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that's it I'm back I'm not sick anymore it's all clear well baby back to full action you know what that means I am so happy because memes are gonna save us from what's going on in the world right now not really don't take that seriously because I don't want that to get out but it's a nice distraction but all the [ __ ] that's going on online and the amount of articles they keep reading and the fact that it's in my face constantly over and over again the virus that should not be named I it's nice to just sit back and watch a few memes and look at a few things that we're gonna make us giggle for like 20 minutes sickness update stop [ __ ] myself Shaun's anus oh if only I should have thought of that sooner except then I was afraid that it would build up inside me and percolate a little too long and I'd explode from the inside out but I'll take this oh my god jack may have wanted to burn the baby Yoda meme in fire but I saw it as a great fan art opportunity this is the way hoping it makes meantime the gap DeLorean actually that's your son's like Evelyn has a DeLorean care demand Evelyn doesn't work how long am I gonna have to see myself as baby Yoda huh there's so many of these out there right now and I think they should all be put into a pit and burned when you keep dying in the same spot in a game yes gamers this is very relatable this might be the most relatable meme that someone has ever posted on the jacksepticeye you subreddit I would laugh out loud if it wasn't so real I can't wait for somebody to point out that I'm like touching my own face even though everything online is telling you not to touch your face with your hands not when you're in self-isolation Dark Souls be like cuphead in a nutshell gamers you get it nothing to see here it's just a bunch of dots with no meaning probably not even a good meme oh no I illegitimate Lea can't see anything in this one oh no my technique of going really far away doesn't work what does it say stop this this is cruel and unusual punishment I hate these as well because every time one of these is posted nobody gives the answer in the comments either somebody said I can't read it oof target confirmed does this spell anything I can't read it nothing at all buddy nothing at all there's something in there and I want to know what it is I can I can kind of see where it's supposed to be but the fact that I can't see it at all properly just really legitimizes the fact that I'm color blind thanks for that I love that that's I love this for me can I like trick it I better not say anything like my penis is small or something cuz I guarantee you it's massive ghost not terrible zombie not terrible no clear war a little scary the thought of Jack dying before me that's the scariest thing I don't know about you I'd be pretty [ __ ] scared of nuclear war I'd be pretty scared of zombie apocalypse is happening ghosts not so much you know what can they do mmm move my furniture not scary here are the things you should be far more scared off than me dying before you read it assemble top of the mornin to ya laddie my name is Jake septic eye you didn't even get it right in the first four [ __ ] sentences hell yeah you unread it no I'm not oh get on reddit find this post and upload it on what subreddit it will be under our slash jacksepticeye one more thing what's that hijack okay that's all bye god damn it is this even real did you just get together with your friend I never trust these ones I think those ones a or C like the fake tweets or fake text messages that people say like oh I got a text from my mom and it went like this it's like you could just change the name of your friend to your mom and have a text conversation I need the full context of this if it's real then that's awesome if not then I will find you I will come to your house and I will take away your jacksepticeye privileges all right in this household in the jacksepticeye house this is very serious memes are nothing to be trifled with they're nothing to be laughed and scoffed that it's serial busines offer here welcome to the gang kid we've got steel and steel Eve murder and Mike and patty Fitzpatrick whether patty Fitzpatrick do he bites people schools patty Fitzpatrick needs to be nerfed in bit life he's way too strong the amount of times I've sent a hit man after people and nothing happens to him he lives life he's a millionaire now and he's remarried his ex-wife was dead after he you know he didn't really murder her you know what if you're not watching the bit life series you're missing out and a really big steep part of cultural history I'm not gonna give it to y'all right now go watch the series right now okay I haven't uploaded in a while you guys owe me love comment is that the bite of 87 anyone in bit life ignores Jack two seconds later hit man hey you need to talk to Patty he's the best human in all of existence st. Patrick's Day is very very close there's actually a shamrock challenge in bit life right now the developers put it up worth like have seven redheaded children and things like that but then the last one is to watch jacksepticeye with a friend it's very sweet of them killing your stepdad killing your co-workers because they don't like you killing and killing around a person by biting his or her skull because it's your signature move it's not my signature move it's Patty's signature move I would be hard pressed to find anybody that would not go down after being bitten into school cuz you're either weirded out by it like oh god raise this [ __ ] crazy person biting me in the skull or it's gonna kill you how do you see a light it does go down easy alright most people throw fists or a kicky ax or like bite you and somewhere that's normal Patty's gonna bite your skull over where did you find the dialogue I'm surprised it took this long to make one of these memes you ended up with the Dark Souls you died repost looks like a repost I've seen this video one time first seen here [ __ ] god damnit you sons of [ __ ] I thought that this is a bot making up reposts I hate this I hate I don't I love you please stay safe no no no no I'm not I've no we're not doing this and we're not doing Korona memes okay we're not doing it stop 2020 has been pretty terrible so far but we're exactly 69 days in damn it this meme is five days old I missed it [ __ ] the 10th the 10th of March is 69 days into the year that's cuz we had a leap year [ __ ] god dammit we were so close so close to greatness I even said that meme wrong didn't I so I couldn't even get that right god I'm a mess to be fair I was pretty sick five days ago was I kinda I was getting over it I was I was almost out of the woods if you know what I mean I went through the doctor and I got the all-clear Oh [ __ ] sake what does it even say I don't know this is ridiculous get out of here I'm break it I'm a I'm a figure this [ __ ] out with the power of my friend Photoshop alright let's stretch it out this way it's makin sense its meantime its meantime and it's just oh my god what does it say gather all your friends that's G I can't be arsed I figured it out go [ __ ] we're so grocery shop what's going on Sean forgets to edit out a pee break once the fan base a core memory oh man isn't that amazing how one of the strongest memories people have of the channel is something that wasn't even intentional despite all the jokes I make all the references all the catchphrases and all the times that I've hired craft and curated comedy for this channel the pee break is the thing that people probably remember the most if that doesn't say a lot about society and internet culture I don't know what does Jack I need you to watch this please okay I've seen a couple of these go around I saw the dr. Phil one reason someone to the wrench this one says I'm okay I'm home Oh God that's good that's very funny Thank You Robin cut out all of that music it's copyrighted okay [ __ ] tick-tock Gary here with your copyrighted [ __ ] alright also you spelled it wrong suppose to be hunk I know you didn't make this mean and if somebody else doing it but honk is the only one here on killcam goose whoa who's got mecha Sam that really does look like a septic eye Jesus or is there it all my god look at the amount of [ __ ] circuit boards and electronic computing [ __ ] going on in this what is this thing is this going to space or underwater or someone's backyard I need to know and so glad that the comments have the answer I'm so glad that I can go here and really just get the stuff that I need either way that's exactly what Sam would look like in real life that's it you don't know inside Sam there's actually just a lot of circuit boards and wiring going on this is very nice to look at someone who knows how to braid hair did this watch for rocks oh that's so dumb oh I love it just some good old happy healthy wholesome memes that's excellent depression exists memed there's some good memes since I've been away you guys have been busy you guys have been working up some stuff me after watching meme time old happiness new happy the memes they do make me happy I'm not gonna lie every time not even jokingly ngl fam every time after I record one of these episodes I'm legitimately happier just seeing the stuff that you guys make and the kind of insight humor that's been going on every like week since the last episode it's just so fun her what's meantime what's PMA whose check septic a me ha interesting I didn't know you hated living so much oh I my hitman fingers are doing a heck and tingle I will send someone to your house all right if you're not liking subscribing and upvoting all the good [ __ ] on the jacksepticeye variety channel huh you want it you want these fingers to go to work ah a person of culture in the comments that's when you teach her about the word of jack see no one's dumb for not knowing something somebody's dumb for not knowing it and not wanting to learn more the hit man that run away with his money in bit life hit man wan hit man 2 and hit man oh it's just a vicious cycle it's a vicious circle in bit life sooner or later no matter who you are no matter what you do no matter where are you going in life sooner or later I will sign a hit man after you it's it's inevitable when the captions said st. Patty's Day instead of st. Patty's Day my [ __ ] head man fingers are tingling this is a good example or a good chance to be able to tell you guys since st. Patrick's Day is probably tomorrow from this video have I predicted the future its paddy to DS instead of two T's alright and know how much people love t T's but it was a good joke but it's it's two DS paddy not patty I know his name is Patrick but this goes all the way back to the Irish Gaelic lands where Patrick and Irish is Podrick or pouring with a D and that's where paddy comes from alright get it into your [ __ ] head or I will send a hit man and now the moment everybody has been waiting for can I get a drumroll please it's time for the jacksepticeye u2's giveaway st. Patrick's Day extravaganza who's gonna win it the big-time scorer prize of the jacksepticeye variety Channel extravaganza time I'll go get it last time I showed off the u2's jacksepticeye you choose he's adorable he's cute he can come to your house and have fun if you want but I said that we were going to do a giveaway for somebody who made the best meme on the subreddit since the last time I posted that video and let's go through them shall we you're gonna love my youtube don't throw them out the window though I know Vince has a habit of throwing [ __ ] out through windows and being all cool and everything and slap chopping them it's worthless forget about it I have a slap job do you think I could slap chopper you know I shouldn't right no great use of the recurring themes here on meantime and Funniest Home Videos well done and you put a lot of love and care making a meme it gets down voted oh people down voted you why this is great i down vote other people's memes so I have a better chance of winning a little figure literally everyone including jack you truly are the lowest scum in history do that yeah I agree this is such a shitty scummy thing to do it's a fun little giveaway for everybody don't take it too [ __ ] seriously if you do that then I don't want you on the jacksepticeye variety channel okay there's a lesson in life just because you don't like something or you can't have something does not mean you have to beat down something else we can all have nice things ah look at these holy [ __ ] oh my god they work so well oh no I have to make them all oh no this is so cute oh cheese even as a poker ball because I did Pokemon go video and it looked like chase oh that's so cute the little Sam has a little mask as well and snipe Oh Steve's holding a stethoscope these are really cool Oh No yes yes pewdiepie figurine no ink East inky blinky no no no no no jacksepticeye u2's now that's cute wholesome good [ __ ] I'm just joking Felix's figurine was actually really cool as is what I'm saying you don't need to shoot in something else to enjoy something else it's how the world works be nice hasn't ever made a mean before or even used read it before Jack releases do you choose competition me so anyway I started meaning excellent welcome by the way to read it I don't know if that's a good or a bad thing I don't know if subjecting people to read it in general is gonna be a good thing for you just use read it responsibly and the jacksepticeye subreddit at least we have fun we look at memes whoa repost see my drawing because everyone kept downloading it I don't [ __ ] do that somehow giveaways work you scumbags this is very cute neo Alex have we seen some of your art before I think so that's awesome goddamn I wish I could get my hair to look like that here can you do the thing can you can you do the thing thank you using the image to create an original meme turning it into the old Winnie the Pooh meme instead god he's got a little monocle and everything eyebrow jeez that's that's well done a person of taste and culture yes quite very good he protect he attack but more importantly he Jack was importantly right now he back we're at the videos Jack I don't know lost in a pit of despair and misery that's why meantime had to be one of the first ones that we had when we came back we could all use a little laugh right now so in Jack's most recent video I got so sick he challenged us to make a meme using the 3d model of his u2's I immediately had an idea what did you do [Laughter] old meets new what a good one the beauty pie and Marcia wants to battle the yo-yo masters No how was I going to defeat them the yo-yo masters they just kept going I want to be a yo-yo man make me a yo-yo man but the yo-yo master did not answer he just kept on going no is this loss it sure is remember that meme remember what memes was simpler sometimes in my dreams I still see cardboard jacksepticeye somewhere out there he lives he doesn't I completely shredded him poor tall cardboard Jack he's life-size I am inevitable and I am life ok you got me all right it's all a joke this is just CG this is the real jacksepticeye height any of you who've met me in real life know that I'm tiny every time people meet me it's all they can talk about oh god you're so much smaller than I expected you know what I'm fun-sized I'm I'm packin sized for your convenience this took way longer than it should have u2's entry [Music] oh my god you're challenged by trainer Jack trainer Chuck sent this [ __ ] fish oh my god Jackson I'm dead me do it holy [ __ ] toxic smooch oh my god you defeated trainer joke yes Jesus Christ how does this only has 1600 up votes holy [ __ ] that was impeccable not only did he use my youtubes but use some of the older u2's as well and you referenced a bunch of memes well done well done oh my god that's gonna be a hard one to beat ah the boys are back in town again look at them all so cute I should I should make little masks for him but a little mask on the little u2's that'll be very cute the hawk takes what it was put the jack in the rack well somebody called me Jake earlier on omegle so put the Jake in the link young Honka I mean here's my entry for Sean's challenge from the sick update video and it reports on reddit but I was one of these little bastards so i'ma try let me end let me drop soon drops tomorrow if you don't get the giveaway you can still just buy one honk-honk am goo septic I know he's thrown a little sound goddamnit the good is sooner or later the goose gets us all the Sam in the RAM Sam on the clam Sam with your man one of these really work rake and the lake is the best one somebody had a similar meme a cold and food poisoning would like to battle well I bested those bastards okay first getting a cold then merging it into food poisoning then merging it into asthma Caan never doubt the power of the Gaelic gladiator ever again sickness came to my body and I [ __ ] it up when someone misspells McLaughlin you all wait you misspelled misspells is that on purpose because if not I'm deducing points alright I'm triggered at least you got McLaughlin right though so the points go back up Shawn announces giveaway this summer the dead memes in the crate well done alright I have made my decision it's a hard decision to make because so many people made so many great memes and I don't want to make people feel bad for not winning so I apologize the having one winner inevitably means that other people can't be winners as well and I'm sorry for that thank you for everyone who participated in it again it was just a silly little idea we had cuz normally whenever I released stuff I never do any giveaways for it and I also kind of feel bad about that cuz I want to like give back every now and then so this is our way of coming up with something fun to do to let somebody win some of these ones we also had I need to pick a winner on Twitter as well because I said that if you retweeted the tweet that you'd be in a chance to win one too so there was another winner gonna be announced for that one on Twitter and then this was another one and the winner of the jacksepticeye reddit meme of the day u2's giveaway extravaganza is drumroll it's gotta be the sexy pizza with this incredible Pokemon edit not only did you reference not only did you get a good chuckle out of me and not only was it just really really clever but I gotta appreciate the time and effort that went into it as well because I know how long this [ __ ] takes to make so thank you for just putting in that level of quality into something like this you went so above and beyond that I'm flattered so it's gotta be you sexy Pete's they give it up everybody I'm sorry again I'm sorry to everybody else who participated in it hopefully you had fun anyway and we got to look at some memes and have a laugh and I'm sure you made somebody smile out there so that's the real win in my book the sexy Pizza I'm DMing you on reddit right now to say that you are the winner you are the winner of the fair except Takei you choose meme extravaganza I loved your post let's get in touch about how to send it to you there so the sexy pizza I hope you see this and thank you again for your wonderful meme but for your not everybody all of you me me he dreamy baby's out there those of you who entered and didn't win or those of you who couldn't enter or anything like that we have one more giveaway because I don't know I just want to have fun with this we we don't often do cute little things like this so I wanted to make it a big deal and just kind of give back as much as I could so we there is another giveaway that you can enter if you go to jackpot u2's calm you will be brought to this page where you can be in with a chance to win a you choose figure for yourself so go nuts have fun with it and hopefully a few more of you can win some of these little figures and keep an eye out because I might do a few more giveaways here and there as well for them because they are limited they're only available once it's a one-time run of them they come out on Patty's Day you can buy them then tomorrow but this has been really fun to do so I want to just give back to you guys as much as I can so there you have it but it's gonna do it for me on this episode of meantime Thank You sweet baby me me dreamers out there for just being parents the channel and just having fun with whatever we do I honestly sincerely do appreciate it as much as we joke around here and as much as i dick around with memes and with you guys and tell you to go [ __ ] yourselves everything it's all part the fun it's all just jokes at the end of the day and I really do appreciate it like when I when I did get really sick I I physically couldn't record videos for it because I I I think I'm pretty much down plated how sick I was it's it's the most sick I ever remember being there was one time I was sick when I was like 10 I got a fever and hallucinate it that's probably the sickest but this is the sickest I've been since then so it's been like it's been like 20 years since I've gotten this sick and it really [ __ ] me up and I couldn't record videos but as soon as I said that I couldn't and I was just taking time off you guys are really understanding about it and really wanted me to just get better and even after I I got better I've been better for like a few days now I really just wanted to make sure that I was okay and made sure that I had the energy back and still not back to a hundred percent motivation and energy to just record videos because it's been nice just sitting back and like catching up and stuff and making sure that I don't burn myself out too badly so that's been really nice and it's nice to know that people are there to support and just be part of the channel still anyway and I can just go away for about a week and come back and you guys are still there stronger than ever so thank you for that you it seriously does mean a lot in this sort of job in this day and age and this internet culture were relevancy seems to be everything and you can fall off at the drop of a hat so I really do appreciate it thank you but that's going to be the end of the episodes I hope that this was fun to watch and I hope you guys had a good time until the next one that's going to be it for the u2's memes so the subreddit can go back to its regularly scheduled programming and I'll see you guys in the next one [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] I don't know what this is I which I was I don't I turn to this voice weird
Channel: jacksepticeye
Views: 1,696,442
Rating: 4.973712 out of 5
Keywords: jacksepticeye, funny, funny meme, memes, jacksepticeye memes, reddit, subreddit, community, community memes, community subreddit, jacksepticeye subreddit, reddit memes, fan, fan submitted, spicy memes, funny pics, reaction, react, green screen, funny memes, funny green screen, dank memes, memes compilation, try not to laugh, meme, fresh memes, meme review, color blind, colourblind, color blind test, colour blind test, funny moments
Id: _ry00S3n77Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 39sec (1539 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 16 2020
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