HELPING FAMILY With HUGE DONATION! Helping Struggling Family! Surprises Struggling Family!

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who do you before what if I told you or Nothing are you guys okay with that oh these coasters flew all the way across the country for competition but some unexpected things have come up so we decided we're gonna take the competition throw it out of the window and join together as one big team to do what's right I agree throwing the competition out the windows a totally must and it's time to let the compassion enter the building all right guys so if you did not see the last video that we did two videos ago we actually ended up buying a storage unit because we thought when we found where jewelry bags they ended up being the cremated remains of somebody so we looked them up when we actually able to return the entire storage unit to them unfortunately the family returned to was going through very very rough times the video that you saw did not do it justice there they had a empty house it had couch cushions and she's oh that's it no couches no nothing they had nothing so not only do we return a storage unit to him but we knew right that in the air we had to do more than that so instantly we started talking with what the Hales was we were there we were both on board we decided what message everyone else in there see you will jump on board instantly every single channel on board so we're gonna just we're gonna change their life we're gonna get so much stuff and bring so much stuff to their house it's it was mind-blowing when we went out here my head we were going on a business trip I did not think we're gonna leave California like meeting the nicest most humble people out there huge huge huge shout out to all the channels in this collaboration and doing this giveaway for this family blocked or not storage docker try the hustlers bargain hunters thrift stores hunters Vegas and also what the heals we're gonna give a special huge shout out the storage auction fire because you're the one that made it all possible to your trailer and let me tie a few we just met this guy what we just met you guys one today I swear I feel like I've known you for 15 years one of the nicest most humble people you'll ever meet in your life make sure you go check out all the channels but especially make sure you go check out storage option fire he's one of me all this possible when you see what you're about to see remember it's only possible because of what he did so let's do this [Music] now you guys finally in Walmart let's get a cart and let's go shopping that's one unicorn ozuna this one maybe Doha Oh what should we get you wanted to pick toys so I need something like not a Walmart Walmart that's marketing arthritis we need something not too babyish or toddler it's a little older so what how about Sparkle girls let's get one of each come you come on you come on you come on and you come on what they get the mermaids to go hurting pink one in blue one blue I think it looks good let's go with it what are you doing look at this treasure hunting with Jebus is hunting another kind of treasure hi gorge treasure for other people look at this which two of the three she goes away okay we're trying to take about you know mix matching helmets this is a this is a unicorn helmet here we have to get the ball no matter how wide you are everybody likes playing with these I'm 25 so we decided we was good well I didn't decide she had a good idea - I thought bikes for a good idea because what she doesn't want to go outside of right yes one has off-white one has white and then if they know automatically that it is their bank Barbie's always good for little girls got one and two because there's two little girls I think we definitely have to get the unicorn but I think I'm personally punishing him by riding on me no you don't want to have to carry something this big but it's perfect for little kids how about the whole baby dog here look at this comes the baby doll a stroller bottles whatever that is like diaper bag is there another doll is that a change of clothes change of clothes nice little kit there we definitely got to get this 9 pieces we're taking it shopping like that sunny day three more the merrier we'll take all three cause why not one thing everyone loves regardless of age I don't care if I'm 40 I'll still play with them part bobble guns let's get a pink one a green one you get two two bubble guns add it to the pile see you owe me and Jack are over here we're trying to get some products and we're doing on our own is that yeah we're getting there we're getting out check in there yeah guys it's exciting LOL blanket for the vampire self is oh really yeah I think we're gonna go a little bit over our budget but it's all for a good cause so not only do we get all that stuff but we have to $15 Taco Bell cards to $15 Burger King cards to $10 your little Caesar cards in for groceries and anything else this one's a Walmart that's 100 bucks on that what's about 180 some dollars and gift cards to go along with everything we got we'll have to go make it happiness let's do this all right candy she's got another shower all night get down to write down everything that's going on anything out of what become Phyllis mess that we can well hold on I told you we have friends yeah now all of our friends couldn't make it that doesn't mean that they haven't tried to help and contribute so we've already you've heard of all the channels there are a few other channels that aren't here but they've contributed and they want to be a part of it so that's bargain hunters thrift and so they're from Southern California you also have storage hunters in Vegas and so there's Nevada and then you also you have come on Who am I missing guys Keyser hustlers and therefore they're from Orange County so those those YouTube channels wanted to be a part of helping you as well and so what we have is we have a ton of furniture some items for you and your family from the storage units that we've all purchased and those other people have purchased a gift to you and we want to we want to help bring it all in if you're okay with that yes guys are busted yes you all right with it I didn't think you'd say no you say no so you give us guidance and direction we brought a bunch of stuff done you don't have to take it off but how are you I would say I would say just keep on giving keep on giving so we we got a trailer we got a couple trucks with some things and if you don't mind you want you wanna come out and look at a few things is that all right yeah like shake it we've got furniture we got we got a couple couches we got some we got some chairs that you can sit on we've got I think there's coffee table and table we've got a truckload there we've got some things over here we've got some things in the trailer would that be okay so if we unload that can we take it right in the house for you you're alright with that and then you give us guidance and direction and say hey just put it over here put it over here put it over here put it over here okay that's all right yeah sure okay okay okay you give us you give us the directions yes yes direction we'll take it in okay okay all right guys solo Kenda and her family actually got this u-haul truck to actually go around and pick up stuff from Craigslist but she wasn't really expecting us to know we go out with all this know what a blessing we were going to gather just get online and look for some free items offer up traceless before you guys showed up with your blessing you guys were really Wow try to grab something happy no I know I know I know times getting hard I've been through hard times myself and it's like anything helps Irish man I've been there yeah I've been there 100% and I know that the littlest thing help as suppose a hug yeah anything no really somebody talk to you yeah I know right a little hope you know that's gonna have you go to the store so I'm gonna put that smile on your face yeah and you don't know that next person walking back you had the worst day everybody know what she's smelling get your mind to focus on what you really mean right right right no hard time it sucks to be worried about these little things when there's more important things for ya we brought the scooter oh thank you that scooter like a significant yeah yeah when I am their dad with them like try and put it back together yeah look at the project yeah exactly just like our you know foundation of the family you passed away a great grandma grandma a great granddad their mom I never you know she was the epitome of strength I mean even so I just didn't feel like I know cancerous you know terminal you know most times I just didn't feel like it would take her out the timeframe that it did and you know massive it was just really extreme she was diagnosed 20 oh man see 2016-2017 that like July June sorry June 5th was her diagnosis she passed July 13th so you know after kids everything I had a duster reach out to me he goes you know I'm calling McKenna he's like you know I'm coming to schedule your mom hair appointment for her second opinion and I'm like she passed you know I you know I don't know and million times my sister I you know we keep going for the girls gonna show them strong women and we're determined it's tough but it's so hard you know what I mean you're keeping your straight face hold on and you know you're thinking [ __ ] we're gonna eat you know what are we done I have a gonna get in the school that's pretty million times we stay at home just no gas no money you know let go you know but just yeah but I got a new job and so that's yeah when you said that I was like yeah yeah no no it's fine it's an agency I'm in San Francisco the new mayor London breed she has a ton of funds to house homeless youth and so I'm a case manager for the project yeah it's a giving his house and I'm you know it pays so much person up there ran and kind of help them along the way with education goals employment goals and different things like that so I mean you're supporting people that supervisor yeah yeah all right going in we got a couple more friends that are coming in you're okay yeah everything okay yes perfect you got all your stuff back today yes you got a little bit more to help you live a little easier a lot more with your family yeah is everything all right yes is it a good day yeah would you mind if we make it a little bit of a better day would that be okay we we gave you all of these channels and share with you who they are okay so you've got storage option pirate right here he's an amazing individual we've got over here this is storage stalker these two right here okay you've got locker nuts right here okay you got treasure hunting with Jebus which is here here here and here storage auction or storage hunters Vegas right over here and you got what the Hales over here bargain hunters thrift has been a whole part of this as well and you also have treasure hustlers who have been a part of this they just couldn't be here right now okay and we got sovereign says that's what storage option firing pay so we thought not just giving you some use stuff we would it be okay if we we love getting in boxes and finding out what's inside boxes that's like one of the things that that it's a thrill for us it's the treasure hunt okay and so we thought we'd get you some brand-new treasure but we thought we would take each YouTube channel and at a time and bring in that new treasure for you is that okay are you all right with that just sit here relax and bill there do have [Applause] Locker nuts as closest to the door Locker nuts do you mind going to getting a mystery box for the family so biblically by the way I have a Bible major I love God I told him that I love God and he loves you and I want to share that love with you and so one of the things in the Bible one of the numbers God uses a lot of 777 yeah you know that right yes so we actually created a little bit of a goal and we wanted to spend seven hundred and seventy seven dollars on you in that representation and I hope you don't mind we actually went there they're going we're gonna start bringing it and you're gonna get the fun and the thrill of the treasure hunt and so Walker nuts is first and then each channel is going to go out and they're gonna bring in for new stuff for you to go with some of this other storage options stuff as well I was in seventh grade number two always this and here comes Locker nuts with brand new kitchen items for you and your family all right I think storage stalker should be next storage stalkers they're gonna bring you another mystery box alarm pull this is already can we can we put this in the kitchen for you okay if we move that on over that's not too bad for the kitchen [Music] storage option pirate you ready to go next yeah [Music] [Music] what's going on there what do you guys think scum in that piston what would it be okay if I told you guys that the next thing that's coming actually isn't for Mom or auntie would that be okay who do you think before [Applause] smile all right who should go nuts treasure hunting with Jesus are you ready I hope the girls don't mind we brought more gotta check this out you guys like Barbies you like cuz we got I think we got one more channel to bring stuff in right did we get we got yeah we got we got we got we got one more channel let's see we got what the Hales so what the Hale Steve thinks gonna come in - can you give me a guess because we love it when people actually take a guess what hooks in a mystery box when you open it or tow what the hell [Music] right there and here's the you who likes unicorns girls this is this is good stuff this isn't a pillow this is for fighting with your sister [Music] we got enough pillows for everybody in the family to have a major pillow fight we wanna make sure you guys get enough sleep okay well is that enough guys yeah are you sure you're happy okay so we did this for you yes what what if I told you we're not done yet er are you guys okay with that if if we just have one more thing would that be all right I believe mama Jebus mama Jebus is actually sitting on this and we wanted to gift this to you and your family if you have to open it though and you have to let the whole family see what it is and read it you gotta read it unless you can read through the package that was hilarious you might be able to see it [Music] take your time no mom there's no rush at all okay okay you can pick it up she'll pick up everything well every deep inside us gotta spice the spirit that refuses to be broken we call this smile mom smart take your time I hope our your journey just keep walking in the light I remember that edgy and he will never let go sign back everyone thank you that's our autographs hold on to that because storage talkers gonna be famous bargain hunters thrift party is they've been all over TV biggis has been all over TV you actually have two celebrities in your home so I go through that I think you should hear Walmart that's our sign of dollars hundred dollars Walmart Oh God [Music] [Applause] did you have a good day today you know something yes would you mind if we make it a little bit better you know waking up this morning you know I can mention before you just you have in your mind you know your focus and you know what you gotta do but you don't always know how it's gonna happen but you gotta push through right so we woke up this morning and we you thought of plan you know today Saturday you know what it was ten work if we can get enough up together to get a cargo van or our truck or something we can plow through craigslist check the presets to go through the three sections of one one line to see we could come up with today before our way can be executed I can't thank you all enough no I don't think this is spread [Music] go it's time to go now you're one step ahead of what you were that yeah big giant of a man back his heart is as big as his his body is yeah he's the man he's the man that pulled this all together this was his idea and he pulled all of these people in amber they pulled them all together to do this for you thank you our pleasure I don't know you guys I know whatever was it you know already god bless you God has placed I don't know what angel where you can't listen you don't god bless you and yes I've been like knots up like you know angel yeah like all day you know we we've just been in awe and you know we're determined we're just hurt ladies you know we we know how to get to the grind but when you get out of other grocery store in your binding you know a pack of noodles and I don't have a phone for little things like that could I could really like knock you back you're going you're my friends but it's a little bit happier no tell tell us about your job thank you so yeah happier note being on my job for about a month and just coming from where we just came from the mayor of San Francisco has allocated so much funding for to house homeless use and so there's a pilot program and one of our programs the agencies that I just got hired on we are one of the first programs to get into gear here and we're housing homeless so my role is just a case manager we're pulling the youth in from shelters from different referral agencies and we're getting them housed and my role and other this was to be continuous guidance so education goals employment goals everything to help them maintain their healthy and and you know their well-being so they can move forward and they were walking around with has it been like normal and after our mom you know it was really for a long time you know I just lost my job like [Music] you know it's just [Music] like okay well you know she's like when you makin go to the things when we get there you can take what you want and I'm like no no fair's fair you bought the unit it's yours I just wanna you know get the edge isn't maybe like five my college awards and you know like my daughter's old pictures and she's like no no it's fine you just get what you want and never let me know anything about it well not on the credit to me but momma Dee was with me Jeremy's with me George's with me Jebus Baby Genius I'll make sure that we did this for you you deserve it and all of us [Applause] the others keep yourself fresh in the whole gist of that Bible homicide so you give to others that's how you feel with yourself and give will serve other selves for us this is a ton of fun for us I mean like how did you know London oh my god [Music] [Music] can we give you all hugs as we get out of your hair and let you get your house back in order is that alright guys that was the craziest thing I think I've ever done in my entire life when I started YouTube I don't even know how many years ago is that somebody failed channels I had two goals that I always wanted to do one of them was to reach 100,000 subscribers which only 90 70 percent of the way there and number two we used to sit around and watch those videos all the time where people like big youtubers would go and just give people crap kind of stuff and we're just like I want to get to that level so bad I want to just be able to say let's just go to the store and buy a ton of stuff people unnie and guess what because of all you people to watch it we got to not only do it we got through the California on the west coast we get to travel we got like the best group of people possible everybody was on board we were able to just hopefully change their life so much for the better alright so again I just want to re-iterate the channels that helped us for this big collaboration because they're all amazing and you guys should definitely check them out starting with Locker nuts storage soccer treasure hustlers bargain hunters thrift stores hunters Vegas what the hails of course and big shout out of storage auction pirate oh yeah without him now that none of this none of it would have been possible this whole collaboration idea was all storage option fired so make sure you go show that channel some love right now they're not only having fun big videos we're changing people's lives we're changing lives in that's been the goal of all this since we started alright guys so the last thing I want to leave you with is LaQuinta actually made a GoFundMe page for herself and her family and that's gonna be down in the description below if you can help please go ahead send her some love but if you can't all we ask is just please share the video if you can't help with money just share the video somebody out there can we link to the reason I wanted to start this whole thing to begin with is to be in a position to where we can just spread the positivity and help the world you guys that have been here forever you know it that's what we're about we've been donating stuff since the beginning this has been like I said one of my dreams to be able to do to somebody for a long time and one of the biggest reasons I've ever got into YouTube as a career so please share the video if possible I think that's all we got for this one guys thank you so much for watching peace it out [Music] you
Channel: Treasure Hunting With Jebus
Views: 82,739
Rating: 4.9246802 out of 5
Keywords: helping struggling family, struggling family, struggling family of twelve gets the home of their dreams the oprah winfrey show own, ellen surprises struggling family, straight struggling family, helping family in need, helping family with money, helping homeless people, helping people, helping people in need, helping the homeless, ellen degeneres helping families, ellen helping families, oprah winfrey helping families in need, oprah winfrey, oprah winfrey network
Id: _V6q2SOXzJA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 17sec (2357 seconds)
Published: Tue May 28 2019
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