opening up rares they're often better than rare wow this was the worst one we've opened in a while how do i find that one where are you in the world i think it's this one pretty sure it was that one okay but here we have an egg that's legendary and it's made by those it's made by the hook headed duck so we're gonna upgrade that to uh exotic then hopefully we get a triple rare triple exotic yeah we did it our first triple exotic i thought for sure that was gonna be a set maybe under professionals boxer i think it's close to that but also not that okay well now that we have our triple exotic duck we're gonna get rid of all the other ducks except for that one and the one with a horse for a head because i want a triple exotic with a horse for a head because that would just be good family fun i'm also gonna have to hatch this train wreck so we'll just let that go it's another giraffe there's nothing particularly exciting about it uh other than the fact that it will take an extra second to drop in the hole because it's so tall this one's gonna stem from the hook headed duck and it's a hook headed uh also kind of entertaining so we're gonna leave that there for a second we're also gonna hatch this though to hopefully find something no but now thanks to my selective breeding program this one is the triple exotic plus the horse head i really want to see what this turns into the horse head with an exotic but just rare wings i suck it by so many exotic ducks to make that that wasn't worth it at all so we mostly just get downgraded versions of the triple exotic which is kind of odd but i accept my results i didn't think before i did the thing that one's kind of fun he's just covered in slime that's got to be one of the disaster ducks duck 126 is kind of funny because not only does he have a hook for a head he also has very dangerous wings and we got a new head he's wearing a dangerous necklace and he looks very pissed off so this one is the triple exotic plus the hook head which gets us a hook head with nothing particularly interesting about it now we're getting somewhere this is a duck we can get behind and they were kind enough to give me another exotic egg that's between um disaster face and the pilot duck i don't remember what that thing is whatever the case this is gonna be a good one very excited to see we get it's basically just a duck without eyes which i can appreciate but for all the wrong reasons uh i think we're a little overdue to do another cleansing since the horse face duck didn't really work out it's gonna go i would manually throw it in the hole but i'm too lazy i must have had two of those okay i've got a bit of an idea let's keep the double exotic uh we're gonna take this and then we're gonna keep those ones we're gonna get that one we're going to get rid of this one that's going to spawn our idiot back in i don't even want to open this but i'm going to anyway because i just want another duck to throw down the hole and i don't have to care about well it's got a kind of a nice body it's got a cat body so let's keep that but we're also going to bring in just a very basic regular duck again for the first time in a long time now let's sew that into the mix and see what happens i feel like we're getting close to something good uh this one is a combination of two slime headed ducks not sure what that's gonna mean for their head but hopefully something great interesting so it's got wheels for wings and a legendary body okay this one is a common egg but it's a combination of lots of legendary uh exotic stuff so this could actually be really good depending on what its final part is going to be well the black wouldn't suit it and we now have a duck with his scorpion tail okay so we combined the demon head duck with the horse stuck on an uh exotic egg and then i don't know what we're gonna get but i can't wait to see what disaster this is it's a bald duck for some reason our random breeding program just doesn't seem to be getting us to where we want to be let's cleanse everything but our triple exotic now i just have one duck and four lonely eggs we're just gonna hatch these real quick and then we're gonna hold them like so mostly because i wanted to see what this duck would do by itself like does it just spit the same thing out we're going to upgrade it to a legendary and we get another triple exotic but with a new mutation so that's kind of interesting it's got thumbs for wings so it's just some solo dna really but it actually downgraded its head to a wizard and we don't like wizards in this part of the world i'm just kind of wondering if they'll like evolve into what they're supposed to evolve into i can't tell them apart now they all look the same this is all gonna get super incest super quick considering it's all coming from literally one duck but we got spiky tails we're still finding lots of new stuff it's just we're not really finding the proper sort of uh assortment of stuff on the right dock and here we're getting another legendary that's actually way downgraded this one's got a hook on the rear end though oh look at that face it's got multiple beaks can i just make a duck out of hooks that would be really really fun we need another hook face duck okay duck 164 looks like it actually could be a set those parts go together pretty well okay duck 167 is another triple exotic because it's basically two ducks in one okay well let's maybe start fresh once again with the mini face to duck which of course earned us another stupid one of these that's actually also a mini face duck so that's kind of funny and the first thing we hatch out of one of the existing eggs is a triple exotic so sorry but you've gotta go okay so the miniface duck has braided with the other manny face duck hopefully they give me like a super face stock what's it gonna be uh it just got long ears really he really wants us to make a duck out of hooks i'm just not really sure how to get there okay i'm pretty sure we're back to a solo uh hook duck that should hopefully make more hooks i don't know why i think this is gonna work but eventually it might well notice every duck on the screen has a hook on its rear at least so that's a start we need more hooks i'm holding on the front how do we get one on the front you know what you're all failures get in the hole well this one's not a hook but duck 197 is kind of like a demon duck with a hook on the rear that's probably about close enough for me for now
Channel: DangerouslyFunny
Views: 1,881,205
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: wi7eOe4WfFg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 27sec (1167 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 19 2021
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