This Happened On A $5 Lottery Ticket!

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I want 14 ah welcome back to treasure Najib's guys look what we have right here a whole table full of lottery tickets we've been getting a lot of requests to scratch lottery tickets again it's been a little while so you know what we went out and bought $100 worth of all brand-new tickets here there are tickets $20 tickets 10-5 all kinds of even this one called set for life I like the name of that one so before we get started I split this into three ways my team which is we're gonna refer to as the winning team my team which is no losing team losing team number one and what's your team felony number two number one you're the only winning team okay so lose Jebus winning team losing team one losing team - who do you thinks gonna win and put it down in the comment subscribe for new let's go alright so you know what winning team is gonna go first this time a little unusual you guys know how I like to do it that's been watching us we like to buy the big dollar tickets I like the $30 ones so let's see first things first to scratch the bonus and try to find us a diamond and we went for it and still no let's go ahead and do that that not a wishbone not a key not a star not a treasure chest not a stack of cash you know all those would have been nice things to have but maybe not the wishbone I've been a little weird but the other ones that have been nice things to have but not what we need let's scratch our numbers and let's massive numbers and there goes the mic sorry tripod is you know the next one out but our numbers are forty two three twenty four twenty nine thirty fifty four eighteen twenty-eight which is my lucky number 39 at 17 let's win some big money 9 that was not wonder but we also forgot to mention you get a 2 times 5 times 10 times 20 times 50 times or when all symbol which I'll be having do it let's see 47 not a winner what about 52 also not a winner how's about 27 that's one all for my lucky number so I know that's not gonna be a winner they like one offs 31 also not a winner this isn't looking pretty for me but ninety egg 19 no 46 okay cuz you know what's coming is a win all symbol 46 no 44 no 45 also know what L 26 also now 53 please no 54 one off their favorite 15 no 56 then I say that no I did not I create winning situations in my head that's what I do have a winner you know 14 no 11 no 59 come on where are the winners at let's move this up sucks I don't wanna cut the numbers out screen we'll keep it right there number one stupid number one all right there that have been $400 Ottoman nice 36 nope 25 nope 55 also no come on 48 look at that I got 28 18 and 38 like all the eights except 40 of course 35 that's not it 37 winners no of course I don't have a number 8 I have eight 2838 so I want to get 8 and 48 all the eights that I don't have of scratch now so if I see another 8 it's a winner 32 to Shack on our side today no lucky number 7 yeah no chips no 33 know that I get shack impression 6 no 43 No oh gosh it's the last spot and it's a 50 doesn't matter we're not many 50 Ilya 54 to 57 we don't have that though but we got a little bonus down here and cover our double money signs win fast cash instantly let's see so we got us a gold bar that's not double money go horseshoe that's not double money a clover pot of gold it's the last one here come on come on and hey coin stupid GP well nothing on the $30 ticket that's a complete loser my ultimate millions are gone all right my first ticket season's greetings Happy Thanksgiving Merry Christmas everybody let's get started I mean you can't do worse than me so hopefully all right winning numbers here 32 22 34 33 11 and 19 good it'll be a good thing all right all right this number 18 I all numbers that are pretty close to each other that's a good name maybe 35 maybe it's still random 46 this is one of those like weird scratching ones or it takes a little bit of force like before that put too hard I scratch the numbers off the ticket there you know yeah 39 put on when you're scratching like the the winning Barca thing and then you scratch a little of our cutoff oh we have a fear when a scratch part of the number often to be a big winner and they're gonna deny it like no we can't take it and really well that's where is it yeah I don't think I've ever scratched a number all you ever had those weird ones this has like that weird material you're the push the extra hard on a scratch kind of a magical number yeah I remember our number are and barcode off scratch I break the table all right I think this will allow through 31 or 44 seven and thirty six nope no oh it's bonus gifts at the bottom haha alright so this one uncover a bell Oh uncover bell on either one that's a wreath and this is a candle so it's a loser not getting nothing for Christmas now I've based on my ticket alright stalks of green let's zoom in a little bit to this one we have like are so big tripod metal it's kind of Harvard so match three like symbols and get the price easy clock gene diamond Bell Bell okay okay I can't even breathe it from back here like I'm so far away you guys you can see the symbols um not waiting up clover clover 7 to 17 anything no this is tacky cash come on I can't read like that what it says below it's I don't know what these symbols are but I'll be able to see there's three in a row yeah not necessarily what they are nothing right there over here nah that's my ear nuttin that's right here right what is it it's my finger come on nothing I'm gonna top this - I have a game - oh wait faster it's just stacks of cash yeah dang loser oh did I get okay somebody check that four stacks of chat kappa i live watching you okay cuz if i got a certain number sex cash its money do you listen - I think I did see 147 all right no wait that's the goal here alright nothing here I'm not good at it is that no never back I said win yeah uncover a money-back settled automatically win their price I did one on that one haha nice I'll come back to that one we scan all these in the phone anyway just to be sure I think the other want to make sure we didn't miss anything down all right I don't think we did but I don't see any cash - but nope over here not in the other one no the other one's a loser hundred percent come on can we least get one stack of cash so we're cheese that's a lottery supposed to work come on last one here nothing all right so no cash tax but I did get a money back so I win this prize are you get that free ticket you ready yeah three two one $6 that's so random it's really random but I have six dollars and you don't like 40-something whoa so this right here just simple winning numbers and then scratch down here so 24 14 27 16 and 38 my hands counting away oh gosh too low 13 what would 1330 dollars that's not good 44:35 like watching on the cameras for you I feel like I'm watching an actual video any hi-yah 24:27 to off this video before it even comes up I know I'm walking doing some behind-the-scenes footage right now 21 I can't scratch it that way okay would you like to meet those people that make a lot of video 43 I definitely like to make sure they know that there is not a good investment case [Music] last number was 23 so I lost on that last set for life ticket in Marvin Oh baby Jesus has two more seven seven lucky number seven here comes W 34 33 22 and nine seven is gonna be aw guaranteed you're right 21:25 44 we spent a hundred dollars he recovered that not six dollars only 42 38 so far I'm winning with six dollars 26 entrance big reference 20 plays I hear you play round table you know the confidence I love you well if you do add up son runescape my name is Amber Davis on runescape my name is baby Jesus thw space Jesus I'm baby Jesus all one word yeah boys respond I'll do yeah I will respond to I'll try my best sometimes like it's nobody's gay and I look at I've realized like six hours passed I'm like in 87 yeah unless I'm like afk and I just don't see the message 39 and she laughs with us 28 mm all right so I lost maybe Davis you're up next see if you can do better welcome people to the winner you know the hatch competition here I really don't but okay and cover a 2020 symbol and any bonus fought when that by this okay so this is just like a New Year's when you all know the problem is is that my vision is certainly not 20/20 so it's kind of hard for me to see this tickets appearance the year might be and my graduation year might be oh my I certainly alright my hands are kind of hold 718 sorry it's not enough energy why not 3124 37 oh she's here it off 44 oh I got 40 more nope so thirty nine thirty thirty nine thirty thirty nine eight eight eight you know I we need multi-syllable numbers so we really 36 could put a 30-30 give it a 36 cover 36:13 go to 13 give it a phony 1626 give me 11 give me a losing ticket no 42 that's the mean life I'll get mean you live you 42 6:43 keep it up already good give it a more 10:05 keep it 43 give it a 16 all right way I've actually could see the number bully that's perfect that's perfect there's our cat then there's a cat coming through the door get out of here missing you no no yeah yes she is she's my see what's the Amber's like yes she down below I love Missy anyone at comics bent down below I'm gonna love you forever and never we're doing a giveaway December 28th I'm like piling it say any more likely than anybody else have you come and visit well that's a loser but I'm gonna look through a t-shirt but jesse is not so probably this coin we got family up in 1600 while we keep losing it was a bad father losing even though the dolphin type of Tampa Bay Buccaneers Porter burger but the Dolphins saw it you don't want to be a dolphin anyone take advice from okay match three like symbols and are in the same row win that corresponding prize and cover a money back somewhat autumn I can win the prize because I can't have someone 110 pounds like it's pretty self-explanatory what is ten muumuus me nope what numbers have a house a 10 and the nature those aren't waiting symbols sorry I didn't scratch there because you know it has to be altered flower not a flower the vault not a vault ring not a ring come on come on man where's often we get to it a row usually they give you titties you y'all hear him talking like he just want all this and I'm not living up to his you lost everything so I got one ticket that's it that's his excuse seven has to mean something no wow do you always go big I do I usually go home but I do always go big curse all the only one that has two in a row is the very last one now is into this what let's mix it up a little bit here's a different one say this for life that for life $10,000 a month twenty hundred that's not set for life depending on how you live these would be good for us know what if I want to live like rich like a crazy rich person who buys like crazy stuff every week you know as we always have in 1915 814 on this other ticket there's a certain symbol let you like win instantly so you never scratch all of you if you don't get scooting around oh wow I lost I just scratched them all I forgot about that 29 no 24 no nine oh you know if if you win off like a real sock here if you went up off of six dollars I think we'd all take the loss this is sad it's not even enough to get a McDonald's meal six dollars yeah I mean really I won fourteen will say that for last yeah well I've been 23 my to be 536 even where's free ticket 20 to 30 let's see [ __ ] oh that's not that [Music] all right and I've got a male about heart rate come down now watch it in my heart rate is so high that sucks thank you for taking us on a rollercoaster ride moon star this is not the first time you've done that yeah I'm just accusing me of doing alright totally lingering yeah I sometimes scratch the wrong thing nothing nothing I don't sing it together it's a lottery is just the donation for the people pretty go to the school's not doesn't they probably do it already doesn't like take it cuz they probably donate like half a percent but then they get to market it as you're helping schools so they follow me significantly more small for their part let's cram in this way over Jesse that's 200 interesting diamond key without a wrench son come on man fragile metal gear cherry chest chest cherry chess chess okay well take that away and we have the last one another set for life I mixed them up all kinds a bonus it's a loser all right well this is the cool kids like the coin it's like glides across it easy like all right let's go forty-two meaning light 32 in many laughs - 10 come on why are all these numbers like similar dojo 42 32 33 43 44 weird they're all really similar ha well of course I get 41 we're 25 at 32 33 34 am on spinach Tracy to see a DJ fill up they'll meet they'll jog Bank of trash should we say how small like in every Spanish bus and those like little audiobook super strong accent dog it's obviously fake people I don't have accent for now what that's my ticket and I won ticket well you ready to see all our winners on $100 worth of lottery tickets a $5 ticket in a six dollar cash prize we won back $11 checked everything on the phone we didn't miss anything guys 11 dollars back 100 that is what we call robbery that's whatever you want to be okay like I'm gonna walk down the street as walked up that people say hey yeah yeah give me a hundred bucks I might give you a bag I might give me nothing would that be cool yes but it I don't like that would fly I think people get mad because especially when like 99.9% of the time they get the nothing and every after I made like a million I'll get one guy 100 I've been good for got a crime and I don't like it [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Treasure Hunting With Jebus
Views: 19,057
Rating: 4.7779379 out of 5
Keywords: i bought every lottery ticket in the machine, i bought every lottery ticket, bought every lottery ticket, bought every ticket in the machine, every ticket in the machine, buying 1 of every lottery ticket, i bought 1000 lottery tickets, i bought 50000 lottery, bought lottery tickets, bought lottery tickets and won, lottery prank, lottery vending machine, buying all the lottery tickets, texas lottery, ar platinum, scratch off, texas candy, texas scratch off, winning tickets
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 26sec (1226 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 27 2019
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