I Got FREE LOTTERY TICKETS And MADE BANK! Lottery Tickets Scratch Off

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another man another man Oh another man another man look at all these matches welcome back to treasure anyway devious Gaiden today we have this whole stack of 80 lottery tickets that we got absolutely free because you guys are awesome and you sent them in the mail to us so each one of these packets are $20 worth of Canadian lottery tickets not only do we get $80 and free tickets we got our own personalized coins to scratch them so you know what today is gonna be lucky make sure you point out in the comments who you think is gonna win don't forget to like this video subscribe for new let's get into it alright guys amber up here Canadian lottery first time I feel like that I've ever scratched I know Jebus is scratches on here but three three like fries announced right here and won the prize it's a $10 hundred dollars it's close enough only a0 50 55 and then this one says on if you uncover any prize amount in bonus you win that prize no thanks 420 fifty twenty two twenty two hundred and ten thousand alright this one scratch a play every game if you uncover three ready go cuz identical symbols we have Apple Apple bar and strawberries pineapple pineapple come on Bell cherry pair bar banana strawberry Raja told us they know you're scratching lawyers who can sew just listening to you know pineapple gold bars it for that one like what are you doing next tic-tac-toe self-explanatory lots of X's all right and neither day no no no way and all right this one tic-tac-toe and then we have bonuses on the bottom x 0 not 0 oh shut up oh we might be able to win diagonally with those you said a TA oh yeah 0 om circles Circle Circle eggies no no that could be diagonally guys put it in a comment at a zero though these circles are they oh it's definitely not zero all right buon anno Game one say ashes and doughnuts there we go like you're nuts five thousand thousand oh all right is that gonna car yeah nice 350,000 jeez it's high-value eight thousand three fifty thirty five thousand I mean you have 35,000 I said that wrong five and five okay loser house feels just like American I gotta be the dealer's hands 12 right 1917 you don't get to Adam I owe you one pony yeah seventeen eighteen we gotta win after this I wanted to get one free tickets 19 I hope not we didn't lie somewhere there eighteen eighteen twenty two wins all right and seventeen all right so two 20s right here first twenty second twenty two dollars one one winner candle are you just like just Canada or is it like by province that's true yeah all right so this one's just like normal lottery ticket match the numbers 2114 four twenty two and ten three why they encircles other pearls makes it interesting eighteen six where are the winds at Jesus Jesus I gotta start saying Jesus 17:20 about a hat 2015 1908 all right game - probably three like amounts not a thousand fifty one thousand one thousand I'll take the 1k six all right a shoe diamond ring hat gym hat well I know the instructions are back here but I'm pretty sure I didn't win on that one Oh luckily scratch alright so this one I guess through like amounts here see there were three identical symbols so you lost weight why is it like that what hold on time out scratcher symbols and scratch all the symbols at games 1 through 4 which exactly match any of your symbols oh you're so although here this I need to be one we play off-screen did you let you know but yeah I'm gonna take forever idea alright guys so this is like um bingo in a way so I scratched these I have to match them with these if I win in any row I scratch the prize and also these so I have a whole bingo one in a whole crossword so I'm gonna have to let you know in these two is well scratch those off camera will let you know alrighty guys you got mama G vis here and my beautiful coin I want you guys to actually look at that first cuz that is super super nice super nice good luck for me okay three three like amounts and that'll think so let's say $10 $50 thousand dollars three dollars thousand dollars and fifty no no three I've seen the bonus amount if you come and cover a prize and a bonus house so I did if you income or any prize again I want two dollars on that one yeah I told you lucky lucky coin for Mama Jeep it's right off the back let's put that one aside now we're gonna do this one let's see if we can three amounts against a $3 thousand dollars ten thousand dollars - dollars - dollars - dollars - another $2 winner look at that I'm two for two all righty so next we're gonna have the wild cherries game let me slide it over there and get it in the camera good let's see we like a mouse in their radar these are magic simple listen okay this one's a three three matching symbols less than three like a mouse and then three like pictures oh my god three strawberries three strawberries means I win two dollars already wait you just cheated two three four three all right things that go next okay I know that they're X's and O's okay so let's say X's and donuts yeah X we need a fourth shapen Oh X what's the food shaped like an ax they'll fold that one up and stop it guys blackjack so this is the dealer's hand I'm gonna scratch and I gotta feed it 19 look up 17 17 18 20 the winner we won't scratch the amount yet I lost on one but you know that's one okay let's go do this one down below I gotta be 20 our double remember that well I'm going to show you how much it pays a couple of what let's see 17 17 18 18 not that hand but here we go that's honest $20 one you ready another 200 that's okay I'm making Bank hold my bank over there for me please oh I want to object to maybe okay here's another tic-tac-toe game let's see what we can do with that one let's see Oh ex ex ex oh boo can I get it out look diagonal it was out well so let's see what I went on that another 200 runner 2 plus 2 plus 2 plus 2 okay I think I want to like every ticket except for one I want to see these are bonuses let's see five dollars five dollars car - oh absolutely somebody okay now let's do this one here say 35 out of a nice thirty-five thousand ten ten thousand are we happy with that car thousand no but that's okay still still two dollar winner yep okay this one's super pretty so I'll be disappointed if I lose on that one black pearls I love pearls why would you want me to lose okay 14 and 5 17 and 23 okay those are my numbers out of those two numbers I really would pick number five that's a good lucky number let's see you know what that's my 18 yet but five is a month you were born uh and the month I was born when he threes Jordan care about New Jordans okay sixteen eight or you know wearing Jordans right now Ted look at that got a ten got a 10 already let's see well there you go look at that let's see 18 yeah 11 y'all assigned it to me it was meant to dollar someone dropkick you 20 you'll hear the way he talks to me you ready to see ten and ten ten dollars how's that you know what if I don't have ten dollars Jebus okay let's see see if we can get I think it's gonna be three matching amounts here yeah but I hope I do let's say a thousand thousand come on one more thousand they're not that nice that would be awesome oh sorry guys I love Canadians actually love Canada someone that's okay but this one is a $10 winner so kicking by kicking but let me say and I think these other ones since they're so time-consuming we don't want to bore you with them I'll scratch them off camera but rest assured I'm definitely gonna win on probably each one of them or whatever so but we'll let you know when the follow-up here thank you what is up everybody you already know who it is no baby okay I figured to play this and try another stall I figured I'd play it how do you like this three like amounts up here and any prize you win down there you get oh good luck thank you yeah I still love him even when they don't give him a free money even though the losers are polite okay I want to say you got that come on check it out look it's a cat it's like they don't know me as much but like now I feel like they do because I love cats that me sense alright you ready let's let's do this think you're gonna be like me you know what I think I think the lottery systems are sexist I think that's to actually I think we should see them yeah you mean it's 2019 we don't really need evidence to call something sexist we just gotta say it so if we just say that's true yeah they're sexist I think we proved the point today we sure did where are you saying connect Canadian lottery systems are just loitering in general well that's because I'd love to make other jokes but yeah I'm not gonna go there what did you just make a joke or even a joke out of me yeah let's go check the lottery and just jokes but some people gonna find it too easily so we can't make our bad Jewish people get offended over everything yeah the way you're scratching suspending me right now I better this and you know what to find me the fact that you're offended is offending me this is it outraged I'm gonna go protest in DC for two hours now two dollars think I should have won here okay what's the bonus it see just three luck three like amounts no it's a 35 K so 35,000 Canadian money yeah that'd be like one of you for something here what I got three cars they out the account let's go to the car dealership huh almost stick into my arms guys tickets are you can't see it's off camera but yeah follow Allah all right let's play some tic-tac-toe on the go who spitting bars that's we should achieve is rap what we offer first no I'm still supposed to rap they want me to - but you they won't let me guys no I encourage it you hear it out here for though they actually said it sorry about that guy hit the camera as you keep that movie yeah sorry guys it made you guys fall sorry about that it's kind of hard it's kind of a weird setup here's ago we were talking really awkward doing this it is actually oh that's right dude I love Y yeah that's what beating nineteen this one you don't get to add the numbers up though you just gives you the numbers 1715 okay all 17-7 dang Oh you know what you're 17 no let's get it you know what you're beating all right keep scratching I guess why oh I thought being 17 no you keep it down over there two more you can show everyone first you have to be able to do it I won like 20 bucks already maybe more but I understand that that's and cries amounts after the follow up you guys no doubt don'tdon't don't listen to them guys no no I got me tickets did I miss the whole mess they're gonna kick me off the videos gonna hire new baby Jesus all right saving that what to the end now we're saving this until the end yeah that'll taste like forever sorry about that that's fine lucky numbers you want nothing yet I've won nothing yet correct though are you sure Hey yeah 110 bucks 10 bucks look at that 20 another match another match Oh another man oh no I told you guys I'm not here to play game another man like 100 whoever amber amber yeah right before I was like another match I was like I'll take your ticket judge I'm gonna think your ticket just because look at all these matches these are all matches do it all right he's always good sees all right I'm scratchin okay yeah we got 10 bucks already fifteen twenty twenty twenty-five bucks 30 twelve twelve yeah thirty-five 14:45 death seems odd yes true maybe I went at the bottom kind of fishy okay they're $45 game - oh you're gonna win five bucks somewhere he's got a high lunch five or it is $50 laughs three symbols no I want $50 50 bucks you mean that's because I'm the best all right we saved the best for last so I'm here and I'm ready to dominate 50 bucks that's cute 20 bucks that's cute you know what I'm here to crush let's do this game one lemon lemon strawberry oh this one pair oh this one cherry cherry and star three cherries that have been ten grand star but no no I didn't win all right that's okay that's okay because this one's tic-tac go another traffic light and I'm for Northern Virginia there's one thing we're gonna hear its traffic you ready let's get this 0 X X yeah I'm calling them zero nobody can do anything about it X 0 X we're out to win down here nope this one doesn't matter we lost well that's beautiful all right scratch happy you know what well we're in California we were happy so you know what let's get this win twenty bucks two dollars two dollars fifty three twenty bucks I didn't even give me the - what a tease let's get any prize amount and win it don't give me a thank you no thanks for playing I don't like you all right you know what that's okay because when we were at the casinos out there we were crushing some blackjack so you know what is the bonus up here I just realized I was there I know it's a loser I wonder if anybody else noticed that did you notice the bonus on the blackjack nobody else did I'm gonna scratch everybody else's look at this this one's mama Davis's this is yours you lost and let's see what you did ma'am you also lost wouldn't even notice this but where's baby Jesuses I don't know oh it's over here do you notice it if nobody noticed it but everybody lost it's okay hey all right let's beat this what is yeah he always has a nineteen I think the dealer is cheating out here let's go eighteen eighteen seventeen Kenny up 21 21 21 21 nope alright this time we're gonna win though we got a beat nineteen he has 19th every time he's cheating 18 18 18 17 2001 you know we get for it three dollars get at me right there I'll take it next one let's get back on the Western oh not the Western we're stuck here on the crappy East right now let's do this stops knees down okay I am too you know you could take allergy medicine or we just you know get away from what's causing it I think so too let's do it no when's how about like a couple weeks from now we just say forget it and we just go out to the west and we stay there like a year at least I think we should do it as well do you oh right there nope loser man I just can't win not tic-tac-toe this sucks all right well I take it I'm doing on-camera black pearls all right let's get this come on baby genius could win like 50 bucks on his I should better win something I need a 15-4 can i one of my lucky numbers 24/7 and no I cannot we have three single-digit numbers 4 7 & 9 all right let's get these 18 so we're looking for fifteen twenty four single digit number that makes it easier for me six that's not one of them nope nope and no right here nope oh we got a one that wasn't one of them either what about of five also no 17 no 21 no that's all right because we're gonna win on the bottom here let's get three prizes fifteen bucks million or a hundred thousand hundred thousand I thought what she's got 300 I really just thought we hit that five bucks hundred thousand dollars in two thousand unfortunately it's nothing and all I got left guys are the super-long tickets here so well scratch these off camera go back and we'll let you know how everybody did on their extra tickets in who ended up taking the win in this they'll be right back all right guys everything's all done let's calculate the results so first amber one $2 not very good myelogenous ended up winning on this one to add $5 to or $20 total so she got $25 maybe Jebus only ones on one ticket but that one ticket was a $50 winner 50 bucks and unfortunately all I got was a $3 one so total $80 spend on lottery tickets and we won $80 back which is kind of crazy but you know what not bad whoever sent this to tickets please send us a message on any social media because we don't have the envelope I don't know where when and want to make sure we get these tickets back to you since we can't do nothing with them in the US so make sure you give us a message or send us a message anyway guys that's gonna be it for this one so thank you so much for watching if you did enjoy it make sure you live in a big fat thumbs up if you're not already hit that subscribe button for awesome treasure on the videos all the time if you do want to follow us on our social media links gonna be on screen click links down in the description below make sure you follow us on whatever you have thank you so much for watching until next time peace out [Music]
Channel: Treasure Hunting With Jebus
Views: 23,268
Rating: 4.8402243 out of 5
Keywords: lottery tickets scratch off, lottery tickets scratch off mrbeast, lottery tickets scratch off secrets, how to win lottery tickets scratch off, playing lottery tickets scratch off, scratch off, scratch off lottery tickets, scratch off tickets, scratch off tickets secrets, how to win the lottery scratch off, playing scratch off tickets, lottery, scratch offs 2019, scratch offs big winners, scratch offs tips, scratch tickets, scratching lotto tickets, treasure hunting with jebus
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 23sec (1403 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 13 2019
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