I Made 1,000,000,000,000,000,000 Creating Energy No One Wants

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so we need to upgrade the earth by clicking on it thereby taking all of its energy away well i'm all about that let's get started earthquaker makes your clicks two times as powerful now we're getting two energy per clip and we've gained over 100 energy so we can make one single campfire that's all that's fueling the world and that this gives me one energy per second so i don't even have to click anymore i just want to and look at that we're already back over 200 so we can make our clicker twice as powerful so we're getting 4 energy per click plus we're now getting an extra energy per second i'm actually finding this clicking just strangely satisfying so i'm even missing a lot of these upgrades on the left like i had three built up and i didn't even notice life's good when you can just wake up drink coffee and click on things we'll buy a few more campfires so we're making uh several energies per second without doing anything at all our next earth clicker is going to be 2000 and since that will take a second we could probably start using the autoflicker that goes a little bit faster there is 500 2 000. i like how this one's not at all limited by time so we're going to double down on that we're going to buy a few more campfires and we're gonna turn the auto clicker back on and we're gonna make even more money there's two thousand there's three thousand there's four thousand we might break something today so if we buy a farm we get 10 energy per second without doing anything we can afford a few of those because i have an auto clicker that's on steroids and for those of you that always ask what autoclicker i use it's just the logitech one it almost feels too easy to go this way we're gonna upgrade the campfire some more so now we're making i don't know not quite 100 per second but it's probably something like 50 per second and we can increase our uh output if we get 20 000 so let's save up for 20 000 it's really only gonna take a second anyways to be fair this did take more than a second but not much more than a second and there's even residual clicks that i have to wait to uh there it is and earthquaker now we make 16 perfect i feel like this is basically speed running a clicker game and i'm all about that but now we're going twice as fast so there's 10 000 again and we can buy an animal farm we want lots of animals which means we definitely need lots of animal farms there's an extra few that's going to give me an extra like 400 per second so now that number's going up very big by itself pretty soon i might not even have to click but i'm still going to i'm always going to i looked away for a second and suddenly we're up to 200 thousand so we're going to go from 16 per click to 32 per click so saving up another 200 000 is gonna take half the time but we don't really need two hundred thousand we want two hundred thousand probably one are windmills because these are gonna give me one thousand per second we can buy at least one of them so we're up to probably 1500 per second and we haven't even started on any of these other planets yet 750 quadrillion i want some of these no millions here i was all proud of my numbers already these are amateur numbers we need to go much bigger i'm gonna need a lot of coffee and i've just realized there's an efficient way of doing this i was turning my auto clicker off to buy things but i can just leave it on and go like this and it pretty much buys whatever i need i'm basically made of productivity today between that and the coffee nothing else exists in my being but i think also we need a factory produces five thousand per second so now look at that number going up and i'm not even clicking and these basically pay for themselves because there's another factory upgrade so now we're making an extra 10 000 per second over what we just were and i thought we might be getting close to a prestige but that's going to cost one decilion energy i don't remember exactly how big that is but i know it's pretty big but i've got time if you do here's another 10 000 per second i'm pretty sure the auto earnings are going to be beyond my clicking pretty soon there's another 5 000 per second so we're up i think 25 or 30 000 per second now my clicking does a little bit of speed but not that much anymore we're actually auto earning more so i'm gonna need two million to step up my clicking game i'm just taking all the energy from these planets i'm technically making them energy but i'm also taking it away again right away ever wondered what 10 million energy looks like neither have i but we're about to see it i kind of wish we got to see all the zeros laid out but it still says 10 million so i'm pretty happy with that and i'm gonna buy the earth clicker so we're gonna go from 32 to 64 per click and then we're basically already halfway to the next clicker but since we saved our 10 million dollars in no time at all let's buy some factories i don't know how many we're gonna buy that's five six seven eight so we just added 40 000 energy per second probably not gonna take very long at all now to get the 20 million i need for the earth clicker i kind of just realized how cheap mars is it's only a million dollars so we should probably go ahead and buy that because i feel like it's going to help us in a big way like i can get extra clicks for only a hundred thousand right now and i can get a extra clicks again so up to 256 per click uh and then if i buy an oil mine we can get 120 000 energy per second so watch how fast this number is going up watch how fast it's going up now and now and again it's even quicker so i should be paying more attention to how much these costs okay jupiter's 150 billion dollars uh which makes sense it's a pretty big planet so we're gonna save up for that but i'm also going to be sure to fill out the planets as we go uh 5.25 million is definitely worth it every once in a while we'll jump back to earth to uh spend a few bucks on it i'm not actually here to help the planets i just turned them into a giant colossus of clicking in energy speaking of which uh there's 40 million so we're gonna buy the coal power plant that's going to give me 1.5 million per second so that pushed our income way higher so we're already making a few million dollars per second and that's going to go up very fast like we've already saved up 65 million dollars the next big upgrade is 500 million but that's going to give me 50 million per second we just broke 500 million which is half a billion but now we can buy a nuclear power plant so we click on that and now we're making 50 60 million per second and that's without clicking i mean we're back up to 500 million already i didn't even do anything and we're back to five so let's add another 50 million per second so we're now making i don't know 110 million per second even by the time i'm done saying this we're already ready for the next upgrade and we can also upgrade our clicker a few times maybe on earth too yeah okay so now whatever it clicks up to four thousand uh and we're just landing completely into the billions so we'll maybe upgrade the earth a little more i'm not really sure why but at least i want my clicker then we'll upgrade the nuclear power plant a few more times and i don't know how much we're making per second but it's hundreds of millions uh clicking's up to eight thousand let's give it one more upgrade now it's up to sixteen thousand so when i go like this i don't know if that really makes a difference compared to our income but it's fun and we're over eight billion that means i can buy margin technology 750 million per second so we're probably actually at about a billion per second at this point so that means we can buy the next margin technology right away and that gave us an extra 750 million per second and again i mean we can even buy a few of these maybe that still gives us well that was probably 500 million per second look at how fast the money's going up now we're up to 120 billion dollars which is more than a little bit um we're gonna buy some more martian technology with that they are getting expensive so at some point it's kind of less worth it but because nothing here seems to change at level 10 or 25 it's generally better to go for the more expensive of upgrades we could still do this a little bit just for fun these basically make their money back as soon as i buy them like i can't afford it now there it is again i can't afford it again but there it is again and i just kind of want to be sure when we hit the next planet that we have a nice healthy start to it i don't want to be waiting around i don't have time for that i'm a very busy person saved up about 1.5 trillion dollars which is certainly more than i've ever had before so instead of buying the next planet let's get more of this technology that's just going to help us with our income moving into the next planet the money's definitely going up pretty quickly i don't know it's 30 billion per second or something thereabouts i think now that i have another 1.5 trillion dollars which is 10 times more than i need to buy jupiter we're going to buy jupiter because then i can start with a hydrogen fusion reactor that's going to earn us 100 billion dollars per second i guess we'll buy some of these other ones too will make our clicks more powerful thirty two thousand per click this is going to give me five billion dollars per second which isn't really a lot not anymore anyway it's cheap enough we'll buy a few of them i guess because it's not even putting a dent in our number yet uh we do want to make our clicks two times as powerful so we're gonna go back to the beginning because uh they only cost 20 billion dollars here these usually seem so expensive uh i'll even spend up to two trillion on those this one is now up to six trillion what are we at one one million per click let's do two million per click then we get to do it here on jupiter as well so we're now making 4 million per click and in case we've forgotten there's a lot of clicks but even at 4.19 million per click there has to be to be able to compare to our 8.5 million dollar empire so far okay we're up to 18 trillion dollars let's buy some more hydrogen hydrogen fusion reactor these give us 100 billion each so there's an extra 600 billion per second basically two-thirds of a trillion that's pretty much going to help us save up for the helium fusion energy and of course that didn't take very long at all 50 trillion dollars and that's going to give us 4.5 trillion per second so that over doubled our income just like that because we're back to 50 trillion dollars already there's 60 trillion there's 70 trillion so you get the idea that's going to get really really big but then again the next upgrade is 1.75 quadrillion so it's gonna even out but i just keep sitting here clicking buying these as many times as i can that keeps putting our income up and up and up like without clicking right now i we're making 50 trillion dollars per second something in that neighborhood which obviously is a lot so now we can go back towards earth and upgrade our clicking again do you want to spend 200 trillion dollars yeah we might as well it's clicking you can never have too much of it uh the next upgrade there is expensive but we're up to 33 million per click including this 66 and now our numbers are up to the quadrillion already i didn't expect to get there that fast we better spend some more on our clicking so we have 134 million per click and we need some more of this too we need more trillions per second that just added an extra uh lots uh 13.5 trillion plus another 4.5 plus another 4.5 so now our number's probably closer to 100 trillion dollars per second anyways we're at 1.4 quadrillion and that's going up pretty quick so quick in fact that we can now buy solar radiation 120 trillion per second so that's made our money go even more bananas and it's just going to keep going up and up and up we already have enough just about for the next upgrade another 120 trillion so at this point i'm basically going to go stretch my legs for a couple minutes and come back we'll see what kind of money we have and what we want to do with it a short coffee break later i'm up to 190 quadrillion dollars which is enough to buy thermal radiation this produces 2.5 quadrillion per second so it is added 7.5 kajillion dollars per second 7.5 quadrillion energy per second whatever but that means in the 10 seconds since i bought that we've already made the money back it took that entire break to earn so we're gonna buy a few more of those and maybe even some of these or clicks are up to 300 million 600 million and i really like these clicks they're very important to me should i spend all of this money yeah i should we're up to 4.29 billion per click and we'll even do the 200 qrillion dollars here so we're up to 34 billion dollars per click and i definitely don't need to buy any of these anymore though they might get pretty high let's actually buy a bunch of the uh factories it takes a while to actually buy enough that we actually need and it doesn't tell you how much they're giving you but they're costing 24 quadrillion dollars each uh upgrades for clicking are now gonna cost you into the quintillions which is a really big number so for now we'll just continue being satisfied at 34 billion and at this point it's also debatable whether or not it's worth it to buy about 20 of these or one of these given the price but i'm gonna be lazy and just buy both actually with the price increase it's definitely worth it for the thermal radiation so it's back to clicking and doing an occasional one of those three quintillion dollars later we can buy another five thermal radiation so that added 12.5 quadrillion dollars per second i don't know when i started calling energy dollars but that's just the default i go to i always think big numbers must mean dollars so they're dollars now come on kpop and there's another five quadrillion per second so i don't know how many we're making per second let's call it 50 qrillion dollars and that does mean we can buy saturn not by a whole lot but we can buy it and i know these upgrades are going to be worth it maybe not so much a saturn clicker at start but when we get 300 quadrillion we're gonna get gas-powered energy why does our saturn have such a budget ring i paid a lot of money for this i want the full thin anyways for now i'm gonna get gas powered energy that's gonna add 300 quadrillion per second we're at that fun point now where it's hard to even understand the scale of how much we're buying and how much that's worth but it adds up pretty quick i think 300 quadrillion is roughly 120th of 6.6 to be 122nd if that makes any sense at all then again it doesn't have to make sense i just need to keep buying don't ask questions then i'm also going to work backwards a little bit to increase that clicking further more so we're up to 550 billion and again i don't know if that really necessarily adds anything even at 1.1 trillion we need like a trillion trillion trillions to make any difference at all it's just kind of fun to see me getting 2.2 trillion per click and we're clicking quick then we should be able to buy probably another four of these which is going to give us an extra 1.2 quintillion per second i've upgraded my clicker again we're up to 8.8 trillion per click still not enough to make a difference there but one day it might be we've almost got enough for helium mining look how much that gives me i haven't been paying attention to any of these uh what the rewards and there we go helium mining 10 quintillion per second so we're going from like three quintillion per second to 13 quintillion per second and for the first time we broke sextillion dollars sextillion energy which means we could buy another three of those which gave us an extra 30 quintillion so i think we're up to something like 43 quintillion per second and it sure looks like it make that 53. so at this point 10 of these would equal 3 quintillion but it would cost more than one of these so you can see why i don't go back to these lesser upgrades i always look for the next one my ring isn't getting any bigger i want my money back so i'm going to sit here and pout for a while and save up the 10 sextillion we need and it's time for ria moon mining that's going to give me 750 quintillion per second so watch this number jump again and it's skyrocketing which means we can increase our income every 10 15 seconds so far and that's gonna be a big increase i just sit here and wait patiently for a few seconds and i can already buy another three soon to be four because it pays for itself so i think actually a quicker strategy for doing this would be for me to leave my auto clicker right here the upgrade is going to buy themselves as soon as it's ready and our income is going to go up and you see the pattern repeats itself so i'll be back in a bit okay i just came back to look and this next upgrade is actually no cheaper than this upgrade and this one's going to get us considerably more bang for our buck that's going to get us over 30 times better earnings so we're gonna click on one of those so this by itself gives us 25 sextillion per second and now we're up to 56 tilliam per second so uh we're up to i don't know what it is almost 100 sextillion per second at this point but the next upgrade is going to cost 30 septillion so we're going to do the same thing auto clicker sits right here and we'll wait and now these upgrades are about a third of the next room for the pressure generator but we're definitely going to buy the pressure generator because it's going to earn us 1.2 septillion dollars per second which is nowhere near what we're doing now it is kind of sad taking energy away from planets like this so because there's no life on it anyway earth is a good one because think of all the people that are dying anyways pressure generator and we're up to um i don't know how much money this is over a septillion dollars per second and we're soon to be making more while we're at it let's upgrade our clicker some more i don't know how much we've upgraded it because i don't really know where we started but we're gonna make a lot of money per click that much i'm pretty sure of so one click equals 4.6 quintillion so that might actually add up somewhat compared to that so at 9.2 quintillion per click we can do a lot of clicks plus we can also buy the pressure generator and other upgrade so the income just goes up and up and up i think this would be a good opportunity also to see how high we get the clicker uh we're going to find ones that are a little more agreeable in price though that's debatable 200 septillion is also debatable so this is conceivably about as high as you would get the clicker anyway and it's 37 quintillion so it probably helps out a little bit but not overly considering how much each of these upgrades is worth and we need a lot of money for the next upgrade so what we're gonna do now is sit here and click on pressure generator until we have a stupid amount of money it realistically won't even take that long i just want to be making such a stupid amount of money by the time we get to the next area that it kind of makes it easier i'm simply not going to be happy until i have all the energy in the universe and there's no life left at all i want it all i don't actually have any plans to use it i just kind of want it but i just realized our rate of income is so stupidly high now that we're well on our way to our next planet okay well at least to buy it we're not gonna be able to afford any upgrades quite yet but it's not actually gonna take that long water extraction this time it doesn't need water uh that added over 50 septillion dollars per second which is ludicrous compared to what we were making which is already a ludicrous number so let's get some more of that now we could probably upgrade our clicker some more which is up to 73 quintillion dollars then we can work backwards to the planets doing the same thing upgrading our clicker just a little they're mostly into the octillions now which seems like a lot but 300 quintillion per click at this many clicks adds up quick oh but we're into the octillions of dollars anyway i can't believe we used to work on things like a steam engine the technology is so far advanced from that now so now that we've got our clicking all the way up to five sextillion per click we're gonna do water extraction and then we should probably upgrade the uranus clicker uh we're making a one octillion every few seconds so that's going to add up pretty quick and we only need 4.5 octalion to get our next upgrade anyway so i should save up for that the ammonium generator 350 septillion dollars per second so about a third of an octillion and we very quickly saved up enough for methane mining we have 120 octillion dollars energy so this is gonna give us eight octillion per second as it is right now it would take us eight seconds roughly to make this now we're doing it every second so we just made eight times as much money and we basically already have enough for the next upgrade so now we just doubled our income and you can see how this is just very satisfying those numbers get bigger and bigger and bigger so we should work on our clicks now too that we're making this income so we're making five sextillion per click now we're making 10 sextillion so we'll go through the rest of the planets as best we can uh this used to be a ridiculously big number now it seems like a small one that one we're gonna wait on because i don't have that much time well then again actually this number is going up pretty stupidly fast so we're now up to 300 sextillion per click this one will be an easy one uh no million we're not going to get to but 1.2 septillion dollars per click we would literally absorb the earth in one click um i don't mean to sound stupid but i'm going to i didn't realize there was planets in the other direction i kept wondering why we were buying planets as it got further away from the sun uh the sun would make more sense because it probably has the most energy so let's buy all of venus uh all at once so thermal energy atmosphere generator oxygen creator why would we want that these are all normally super expensive upgrades but when you're this rich it doesn't matter so we're gonna upgrade the venus this would have made the clicker so much better all this time because all of these are upgrading my clicks in a huge fashion we'll buy into the um octalians for now i guess even one of those or clicks are now worth 6.3 octillion dollars uh then we'll also buy mercury 10 quadrillion so it's not cheap but we'll buy all of these uh including i'm just going to auto click the clicker upgrade and then we're up to 20 decilion dollars what okay this just got stupidly easy suddenly because i can just look at our money now we're into undecillion already uh the sun obviously cost 69 6 trillion dollars so we're gonna go ahead and buy that and buy everything here nothing here is helpful enough we need to go back the other way so we'll buy all the clickers we can now we're up to 340 undecellular per click which means the clicking makes more than our income by a stupid amount uh so this kind of actually breaks the game because this amount is more than enough to buy the rest of everything i'm pretty sure kind of wish i found that earlier so here's the final plan which is neptune 250 no million dollars but we can afford everything here no problem so let's put all of our money into this because this will be the best upgrade there is to see if it even can move this number anymore uh so nope even maxed out it won't move this number one little bit it's all about the clicking at this point so trade a zillion yeah we're making a lot of money there we're going to do this on all the clickers to see how high it actually goes uh so earthquaker turned into infinity million energy so when i click on that i don't what is that sep september zillion september zillion dollars we're now into the octodecillions and i could do the same with all the clickers it just turns into an infinity millions after a while because it doesn't want to make any numbers that big probably because it gets a little bit hard to even find the numbers that are that big so after literally maxing out the clicker it's just plus one it's circle it's plus one can we max out other things so can we max out solar panels uh it doesn't seem so i think i just broke the game i think this is maxed uh things are just not going anymore because it doesn't matter we made so much energy we destroyed the entire galaxy i mean it only cost a decillion dollars to prestige we have like i can't even describe to you how many of these we have trillions of trillions of trillions of trillions but if we were to play through this now we'd have twice as much income which is kind of bananas to think about it but we're already so far ahead it's all just kind of meaningless at this point we basically broke everything nothing's relevant [Music] you
Channel: DangerouslyFunny
Views: 1,620,084
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 56sec (1256 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 15 2022
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