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um i don't know about you guys but i'm feeling kind of bored and sad [Music] what am i supposed to do sat here home all the time not allowed go outside quarantine club is cool and all but g heck guys it sure does get lonesome wait what is that in the distance [Music] can you hear it it's me time it's mean time gather all your friends it's meme time it's been time it's green time the only cure for sadness welcome back you sweet baby mimi dreamers this episode of the quarantine club is called into session now last week a lot of stuff happened a lot of crazy stuff we don't have the time to read the minutes of it if you want to figure out what happened you're gonna have to go back through the playlist and watch every single episode up until this point now there's a year's worth of episodes so you've got a lot to catch up on but if you're new here watch them all okay good you watch them all right quarantine promise okay cool now we can get on with the rest of them reach volumes beyond human hearing be quiet and calm jack is it because i'm hitting the big red button come on i have my quiet and cam moments just because a lot of the quiet and cam moments that i have revolve around horror games and horrible things happening to you does not mean that i don't have them okay i hope that you look under your bed tonight and if your bed is on the floor like mine is that won't help you sean saying his height is extremely average the average male height is 170. don't beat yourself down buddy you're a tall boy 178. oh yeah baby i'm an absolute giant a god among men the tallest man that has ever existed bell of height that's five foot eight for the americans you know guys it doesn't matter how tall you actually are what matters is how tall you are in your heart and in my heart i'm 700 feet tall nobody the spider crawling across my room at 3am look i'm not going to put on the headphones for this one i know what this is i know what this clip is i'm just going to stick them near my head and i'll still be able to hear it cool i hate this clip it's so weird what was i doing i can't even remember what clip this comes from i can't remember anything half the time i can't even remember my own name who are you don't you hate that though when you're in your room at nighttime you're about to go to sleep and then you just see a spider like scurry off somewhere and then you've no idea where it goes and then you're terrified to go to sleep because you know that [ __ ] going in your mouth me watching a jacksepticeye video without my glasses me watching a jacksepticeye video with my dad maybe my camera just needs glasses here here buddy you want these put them on oh no these are not your prescription at all you know what [ __ ] fine i'll go back to autofocus for the rest of this video are you willing to see the the the pulse pulse all over again there it's on auto focus again oh my god is it fixed no are we able to touch it again whoa guys i'm in focus all the time this is really weird i don't like it look how clear i am wow oh what a beautiful morning me and the boys at 2 am looking for bells this is such a weird meme is the whole point of this meme to actually show how ridiculous memes are also you and the boys better be up at 2 am looking for the top of the morning to accept the guy coffee beans all right it's coming out soon get ready for it i'm gonna have a full announcement very soon and then you can get your own top of the morning beans it's not a joke tom nook would be proud yeah you could just be up at 2 am looking for bells and animal crossing that has happened many times and then the 3 a.m music hits and you're sitting there wondering what you're doing with your life yeah i should probably go to bed when your friend rich says something funny rich [Laughter] that's great oh that rich what a jokester do you think there's anybody out there named poor somebody somebody's parents were like that's name our child poor that's short for poorly if your friend poor says something ha ha poor other youtubers d monetized sean he think is [ __ ] damn boy damn boy you think as [ __ ] god i'm so clear now this is really weird i look like a tiny person back here now i could just do meme time from back here i can't reach my mouse though wait hold on there we go should i just do the rest of the episode from back here you ask you shall receive can somebody please merge this together oh god what is that that is so gross i'm so glad i'm really far away from that i could barely see it the goggles they do nothing why would you do this i i meant to merge the voice together not merge me with miles this is so uncomfortable i want to get my belt to shake it away but it's i'd have to get closer to do that oh oh god oh god oh god i'm so close to it now no get it off the screen love it or hate it i'm spitting straight facts no one me and my best friend trying to be quiet during the test this is the asmr video [Laughter] oh god it's so relatable that was me serving mass as an altar boy with my friends and the worst ones were during funerals where it's a thing where you're it's supposed to be very serious and very somber but your brain just wants to do the one thing that it shouldn't it's like everybody else sad quiet somber crying my brain ha ha why my brain be do that though also why does my hair look like [ __ ] jimmy neutron right now it's it's it's in a phase it's it's going back it's getting there don't you dare make fun of my hair though should make fun of my hair no bells for you ever sean drifts away from camera also sean no we're not doing that anymore look it works perfectly baby this is the greatest arc of the jacksepticeye anime it works it just works i'm in focus we haven't focus i'm in focus i'm kind of worried that it's going to start pulsing again though now we good we good this is this is a great day for the lads i have found your location [ __ ] like [ __ ] lake is actually just made up of my tears sorry i made a i made a lake out of my little [ __ ] tears oh somebody quanky today oh somebody want to go swim in a little [ __ ] lake oh somebody can't swim or somebody drowning a little [ __ ] lake [ __ ] lake is made up of all the tears of all the haters out there what up fight me i drew a picture of sean's dad it took over five hours and fifty thousand dots what holy crap [Music] that's so cool i love it what's the name of that the dot art what's it called you know the dot art where they just put a lot of dots everywhere the dot er what's it called pointillism that's what it's called gamers sick pointillism brah at this point i'm not looking at the picture okay keep it in your pants reddit it's not a [ __ ] dating site do you think any members of the quarantine club have met up and had a baby whoa do you think there's been any jacksepticeye babies because of people meeting each other in the community whoa am i your dad no one comes between him and evelyn ryan reynolds evelyn no one comes between me and everyone that is so weird and creepy looking did somebody redraw this i actually have no idea what this meme is from and yes as much as i absolutely adore and love ryan reynolds and would love to hang out with him consistently no one gets between me and muck mcqueen she's mcqueen i'm sorry sean i had to do it what is happening sean in two months no hair salon open and remain closed indefinitely damn i wish my hair could cut like that my hair does not grow like that my hair does not swoosh it does not silk it does not flow it just turns into like a rat's nest and just goes like hit and that's it that's why i tie it back in the bun he looks like evelyn no i don't i don't at all look like her are you saying anybody with dark hair is evel it's like when people use it i grew my beard out once and everyone's like oh my god he looks like pewdiepie we look nothing alike get your [ __ ] eyes checked do you want the glasses going to sleep jack uploads again you know the video will be there in the morning right aha psych gotcha good job that was a test for quarantine club everybody in quarantine club watches the video as soon as it comes out you don't wait around oh wait a morning stinky you watch the video as soon as it comes out and all these people being like oh this person and this person uploaded at the exact same time better be watching my own first if you're not this bell is more than just a musical instrument and something to call attention to all the states of being it can also beat y'all's ass or girls cried where boys cried where men cried end of episode i purposely didn't put this one in at the end of the episode just in case you thought it was end of episode but oh no baby we got plenty more memes to come this is a middle of episode bell i have no idea if this is the middle of the episode or not but no no cry meme time is a fun time it's supposed to uplift you it's supposed to make you smile and feel happy and get way of then get rid of the no-nos i hope you're happy at the end of every episode my plans 20 20. oh that's a good one i've seen this meme go around a lot damn might i say your plans be looking hella fine maybe even a little thick maybe even a little like a snack that makeup in the second picture looks really convincing that was when we did uh scare pewdiepie we were we did it for like the intro of the show and it was supposed to be like the two of us were fighting so we both got beaten up and we did a bunch of choreography and rehearsed all day and like hit each other's arms and everything and had giant welts and bruises all over me at the end of the day and i was like you know what it'll be worth it never came out can you guys believe pewdiepie punched me and this is what happened he's such a mean person can't believe you would punch me like that i'm so nice oh no oh the tambourine oh little bell is there to console you though oh good boy good boy you'd never hurt anybody i'd never break you if you haven't seen it yet felix and i did the the bottle flip thing again on his channel uh from quarantine and okay it's spoiled already but he punched a hole in his tambourine it was very very sad huge tambourine breaks mia jacksepticeye fang we won mr stark yeah it was already over at that point as soon as he broke it his focus went and i just jumped in for the killing three years in a row the bottle flip champion what can i say i'm a hero i'm also incredibly humble and modest pour one out everybody pour out a little dingling take a few sips for tambourine youtube no swearing or getting monetized [Music] jacksepticeye [Music] what is this oh man [Music] this is great [Music] [Laughter] that's susan right there trying to write new terms of service to get to get me he ain't going to get me if you demonetize an irishman for swearing it's basically racism and just because that's a lie doesn't mean it's not true i don't attempt fate with this though i've been i've had a great streak of non demonetized videos for very very long i don't want that it to catch up with me ever because it will literally kill my channel i have so much swearing in my videos there was a time when the algorithm changed to really start clamping down on that stuff and all of my suggestions all of my like recommendations and everything anytime anybody got recommended my videos just collapsed and all the views just went boom i was like oh no they caught me what are we gonna do bella sensor oh yes the ritual is almost complete the coffee lord is about to rise there is a few days before the coffeepocalypse happens but it's a good kind of apocalypse a great kind of apocalypse you and the boys won't have to be up at 2 am looking for beans anymore because i will deliver the beans straight to your door the dirty beans the dirty earth juice can be had forever coming soon to a mouth hole near you thou hath suppond thy beans fine okay when i release my coffee company i'll release a pentagram i'll release a pen full of my own blood that you can buy yourselves and draw your own pentagrams in my blood if that's what you guys want i'll do it i'm not laughing you think this is a joke this is a very serious matter right now just subscribe this artwork is so cute i told you guys i would do it i said that i was gonna make a video with only me saying subscribe and i'm a man of my word okay just because i said i go back to minecraft and i haven't yet shut up but that was a very interesting video i it didn't really get more people to subscribe to the channel it didn't everyone's probably looking at it going like he's a genius he must have got a million subscribers no not really also you better do it you better subscribe do it right now if that button down there is red you know you you're dead hit the bell as well because now i have a belt and it's thematic just an old truth bomb jack dropped on us a while back that i think people should see every so often if you take a day away from social media you're going to miss [ __ ] nothing except guy 2019 it's true if you take some time away from social media you miss [ __ ] nothing if you even take a day away from youtube you miss nothing the videos are still there keep the in here good first and then do whatever the hell you want afterwards if you find yourself on social media and you're getting a little angry at it or a little annoyed with it or you find yourself just tweeting like every hour just take a break step away from it it's the best thing you can do for your brain social media will literally ruin the world don't get me wrong i have fun with social media i dick around in it a lot and i just post jokes and memes all the time but if everyone did that it would be great but no people get real mad on social media all the time and that's the part that's real [ __ ] 24 million subscribers no 20 or 24 million friends zero upvotes no zero friends oh you got 11 and a half thousand upvotes for this you have a ton of friends now you love to see it you love to see quarantine club coming through what is the most upvoted and the highest upvoted thing on the channel or on the subreddit wow it's the lego animation that's so cool at 14k so you're almost up there you're almost the highest rated one lots of friends this is really nice thank you guys for again i said it in the video but just a little a little shout out again for all of you who are here and roll with this kind of stuff because i remember when i started uploading the meme time videos i didn't really know what i was doing with them i didn't even really know why um and there's a lot of everybody else was doing meme stuff and felix was doing like meme review and it was obviously like a byproduct of those but it's kind of taken on its own life now and it's really really fun to do and it's great to interact with the community so heavily all the time and there's 286 000 people on the subreddit right now 1 500 of which are online right now browsing this as i recorded that could be you and it's really cool i i felt very connected to the community over the last few weeks and i don't know if it's because we're all in quarantine and we're all at home or i've also just made an extra effort to be more involved and to make the videos a little more interactive and i feel like it's paying off and it's it's really fun all right sappy moment over back to the memes back to [ __ ] lake there are two types of people june quarantine i'm rocking the left right now but i i'm also the right i am both of these people i reckon a lot of you are both of these people probably this one a lot more i look like this most of the day and then recording happens and i'm like hey what's up this is the ideal male body you may not like it but this is what peak performance looks like whoa ding ding ding bella fan art that is so cool that airstyle's awesome i love how you drew the bell and the glasses it's so dope you get a bell of appreciation how does that feel i hope it feels good and last but by no means least i said last time that we were going to have a banner contest of sorts it wasn't really a contest i just said that if people made a banner we would make it the new banner of the subreddit a bunch of people drew stuff but everybody we have a winner drum roll please the winner of what banner goes on the top of the quarantine club jacksepticeye subreddit is by kitsicles look how awesome that is that is so goddamn cool i absolutely love it there are so many memes going on in here uh we have toss boy we have thick we have auntie bibi we have gizmo oh you the snack we have the bell we have siren head as my dad we have nice [ __ ] we have the goose it's amazing it encapsulates everything it's really well drawn and i absolutely love it so kidsicles thank you so much you even got my top of the morning coffee mug in there it's not even out yet it'll be out in like three days get ready but i love it so much so mods can you make this the new banner for the subreddit thank you arigato gozaimasu but guys you know what that means yeah you caught on by now the credits are rolling and you guessed it end of episode belle you know what it is sad i wish i could just sit here and look at memes all day every day ah maybe maybe we'll have a meme week sometime i don't think there'd be enough memes for that but i just want to look at them all the time they're so delightful i love recording these videos but go forth my children people of the quarantine club and be safe out there and spread the memes and spread the joy and spread the laughter if you want to be part of the subreddit go follow it it's our slash jacksepticeye it's up there 280k members we're closing in on 300k can we do it but another week has gone by and another set of memes have flown by our faces i can't wait to see what comes in the next ones but until then my sweet babies i say farewell in focus [Music] i'm in focus it works it works
Channel: jacksepticeye
Views: 2,224,648
Rating: 4.9776769 out of 5
Keywords: jacksepticeye, funny, funny meme, memes, jacksepticeye memes, reddit, subreddit, community, community memes, community subreddit, jacksepticeye subreddit, reddit memes, fan submitted, spicy memes, funny pics, reaction, react, green screen, funny memes, funny green screen, dank memes, memes compilation, try not to laugh, meme, fresh memes, meme review, funny moments, bell memes, bell of meme, jacksepticeye bell
Id: mHYbv-YaVvs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 16sec (1336 seconds)
Published: Thu May 28 2020
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